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A twenty-acre farm in New South Wales wasn't a very big legacy, but it meant a lot to Kim and she was determined to go and live there. She was certainly not going to sell the place to the local big landownerhowever attractive he might be!

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Summer Rainfall

Kerry Allyne


Patsy Abbott lifted her eyes from the newspaper she had been reading so avidly to gaze at the empty doorway to the lounge of the small flat, her head on one side, listening intently. Yes, that had been the front door she'd heard close. Excitement made her voice sound a little higher than usual as she called out hurriedly: ' Hey, Kim, come here quickly! There's something in the paper about your mother!'

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There was utter silence for a moment before a tall and attractive young girl appeared in the doorway. Her russet-coloured hair caught the light from the late afternoon sun streaming through the open window, turning it to dark fire, while her deep blue eyes stared at her friend in open disbelief. 'My mother!' she exclaimed. 'What on earth are you talking about?' Patsy nodded her head in assurance even as she patted the seat next to her on the old chintz-covered settee, her hazel eyes wide and serious. 'Come and see for yourself, then,' she ordered, and stabbed one small finger at the dark print as Kim sat beside her and looked over her shoulder at the appropriate column.' Look, there it is,' Patsy continued in an excited tone, her head bent low in an effort not to miss any of the words that had caused her so much surprise when she had first read them. ' It says they want to get in touch with one Moira Elizabeth Forsythe of North Sydney, or anyone knowing the whereabouts of any of her descendants.' She turned enquiring eyes to Kim. 'That was your mother's name, wasn't it? And you used to live in North Sydney, didn't you?' Kim nodded her head absently as she took the paper from Patsy's unresisting fingers to scan the advertisement herself. It was all there exactly as Patsy had said. 'McBain, Hyde and McBain, Solicitors, George Street, Sydney,' she murmured aloud as her eyes followed through to the last of the printing. ' But why would they be wanting to get in touch with my mother, or me for that matter, as one of her descendants?' she queried softly, more to" herself than in any expectation of Patsy being able to answer her question. 'Who cares why?' Patsy bubbled irrepressibly, smiling at the girl next to her. ' But they don't put advertisements like that in the paper unless there's a very good reason for it. Why don't you ring up and make an appointment to see them, and that will put us on our way to clearing the mystery?' Kim shrugged good-naturedly, conceding the point. ' Well, it's too late now,' she answered after taking a quick look at the small watch that encircled her slender wrist, ' the office will be closed. I'll have to give them a ring in the morning when I get to work. Although I really can't think of any reason why they should want to get in touch with Mum, or her family.' 'Maybe some rich old relative has died and left you a million dollars,' Patsy suggested with a grin. Suddenly Kim laughed, shaking her head. 'Knowing my luck, it's more likely some unknown relative has died and they want me to come up with a million dollars in death duties! Besides, I don't know of any relatives. Neither Mum nor Dad had any brothers or sisters, they were both the only children of their respective parents.' But these ads always refer to wills of somebody or other, don't they? I mean, what other reason could they have for wanting to get in touch with you?' Again Kim shrugged, rising gracefully to her feet and walking through to the small kitchenette at the far end of the room, where she picked up the electric kettle and held it under the water tap. ' That we'll have to wait until the morning to find out, I guess,' she answered over the sound of running water.' If it's good news it will be all the better for having waited, and if it's not, then I'll have managed to put it off for one more day.'

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Patsy rose quickly and crossed to stand beside her friend as Kim plugged the kettle into the power point. ' How on earth can you stand there so complacently as if nothing has happened? If it had been my mother they were after I'd be tearing my hair out with curiosityI'm almost doing that now, and it's your mother they want to contact.' ' I know, I know.' Kim turned twinkling blue eyes to her.' I'm just refusing to let it get to me. Believe me, I'm just as curious as you are and I can hardly wait until tomorrow morning, but...' ' But you're not planning to lose your cool because your mother always told you that well-brought-up young ladies didn't do such things, is that it?' 'Something like that,' Kim grinned. 'Although I sometimes think Mum despaired of me ever learning the lesson. But I must admit that keeping one's emotions under strict control is occasionally very helpful. As now, for instance.' ' Okay,' okay, your mother wins this time, but...' Patsy wagged a finger at her, laughing, ' I can remember the times since she died that you forgot the lesson.' Kim started laughing too. ' Don't remind me!' ' Like the time when that chap you were going out with wasn't satisfied with a cup of coffee and a kiss goodnight and you hit him over the head with your umbrella.' Both girls went into peals of laughter. ' It's just as well it had been raining and the umbrella was handy,' Kim broke off laughing to say, 'otherwise the only other thing within grabbing distance was that ghastly china vase, and I didn't want to completely massacre the poor man, just let him know a little more forcibly that I wasn't interested in furthering our relationship to that degree.' ' And then there was that time when ...' ' No more, please,' Kim interrupted ruefully. ' It must be this red hair of mineat least that's the excuse I always give myself,' she added truthfully. 'Butchanging the subjecthaven't you got a date tonight? You're going to be awfully late if you don't watch out.' Patsy sobered immediately and glanced towards the clock on the kitchen wall. 'Yes, I have, and I'm going to have to fly if I'm going to make it on time. Don said he might be early tonight too. Fancy me forgettingit's all this excitement over that ad in the paper.' ' Don't worry,' Kim reassured her, opening the fridge door and taking out some salad and sliced meat.' I'll get the dinner ready and then all you'll have to do is shower and dress.' ' Thanks a million, Kim,' Patsy called over her shoulder, already halfway to the bathroom. ' I'll do the same for you one day.' Kim smiled after her friend before beginning to arrange the salad on two plates which she had taken out from an overhead cupboard, and it wasn't until some hours later, after Patsy had only just managed to be ready on time to greet her current boyfriend, that Kim was left with the solitude necessary to allow her tumbled thoughts to return once more to that unexpected advertisement in the afternoon's paper. Showered and ready for bed, Kim was seated on the tiny stool that stood in front of the rather dilapidated dressing table that had been provided as part of the furniture for the flat she now shared with

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Patsy. Thoughtfully and slowly she allowed the hairbrush to tingle through her shining and riotously curling shoulder-length hair, not seeing in the mirror the wide-set blue eyes with their long dark lashes, the dainty little nose or the softly curved mouth. Try as she might Kim could recall no reason whatever for that request in the paper, but her efforts had brought vividly to mind her early childhood and adolescent years with parents who had been, as the saying went, ' on the wrong side of forty', before she came along. She had no doubt that she had been a 'mistake' on the part of her parents; not that they had ever referred to her as such, it was just that they had become too set in their ways and hadn't had the necessary patience to adjust to the fact that they now had a young child to care for. Hers had been a very formal and strict upbringing; so much so that at times it had been all she could do not to kick over the traces and rebel loudly and clearly. Her father had died when she was ten years old from a not unexpected heart attack and, thereafter, her mother had returned to work in order to support herself and her small daughter. The added burden had caused her mother to become even more strict than ever, especially when Kim had entered those, to her mother's mind, dangerous teenage years. In time, when Kim had finished her schooling, her mother had firmly insisted that she take a course in secretarial work, which Kim had readily complied with, realising that her mother was becoming too old to work for much longer and that it would soon be her responsibility to bring the money into the little household. It was at secretarial college that Kim had first met Patsy and they had soon become firm friends. At the time Patsy had been living with relatives in Sydney because her family lived in a western country town where her father had his own chemist's shop, but Patsy had wanted to come to the city to live and work, so her father had contacted his married sister and her husband with whom Patsy had stayed until she could earn enough to be able to afford a flat of her own. Three years ago Kim's mother had softly and, as always, with dignity, given up the will to live and passed away during her sleep one wild and stormy winter's night. Kim had mourned her mother's passing quietlyas Mrs Forsythe would have wished then had moved into the fiat with Patsy, the same flat that they now shared, and found that she had more freedom than she had ever had in her life before, or that she had ever envisaged. It was a wonderful feeling and one that Kim thoroughly enjoyed, but every so often, as this afternoon, her mother's ingrained teachings would assert themselves and she would determinedly clamp down on her sometimes tempestuous emotions. Kim heaved a sigh and replaced her hairbrush on the dressing table in front of her, wrinkling her nose scornfully at the slightly frowning reflection opposite, and moving from the stool slowly made her way over to the bed.

Kim had hardly had time to put a foot in the door the next afternoon before Patsy came rushing down the short hallway, her straight brown hair bouncing merrily on her shoulders and her lively eyes questioning. 'Well, what happened? For goodness' sakes tell me,' she gasped on a rush of breath. ' Did you see them?' ' Yes, I saw them. Or a Mr McBain, to be exact,' Kim replied, undoing her short jacket and hanging it on the back of the door. ' And...?'

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' Let's go into the lounge and I'll make a cup of tea while I tell you,' came the aggravatingly evasive answer. ' You'll tell me now, or I'll go out of my mind before you get around to doing it! I've already been roused on twice today by my boss for not paying attentionand all because I've been dying to get home and find out what's going on.' ' All right, all right.' Kim took pity on her. ' But you'll never believe it.' Patsy broke in exasperatedly, ' What won't I believe? What, what, what?' ' That I've been left a property on the north coast.' The bald answer came with an abruptness that left Patsy gaping, while Kim extracted a cigarette from her handbag and lit it before the other girl could comment. ' A big one?' Patsy finally managed. ' No, only twenty acres. But that seems a lot to me when my family never even had enough money to own their own home.' ' True, but even so, twenty acres anywhere isn't to be sneezed at these days, with prices being what they are. How come it goes to you? Did you have a wealthy relation after all?' ' From what Mr McBain told me, apparently my mother had an uncle who was still living up until a couple of months ago and he had this property up north that he left in his will to my mother, or her descendantsthat's where I come inbut there could be complications ...' ' Complications?' Patsy echoed, a frown crossing her forehead. ' How come?' ' Well, it seems as if there should have been a later will than this one that left everything to Mum. They've been searching for it for the last few months, but to no avail, so now they're having to go through with this one, but Mr McBain has asked me to go back to his office tomorrow afternoon after work because there's a Mr O'Sullivan coming down from the coast tomorrow and he wants to have a word with me in the solicitor's presence, just to make it all legal and above board, because' she paused to give greater emphasis to her following statement, 'he wants to buy the property from me!' 'A buyer already?' Patsy looked incredulous. 'That sounds mighty peculiar to me. How could he have found out so soon that they'd found you?' A sudden thought crossed her mind. 'Is there something on this place that makes it valuable?' Kim swept her hair back from her forehead with a slightly nervous hand. ' I don't think so,' she explained slowly. ' It seems that this Mr O'Sullivan was the one who was entitled to inherit under the later will, but as they couldn't locate it he requested Mr McBain to get in touch with him immediately they found the inheritor under the previous will.' ' And who says there was a later will? This Mr O'Sullivan? Is there any proof that there was another will?' 'Apparently another solicitor from Lismorewhich is the nearest townhas been in touch with Mr McBain also and he has confirmed the fact that he witnessed a later will, but it seems that after it had

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been made out and signed, Joseph Phillips that's the name of Mum's uncle-wouldn't leave it with them for safe-keeping but said that he knew a safe place for it. From what I can gather Joseph was pretty old and was going a little bit senile towards the last; he apparently didn't trust anybody else to keep it for him.' ' And now they haven't been able to find it?' ' So it would seem. Mr McBain told me that they'd checked all possible avenues of location and the solicitors have advertised time and time again, but with no result, so that now they have no option but to continue with the old one,' Kim explained, stubbing out her cigarette in a glass ashtray that lay on the bench in the kitchen. 'Well, fancy that,' commented Patsy thoughtfully, settling back more comfortably on the settee.' Mr O'Sullivan's bad luck has become your good luck. What are you going to say to him tomorrow? Will you sell?' Kim hesitated for a moment, her eyes clouded with thought, then shook her head indecisively. ' I'm not sure Patsy. It's the first time any of my family have ever owned any land and I think I would like to keep it. In fact, I was thinking on the way home that I might even go up there for a while and have a look over the place.' ' You're not!' burst out Patsy in disbelief. ' What would you do up there? You don't know anything about the land, or farming!' ' No, I know I don't,' agreed Kim with a rueful grin, ' but I thought it would make a nice change, and I don't really have anything to keep me in Sydney, except that I'd have to give up the flat with you.' 'That's of secondary importance,' stated Patsy emphatically, a worried look on her face, ' but hadn't you better wait for a while and find out more about this place before you go careering off up there? I mean to say, there might not even be a house on the property.' ' Yes, there is, Mr McBain told me there was this afternoon. That's where old Joseph was livingso I suppose if he could live there then there's no reason why I can't do the same.'' ' Yes, but... oh, I. don't know...' Patsy commented lamely. ' It's just that, if I were you, I wouldn't be too hasty. Why not wait until you've seen this Mr O'Sullivan and heard what he offers you for the place?' Kim shook her head vigorously, making her bright curls fly attractively. ' I don't know that I really care what he offers me. As I've said, I think I would like to go up there.' Then seeing the worried look on her friend's face, ' It'll be okay, you'll see. I've given it quite a lot of thoughtthey must need secretaries up there as well as down here, and I've still got most of the little amount of money I received after Mum diedand then, if the worst comes to the worst, I suppose I could always sell the property to Mr O'Sullivan later. If he wants it that badly, what's a few more months or so?' She spread her hands wide enquiringly. ' It sounds okay in theory, I guess,' conceded Patsy unwillingly, then smiled wryly. ' But I wonder what your Mr O'Sullivan will think about it all? I expect he thinks he only has to come down here and offer you some money and you'll jump at it.' Kim's eyes flashed angrily at the thought. 'In that case he might find he's going to be sorely disappointed if I don't decide to sellat least, not at the moment,' she amended quickly.

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Patsy moved towards the kitchenette and began slowly preparing the food they would be needing for their evening meal, saying thoughtfully: 'But if the property isn't valuable, why does this Mr O'Sullivan have to come to see you in such a hurry to buy the place? Why should he want it so much, anyway? It doesn't add up to me!' . ' Actually, I asked Mr McBain that myself,' admitted Kim with a reluctant grin,' and ...' ' Come on, out with it,' demanded Patsy, intrigued. ' What's the reason?' ' It'sit's in the middle of his property,' chuckled Kim, showing pretty white teeth. ' Oh, no! You can't refuse to sell it to him if that's the case. But however did that happen?' ' Oh, yes, I could refuse to sell it to himand apparently it happened when the people before the O'Sullivans owned the land. They weren't doing too well, I gather, so they decided to sub-divide some of the land and sell it. But, to cut a long story short, since the O'Sullivans have owned the main property they've been systematically re-purchasing the other properties, but old Joseph Phillips wouldn't sell. He said that none of his family had been farmers and that they wouldn't be interested in running the place as a going concern, and that was what the new will was about. In the new one he left the property entirely to this Mr O'Sullivan, but,' Kim's eyes twinkled with devilment, ' seeing that the O'Sullivans have some thousand acres or so, I can't see why they have to have my twenty as wellthey won't miss it.' Patsy stopped what she was doing and looked at her friend ruefully. ' Don't you bet on that!' she asserted with a half-laugh. ' I come from the country and I know! The fact that one of them is coming down tomorrow is proof that they want that piece of land backand I can't really say that I blame them if, as you say, your piece of property is stuck in the middle of theirs.' ' Well, not quite in the middle,' confessed Kim with a husky laugh.' But I do have an access road across their land and from the rough drawing that Mr McBain did for me, I gather that my place is behind their homestead and, more or less, on their side boundary. The only trouble is that there isn't a road on that boundaryit joins on to someone else's property.' ' I can understand why they want to buy it back, and if you tell them you don't want to sell I can imagine that there might be a few fireworks when you see Mr O'Sullivan tomorrow afternoon.' Kim tossed her head defiantly.' I can give as good as I get, so perhaps Mr O'Sullivan had better watch out if he tries to browbeat me!'


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The following morning Kim dressed carefully for the coming interview, something telling her that the confidence she could gain from any source whatsoever would be a help when there was a man making a five-hundred-mile journey with the sole purpose of persuading her to sell her inheritance. In consequence she put on a dress that she hadn't worn before; an emerald green linen fitted tunic with short sleeves and beige top-stitching which she teamed with a pair of beige shoes and shoulder bag. She had brushed her hair until it shone like the morning sunshine and left it curling around her shoulders, but added slightly more make-up than usualjust to give that little extra boost to her morale! Throughout the day Kim found herself becoming progressively more nervous about the afternoon's meeting and her eyes seemed to stray to the office clock a hundred times each hour. But, promptly at a quarter past five, she presented herself to the receptionist at the offices of McBain, Hyde and McBain, and was immediately ushered into the same office in which she had been told the surprising news of her inheritance the day before. As the young receptionist left the room and closed the door behind her, Kim could see that there were two men in the rather damp and musty office. Mr McBain, whom Kim had met yesterday, was facing her and rising from his chair behind a littered desk. The other man had his back to her; his well-cut dark suit fitting extremely broad shoulders perfectly and his dark, so as to almost appear black, hair curled slightly towards the spotlessly white shirt that could be seen just above the collar of his jacket. Kim swung her eyes away from the stranger to face Mr McBain as he came towards her, saying brightly: ' Ah, Miss Forsythe. So good of you to be here promptly. I'd like to introduce you to Mr Rafe O'Sullivan, the other party,' he smiled self-consciously, ' erinterested in your new-found property.' At this the dark-haired stranger turned slightly in his chair before rising to his feet in a measured movement that had Kim thinking of a coiled spring. As he stood towering over her, his eyes never wavering from her face, Kim felt her stomach do a rapid somersault before dropping with a jolt that left her feeling quite breathless. It wasn't only because the man was so much younger than she had expectednot more than thirty-two at the mostnor the fact that he was probably one of the most devastatingly attractive men she had ever seen; nor even was it the combination of dark hair, deeply tanned skin, a mouth that curved with humour and eyes that were almost a pure green; rather it was the expression in the eyesan alive glint that Kim could only describe as devilish! Here was no country hick come to townrather he had a worldly air about him that bespoke authority, responsibility and successbut, Kim's mouth tilted slightly with inward amusement and pleasure at the idea, he might just not be quite so successful this afternoon in his attempts to obtain her twenty acresshe didn't intend to be a push-over by any means! Suddenly aware that the man under her scrutiny was holding a hand towards her and that Mr McBain had mentioned her name, Kim came back to reality with her face flushing becomingly and mumbling something appropriate in response to his greeting and allowed him to shake her small hand with his own strong one. Conscious of him as she had never been of any other man before, she withdrew her own hand as quickly as possible and hurriedly seated herself in the chair that Mr McBain had, in the meantime, brought forward. Kim was nervously aware of the fact that Rafe O'Sullivan could, and was, after he resumed his own seat, watching her intently the whole time she listened patiently to Mr McBain's rather dry voice

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explaining for the second time the circumstances surrounding her inheritance and Rafe O'Sullivan's offer for the property. When he actually mentioned the sum involved Kim gave an audible gasp and involuntarily swung her head around to look directly at the man beside her, but immediately dragged her gaze away again after confronting those very penetrating eyes, and feeling the warm colour flooding into her cheeks again. The solicitor had now finished his lengthy discourse and was waiting expectantly for her to answer. Kim cleared her throat; made up her mind impulsively; took a deep breath and dropped her bombshell. ' I'm sorry, but I don't want to sell the property!' She could feel the man next to her tense as he moved forward on his chair, while Mr McBain jerked upright, staring at her in pure astonishment. ' But, my dear Miss Forsythe, when I explained the situation to you yesterday there was no mention made of your wanting to keep the property,' he accused. ' I know, Mr McBain, and I'm sorry if it's caused any inconvenience,' Kim apologised softly, keeping her eyes on the figure in front of her. ' But I've thought it over carefully andand that's my decision!' she ended a trifle defiantly. A deep and somewhat scornful voice came from somewhere close to Kim's right ear. ' And just what are you planning to do with the land? Farm it yourself?' Goaded into antagonism, Kim turned around angrily and, before giving herself time to consider the sense of what she was saying, blurted out; ' I might just give it a go, Mr O'Sullivan. I don't see why I couldn't!' His ensuing laughter at this remark was definitely mocking. ' Don't you, Miss Forsythe?' he answered laconically. ' Farming isn't a game you can play if you suddenly feel like itand from where I'm sitting,' his eyes slid over her new outfit appraisingly, ' you're certainly not the type to be wanting to run a farm, or even look capable of so doing.' Kim's eyes flashed at this description and she glared at him in annoyance. ' And just what type have you so arbitrarily decided that I am, then, Mr O'Sullivan?' she demanded haughtily, challenging him with a stormy glance. Rafe leaned back comfortably in his chair, lazily crossing one long leg over the other before answering, his look faintly amused. 'One who thinks she can look after herself no matter what happens, but who hasn't really had it put to the test yet. And one who also thinks that living in the country is exactly the same as living in the city except that there are fewer people. If I were you, Miss Forsythe, I would stay right here in the city with all your mod cons and forget about that idyllic little picture you have in your mind of gracious country living with other people on hand to do the hard work for you.' ' But you're not me, Mr O'Sullivan,' came the sugary sweet reply, belied by the tensely clasped hands and rigidly held head as Kim attempted to keep her volatile temper in check, ' and I certainly didn't envisage anyone doing any of my work for me. You needn't think you can scare me off so easily with your innuendoes of no conveniences because, although I may not be country born and bred, I do happen to be able to read, and though I know that in some instances the facilities available in the country are

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considerably less than those in the city, I am also very much aware that the north coast of New South Wales isn't the same as the middle of the outback, and all your hints at the lack of amenities aren't going to make me believe that it is!' Having worriedly been aware that he was rapidly losing control of the interview, Mr McBain now scraped his chair forward, harumphed in a rather pompous manner and broke in, ' But, Miss Forsythe, I really feel I must add my own warnings in this matter.' He glanced at Rafe in what Kim could only describe as a conspiratorial manner as if joining forces to convince a rather stupid female of their superiority in the knowledge of such matters. With this thought in mind Kim was in no mood to listen to what he had to say with an unbiased ear. 'As Mr O'Sullivan has warned you,' Mr McBain continued, ' and as indeed my own colleague has informed me, the property has been allowed to run down considerably over the last few years, and I really do think it would be wiser if you, at least, gave a little more consideration to Mr O'Sullivan's extremely generous offer. I feel I wouldn't be doing my duty towards you if I allowed you to dismiss it as lightly as you appear to have done so far.' He smiled in a conciliatory manner that only served to strengthen Kim's resolve not to let go of her inheritanceat least, not at this juncture, she added to herself. Out loud Kim replied firmly, ' Once again I can only say I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused, Mr McBain, but my mind is quite definitely made up.' She glanced directly at the man on the next chair, her expression defiant. 'I do not want to sell the property!' Mr McBain opened his mouth to remonstrate with her, but Rafe held up a well-shaped hand, a look of unconcealed exasperation on his face. ' No! Miss Forsythe has made her decision, Mr McBain, but I thank you for your efforts on my behalf.' His glance in Kim's direction was mocking. ' Let's just hope that Miss Forsythe has no regrets regarding her impetuous rejection of my offer when she actually takes up residence and discovers that it isn't a place for a female to live alonelet alone one from the cityand is consequently disappointed when I don't make a higher offer.' At this piece of effrontery Kim turned on him scornfully, her only emotion one of desire to put this self-assured man well and truly in his place. 'How dare you suggest that I'm angling for a larger bid nothing was further from my mind,' and at his sardonic raising of one expressive eyebrow, ' no, I was not, Mr O'Sullivan! And if the land is so valuable then even if you don't make another offer I can see no reason why I shouldn't sell it to somebody else!' That should really set him back on his heels' Unfortunately Kim had underrated her opponent. ' I'm sorry to disillusion you, Miss Forsythe, but as farming land it really only has value to the O'Sullivans, as old Joe found out to his cost after he bought the place. I doubt if anyone else would be all that interested in itsituated as it is.' ' And what's that supposed to mean?' Mr McBain once more hurled himself into the breach in an effort to bring some sort of order back to the proceedings.

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' Ihmmunderstand that quite a large proportion of the acreage has been known to suffer floodingnot in every heavy downpour, you understand,' he hastened to assure Kim. ' But as you no doubt know, the northern rivers area of New South Wales is subjected at various times to heavy flooding, and therefore anyone knowing the area well would be extremely dubious about purchasing such a property.' Kim looked suspiciously from one to the other before finally addressing her next remark to Rafe. ' And how long has it been since you were flooded out, Mr O'Sullivan?' ' We have never been flooded out, Miss Forsythe.' Again that look of self-assured superiority that set Kim's teeth on edge. ' Most of ours is high ground. It stood to reason that when the previous owners decided to split the property they would sell the worst areas first.' ' But my great-uncle managed to live there,' Kim argued. ' How did he manage if it's as bad as you're trying to make out?' Rafe's eyes narrowed at the implied insinuations in Kim's words and his following remarks were made in an ironic tone. ' After the last big flood, he didn't make out, Miss Forsythe. He lost his whole harvest of small crops which, coming on top of the virus that had gone through his crop the year before, just about sent him bankrupt, and from then on he completely lost interest in his land and began taking odd jobs about the district until the last years of his life, when he became too ill to do much work at all.' , ' Oh,' Kim murmured softly, only too aware of her limited knowledge of the area where her great-uncle had chosen to buy land and the natural hazards associated therewith, but she certainly didn't intend for the annoying creature next to her to be in a position where it was he who broadened that knowledge. With a challenging lift to her chin Kim decided that no interests could be served by her staying any longer and that it was time the interview came to an end. Catching a firm grip on her shoulder bag with one hand, she rose to her feet and proffered an outstretched hand in the direction of the solicitor, a brief smile curving the corners of her soft mouth. ' Once again, I can only apologise for any trouble I may have caused you, Mr McBain, but I thank you most sincerely for the time you've taken with me in this matter, and I take it that I shall be hearing from you, in due course, as to when I shall be at liberty to claim my inheritance in situ?' Now also on his feet, as was Rafe O'Sullivan, Mr McBain clasped her hand in a warm, fatherly manner, feeling quite benevolent under the charming smile being given him. ' Yes, that's quite correct, Miss Forsythe, and I wish you every success with your decision.' Kim thanked him prettily and turned reluctantly to Rafe, only to find that he was closer behind her than she had realised, and was brought up. suddenly with her nose practically pressing into that very well-cut jacket he was wearing. A rosy flush of embarrassment covered her cheekbones when she was forced to take a step backwards in order to look up at him. Her voice seemed very small and stilted as she said good-bye, while those daring eyes of Rafe's glinted over her upturned face speculatively, and Kim found herself wondering what he was thinking that she was an ignorant, troublesome female, probably! But what did she care what he thought of her? The property had been left to her, a later will notwithstanding, and she had every right to five there if she wanted to!

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With a start Kim realised he still had hold of her long, slim fingers and she now dragged them from his grasp to slip around him towards the door. However, with gentlemanly courtesy, he was there before her holding the door open with a graciousness that was belied by the laughter dancing in his green eyes. ' I'll see you later,' he murmured quietly as she passed in front of him, and when she looked up at him with a frown of non-comprehension, he laughed softly and explained, ' When you take up residence.' Kim's face cleared magicallyfor a moment those first words had sounded distinctly threatening. ' Oh! Oh, yes, of course,' she replied vaguely, having forgotten for the moment that when she moved to the north coast this man would be one of her neighbours, and dropping her gaze from his she sped away through the outer office, down the rather rickety old stairs and out into the bustling throng of George Street pedestrians. Now she paused to catch her breath. The striking Rafe O'Sullivan had been a complete surprise from start to finish and, although he had made some pretty scathing remarks to her, when he had bade her farewell he hadn't appeared in the least put out by her failure to allow him to purchase the land. She shook her head wonderingly as she started walking towards the station, causing some passers-by to look at her strangely and bringing hot colour to her face once again that day when she intercepted some of their odd glances. Hurrying forward, Kim made her way down the steps into the cool caverns of the underground station, still mulling over the interview that had just taken place and still trying to come up with some idea as to why Rafe O'Sullivan hadn't seemed more upset and put out when she had finally made it clear that she had no intention of parting with her property. Even by the time she arrived home Kim hadn't come up with an acceptable answer to that problemunlessunless he figured he could obtain it for a cheaper price once she had moved up there and seen the place for herself. Kim made a wry face. No, that couldn't be it, otherwise why had he rushed down to Sydney so quickly once a legatee had been discovered?

Some few minutes after Kim had reached the flat, Patsy bounded in on a wave of exuberant curiosity. ' Well, how did it go?' she demanded instantly, then grinned. * Did you agree to sell the property? Or did you, as I've been thinking you might, put Mr O'Sullivan duly in his place by informing him that you want to keep the place? Tell me all!' Kim started laughing and plumped down on the old chintz settee, fighting a cigarette before answering her friend's rapid questions. ' One at a time, one at a time! First of all, it came as quite a bit of a shock to both Mr McBain and Mr O'Sullivan when I said I didn't want to sell at all...' 'I can imagine,' interrupted Patsy wryly, her bright eyes dancing. '... but after making some extremely disparaging remarks about my ability to do anything with the land, Mr O'Sullivan seemed almost as though he couldn't care less about it,' concluded Kim, deep furrows creasing the smooth skin of her forehead. ' In fact, at the end, he just said, " I'll see you later," and laughed.' She raised her shoulders perplexedly and enquired of Patsy: ' What do you make of it?'

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Patsy shook her head. ' Goodness only knows, but it does sound rather strange, doesn't it? First he rushes down here in order to buy you out, and then isn't worried when you won't sell.' She looked at Kim puzzledly, her head tilted to one side. ' What's he like, this Mr O'Sullivan? He's not...' she made a few circles in the air with her forefinger next to her temple, '... he's not round the bend a bit, is he?' ' No! Definitely not that,' supplied Kim with a laugh of pure enjoyment at the thought. ' I would say that Mr O'Sullivan knows exactly what he's doingI just didn't expect him to give up soso easily, I suppose.' ' What was he like then? About fifty-ish, heavy-set and an " I rule with an iron rod " manner?' guessed Patsy. ' No, not like that at all,' Kim enlightened her absently, her thoughts returning involuntarily to that first moment of disbelief when he had turned to greet her. ' He's in his early thirties, I would guess, very dark hair, startling green eyes and, no doubt, extremely capable.' Patsy sat forward in her chair, eyes gleaming, her interest really aroused now. ' Dark hair and green eyes sounds rather dishy to me. What was the rest of him like?' 'Big and strong and tanned to a deep bronze,' came the somewhat flat reply. ' Better and better! And do I detect a slight quickening of the old heartbeats on your part, my love?' Kim put out her cigarette in a rush before answering with a slightly self-conscious laugh, but a calmness of tone of which she was proud, ' Oh, don't be ridiculous, Patsy! Of course there isn'tI only met the man for a short time this afternoon and we were barely civil to one another. Besides, he's not my type!' ' Come off it, Kim,' Patsy gurgled. ' By your description he'd be any girl's typeyours included.' ' Okay, so he is attractive and maybeI said, just maybeI might have been a little interested in other circumstances,' Kim owned with a rueful grin. ' But after the way he spoke, and that self-confident way of hiswell, he's just not on my wavelength, that's all. Anyway, he's probably married and got a handful of children as well.' ' No need to sound so forlorn about it. Maybe he has a younger brother somewhere in the background who isn't married,' was the dry suggestion. ' Oh, Patsy, you're incorrigible!' Kim burst out with a wide smile as she rose to her feet and headed for the kitchenette, changing the subject completely with her next statement. 'I'm going to make the dinnerare you joining me, or are you going out for your meal with Don again?' Patsy joined her friend at the kitchenette doorway, shaking her head. ' No, it's an early night for me tonight. I'm cutting down on our dates.' ' Why's that?' enquired Kim, looking down at the shorter girl closely.' I thought you liked him.' 'I do,' Patsy agreed, starting to search in the drawer for cutlery, but glancing over her shoulder at Kim,' But I don't love him, and he's beginning to get too serious for my liking. I'm not ready to settle down just yetthere are still quite a few things I'd like to see and do before I find my Mr Right.'

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Kim nodded her head, completely in accord. She could understand how Patsy feltit was partly similar thoughts that had given her the idea of going north and living on this property that old Joe Phillips had left. Some, not mentioning any names, might consider the idea harebrained, but she was still unattached, so why shouldn't she do exactly as she pleased with her life?


Kim pulled at the collar of her open-necked shirt in an effort to let a little of the cool breeze that was fitfully penetrating the hot interior of the car circulate around her hot neck. She only had a few more miles to go now before she reached Lismore and then, after a few enquiries as to how to reach Diamond Downs, which was apparently only another few miles or so further, she would at last have reached her destination. In all two months had passed since that inauspicious meeting with Rafe O'Sullivan in Mr McBain's office. Two months in which there seemed so much that had to be contended withnot the least of which had been the purchase of the little old Mini that she was now driving northwards at what seemed to Kim a deadly snail's pace when measured against the flashing speed of the other cars on the highway that skipped around her effortlessly. Still, she couldn't complain. Don had been good enough to go round with her to dozens of used-car sales yards in an effort to find a reliable vehicle for the small amount of money that Kim had to spare. It had been fortunate that she'd learnt to drive, along with Patsy, when that girl's parents had bought her a small car after she had completed her secretarial course. Kim had just about all her worldly belongings stowed in the small luggage compartment and packed tightly on the back seat, as well as covering most of the front passenger seat too. She hadn't realised that there would be so much to pack and so much that would need bringing, and consequently there wasn't much room for the air to move around in the vehicle and Kim was finding it extremely hot and tiring. It hadn't helped at all either that the sun had been blazing down like a great golden ball ever since she had started on the road early that morning; as it had also done for the whole of the previous day. Kim had decided to make the five-hundred-odd-mile journey in two days; partly because she doubted if the car could have made it in one day, even had she wanted it to; and partly because she had wanted to enjoy the scenery on the way. She had left Sydney early the previous morning after tearful farewells to Patsy and extracting a promise from her that she would come and spend her holidays in the north, and once she had travelled the rather uninteresting first hundred miles to the industrial city of Newcastle via the tollway, the country had started to broaden out and she began to feel as if she really had left the city behind.

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The towns she had passed through had all been quite new to her and, therefore, caught her attention. She had fallen in love with Nambucca Heads where the river ran right alongside the highway, the blues and greens of the water shining and sparkling under the rays of the brilliant sunshine. She had dearly wanted to stop and cool off by that gleaming stream of water, but knew that, had she done so, she would never have made it to her planned resting place for the night. That had been Coffs Harbour, with its long jetty thrusting deep into the winking blue sea and its multitude of verdant banana plantations running down almost into the ocean itself. The steepness of the slopes needed for the successful growing of that delicious fruit left her feeling sorry for those who had to harvest the great bunches as they neared ripening. Some time after leaving Coffs Harbour and the pretty little motel where she had spent a contentedly restful night, Kim had been through the first of the tick gates where all the southern bound traffic had to stop so that the vehicles might be inspected to ascertain whether they were carrying any fruit, vegetables or livestock that might be bringing with them the death-dealing cattle tick. The young couple who had shared a table with Kim in the motel dining room the evening before had explained that the cattle tick had come down originally from Queensland, but that New South Wales had managed to contain it within the northeastern corner of the State by the judicious use of tick gates and dipping controlled by the Pastures Protection Board. By these means, whereby any living matter that came out of the area had to be dipped, they had successfully managed to stop the menace from invading the whole State. Her arrival, later that morning, in the town of Grafton had filled Kim with a feeling of wonderment as she travelled down wide streets lined on either side by giant jacaranda trees that were masses of dark blue blooms while the streets beneath them were covered with a thick blue carpet of fallen blossoms. Past Grafton there had been another set of tick gates and then the small tree-lined town of Casino set out in the middle of the plains after a long road punctuated at intervals by signs telling drivers to beware of kangaroos on the highway, and now here she was at last entering the outskirts of Lismore. Kim looked about her with interest at the town which would be the nearest large collection of homes and people to her new abode, and liked what she sawexcept that as she drew closer it appeared to be getting hotter and hotter. Like all old towns of the day Lismore had been sited on the Richmond River for obvious reasons, but it also happened to be right at the bottom of a large semi-circle of hills, thus closing out the slight breeze that Kim had attempted to enjoy on her drive, and now, as she pulled in at a service station in order to ask directions-for the final leg of her journey and to stretch her legs a little, she found perspiration beading quickly at her temples and tendrils of curly hair clung damply to her forehead. These she brushed backwards with an impatient hand as an attendant came towards her. Some time later she thankfully wound her way over those breeze-defying hills, after having collected a few groceries to tide her over the first few days and having ascertained the right road and direction from the attentive young garage employee. Once over the hill she found to her relief that the going was a lot cooler and without too much trouble she found the little post office and general store that was all that consisted of the local township of Diamond Downs. Here she arranged for her mail to be forwarded and also gained rather indefinite directions to her new home. Not that the little old postmaster didn't know where it was, but rather that Kim had an extremely difficult time in piecing together his directions. She just wasn't used to roads that looked like dirt tracks and that had no means of identifying them. It was confusing, to say the least, and after a long, slow drive through the heat of the day she wasn't at her best for navigating strange areas. However, after a few false turns which Kim knew were wrong when she eventually came to a gateway

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or a large post box with the wrong name on ither turning had a large four-gallon drum as a post box beside the gateway, the postmaster had told her finally she breathed a sigh of pure gratitude when she at last drew up beside an old tin attached to a wooden stake with the name " J, Phillips " blazoned across one side in thick black paint. Turning in the gateway and thumping across the cattle grid, Kim could see that some distance away on her left there was a house, its roof glinting in the afternoon sun, surrounded by dark, cool-looking trees, and she wondered fleetingly if that was where the O'Sullivans lived. Her interest in the house was short-lived, however, for, if anything, the track that she now followed was even worse than the roads she had just traversed and she needed all her concentration to follow in the deep wheel ruts that had already been traced across the deeply grassed paddock. Every so often she could hear a heavy thud as a larger stone than usual was thrown up by her wheels and hit the undercarriage of her car with a force that surprised her considering the slow speed at which she was moving, but then she was scraping and crunching forward again until, as she topped the brow of a small hill, she could see before her that the track forked in the near distance; one turning leading straight on past a gateway, and the other leading down towards a small house set by a clear-running creek. Thank goodness, she was almost there, thought Kim passionatelyit would be wonderful to sit with her feet in that heavenly looking water. Only one more gate to go and that must mark her own boundary! She put her foot down a little harder on the accelerator and as the car jumped forward in response she felt it sway and then came an ominously lopsided feeling from one of the back wheels. With a groan of sheer dismay Kim stopped the car and stepped out quickly, only to stare despairingly at the now flattened tyre. Shading her eyes from the sun, she glanced down towards the little houseif it had been a sealed road she might have been tempted to chance a very slow drive down there but, with the road as it was, that was impossible. She groaned again there was nothing else for it, she would have to change the tyre! With dragging feet she took the keys from the ignition and unlocked the luggage compartment. Of course, all the tools that Don had insisted that she needed to go with the car had to be at the back. Slowly and laboriously she dragged out all her carefully packed suitcases and sundry packages and finally succeeded in locating the heavy toolbox. Dislocating the hub-cap, she smiled wrylyperhaps it was as well that Don had compelled her to listen while he had explained the procedure for changing a wheel. Unfortunately, what he hadn't foreseen was the fact that she just wasn't strong enough to loosen the nuts securing the wheel to the axle. After five successive attempts to undo them Kim sat back on her heels and swept her forearm across her perspiring forehead in a gesture of defeat. Now what was she going to do? It was all very well knowing how to change the wheel, but it didn't help her much when the attendant at the garage had tightened them so securely that she was sure it would take someone with the strength of Samson to get them off again! Abruptly she looked up, realising that she wasn't alone any more, and that an old and battered utility had pulled up in front of her stranded Mini. A young man in his middle twenties emerged from the vehicle and strode towards her, a ready smile on his good-looking features as he pushed his bush hat to the back of his head. With a shock Kim deduced that he must be an O'Sullivan; his likeness to Rafe was uncanny, except that this man had dark brown eyes, but it was clearly evident that they were closely related. Straightening, she was acutely conscious of her creased blue and white check blouse which, by now, was sticking to the middle of her back with perspiration, and the crumpled state of her blue cotton slacks. The newcomer came to stand beside her, querying: ' In trouble?' Kim nodded silently and pointed to the offending tyre. With a despairing shrug of her shoulders she

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enlightened: ' I managed to get the hub-cap off, but that was as far as I could gothe wheel nuts are too tight for me to shift.' He nodded comprehendingly and as he bent to the wheel brace he surmised: 'You'll be Kim Forsythe, I guess.' Turning his head back to Kim, he grinned, 'I'm Rick O'SullivanRafe's brother.' ' I thought you must have been a close connection,' Kim owned with a pretty smile of her own, ' you're very alike, aren't you?' ' I guess we all are, except Mona, that is. She took after Dad the only blondes in the family.' ' Are there many of you in the family?' Kim put her interest down to wanting to know more about her new neighbours, but at the same time, there was a niggling doubt in her mind that this mightn't be quite true. Rafe O'Sullivan had made more of an impact on her than she cared for, and she now reasoned that if she could make them out to be just an ordinary family then some of her uncalled-for interest might dissipate. At the same time she also had to admit that if the two members of the group that she had met were any measure for the rest of the family, then ordinary wasn't quite the right description! Having effortlessly loosened the nuts that had been so stubborn for Kim, Rick was now preparing to jack the wheel off the ground, but half-turned to inform her: 'There's six of us, plus Mum and Dad, but they're holidaying in Europe at the moment. Dad's planning to retire when they return, although I sometimes have my doubts if he ever will, but they do have a house on the beach front some miles further-north of here where they reckon they'll retire to one day.' Nonchalantly brushing some of the dust and dirt from her hands, Kim asked innocently: ' And do you all live at home, or are most of you married and living in your own homes?' There, it was out! Ever since Patsy had brought the matter up that particular question had buzzed its way around Kim's brain for too long not to have it answered at such a golden opportunity. Intent on what he was doing, Rick didn't turn as he replied to this last query. If he had he might have been a little surprised at the look of intense interest that was on Kim's face. As it was he imparted the facts casually. ' No, only Rose is married. The rest of us still live at home.' A grin.' Rafe reckons he doesn't intend to ever get married, but I figure young Beth Turner might have something different to say on that score.' There wasn't much that Kim could say in answer to that statement, but at least she had found out what she wanted to knowalthough she berated herself for wanting to know in the first place. What was Rafe O'Sullivan to her anyway? Nothing1. And never likely to be either! As she had told Patsy, he wasn't her typetoo sure of himself and too used to getting his own way! Good luck to Beth Turner, whoever she might be! In no time at all Rick had the spare wheel on, the car back on the ground and the hub-cap in place once more. With more energy than Kim felt she had left in her he rapidly disposed of the troublesome wheel in its proper place and had stowed all her luggage and accoutrements back into the car. ' You'd better make sure you get into town tomorrow and get that tyre repaired, or you might really find yourself in trouble next time.' He looked down at the rough road with a grimace. 'There's always a chance of punctures on tracks like these.'

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' That I can well believe,' laughed Kim,' and I thank you very much for your timely help. I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't come along when you did.' Rick shrugged good-naturedly. ' Oh, this road usually always has one or other of us going up and down it. If it hadn't been me then I expect Rafe or one of the twins would have come along eventually.' Kim digested this thoughtfullyapparently she wasn't quite as isolated as she had first imaginedbut she was glad all the same that her rescuer had been Rick and not Rafe. After his rather scathing comments in Sydney upon her capabilities she didn't relish the idea of meeting him again in circumstances that could only put her at even more of a disadvantage. Lifting the heavy fall of curly hair from the nape of her neck in an effort to cool herself, Kim found herself wanting to know more about the O'Sullivans. With an engaging smile, which found an answering look of admiration in Rick's eyes, she commented: ' The twins? Are they older or younger than you?' Rick leant back comfortably against the door of her car, his brown arms folded across his chest. ' No, Raoul and Ruy are younger than I am, they're only eighteen.' A small crease of puzzlement appeared between Kim's eyes. ' They're both Spanish names, aren't they? Is your mother Spanish?' That would account for the dark colouring which couldn't have come from their father because Rick had already mentioned that his father was blond-haired, besides which the name O'Sullivan definitely was not Spanish! He started to laugh.' Yes, we've all got Spanish names, but no, Mum isn't, although her grandmother was. Mum just thought that in keeping with the modern trend for a greater variety of christian names she'd have some that were completely different so we have Raphael, Rosalia,' a bow of the head before the next name, ' Ricardo, Raoul, Ruy and Ramona.' ' Goodness,' Kim began with a grin, ' and all starting with the same letter. Isn't that confusing, especially with mail?' 'Not really, we just have to make sure we use our second initials when writing our names, that's all. We all have English second names and,' he laughed again, ' all with different letters this time. Besides which, as you'll probably find out when you get to meet her, Mum rarely calls any of us by our names anyway she's a great one for using nicknames and pet namessomething all of us, except Dad, that is, have a habit of doing too.' With a rather wistful look in her eyes Kim decided that it must be nice to belong to a large family with a mother who liked to use pet names for her children. Her own mother had been so formal with her own name that it had always had the effect of keeping Kim at a distance and, for that reason, when meeting strangers she had never used her full name but had always shortened it to the familiar Kim, and she was pleased that when Rick had first come upon her he had used the shortened version and not the formal Kimberley. Wiping one arm across his forehead and settling his hat more firmly forward, Rick issued a regretful sigh and moved away from the car. ' I guess I'd better not keep you any longer. What with all the luggage and so forth I can see piled in the back of your car, it will take you the rest of the day to get yourself settled in.' A hopeful smile followed. ' Unless, of course, you'd like a hand to get it all into the house? And there might be something down there

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that needs attending toit's been empty for a while now.' Kim nodded her head gratefully, it wasn't a job that she had been looking forward to on her own, but she hesitated before committing herself. ' You're sure I won't be keeping you from your work?' ' Oh, that's okay. The twins or Rafe can handle anything that might come upbesides,' again that appreciative gleam, ' I'm sure I'll find this a lot more enjoyable than the work I've been doing all day.' Deciding that she was going to like Rick O'Sullivan with that easy manner of his, Kim accepted his offer with alacrity, only then pausing to query diffidently; ' That is, if you're certain your brother won't mind?' ' Who? Rafe?' came the surprised question as Rick looked at her closely.' Good lord, no! Why should he?' ' W-e-ll, we didn't exactly hit it off when we met in Sydney.' ' Didn't you?' Rick looked amazed. ' I can't imagine why not. I wouldn't have thought Rafe would be averse to having a good-looking girl like you coming to live next door.' Kim flushed slightly at the compliment, but said with rather a wry smile. ' I think your brother was averse to anybody coming to live here.' Rick walked forward to open the steel gate, answering over his shoulder. 'You could be right there. He and Dad have got quite a thing about recovering this particular propertyit's the only one left now of the subdivisions that they haven't been able to buy back.' As he returned to his utility Kim looked at him thoughtfully, her head tilted slightly to one side. Rick shook his head and opened the car door for her.' No, it doesn't worry me. Too easy-going, I guess, at least about cattle. I prefer growing crops myself. Dad's just bought a property in the south-west of the State and I'll be moving down there in the New Year to begin preparing the land for grain-growing. I prefer the life out westthe wide open spaces and all thatit's getting too congested around these parts for my liking.' Kim looked around her quickly, only just making out a couple of homesteads in the distance, and started to laugh. ' I guess it's all a matter of what you're used to, but to my mind I wouldn't exactly call this a built-up area.' ' Maybe not,' Rick smiled with her, 'but Lismore's growing all the time. In fact, it's the most densely populated rural area in Australia and a few miles down the road they've begun subdividing. Admittedly, at the moment they're mostly forty- and fifty-acre lots, but it's started, and that's enough for me.' He closed the door firmly after Kim had slipped into the driver's seat, and with a lightening of his expression, commented: 'Seeing as I'm already in front of you I'd better go first,' he grinned infectiously, 'and last one in closes the gate!' Kim smiled her compliance and a short time later after the gate had been duly shut they started bumping

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their way slowly down towards the house. As they drew nearer Kim could indeed see that the building had known better daysthe once white paint was now peeling dejectedly from the weatherboards and the waist-high paling fence surrounding the house gave the impression that it couldn't withstand a determined onslaught from a crow, let alone a cow! Bringing the dusty Mini to a halt behind Rick's ute, Kim joined him slowly at the entrance gate, looking around her interestedly as she did so. It was the first time in her life that she had ever been to a country home and, although at first sight this one wasn't very prepossessing, it was amazing just what wonders a good coat of paint could bring, and Kim hugged the thought to herself excitedlyshe didn't really care much what it looked likeit was all hers! After preceding Rick along what once must have been the footpath but which was now overgrown with knee-high grass and rather nasty-looking thistlesas was most of the rest of the small gardenKim mounted the three slightly uneven wooden steps that led on to the wide verandah that appeared to surround the old house completely. But having reached the front door she turned to Rick with something like dismay. ' I never thought of it,' she gasped. ' Should I have got a key from the solicitor in town? Mr McBain never mentioned one.' ' Doubt if there is one,' answered Rick cheerfully, once more pushing his hat to the back of his head. 'iDr if there was it was probably lost years ago. No one in the country locks their doors anyway.' Moving around her, he tried the door handle and when it turned he stood back to allow Kim to walk into the darkened hallway before him. After the glare of the sun outside it took Kim some moments before her eyes became accustomed to the sudden gloom, but a second or two later she began walking down the dark lino-covered hall. The first room she came to opened off the right-hand side of the passage and was obviously the master bedroom, although Kim decided ' master ' wasn't really the appropriate wordit wasn't large enough to be endowed with such a description. It was, in fact, quite a small room, fitted out with a single bed, but she was pleased to note that at least it had a double wardrobe and a large chest of drawers. The furniture wasn't modern in style and definitely wasn't new, but from where she was standing it looked serviceable, and that was all she needed for the time being. As with the hall, this room was also covered with a rather dark lino with one small scatter rug by the side of the bed which was covered by a chenille bedspread of a rather depressing grey colour. The windows were hidden by a plastic blind in the same dampening grey as the bedspread and the side curtains were just a plain fall of decidedly tattered-looking lace. Further down the hall on the left-hand side they passed the lounge, which was fitted out with a suite that was faded and a trifle worn in parts but still able to be used. Kim noted that there was also a little old-fashioned desk in one corner upon which there stood a green telephoneat least it wasn't the old faithful blackand across from the sofa there stood a small television set. A concession Joe Phillips must have made to the times, Kim decided wryly. Adjacent to the first room there was another bedroom, even smaller this time, but fitted out in much the same style and period as the previous one. After this there was only the kitchen, with a laundry-cum-bathroom attached, as though it had only been added as an afterthought. At least the kitchen was a large roomactually it was the largest in the housebut the furniture here was also rather the worse for wear. The table was covered in what must have been a sunshine yellow laminex but which had, over the years, been scratched and battered so many times that it now no longer resembled the

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bright unit it must once have been. The chairs too had distinctly had much use and were vinyl-covered. Another concession to the times stood against one wall in the form of a dilapidated fridge which had no freezing compartment, Kim noticed sorrowfully, and there was an old wooden dresser leaning against the opposite wall which had sliding glass doors at the top, and underneath the window there was an old bench cupboard which had been fitted with, of all things, a stainless steel sink! A very modern innovation for Joe Phillips! But in one corner stood a heavy, blackened contraption which had a large pipe disappearing from the middle of it into the ceiling above Kim's head, the like of which she had never seen before in her life. ' What is that? Kim asked Rick in amazement. He seemed somewhat taken aback by her question and looked at her from beneath a furrowed forehead. 'A combustion stove, of course. Don't tell me you haven't used one before.' ' Used one? I've never even seen one!' Kim exclaimed in dismay as she moved closer to inspect the monster under discussion. Over one shoulder she enquired: ' How does it work?' Rick moved forward, a grin on his face as he saw her expression of consternation. ' On wood, usually,' he supplied brightly. ' Old Joe used to have a pile of split logs out the back for it, and they go in here,' he obligingly opened one of the front doors,' and when it's good and ready you can set the heat how you want it with these knobs here.' He indicated a row of knobs set along the front. ' It also heats your water for you,' pointing to a pipe along the side of the stove. 'That's the inlet pipe and then it goes through here,' indicating once again, ' and out into the storage tank outside.' Kim backed away from the wood-burner and gave it one last dour glance. Apparently Joe Phillips hadn't been that up-to-date in his ideas and changed to an electric stovebut oh, how she wished he had! She wasn't looking forward to the time when she would have to use that device! The bathroom had obviously had some alterations made to it in the years gone by, and even if the old claw-footed bath wasn't bright and shining with new enamel, at least it would serve its purpose. There was also a small wash-basin huddled in one corner, over which hung a mirror-fronted shaving cabinet. The fuel copper and cement tubs Kim quickly skipped over in an effort to forget. Just to think she and Patsy had complained about the old washing machine that had been provided with their flatshe'd consider it a boon if she could only have it now! Back in the kitchen Kim looked up at Rick with a wry grin. ' As the saying goesit may not be much, but,' she shrugged her shoulders lightly,' it's home.' 'Atta girl, that's the spirit,' agreed Rick warmly. 'A few bits and pieces here and there, a coat of paint, and you won't know the place.' ' At least it's clean and tidy. I was most surprised that it wasn't all covered with dust and cobwebs after having been vacant for so long.' ' Oh, that would have been Rose's doing,' Rick informed her. ' When Rafe came back he asked Rose if she'd clean the place up a bit, seeing as you intended to move up here.' This had the effect of making Kim feel perplexed and at a loss to understand why Rafe should have been so thoughtful, especially when he hadn't wanted her there in the first place and had been so insistent that she wouldn't fit in. She would have been more able to understand his attitude had he left everything as it was and made it more difficult for her. She hunched away from thoughts of Rafe O'Sullivan and was relieved when Rick broke the sudden silence by telling her that he would show her round outside.

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In the warmth of the sun once more, Rick kept up a running commentary as he pointed out the store sheds, one of which had doors and the other which was open to the weather, then the hen house and the machinery shed, which was filled with parts of machines that Joe had apparently collected over the years and were now covered in rust and cobwebs. On the way back to the house Kim noticed with delight the number of fruit trees dotted around the garden; oranges, lemons, mandarins, mangoes, although not in fruit at that time of the year, but the peach and nectarine trees were, as was the passion-fruit vine that had wound its way along the length of the back fence and was now drooping lethargically under the weight of its crop of large purple globes. They were almost to the back door when Rick broke off his discourse to ask: 'Would you like to see the creek? It's at its best down the back there,' he nodded towards a stand of gum trees on their left. ' We used to come here a lot when we were kids and use the swimming holeit's sandy on the bottom there instead of filled with rocks as you find further along.' 'After the heat of the car on the way up there's nothing I'd like better,' Kim admitted, looking up at him, ' but I think I'd better start to unpack the car first and start settling in before the light begins to fail.' Rick nodded in agreement and together they made their way to her car where he began taking the heavier luggage into the house while Kim carried in all the smaller cases and parcels. Some were left in the first bedroom and some taken through to the kitchen, but most she left in the second bedroom in order to try and alleviate the mess that always accrues from moving house. Even so, once all her goods and chattels were inside, the place had a rather chaotic look. When Rick offered to get the stove going for her so that the water could be heating for the bath she no doubt craved after the trip, Kim took him up on it gratefully, and while she was sorting out things in the kitchen, he found a pile of wood ready for the stove and, after rummaging in the cupboards for some old paper, had the fire burning brightly in a very short time, with Kim deciding that it didn't look quite so difficult to operate after all. With a chuckle of pleasure she located a black-bottomed kettle under the sink and having filled it with water set it on the Move to boilat least they would be able to have a refreshing cup of tea in a short while. In the meantime Rick was finding places for the groceries she had bought in town while Kim began unpacking some of her clothes and hanging them in the wardrobe. 'Tea's ready!' came Rick's voice only a short time later, and when Kim made her way out to the kitchen found that he had laid out two cups and saucers and that a teapot stood on the table snugly encased in a knitted woollen cosy, which he told her he had found hidden away in the dresser. Searching through her packages, Kim found the cake she had bought in town and which, at the time, she had been doubtful about purchasing but was pleased now that she had. She hadn't realised she would be having a visitor so soon. She had only just finished pouring the tea and was laughing at a remark of Rick's when there came a peremptory knock on the fly-screen door and a man strode into the room. At the knock Kim had jumped in surprise, but when she realised who it was she felt herself becoming annoyingly breathless. He was dressed in well-worn jeans and a pale blue denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbows to display well-muscled brown arms. Nervously she jumped to her feet, furious with herself for letting him have such an effect upon her, and

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in a voice as calm as she could make it enquired if he would also like some tea. Upon Rafe's affirmative answer she hurriedly gathered another cup and saucer from the dresser, stammering: ' II hope I haven't beenhaven't been keeping Rick from his work.' With an amused glance in his brother's direction Rafe swung one of the kitchen chairs around with one hand to sit astraddle with his arms lying crossed along the back of it before answering. ' Well, I had expected him some time ago,' he drawled, ' and wondered whether he was having any trouble.' A swift glance at Rafe and Kim rushed on: ' I'm sorry if I've put you to any trouble, but Rick's been very helpful since I arrived.' Rafe gave a lazy smile that had her pulses racing erratically and she picked up her cup with a hand that was none too steady. ' I would have been surprised if Rick hadn't stayed to help. It's not often we have neighbours like you move in.' Kim wasn't too sure just how to take this remark, so decided to let it passshe was only too pleased that Rafe apparently wasn't going to take it out on Rick for wasting his time. Swallowing his last mouthful of cake and brushing the crumbs from his hands, Rick enquired of his brother: 'How did you come up? I didn't hear the car.' ' Probably because I came with Jamie.' 'Perhaps he'd like a cup of tea too,' broke in Kim, anxious to be hdspitable to anyone who was likely to be a new neighbour. Rafe and Rick looked at each other and grinned while Kim looked from one to the other suspiciously. ' I don't think so,' finally Rick replied, still grinning broadly. ' Jamie is Rafe's horse.' ' Oh!' Kim felt all manner of a fool and flushed scarlet with embarrassment, wishing she'd kept her mouth shut. In an endeavour to change the subject she blurted out how good Rick had been in lighting the stove for her. One dark eyebrow rose.' And did he also get in touch with the Council and the P.M.G. to make sure that you had the electricity and the phone reconnected?' Rafe questioned laconically. . Aghast, Kim could only stare at him with wide disbelieving eyes. How could she have forgotten such a thing? Of course, the power would be offthe house had been unoccupied for some time now. ' Good grief, I never gave it a thought!' Rick smote his forehead with a broad hand. ' I'll get down to the house right away and give them a ring.' With a short nod of approval Rafe glanced at the watch encircling his strong tanned wrist. 'Yes, you do that, but I doubt that they'll be out today, it's getting too late.' A keen glance at Kim followed. ' You'd better bring a few things and stay up at the house for tonightyou can't stay here when there's no electricity.'

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Immediately reversing her thoughts from being horrified at having no power, Kim could now see nothing at all wrong with it. ' Yes, I can,' she challenged the darkening look on Rafe's face, ' but thank you all the same. It was a long trip and I'll be having a very early night in any case.' ' Well, I did see some candles in one of the cupboards,' Rick joined in, ' and Joe used to have a hurricane lamp around here some place. I'll have a look for it out in the sheds.' ' You will not,' ordered Rafe coolly, fixing his brother with a determined look. 'Miss Forsythe will be coming with us, so there's no need to look for it.' Rick stared in astonishment. 'Miss Forsythe! Why so formal, Rafe? Her name's Kim.' A sardonic twist of the lips followed this statement. ' I rather think Miss Forsythe would prefer it that way with me, Rick.' Mentally Kim wholeheartedly agreed with this remarkde-finitely preferring to keep the undeniably attractive Rafe O'Suliivan at a distancebut with a streak of perverseness brought about by his high-handed attitude, she now said demurely: ' Not at all, Mr O'Suliivan. You have my permission to address me by my christian name if you so wish.' Rafe inclined his head gracefully, his eyes dancing as if he guessed at her sudden volte-face regarding names. ' Why, thank you, Kim, that's most generous of you. And you, of course, must call me Rafe.' He quirked an eyebrow in Rick's direction.' That better?' he asked. 'You're a sarcastic devil,' Rick laughed, and to Kim, 'Take no notice of him, you'll get used to it in time like the rest of us.' Kim didn't think that would ever become a possibilityher getting used to Rafebut she didn't voice the sentiment. Instead she queried: ' In which cupboard did you see the candles, Rick?' With leisurely grace Rafe rose to his feet, to stand with his hands resting lightly on lean hipscompletely at his ease but deeming to Kim to be the embodiment of latent power and strength. ' It doesn't matter which cupboard. You can look for them some other time. Tonight you'll be staying up at the house with us.' 'I will not!' came the emphatic answer. In seeming exasperation Rafe ran a hand around the back of his neck, his eyes holding Kim's against her will. ' Stop arguing and do as you're told, there's a good girl.' ' No, I will not. I won't be ordered around by you, or anyone else,' she added as an afterthought, her chin slanted defiantly.

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As he watched the two of them challenging each other, a broad grin spread over Rick's face. Catching the amusement, Rafe turned and spoke dryly. 'Hadn't you better be going, Rick? After all, you do have a couple of phone calls to make... remember? And,' with an attractive grin,' don't forget it's also your turn to do the milking this afternoon.' Rising to his feet too, Rick jammed his hat on to the back of his head. 'Okay, okay, I'm off now,' then to Kim, 'I'll make those calls for you directly I get home, Kim, so don't worry about it.' As he moved to the door Kim called after him: 'Thanks for being so much help, Rick. I really appreciated it.' ' Think nothing of it,' was the easy-going answer. ' Thank you for the tea.' He had only just closed the fly-screen door when he put his head back inside again and winked at Kim. ' Just don't let Rafe here bully you into doing anything you don't want to his bark's worse than his biteand I can always come up and give you a hand with anything you need.' Her thanks were cut short by Rafe's, ' Get out of here, Rick, and go and make those damned phone calls, or else Miss Forsythe will be without lights for tomorrow as well.' A salute of the hand followed this.' Okay, I'm going. See you later, Kim,' and they could hear him cheerily whistling between his teeth as he went down the side of the house. When the sound of the ute had died in the distance Rafe turned his penetrating gaze back to Kim, making her feel distinctly uneasy and vulnerable. ' Right, you go and pack your things and I'll put the stove out.' As he strode towards the corner Kim rushed madly around the table and made a grab at his arm, feeling the corded muscles rippling beneath her fingers. ' Don't you dare put that stove out!' she ordered spiritedly. She wasn't all that sure she could get it going again! ' And, once and for all, please understand that I'm not leaving here. I'm quite capable of looking after myself, and being without electricity won't hurt me for one night.' She was very close to him and more aware of him as a man than she had even been with anyone before. Nervously she dropped her hand from his arm. ' So you're quite capable of taking care of yourself, are you?' he murmured lazily, but managing to give her the feeling of impending danger all the same.' I seem to remember you saying something to that effect when we met in Sydney.' Y-yesthat's right,' was Kim's uneasy reply, not quite sure just what was coming next. His well-shaped mouth tilted as if in amusement.' Perhaps we should put that to the test some time.' Now Kim was distinctly wary and licked her somewhat dry lips quickly. ' I-I'm not Sure I know what you're getting at,' she managed confusedly. ' Don't you? Well, perhaps notbut in the meantime...' ' I meant what I said. I'm staying here. I mean, there's nothing that could happen to me, is there?' Rafe's eyes rolled upwards. 'Good God, there's a hundred and one things that could happen tp a young girl living alone miles away from anywhere. If you care to cast your mind back, that was one of the

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reasons why I advised you against moving up here, and without wishing to let the idea of country hospitality go down the drain, I would remind you that we do have more to do than play nursemaid to a wilful slip of a girl from the city!' Wilful! Just because she wouldn't immediately fall in with his plans; first she had baulked him with the sale and now this. And he considered that wilful on her part, did he? Kim's voice was shaking with suppressed emotion when she finally spoke, her hands clenched into fists as though she would have liked to strike him. ' And I can assure you that I intend to be fully independent while I'm here. I haven't asked you to play nursemaid, as you put it. I'mI'm sorry I took Rick away from his work this afternoonI'll see that it doesn't happen again,' she finished haughtily. ' That's not what I meant, and you know it. If you don't like being called wilful then stop acting like it.' ' I shall act any way I please in my own house and I'll thank you to remember that this is my house and I'll stay here when I please!' The shrug of his shoulders showed a cool indifference. ' All right, all right, your point's madeyou're staying here tonight. I'm sorry I offered.' ' You didn't offeryou ordered,' Kim pointed out determinedly. For a moment she could have sworn that his green eyes were gleaming with laughter before he turned towards the door, but his next words were only casually said. 'By the way, I'll send your cows up in the morning, if that's okay with you.' Send her cows up? What cows? And what was she supposed to do with them? Mr McBain hadn't mentioned any cows! By this time the fly-screen door had closed and Kim raced hurriedly through it and after Rafe. She was just in time to reach him as he swung himself lithely into the saddle on a tall, gleaming chestnut horse. Feeling horribly at a disadvantage having to look so far up to him, and keeping a safe distance from the horseshe'd never had anything to do with horses beforeshe valiantly tried to keep her voice from shaking. ' What do you mean, my cows? What sort of cows? And how many of them are there?' Rafe's expression was completely bland as he looked down at her, but Kim had the decided impression that he was amusing himself at her expense. She wished she'd never come after him, but it was too late to stop now. The insouciant answer, ' House cows,' meant nothing to her and she frowned slightly, tilting her head to one side. ' And just what on earth are house cows?' 'Not cows that are house-trained, if that's what you're thinking.' ' Oh, very funny. I didn't suppose they were.'

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He grinned annoyingly. 'It's just a name given to cows that are milked solely for the household, as opposed to one in a herd, that's all.' 'And who used to milk them?' Kim enquired slowly, loath to hear the answer that she had a premonition would be coming. ' Joe! Who else?' ' Butbut I don't know how to milk a cow!' she cried on a rising note of panic. She'd never even touched a cow before, let alone milked one! ' Then I suggest you learn in a hurry, because you'll have six cows and four calves delivered tomorrow morning,' he told her in a tone that was definitely amused, enjoying her discomfort. Kim's eyes deepened in dismay. Surely she wasn't supposed to milk all six of them? But Rafe seemed to take pity on her and added calmly: 'And at least, one of them will have to be milked.' A great feeling of relief swept over Kim at this piece of information, although she still glared at him belligerently for having allowed her to believe that she would have to milk the lot. Even so, one was bad enough! Nevertheless, she had to bury her pride again as she asked pensively: ' But how do I milk her?' 'A house cow?' Rafe laughed, a deep attractive sound that had Kim's nerves tingling. 'Normally it's done by hand,' he told her dryly, and touching his heels to the sides of the now restless animal, he wheeled and cantered with the ease of long experience towards the boundary gate. Kim could feel' a burning anger growing inside her at his last remark. Of course she had guessed that it was done by handwhat did he take her for, a fool? Or wasn't that just what he had made her look? She stared at the steadily receding figure her thoughts a decided mixture; one part grudgingly conceding that he looked at one with the beautiful horse; the other of churning worry as to what she was going to do on the morrow when her cattle arrived. Reflectively she wandered back into the house, her thoughts revolving around Rafe O'Sullivan with a tormenting obstinacy. In Sydney he had tried to discourage her from coming north; now that she had arrived he almost seemed concerned about her welfare. It couldn't possibly be just the country hospitality he had mentionedthere had to be more to it than that! With her brow still creased Kim walked into her bedroom and mechanically finished putting her clothes away, making a mental note to thank Rose when she met her for having cleaned through so thoroughly. It had certainly made her job of moving in so much easier. Back in the kitchen she cleared the tea things from the table and completed putting all the groceries away. After enjoying a light meal she cleared away the dishes, washed up, then with a cursory look at the sheds wandered down the well-worn path towards the creek where she ambled along the bank until she came to the lovely little waterhole that Rick had mentioned earlier; its sandy bank shelving gently down to the crystal clear water so that she could see the bottom with ease. There was even a large green weeping willow trailing fronds languorously in the softly running water. Taking her sandals off, Kim sat down on the sand and allowed the water to swirl over her feet, bringing the first signs of cooling relief after the heat of the day. It was heavenly just sitting thereand so peacefulthe only sounds disturbing the total tranquillity of the scene being the chattering of birds

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gathering in the willow on the opposite bank. As far as her eyes could see there were rolling green hills, dotted here and there with stands of shade trees, and far in the distance she could just make out the indistinct shapes of cattle browsing contentedly amidst the long grass. It was a far cry from the usual picture of the Australian countryside with its vast dry and dusty stretches of land, but then the coastal plains, both north and south of Sydney, had always been well known for their rich pastures and plentiful dairy produce. The clouds in the still bright azure sky were now becoming tinged with a golden rosiness as the sun began its slow descent behind a hill in the distance, and reluctantly Kim rose to her feet and began walking bare-footed back to the house. She didn't want to be stumbling around in a strange house in the dark if she could help it and, as she had told Rafe, she fully intended getting into bed early. All in all it had been a quite momentous and tiring day. While she was running the water for her bath she mused rather ruefully that the water pressure wasn't quite what she was used tobeing a very slow and laborious trickle from the tapbut she decided that the bath would seem all the more pleasant for having had to wait so long for it. This must be one of those city amenities that Rafe had told her would be missing, stillKim squared her shoulders determinedlyif that was all that was different she would count herself lucky and would, no doubt, soon become accustomed to it. Later, after she had lain for some time in the warm water of her well-earned bath, luxuriating in the feeling of some of the tiredness seeping out of her aching muscles, she donned a pretty pair of lemon shortie pyjamas and climbed thankfully into her bed, and was gratified to discover that it wasn't too uncomfortable. It was just on dark now and, used as she was to permanent street lighting, she was amazed at just how black it was outside; she couldn't even see to the edge of her own verandah! Closing her eyes and preparing for sleep, she marvelled again at the utter silence surrounding her, only occasionally broken by the soft lowing of a cow somewhere in the distance.


The next morning was clear and full of sunshine when Kim awoke early, feeling very much refreshed after her sleep and ready for whatever the day might bring, but immediately she turned the hot water tap on in the bathroom she remembered she had forgotten to bank up the stove the night before with the obvious consequence that she now had extremely lukewarm to cold water. A trip outside the back door provided her with some more logs and gathering up some of the paper that had been wrapped around her parcels she tried to faithfully emulate what she had seen Rick do to the stove the day before and was very pleased with herself when she finally managed to get the fire going.

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Breakfast of toast and coffee over, she was taking the plates across to the sink when she heard the soft whinnying of a horse coming from the direction of the front of the house. Hurrying through the hall, she emerged on to the front verandah to confront Rafe, still mounted on Jamie, but this time accompanied by a red-coated cattle dog. Today he was wearing crisp drill trousers and shirt and had a bush hat seated squarely on his head. The muscles in his legs showed plainly against the taut material as he sat- easily in the saddle, making no move to dismount. With a mocking expression he turned to indicate a mob of cattle beginning to spread over the grass in the paddock behind him. 'They all right there, or do you want them moved into another paddock?' Kim looked towards the cattle helplessly, her eyes clouded with indecision, not knowing what she should do with them. Rafe twisted around again and pointed out a golden Jersey cow with an obviously full udder. 'That's Clover over there,' he told her sparingly, 'she's the one that needs milking. The others have still got their calves on them, except for Aster, and she's springing.' ' Springing?' Kim couldn't help herself asking. 'In calf.' ' Oh!' What else could she say? 'But she's been allowed to dry off, so you won't have to worry about her for a while yet.' 'Thanks!' Kim retorted bitterly. One was enough, wasn't it? Especially when you hadn't a clue what to do with it! ' Rick asked me to tell you that a chap from the Council will be out this afternoon to re-connect the power and that the P.M.G. will come tomorrow some time. That all right with you?' Kim nodded miserably, her mouth taking on a tender droop at the corners. What did she care about the electricity and the phone nowshe had enough worries at the moment with Rafe being so unhelpful. Why couldn't it have been Rick to bring her cows? She could have asked him any questions she liked about milking and had no qualms about so doing either! But, no doubt, Rafe had already worked that out and that was why he had taken the trouble to bring them himself, just to spite her! ' Well, if they're okay where they are, I'll be off,' he said, ignoring the reproachful look in Kim's eyes, and touching one lean hand to the brim of his hat he brought Jamie's head round, but not before he added blithely, 'Just call her by name and she'll walk into the bails,' and began heading down the track at a swift canter. Once again Kim watched him go with mixed feelings, but this time her anger succeeded in drowning out all other emotions. What sort of a man was he that he could leave her like that when he knew only too well that she'd had absolutely no experience with cattle of any kind? It would serve him right if his horse shied and threw him, she thought with a malicious kind of delight. But, bringing her mind back to her most immediate problem, she wasn't even quite sure just where the

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bails were that Clover was going to walk into. With quickening strides she walked back to the sheds looking for the elusive bails and found them at one side of the open shed, or what she supposed must be the bails. Probably made by handyman Joe, she guessed. They didn't look very strong, but when she tried her weight against them they seemed firm enough With a fatalistic shrug she went back to the house looking for an appropriate bucket and dragged one out from the cupboard where she had noticed it nestling the night before. She gave it a thorough wash, then valiantly went back into the paddock, swinging the bucket in one hand vigorously to give herself confidence. Nervously approaching the cows, she called out timidly: 'Clover?' When there was no response forthcoming, she attempted it a little louder.' Cloverhere, girl!' This time the cow condescended to raise her head question-ingly, glanced round, and promptly went back to her grazing. Cheered somewhat by this small reaction, Kim ventured a trifle closer to the animal, calling: 'Clover, come on, girl!' in still louder tones. There was a definite result then as the cow actually took a couple of steps in her direction and, filled with a sense of success, she urged her on by calling her name once more. Now that Clover was actually on the move she brightened considerably, as it was obvious that the cow knew where she was going as she headed unerringly for the shed with Kim trailing happily behind. This wasn't so hard after all! The only trouble was that as soon as Clover entered the bails, she immediately backed straight out again, and when Kim attempted to urge her forward once more the cow turned right around and headed back down to the paddock. Kim looked at the bails puzzledlythere was nothing in there to frighten Clover that she could seeand the cow had obviously gone there to be milked, so why had she backed out again? With a sigh of confusion she followed Clover down to the paddock and began herding her towards the shed again, only to be neatly outmanoeuvred by the cow just when she thought success was within her grasp. Who would have thought a lumbering cow could move so quickly, or turn in such a small space? After another three attempts to get Clover into the bails, Kim was hot and sticky and muttering dire prophesies against the animal under her breath while she fought the hot tears of frustration that were beginning to prick at her eyelids. ' Not having any trouble, I hope,' a deep voice drawled lazily from behind her, and spinning around, Kim saw Rafe heading across the paddock towards her. Her frustration now turned to uncontrollable angerthat he should come back and gloat was just too much to bear! ' Get out of here and leave me alone!' she shouted at him, and before she realised what she was doing she had hurled the bucket at his taunting figure and turned on her heel to stalk back towards the sheds without waiting to see what his reaction might be. A few minutes later she felt a hand sink into the curling hair at the back of her head and she was yanked to a halt by a not very gentle hand. 'And just who the hell do you think you're throwing things at?' Rafe grated out, his expression not mocking now but one of glittering anger. ' I should have thought that was obvious, seeing you were the only other person in the paddock,' Kim retorted sarcastically.

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'Is that so?' came the dangerously silky reply. 'In that case you'd better apologise right now, hadn't you?' He gave her hair another painful tug in emphasis. ' No, I will not,' she defied him. * I didn't ask you to come back here to gloat. You know I don't know what to do with the cow and youyou left me with them deliberately,' she finished on a rising note, unaware of the reproachful look in her blue eyes. ' And what was I supposed to do?' Rafe demanded. ' Make another offer of help so that you could throw it back again? Oh, no, I only fall for that one once! From now on, if you want help you're going to have to ask for itand ask nicely, at that!' ' Never!' There was another tug of her hair. 'Okay, if that's the way you want it. But in the meantime, I'll have your apology for the bucket throwing anyway.' ' And you won't get that either,' was the quick return. ' Won't I? Have you ever had your backside tanned? Because I reckon it's about time someone beat some manners into that stubborn little body of yours.' ' You wouldn't dare!' Kim flared heatedly. 'Don't you bet on that,' Rafe threatened menacingly, and began pulling her towards him. Kim struggled fiercely to prise his hand loose from her hair, without success, but it wasn't until he actually caught her to him that she fully realised that Rafe meant what he had said, and she grasped at his arms frantically. ' No, don't!' she cried, quickly followed by a mumbled,' I'm I'm sorry,' against his shirt front. ' What was that?' he demanded. 'You heard me!' She could feel the breath expelled forcibly from his body before he answered sardonically: ' Gracious too! As well as wilful and stubborn.' Kim bit at her lip anxiously and risked a quick look at him through the dark fringe of her long lashes. Rafe's expression was enigmatic, but she was certain she hadn't been mistaken in thinking she had, for a split second, seen a glimpse of that irrepressible laughter in his eyes. She chanced a rueful half-smile. ' I'm sorry, Rafe, for throwing the bucket at you, and I would be very grateful if you could please show me how to get that unreasonable cow into the bails and how to milk her.' With slow deliberation his hands moved from her shoulders to cup her face, making her feel extremely weak in the knees at the contact. ' Very nicely done.' His mouth curled engagingly. ' If you ask like that, sweetheart, you'll always get a favourable reception.' Kim could feel her cheeks becoming pink under his intent regard and she twisted away from his hands

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abruptly, passing of her nervousness under cover of a light sally. ' But I thought you said in Sydney that I shouldn't expect to have my work done for me.' ' Did I say that?' She cast him a piqued glance. ' You know you did.' He smiled reminiscently. ' Ah, that's right. That was when you informed me that you intended to farm the land yourself. And have you decided yet just what sort of crops you plan to raise?' A black eyebrow rose enquiringly. Kim swung lightly away and began walking towards her discarded bucket, only pausing long enough to say over one shoulder with a grin: ' I only said that because you annoyed me.* ' Why? What did I do?' ' You insinuated that I couldn't run a farm.' ' And can you?' Reluctantly Kim confessed. 'No, but...' She was interrupted by Rafe's amusement, '... there was no need for you to be so scornful about it!' Stooping to retrieve the bucket, she swung it in one hand, waiting for him to tell her what to do next, but Rafe apparently hadn't finished with their conversation. ' That sounds like good logic,' he commented a trifle sardonically. ' Good feminine logic! I must remember that for future referenceif someone annoys you, you're likely to say anything, no matter how improbable it may sound.' ' That's not true,' she returned indignantly, aware that she had said too much in allowing him to know that he had annoyed her. ' But you just said ...' Feeling entrapped by her own thoughtless confession, Kim wasn't too sure how she could extricate herselfshe could hardly admit that it was only Rafe that seemed to affect her that way! ' I know what I just said,' she began uncertainly, ' but...' With a knowing smile he took the bucket from her unresisting fingers, saying: ' But you don't always react that way, is that it?' Kim nodded silently, thankful that he had come up with an acceptable reason, then gave a vivacious grin. ' But I don't have to conform, I'm a female, remember?' Rafe gave her a long, hard look of appreciation at her cool lilac ribbed sleeveless top and darker hipster slacks that showed off her curving figure to perfection. ' I don't think it's likely I'll forget, sweetheart.' Then, as if angry at his own words, he said gruffly: 'Come on, I haven't got all day to stand here talking. I've got work to do.'

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Feeling very squashed and put in her place, Kim followed meekly when Rafe began walking back towards the house, although she did wonder why they were going that way and not to the bails. However, it soon became apparent once Rafe had searched for a while in the laundry until he came upon a large container filled with some dark brown, viscous-looking liquid, some of which he diluted with water in a smaller bucket after explaining that it was an udder wash used mainly for hygiene purposes. Back at the shed once more he left the buckets next to the bails before entering the next shed where he discovered a battered old bowl which he proceeded to fill with a powdery-looking substance from a half full sack. Again Kim had to put her ignorance to the fore as she enquired lightly:' And what's that?' A knowledgeable grin crossed Rafe's face as he held the slatted door open for her to precede him into the bright sunlight. He indicated the bowl with a short nod of his head. ' That's the reason Clover wouldn't come into the bailsno meal there for her.' ' Oh, does she always have it?' exclaimed Kim in sudden comprehension. ' Uh-huh! Joe used to give it to her all the time. Some cows become so partial to it that directly they see you with a bucket or a bowl in your hand they'll nearly knock you over in the rush to see if there's any meal in it.' Kim lifted wide and rather anxious eyes to his face, giving a nervous smile.' I hope Clover isn't one of those.' Rafe laughed, and she found herself thinking once again how devastatingly attractive he was. ' No, Clover's not that bad, but she won't be milked without it.' Putting her hand into the bowl, Kim allowed the fine particles to sift between her fingers. ' What's it made of?' she asked. ' It's a mixturethere's barley, maize, sorghum, lucerne meal, vitamins, et cetera, et cetera. It helps in increasing milk production.' ' And how much milk will I get from Clover each day?' ' About two, or two and a half gallons. Not bad for a house row.' 'Two and a half gallons!' Kim exclaimed in dismay. 'What urn I going to do with that much milk? In fact, what did Joe Phillips have a house cow for? Couldn't he have bought his milk from the milkman, or from you?' Again that look of wondering exasperation. ' I told you this wasn't the city. There are no milk deliveries out here. Besides which, I think it would be slightly unrewarding to be trying to sell milk when just about every second property is a dairy. And no, he couldn't have bought it from us because we're not allowed to sell raw milk privatelywe used to be able to, but not any more. In fact, we're not even allowed to give it away! Consequently everyone out here who doesn't have a herd keeps a couple of house cows or else buys their milk in town each day.' ' But what do they do with that much milk? I mean, it would be okay if you had a large family, but what

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did Joe do with it all?' ' Feed it to the animals; dogs, cats, fowls, pigs. Joe always used to keep a couple of pigs for fattening, and they'll take whatever excess of milk you have.' ' But I don't have any other animals,' wailed Kim plaintively. ' Oh, yes, you do,' was the surprising reply, causing her to look at him quizzically. ' We have about a dozen or so hens of yours down at the house that we've been looking after until it could be decided what was going to happen to the property.' His eyes glinted wickedly as the sunlight slashed across them. 'Now don't tell me you know nothing about fowls either?' Kim gave a wry smile, shaking her head dejectedly. ' No, I'm afraid I don't,' A cheeky grin followed. 'Except to say that I know that's where eggs come from.' ' I suppose that's a start,' was the lightly sarcastic rejoinder. ' There could be hope for you yet. Didn't your parents ever keep a few hens down at the end of the garden?' Again Kim shook her head. ' Not that I can remember.' 'Then, just as a matter of interest, would you mind telling me why you were so determined to come up here to live, when it's plain that you have absolutely no idea whatsoever about anything even remotely connected with farm life?' An eyebrow rose suspiciously. Or was it perhaps a streak of perverseness because something I said happened to annoy you?' With colour mounting steadily in her cheeks, Kim's eyes fell before his and she made a vague gesture with her hands.' Itit was p-partly that,' she owned unwillingly, taking a quick glance at his expression from beneath her thick lashes, but lowering her gaze immediately she noticed the tightening of his mouth, ' but I really did want to come and see what it was like.' 'You could have done that on a holiday trip,' Rafe replied shortly, ' and saved yourself a lot of worry and trouble at the same time.' ' I know,' she murmured softly, still not looking at him, ' but I am glad I came all the same.' But knowing what a shock it must have been to Rafe and his father when they realised that the last will couldn't be found and that someone else would inherit the property, Kim concluded lamely: ' II'm s-sorry, Rafe.' Suddenly a brown hand was under her chin, tipping her head back so that she had to look at him, and the lazy smile that tugged at his mouth had her heart thumping so wildly she was sure he must be able to hear it. ' Okay, sweetheart, forget it. What's done is done. I guess we all do things on impulse from time to time, but,' he flicked a lean finger at the end of her straight little nose,' you've got an awful lot to learn.' Kim wasn't sure whether he was referring to farm life or something else entirely different, but it was enough that Rafe wasn't going to hold her actions against her for her not to try and analyse his last remark. After placing the bowl of meal in the bails Rafe called to Clover down in the paddock; a call that she responded to with a willingness not evident when Kim had done the same thing. Ambling along at her own pace, Clover eventually made it to the bails, going in without hesitation when she saw the bowl in position, and began munching contentedly on her ration of meal. An old milking stool was dragged up and seating himself upon it Rafe proceeded to wash down Clover's udder. This completed, he placed the

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milking bucket between his feet and began to milk the cow with an ease and rate that Kim was sure she would never be able to copy. A few seconds later he stopped and turned to her. ' Come closer and I'll do it slowly so you can see what I'm doing, and then you can have a go, okay?' Kim looked dubious, but watched intently as he demonstrated in as slow a motion as possible. It looked simple enough and Clover was quiet, although once Kim had replaced Rafe on the stool and was ready for her first attempt, it didn't seem quite so easy any more. For one thing, Clover appeared overwhelmingly large from where she was now sitting and Kim didn't know whether she would appreciate a learner trying to extract milk from her. With a tentative motion she put out her hands to the cow's soft flesh, squeezed, and was rewarded by an absolute absence of milk splashing into the bucket. She tried twice more with the name result before turning enquiring eyes to Rafe. With a smile he sank down on to his haunches beside her and putting forward one bronzed arm his hand closed over hers and Kim could feel the pressure that he exerted over her fingers as, with a slight downward movement, he tightened his grip. This time there was a thin trickle of liquid forthcoming, but, removing his hand from hers, he suggested dryly; 'I rather think that for the present you'd better try the old finger and thumb method,' which he proceeded to demonstrate. Kim leant forward, her forehead resting against the warm flank of Clover, and put her hands to the cow's udder again, asking: ' Is this right?' 'That's the idea, sweetheart. Now squeeze your thumb and fingers together and slide downwards.' When the first spurt of warm milk hit the inside of the bucket Kim swung round quickly, smiling happily, and his, ' Good girl, keep at it!' had her basking in the unexpected praise. She turned back to the job in hand willingly, although after only a short time her fingers and forearms began to ache intolerably and her slow trickles became even slower. Rafe rose leisurely to his feet, an understanding look in his eyes. 'I'll take over now if your arms are tired,' he said. 'Thank you,' Kim accepted gratefully, only too happy to let him do so, but as she prepared to rise Clover coughed abruptly, her great stomach shaking and heaving forwards, frightening Kim out of her wits as, with a gasp of surprise, she leapt backwards, straight into Rafe's arms which closed around her midriff protectively, his muscular body hard against her back and giving her an unexpected feeling of security. With a self-conscious laugh and her heart hammering violently against her ribs, she attempted to explain: ' I'm sorry, but she gave me such a start.' She turned her head to smile at Rafe, only to find his face disconcertingly inches from her own, and she stopped in confusion, feeling an indefinable tension in the atmosphere. His eyes were travelling over her face slowly, making her only too aware of the dangerous magnetism that this man held for her. As those tantalising green eyes came to rest on her softly parted lips, Kim felt herself beginning to relax against the powerful arms enclosing her; felt her body moulding itself to his hard, masculine frame, until, with a start, she realised what she was doing and with a hurriedly gulped breath she tore her eyes away from his face and, with a sigh of relief, felt his arms slip from her. She moved quickly away to stand by Clover's headnot looking at Rafe again until she heard him move on to the stool and the thick gushes of creamy milk once more began streaming into the bucket. In no time at all he had Clover completely stripped and was giving her a smack on the rump as she backed out of the bails.

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Clearing her throat and desperately trying to speak in a normal tone, Kim managed: 'Thank you, Rafe. I wouldn't have been able to do it alone.' 'That's okay,' he replied in a seemingly indifferent voice, making Kim wonder whether the tension and attraction had only been a figment of her own imagination. ' I'll try and see that one of us comes up this afternoon to give you a hand. You'll probably find that your hands and arms won't ache so much after a day or two and you'll soon get the hang of it.' ' I don't want to put you to any bother, you must have enough of your own work to do,' she murmured deprecatingly. ' There's four men at homewe'll manage.' So saying, Rafe bent and picked up the almost full bucket and began striding towards the house with Kim doing her best to keep up with his fast movements. She felt tongue-tied and unsure of what she should do, while at the same time she was annoyed with herself for feeling that way. If they were going to be neighbours she was going to have to learn better-control over her own emotions or she'd be a nervous wreck before a month was out. With a deeply drawn breath she enquired tentatively: 'Will you have a cup of tea, or coffee, before you go?' Rafe shook his head negatively. ' No, thanks, Kim. I'd better be on my way and see what Rick and the twins have been up to while I've been gone. They're supposed to be renewing the southern fence, but get those three together and you've usually got trouble. The twins are bad enough, but with Rick there to egg them on you never know what's likely to be the result.' Kim gave a half-hearted smile of understanding and watched as he swung into the saddle of the patiently waiting Jamie who had been tethered in the shade of a large mango tree and made off, at a hard gallop, across the paddock. The deep breath she had just taken she let out slowly. So much for milking the cow! She'd nearly made a fool of herself leaning back against Rafe like that. Whatever was the matter with her? Just because he'd been pleasant and easy-going for a change, there was no need for her to fall on her knees in grateful capitulation! Look how he'd immediately dropped the ' sweetheart' after her disgraceful exhibitionshe burnt with humiliationnow he probably thought she was an overgrown schoolgirl reading far more into a casual word than he had ever intended! No doubt Rafe O'Sullivan already had as many ardent admirers as he could managehe didn't need her to be added to their numbers. With an inward sigh, and an outward hunch of the shoulders, she lifted the milk bucket from the verandah where Rafe had deposited it and walked through to the kitchen where she strained it into a lidded container before placing the milk in the fridge. Most of the day she spent pottering around the house; putting things away and sorting through cupboards to find out just what she did have and what would have to be purchased on her next trip to town. During the afternoon, as promised, the man from the Council arrived and re-connected the light and power supply for her. It was going on for five o'clock before anyone else came to call, and then Kim happened to see him approaching on a shining brown stock horse from her bedroom window. He also was dressed in the characteristic garb of the country; faded jeans and shirt, elastic-sided boots and a bush hat pulled resolutely down to shade his eyes from the glaring sun.

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Kim was waiting on the verandah by the time he had made it to the house and tethered his horse under the same tree that Rafe had used for Jamie only that morning. Coming towards her, he took off his hat and slapped it against the side of his leg, making dust fly around him as he did so. ' Hi there,' he greeted her openly. ' I'm Raoul. Rafe sent me up to give you a hand. I guess you must be Kim Forsythe because Rick said I couldn't mistake youyou were the best-looking girl to be seen around here.' ' Well, I am Kim Forsythe,' she acknowledged with a broad grin, ' but I'm not so sure about the rest of it. I'm inclined to think your brother was exaggerating for your benefit.' He pushed back a lock of black hair that had fallen across his forehead, his grey eyes glinting in much the same manner that Rafe had and making Kim all too aware that Raoul would no doubt, when he was older, have the same appeal for women that his eldest brother enjoyed. Before he could say anything else she changed the subject, deeming it best not to pursue that particular line of conversation. ' If you'd like to come through I can get the bucket and the wash,' she offered. Raoul looked down at his stock boots, shaking his head. 'I don't think I'd betterthey're pretty muddy.' He grinned boyishly. ' Mum would half scalp me if I did that at home!' ' In that case, I'd better not encourage any bad habits, had I? If you like to walk around the back I'll meet you there.' ' Right-ho,' Raoul agreed easily. ' I'll give Clover a hoy as I go past.' By the time he and Kim had made it to the bails Clover was already waiting, grass hanging from the side of her mouth as she chewed patiently. Kim felt sure she did a little better with her milking this time, although her feeling of success became a little tarnished when Raoul took over and finished for her in double-quick time. It wasn't fair, she mused, watching him at work. She was positive there were more outlets for the milk to flow through when they milkedthe stream was five times as thick and heavy as the meagre dribble that was all she managed to obtain from the cowand she said as much to Raoul. He laughed loudly, showing even white teeth, and looking more than ever like his eldest brother. ' It will be the same for you once you've been doing it for a while. Don't forget, we've been milking since we were kids.' ' But haven't you got machines for milking?' ' Sure, we have now,' he agreed, ' but when Rafe was a kid and Mum and Dad were only just starting the dairy, they used to milk the herd by hand. Admittedly they didn't have as many cows then, but even when I first began milkingand we had machines thenwe used to have to stimulate them first before putting the cups on them and then strip them out by hand afterwards. Nowadays it's easier because all we have to do is wash them down and the machines do the rest, but it wasn't always like that.' ' And how old were you when you started milking?' ' Oh, we all started when we were about eight years old.' Kim gave a gasp.' Wasn't that a bit young?'

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' Young?' Raoul echoed disbelievingly. 'Heck, no! I was driving the tractor at ten. Farming's a family business, you know.' ' I guess so,' she acceded equably, then making a movement with her hand to include the surrounding countryside, 'It's just all so different from the city, I suppose.' ' Too right it is!' He eyed her speculatively. ' I can't see how people could prefer to live there, not when all this is here waiting. I'm going down to Sydney next year to start my university course, and that's the only part of it that I'm not looking for-ward toliving in the city.' Kim smiled at his vehemence. 'And what course are you taking at the university?' ' Veterinary science,' came the prompt reply. ' Just like Rafe.' 'Oh!' Kim had never considered that Rafe might have university qualifications.' Is Rafe a vet?' 'My word! A darned good one too. He's got a real way with animals, almost as if he can read their minds.' One of Kim's delicately arched eyebrows rose slightly, sarcastically. She'd bet he could apply that same statement to women too! On their way back to the house with the milk Raoul broke off their conversation to say hurriedly: ' Oh, yes, I nearly forgot. Rafe asked me to tell you that your stock have to be dipped the day after tomorrow.' ' Dipped? What for?' Ever since she had arrived Kim seemed to have been asking endless questions. Just for once she'd like someone to mention something that she knew what they were talking about! ' For ticks. Didn't you notice them on Clover? She's got a lot of them just above her udder.' ' I did wonder what they were,' admitted Kim with a wry look, ' but having asked so many questions today, I thought I'd leave that one for some other time. I didn't like to ask Rafe about something else.' Especially not after the way he'd reacted when she'd said she knew nothing about hens. Raoul gave her a strange look, almost as if he was trying to figure something out. ' Rafe wouldn't mind,' he told her thoughtfully. 'He's always very patient with anything like that. He never loses his temper, not even when you ask him something you should have known in the first place.' Kim couldn't quite agree with this assessment, although to be strictly fair, she had to admit that Rafe hadn't really lost his temper. She decided to revert to their original subject. 'And where is the dip?' she asked. 'Just a few hundred yards down on the right from our place. Didn't you see it as you came over the grid?' She didn't like to say she'd been too busy looking across at the O'Sullivan house to notice anything else, so she answered quickly: * No. I didn't notice them.' At this he caught hold of her arm, moved her closer, and bending his head close to hers pointed towards the main roadway, saying: ' See, they're on the left from here. You can just see them over the

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rise in the hill there.' Following the direction of his outstretched arm, Kim could just make out what appeared to her to be a jumbled collection of rails in the distance. It looked a long way from her place and she asked wonderingly just how she was supposed to get her cattle there. ' Yes, well, I suppose you do have a problem there,' Raoul conceded with a grin at her dismayed countenance.' Joe used to borrow one of our horses and ride down after them, but... say, I know...' he interrupted his own thoughts, ' why don't you borrow my horse like Joe used to do?' Kim didn't like to dampen his pleasure at having solved the problem, but she had no choice.' But I can't ride,' she explained dolefully. ' In truth I've never been on a horse at all.' She didn't also add that she had never in her life even touched one, or that after seeing the ease with which the O'Sullivans rode, she was too ashamed to confess that horses frightened her! It was bad enough with the cows, but at least she stood taller than they did which gave her some slight feeling of control, but she wouldn't even be able to have that consolation with a horse. ' I could give you some lessons,' Raoul now offered enthusiastically. ' After all, the only thing you'd need to know for taking those cows to the dip would be how to sit in the saddle, you wouldn't even have to break into a trot.' Not knowing quite how to avoid his offer, Kim stammered: 'That'serthat's very kind of you, Raoul, butbut I don't think so at the moment, thank you. Maybe later, when I've settled in more,' she added as an excusing afterthought. She would hate him to guess at her real reason and she shuddered at the idea of the sarcasm that Rafe would come out with if he ever knew. ' But it's a long way to walk,' he protested. Kim thought he sounded a little disappointed, but she couldn't accept his offer. She answered gaily, smiling at him: ' That's all right, I don't mind walking. Really! I used to do a lot of it in Sydney and I can have a good look round the countryside as I go.' ' Okay, if you're sure. But if you ever want those lessons, just let me know.' ' I will, thank you, Raoul. Butback to the dipping. Can I take them over at any particular time?' ' My word, no! We all have our alloted times, otherwise there'd be chaos down there trying to sort out everyone's cattle. Joe used to take them down at seven-thirty a.m., so I guess Jack will be expecting you at the same time. Jack Carter's the tick inspector for this area,' he explained on seeing Kim's questioning look at the strange name. ' It's all pretty well organisedFred Robertson, he's your neighbour on the other side, goes first around seven, followed by you, and then we come after you at seven-forty-five. You'll get used to it after you've done it a few times.' A few times?' echoed Kim. 'I thought it was only going to be a once-a year affair.' ' No fear,' answered Raoul with energy. ' They have to be dipped every twenty-one days from October through to February. Once a year wouldn't have any effect at all. And, if you're thinking of selling any of your stock, you have to get a clearance certificate from Jack first or they won't accept them at the sales yards.'

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' Goodness!' Kim exclaimed, wondering what she had let herself in for. ' And what do I do with them once I've managed to get them to the dip?' ' Jack'll take over there for you. He'll have a look over them to see if he can spot any cattle ticksmaybe take a few samples or soand then put them through, and that's all there is to it.' He made it sound all very easy and uncomplicated, but Kim wasn't so sure that it would turn out that way! 'And what if they have got anycattle ticks, I mean?' ' In that case you'll find yourself inundated with tick inspectors and research officers asking all sorts of questions, like where did your cattle come from? How long have you had them? Where have they been grazing?' He grinned at Kim's expression. 'Don't let it worry you, I don't think they've found cattle ticks around this particular area for years. We normally only get a variety of grass ticks, but occasionally we do get some dog ticks.' This last one Kim had heard of, as it was extremely prevalent in those parts of Sydney that had large surrounds of native bushland. It had an unrelenting record of paralysis and death among the many pet animals in that city. Raoul brushed back that lock of hair from his forehead again and settled his hat comfortably. 'Well, if you're sure there's nothing else you'd like me to do I guess I'd better be getting home. What with Mum being away and Mona doing the cooking, it's advisable to be on time for meals.' He gave that slow smile that was so like his brother's, his eyes twinkling. ' She's no great shakes as a cook, is our Mona, and if it's got to be eaten it's best done while it's hot, otherwise it tends to become completely inedible.' ' Oh, poor Mona!' Kim found herself laughingly defending the absent girl. If she only had one of those black iron monstrosities to cook on then she could sympathise only too well with her. ' That's hardly a gentlemanly thing to say, but very brotherly, I suppose,' she conceded with a dry smile. ' Mona doesn't mind,' Raoul told her hastily, ' in fact, she'd be the first to agree with me. I suppose there's still time for improvement as she's only sixteen,' this spoken with the superiority of a further two years, ' but after Mum and Rose's efforts, Mona's attempts are distinctly a let-down.' After Raoul had departed and Kim was storing the fresh milk away in the fridge, she found herself staring anxiously at the amount of milk she was accumulating. There was still three-quarters of the morning's milking still sitting there and she could see that it was going to be some problem in finding ways to use it all. It seemed a crime that she might end up having to throw a lot of it away, but what else could she do? She couldn't possibly drink that much! That night she had another pleasant walk down by the creek in the dusk after tea, although she had to cut it short once she found she was becoming the target for every hungry mosquito in the area. But at least tonight she didn't have to hurry and be in bed by the time the light faded, and she spent a relaxing couple of hours in front of the television, finding that she was actually more interested in the advertisements than the programmes as they induced her to purchase articles and equipment which she had never seen before and which would all be of use to the 'man on the land'. The following morning she awoke to find the sky overcast and a light but continuous rain falling. The far hills were obscured in a fine swirling mist that seemed to emphasise the silence, and for the first time Kim came to realise just how isolated was her position. She had almost finished her breakfast cup of coffee when she first heard the sound of a vehicle approaching and she hurried out on to the verandah to see

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Rick pulling up in the utility. He called out to her through the open window.' I've got some more of your livestock here. I'll just drive it round the back and unload them for you.' It was only then that Kim noticed he had some crates in the back of his vehicle and surmised that they must be the hens that Rafe had spoken of yesterday. She wasn't quite sure what to do with them, but called back easily enough: ' Okay, Rick. I'll just put a coat on and meet you round by the shed.' A few minutes later she had joined Rick by the old hen-house and watched happily as he turned the birds loose in their run where they immediately began scratching and pecking with great fervour at what seemed to Kim to be non-existent objects. With as much resignation as she could muster at once again having to show her ignorance, she enquired what she should feed them and Rick hunted in the store shed until he came across the appropriate sacks and showed her the necessary amounts of feed to give, explaining: ' When they've eaten down all the grass in their run you can let them loose to free-range. They'll go back into the coop to laythat's what Joe used to do with them.' Kim had already decided that she preferred the hens to the cowsthey were so much smaller and more manageablebut she was pleasantly surprised that morning when it came to the milking and she coped infinitely better with Clover than she had on the previous occasions. Maybe she would get the hang of this milking after all! Later in the morning she was surprised to hear the sound of another vehicle pulling up and when she went outside to find out who it might be, discovered a tall, attractive woman in her late twenties helping a small boy out of the back seat of a mud-covered station wagon. When she turned towards Kim it was clearly apparent that she was expecting an addition to her family in the very near future as, with a bright smile and a warm glow in her dark brown eyes, she caught hold of the little boy's hand and they hurried up the steps and on to the verandah out of the rain. 'Hello. I've come to introduce myself,' she said with another smile, 'I'm Rose Gillespie, and,' with a brown hand ruffling the dark red hair of her son, ' this is Jason. My one and only ... at the moment. I thought we'd come over and let you know what's going on around here in the way of entertainmentI expect you'll find things a bit quiet after Sydney.' ' Actually, I'm not, so far,' confessed Kim with a shake of her head after introducing herself.' There's been so much happening, and everything's so new and strange to me that I haven't had time.' Leading the way through into the kitchen, warm from the heat of the darkly glowing stove, and placing the water-filled kettle on the hotplate, she turned to her visitor. ' I must thank you for all the cleaning you did before I arrived. It made moving in so much easier. I hate to think how much work it must have made for you after the place had stood empty for so long.' Rose waved her thanks aside easily. 'Don't worry about it, I was only too pleased to be able to help. I'm just sorry I couldn't have done more in the way of clearing up the garden, but...' she looked down at herself with a wry grin, ' in this condition I find I just have to put limits on myself and I couldn't ask Rafe or Rick because, at the time, they were having quite a lot of trouble with the calving, the twins and Mona were still away at school, and it's only been in the last week or so that conditions have started to return to normal.'

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' Well, I certainly appreciated it,' Kim told her over one shoulder as she took cups and saucers from the dresser and placed them on the table, together with the teapot and a plate of biscuits for which she apologised: 'I'm sorry I haven't any cake to offer you, but,' she spread her hands wide to encompass the old fuel stove, ' I'm not used to one of those and I haven't quite been game enough to try anything out in that line yet.' At this Jason put down the glass of milk he had been drinking from, licking the white froth from his top lip inexpertly, and piped up: ' Mummy's got a cakein the car.' His little freckled snub nose wrinkled appreciatively.' It's got strawbries on it.' Rose gave a dismayed gasp and clapped a hand to her mouth. ' I have too!' she cried. ' I made it especially to bring over and then I go and forget the darned thingthat's what comes of rushing in out of the rain.' She rose from her seat with a grace and energy that was a credit to her in view of her advanced pregnancy. ' I'll just slip out and get itI won't be a moment.' ' Let me get it for you,' Kim broke in quickly. ' Is it in the front or the back?' ' Don't worry, I can get it. As a matter of fact I prefer not to sit for too long at a stretch,' Rose put a hand to her back and her eyebrows rose, ' otherwise I feel as if I'll never be able to get back to my feet.' While his mother was away Jason turned his attention back to his milk until Kim asked him how old he was. ' I'm free,' came the obviously proud answer as he tilted his head to look up at Kim. 'And I look like my daddy.' This was said with such an air of authority that Kim was hard put not to openly smile at his sober sincerity, guessing correctly that it was an observation that young Jason had heard many times in his short life. With his deep auburn hair, light blue eyes and fair skin with its already generous sprinklng of freckles, he obviously hadn't taken after the dark-haired, olive-skinned side of the O'Sullivan family. ' And what does your daddy do? Is he a farmer too?' Jason nodded rapidly. ' He's got a dairy wiv lots of cows. But it's not as big as Uncle Rafe's.' This was said in a very wistful tone, then his eyes widened and he took a deep breath before adding impressively: ' His is 'normous!' ' What's 'normous now, my pet?' enquired his mother as she swept into the room triumphantly holding a cake tin aloft in one hand. ' It's been his favourite word ever since Mona came home from school,' she explained for Kim's benefit. Everything for her is either enormous, fabulous or stupendous! Jason can't quite get his tongue around the last one, but we're getting a lot of 'normous with a few fablous thrown in for good measure.' ' It's amazing the words they pick up, isn't it?' ' And usually it's all those you'd rather they hadn't,' came Rose's laughing answer while she removed the cake from its tin and placed it on the plate that Kim had provided. It was a scrumptious-looking confection; a three-tiered sponge cake that looked as light as a feather and covered with thick mouthwatering cream and dark red luscious-looking whole strawberries. Kim could almost feel her mouth beginning to water!

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Catching her expression, Rose grinned conspiratorially. 'I know it's shockingly fattening, and my doctor would have a coronary on the spot if he could see me, but cream has always been one of my weaknesses. You'd think I would have had a surfeit of it by now, having lived on dairies all my life, but,' she shook her head, her eyes dancing expressively,' I haven't!' Drawing their chairs up to the table, the three of them proceeded to demolish half the cake in a period of time that might have said little for their etiquette, but paid a volume of compliments to the cook. Afterwards, having supplied Jason with his matchbox toys and seeing him engrossed with his game on the front verandah, the two girls came back into the kitchen to enjoy their hot tea. ' I must introduce you to all the young people in the district,' Rose began, 'and that shouldn't be too hardthere's a dance on at the local hall next Friday and everyone, but everyone, turns out for those. They usually hold them about once a month, and though the band may not be up to city standards they play practically non-stop all night and manage to bang out a pretty good rhythm all the same.' 'I'd love to go,' enthused Kim, her blue eyes shining, and rather desperately wanting to find some ground where she could feel she was holding her own amongst these self-assured farmers who knew all there was to know about the land and its foibles. At least on the dance floor she wouldn't be at a disadvantage not like she was when she had to be continually showing her lack of knowledge with anything connected with farming! ' What do I wear? Anything fancy?' she wanted to know. 'Just about anything you like,' Rose quickly put her on the right track.' You'll run the whole gamut of fashions from lounge suits to jeans. Most of the girls wear summer frocksusually the coolest one you own. I warn you, it gets pretty crowded up there some nights, and if it's been a hot day, or a wet one, you'll find yourself thinking you're suffocating for the want of a breath of cool airbut we all thoroughly enjoy ourselves.' She paused for breath before continuing. 'The ladies all take something for suppera cake, or some sandwiches, something like thatbut the hall provides the cups for the tea and they have a fridge well stocked with soft drinks, but the men mostly take their own and if we're not careful they all end up congregating outside drinking beer and discussing anything from the state of the weather to the price of cattle, or whether so-and-so's product actually gets rid of lice like they say it does.' 'It sounds fun and I'm looking forward to it already. Is the hall very far away?' 'No, only a couple of miles on the way to town.' Rose glanced down at her watch and gave a reluctant sigh. 'I'm afraid I'd better be on my way or I'll never have Hugh's lunch ready in time. I have enjoyed meeting you, Kim, and I'll give you a ring between now and then to see how you're making out and to let you know what time we'll pick you up on Friday. I've no doubt you'd rather not face a hall full of strangers on your own. I know I wouldn't.' ' Umm, please,' Kim agreed gratefully, walking out to the verandah with Rose and waiting as Jason collected his toys together carefully and placed them in his miniature suitcase before waving goodbye to them as Rose expertly backed the station wagon around and proceeded down the bumpy track leading to the gate. No sooner had Kim finished her own lunch than the technician from the P.M.G. called to connect the telephone and, in what appeared only a matter of minutes, she had a phone that was usable. Having a connection with what she now termed ' the outside world' made her feel a little less isolatedalthough, to be strictly truthful, she had to admit that since moving in she'd had far more visitors in the space of a couple of days than she would ever have received in the city.

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Directly the technician had gone she resigned herself to the knowledge that if she was expected to help provide the supper at the coming dance, then she had better practise her cake-baking on the combustion stove. If only she had some instructions as to how to operate it! She really was coming to dread every time she had to use the thing. She was no Cordon Bleu, but her cooking was usually quite passable. However, this time her good old standby chocolate cake definitely could not be called a success. It had looked perfectly all right when she removed it from the oven, but once it had been taken from its tin she found the bottom had been baked solid, while the top had promptly collapsed into a gooey mess which had the regrettable resemblance to a puddle of mud.' Disgruntled at the time, effort and ingredients that had gone into the making of such a hideous disaster, she muttered fateful imprecations at the stove as she wrapped the remains in some paper and disposed of it into the merrily licking flamesonly to wish speedily that she hadn't been so impetuous, as the fumes now gave off a shockingly, strong odour of burning food. She was putting away the washed and dried utensils that she had used on the failure when there came a sharp knock on the fly-screen door and, without waiting for an answer, Rafe strode into the room with an ease of movement that was peculiarly his. Without uttering a word he looked at Kim intently, sniffed, then grimaced, and commented dryly: 'Been doing some cooking?' Kim felt humiliated and snapped back quickly: ' Don't be so sarcastic! It's not my fault I've never seen one of those contraptions before. It's archaicgoodness knows how anybody can cook on them!' 'A lot of women swear by them-wouldn't have anything else. But I suppose if you can't cook...' he allowed the sentence to trail off insinuatingly, aware of Kim's rising colour. ' I can cook!' she snapped indignantly.' I just don't know how to work the blessed thing. It only seems to have two temperaturescold or red hotand there's not much you can cook when those are the only two you've got to work with!' He tut-tutted. ' You know what they sayit's a bad workman who blames his tools.' But at her look of heaving resentment, he laughed and relented. ' Would you like me to have a look at it for you?' Kim's first thought after his previous comments was to tell him not to bother, but after an inward struggle common sense prevailed and turning demure blue eyes in his direction she answered meekly: ' Yes, please.' As if he had known exactly what she had been tempted to say, Rafe's lips now quirked approvingly. ' That's better. Never knock back an offer...' he smiled, '... of help.' Kim had to smile in return and watched interestedly when he went down on his haunches in front of the stove and began turning knobs and opening and closing vents. When he was finished he rose to his feet slowly, a thoughtful expression on his face. 'Well, in my opinion,' he began leisurely, and Kim urged, ' Go on, go on,' thinking he was about to confirm her own thoughts on the matter. ' In my opinion, you must have a heavy hand on the controls.' He grinned exasperatingly. 'There's nothing wrong with it that I can see.' ' But there must be! It surely can't all be me!'

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His dark brows rose sardonically. 'Why not? Are you that good?' ' No, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I couldn't have that heavy a hand. Could I?' Kim disclaimed ruefully. He took one of her slim hands with his own, turning it over and carefully inspecting the soft skin. ' I wouldn't have thought so,' he owned, smoothing a long forefinger over her palm and giving her icy shivers down her spine, ' but I do know from personal experience that it throws a pretty mean bucket.' His eyes were gleaming with devilry as he watched the attractive face turned to his colour embarrassedly before Kim precipitately dragged her hand from his grasp. With Rafe in a mood like this she felt almost claustrophobic standing so close to him and in an effort to get the situation back on to a more stable footing, she turned and rummaged in the cupboard before turning back to him, the milking bucket already in her hand, and said hurriedly: ' I mustn't hold you upI know how busy you must be and I'm only too grateful for you sending someone up to help me each time.' She paused for breath and then rushed on: ' But I think I should be able to manage on my own from now on, thank you.' With his eyes an intense green, Rafe watched her closely, his hands thrust into the back pockets of his jeans. 'Independent little thing, aren't you?' he drawled slowly. ' From the number of times that you've told me how busy I must be, I'll soon start feeling guilty for not being busier than I actually am. As for you being able to manage on your own,' his mouth curved, mockingly, she thought, ' even though Rick was telling me at lunch that you did very well this morning, I hardly think those small hands of yours are, as yet, conditioned enough to strip Clover right out.' Indecision was written plainly across Kim's faceone half of her telling her that it would be better for her peace of mind if Rafe wasn't such a regular visitor, the other half telling her that she wanted him to come; that she had never felt such an attraction as she did for this dynamic man. And to think that it was only a few short months ago that Patsy had been complaining that she was too successful in keeping her emotions under control! Well, that was something she'd not been able to do ever since her first meeting with Rafe O'Sullivan. If only Patsy could see her now, she would never credit the change in her friend. ' Shall we put it to the test?' Rafe interrupted her thoughts. ' II beg your pardon?' Kim stammered vaguely, not quite out of her musings. Then it came to her. He was talking about her milking Clover by herself. ' Oh! Oh, yes,' she agreed faintly, then with more spirit as she looked at him determinedly, 'And you'll see that I'm right.' 'You think so?' was his only comment as he followed her from the kitchen, across the now soggy grass, to the bails and the waiting cow. Clover wasn't waiting to be called these days. Resolved to show him that she didn't need help, she set to with a seriousness that put creases in her smooth brow as she laid it against the wet hide in front of her and tried to will her hands and wrists to stand the pressure. But after ten minutes, during which she could see that the flow of milk was steadily becoming slower, some of her fingers had pins and needles while one forefinger was decidedly numb. Her wrists and arms ached leadenly and, in spite of the coolness of the day, there were beads of perspiration appearing at her temples as a result of her tenacious effort. Without warning she felt hard hands grip on either side of her waist and she was lifted bodily from the

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stool with a simplification that left her gasping, and planted on her feet, none too gently, some distance away. With only a narrowed, angry gaze as an explanation for his treatment, Rafe seated himself on the stool that Kim had left so expeditiously a moment earlier, and continued the milking. Clover munched contentedly on. Left standing, with nothing to do but watch, she stretched her aching arms and flexed her cramped fingers experimentally. She really wouldn't have been surprised if she couldn't have moved them at all! But as each further minute passed she could feel her temper rising at Rafe's high-handed usage and she took a couple of deep breaths in order to keep it under control. With his back to her and his head turned away, she felt an almost overwhelming desire to hit out at himanything to disturb that self-assured complacency! Hardly had he finished and sent Clover on her way than Kim spoke up, unable to keep silent any longer, and now that her fingers had returned to normal completely banishing from her mind the numbness they had experienced such a short time ago. ' I could have done it,' she flared, hands clenched into fists at her sides, her breasts heaving against the thin material of her shirt.' I could have finished it!' His eyes travelled slowly over the small quivering figure in front of him, his face inscrutable, his expression cold. ' Sure you could, honey,' he taunted ruthlessly.' But as you're so fond of sayingI do have some work to do, and I'm not likely to get it finished if I have to stay here half the day watching you do something that, should only take fifteen minutes at the most, just because you've taken it into your head to prove how self-sufficient you are!' Tight-lipped, he brushed past her, heading towards the house with a long ground-covering stride that soon left her behind, the milk bucket hanging loosely from one large hand. Knowing that if she wanted to say anything more on the subject she was going to have to catch up with him, Kim let-out an angry breath and started to run, only stopping when she reached Rafe's side to dart in front of him and stand in his path, her feet slightly apart and her hands on her hips. She tossed her head at him defiantly, uncaring that it had begun to rain again, quite heavily this time, and that her clothes were starting to get wet. 'And what's wrong with wanting to be independent?' she demanded imperiously, her eyes daring him to contradict her. ' I'm sure you are! I bet you never ask for help from anyone, but you expect me to. You expect me to bow down to your every command, just because you say so!' Suddenly he laughed, a deep amused sound.' Now that would be something to see!' 'And don't laugh at me, Rafe O'Sullivan, or I'llI'll slap your face!' Kim declared incautiously. ' I don't think so, honey,' he spoke the words slowly, deliberately, ' because we both know who'd come off worst from an encounter like that, don't we?' ' You mean you'd hit me back?' She couldn't keep the surprise from her voice. He rubbed a hand round the back of his neck and gave an exasperated sigh. 'That wasn't what I said. And if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not stand out here catching pneumonia, even if theerview is decidedly appealing.'

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Taken unawares, Kim glanced down at her clothing and saw that, in truth, it was very revealing the way her shirt was plastered to her curving figure, and she mouthed a small ' Oh!' of embarrassment as she turned on her heel and marched in front of him towards the house, her back stiff and haughty. She could sense him close behind her and angling him a quick glance from the corner of her eye she decided that she wasn't going to allow him to have the last word. 'I could have finished the milking, you know,' she told him stubbornly. ' Kim ...' the word hung in the air like a rifle shot until a hand deep in her hair swung her around to face him and that well-shaped mouth came down on hers, hard and commanding, taking her breath away for the short time it lingered, '... shut up!' Immediately she was free Kim sped into the house, keeping her gaze averted from Rafe when he followed her into the kitchen and stood the bucket in the middle of the table. If he had wanted her quiet, then he had chosen the most effective way of achieving it. Leaning indolently against the dresser, he watched silently while Kim hurried about putting the milk away, her eyes flicking away quickly whenever he chanced to come into her vision. She wasn't quite sure why a kiss should affect her somaking her insistently aware of the rapid beating of her heart and a wilting feeling in the region of her knees. It wasn't as if she'd never been kissed before, and she was annoyed with herself for letting Rafe see that it had affected her at all. As she closed the door of the fridge his long, lithe body came into her range again and she started with confusion when his warm hand caught at one of her own. The smile he gave her was filled with a masculine knowledge that she could only guess at hazily. 'Come on, sweetheart,' he invited, pulling her towards the front verandah. ' I've got something for you.' ' For me?' ' Uh-huh. Don't look so worried, it won't bite. At least, I don't think it will.' At that a frown crossed her face, but when she glanced at him he only gave her that slow, lazy smile that had such a calamitous result upon her nervous system and she looked away again quickly. Rafe left her standing on the verandah while he hurried across to the ute, bending his head low against the now teeming rain, to open the door. With a sharp yelp of pleasure a small, furry bundle hurled itself uncaringly into the shower where it ran around undecidedly for a few moments before espying the dry verandah, whereupon it proceeded to launch itself at the front steps with more courage than ability and finally came to rest licking, with a wet and sticky pink tongue, the bare skin of Kim's ankles that showed beneath the hem of her jeans. With a cry of delight, she bent and picked up the sandy-coloured little puppy and hugged him close in her arms. 'Oh, he's gorgeous, Rafe! Is he really for me?' she smiled up at the man again standing beside her who was shaking the rain from his hair. ' That's right. I told you this was no place for a young girl to be living on her own. So he's for company and, when he's older, protection. He should make a good watchdog.' She gave him a mischievous look from under her dark lashes. ' Well, I can't really agree with you for those reasons, but I love him already just the same. How old is he?'

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'Three months.' A look of laughter crept into his eyes and his mouth tilted. ' I suppose you have had a dog before. You do know how to feed one of those!' Kim buried her face in the soft, slightly damp fur of the wriggling little body in her arms. 'Actually, no, I haven't,' she confessed in muffled tones, but added with a happy smile, ' although I have seen enough ads on TV to have a general idea of the dog foods available, and,' came the sudden pleased thought, ' he can have as much milk as he can drink. Does he have a name, by the way?' 'Not yetthat's your department,' Rafe answered lightly, making for the steps and the waiting ute. 'Rafe!' Kim called after him urgently, and at his look of enquiry, ' I haven't thanked you properly for him yet. I...' She broke off what she had been about to say when she saw the audacious glance he cast in her direction and he murmured provokingly: ' Remind me at the dance on Friday.' Not on your life! Not after that disturbing look he had sent her. Rafe O'Sullivan was coming to have too great an influence on her life altogether. If she wasn't careful she could see the day coming when she would have no defence whatsoever against his brand of persuasive havoc. This afternoon, for example she'd gone all lightheaded and nervous after one brief kiss, and it wasn't even as though it had meant anything to Rafehe'd only been indulging himself in a brief moment of amusement at her expense. No, she definitely would not be reminding Mr O'Sullivan on Friday that she owed him her thanks for his gift! Slamming the door of the ute behind him, Rafe put his head through the open window to adjure: ' Don't forget the dipping tomorrow, Kim. Seven-thirty. Okay?' She nodded her head dolefully; she really wasn't looking forward to her first attempt at herding cows, especially if it was still raining, and only hoped that, as the cows had been there before, they at least knew what they were supposed to be doing. By this time the small bundle in her arms was squirming in an effort to be free so, having seen Rafe drive off with a casual wave, she set the pup down and he trotted happily after her when she made her way through the house. In the kitchen she took down a bowl, filled it with thick, creamy milk and stood it in one corner. After the first exploratory sniff and lick, her new household addition set to with a will that belied the fact that he had only been fed a few hours before, not stopping until the bowl had been well and truly cleared. The rain was still steadily drumming on the roof and spilling over the gutters in many places when Kim donned her coat and pretty rainhat and calling to the puppy to follow her, dashed towards the hen house so that she could feed them and collect the eggs. Thinking this was some new game, the puppy lolloped along behind her on his gangling legs, at times almost tripping over his own feet, but clearly enjoying the romp. Kim was thrilled to find that she had half a dozen lovely brown eggs awaiting her in the nests, and having thrown out the amount of wheat that Rick had shown her, once more hurried back through the rain with her bounty. She took off her hat and coat by the door, shaking the rain from them before going down on her haunches beside the puppy and fondling one silky little ear. 'I know what I'll call you,' she told him excitedly. 'I'll call you Bounty. Because you're just like these

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eggs .here, you're a benefit from having moved out of the city.' Although he obviously hadn't understood a word of what Kim had said, it was just as obvious that Bounty had approved of the tone in which she had said it, for he promptly gave her fingers a sloppy lick and handsomely showered her with whatever water he could dislodge from his fur. With a laugh Kim held open the door for him and taking it as his due Bounty padded into the room and rapidly proceeded to curl himself up in the most comfortable place in the room, the mat in front of the stove, while his new mistress busily began preparing them both a meal.

Kim was up early again next morning and dressed in her usual jeans and a checked cotton top; pleased to find that the rain had stopped during the night and that the sun was bright and clear in the sky overhead and that puffs of white cloud were the only reminders of the miserable weather of the day before." She hurried through her own breakfast and gave some milk and cereal to Bounty before shooing him outside while she tidied up. Not expecting callers at that hour, she nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a sudden knock on the back door and Rick pushed his head in. ' Got the bucket, Kim? I won't come in, love, my boots are in a mess. The ground outside is a soggy mire, but I thought I'd better milk Clover for you before she's dipped.' Cutting short her thanks, he explained: ' I'm in a bit of a rush, love. The twins did the milking this morning and Rafe and I are doing the dipping, so I'll just do the milking and run, if you don't mind? Don't come out with me, I'll be quicker without you there to distract me,' he teased her with a smile and a wink as she went to change her shoes after handing him the bucket. The door slammed shut again and Kim was left feeling quite out of breath after Rick's rush. She smiled to herself at the easy way in which the O'Sullivans used casual endearments. It really wouldn't do for a girl to take them at face value! Hardly had she had time to change into a pair of stout walking shoesif it was as muddy as Rick implied then she'd better add a pair of boots to her shopping listthan he was back with a brimming bucket. At his, ' Would you like me to give you a hand to take your stock down?' she put on a brave front, knowing that he had plenty of his own work to do this morning and that Rafe was no doubt chafing at the bit for his return. She replied cheerfully, but her smile was a little forced.' No, I'll be okay, Rick, thanks. I'm rather looking forward to it, as a matter of fact.' That was a downright lie if ever there was one! Rick, however, took it as said. ' Good girl,' he approved. 'There's really nothing to it, except that it takes time.' Kim didn't give voice to the grimace she felt inside. There might be nothing to it for those who had been bred on the land, but having just come from the city it was looming large on her horizon like some giant obstacle course. Perhaps it would be easier than she was expecting, but at the moment, she couldn't convince herself of this fact! Some time later, having given vent to a despairing sigh, she knew that if she didn't set off soon she would have no hope of reaching the yards by her allotted time. She couldn't put it off any longer! So, calling Bounty to her side, she started tramping across the paddock to where the furthest cow was grazing. As they drew near Bounty gave a few sharp barks then sat back on his rump to watch Kim do

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the work. Having first got the lumbering cow setting off in the wrong direction after a lot of shouting and hand-waving, Kim rushed to cut her off and finally had her heading towards the rest of her small herd. Pleased with his mistress's efforts, Bounty came bounding towards her to congratulate her by jumping up and down on her legs. She gave him a bright smile, feeling rather pleased with herself as they neared the rest of the cows, which, though they looked doubtful at the first glance, grudgingly turned and began walking in front of her towards the boundary gate, which, she noticed, Rick had helpfully left open. With a grin of sheer pleasure she bent and fondled Bounty's headit wasn't going to be so bad after all! Once through the gate the herd turned the right way of their own accord with Kim and Bounty following happily behind. It was a glorious day and the sun shone down on Kim's head, turning her hair to sparkling copper, the curling ends to gleaming fire. It was a morning to make one feel glad to be alive and she quickened her pace to make sure she wasn't late. The track was badly rutted and extremely slushy in places ' after the rain so that she had to watch where she was putting her feet, but she took great pleasure in looking around her at the gently rolling green hills. The grass had taken on a deeper colour and flashed with an icy glitter where the sun slanted its rays across the droplets of water still clinging to the long blades. The trees had a 'just washed' look as they stretched heavy branches towards the blue sky, and lorikeets with their predominantly green feathers, but generously splashed with purple, blue, crimson and orange, flew in chattering flocks from tree to tree. By the time the yards came into view Kim was astonished mat it had taken such a short time, but perhaps that had been because of the interest she had taken in her surroundings and she hadn't noticed the time passing. With relief she saw that no other cattle were presenthaving got her own moving she wasn't any too sure that she could stop them on command. Jack Carter, the tick inspector, came out and introduced himself and while they stood talking his cattle dog, a dark red-coated animal with the pricked ears of a fox and glittering yellow-hazel eyes, made a few darting runs around Kim's cattle, accompanied by directing barks, and had the herd milling in the mustering yard in a few minutes. It was fascinating this first time for Kim, watching Jack apparently no one in the country used surnamesinspecting her stock while they stood one behind the other in the dip race, and forcing them one by one. to jump into the murky grey water to emerge the other side with dirty-looking hides that gradually began to steam when the sun's rays penetrated them. All this time Bounty had stayed close to Kim's heels, whether from a desire to be obedient or from plain fear of the loudly indignant cattle, Kim wasn't sure, but he was very pleased to be on the move again once she had said her farewells to Jackwith his reminder that he would see her again in three weeks' time and the stock were headed back for home at a trot that plainly showed their desire to be gone from the yards. They had only travelled a couple of hundred yards over the first rolling hill before Bounty had recovered his customary buoyancy and was making his normal forays into the bushes alongside the track in an effort to find something of interest. Finding nothing to fascinate him in this way, he sized up the now quiet cattle consideringly and decided he would emulate the dog he had just seen and have a good game on the way home. Whereas the cattle dog had known what he was about and had been carefuly taught the correct way to round up cattle with as little fuss and energy as possible, Bounty now threw caution to the winds and galloped straight into the middle of the ungainly cows, barking delightedly and deciding that one small calf near the front looked the best bet for a playmate. The calf didn't reciprocate his feelings, however,

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and after one terrified look Bounty's way, kicked its heels high in the air and broke into a run, causing the rest of them to panic as they sought to escape from the noisy little bundle that insisted on jumping at them. With a gasp of dismay Kim began to run too, only to find that she was being outdistanced with every step she took, and it was only when he had finally exhausted himself by scattering the herd in all directions across the O'Sullivans' paddock that Bounty obligingly, lay down, his tongue hanging out pantingly, and waited for her to catch up to him. By the time she did so she wasn't in a very good frame of mind. She was hot and stickythe air being very humid as the sun vaporized the day before's rainfalland for his efforts she gave Bounty a sharp slap on his rump. His small pleased expression died and turned dismal, making Kim feel a distinct spoilsport, whereupon she picked him up in her arms and gave him a consoling hug. 'You'll never train him that way,' said a young voice from somewhere behind her in an amused tone. Kim whirled, surprised. She hadn't heard anybody approaching, but she found herself looking at another dark-haired, grey-eyed member of the O'Sullivan family, whom she surmised could only be the twin she hadn't as yet metRuy. This proved to be correct when he introduced himself, easing forward in the saddle on a gleaming grey horse, making the girth leather creak and the bridle jingle, and pushing the inevitable stockman's hat to the back of his head. ' And what did you mean when you said, " I'll never train him that way ",' she enquired quizzically, brushing some clinging curls from her damp forehead. Ruy gave a shrug of broad shoulders. 'You can't slap him and then hug him. He'll never know what he's not allowed to do that way, and if you let him get into the habit of chasing cattle you'll find, in time, that it's well nigh impossible to break him of itunless you want to keep him chained all day.' ' Oh, no, I couldn't do that. That's cruel!' 'It's cruel to let him chase your cows too. They're not the most surefooted creatures and they could easily go down with a broken leg. Also, once he's older and starts to roam more, he'll start on everybody else's cattle, and,' a hint of a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, giving Kim cause to wonder whether he was of as serious a mind as his words implied, 'you could have any number of irate neighbours pounding on your front door demanding his head.' Heaven forbid! Kim's eyes widened with anxiety at the thought. She could just imagine what Rafe would have to say if he ever found Bounty chasing his cattle! She shuddered to think of it! ' However,' Ruy gave an infectious grin, ' in the meantime,' gathering up the reins in one hand with the expertise of long use, ' would you like me to round them up for you?' He nodded his head towards her scattered herd. ' Would you? I would be grateful.' She shaded her eyes from the glare with a slim hand as she looked upwards at Ruy with an appreciative smile. 'I don't fancy doing it on foot in this weatherit's too hot!' ' You should get yourself a horse. That would make it a lot easier for you.' ' Uh-uh!' Kim shook her head.' I've got enough livestock now that I can't handle. I can do without another one.' Definitely she would not be getting a horse!

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With an acknowledging smile Ruy settled his hat forward, kicked his heels to the horse's sides and moved off across the paddock. Kim, keeping a close eye on Bounty's whereabouts, led the way back to the boundary gate. Watching how easily Ruy herded the cattle together and through the gateway on to her own property with the aid of a horse beneath him made her realise how useful they were on a farm, but even so, she couldn't foresee the day when she could bring herself to actually mount one. Ruy refused her offer of a drink, saying that he was wanted back at the house, and after he had gone she walked to the house, slowly now that the sun was climbing steadily into the sky and was burning its way through the thin material of her top and into the skin of her back. It was going to be an extremely hot day! Inside, she gave Bounty another large bowl of milk, glad to see a way of usefully disposing of her tremendous excess at last, and poured herself a long cool drink of lemonade. With a start she realised that her phone was ringing. She had forgotten completely about it being re-connected. Placing her glass on the table, she hurried through to the small, dim, lounge room. ' Hello, Kim? It's Rose here,' a voice said once Kim had lifted the receiver. ' How did you go with the dipping this morning? Okay?' ' Not too badly,' Kim replied, ' at least, not until we were on our way home again.' ' Why? What happened?' She laughed, remembering Bounty's joyous delight, and explained to Rose what had occurred. Rose chuckled. ' Never mind, he'll grow, out of it, I expect. What I really rang about is whether...' her voice became agitated, ' oh, hang on for a minute, Kim, will you? Jason's got hold of a ...' the phone went quiet and then Kim could hear, ' JasonMummy'll get that for ...' Rose's voice became clear again and she laughed, ' Too late! At his age his aim's none too accurate and instead of pouring his drink into- his mug we now have it all over the floor.' She laughed again, giving Kim the impression that Rose took this sort of accident all in her stride. '... Now where was I? Ah, yes. I wanted to check that you were still in favour of going to the dance tomorrow night,' and when Kim answered enthusiastically in the affirmative, she continued, ' well, Hugh and X will pick you up about a quarter to eight. That okay with you? Or we can leave it till later if that doesn't suit. Hugh's mother always looks after Jason for usshe loves the chance to have him to herself for a whileso there's no problem there.' ' No, a quarter to eight will be fine, Rose. As long as you're sure I'm not taking you out of your way by calling for me?' 'Of course you're not. We're only on the other side of the family's property, so we have to go right past the end of your track in any case. And even if we didn't have to, it would still be no bother to call in. A lot of us pick up others on the way saves having to take too many carsthe parking area isn't that large and we can get more in this way.' ' In that case, I'll be ready and waiting when you arrive.' ' Right, that's settled. We'll see you then, Kim. I'd better go now and clean up Jason's mess before he tramps it all through the house. 'Bye for now.' With a disconsolate sigh, Kim replaced the phone and went back to the kitchen and stared long and hard at the stove complacently commandeering a large area of room space. She supposed she would have to have another try at making some sort of cake to take with her to the dance, but she really didn't

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fancy itit was so disheartening when she just couldn't seem to set the temperature properly. Oh, well, if it didn't turn out she could always buy a cake in town tomorrow. She would have to go in to stock up on her groceries in any case for the weekend, and the tyre still needed repairing and her list of necessaries was growing daily. Putting Bounty outside to give herself a clear go, she began with a look of concentrated determination on her face, but an hour later she sat facing another dismal failure. Perhaps it wasn't quite as bad as her previous attempt, she tried to cheer herself weakly, but there was no way in the world that she'd be taking that effort to the hall! Oh, well, tomorrow was another day she only hoped that they sold a nice selection in town.


Friday morning dawned to brilliant sunshine again and Kim was thrilled to see that she had at last reached the stage where she had almost finished the milking before Raoul arrived to help her. He took over to finish stripping Clover, but Kim was sure it would only be a short time now before she could manage completely on her own. Raoul didn't stay for long when he found that Kim planned to drive into town that morning and by eight-thirty she was dressed in a cool lavender and white candy-striped cotton shift with a square-cut yoke, her feet in open white sandals and her hair caught into curly bunches on either side of her head in order to let some air reach the nape of her neck. As she reversed the car and prepared to drive off she could see Bounty sitting on the verandah looking miserably at the departing car but, thank heavens, he didn't try to follow her. There was a lovely early morning breeze blowing through die vehicle as Kim bumped and lurched her way along the track and then more enjoyably joined the surfaced roadway to Lismore. It was only a short journey and by arriving early she found a parking space without too much trouble after having first dropped off her punctured tyre for repairing. Coming from the city as she had, she automatically made sure that all the windows were up and the doors locked before she left the car, but was surprised to see, when she began walking down the street, that all the other cars already parked appeared to have their windows open and the doors unlocked. It wasn't until she returned to her own vehicle with her first load of purchases that she realised why. When she opened her own door the blast of hot air that reached out to her was suffocating, and she came to understand that with the temperatures that were reached in this part of the State, it just wasn't realistic to shut up a car completely, especially during the summer months.

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For the rest of the morning Kim spent her time leisurely, window-shopping and discovering her way around the town, which she found was a lot larger than she had expected. With the typical reaction of a Sydneysider, she had been inclined to dismiss all towns outside the metropolitan area as not worth bothering about, but the boutiques were up-to-date with their fashions, the general shops were bright and cheery and. so were the helpful assistants. She had her lunch in a small quiet coffee shop overlooking the Richmond River and couldn't for the life of her comprehend how that sluggishly moving body of water, which, at the moment, must have been at least some twenty feet below the top of its banks, could possibly flood into the town with the ease with which it apparently did, for it was common knowledge that Lismore flooded just about once, at least, every year. On that sunny early summer's day, as the sun shimmered and danced carelessly off the tiny waving ripples, it didn't seem feasible. Glancing at the small watch encircling her tanned wrist, Kim noted that the time was moving on and she made her way back to her car, purchasing an appetising apple cake and a peppermint frosted chocolate chip cake as she did so; collected her groceries at the supermarket's drive-in pick-up section and her tyre from the service station, and then drove home. Bounty's welcome when she got out of the car was exuberant in the extreme and his little claws scratched at her legs unmercifully as he jumped at her in his endeavours to show her how pleased he was to see her again. Once the car was unloaded and her purchases put away, Kim went to her wardrobe to select a dress to wear to the dance that night, and after some considerable thought finally decided upon an eye-catching printed organza in swirls of blue and. green that was both cool and comfortable to wear. She found she was becoming unconsciously excited about the coming evening's entertainment and, although the image of Rafe's heart-leaping smile kept appearing in her mind, she deliberately tried to set it aside and dismiss it as the cause of the unwarranted quickening of her senses. After all, it was only just a dance at the local hall a meeting place where she could get to know a few more of her neighbours and have an enjoyable evening at the same time. Nothing more! She would be all sorts of a fool if she tried to imagine that it might be anything else! With these ideas in mind she hurried through the feeding of the hens and Bounty, and was again part way through the milking when Rick put in his appearance. He was very approving of the progress she had made and reckoned that they'd make a country girl of her yet. Kim had to smile at this. It wasn't that she didn't want to become one, rather it was that she didn't think she was capable, there was so much that she would have to learn. With a, ' I'll see you up at the hall, Kim, and don't forget to save me a few dances,' Rick was away as quickly as he had come and she was left to get on with her own preparations, The sun that had been so brilliant all day was just beginning to fade and turn the horizon a dusky pink when she began running her bath after tea, and although the tap was giving queer choking and spluttering noises towards the end, and the water seemed a trifle murky, she didn't give it another thought as she slid into the warm, relaxing depths of the old-fashioned bath. It was getting late and she didn't want to keep Rose and her husband waiting when they called for her. She was putting the finishing touches to her make-up and adding an extra coat of a light pink lipstick when she heard the car pulling up outside and, rushing out onto the verandah, called out hurriedly: ' I'll just get my bag and the goodies and I'll be...' Her voice trailed off in amazement when she saw Rafe

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appear out of the darkness surrounding the car and into the ray of light shining from the front doorwaya Rafe who looked too masculine and potentially dangerous for any girl's peace of mind in a pair of tan pants that hugged at slim hips and a creamy white silk knitted short-sleeved shirt, open at the neck to reveal with startling clarity a length of strong brown neck. Kim peered past him into the night. ' Where's Rose?' she enquired, trying to keep her voice light even as she felt her nerves start to tingle. ' Isn't she coming?' Rafe took his time in answering, scrutinising her appearance slowly and deliberately with a narrowed look, but whatever he was thinking wasn't apparent in his voice when he replied in his own easy, inimitable way. 'I'm deputising,' he drawled slowly, making Kim wonder if by chance it had been his own idea. ' Hugh had trouble with a cow calving late this afternoon, so Rose asked me to step into the breach and escort you to the hall. They'll be along later.' So that puts you right back in your place, my girl! You're an idiot if you think Rafe O'Sullivan has any other interest in you, apart from the fact that you happen to be living on a certain twenty acres he wants to get his hands on. If he could get hold of those he wouldn't be paying any special attention, to you you can bet your life he's not pushed to find a female willing to keep him company! She roused herself from these disquieting thoughts and hunched her shoulders in a depreciatory gesture. ' Oh, I see. Well, I'merI'm sorry if it's put you out at all. If you'd rung and let me know I could have driven myself up there.' 'You mean you wouldn't have gone at all, don't you,' he taunted lazily, almost as if he could read her mind, ' and that would have been a pity. You look very...' he paused significantly, '... alluring. I wonder what sort of a sensation you'll cause amongst the males present tonight?' 'None at all, I expect,' Kim snapped, unable to keep her quivering nerves under control. 'I wasn't intending to cause a sensation. After all, I haven't wrought any havoc to your emotions, so why should I to anyone else's?' Bitterly regretting her choice of words, she spun around and headed down the hallway, followed by Rafe's genuinely amused laughter. That hadn't been a very bright comment to makeif she wasn't careful she could end up with a reaction from him that wouldn't be to her liking. She gave herself time to recover a little of her equilibrium before gathering up her two cake-filled tins and resignedly walking back to the verandah and her ' escort'. She made no attempt to indulge in any light conversation on the way to the hall but sat in silent contemplation of the ribbon of roadway that snaked before them in the gleam of the headlights, her hands held tightly together in her lap. Apparently Rafe felt no need for speech either, and she could only suppose that it was because he would rather have been escorting someone quite different. After a few miles they turned off the main road to town on to a smaller roadway and in a matter of minutes were turning in through a narrow gateway set in a fence of brightly painted wrought iron that surrounded the rather imposing white-painted-building. Obviously they weren't amongst the first to arrive as the small grounds were rapidly filling with a variety of vehicles and people were making their way towards the large open doorways of the hall in twos and threes as well as larger groups. As Rafe opened her door for her Kim could feel butterflies jumping nervously in her stomach at the

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thought of meeting so many strangers, and it was with an indolence that was completely foreign to her nature that she retrieved her offerings from the back seat of the car before giving a small laugh and tritely remarking on the unexpected size of the building. Rafe leant his dark head low, his eyes a darker green than Kim had ever seen them as the moonlight failed to penetrate the luxuriant fronds of the palm tree under which they had parked. 'The quicker you get it over with, the less nerve-racking it will be,' he murmured reassuringly, 'and then you can get back to being your normal bewitching self,' he added with a hint of tantalising mockery to his tone. Kim cast him an indignant glance but forbore from answering him in kind. With his being the only familiar face in sight, she didn't feel like alienating him at this juncture by picking a quarrel and being left to enter the hall entirely on her own as she suspected might happen. With a sinewy brown arm thrown casually across her shoulders, of which she was only too aware, Rafe shepherded her across the grass and up the low concrete steps into the mingling crowd congregated in the brilliantly lit entry. Noticing a newcomer in their midst, some of the crowd turned to Rafe expectantly, offering greetings to which he replied informally before introducing Kim to the Robertsons, the Slaters, the Maxwells, the Hintons, and many, many more, until her head was spinning with names and faces that refused to make the right connections in her mind. She shook her head wonderingly and said in an aside to Rafe: ' I'll never remember them all. Do they all live around here?' He gave a nod and an understanding grin.' You'll get to know them all in time. After a few more of these get-togethers you'll be able to put faces to namesthey won't be expecting you to remember them all straight away;' ' I'm glad of that,' she put in a heartfelt sigh, ' otherwise they would have been very disappointed.' By now they had managed to make their way across the hall floor to a doorway set in the middle of one long wall which led into the kitchen. This was a long, somewhat narrow room that ran the entire length of the hall and which was set with long , trestle tables and form seats, while at the end nearest the door there were cupboards containing china and glassware and cutlery, an electric stove of uncertain vintage, a stainless steel sink and a huge hot water urn. The cupboards were quickly becoming piled high with cake tins and containers together with napkin-covered baskets filled with the evening's offerings, and Kim deposited her tins along with the others. Once more back into the hall itself with Rafe's arm again provocatively holding her close to his side, she took stock of her surroundings. The building was entirely made of wood; the inside walls and even the ceiling made of close-fitting painted pale green lining boards, which formed a complicated but attractive design on the roof. The large windows were set high in the walls, while down the furthest end there was a small raised stage upon which there stood a rather worse-for-wear piano. On one wall there was a large, highly polished Honour Roll with gold lettering, complete with scrollwork and painted flags, naming those from the area who had given their lives in the two world wars, and overall from a position high above the entry doorway looked down a benign portrait of the Queen. The floor space was becoming more and more congested as groups came in calling greetings and

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stopping to speak to friends and acquaintances, and the children congregated in laughing, whispering huddles. There were chairs and benches lining the walls, and it was to these that Rafe finally managed to usher Kim after having been greeted and stopped at least a dozen times in their effort to cross the floor area. Kim's gaze took in the whole scene, noticing Rick talking to a young brunette in a coral-tinted dress who appeared to be hanging on his every word as if it were a revelation, and the twins together with some four or five other young men of their own age who were obviously casting their lively eyes over the female members of the assembly. Feeling safe and secure with Rafe's presence close beside her, Kim let her eyes wander on, seeing the members of the band now move on to the stage and begin tuning their instruments, until she was rudely brought back to the realisation that Rafe had only undertaken to be her escort at Rose's request and not from choice, when a young girl in a pretty dress of blue and white georgette came across and asked to be introduced. Rafe having acceded to her request, Kim found herself studying the face of Beth Turner with interest. This was the girl Rick had mentioned. She estimated Beth's age to be around her own, perhaps a little younger. Her face was attractive through animation rather than prettiness, although she had beautiful long, silky light brown hair which brushed her shoulders jauntily. Her eyes were a warm hazel, but her mouth was her best feature, with its curving corners and implicit expressions. At the moment her mouth was smiling at Kim with engaging candour as, with her arm tucked confidently around Rafe's, she asked: ' And how do you like living way up here, Kim? A bit different from the city, isn't it?' Kim answered her questions in a friendly tone, including those that Beth made regarding what she did for a living, whereabouts she had lived in Sydney and why she had decided to come north to livealthough she could feel her cheeks grow warm as she encountered Rafe's laconic twist of the lips when she replied to the last one. Now the hall was full of chatter and laughter and it took a little time for the multitude to realise that the band had begun playing in earnest, but it wasn't long before the groups that were only standing to talk moved away from the dance area and allowed the more energetic of their number to begin the dancing. In a matter of moments the floor was once again full, this time with couples enjoying the first dance of the evening, but Kim now felt embarrassed, sure that Rafe would prefer to be dancing with Beth rather than sitting on the sidelines, and it was with relief that she saw Rose threading her way between the dancers in their direction. No sooner had she said her ' Helios,' and apologised for not being able to call for Kim than Beth jumped to her feet, pulling at Rafe's hand. ' Come on, Rafe. Come and dance with me,' she exhorted. With an indulgent smile at Beth's request Rafe excused himself to the other two girlsconfirming Kim's previous thoughts --and followed Beth into the moving throng. Rose's eyes followed them fondly. 'She's mad about himalways has been,' she murmured quietly to Kim. 'Ever since she was in school it's been the same.' Kim gave the smile that was expected of her and forced herself to ask evenly: ' And does Rafe feel the same way about her? Or is it all one-sided?' She found she was holding her breath waiting for a reply, but Rose only shrugged her shoulders and laughed. ' Your guess is as good as mine. Rafe's always been a cool one when it comes to girl-friends. I

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do know he's been seeing quite a lot of her lately, but then I also know he's been seeing one or two others as well.' She smiled again. ' He'll be a hard one for any girl to tic down. In fact, I'm beginning to think he's a confirmed bachelor.' Her next words were wry. 'That's the trouble with good-looking men. They manage to get what they want from women without having to resort to marriage. Dreadful, isn't it? Although I think I blame our own sex for that. If we didn't all fall over ourselves for some attention directly a handsome male appears on the horizon, then they'd have to conform with the rest of us, wouldn't they?' Kim couldn't refute this argument, but with her feelings as confused as they were over Rafe O'Sullivan, it cost her quite some effort to laughingly agree. Especially since she was mentally pushing the points home. He's a confirmed bachelor! He doesn't have to resort to marriage! Forget him, Kim Forsythe! He's trouble with a capital T! What was it that they used to say in days gone by? Oh, yes... gird your loins.' She only just saved herself from laughing out loud. The expression might have gone out of date, but maybe the sentiment hadn't. Something of the old tried and true recipes, perhaps? Suddenly Rose raised a hand and beckoned to a tall, red-headed man talking to a couple Kim knew she had been introduced to but wasn't sure whether they were the Slaters or the Maxwells. With a nod of his head the man finished what he was saying and approached the two seated on the bench with a friendly grin. Rose explained. 'Kim, I'd like you to meet my husband, Hugh. Kim Forsythe,' she told her husband. Hugh shook Kim's hand warmly, giving her a welcoming smile, while she immediately perceived the likeness that everyone apparently had commented upon when seeing his son, Jason. There was the same auburn hair, the same blue eyes and fair skin with freckles, but most of all there was the same sincerity of expression. It said as plainly as words that here was a man who was solid and dependableone to rely on in a crisis. Again followed the inevitable questions regarding how she liked country life compared to the city, and Kim only had time to give a short answer before they were joined by a petite young girl, her long blonde hair tied back into a pony-tail with a chiffon scarf, and wearing a cool aqua linen shift. She had a honey-toned creamy skin and her eyes were a deep blue, surrounded by long dark lashes. Her happy smile embraced all three of them. 'Hi, everybody! It's a great turn-out tonight, isn't it?' Seemingly she didn't really expect anyone to answer because she immediately went on, looking at Kim, ' I know who you are you're Kim. I've heard a lot about you. And in case you hadn't guessed, I'm Mona.' She laughed and indicated her blonde hair. ' The odd one out in the O'Sullivan family!' Kim acknowledged her quaint introduction with a smile and wondered just what, and from whom, Mona had received her information. She only hoped that Rafe hadn't regaled them all with the full facts regarding her ignorance of all things rural! The band was taking a breather and soon the little group was joined by the four male members of the family. Rafeminus Beth Turner, Kim noticed with a funny little spurt of pleasure.. She shook herself mentally for allowing such petty feelings to penetrate her guard and strove to keep a cool and reserved exterior in the face of Rafe's overpowering virility. This was somewhat hard to do in the light of theconversation that followedit was very difficult to appear cool and calm when laughing. Ruy set the ball rolling with his, ' And what do you think of our country dances, Kim?'

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Before she had time to reply Rick had broken in.' Give her a chance, Ruy! She's only been here for five minutes, and I bet,' here a sly grin at his older brother, ' Rafe didn't go out of his way to introduce Kim to any of the eligible bachelors around here. Did he?' to Kim. ' Well, I'm not sure ...' She looked to Rafe for guidance, but no help was forthcoming there, for he was laughing back at Rick. 'Johnny Ridley? Adam Spencer? Terry Killian?' Rick suggested. Kim shook her head, laughing. ' No, I don't think so. None of the names ring a bell.' 'There, what did I tell you?' grinned Rick with no little satisfaction. 'Trust Rafe to try and commandeer all the best looking females'.' At this there was a gasp from Raoul. 'Look who's talking! You sure cut me out once I said I was going over to see Linda Rushton. You couldn't get there fast enough!' Now it was Rick's turn to be on the receiving end. He looked sheepish.' Well, II'd ...' ' Yes? You'd what?' came Rafe's deep voice. ' I'd already made arrangements with her for the first dance a few days ago,' was the rushed retort. 'No, you hadn't, Rick,' burst in Mona with a delighted grin, ' because Linda only asked me yesterday if you were coming to the dance, so you couldn't have!' Rick gave in with good grace and a rueful grin. ' Well, it's a case of " be quick or be left" at these do's, and I wasn't going to be cut out by this young squib here.' He gave Raoul a playful thump in the ribs. Kim couldn't contain her laughter. His ' young squib' was at least six feet tall with a build that couldn't by any stretch of the imagination be called slight. Rose leant towards her to whisper out of the side of her mouth, ' Don't mind them, they're always like thisat home too. Just make certain they never get a chance to pick on you, because they will if they can when they know you better.' She laughed evocatively and said in a normal tone, ' I can remember when I first started going out with Hugheven if I hadn't been in love with him I think I might have married him just to get away from them. They're shocking teases.' 'Hey, you're casting aspersions on our saintly characters,' protested a smiling Ruy while catching Rose's hand and drawing her to her feet.' For that, you can come and have the next dance with me.' Rose's expression was one of mock alarm. ' Oh, no, anything but that!' she cried. But her pleas went unheeded as Ruy drew her remorselessly on to the dance floor as the music began again. Kim looked from one to the other, wondering why Ruy should have decided upon a dance as a punishment. Mona enlightened her with glee. ' Ruy's a terrible dancer. He's got two left feet and Rose has just about given up ever being able to teach him. She knows, more than anyone, just what sort of punishment Ruy can dish out to your toes.' ' Poor Ruybut he can certainly ride a horse.' This was more of an accomplishment in Kim's eyes. She

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could dance, but never in a million years would she be able to ride a horse like Ruy and his brothers could. Mona didn't see it that way. ' Yes, but that's not much good to him on the dance floor,' she giggled.' They don't allow horses in here.' In the lull that followed Rafe held out a hand to Kim, his eyes twinkling. ' Come and dance with me, or you'll go round the bend before the evening's half over listening to this lot back-chatting each other.' Moving on to the floor at Rafe's side, Kim heard a chorus of, 'I like that!' and, 'Look who's talking!' followed by, 'He's the worst if he gets the chance,' before they danced out of hearing. In his arms, feeling the warmth of a strong hand against her back through the thin material of her dress, his head so close to her own, Kim could feel Rafe's undeniable attraction assailing her senses once more, and the more she tried to fight it the more unconquerable it became. It was as though she had lost complete control of her emotions and she kept her head lowered in order to make some sort of effort at rejection. She would have to keep her brain cool to compensate for the physical magnetism. Rafe spoke first. ' Don't let them worry you, they don't mean anything by their ragging. It's all in fun.' ' Oh, I know that, I enjoyed listening to them. But I couldn't help thinking,' she glanced up at last through the thickness of her lashes, ' that the last comment wasn't too wide of the mark.' ' And what was that?' ' That, given the chance, you'd be the worst of them.' A deep sound of laughter issued from Rafe's throat. 'And what makes you come to that conclusion, I wonder?' His look was faintly mocking. ' Because I know from personal experience that you like rubbing people's backs the wrong way.' ' Hmm. Is that so?' He pulled her closer into his arms, lowering his head until their cheeks touched, while his hand on her back began to move caressingly down her spine. 'And is this rubbing your back the wrong way, little cat?' he murmured lazily. Kim resisted the almost uncontrollable impulse to lean against that broad chest and twisted in his arms ineffectively, only managing to drag her head away from his to glance round quickly to see if they were being observed. No one appeared to be paying them any undue attention. ' Stop it, Rafe,' she ordered through taut lips. ' Stop teasing me!' ' Oh, I wasn't teasing,' came the bland reply with a hint of a smile. ' What would you call it, then?' she demanded. 'Enjoying myself.' And he brushed a feather-light kiss across the top of her forehead. Kim's face flamed, more from his words than his action. ' You're a beast, Rafe! I'll never dance with you again.'

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'That's up to me, isn't it? I might not ask you again,' he drawled slowly, obviously not perturbed in the slightest by her remarks, although he did slacken his hold a little. That he was right, once again, didn't throw any water on the fires of Kim's temper, rather it had the opposite effect in making her angrier than ever. When would she learn to keep a tight rein on her tongue? All too often it ran away with her and left her in an extremely invidious position. Where had that ladylike restraint that her mother had drummed into her gone? For the rest of the dance Kim held herself rigidly in her partner's arms, her face averted, although she was well aware that Rafe had noticed her aloof withdrawal. For the rest of the evening until supper Kim didn't lack for partners. Rick had introduced her to the three young men he had mentioned and between them, as well as the other male members of the O'Sullivan family, together with Hugh, she didn't have time to dwell on her problems with Rafe. He didn't come near her again, though she had espied him dancing with Rose and Mona, but mostly it seemed to be Beth Turner in his arms when they passed in the crowda Beth who was patently happy to have him almost exclusively to herself as she snuggled closer to that warm body in the manner of a small kitten having found the cosiest niche in the sun. It was going on for eleven o'clock before a halt was called for supper and most of the women present adjourned to the kitchen to begin the preparations. For a time Kim wondered how on earth order could be regained from the chaos that enveloped the kitchen area, but gradually as tins were opened, cakes sliced and set out on plates on the now cloth-covered trestles, sandwiches displayed appetisingly and cups laid out waiting for the tea to be poured into them, a neatness became visible that hadn't been there for the last quarter of an hour. Kim had just finished adding another plate of delicious-looking cream roll to the already groaning trestles when Rose caught at her arm. ' Be a love, Kim, and see if you can find Hugh and Rafe, or a couple of the boys, to come and set up two more trestles. We're never going to fit everything on to the ones already erected.' Kim nodded compliance and tried to look through the doorway into the hall.' Do you know where they are?' Rose tilted her head in the direction of the darkened parking area outside the building, a knowledgeable smile on her lips. ' Probably out there, if I know them. Hugh's got all their drinks in a cooler in the boot of our car.' ' Okay, I'll see if I can round them up,' laughed Kim. Outside it was a pleasure to drink in deep breaths of cool night air after the confines of the crowded hall, but it was also extremely dark, and Kim picked her way carefully towards the muted sound of men's voices coming from the far end of the car park. Recognising the sound of Hugh's voice, followed by gales of unrestrained laughter from the attentive audience, she approached the gathering a little more confidently. She wouldn't like to have walked up unannounced to a party of complete strangers. Hugh was the first to see her coming and called out: ' What's up, Kim? Supper not ready yet, is it?' Kim shook her head. ' No, not yet,' she said. ' Rose asked me if I'd come and get you and Rafe, or a couple of the others, to set up more trestles in the kitchen.' She smiled at the general gathering. 'There's more food in there than we know what to do with.' ' I wouldn't say that,' came Rick's voice from the background with a laugh. 'We certainly know where

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to put it.' He glanced at the can of beer in Rafe's hand. ' You stay and finish your drink, I'll give Hugh a hand,' he offered. ' Me too,' chorused the twins in unison, while Raoul added: ' You never know, we might be able to get a head start on the cats if we give a helping hand.' The four of them began making their way up towards the hall and after a moment's hesitation Kim turned to follow them. However, before she had taken a step a firm hand caught her around one wrist. She could feel her heart thumping erratically against her ribs. What now? There's plenty of willing help inside,' Rafe told her impassively, ' you can stay and keep me company.' He took a long draught from the can, pearly with condensation. Kim eyed him warily, trying surreptitiously to ease her wrist free from his grasp. ' I'm sure there are plenty of others more than anxious to do that.' Her tone was cool, her head high, challenging. She should have known better than to attempt to defy Rafe, even if only by look, and she knew it immediately that glint appeared in his piercing green eyes. ' And you're not.' It was a statement rather than a question in that soft voice.' Why? Scared?' he gibed. ' Hardly,' she retorted scornfully. ' Especially since the place is full of people.' Rafe's glance encompassed the whole of the parking area before coming back to rest on her wide-eyed face. ' I wouldn't exactly say that.' A quick look over her shoulder convinced her that, although the hall was full of laughing, chattering people, she and Rafe were alone in the darkness of the deserted car park. The other groups she had passed on her way down to the car had now returned to the throng inside. With a final drink, Rafe tossed the can into an empty carton in the car and brushed the back of a tanned hand across his mouth. His eyes taunted mercilessly. ' So what now, sweetheart? Still as sure of yourself?' Determined not to let him see just how affected she was, Kim held her head even higher, giving him the haughtiest look she could manage, and trying again to extract her wrist from his ringers. ' Of course. I'm not frightened of you, Rafe,' she declared stoutly, taking gulped breaths in an effort to steady her breathing. ' Oh yes, that's right. You're the girl who can take care of herself in any circumstances. I said once before that maybe we should put it to the test some time.' The gleaming look of devil-may-care amusement that swept his face had Kim's nervous system doing somersaults and she sought frantically now to prise his grip from her arm, but all that she succeeded in doing was to redden the skin of her wrist and afford him some entertainment. Partly from fear, and partly from temper, she swung her free hand in an arc towards his head, but he was far too alert and had caught hold of it before it could find a target. With a short laugh he pulled her hard against him, imprisoning her arms to her sides, then tipping her head back and immobilising it with a forceful hand at the nape of her neck.

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His mouth curved in a slow, fascinating smile. ' You don't seem to be doing very well at the moment, sweetheart. Or weren't these the sort of circumstances you had in mind?' Kim pulled futilely away from him, her body straining to avoid the contact that she knew from previous experience could produce such disastrous effects upon her senses. ' Stop baiting me, Rafe, and let me go,' she ordered in a voice that, to her disgust, sounded weak and unsteady. ' Uh-uh, little one,' he shook his head slowly, ' I like you just where you are. And you've been asking for this for a long time.' He drew her closer to his muscular chest, deliberately, smoothly quelling her feverish battle for freedom, his eyes never leaving hers until his dark head lowered and his shapely mouth claimed hers determinedly, moving persuasively until, with a soft sigh of submission; Kim's lips parted willingly and she stopped straining away from him. One of her hands made a movement in mid-air as if seeking a lifeline, but only encountered the taut muscles of his upper arm and, lingering for a moment, proceeded to .slide of its own volition around his back where she could feel his warm flesh through the silk of his shirt. His lips became more passionately possessive as they moved across the smooth, sweet-smelling skin of her face, throat and shoulder before claiming her mouth once more until she yielded completely, allowing him to curve her even closer into his rugged body and responding with a desire she had never even guessed lay dormant within her, revelling in the feel of his hands as they caressed her and his lips that demanded her surrender. His hand left her neck and slid lovingly along the side of her jaw, the lean, strong fingers more gentle than Kim would have believed possible. With a sharp pang of regret she felt him raise his head at last and the warmth of his arms fell away from her to leave them both breathing deeply as they faced one another in the pale light of the moon. His eyes were dark and completely serious for once as they ranged over the slightly languorous-looking face holding his gaze. 'You'd better get going while you still can, sweetheart,' he advised in a deeply husky tone, ' before I succumb to the temptation to drive you home and finish making love to you in the manner I'd like to.' Kim blushed fierily at his remarks, but felt she had something to add in the matter too. ' II might have something toto say about that,' she stammered. ' After your response just now, I'm glad you said " might have".' A gentle finger traced the outline of her soft mouth. ' Sweetheart, be told. If you don't get out of my reach right now I'll have you in that bed before you know what's happening!' ' Oh!' she gasped, and bit at her lip. ' I w-wouldn't let you. You couldn't ifif ...' ' Oh, yes, I could, and if you stand here any longer, I'll show you. Get going, Kim. Right now!' The expression that came over Rafe's face had her stepping backwards rapidly, out of arm's reach. She fled to the doorway of the hall where the light was spilling out into the night like a welcoming beacon. Much to her relief her reappearance went unnoticed and she slipped quietly into the group of women still taking plates and dishes across to the new trestles. Now enormous teapots were being filled and

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spaced at intervals among the piles of food. Somebody called out, ' Supper's ready!' and everyone began helping themselves. An arm touched Kim around the waist and she jumped nervously, but on turning her head she found Rose smiling at her. 'Come on, we'll grab a couple of cups of tea and a plateful of goodies each and take them back to the hall. There's more room in there.' No sooner had they taken their seats and began eating than they were joined by Mona, precariously balancing an overflowing plate in one hand and a brimming cup in the other. Seating herself next to them, she put down her load and waved a hand in front of her face. 'Phew! It's hot in there with that crowd. I see you two got out quick smart.' She grinned, helping herself to a large, sticky, cream-covered morsel which disappeared in a couple of minutes. ' Umm, that was fabulous!' She peered over at their plates, ' Did you two have one of those?' Two heads nodded together and all three of them laughed. 'Sure did,' said Rose. 'Jennie McDonald made them, and I always make a beeline for her cakes. She's a wizard at the stove.' Mona pulled a face. ' Which is more than can be said for me. I'm a lousy cook,' she explained for Kim's benefit. Kim felt it would be tactless in the extreme if she mentioned that Raoul had already informed her of this fact, so she said lightly: ' Well, that makes two of us, because I haven't been able to cook a thing decently on that monstrosity of mine.' ' Maybe it's not working properly,' Mona offered generously. ' It hasn't been used for ages, has it, Rose?' Kim shook her head ruefully. 'No, I can't use that as an excuse because Rafe checked it out for me. He reckons I've just got a heavy hand,' she owned with a grin. The two sisters went into peals of laughter. 'Just like Rafe! Complimentary to the last,' said Rose, while Mona added, ' He says mine are made of lead, and Raoul reckons I shouldn't be allowed within twenty feet of a kitchen! Brothers! I ask you, what do we need them for?' ' So the girls next door can marry them and take them off your hands?' suggested a masculine voice, and they turned to find Hugh standing beside them. 'In that case, it's a pity they're taking so long about it with mine,' retorted Mona with feeling. 'You took my only sister away and left me with the four of them,' she accused Hugh with a grin. Her attention turned to Kim. 'Say, I've got an idea. You're the girl next door now, Kim. How about you taking one of them off my hands?' Her grin came into play again. ' I don't mind which one, you can have your choice,' she proposed liberally. Feeling colour mounting her cheeks, Kim wasn't quite sure what she was supposed to say in answer to that suggestion. Something like, 'I'll have Rafe, thanks very much,' perhaps? Out loud, all she could manage was, ' Well, IerI'm...' ' For goodness' sake, Mona,' was Rose's exasperated outburst, accompanied by a frown at her younger sister, 'you're old enough to know better than that. Stop embarrassing Kim. 'It was only a thought,' came Mona's unrepentant reply, but she followed it with a smile and a gracious, '

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I'm sorry, Kim, I shouldn't have said it. I know I'd kill one of my girl friends if they ever did that to me.' The apology accepted, Kim was glad when Rose changed the subject completely by asking her husband, ' And where did you get to after you'd set up the extra tables?' ' Rafe and I were talking to Jack Forbes about the new dam. He'll be coming out to start on it some time next week, either Tuesday or Wednesday.' Rose's eyebrows rose expressively. 'I should have known! You men always use these get-togethers as a chance to discuss business. I sometimes wonder why we bother to dignify them by calling them dancesconferences would be more apt, I'm thinking.' ' But the dam is important, love,' Hugh reminded her gently, his eyes glowing as he surveyed the attractive picture his wife made. 'I know, I know,' sighed Rose, then, after a slight pause, ' Well, I expect we girls had better get started on clearing away all this mess.' She stood up, grinned wryly and said over her shoulder to Hugh, ' Go and talk some more business, then, while we get on with this.' Hugh laughed and made his way over to a group of men clustered in the entry who, by the concentrated looks on their faces, were deep in some engrossing conversation. The kitchen had begun to empty of people and Kim was amazed to see that there was very little in the way of food left on the tables. A horde of locusts couldn't have done more justice to it. With so many helpers to do the washing and drying up, as well as the clearing away, it was only a short time before the room was as clean and sparkling as it had been before the supper began.. Another dance was already in progress when they re-entered the hall and within a few seconds Adam Spencer had claimed Kim as his partner. While they whirled around the floor she surveyed him unobtrusively. She liked Adam. He was tall and fair-haired but had the tanned skin common to all those who lived in country areas. His eyes were a faded blue but twinkled disarmingly, his brows and lashes were a light brown. He was wearing a pair of navy blue pants topped by a light blue knitted shirt. She guessed he would have been one of Rafe's contemporaries, being somewhere in his early thirties. 'And how long are you up here for, Kim? Just for a couple of weeks, on holiday?' He broke in on her appraisal. ' No, believe it or not, I've come to stay,' she replied with a laugh. ' That's great.' He was enthusiastic. ' What will you be doing? Getting a job in town?' 'I hope so. At the rate I was spending today, my finances won't hold out for long if I don't.' ' Have you got anything lined up yet?' Kim shook her head. 'Not yet, but I bought the paper this morning and had a look through the Positions Vacant column. There were a couple of vacancies for secretaries that I thought I might apply for on Monday.' 'If you like receptionist-cum-secretarial work, I know where there's a good position waiting,' Adam told her.

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' What sort of office is it?' 'A stock and station agent. It's interesting work, if you like that kind of thing.' ' And what's the name of the place? I might look them up if the other posts have been filled before I get there.' Adam hesitated for a while, then gave Kim a sheepish glance. 'J. A. Spencer & Co.,' he told her diffidently. ' Spencer?' Kim laughed and gave him a close look. ' Your family?' ' Umm. My father, actually. He started the business off, but he's what you might call semi-retired now and spends most of his time on the family property up here at Diamond Downs. I hire and fire all the staff these days, so, if you're interested ...' he let the words trail away invitingly. ' I am, very much so, but...' Now Kim hesitated before committing herself, 'I wouldn't like people to think I only got the job because I happened to meet you. You know what I mean?' She tilted her head questioningly to one side. Adam shrugged wide shoulders. Apparently this aspect of the matter didn't bother him. ' Well, if you'd prefer it, I suppose you can bring me in your references and I can check them thoroughly to make sure I'm getting what I'm paying for, Miss Forsythe,' he joked. ' How about ten o'clock on Monday? That suit you?' Her delighted smile was answer enough for Adam and Kim's relief was very real at the thought of having some money coming in once more. She was only just beginning to realise what a difference there was on the expense side when comparing flatting to actually owning a residence. The remainder of the evening sped by on wings for her and it was the early hours of the morning before the band finally called a halt and happy, laughing people began heading for home, Adam had asked if he might drive her, but she had refused, saying that Rose and Hugh expected her to go with them. This wasn't quite true, but she felt sure they wouldn't mind dropping her off. The fact that, as Rafe had brought her, he might also be reasonably expecting to take her home she pushed resolutely to the back of her mind. The few times she had seen him since the supper break, he had been fully engaged with other partners. He hadn't come near her again, for which she kept telling herself she was very thankful, and when their glances had happened to meet she had held her head high and her gaze aloof. She didn't intend to become a member of the ' one or two others' that Rose had spoken of, to whom Rafe had deigned to pay a little attention. She wasn't interested in any casual love affairs! As it was, Rose and Hugh had expected to take her home with them, and after the relaxed, short journey through the night she was well able to say that she had thoroughly enjoyed her eveningmentally blocking out that interlude with Rafe in the car parkand had met a host of warm, friendly people who were willing to welcome her into their midst like a long-lost relative. The sun had been long over the horizon before Kim awoke the next day. After tumbling gratefully into her bed earlier that morning, she had thought that the excitement over the prospect of a job, together with the disquieting memories of Rafe's kisses, would have precluded sleep for a long time, but no sooner had her head touched the pillow than all such thoughts vanished from her mind and she had slept deeply andnow looking at her bedside clockfor too long.

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Now the golden rays were bursting through the bedroom curtains, spilling across the end of her bed in beckoning brilliance. Hastily she threw back the bedclothes and grabbed the first pair of shorts and top that came to hand, put a quick brush through her hair and thrust her feet into rubber thongs. Speeding through the kitchen on her way to milk Clover, she came to a sudden halt. There in the middle of the table stood her milk, already strained into its right container. On the lid rested a piece of paper. After reading through it Kim began to laugh, ' What were you up to last night that made you sleep in so late? I thought you went home with Rose and Hugh? I fed the hens. See you later,' the note read, and it was signed, ' Rick.' Bless him for having milked Clover and looked to the hens, but she'd have words to say to Rick O'Sullivan when next they met. Cheeky wretch! She put the milk away and let a lonely, whimpering Bounty into the kitchen where he licked her bare legs warmly before ploughing into the large bowl of milk she'd placed on the floor for him. Then she decided upon a nice cool bath to freshen herself up before enjoying a leisurely breakfast and reading yesterday's newspaper from front to back. Unfortunately, the water pipes didn't see it that way. All that emerged from the taps when Kim turned them on was a first rush of dirty brown water, followed by a choked, spluttering gurgle and then absolute silence. She scratched her head with one finger perplexedly. Now what was wrong? She tried the taps again, but still nothing issued forth, and she frowned. She could ring Rick and ask him to come and have a look, but with her luck she would probably get Rafe on the line, and she didn't feel up to asking favours of him after last night. Besides, after her walking out on him without any explanation whatsoever, she wouldn't be surprised if he refused point-blank to give her any more help anyway. She found the taps in the kitchen offered the same lack of co-operation when she tried them in desperation before the idea burst into her brain like a thunderbolt! Of course! She wasn't on town waterthe tanks must have run dry! She frowned again. But it had only rained the other day, surely she couldn't have used that much water in so short a time? Some ten minutes later, after having scrambled onto the tank stands and peered into the gloomy depths of the two tanks, Kim heaved a despondent sigh. She didn'i understand how they could bebut the tanks were empty all the same! What was she supposed to do nowwait until it rained again? An idea came to her when she was clambering down from the stands as she caught the glint of sunlight reflected from the water in the creek between the trees. Perhaps she could still have her bath after all? That was one thing to be said for the isolation of her positionthere was no chance of being overlooked! Armed with soap and a towel, plus a pile of clean clothes, she hurried down to the shining waters of the creek. On the sandy edge she kicked off her thongs and dabbled her feet in the water, to find that, after the warmth of the sun beating into her skin, the water felt extremely cold. A complacent shrug of the shoulders dismissed that minor obstacle and with a quick look in all directions to satisfy herself that no one was within sight, she rapidly stripped off her clothes and plunged in. She came up shuddering, her teeth chattering. To her heated body the creek felt like ice! She swam back to shore, helped herself to the soap, and by the time she had finished soaping herself her flesh had cooled down sufficiently so that the water now felt very pleasant as it swirled silkily around her skin. With a wry grin she mused that she'd

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heard a lot about skinny-dipping but had never been game enough to try it before. Now she was finding it a very refreshing and relaxing experience. With a sigh of satisfaction she sank beneath the surface to rinse off the soap and watched as the bubbles bounced and frothed their way downstream. A sense of exploration prompted her to swim to the other side and she revelled in the feeling of complete freedom that swimming without the encumbrance of a costume provided. Even the brief bikinis that she normally wore couldn't compare to this as her body slid through the water smoothly, gracefully and so easily. It was cool in the shade of the large willow tree and, with a desire to feel the sun warm on her head and shoulders again, she thrust herself out from the shadows and into the middle of the streamonly to stare aghast at the figure leaning indolently against the trunk of a tree, hat pushed to the back of his head, a half-burned cigarette between his fingers, and Jamie standing quietly close. Kim knew her face just had to be scarlet and only hoped and prayed that the water in the middle of the creek where she was was deep enough and dark enough to cloud her from Rafe's view, for she knew only too well from her own vision that it was clear right to the bottom nearer the shore. ' What do you want?' she snapped impatiently. It wasn't hospitable and it wasn't friendly, but right at the moment she couldn't have cared less. All she wanted was for Rafe to go away! He replied with a lazy grin,' Now that's one hell of a greeting. Are you always so touchy after a late night?' One eyebrow rose innocently above wicked green eyes. 'And this is one hell of a way to be making any greetings,' Kim snapped back with unladylike haste. 'Would you please leave so that I can get out and get dressed?' ' Leave?' He sounded dismayed, but didn't look it." I was just thinking how pleasant it would be to join you.' And he slid) down on to the bank to begin pulling at one dusty stock-boot. With a gasp that nearly choked her when she took in a mouthful of water with it, Kim glanced round frantically as if she expected him to materialise beside her at any moment. 'Don't you dare, Rafe O'Sullivan!' she shouted agitatedly. ' You just stay right where you are.' 'But I thought you might like company. I always think it's more fun to have someone to swim with.' His mouth broke into a wide smile, showing gleaming white teeth. ' Well, you thought wrong! I don't want any company! I don't want any fun! And I don't want an audience either!' she stated categorically. ' Now would you please let me get out?' Rafe waved a negligent hand towards the bank.' Don't let me stop you. I'll just sit here quietly enjoying the scenery. Jamie could do with the rest' ' I'll bet!' muttered Kim beneath her breath, her temper rising with each passing second. She'd show Mr O'Sullivan! Turning sideways, she brought her hand across the top of the water, quickly sending a shower of spray in Rafe's direction that set Jamie to dancing nervously but, to her chagrin, missing Rafe completely. She put back her arm to repeat the process, but Rafe rose lithely to his feet, laughing, swung into the saddle and gathered in the reins. With one hand resting lightly on his hip he looked lazily down on her. ' I shouldn't do that if I were you. If I was wet enough, there'd be no reason for me not to join you, would there?' he pointed out in an amused, taunting voice, before putting his heels to Jamie's gleaming

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hide. Kim eyed them warily as man and horse disappeared amongst the trees, staying where she was until the last sounds of creaking leather and crackling underbrush had died away. She wasn't sure that she trusted him! When the silence became complete she hurried for the shore where she dried herself cursorily before donning a pair of green shorts and a green and white striped V-neck nylon top and pushing on her thongs. She towelled her hair as best she could and wished she'd thought to bring a comb with her. Instead she wound the towel turban-wise round her head and collected the rest of her clothing. As she neared the back of the house she could see no sign of Rafe and, not knowing whether she was pleased or disappointed at this discovery, opened the kitchen door and made a small, ' Oh,' of surprise when she saw him sitting astride one of her chairsobviously waiting for her. With a mumbled excuse, and a hand to her turban, Kim side-stepped around him and raced into her bedroom. Dropping the towel on to her dressing table, she put a hasty comb through her hair, pleased to see that it started curling into place immediately, and dashed a bright lipstick over her lips. With a last pat to keep her hair in place she returned to the kitchen and went straight to the dresser where she fumbled a cigarette out of a packet and put a light to it. Feeling a little more sure of herself now, she turned and leant back comfortably on the small cupboard and faced the man on the other side of the table. Rafe's eyes held her glance intently while he queried: ' How long have you been bathing outdoors?' Kim took a deep draw on her cigarette before answering nonchalantly. ' Only this morning.' 'Are you going to explain why? Or am I supposed to guess?' ' Does there have to be an explanation?' She waved an arm to indicate the sun streaming through the kitchen window.' Couldn't it just be because I felt like it? That it was such a glorious day that I wanted to sample the pleasures of skinny-dipping?' ' It could have been,' he admitted, brushing back the slightly curly hair from his forehead in an exasperated gesture. ' But it wasn't, was it?' For the moment she was tempted to tell him an outright lie, but his eyes were too clear and penetrating for that and she'd be bound to give herself away by colouring furiously. Even if she managed to get Rick or one of the twins to help fill the tanks, Rafe would be sure to find out about it and then the repercussions would really resound. She dragged her gaze from his and concentrated on the view of the green hills visible through the window. ' No,' she confessed almost inaudibly. She hadn't heard Rafe move and jumped nervously when a hand touched her chin and tipped her head towards him. ' Back to square one, eh, Kim?' The curving mouth tilted sardonically. ' And all because of a few kisses.' She pulled her chin angrily away from his hand. She was damned if she'd let him think those kisses had meant any more to her than they had to him. If he wanted it casual, then casual he could have it!

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' Don't be ridiculous, Rafe,' she scoffed indignantly. ' Why should that bother me? It wasn't the first time I've been kissed, and,' she glanced at him provokingly, 'I doubt if it will be the last.' It could have been icy anger that flashed into his eyes but it was gone so quickly that Kim couldn't be sure she'd seen it. Besides, there was no reason why that remark should annoy Rafe. He wanted to be a free agent and so did she. 'Then why scuttle home with Rose and Hugh last night like a petrified rabbit seeking safety in its burrow, and the lack of communication this morning?' The lazy sarcasm was back in force. ' You know as well as I do that your water tanks are empty and that was the reason for the sudden desire for bathing in the creek. So why not admit it, and ask for help in filling them?' Kim ignored his first questions and picked him up on the last one. ' Show more of my ignorance, you mean, don't you?' She shifted away from him uncomfortably and stubbed out her cigarette. ' If you want to rub it in, then why don't you? I'm in no position to stop you!' ' You would be the most infuriating female I've ever come across,' Rafe grated out savagely, his arms folded tightly across his chest. In an effort to hold his temper in check, decided Kim. 'And kindly stop telling me what I mean before the idea ever crosses my mind. If I feel like emphasising your ignorance I certainly won't be waiting for your invitation before I do so. Stop trying to cross me, honey, or you might find the consequences decidedly not to your liking!' It was a grudging admission that Kim made, that she would indeed have been in a lot of trouble without Rafe's assistance. She had no doubts that, if he so wished, he could put an end to not only his own assistance but his brothers' as well, and then, having no one else in the area whom she knew well enough to turn to, her life on her inheritance could become distinctly unsatisfactory. Whether she liked it or not, it was becoming increasingly clear that she couldn't afford to antagonise Rafe too far. With her eyes downcast and her fingers twined together tightly she made her apology softly. ' I'm sorry, Rafe. I guess I must be an awful pain in the neck. I'm beginning to think that maybe I should have let you buy the place after all.' She hunched her shoulders dejectedly. ' I know absolutely nothing about this sort of life, and if I'd stayed where I was I would have saved myself, and all of you, a whole lot of trouble.' He bent over and peered into her clouded blue eyes intently. ' My God!' he exclaimed in wonderment, ' when you apologise you really go the whole way, don't you?' His grin was teasing. ' Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, you really wouldn't want to deprive Rick of the privilege of telling all and sundry that we've got the best-looking girl in the district living next door, would you? With your looks you're not likely to run out of willing helpers, even if you don't know the front from the rear end of a cow!' An unwilling smile hovered at the corners of her mouth. ' I'm not that bad,' she protested. ' It's just that it's been some years now since we had cows wandering down the Sydney streets. They don't mix really well with the traffic, you know,' she said with a light sarcasm of her own. 'That's better,' he approved of the lightening of her expression, and draping an arm casually along her shoulders pulled her with him towards the door. ' Come on, let's go see what we can do about replenishing that water supply of yours.' Kim turned her face to his enquiringly. ' But how did I run out in the first place? It only rained three days ago.'

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' Was it running over the gutters?' ' Yes, almost the whole way round.' She hesitated, then admitted, ' I was pleased about itI thought it meant that there was too much for it all to go into the tanks.' It was obvious Rafe found it hard to keep a straight face because she could feel him shaking with suppressed amusement against her side. She looked at him reproachfully and he couldn't avoid letting a smile escape. 'You're beautiful, sweetheartyou really are.' He shook his head in mock despair. ' The gutters were probably running over because they were full of leaves, not because of the amount of rain falling. It wasn't even that heavy a fall!' At the first stand he heaved himself to the top of the tank in a couple of agile bounds which had Kim's lip curling disgustedly when she remembered the ungraceful scrabblings which had been her attempt to do the same. Another short step and he was on the roof, nodding his head in confirmation. From then on it was only a matter of time before the gutters were freed of their collection of leaves and sundry twigs and Rafe had the pump near the creek chugging away at full bore refilling the tanks. ' I've left that one,' he indicated the tank closest to the house, ' about half full, otherwise with the next fall of rain you'll have it overflowing and the ground at the back of the house will become a quagmire.' Kim expressed her thanks gratefully, but when she asked if he would care to stay for lunchthat was the least she could do in repaymenthe refused, saying he was expected at the Turners. This remark had the effect of a sharp barb in the region of the pit of her stomach, which she refused to accept as jealousy, but it also had the effect of stiffening her resolve to take Rafe at face value only and not to let her emotions become too deeply involved. As he was about to ride off, she couldn't contain any longer the question that had been worrying at her. ' Just why did you come up this morning, Rafe?' ' Just keeping an eye on things, you might say. Remember, I do have a vested interest in the property.' That eyebrow rose mockingly again. Kim watched his retreating figure abstractedly, her thoughts elsewhere. So he was still hopeful that she would sell! He still considered it was only a matter of time before it became one with the rest of the O'Sullivan holding. But, if that was the case, why should he give her any aid? Surely, if he withheld that, it wouldn't be very long before she decided she'd had enough of country life and return to the city post-haste. She knew enough now to know that, with an ignorance such as hers, there would be no hope of her living on the property if there wasn't a capable man around. And he would know that too! It didn't make sense! That evening she rang Patsy in Sydneyshe needed to talk to someone who could look at the situation objectively. With the prospect of starting a new job next week she ignored the inroads into her dwindling finances that such a long-distance call would make. Patsy however, only seemed to be able to make a joke of the whole thing, saying, ' Mr O'Sullivan will probably let you in on the secret when he's good and ready,' which did nothing for Kim's peace of mind. Patsy also said that she hoped to be getting her holidays around Christmas and would come north to stay for a couple of weeks, seeing that Kim didn't intend leaving.

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All in all, it hadn't been a very profitable conversation, decided Kirn, when later that evening she had clambered into bed and lay v staring at the chipped and peeling paint on her bedroom ceiling. Patsy had thought of it as a good laugh. A wry smile touched her mouth. Perhaps Patsy was right! Looking back now and seeing the confidence she'd had when she first started out, It did seem laughable. That she could have been so innocent of what she was walking into? Oh, well, too late to start worrying about that now. She was here, "and she was going to stay!


At ten o'clock promptly on Monday morning, Kim presented herself to the offices of J. A. Spencer & Co. in Lismore, and Adam must have been keeping a watch out for her, because he immediately came out of his office and, after an admiring look at her attractive cream and bronze linen shift, ushered her inside., The interview was only a formality and in no time at all Kim found herself readily accepting the position. Afterwards. Adam took her on a tour of the offices, which were cool and spacious, the furniture the usual functional kind found in offices, then introduced her to the rest of the employees. She noted that it was all a case of first names and was gladshe had found informal offices far easier to work in. As they turned to leave. Adam took hold of her arm and she faced him expectantly. ' Will you have dinner with me this evening, to celebrate?' He waited tensely for her answer, almost as if he expected her to refuse, thought Kim, and wondered why. ' I'd like that very much, Adam,' she replied with a smile that brought an answering look of pleasure to his features. ' About seven o'clock, if that's okay with you?' ' Yes, that'll be fine,' she said. ' I'm looking forward to it. Having got a job so easily I feel as if I have something to celebrate.' A young man came out of one of the offices and tapped Adam on the shoulder. Kim remembered his name as Bob Walters. ' Excuse me, Adam, but you're wanted on the telephone. A Mr Jessop.' 'Thanks, BobI'll be right with you.' Adam smiled again at Kim. ' I'm sorry, but I'll have to go,' he said reluctantly. ' See you tonight, eh?' She nodded and watched him hurrying back into his office before walking down the steps and into the

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warm street. She knew she would enjoy an evening spent in Adam's company he was nice and easy to be with and uncomplicated in his manner. You knew exactly where you were with himnot like some others she could mention! The more she spoke to him, the more she liked himhe would be easy to work for. She dressed with great care that evening and knew she was looking her best in a sheer caftan, flamboyantly patterned in gold, green and apricot, which swung smoothly around her ankles when she moved. Her eyes sparkled beneath the silver-blue shadow on her lids, the lashes lengthened and darkened a little with mascara. Her mouth was soft and inviting under its cover of matching apricot lipstick, while her hair flickered and burned with a copper fire as it curled silkily around her ears and shoulders. Adam arrived early, dressed in a dark grey suit with a light coloured shirt and matching tie, and his appreciative comments when Kim opened the door gave a decided boost to her morale, which, over the last week, had received some very deflating pinpricks. The ' Golden Candle' restaurant was a blaze of light when they arrived and the hum of subdued voices gave it a warm, cosy atmosphere. The decor was completed in tones of gold and flame, with a touch of pristine white, and the candles set in miniature candelabra on the individual tables were all, as the name implied, a glittering, winking gold. For the first two courses of their meal their conversation was mainly centred around general topics, but over a delicious dessert of raspberry meringue tart, generously covered with whipped cream, it turned to more personal matters. Adam grimaced dryly. ' You know, I never did ask you this morning when you'd like to start work.' Kim's answer came promptly with a smile. ' Tomorrow! My bank account tells me the sooner the better.' ' I expect it'll be a bit strange at first, but I think you'll find we're an easy crowd to get along with and I'll help you all I can, of course. Wednesdays and Thursdays are our busiest times because of the cattle sales.' He looked at her quizzically. ' Have you been to the sales yet?' ' No, not yet. I haven't had all that much time to do anything except settle myself into the house.' ' We'll have to take you, then. They're on in Lismore on Thursday.' 'But that isn't what I'll be paid for doing,' she laughingly protested. ' Oh, I think we can make an exception for once,' Adam declared airily, 'And it will give you an insight into the auctioneering side of the business. It will make it easier for you to see what's going on behind the scenes.' Their dishes were collected by an attentive waiter and their cups filled with steaming, aromatic coffee before Adam spoke again. ' How are you getting along with the O'Sullivans? I expect there's always one or the other of them up there giving you a hand.' Kim pouted reproachfully and wrinkled her nose at him. ' Is it common knowledge that I'm in need of

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so much assistance?' He laughed. ' No, no, I didn't mean it that way. I meant, with their luck in having you move in next door, there would always be one of them making a play for you.' Kim laughed toopartly from relief that the extent of her ignorance hadn't yet spread over the whole area, and partly from the fact that she couldn't see any of the O'Sullivans making a play for her! They all had other fish to fry! 'Well, they've all been very helpful,' she told him honestly, ' but as for the otherI think the twins are a little young for me; Rick, I have the feeling after the dance last Friday, is otherwise occupied ; and Rafe .. .well, Rafe and I just don't see eye to eye on a lot of things.' Adam appeared surprised at this latter revelation and she hastened to add: ' No doubt the fault is all mine, but,' she moved her shoulders irritably, ' we don't hit it off all that well. He's not my type,' she ended decisively, as much to herself as to Adam. He reached out a hand across the table and caught one of her own in a warm clasp. ' I'm glad. Although I've been friends with Rafe for a good many years, and you couldn't find a better friend, I wouldn't like to think of you being hurt. He's got quite a reputation with the women and I reckon every single girl around the district has had a go at tying him down, but as you can see, he's still footloose and fancy free.' Kim gave her head a shake, a half-smile touching her soft mouth. Rose had said much the same too. ' You don't have to warn me, Adam, I'm in no danger of losing my head over Rafe Her heart maybe, but not her head! * One look at him and I knew exactly what type he was, but thanks for the advice, however unnecessary.' It was a comfort to Kim when the conversation veered to more impersonal subjects as Adam offered her a cigarette and they smoked cbmpanionably over their coffee, until her gaze fixed on two figures standing by the doorway and she experienced a strange dropping sensation in her stomach, for all the world as if she were in an express elevator. She leant towards Adam and whispered out of the corner of her mouth: ' Talk of the devil...!' A furrow creased Adam's forehead before he turned and saw Rafe and Beth walking towards them, when he rose to his feet and they exchanged greetings. Beth spoke gaily. ' Hello, you twoenjoying yourselves?' This was followed by a telling glance at Rafe. ' We guessed Adam wouldn't be letting the grass grow under his feet, didn't we, Rafe? Not after all his attentions to you at the dance, Kim.' Kim wondered whether she had caught the sound of a tiny streak of maliciousness in that remark, but failing to see any sign of it on Beth's face, she managed to smile politely, although Rafe's only answer was a quirk that tipped one corner of his mouthwhether from contempt, or amusement, Kim couldn't decide. ' Watch out for him, though, Kim,' Beth went on to advise with a grin,' he's a bit of a wolf.' Adam laughed good-naturedly.' Hearsay is not admissible, and stop maligning my character, young lady, or I'll put you over my knee.' ' Goodness, violence, yet!' Beth put on an exaggerated expression of fear, her hands held in front of her face in the grand tradition of melodramatic silent movie heroines, which had them all laughing.

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'Come on, minx,' Rafe now adjured, tucking her arm through his, and with a mocking glance at Kim. ' Leave these two to their stargazing. I'm hungry.' ' Yes, take her away, Rafe,' concurred Adam, ' before she has Kim believing her defamation.' ' Oh, I wouldn't do that,' put in Kim in his defence, and received another sardonic look from Rafe's green eyes for her efforts before Beth broke in incorrigibly: ' You should believe meit's all true,' and chuckled when Adam raised a hand in assumed anger to her. Gauging that she had gone as far as she reasonably could, Beth now waved a hand freely at the two of them. ' We'll see you laterhave fun,' while Rafe inclined his dark head briefly, and with their arms still entwined, he and Beth made their way over to their own table on the opposite side of the room. Seated once more, Adam smiled freely at Kim, then shook his head in despair. ' Take no notice of Beth. As Rafe said, she's a minx!' For the rest of their time in the restaurant, Kim was annoyingly aware of Rafe's presence in the same room, but the few times she had managed to flash a surreptitious look in their direction he had displayed no such awareness of her own presence, seemingly to be wholly engrossed with the animated Beth. It was late when Kim and Adam finally arrived home and even later by the time they had enjoyed another coffee in her homely kitchen. When he was leaving Adam took hold of one of Kim's hands and traced a pattern over her palm with a broad finger. ' I- hope you've enjoyed this evening as much as I have, Kim, I'd like a repeat performance if you're free one night.' ' I'd very much like to, Adam,' she agreed. ' I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the meal was delightful.' 'That's good. How about Friday, then?' came the quick question. ' I'll be ready and waiting,' she smiled. With a warm look in his blue eyes, Adam pulled Kim closer into his arms and kissed her softly on the mouth. Kim responded with a pressure of her own for she found herself liking Adam more each time she saw him and she looked forward to their next date with pleasure. He may not cause the same heightened excitement of the senses that Rafe could, but he was a pleasant companion and a relaxing person to be with, which made for a much more serene existence.

The next dayKim's first back at workwent wrong from the very beginning. For a start it was grey, dismal, and pouring with a steady drenching rain. Going to and from the bails and the hen coop that morningshe was able to manage completely on her own nowshe was soaked, even with the purchase of her boots. They might keep her feet from getting muddy, but the rain, as it streamed from her plastic raincoat, dripped with unerring accuracy inside her boots instead of outside of them. Bounty also looked wet and miserable, but after scolding him for putting dirty paw marks all over the legs of her jeans, Kim allowed him to curl up in front of the stove to dry himself out. A rushed breakfast and wash followed and then she was dressed in a simple lime green crimplene dress

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and dragging on her already dripping raincoat, suppressing a shudder as the damp material enclosed her warm body. She blew a kiss to Bounty, who acknowledged it by stretching himself more comfortably on the mat, picked up her tooled leather shoulder bag and jamming a sou'wester type rainhat on her curls, raced for the Mini, breathing a sigh of relief once she was safely ensconced inside with the door slammed shut. Minutes later she was jolting, sliding and side-slipping her way along the track to the road while the windscreen steadily steamed up in front of her eyes. The rain was so heavy as to make the wipers practically useless, and it was some consolation when she realised she only had another two hundred yards or so to go before she could escape from the water-filled mud-holes that her car was sliding through with a reckless disregard to the direction in which she turned her steering wheel. Suddenly the vehicle gave a heavier lurch than usual before continuing on its way with' a decidedly uneven action. Kim pulled up and bowed her head onto her hands resting on the top of the wheel. Oh, no!. Not today! Not in this weather! Not another flat tyre! She felt like crying! On a deeply woeful breath she opened the driver's door a fraction and took a look to the rear, then closed her eyes. When she opened them again the wheel rim was still resting complacently in the water and she slammed the door in disgust. Wouldn't you know it? Today of all days! Clapping her hat back on to her head, she drew the keys from the ignition and reluctantly stepped out into the rain. The ground squelched sickeningly around her nice clean shoes and the rain, aided by a strong wind, beat into her exposed face, making her long lashes cling together spikily. Gingerly watching where she trodnot that it seemed to make much difference to the amount of water that was seeping through the leather of her shoesshe unlocked the boot and after much struggling and fumbling eventually had the spare tyre on the roadside, together with the tools that had proved so useless, to her at any rate, the last time. Some fifteen minutes later she knew she had arrived at the same impasse; Rick had left the wheel nuts no looser than the garage attendant before, him. As well as that, she had managed, in the meantime, to successfully dig a large chunk of flesh from her shin when the wheel brace had slipped from her wet hands during one of her many attempts to loosen the nuts. With tears of pain and anger beginning to prick at her eyelids she finally let go of her tightly held temper and with a released, 'Damn!' of frustration she stamped her foot, hard. She knew immediately that she shouldn't have done it! It wasn't necessary to look down to see what was happening, she could already feel the fat globules of watery mud as they slithered slowly down her legs and mingled readily with the small lake taking over her shoes. She was still standing there with a look of dismay on her face when the ute pulled up alongside the Mini. Raoul's exuberant, ' Having fun?' as he and Rafe joined her in the rain did nothing for Kim's frayed temper, and it was some time before she could force herself to reply in anything that remotely resembled a civilised tone of voice. ' No, I am not,' she corrected him shortly, watching as he went down on his haunches beside the wheel and with one effortless twist had the nut releasing its hold. ' And what's more, I'm going to be late for work. On my first day too,' she added with a plaintive wail. Rafe gave her a quick look from beneath narrowed lids. 'I didn't know you had a job,' he said. ' Well, I have, and today's my first day. And now look at me!' she spread her hands wide and gazed down despairingly at her messy legs and shoes.

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The side of Rate's mouth twitched in amusement, while Raoul turned his head and openly smiled. ' I guess you're not going to be voted one of the best dressed women in town today. Not looking like that, anyway,' he offered with a supreme disregard for her feelings. ' Thanks! retorted Kim bitterly, pulling a face at him, but Raoul only laughed and turned back to the drooping wheel. The next thing she knew, Rafe was behind her urging her into the utility. 'Come on, I'll run you back to your place so you can get cleaned up, and by the time we get back Raoul will have finished here. You won't lose so much time that way.' It was with reluctance that Kim admitted the sense of what he said, but after thankfully climbing in out of the pouring rain she made sure she kept well over to her side of the scat. She didn't want, or need, a closer contact than was necessary to the unpredictable Rafe O'Sullivanshe preferred to keep him at a distance. As if aware of her thoughts, Rafe gave her one lazy smile, but didn't speak again until they had reached the shelter of her house. They were hardly inside the door before the inevitable question came that she had been dreading. ' Who are you working for?' Kim hesitated for only a momentafter all, what business was it of his who she worked for?before slipping quickly through the open door into the bathroom and calling back lightly, ' Adam!' while she surveyed her muddy wet feet, now that she had removed her shoes. The door was thrust wide open savagely and Rafe fixed her with a darkening glare. ' Who did you say?' he demanded. Feeling distinctly at a disadvantage in her bare feet, Kim curled her toes defensively into the bathmat and stammered: ' Ad-Adam Spencer.' ' Well, well,' Rafe drawled contemptuously. ' You certainly appear to have made good use of your time last night. Was he very hard to convince he needed a little redhead like you in the office?' Kim's breasts rose and fell rapidly beneath the smooth material of her dress and she glared at him furiously.' No, he wasn't,' she burst out, and then realising what she had implied, ' I mean, he wasn't convinced,' and at his scornfully questioning eyebrow, * I mean, I didn't have to convince him! He'd already offered me the job at the dance. So there!' she pouted at him childishly. ' How veryconvenient!' ' And just what do you mean by that?' ' I meanthere you are dancing around the floor with Adam gazing longingly into those beautiful big blue eyes of yours, and suddenly he wants to know if you'd like to work for him! Come off it, sweetheart,' he drawled sarcastically. ' It wasn't like that at all,' she retaliated spiritedly. ' First of all, he wasn't gazing longingly into my eyes. Secondly, I said I was looking for a position in the paper, and then he offered me the job. Thirdly, it's not my fault if he happens to be wanting a secretary at the same time as I'm looking for work. Fourthly, I went for an interview yesterday morning just so there could be no speculation of, the sort that you're making right now. And fifthly,' she paused for breath, ' I don't know what business it is of yours in any

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case!' Rafe held up a hand in surrender. ' Okay, okay,' he grinned. ' I get the messagedon't go getting yourself all uptight about it. I'm reading you loud and clear.' ' Good!' muttered Kim beneath her breath as she bent to let some water into the bath, but in so doing knocked her already painful shin against the side of it, causing the blood to begin flowing again. After an initial stifled yelp of pain she rounded on Rafe unfairly as the reason for all of her problems. ' Now look what you've made me do!' she cried. In a few strides he was at her side and inspecting the broken skin. ' When did you do this?' he asked after a careful scrutiny. ' Just now,' Kim replied evasively, in a huff. He looked at her steadily, patiently, his green eyes dancing. ' Just now?' he queried softly. She shrugged one shoulder off-handedly. "Well, maybe not just right now,' she confessed grudgingly. He flicked a long finger towards her nose, saying, 'That's more like it, little one. Or I might think you expect me to kiss you better.' Wide eyes were lifted to his face, studying his expression intently, before some imp of mischief prompted Kim to ask provocatively: ' And would you?' He laughed, showing fine white teeth. ' Maybe.' ' Are you going to?' she dared to ask, the same imp pushing her further without thought for the consequences. A disquieting look, followed by, ' Are you asking me toor trying to tempt me to?' had her feeling she was heading for deeper water than even that imp inside her could navigate. She back-paddled as fast as she could. ' Neither,' she murmured, not a little nervous. ' I was only wondering. After all,' she pointed out reasonably, ' you did introduce the idea.' ' So I did. Now, I wonder why?' There didn't seem to be any answer Kim could return to this enigmatic question. No doubt he meant her to understand that he had no desire to kiss any of her hurts better and it was his way of telling her not to take Friday's incident seriously. Did he really think .she had been attempting to invite his kisses? She squirmed inside at the thought and turned away from him irritably to drag off her raincoat. She had already noticed that he had removed his before entering the bathroom and was wearing dark blue jeans belted around slim hips and a cream denim shirt. ' Sit on the edge of the bath, honey, and we'll see what we can do for that leg of yours.'

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Knowing herself to have been the only one affected by her provoking questions made Kim less than polite. ' I can do it myself,' she snapped.' I know what to do.' ' That's a change,' Rafe taunted sarcastically, ' but nevertheless, you'll do as you're told,' and ignoring her protests he picked her up bodily and sat her on the side of the bath, her feet resting in the warm water. The determined look on his face precluded her from remonstrating against his action. Now was definitely not the time for resistance! His hands as they washed away the mud and blood from her bruised and battered leg were incredibly light and gentleprobably as a result of experience in having to deal with intractable animals in the course of his veterinary work, thought Kim wryly. Rafe's head was close to hers as he bent to the matter in hand and she found herself studying his profile closely; the slightly curling black hair that still glistened with drops of rain ; the long black lashes and straight nose above that humorously curving mouth and strong chin. Then, from somewhere deep within her, came the almost uncontrollable desire to reach out a tentative hand and touch himhis head, his shoulder, his arm. Just so that she could feel that masculine strength and warmth beneath her hand. She had never felt that way about any man before and it immediately caused her nerves to tauten while she berated herself ruthlessly for allowing her imagination to run away with her. But some of her tension must have communicated itself to Rafe, for, unexpectedly, he swung to face her enquiringly. She could sense the colour rising in her cheeks and to cover her confusion muttered crossly: ' Ouch! That hurt!' Rafe gave her a sharp look but didn't comment on her complaint, only asking patiently: ' Have you any antiseptic here?' Slightly ashamed of her unfounded accusation, she didn't look up but merely waved a hand towards the cabinet on the wall over the basin, then dried the water from her legs with a soft towel. After all, it wasn't Rafe's fault that she had allowed such tantalising ideas into her mindhe certainly hadn't encouraged her. Within a few minutes he had applied the antiseptic and covered the broken skin neatly with a piece of sticking plaster. ' All you need now is another pair of shoes and you're on your way again,' he said calmly. Dressed and ready the second time, Kim put a hand to his arm as they neared the front door. 'I'm sorry, Rafe,' she apologised with eyes downcast. ' What for?' 'You knowfor being soso ungrateful. It didn't really hurt.' He tipped her head up with a hand along her jaw and she could see his eyes glinting devilishly green. ' You don't say,' he drawled lazily. Could he have known? Kim stared at him perplexedly, but was given no time to dwell on the thought, for he immediately ushered her out through the front door and then they were through the deluge and into the dry interior of the ute.

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Raoul was waiting patiently in the Mini when they drove up, the spare tyre ready in position and the rest stowed away. Rafe parked alongside Kim's car so that she and Raoul could change places with as little exposure to the elements as possible. Safely seated behind her steering wheel once more, Kim called her thanks to both of them through the window and gave a wave of her hand, which both men acknowledged with casual salutes, as she began to draw away. After having been extremely apologetic to Adam for being late and been told, ' Don't worry about it,' she settled down to her first day in her new position. It was all very strange and different, not like any other work she had done before, but by lunchtime she had come to the conclusion that she was very much going to enjoy working there. There was an easy camaraderie amongst the other members of the staff that made it easy to fit in, and she was pleased to see that Adam treated her no differently from any other employee and that he didn't intend carrying his private life into the office. Luckily she had a quiet day in which to get to know the ropesit being too miserable a day for people to be out of doors unless it was an absolute must. It was still pouring when it was time to finish for the day, and Kim again resolutely pulled on her raincoat and hat and, with her head bent low against the driving rain, hurriedly made her way to the car park. Feeling she was becoming a decidedly regular customer, Kim collected her repaired tyre on the way home and heaved a sigh of relief after traversing the muddy track and finally pulling up outside her own home. Surely there couldn't be much more rain left in those sodden-looking clouds? She had never before encountered such continuously heavy rain. But there was more rain to come and it kept up its torrential drenching for the whole of the next day, and with no let-up overnight Thursday morning dawned to another wet and miserable daybreak. As promised, Adam and Bob Walters escorted her down to the sales yards where they spent the morning high in the stands overlooking the covered ring to watch the dairy cattle sales and listen to the rapid, but often amusing, patter of the auctioneers. After lunch they changed their venue to the ring containing the beef cattle, and Kim was amazed at the size and weight of some of the steers offered for sale. It was fascinating listening to the men discussing the probable dressed weight and boned weight of the various breeds as they snorted, pawed and charged their way around the enclosure, and to realise that she was actually seeing, on the hoof, the meat that would shortly be for sale in some of the local butchers' shops. There were buyers there for large butchering chains and small ones, individuals preferring to buy their own meat live and have it despatched to local abattoirs, some buying young beasts to be taken home and fattened before being sold again at a later date, and many others just looking and considering. It was a completely new experience for Kim and one in which even the dampening weather could not sabotage her interest. That night there was the most awesome wind blowing, bringing down old and broken branches from the trees with loud thuds and disturbing hangings as some hit the roof before ricocheting to the ground. The steadily drumming rain was now accompanied by brilliant flashes of lightning that split the heavy dark skies asunder with impunity, sending small and large animals alike scurrying for cover, while the majestic thunderclaps almost directly overhead had Kim flinching instinctively even though she was in the comparative safety of the house. She spared a moment's pity for the cattle left to find their own shelter as best they could. At nine o'clock there came another sound that she jumped at involuntarily before grinning wryly to herself in relief. It was only the shrill summons of the telephone. ' Rick here, Kim. You okay?' crackled the voice at the other end of the wire when she put the receiver to her ear.

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' I think so, thanks, Rick,' she laughed nervously, comforted a little by the sound of a familiar voice. ' It's a beauty, isn't it? Do you have many storms like this up here?' ' Quite a few,' was the disturbingly nonchalant reply. ' Don't forget we're summer rainfall country here. Not like down south where you get most of yours in winter. We'll get a few more of these before summer's overthis one is the backwash of that cyclone off the coast of Queensland. Nothing to worry about unless it's still coming down as hard by morning.' This statement did nothing for Kim's already jittery state of nerves. She wasn't usually afraid of storms, but this was the first time she had experienced one of such a prolonged intensity and magnitude. With only Bounty for company she quivered at every thunderclap and recoiled from every flash of lightning. ' Anderif it's still like this in the morning?' she enquired timidly. ' Well, for a start you'd better take a close look at that creek at the back of you.' 'The creek!' she exclaimed in surprise.' But that's yards away. Surely that won't cause any problems?' 'Sweetie, the next time that creek swirls into your house in all its muddy glory won't be the first,' he told her laconically. 'Rafe must have told you that when he saw you in Sydney, surely.' Rafe had, of course, but she hadn't paid much attention to the fact at the time. She had thought the warning was more in the nature of an obstacle to make her accept his offer to buy the property. Now she owned reluctantly, ' Well, yes, he did.' Then in an accusing tone. ' But I didn't think it happened every time we had a storm!' ' It doesn't,' Rick explained patiently, ' but this isn't normal rain either. The creek was already to the top of its banks when we crossed it this afternoon in the back paddock, and it won't take much from here on to have it spilling over.' ' Butbutwhat shall I do if it does break its banks?' ' Breaking its banks doesn't automatically mean it will reach the house,' he told her plausibly. ' Just keep a close watch on it, that's all. If it comes twenty feet over its banks and it's still raining, then you've got trouble.' ' Oh,' said Kim, not knowing quite what else to add. Rick's calmly given information wasn't allaying her fears in the ' slightest and she now found herself listening to the rain on the roof with some trepidation. Before it hadn't meant all that much for it to have rained for so long, but now she'd a more personal reason for wishing it to cease. ' Also,' Rick interrupted her thoughts, causing her to wonder what was coming next, ' you'd better watch yourself driving down the track in the morning. Ruy almost lost the ute over the edge of the culvert in front of the dip yards on his way home this afternoon. There's not much gravel on the track there and the wheels can't grip in the deep mud.' ' Thanks, Rick. Anything else?' Kim laughed uneasily. At this rate he'd have her a mess of quivering nerves before morning, too scared to take the car out in case she crashed it and too scared to stay in the house unless the creek invaded it. She didn't actually fancy either alternative!

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At least there was one thing to be thankful for, she decided. a few moments later. The storm appeared to have lessened considerably during the space of their telephone conversation although the lightning was still visible, the thunder was only rumbling in the distance nowbut the rain still continued to pound the roof with a monotonous velocity. 'No, I think that's the lot for now,' Rick laughed, then in a more serious vein, ' but if you're worried about anything, or the creek does rise too quickly, get in touch with us straight away, Kim. Don't hesitate, there's a good girl.' Kim was warmed by his obvious concern. 'All right,' she agreed gratefully,' and thanks once again, Rick.' ' That's okay, love. My pleasure.' With a soft, ' 'Bye,' she replaced the phone and walked out to the kitchen where Bounty was stretched out, as usual, in front of the stove. Whereas, during the height of the storm he had been huddled into a quivering little ball, he now obviously appreciated the passing of the noise and was contentedly sleeping. No sooner had Kim made herself a hot drink than the telephone rang again, and this time it was Adam wishing to know how she was making out, and she was pleased to be able to report that the storm had now passed over her property and was dealing out its spite on some far-distant neighbours. They continued talking for some time and when the conversation was concluded Adam also added his offer of assistance to her should she need it if the rain continued. Once Adam had rung off, she sat back to enjoy her coffee, mulling over the offers of help she had just received. She noticed that it had been Rick, not Rafe, who had rung to enquire if she needed any aid. Rafe was probably tired of coming to her rescue, especially since she had, on many occasions, been quite ungracious. He would, no doubt, think it served her right if the house did flood. He had warned her that it might happen but she had disregarded his advice with a blithe insouciance that only highlighted her complete unaware-ness of such matters. She shrugged resignedly. There wasn't much she could do about it nowshe was herethe creek was rising and she would, in the meantime, fall back on the old custom of praying and keeping her fingers crossed that the rain would be gone by morning.


The rain, however, hadn't disappeared by the time Kim awoke next morning. It was coming down as steadily as it had on the preceding days and the overcast sky gave no hint of a break in the serried banks

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of weighty clouds. The earth had drunk as much water as it could and the excess was lying deeper and deeper upon the surface in ever-increasing pools of water. The whole of her front garden resembled a lake with the grass struggling vainly to keep its offshoots from drowning, while the water from her now overflowing tanks at the back of the house was insidiously creeping closer and closer to her back door. Kim wasn't without a shivering apprehension when she set out that morning to do as Rick had advised and check on the level of the creek. She knew that it had been rising constantly during the week, but this morning it bore absolutely no similarity whatever to the friendly clear stream that she had bathed in. Overnight it seemed to have turned into a ferocious foaming monster, intent on overpowering all that might hinder its progress as it surged and tumbled its way over its banks, sweeping branches and logs before it with an alarming disregard for weight or size. Whether it was twenty feet over its banks or not Kim couldn't have said with any certainty, for, to her inexperienced eyes, she couldn't even hazard a guess as to where the original banks were under those reddish-brown frothing waves. The gentle willow tree was half submerged, its trailing branches dragged this way and that by the maelstrom that surrounded it, while torrents of extra' water, forging into new streams, rushed down the sloping paddocks to enlarge the widening expanse of water. Kim was both worried and frightened. It was the first time she had encountered the effects of uncontrolled nature. Before, she had read about it in the newspapers and felt sympathy for those involved, but it had never reached out its sinister fingers and touched her personally as it was doing now. What did one do when one's home was threatened by flood-waters? She turned her back on the awesome sight and hurried back to the confines of four walls where some of her fear left her, even though the safety of those walls might only be for a short duration as she thought of the encroaching menace she had left behind. Her fingers shook as she fumbled with the telephone dial. It was Mona who answered, and when Kim explained her reason for ringing the younger girl quickly grasped the situation; told Kim that all the men were down at the yards at the moment and proceeded to give instructions quickly and concisely. Everyone knows exactly what to do except me, mused Kim, and I'm the one with the house that floods! ' But are you sure I won't be putting you to a lot of bother if I stay at your house?' she had to ask. She wasn't sure she really fancied staying under the same roof as Rafe, although now probably was not the time for a show of pride. ' Of course you won't,' came Mona's quick answer. ' Joe used to stay here when it flooded. Besides, where else would you go?' Kim hunched her shoulders. ' To a hotel?' she suggested tentatively. 'Where? In town?' Mona gave a short laugh. 'Haven't you been listening to the wireless this morning? The river's up to thirty-six feet now with no sign of the rain letting up. It'll be over the road outside the Post Office in another quarter of an hour. It's rising pretty fast, you know!' Kim digested this in horrified silence. That completely disposed of her idea of moving to a hotel or motel in town. ' Butbut what about work? If the river's flooding, should I go inor what?' 'No, you can keep me company,' Mona chuckled delightedly. ' It'll make a nice change from being the only female in an all-male household. Give me some moral support, if you know what I mean? There's no point in your going to work. Most of the firms have been sending messages over the radio since early this morning for the male employees to help move stock and so forth, but they never call on the female staff.

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If the town's going under, it's a good place to stay away from,' she concluded rationally. ' II guess so,' agreed Kim a little indecisively,' It just seems as though I should be doing something to help.' ' You've got enough problems of your own,' Mona pointed out, ' and there wouldn't be much you could do in town, so you may as well make sure you've got everything under control at home. You pack all your gear into the car and drive up here and when the boys come in I'll let them know and they can take care of the rest for you. They shouldn't be long.' A puckered frown still creased Kim's brow when she replaced the phone and, on impulse, she picked it up again and dialled the office number. ' Hello, Adamit's Kim here,' she said upon recognising his voice at the other end. ' I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help?' ' No, we've just about .got everything under control, thanks, Kim. All the equipment's been stacked as high as we can get it now it depends on how high the water comes. How are things your end?' ' I'm about to move out, and the creek's about to move in,' she told him dryly. ' Oh, good lord! I'd forgotten all about that blasted creek rising with the rush down here. I'm sorry, Kim, but I expect you'll be getting help from the O'Sullivans, won't you, as well as staying with them?' ' Yes, to both questions,' she laughed. ' Hell, I really am sorry about that creek,' Adam apologised sincerely. ' It's been so long since it's flooded that I clean forgot the damned thing.' ' That's okay, Adam,' she hastened to assure him, knowing he had had more pressing matters on his mind with the likelihood of the office going under, ' don't worry about it. I'm sure I can manageothers have to!' ' Yes, wellthat wasn't quite the point was it? But as long as Rafe is there he'll see that you're all right and I won't feel so bad about it.' Kim could hear someone calling his name in the a background. ' I'm sorry, but I'll have to go, Kim. I'll call in and see you tonight at the O'SuIIivans', okay? Or had you forgotten our date?' With a guilty start Kim realised that she had indeed forgotten all about it, although she didn't tell Adam that, but agreed to see him that evening at the house. She only hoped the O'Sullivan family didn't mind her inviting guests to their home! Once she had replaced the phone she set about packing her clothes into the suitcases from which she had taken them only a fortnight before. This time, however, she wasn't so careful as to how she folded them, or where she put them. They were rather a tumbled mess by the time she had snapped the locks shut and moved the cases into the hallway near the front door, ready to load into the Mini. She then wandered from room to room in an effort to make sure she had forgotten nothing, with a despondent Bounty trailing at her heels. He knew something was afoot and he was making sure that nothing had the chance to separate him from his mistress. In the kitchen she began moving the stores from the lower cupboards and stacking them on the top of the dresser, and it was when she put her head into

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the cupboard to ensure that she had completely cleared the shelf that something white caught her eye and she saw the long envelope taped to the bottom of the cutlery drawer that slid into the top of the clipboard. She sat back on her heels, staring at it for some time, feeling her stomach muscles start to tighten. She had a horrible feeling that she knew what it was even before she had released it from its hiding place and opened the enclosing envelope. This is the Last Will and Testament of With a shudder of dismay Kim read through the document. It was dated well after the one that left the property to her and it designated the disposal of the estate exactly as Mr McBain had said: the right, title and hereditaments to one Raphael Andrew O'Sullivan of Tarmaroo, Diamond Downs, in the State of New South Wales, in appreciation of... Kim put a hand to her head in despair. She didn't need to read it all again to know that Rafe was entitled to the property that he had done all he could for a sick and ailing old man in his last years to make him more comfortable, and that the old man had given him the only thing in his possession of any worth in gratitude for that support. She groaned wearily. What was she going to do now? For a moment she was tempted to replace the document in its envelope and return it to its hiding place in the hope that the floodwaters, if they came that high, would take care of it in their own ruthless fashion, but she discarded the thought almost immediately. She had never been dishonest before and she didn't intend to start being so now! The property legally belonged to Rafe and she had no claim to it. It was as simple as that! However, Raoul's call, ' Anybody home?' before he entered the kitchen had her scrambling to her feet and thrusting the will and envelope deep into her handbag resting on the table, and giving the excuse to herself that she would deliver it to Rate's solicitor when she was good and ready. She refused to accept the idea that kept pushing itself to the front of her mind, that if she disclosed the discovery of the will then she would have no legitimate excuse for staying, other than that she didn't want to leave the propertyno other reason! Raoul was quickly followed into the room by Ruy and hanging their dripping oilskins on the back door Raoul gave Kim a consoling grin. ' Don't look so worried,' he advised. ' We'll get everything damageable out of reach of the water, and the house isn't likely to be swept away, or anything like that. They used to build 'em strong in the old days!' That hadn't been the reason for her worried countenance, but at his words Kim's eyes opened wide and her fingers twisted together nervously. She had never even given that a thought, but she supposed it could have been a distinct possibility! ' I'm very grateful for you coming down,' she told them in relief, and spreading her hands wide.' What can I do to help?* Ruy shook his dark head with a smile. 'Nothing! We'll be moving most of the furniture, putting mattresses on top of wardrobes and so forth, and I think that might be a bit heavy for you to tackle.' He tilted his head to one side engagingly. 'We'll swap this work for you, if you'll keep an eye on Mona tonight when she's cooking dinner so we can have a decent meal for a change. How about it?' Kim burst out laughing while Raoul looked at his brother with something like admiration in his eyes. 'Say, that's a good idea! Why didn't I think of that?' He also looked at Kim. ' Will you do it?'

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She stopped laughing long enough to say,' But you don't know that I'm any better at cooking than Mona is.' She indicated the stove with an expressive look. 'I haven't been able to cook a single thing properly in that since I arrived, and,' she waved a delicately slim-fingered hand at them, ' Rafe says I must have a heavy hand because the stove works okay.' Both boys looked at each other graphically and then back at Kim. ' Oh, no! Not another one!' they cried in unison, seeing their chances of an enjoyable meal fast disappearing. ' Can't you cook, either?' Ruy enquired woefully. ' Not on one of those I can't,' was Kim's cheerful rejoinder. Raoul's expression took a subtle turn. 'How about with an electric oven?' he wanted to know. ' W-e-ll,' Kim drew out the word suspensefully, leaning towards them mock-secretively, ' I was once known to have won first prize at school for my lamb goulash, and that was with an electric oven,' she told them with a deadly straight face. 'You beauty! Success!' shouted Ruy, while Raoul put his hands together in a praying attitude and turned soulful eyes upon her, ' Can we have it tonight? Please?' he entreated. 'From that I gather you don't have one of these?' Kim pointed meaningfully to the fuel stove, and when Ruy shook his head happily, ' but Mona may not like me interfering with her cooking. I can't just walk into your house and take over.' ' Yes, you can,' Raoul said unequivocally with a grin.' Mona'd be only too pleased to have someoneanyonetake over in the kitchen. She'll welcome you with open arms. So will we all, if you can cook!' ' But not if I can't?' Kim teased. Ruy gave his twin an exasperated look. 'Trust you to put it like that! Now Kim'll only think she's welcome if she does the cooking.' 'Well, I like that!' Raoul retorted immediately. 'Whose idea was it in the first place to suggest swapping this work for Kim helping Mona in the kitchen, I'd like to know? Kim knew what I meant, even if you didn't. Didn't you, Kim?' He turned to her for confirmation and when she smilingly nodded he gave his brother a triumphant: ' See!' ' Okay, okay,' Kim broke it up with a laugh. ' I'll see if I can help Monajust don't expect too much, that's all. I'm no high-class chef.' 'You won't have to beanything'd be better than Mona's efforts.' Kim looked at Raoul steadily, trying not to smile, and Ruy lifted one eyebrow significantly in his brother's direction, before all three of them began laughing. 'That wasn't too complimentary either, was it?' Raoul admitted with that slow smile that reminded Kim so much of Rafe that she caught her breath. ' I guess I'd better shut up, I can see I'm coming down with a good dose of " foot-in-mouth " disease.'

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' Good idea,' agreed Ruy smugly to Raoul's suggestion, ' it'll make a nice change.' Raoul headed down the hall towards Kim's cases. ' You'll keep, Ruyyou'll keep,' he threatened with a grin over his shoulder, before returning to the object of their arrival. ' Anything else to go out to the car with these, Kim?' he asked. ' No, that's the lot, thanks Raoul. Except for Bounty and myself, that is.' She turned to Ruy in sudden remembrance.' But what shall I do about the cows and the hens?' ' Oh, we'll take Clover back with us and she can be milked at the dairy; the rest of them will be okay, and one of us can come up each day and do the necessary for the hens. The hen house and the sheds don't flood.' ' Who on earth planned it that way?' she wanted to know in disgust. ' The house floods, and the store sheds don't?' ' Don't look at me,' Ruy denied emphatically. ' They were already built when we bought the rest of the property. Obviously someone who didn't know what they were doing, that's for sure!' Someone like me, Kim surmised ruefully. Someone who had picked the most attractive site for the house without stopping to consider the consequences. At least, in a somewhat backhanded way, it was nice to know that someone in the past had been as ignorant as she was of country know-how. They could see the never-ending rain through the open doorway when Raoul returned from depositing her luggage in the Mini, brushing the water from his hair half-heartedly. ' You might as well get going, Kim,' he advised. ' We can manage here and we'll bring Clover with us when we come back. Unless, of course, you'd rather herd her up yourself,' he finished with a teasing grin. ' No, no, that's quite all right, Raoul,' she answered with a deliberate grin of her own. * I wouldn't want to deprive you of a nice, lazy half-hour's herding on such a glorious dayI'm sure you'll be able to do it so much better than 1 could.' Ruy fixed his brother with a gleeful look. ' She'll fit in well at homeshe's got you taped already,' he laughed. Some three-quarters of an hour later, having negotiated an increasingly difficult and dangerous drive down the slippery track, Kim halted with a thankful sigh in front of the O'Sullivan homestead, and Bounty peered through the clouded windscreen at his temporary home with an inquisitive air. The house was long and low and painted white, with touches of a dark green around the door and windows. The gardens below the wide verandah which surrounded the building were neat and well kept, although the roses hung their heavy heads with a dejected look, but the vermilion-tinged frangipanni had withstood the continuous rainfall remarkably well for such fragile-looking blooms. The minute Kim and Bounty set foot out of the car they were greeted interestedly by two cattle dogs; one, a blue heeler; the other, a red kelpie. Bounty stood his ground warily while the other two dogs gave him a full inspection until he realised he had been accepted, whereupon he gave a joyous bark and bounded gaily after them when they disappeared around a corner of the building. Fickle creature, decided Kim with a smile. Only this morning he had refused to be parted from her side

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for fear of being left behind, but now that he had companions of his own kind he had no compunction about leaving her to her own devices. With an inward quake of trepidation, she mounted the stairs and reached the shelter of the verandah. The front door was flung wide open and a lively Mona, dressed in faded jeans and a checked shirt, bounced happily on to the verandah. ' Come on round the back,' she greeted Kim eagerly,' and you can leave your boots and coat in the laundry to dry, then we can have a nice hot cup of coffee. I've been waiting ages for you to arrive. The boys can bring your cases in when they get back.' In the laundry Kim hung her dripping coat on a peg and stood her muddy boots in line with the other footwear already there, silently at attention like soldiers on parade. Stepping over four curled cats of multi-parented heritage, she padded silently on bare feet after Mona into the warm and cheerful kitchen, where she stopped in amazement. It was nothing like she had imaginednothing at all like her own kitchen with the black monstrosity taking pride of place. This room was like something out of a magazine with its shining stainless steel and gleaming paintwork. Glancing covertly from the corner of her eye, she espied the electric oven that the twins had mentioned. It was set into the wallits black glass door winking invitinglywhile the four hotplates were recessed into the formica bench top of one of the teak finished cupboards. At the other end of the room there was an enormous two-door refrigerator and freezer combined, while under the window opposite her, gay with its orange, green and white cafe curtains, was a long double-bowled stainless steel sink. In the centre of the room was a large octagonal shaped table, its formica top of a lot later vintage, and far better cared for, than the one she had inherited, surrounded by deep green leather covered chairs. ' Sit yourself down,' Mona bade her, ' while I pour out the coffee, then I'll show you around.' She pointed to the doorway by the fridge-cum-freezer. 'That's the dining room in there and that's where we usually eat dinner, but we have breakfast and lunch in here.' Kim did as suggested and accepted a steaming mug of coffee from Mona, sipping at it experimentally. She wasn't too sure what she was expecting, but after the twins' comments, it could have been anybody's guess. However, she was pleased to find that, if what they said was true and Mona couldn't manage to cook a meal to their satisfaction, she could at least make a very nice cup of coffee. She took a longer mouthful and relaxed a little. She was still apprehensive of the long periods of Rafe's company that must occur during the time she stayed thereshe shook herself with scornit was ridiculous letting it get on top of her like this; she should be worrying about the possible and probable damage the flood could do to her house instead of the effect Rafe would have on her. This was rapidly followed by the dismaying thought that it wasn't her house any moreit was his! Mona's voice came through her musings. ' If you've finished your coffee, I'll show you around now,' she offered. ' Then I'd better see about getting something for lunch.' On reflection, the house was a great deal larger than Kim had supposed. There were two bathroomsone at either end of the long hallwayand five bedrooms, each one individually furnished and decorated. The room Kim was to share with Mona was extremely pretty, with pale blue and white patterned wallpaper, white-painted furniture and softly quilted covers of pale blue on the beds. The carpet was of a deeper blue, the colour being echoed in the sliding drapes on either side of the venetianed window.

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The lounge was apparently the most used area in the house, apart from the kitchen, and was fitted with a long low settee of brown leather with cushions in muted tones of orange, yellow and chocolate, as well as four matching chairs on wooden swivel bases. There was a glass-fronted cocktail cabinet along one wall, and a highly polished three-in-one unit housed beneath the wide sliding glass windows. In the middle of the room was a maple coffee table, complete with overflowing magazine racks underneath it, upon which stood a vase of delicately coloured gladioli and two mammoth sized pottery ashtrays. There were also four small occasional tables placed strategically at the side of the armchairs. The study was a comparatively small room, or maybe, Kim suspected, that was only the impression given by the amount of books and paperwork that had found their way into the room. There was a large desk along one wall, over which was scattered sundry papers and envelopes; there was a smaller television tucked away in one corner and the bookshelves were lined with a variety of tomes which ranged from The Cause and Effect of Helminths in Ruminants to a copy of Tolstoy's War and Peace. Apart from the office chair in front of the desk, there were also a couple of older, comfortable-looking armchairs with reading lamps close by. No doubt this was used as a " get away from the rest of the family" room, as well as being used as the family office. Last on their round came the dining room with its deep-piled olive and oatmeal-toned carpet; long oatmeal linen curtains at the windows and satin matt gleam of the teak dining table and chairs with thickly padded olive-coloured leather seats and backs. The buffet that extended almost the entire length of one wall was cut from the same wood as the dining suite, its drawers and doors decorated with intricately cut gold filigree handles. Here too there reposed a tall vase filled with immaculate gladioli, their colours glowing purely against the neutral-coloured background of the wall. Back in the bright kitchen, Kim offered to give a hand in preparing lunch which was gratefully received by a Mona who declared emphatically: ' I hate preparing food, don't you?' as she carelessly tossed some firm-skinned tomatoes into the water-filled sink. ' Actually, I quite like it,' replied Kim with a consoling smile. She glanced round the room quickly. ' In fact, with all the equipment you've got here, I think I'd thoroughly enjoy it.' 'Would you really?' Mona sounded amazed and she looked at Kim consideringly. ' I don't suppose you'd ... Oh, I can't ask you thatyou're supposed to be a guest,' she concluded despondently, adding lettuce, celery, radishes and spring onions to the water. Kim hid a furtive grin that was threatening to break. She could see which way Mona's thoughts were leading.' At least let me do something for my keep,' she put forward helpfully. ' If you'd like me to give a hand with the cooking, I will. I wouldn't mind, Mona.' ' Truly?' Mona turned, an expression of near joy on her face, and threw her arms around Kim enthusiastically. ' Gee! That'd be stupendous, Kim! Thanks a million!' She drew back and laughed. ' Won't the boys be surprised to see how much I've improved?' Not as surprised as you think, speculated Kim to herself; not after all their pleas and conniving! She only hoped that in their brotherly candour they didn't go boasting about their ideait was one thing to know oneself bad at something, but quite another for someone else to inform you of it. Although, to be really honest, from Mona's comments the other night at the dance, she doubted whether it worried Mona greatly that her brothers thought she was a hopeless cookshe had been only too ready to agree with them!

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By the time the first pair of heavy footsteps could be heard mounting the verandah steps the table had been laid and the food was ready and waiting. There were bowls of finely grated cheese and carrot, slices of succulent beetroot and cucumber, twisted curls of crunchy celery; dishes of coleslaw with finely chopped capsicum, potato salad and onion, radish rosettes and chunky cut tomatoes on a bed of crisp lettuce, together with wedges of hard-boiled eggs. There were platters of sliced cold meats and chicken, and crusty bread with dishes of golden butter curls. Raoul was the first to enter the kitchen, his arms and face still damp from the cursory drying they had received after washing in the laundry.' Say, that looks good enough to ear!' Mona stood back and giggled at him. ' That's what you're supposed to do, stupid!' ' Not when you've prepared it!' came the promptly taunting retort. ' You'll be sorry,' chanted Mona, pulling a face at him. ' I'll make sure I personally supervise all your meals if you're not careful!' Raoul's expression changed to one of mock pleading. 'Oh, no! Don't do that,' he cried.' If you promise not to prepare my food I'll promise to tell everyone you're the best cook in the world. How's that?' ' What's he telling lies about now?' queried Rick with a grin as he and Ruy came in together. ' I didn't say she was the best cook,' Raoul defended himself, ' I only said I'd tell everyone she was.' 'And don't you start on me either,' Mona interrupted, poking a finger at Rick's chest. 'These two,' she indicated Raoul and Ruy,' are bad enough!' ' Me? I haven't even said anything yet!' protested Ruy innocently. ' You don't have to,' Mona rounded on him, laughing. ' It's written all over your face.' She put on a doleful expression, seeing her eldest brother follow the rest into the room. ' Rafe ... ' she appealed to him in a woebegone fashion, adding a few sniffs for good measure, ' they're picking on me again. It's not fair!' 'What's not fair, little one?' he enquired, lazily, draping an arm protectively across Mona's shoulders. ' That we're expected to eat what you provide?' ' Oooh! I should have known betteryou're as bad as they are!' Mona pulled away and landed a none too gentle kick in the middle of his left shin. Rafe bent and rubbed a hand along his now throbbing shin. 'That hurt!' he accused his sister, while his three younger brothers roared with laughter when he limped across to the table. Kim was laughing too as she caught at Mona's arm. ' Never mind, Mona. I expect you're a better cook than any of them, anyway.' ' Don't put any money on that,' Raoul advised irrepressibly while they seated themselves at the table. ' He's right, you know,' Mona grinned at Kim, not a whit put out by her brothers' remarks. ' They're not bad when they turn their hands to it.' ' Well, I think it's very nice of you to say thatespecially after all the things they've just said to you.'

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Ruy's head lifted slowly and he eyed Kim and Mona closely. 'Brothers!* he announced with a glance of devilish enjoyment. ' I think we're in for troublethey're taking sides!' Green eyes, brown eyes and two pairs of grey eyes fixed on to the two girls sitting next to each other. 'Oh, no!' Kim hastened to assure them.' Besides,' with a grin, ' I hardly think it would be fair with two on one side, and four on the other.' ' Between men and women, that would make the sides about equal,' said Rick sagely. ' Does that mean then that you consider we're superior? That one woman is worth two of the opposite sex?' Kim enquired, sweetly guileless. 'That's generous of you to say so, Rick.' Rick grinned at her home thrust.' We'd better watch this one,' he cautioned, and from behind the back of his hand, continued in a stage whisper,' even if she doesn't wear shoes.' Kim jumped guiltily and curled her toes round the bar of the chair as everyone took a quick peek under the table at her bare feet. ' Oh, I'm s-sorryI f-forgot,' she stammered, two spots of colour appearing high on her cheeks. ' They're in my caseout in the car.' ' Ignore them,' recommended Mona, grimacing at her brothers. ' That's just Rick's way of turning the tables on you. You were doing fine! And if you haven't got any shoes then it's their fault,' she stared at her brothers jubilantly, 'because they should have brought your cases in for you!' ' Sorry about that, Kim,' Ruy apologised immediately. ' I'll get them straight after lunch.' ' Thank you, Ruy.' Rafe now paused in his meal to look questioningly at the twins. 'And how did you two manage at the house this morning?' Raoul moved a negligent hand. 'No troubleeverything that could really suffer any damage is packed up out of danger level, and we brought Clover back with usshe's in the home paddock.' Ruy added his piece. 'We also turned off the power at the mains.' 'How high do you think it will come in the house, Rafe, a couple of feet?' Rick asked, and Kim waited expectantly for the answer. Rafe appeared to think over the question for a moment or so before replying to Rick, but his eyes were on Kim's anxious face when he did so. ' No, I think it'll come higher than that, from the look of the creek this morning. I'd say more like three or four feet.' Kim gave a choked gasp and swallowed hastily. She hadn't realised that the creek would completely take overshe'd, thought it would, more or less, only cover the floor as Rick had suggested. 'Andand h-how soon before the water reaches the house?' she forced herself to ask.

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Rafe answered slowly, softly, ' It's probably there already. Once she breaks her banks with rain like this, she spreads fairly rapidly.' Kim knew he had tried to break the news as gently as possible, but that didn't completely erase the sense of shock she was sustaining. To think that only this morning the house had been home and security to her, and now it was partly under water it had all happened too quickly for her to really assimilate that floods did happen to people like hernot just to unknown numbers of people living some hundreds of miles away. A short nod of her head was Kim's outward response, but, for the rest of the meal, she allowed the. talk to flow around and over her while not taking any part therein. The men were discussing matters of farm management that she knew nothing about in any case, although she was sure that, had it been at any other time, she might at least have been able to put forward some intelligent questions. As it was, the only thing Kim could see in her mind was a picture of that little house slowly but surely disappearing beneath turbulent waves. She knew this to be a mental exaggeration, but with Joseph Phillips' last will in her possession, she also knew that even without the flood her little house would soon be gone from her for ever. It was a saddening thought! Kim was brought out of her reverie by the sound of scraping chairs as the men moved away from the table and, ruthlessly dragging her thoughts back to the present, she began automatically clearing the table with Mona and stacking the dishes in the sink. 'Ruy, don't forget those cases,' Rafe reminded him, and in the same breath, ' I'd like a word with you in the study, Kim, if you don't mind?' ' Me?' She looked at him in surprise, her brain working feverishly in an endeavour to discover the reason for his request. ' Yes, you,' he agreed with a disarming smile, turning her towards the hallway. ' Any particular reason why I shouldn't?' ' I guess not,' Kim replied, uneasily aware of his forceful presence as he followed her into the study and closed the door with a definite click. He came straight to the point.' Look, I'm sorry it came as such a shock to you out there that the water would come into your house so rapidly and so deeply,' warm hands clasped her shoulders while his thumbs caressed the faint lines of her collarbones beneath the soft skin,' but don't let it worry you too much, sweetheart. Once the rain stops it will be gone very quickly and, with the walls and floors washed down, you'll hardly know it's been there.' The movements of his hands against her skin were having a curiously hypnotic effect upon Kim's reflexes. His words had registered, but she was having trouble in formulating a reply and her breath was coming in shallow, jerky gulps. It wasn't only the flood that was upsetting herit was the knowledge that even when the water had disappeared she wouldn't be moving back into the house. It wasn't hers any longerit never had been! At the moment the creek had claimed ownership, but once that had returned to normal she would have no excuse for not handing over the will. The combination of the flood, the will and Rafe's disturbing hands had a disastrous effectto Kim's utter mortification she put her hands to her face and burst into tears. Rafe's hold on her shoulders tightened and he pulled her close to his wide chest, one arm enfolding her

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slim body comfortingly while his free hand stroked her hair in a soothing motion. 'Don't cry, sweetheart, it's not as bad as all that. In a few years' time you'll be as used to floods as the rest of us and'll think nothing of it.' Knowing that she wouldn't be there that long had the opposite effect than what Rafe desired, and she shook her head vigorously and cried all the harder. His arm held her shaking figure closer.' For God's sake, Kim, stop crying,' he pleaded softly. 'You'll be home in a few days and...' Kim shook her head again. 'No, I won't,' she sobbed on a choked breath. In an almost savage movement he dragged her hands from her face and stared at the downbent head before him. ' Why won't you?' he demanded on an angry note. She lifted tear-drenched eyes to his at last and bit at her bottom lip to still its trembling. ' Becausebecause I...' The tears began falling again. Rafe let go of her hands and took her face between his gentle hands.' Oh, God ...' he groaned in despair, and set his mouth to hers in a kiss that obliterated all thought from her mind. Her arms hung limply at her sides and she had no notion of attempting to pull away, but it was some moments before she realised to just what degree she was responding so avidly. The attraction this man held for her was almost magnetic in its intensity. At last he released her, and Kim turned reproachful eyes upwards.' What did you do that for?' she sniffed. His ever-ready smile was to the fore again.' It had the desired effect, didn't it? You've stopped crying!' Oh, yes, it had done that all right, conceded Kim miserably. And now what would he think of her after she had responded so eagerly to his advances which, to him, had only been a means to an end. She felt disgusted with herself for allowing her emotions to so easily get out of control. ' And now, perhaps, you can tell me why you won't be living back at the house when the flood moves on?' Kim wasn't about to be caught again, this time she determined to keep a tight rein. 'Because I found Joseph Phillips' latest will this morning,' she told him, her head held high and her eyes holding his bravely.' You were rightthe place belongs to you it was never mine.' Whatever reaction she had expected from Rafe, it wasn't the expelling of a deeply held breath and the heartfelt, ' Thank God!' that followed it. She gazed at him in deepening dismay. Had the property really meant that much to him? Had he really wanted to get rid of her to such an extent? She couldn't believe it! Or could it be that she didn't want to believe it? It was a great effort for her to offer casually, ' It's in my bag. I'll go and get it for you, if you like.' Apparently the fact that the will had been found was enough for Rafe, for his reply was quite offhand. 'No, don't bother. I'll get it from you later.'

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Kim didn't know what to make of this. After his obviously great relief when he heard that the will had been located, she would have thought he would have wanted to get the document into his possession as soon as possible. She hunched her shoulders perplexedly. It didn't make sense to her. Oh, well, that was his problem, not hersshe had done the right thing in confessing that she had the will, it was up to Rafe to take things from there. All she had to do was malqe sure that the rest of her goods were cleared from the house and that it was clean and tidy when the time came for him to claim his property. She moved around him towards the door. ' If that's all, I'll go now,' she said slowly. Rafe was deep in his own thoughts, because it was a while before he answered: ' Okay, little one,' in a rather distracted voice, but then, in a firmer tone, ' and, Kim ...' She waited patiently, her eyes down, not wanting to look at him. '... thanks for giving Mona a hand in the kitchen. It was a very nice lunch.' Her smile when she replied was only a weak one, but she held on to it valiantly.' That's all rightI enjoyed doing it.' Outside in the hall she pulled the door to behind her and leant back thankfully against it, hoping against hope that one of the others wouldn't come past until she had rallied herself. She had to get things back into their proper perspective. She couldn't understand Rafethe kisses he had given her obviously meant nothing to him compared to the " Thank God " he had uttered when he found she would have to move from his property. She had been a fool letting him have such an effect on hershe had been right all along in thinking that he had had too much success with the opposite sex for his feelings to become seriously involved with any girl, let alone her. Well, two could play at that game! From now on she would make certain he had no such outrageous effect upon her emotionsshe would treat him exactly as she did the others for the short time left to her, and to Hades with him and his light lovemaking! She would show him it meant as little to her as it apparently did to him! Mona was putting away the last of the dishes that had been used for lunch when Kim entered the kitchen. ' I'm sorry, Mona, I should have helped youthere was a lot to do on your own.' The younger girl set her apologies aside with a grin. ' That's okay, I blackmailed Rick into giving me a hand. Told him I'd make the dinner all by myself if he didn't,' she explained. It was a strain for Kim to force herself into giving a light laugh to this remark, but she was pleased when it sounded almost natural. To cover her lack of spontaneous conversation she bent her head to the transistor radio Mona had on the table. The information being relayed didn't sound encouraging. The river was still rising, with promises of greater heights to come as the waters from further inland began making their way to the sea, together with messages that first one road, then another, and then another were now impassable, giving Kim the impression that soon the whole district must submerge beneath the water, Mona was peering through the window, searching the sky. 'I think it's starting to ease off,' she exclaimed excitedly. ' See, there's a break in the clouds towards the east.' Kim went to stand beside her to see for herself, but not knowing which direction was east from where she was standing, had to scan the whole horizon before she chanced upon the slight, pale blue gap in the heavens that Mona had commented upon.

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'Thank goodness for that!' She looked at Mona. 'How long once the rain stops before the water goes down?' 'Not for some timeeven if it stopped right now, the river wouldn't peak until some time tomorrow morning, probably.' ' It's a rather frightening chain of events, isn't it?' Kim mused. 'Not really,' replied Mona with the off-handedness of one who has been raised with such things, ' inevitable, perhaps, but not really frightening. The Emergency Service has things pretty much under control, that's why we have the radio on all the time. They give out constant bulletins regarding the safety of roads, the time the river will break its banks, the rate the water's rising and the expected height of the peak. There's very little left to chance these days.' She grinned. 'I guess we've just had too much experience with them.' ' But couldn't they move the town? I mean, it would save an awful lot of trouble, surely.' ' Where to?' came the masculine question as Rick entered the kitchen and poured himself a mug of coffee before going down to the machinery shed. Kim made an expressive movement with her hand. ' Well, the whole area's not exactly high-density housing, is it? There must be somewhere above flood level where it could be relocated.' Rick stirred sugar into his drink and sat down at the table before answering. ' You make it sound easy, but I think there's more to it than picking up the town, holus-bolus as it were, and putting it down elsewhere. First of all, there's transport. That means the railway lines and the highways have to be diverted, and somehow I don't imagine the Government would be overly keen on spending the amount of money that would involve.' He waited for her nod of comprehension. ' Then who's going to buy the land that the shops and offices now stand on, to enable the present shop-keepers to buy other land elsewhere? Everyone knows it floods regularly. Would you be prepared to pay good money for such a site?' Kim gave a reluctant acknowledging shake of her head at his point. ' But last of all, even if we manage to get over the first two hurdles, we end up with what's commonly called a "land boom". When the new site for the town is finally decided upon, can you imagine what the land prices would be like? The money they would make would give land developers instant retirementthey'd make a fortune!' ' I suppose so,' conceded Kim in defeat.' But couldn't they do more to alleviate the possibility of floods? Like building a levee, or something?' Rick pondered this while drinking his coffee. 'They're continually dredging the river, and that helps to some degree. And I believe there are plans under way to consider building canals to bypass Lismore and empty the floodwaters directly into the sea, but levees aren't always suitable. In fact, in some cases, it's been found that they're downright dangerous.' ' But why?' 'Because a river under flood moves very fast and has extremely strong currents, as well as often carrying an enormous amount of debris with it. Even though it might be built of pre-stressed, reinforced concrete, and all the rest, as you well know at times Mother Nature has a distinct tendency to treat with a terrifying contempt man's puny efforts to keep her in check, and if a levee breaksand they quite often

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dothen instead of the river overflowing its banks at ground level, you have a wall of water roaring into town like some hideous tidal wave carrying all before it. At least this way all we have to do afterwards is clean up the townthat way, we'd still be searching for half of it weeks later.' ' I surrender,' smiled Kim. ' No more suggestions.' Rick grinned in response. ' No? Well, let's just have three minutes' silence for our ancestors who used the rivers as their, highways and built all their towns on their banks so that we could reap the consequences. Good thinking, fellers!' ' That's hardly fair,' spoke up Mona.' They had to have water how else could they have survived?' ' From what I've read, they drank more rum than water in the early days of the colony anyway. And they could have built reservoirs, the same as we do,' he concluded with a facetious look. ' Don't be daft,' Mona adjured her elder brother, and rumpled his hair on her way to the sink with his now empty cup. ' Okay, chicken,' Rick agreed, rising to his feet and replacing his chair under the table. ' It's good for some, I guess, with nothing to do, but us workers ...' he smiled and left the sentence unfinished, heading for the outside door. ' And don't forget to feed Kim's hens and collect the eggs this afternoon,' Mona called after him, and was treated to a sketchy salute in lieu of a reply. The girls spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking Kim's cases and hanging her clothes in the wardrobe that Mona had cleared for her use. Kim also made sure she had a pair of sandals on her feet directly her shoes were taken from their packing place. While this was taking place Mona lay comfortably on her bed and kept Kim amused with her running commentary on her life at school and hilarious anecdotes concerning some of the other girls who boarded with her. Kim found her to be an easy companion, with the attitudes at times of someone of more years than Mona could lay claim to, although she did also at times revert to a giggling teenager. But only, Kim was glad to note, infrequently. If there was one thing she had never been able to abide, it was girls who giggled incessantly. It was during a lull in the conversation that Kim had a flash of remembrance. ' By the way,' she turned to Mona, ' Adam Spencer said he'd call in here tonight to see meI hope no one will mind.' ' Of course they won't,' Mona assured her complacently, then lifted herself on to one elbow and eyed Kim with an inquisitive grin. ' Do I smell a romance?' she wanted to know. ' No, you don't!' laughed Kim. ' He's a friend, that's all.' ' I know, I know, I've heard all that " we're just good friends " bit beforeall the Hollywood stars use it. Then you find out in a, couple of months' time that they've been living together for years and have a couple of kids as well! Some friends!' 'Well, I can assure you that's not the case with Adam and me,' Kim pointed out, still laughing. ' I only met him for the first time at the dance.' Mona wagged a wise finger.' But for some, that's long enough.' She eyed the ceiling mischievously. ' I wonder what my brothers would say if I told them you were having a romance with Adam?'

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' They'd give me hell, and don't you dare say a thing, Mona. They'll know soon enough, I guess,' Kim spoke ruefully,' there's no need for you to start them off any earlier than you have to.' ' Ah-hah!' Mona pounced on her words, jumping into a cross-legged position, elbows resting on her knees, her chin on her knuckles.' Then there is a romance!' ' No, there is not,' Kim reiterated in laughing exasperation. ' I've been out with Adam once and we were supposed to be-going out again tonight, and, contrary to what you might think, two dates do not constitute a romance!' ' Oh!' Mona sounded disappointed and flopped into a supine position once more, only to bounce upright again a second later. ' I know! He's forcing his attentions on you, then,' she suggested brightly,' I could tell them that.' ' You'll do no such thing,' Kim ordered, horrified at the thought of what Adam's reception might be should Mona's teasing take her that far. ' And if you say one more word about romance, or Adam, tonight, then I'llI'll refuse to help you any more in the kitchen.' Mona gave in with a loud sigh. ' Okay,' she agreed, ' my lips are sealed regarding your affair.' . ' Mona!' She jumped off the bed with a cheeky grin. 'I didn't say " romance ", Kim.' She held up one hand with her fingers extended close to her temple. ' But I promise, on Scout's honour, that I won't tease you about it any more. Forgiven?' ' Forgiven,' assented Kim with a smile. ' Though it's not to be wondered at with the teachers you've got on hand.' 'Umm! It's a real case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" around here.' The preparation for a ragout of veal, to be followed by a frosted banana mousse, were well under way before Kim found time to slip into the bathroom and have a shower before dinner. Mona had already told her that they didn't really dress for dinner, although the men always had their showers beforehand and changed their clothes, but she thought that it was the least she could do if Adam was calling to see her that she be wearing something a little more dressy than an old shirt and jeans. She hadn't realised she'd missed having a shower so much since making do with her old bath and enjoyed the hot water beating on to her skin in tingling needlepoints with the aid of a pressure pump connected to the system. In the bedroom she slipped into a pair of mint green flared slacks with a matching safari-type, short-sleeved jacket. A light dusting of make-up followed, ending with the application of a bronze lipstick and a vigorous brushing of her hair; then her feet were slid into a pah of open white sandals and after a quick inspection in the mirror she was back in the kitchen. ' Wow! Where are you off to tonight?' was Raoul's comment as he passed through on his way to the bathroom. Kim smiled in return but said nothingthey would find out the reason for her change of dress quickly enough as it was. Rick and Ruy also had some very ego-boosting remarks to make when they came in, but Rate's recognition of her change of clothing came in the form of one lifted eyebrow, in what was to

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Kim's mind a rather derisive manner. She wrinkled her nose at his look and turned away to begin laying the cutlery on the table. Let him think what he liked! Dinner was a more reserved meal than lunch had been, with less laughing and more serious topics of conversation to be followed. The first course had only partly been disposed of when the telephone rang and Rafe left the table to answer it. He was only gone for a few minutes before he returned with a somewhat rueful expression. 'I'm sorry, but I'll have to leavemy presence is urgently required elsewhere. Fred Robertson's mare is in trouble having-her foal,' he explained for their benefit. This was followed by another remorseful glance in the direction of the remainder of his meal.' I'm sorry, Kim, but I'll have to forgo the pleasures of your culinary aptitude until some other time.' A quick look encompassed them all as, with a brief, ' I'll see you later,' and a blast of cold air when he opened the back door, he was gone. Kim finished the rest of her own meal in a thoughtful silence. She hoped that Rafe didn't imagine she had gone to so much trouble with the meal solely for his benefit. The idea that she had taken such pains over it, merely to prove to him that she could cook, had crossed her mind during the preparations, but they had been firmly banished to the nether regions as being ridiculous and not worthy of consideration. As it was, she had strongly convinced herself that it was only due to the splendid facilities available that had prompted her to go to such lengthsbesides, the other three were more than grateful to be given a respite from Mona's apparently tasteless efforts. While Kim and Mona tackled the washing up, Rick disappeared into the study and the twins settled themselves down in the lounge to watch the news on television. Kim found herself becoming extremely nervous waiting for Adam to arrive entertaining a friend in somebody else's home wasn't, to her way of thinking, very relaxing, especially when it was her own first day thereand the ticking of the kitchen clock had assumed deafening proportions by the time the door bell finally rang. Kim hesitated and looked at Mona helplessly, but the younger girl only grinned and gave her a friendly push in the direction of the doorway. ' Go on,' she whispered, ' you answer it. It's you he's come to see, not me.' By the time Kim had finally decided to do as Mona said, one of the twins had already beaten her to it, for they heard Raoul's voice saying: ' G'day, Adam, come on in. What brings you out on a night like this?' There followed a significant pause, then: ' No need to tell me, I think I can guess. Kim's in the kitchen with Mona.' 'Thanks, Raoul. I'll find her,' they heard Adam reply, and deeming that she couldn't stay hidden in the kitchen for the whole of the evening, Kim swallowed hastily and stepped out into the hallway. Raoul was just turning back to the lounge and gave her a teasing grin when she passed him, but fortunately said nothing. Kim let out her breath on a relieved note and held out her hand to Adam, which he took in one of his own, squeezing it affectionately. ' You're looking very beautiful tonight,' he murmured softly, bending his head to hers. She allowed him to kiss her briefly before turning her head away nervously and glancing round as if she expected to find an audience watching. A wry smile touched the corners of her mouth when she turned back to him. ' I'm sorry,' she apologised quickly,' but I'm not used to living in a house with so many people around. I keep expecting to find that I'm not alone any more.'

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Adam laughed understandingly.' That's okay, we'll find somewhere more private next time, eh?' A rapid nod of the head was Kim's grateful response to that suggestion, and his, ' Shall we put on a brave front and confront the rest of the family?' had her smiling in agreement. She didn't feel quite so much the outsider with Adam present. The twins both looked up when Kim and Adam entered the room, but within minutes of Ruy offering his greetings, they had both returned to their contemplation of the flickering screen before them. Apparently whatever was showing had completely captured their interest. A little while later Mona slipped into the room and, after giving Kim a sly wink, curled up cosily in one of the large chairs and proceeded to give the transmitted programme her undivided attention as well. Kim and Adam gave each other conspiratorial grins, wondering whether the avid interest being shown by the three other occupants of the room was genuine or assumed, but soon found themselves eyeing the set for longer and longer periods as the story being relayed unfolded before them. It was ten-thirty before the film finished and Mona yawned, stretched, and rose to her feet reluctantly. ' I'll get some supper,' she announced to everyone in general. ' It'll only be biscuits and cookies, I'm afraidI didn't bake a cake today.' ' That's good,' chuckled Ruy, and unsuccessfully tried to duck when his sister threw a cushion at him with deadly aim, catching him across the side of his head and making them all laugh. ' I'll give you a hand, Mona,' offered Kim, and began walking towards the doorway where she collided with Rick coming from the other direction. After laughing apologies had been made, Rick seemed surprised to see Adam in the room. ' Hey, Adam, I didn't know you were here,' he explained. ' You're just the man I wanted to see. That clearing sale over at Pilgrim Creek that you advertised the other dayI wanted to know what you thought of those springing heifers that were for sale. I liked the sound of the bloodlines.' The girls exchanged raised eyebrows and with knowing smiles left the room, knowing full well the men would be thoroughly engrossed in their discussion for some time to come. In fact, they were still involved in the same dissertation when supper was finished; the dishes once more washed and put away, and the twins and Mona had said their adieux and gone to bed. Kim lit a cigarette and while only half listening to the men's conversa-tion, mulled over the evening in her mind. All in all, it hadn't been as bad as she had thought it would be. Apart from Raoul's taunting grin in the hallway, there had been no teasing references, and Rick had dominated the talk at supper-time with questions relating to the clearing sale, thereby excluding any chance the others might have had of steering the discourse into more lively channels. Or perhaps they just didn't think they knew her well enough yet? Kim had the presentiment that this was nearer the markit was all very well ragging a member of one's own family, but quite another thing when it came to doing it to a comparative stranger. ' Well, I'm for bed,' said Rick, finally bringing the topic to a close. ' I'll see you in the morning, Kim, and I'll see you on Monday, Adam, re that sale. I think I might put in a bid on those heifers after all.' Standing in the darkness of the hall once Rick had left them, Adam wrapped his arms around Kim and pulled her against him gently, whispering in her ear: ' I'm sorry Rick took up so much time back there.' A puzzled frown creased his tanned forehead. ' It's not like Rick to be so slow in making a decision, and half the questions he asked were repeats of what he'd asked me earlier. I wasn't sure what was going on.' His lips brushed lightly down the side of Kim's cheek and she could hear the smile in his voice at his next

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words. ' I thought he was never going to bed, didn't you?' Before she could frame a reply the hallway was abruptly flooded with light and Rafe stood by the kitchen doorway, a thunderous seowl slowly descending over his face replacing the momentary look of surprise when he had first seen them. Kim spun guiltily out of Adam's embrace, her face flaming at what Rafe had seen and the interpretation he might put upon it, but her eyes flashed defiance as she stood her ground at Adam's side. Adam appeared the least perturbed of the three; leaning back easily against the wall, he was the first to break the silence. ' How goes it, old son? I meant to ask Kim earlier where you were, but I guessed you must have been dispensing medication somewhere. Lousy night for it?' Suddenly the scowl changed to a bland expression. ' Not too bad at the moment, though,' Rafe replied quietly. ' It stopped raining about half an hour agoif you leave straight away you'll probably be able to make it home before it starts again.' Kim drew in a sharp breath at this deliberate attempt to remove Adam from the premises and glared at Rafe indignantly. How dared he presume to tell Adam when he should leave! He might be in charge of the house with his parents away, but he certainly wasn't in charge of her friends! Adam obviously didn't see it that way, for he acknowledged the hint with a wide grin, saying, ' Good idea,' but before Kim knew what he was about he had grasped her by the shoulders, pulled her towards him and planted a lingering kiss on her soft lips. ' Goodnight, Kim, I'll be in touch,' and, ' See you, Rafe,' were his last words before he opened the front door and let himself out. Rafe evidently had no more to say on the matter, for, immediately the door had closed, he turned and marched back into the kitchen. Kim hurried after him, intent on having her say, and found him plugging in the percolator and rummaging in the cupboard for a mug. 'How dare you tell Adam when to leave!' She came straight out with it, angrily. Rafe turned slowly, his eyes glittering with an icy kind of anger of his own. ' I wasn't aware that I had,' he returned softly, dangerously, ' but it was obviously about time somebody did; And, while we're on the subject, how dare you treat this house like some cheap little backroad motel! If you intend to make love to Adam, kindly do it elsewhere!' ' Motel? Make love?' gasped Kim furiously, hurt by his unfounded accusations and wanting to strike back. 'Look who's talking! I bet you wouldn't have been so averse to the idea if I'd agreed to go with you on the night of the dance. From the way you're carrying on, you'd have us believe that the great Rafe O'SulIivan doesn't even kiss his girl friends goodnight!' she flung at him scornfully, her eyes flashing blue fire. ' But if I do, I certainly don't make secret assignations to meet in someone else's home and conduct the torrid little affair in a darkened hallway!' he retorted with a contemptuous sneer. ' It wasn't a secret assignation,' Kim shot back haughtily, ' Mona knew Adam was calling to see me tonight. And, for your information,' she continued coldly, her hands clenched at her sides in an effort to control her temper, ' I don't have torrid little affairs!' ' No? Well, I suppose you know best what you call them.'

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The disparaging head-to-toe scrutiny that followed this statement had tears of injustice and frustration biting at her eyelids and she blinked hard to keep them at bay. One thing was for certainshe wasn't going to give Rafe the satisfaction of having made her cry! She opened her mouth to pithily condemn his last fallacious remark but then closed it again without having uttered a word. Her shoulders slumped dejectedly. Oh, what was the use? He had no intention of changing his mind regarding her behaviourlet him think what he liked! She would never see him again after the next week or sowhat did it matter to her? This had the effect of making her feel more despondent than ever, and with one last resentful glance at the tall man before her, she swung out of the doorway and hurried down the hall and into the bathroom. Inside she bent her head to the towel rail and, although she tried desperately to stop them, the threatening tears began to fall, slowly at first and then more quickly after their initial success. The sobs made her throat sore and with a determined gesture she threw back her head and brushed her fingers across wet cheeks impatiently. She looked at her own reflection in the wide wall mirror with distastethe wide shimmering tear-stained eyes, the trembling lips, her damp cheeks drained of all colour. What was the matter with her? Anyone would believe she was in love with Rafe, the way she vibrated to every nuance in the man's voice and actions! A slow drumming of shock coursed through her body, causing her mind to reel at this devastating revelation. What a fool she had been not to have realisedwhat a stupid fool! Of course she was in love with him! ' And where now is that cool restraint of yours that Patsy used to joke about?' her mind jeered at the pale-faced girl in the mirror. ' You've known all along that he's got a " love 'em and leave 'em " reputation. Did you honestly think that a little ignoramus from the city like you could change the course of things?' her brain gibed again. 'That you were the one Rafe would give up his freedom for? That's a laugh!' She shut her eyes tight in an endeavour to block out her agonising thoughts, and after one deep shuddering sigh had left her lips found her breathing returning to normal and her subconscious subsided to a low rumbling in the fathomless reaches of her psyche. Her unsteady fingers turned the taps on over the pale coffee-coloured enamel wash-basin and she scrubbed at her face with a soapy sponge with more energy than was necessary to remove the amount of make-up that she had applied earlier that evening. But by the time she had concluded her ablution she felt distinctly better and more in command of her emotions At least her reflection told her that she didn't look quite so taut and strained as she had. Sweeping the damp curls back from her face, she quietly opened the bathroom door and stepped into the deserted hallway. She could hear Rafe moving around in the kitchen when she turned towards her bedroom, only to stop after a few steps had been taken, when she heard an exasperated, 'Damn!' issuing forth. She hesitated, reversed the direction in which she was heading, faltered, and then moved onwards. She knew she should have left well enough alone, but she couldn't help it. Perhaps having admitted to herself that she loved Rafe made the difference, but, no matter what he thought of her, she found she wanted to spend as much time as was possible in his company before the time came for her to leave. Her own personal form of masochism? she mused wryly. Squaring her shoulders valiantly, she entered the kitchen and caught hold of the back of one of the chairs for support. This wasn't going to be easy. Rafe's eyes swept over her inscrutably when he saw her standing beside the table and Kim found herself apologising waveringly before she was even aware of what she had intended to say. His cool indifferent sounding, 'What for?' didn't make her feel any better. With eyes downcast, apparently absorbed in the chair beneath her hand, Kim stammered on. ' Forfor not t-telling you that Adam w-would be coming tonight.' She took in a large breath. 'And for saying you had no right to tell him when to leave you had every right,' she conceded painfully.

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' Forget it.' At this uncaring answer her eyes flashed upwards, a spark of anger showing in their depths, and her fingers tightened on the unsuspecting chair. Rafe had his back to her as he extracted a large, succulent steak from the fridge and Kim mentally marked a spot in the middle of his broad back where she would have liked to score a bulls-eye if only there had been something at hand to be thrown. ' No, I won't forget it, I...' she began steadily. 'Look, Kim,' Rafe wheeled to face her, a hand running wearily through tousled black hair, 'I'm tired and I'm hungry. It's also late and I'm in no mood for carefully polite conversations. So why don't you take yourself off to bed, like a good little girl?' ' ' Because I thought I might be able to help.' A wry smile crossed his mouth, to be supplanted by a resigned sigh.' Do you really want to?' Kim answered quietly but clearly,' Yes.' He lifted wide shoulders. ' Okay, be my guest,' and moved away from the bench with his mug of coffee in one hand and pulled out a chair to sit at the table. Soon Kim had the steak hissing gently under the griller and the eggs ready to break into the frypan. She cut some tomatoes into wedges and began slicing the bread. With a chanced enquiring look at Rafe, ' How did it go tonight?' she asked tentatively. ' No good.' A finger absently traced around the rim of the mug. 'The foal died and it's quite on the cards that we'll lose the dam as well.' Kim paused in the act of breaking the second egg and her eyes darkened with pity and concern. ' Oh, that's a shame!' ' Just one of those things, I guess. Fred left it too late before ringing medidn't want to call me out unnecessarily in the rain. The foal suffocated and now the mare's extremely weak as well.' Kim turned the steak and placed the tomatoes ready on the platter. ' Isn't there anything you can do?' she asked innocently. ' For God's sake,' Rafe exploded irritably, ' what the hell do you think I've been doing all night? Not necking in dark corners, that's for sure!' ' Well, you don't have to snap my head off,' she shouted over one shoulder, ladling golden and white eggs next to the tomatoes. ' And you don't have to start on that again either! I've heard all I want to from you on that subject for one night!' ' Well, what did you think I'd been doing? Romping in the hayloft?' 'There's no need to be sarcastic! I didn't mean you hadn't.... I only meant... oh, forget it!' Kim broke off to slap the sizzling steak on to the platter and thumped it down on the table in front of him. She glared at him heatedly. ' And I hope it chokes you!' she added as a parting shot while she stormed down the hall and into the bedroom she shared with Mona.

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She leant back against the closed door breathing swiftly, her fingers ringing an angry tattoo against the smooth wood. Of all the... How was she to know there wasn't anything else to be done for the mare? Rafe knew better than anyone just how little she knew about animals! Her eyes strayed across her handbag lying on the end of the bed and she rushed towards it and extracted a long envelope. With it clutched in her hand she hurried out of the bedroom and marched belligerently into the kitchen. ' There!' She slammed the envelope on to the table next to an inexpectant Rafe. ' Perhaps that will improve your disposition!' she stormed at him before flouncing back down the hall, and was rewarded by an annoying roar of laughter echoing after her. Kim slept very badly that night, tossing and turning restlessly until the early hours of the morning when she finally fell into a dreamless sleep.


When Kim at last awoke the next day it was to find the sun streaming into the bedroom through the chinks in the Venetian blinds with a strength that surprised her and discounting the idea that the preceding days had been so overcast and full of rain. She looked across at the other bed and saw that Mona was evidently up and dressed, judging by the frilly shortie pyjamas tossed carelessly on to the crumpled bedclothes. Kim hurriedly got to her feet and padded over to the dresser to pick up her watch. Heavens, was that really the time? She pulled open a drawer and began pulling out clothes. Half an hour later, washed and dressed in dark brown flared slacks with a lemon and white motif cotton top, she presented herself in the kitchen. Mona, busily laying the table, and dressed similarly to Kim in flared jeans and striped top, greeted her with an engaging smile. ' Hi, did you sleep well?' And before giving Kim a chance to answer, ' Were you still up when Rate arrived home?' 'Actually, I didn't sleep all that wellperhaps it was the different bed,' Kim put forward in an attempt to ward off any questions that might ensue as to why she hadn't. 'And yes, I was up when Rafe arrived,' she admitted with rueful recollection. Mona perceived the change in her tone of voice immediately. ' Why, what happened?' she wanted to know with eager curiosity. ' Don't tell me you had words?'

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' And please don't you remind me of it,' replied Kim with feeling, heading for the cutlery drawer. ' Well! Fancy that,' speculated Mona with a happy grin. ' I hope you ended by kissing and making up, and all that.' Kim's expression was wry. ' Not exactly. I threw Joe Phillips' new will down in front of him and stormed out of the room.' ' Good for you!' cheered Mona. ' I wish I'd seen it. But what new will are you talking about...?' Her face was puzzled for a moment, then, as realisation came,' Not that one they couldn't find? The one that left the property to Rafe?' ' The very same.' ' Oh, no! That means you don't own the place any more,' and at Kim's affirmative nod, ' Oh, Kim, I am sorry. What will you do now?' ' Go back to Sydney, I suppose,' replied Kim with a light shrug, and began placing the knives and forks around the table. 'But that's not fair!' protested Mona with the fervour of her youth. ' Not after all the trouble you must have taken to come up here to live.' ' I've nobody to blame but myself, because I was warned that another will had been made. But I just wanted to prove how independent and adventuresome I was, so I disregarded that fact entirelyto my own detriment as it turns out.' Mona thoughtfully placed the cups and saucers on the table, then her face cleared. ' I know. You could stay here with us,' she suggested brightly. 'There's plenty of room, and you do seem to fit in so well.' After last night's brush with Rafe, Kim had her doubts about that, but she didn't voice them aloud. Instead she managed to grin and say lightly, 'I rather think your parents might have something to say about that idea,' including at least one other member of the family,' and I hardly think they would appreciate returning from their trip to find an unknown female ensconced in their home for an indeterminate period. Thanks all the same, Mona, but I don't think it would work out quite so well as you expect.' ' When will you be leaving, then?' was the next doleful question. There was no opportunity for Kim to reply before the twins and Rick followed each other into the room. 'Who's leaving? For where?' were Rick's first thoughts, looking from one to the other of the girls. 'Kim isfor Sydney,' Mona glanced at her brothers in turn and grimaced dramatically. ' She found that other will of Joe's and now she'll have to leave. It's not fair!' she repeated her previous protestation. ' Gee, that's tough luck, Kim,' and ' What a pity, you were getting on so good too,' were Raoul and Ruy's contributions to the conversation, but Kim noticed that Rick had made no comment whatsoever. She looked towards him covertly, but his attention, as he leant back against the cupboard, seemed to be completely taken up by the studied survey of his dusty stock boots. Her eyes narrowedshe wasn't sure, but hadn't that been a swiftly covered grin that had disturbed Rick's mouth a moment before he had lowered his head? Her lips parted in dismay. She had thought of Rick as a friendnow it seemed that he

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too would be pleased to see the last of her. She knew it for certain nowshe should never have left Sydneyshe should have accepted Rafe's offer for the property when he first made it but she had been so certain she was doing the right thing. Beware of acting on impulse, her mother had always advised. This time it would appear her mother had been right! When Rafe came in for breakfast his eyes flicked across Kim with an amused look, as if remembering her outburst of the night before, but she merely looked down her nose at him coolly and turned her back, seeing to the eggs, bacon and steak as though he wasn't there. ' Is it true that Kim found Joe's last will?' asked Ruy some time later, pouring milk into the bowl of cereal in front of him. ' Umm, that's right,' was Rafe's short reply, and Kim had the clear feeling that he was watching for her reaction as he said it, hut she refused to give him the satisfaction of facing him and studiedly bent to her task of slicing the bread. He could gloat if he wanted to, but blowed if she would look at him while he did it! For the rest of the meal the conversation centred around the flood and how soon life in Lismore would return to normal. 'Did they say on the radio this morning what time they expect the river to peak?' Rick enquired of Mona as he polished off steak and eggs with an amazing promptness. Mona nodded and swallowed a mouthful of bacon before answering. ' Yes, it should be around three or four this afternoon.' She turned to Kim, enthusiastically informative. ' You should have been here last year. We had twenty-seven inches of rain in twenty-four hours. Oh, boy! That was some flood. The river came up so fast it caught everybody on the hop.' Kim looked duly horrified, but her thoughts were really elsewhere. ' How long before the creek goes down?' she enquired quietly, of nobody in particular. Raoul picked up the question. ' We should be able to start rnopping-up operations tomorrow,' he replied cheerfully. ' The creek drops a lot faster than the river.' 'We're on the coastal side of the catchment area,' explained Rick, ' so, of course, the water gets away quicker. Also the creek doesn't collect as much as the river either.' Kim nodded thoughtfully, playing with the food on her plate. She didn't feel much like eating and it was an effort to appear as if the discovery of the will had made little difference to her. She was pleased when the men had finished their breakfast and disappeared outside. Whilst doing the dishes with Mona ideas kept chasing each other through her mind and finally Kim plucked up the courage to voice one of them. ' I was just thinking,' she began slowly, trying hard to appear casual, ' that I might just as well get going straight away. There's not really all that much of my gear left down at the house. I mean, if you wouldn't mind sending them on once you're able to get into the house again ...' she trailed off, uneasily wondering what Mona would think of her reasons for such a suggestion. Mona was aghast at the idea and said so in no uncertain terms. ' You can't go yet,' she objected, putting down the plate she had been washing to give greater emphasis to her words, ' you've only just arrived. Besides...' A figure passed the open window of the kitchen and she called out loudly, ' Rafe! Kim wants to leave right away!'

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Kim sagged visibly. This wasn't how she had planned it at all. She had wanted to present Rafe with an almost fait accompli her bags all packed and everything settled, and only tell him as she walked out through the door. When he came into the kitchen with a long lithe stride, taking in her pale face with narrowed watchful eyes, she felt her courage beginning to desert her and it was only with a tremendous effort that she was able to look at him squarely, her head held high. ' What's the hurry?' he queried in a soft voice. She spread her hands wide. ' There's nothing to keep me here now,' she returned quickly and could have kicked herself for allowing the slightly bitter note to enter her words. ' I haven't even passed the will on to my solicitor yet. Legally the property's still yours,' he pointed out evenly with a trace of a smile lurking at the corners of his mouth, and making Kim's temper rise. ' That's only a formality, and you know it!' ' And what about Adam? Are you going to leave him to find out that you've flown in his own sweet time?' ' I'll ring him and explain,' Kim flared angrily. It was none of Rafe's business what she did regarding Adam. He'd only mentioned Adam in the first place so he could place another obstacle in her road. Typical! ' And are you going to explain to him just how you'll be leaving?' he now asked, with a decided smile curving his lips. A frown creased her forehead and she eyed the man in front of her warily. 'I don't thinkI don't understand you,' she faltered. ' No, you don't,' agreed Rafe, an enigmatic look crossing his face. ' But you can forget all about leaving in any case.' These were statements Kim did understand. ' I will not,' she came back promptly. ' I have my own transport and I can please myself when I leave,' she challenged him. ' Not this time you can't,' he returned with infuriating calm. She opened her mouth to deliver a withering retort to this uncalled for piece of perverseness, but before she could get the words out Mona broke her silence to expose the logic behind her brother's announcements. 'The roads, Kimthey're under water,' she explained with a telling grin. This had the effect of stopping Kim in her tracks. That was something she had never even considered. She looked from one to the other in dismay. ' Surely there must be some way out?' she pleaded hopefully. 'Nope!' was Rafe's unfeeling and unhelpful reply, although Mona did go a little further.' You can't use the Pacific Highway' because it's cut north and south of Lismore, and you can't go west because you can't get through Lismore. The only way is east, and that'll only get you into the Pacific Ocean,' she

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ended on a laugh.' You're well and truly stuck!' The look Kim cast in Rafe's direction as the full impact of Mona's information hit her, left him in no doubts that she considered him to be the personal perpetrator of these distressing hindrances. It was also obvious from the look on his face that this didn't afford him any worries in the slightest, as his next words proved. ' Looks like you're here to stayat least for a few days yet, sweetheart,' he drove home his victory with a lazy smile and a mocking inclination of his dark head which had Kim clenching her fists in an effort to refrain from lashing out at him. As if he could read her thoughts a dancing gleam appeared in Rafe's eyes but he shook his head slightly in a warning that did nothing for the state of Kim's temper, although it did enable her to succeed in controlling her emotions to the extent where she could view his retreating back as he headed for the door with only the strong desire to poke out her tongue at him. This idea almost made her laugh, and if it had been in other circumstances she possibly would have done, but at the moment she had more disquieting things to cope with and she allowed the childish urge to pass. That afternoon Mona wanted to wash her hair and, impulsively, Kim decided to drive down the track and have a look at her short-lived home. As she opened the car door a muddy Bounty careered around the corner of the house and, without waiting to be asked, bounded across the seats to sit panting expectantly on the floor. Ruefully removing the dirty paw marks from the leather, Kim seated herself behind the wheel and rumpled Bounty's ears affectionately. ' Come on, feller. Let's go and see what the water's done to our home, shall we?' she enquired brightly and was rewarded by a sticky tongue happily slurping over her fingers in agreement. It" took some time for the Mini to safely negotiate the water-filled, potholed roadway and the little car was liberally coated with red mud by the time they had climbed the crest overlooking Kim's small homestead. She parked the car by the gateway and, getting out, stood silently viewing the scene. It was hard to believe that only yesterday morning she had been living in that small pathetic-looking house down there which was now sitting in the middle of a dirty-looking lake. The whole scene was almost unbelievable. The sky was a clear azure with hardly cloud in sight; the sun was bitingly warm on her shoulders; and the rest of her cattle were grazing peacefully in the long green grass. It was nearly too much to credit that she couldn't drive her car down to the house as she had many times before, and walk in through the front door. Except that that lake wasn't supposed to be there, even though the once ferocious waters were now still and shining in the clean air. She shook her head to stabilise her thoughts; it was no use pretendingthe lake was there, the house wasn't hers any longer,' and she would be leaving the area for good in a few days! Bounty couldn't have cared less, for he was snuffling his nose deep in the grass exploratively and chasing unsuspecting birds with shrill excited barks. Kim sighed for what she had lost and extracted a cigarette from her bag in the car, lit it, and returned to the front of the car where she hoisted herself up on to the wing, resting her feet on the bumper bar, and gazed out a little blurry-eyed over the restful valley. The first intimation she had that they were not alone was the soft whinny of an approaching horse and, swivelling around quickly, she saw Rafe and Jamie moving slowly towards them across the paddock. She blinked hard to steady her vision and with creditable calm drew deeply on her cigarette. Bounty was less restrained. He flew towards them uttering sharp cries in an endeavour to produce a startling effect, but he was doomed to disappointment, for Jamie completely ignored him with the supercilious attitude of the well trained stock horse and came to stand beside the car in quiet acquiescence. Rafe eased himself

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forward in the saddle, took out a cigarette of his own, lit it, and followed the direction Kim's eyes had taken to the little house. ' Somebody built with an aesthetic eye, instead of a practical one. Pretty spot, isn't it?' he remarked conversationally. Kim nodded her head slowly, keeping her eyes trained on the view before her. ' What will you do with the place?' she forced herself to ask as carelessly as possible. 'Why?* The question took her by surprise and she turned to look at him quickly, then, just as rapidly, turned her head away again and jumped to the ground where she stubbed out her cigarette firmly. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry,' she excused herself embarrassedly.' It's none of my business.' ' I didn't say thatI asked you why you wanted to know,' Rafe prompted softly. She lifted her shoulders and pulled at a straying lock of hair that was being blown by the gentle breeze. ' Just wondering, I suppose. I became quite attached to the old place.' ' But not to the creek?' A reluctant smile touched her mouth and she shook her head again.' Not in its present form, no.' ' Well, it won't get another opportunity to invade that house,' were the next determined words, causing Kim to turn again and this time hold his gaze with a puzzled one of her own. ' Why not? What's going to stop it?' 'The house not being there will stop it. I'll be making arrangements to have it demolished.' ' Oh!' She dragged her eyes away to concentrate on Bounty's antics when he uncovered a grasshopper and couldn't decide what to make of it.' Why?' she just had to ask. ' Because I want to build a house on that rise on the far side of the creeknear the stand of eucalyptus. It's well above flood level and you get a better view from that side.' Of course he and Beth wouldn't want the old homestead as a blot on their scenic panorama, Kim decided gloomily, and, even now, she could picture their black-haired children laughing and playing in the waterhole. She didn't for one second doubt that they'd be black-hairedit was an automatic assumption! She closed her eyes hard to shut out the happy scenethe only thing she could be thankful for was the fact that she wouldn't have to be there to witness it! It was a strain for her to reply in a light voice, but she thought she'd carried it off quite well. ' I hope you have ail the mod cons installed so that if, in the far distant future, some poor unsuspecting girl from the city should inherit the property, she won't find it quite soso overwhelmingly different from what she's been used to.' 'There won't be another city girl inheriting, I can vouch for that!' Rafe laughed down at her tauntingly. ' One was enough, sweetheart!' Did he have to be so blunt about it? Kim knew the hurt she was experiencing at his words showed plainly in her eyes, but she hoped that she had hidden the expression successfully before he had seen it.

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With a low whistle she called Bounty over to the car, ready to return to Mona. Before she could open the car door, Rafe bent and rubbed out his cigarette on the sole of his stock boot, then with an encouraging smile held out a lean, bronzed hand towards her. ' Do you want to come down with me and have a closer look?' he asked. She frowned and looked around her as if expecting someone else to materialise. ' I can follow you in the car,' she offered a little perplexedly. Rafe shook his head discouragingly. 'The track's too muddy and the grass too slippery. You'll probably get her down okay, but she'll never climb back up again until the ground's drier.' ' In that case, I'll have to give it a miss, won't I?' I don't see whyJamie can easily carry two down there and back again.' Just the idea of being on a horse had Kim backing nervously away, while added to that came the thought of the calamitous effect on her nerves that such a close proximity to Rafe would provoke, and something very like fear showed in her worried expression. Rafe's head tilted to one side engagingly. ' What is it that you're afraid of? The horseor me?' For a second a flash of anger crossed her eyes that he should dare to guess at her fears. ' IumI've never been on a horse before,' she muttered defensively. ' With your experience of all matters rural, that was a foregone conclusion,' he laughed. 'It's all right for you,' she immediately fired back and gesturing to the surrounding countryside, ' but I didn't have a place like this to learn.' ' There are riding schools.' ' And they cost money.' ' Okay, okay. We've settled that oneyou didn't have the money to be able to afford to ride. So are you coming with me now, or not?' 'No!' One hard hand slapped down on to a muscular thigh. ' For God's sake, why not? I'm not planning to abduct you!' ' In that case, I'll come,' Kim suddenly capitulated sarcastically. He evidently wasn't going to take no for an answer, so she might as well make the best of it and hope her fears wouldn't be too much in evidence. Placing one foot in the now empty stirrup iron, and with one hand held in a strong grasp, she was pulled up and seated in front of him. His left arm encircled her waist securely and she could feel the warmth of his chest against her back. This didn't help her nervousness at all and she drew in a deep breath to sit rigidly straight with her hands gripping clumps of Jamie's mane and her eyes glued to a spot somewhere between the horse's ears. This was going to be worse than even she had anticipated!

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Rafe clicked Jamie into action and Kim's hands gripped even tighter to the mane and she closed her eyes apprehensively. At that moment Jamie broke into a canter and she couldn't suppress the audible gasp of pure fright that escaped her. Rafe swiftly pulled the horse to a halt. 'What's wrong?' he demanded. 'What made you gasp like that?' Now that Jamie was at a standstill she was annoyed for allowing her cowardice to show. She bent her head dejectedly. * Nothing's wrong,' she mumbled, ' it's just me. I'd better get down and walk back,' she decided, and made to slip from Jamie's back, but Rafe's arm kept her firmly in place. ' Whoa there! Not so fast,' he admonished while he tipped her face to his with a finger under her chin. ' Now just what's wrong with you, little one, eh?' The thread of amusement in his voice made Kim's temper rise and, with Jamie still at rest, her confidence was returning. 'There's nothing wrong,' she denied stormily, her blue eyes daring him to prove otherwise. ' I've decided not to go down, that's all!' ' Is that so?' he grinned lazily. ' And is that also the reason you're sitting here as tense and straight as a prisoner awaiting the verdict?' 'I am not!' she lied scornfully, moving restlessly under his close scrutiny. 'Aren't you?' was his laconic reply. 'But you are evading the issue. Come clean, sweetheartwhat's troubling you?' She lowered her head to look at him provokingly through her lashes. ' Maybe it's your so charming presence making me nervous,' she offered impudently. He laughed. 'Nice thought, but you're still evading the question.' With him sitting so close and his face only inches from her own, Kim felt her heart start its erratic thumping against her ribs and her muscles beginning to go limp, until he murmured huskily, his breath warm against her smooth cheek, ' If you keep looking at me like that, sweetheart, I refuse to accept responsibility for the consequences.' Kim came back to the matter in hand with a start and, without quite knowing what she was going to say, blurted out the truth, ' I'm frightened of horses,' then promptly proceeded to wonder if she had only said it in self-defence after his last remark. She waited for the inevitable laughter she expected her childish terror to arouse, but it never came. Instead his green eyes darkened softly, watching her gently. ' Why didn't you say so before? I did ask you.' ' Because I know it's stupidbut I can't help it, andand you take them so much for granted.' ' Why wouldn't we? We've been raised with them,' he pointed out with an understanding smile. ' But the best way to overcome your fears would be to learn to ride.' 'I don't think I'll have much use for riding once I'm back in Sydney.' Rafe's voice when he replied to that statement was almost brusque. ' Well, you're not there yet, young

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lady, so you may as well make full use of the time you have left.' A teasing smile entered his eyes that had her heart turning somersaults. ' If you leant back against me and stopped holding yourself as taut as a drumstick, you'd find it much easier, you know.' She couldn't doubt it, so with a resigned breath she let out a sigh and relaxed against the broad frame behind her. As Rafe had said, she might as well make full use of the days left to her, and if that meant taking pleasure from his company when she had it, then she would do so. They would make another link in the chain of memories that she had already collected during her stay on the north coast; to be taken out in the years to come and inspected with loving remembrance. This time when Jamie began to canter she knew herself to be nearly liking the sensation, but perhaps, she mused wryly, that was only due to the extreme closeness of the man on the horse with her. But, whatever the reason, by the time they had reached the water's edge, she found herself reluctant to leave her newly secure position until Rafe lifted her down and stood looking at her, his hands still touching her around the waist. ' That wasn't too bad, was it?' ' No,' Kim admitted slowly, ' in fact,' she tossed him a carefree grin,' I think I quite liked it.' ' Only think ...?' he teased quietly, eyes gleaming wickedly. That look was enough to send her colour high and with an unsure laugh she pulled away from his hold to stand in safety some feet away. ' Of course,' she replied in kind, now that she was free, ' I'm not that easily won over to riding, I'll have you know. I suspect I'd have an entirely different opinion if I had to sit up there on my own.' 'Maybe,' was all that Rafe would vouchsafe in answer, and catching one of her hands in his he pulled her along with him beside the water, urging, ' Come on, let's have a look round this property of yours.' ' Yours! she corrected immediately. He gave a sigh of mock exasperation.' Let's have a truce and call it ours, shall we?' he suggested dryly. ' Yoursbecause you're the present occupant, and minebecause I'm the future owner. Will that satisfy you?' ' But it wasn't really mine, and it is yours,' she had to tell him. ' After your "Thank God " when I said I'd found the new will, I would have thought you'd be more anxious than you are to claim ownership.' ' Would you? But then you don't know the reason for my having said that, do you?' He grinned down at her teasingly. ' Remind me to tell you some time.' Kim's curiosity was aroused. ' Why can't you tell me now?' ' Because I don't want to.' 'Oh!' She moved one shoulder huffily. 'In that case, I don't expect I'll still be here when you finally get around to letting everyone in on the secret.' Rafe just laughed and said, 'You'll be here,' and with that she had to be satisfied.

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They spent the best part of an hour looking over the property; seeing that the hens were faring well, although they didn't take kindly to Bounty's attempts at herding; and checking as far as they were able from such a distance that the house had suffered no structural damage. Not that it would have made much difference since Rafe intended pulling the place down, but it would make the removal of the rest of Kim's possessions much easier if the building was still safe to enter. When the time came for them to leave Rafe suggested that Kim take the saddle and the reins this time, while he positioned himself behind her. She agreed, albeit reluctantly, but considered that while he was there with her she would be safe enough, and the stirrups were shortened appropriately. Once he had demonstrated how the reins should be held and the basic instructions had been given, they moved off at a decorous pace with Bounty racing ahead of them. This time, however, Kim didn't feel quite so secure for Rafe was further away from her and once, not being able to sense him near, she had turned her head quickly to glance behind, but turned back again with her fears subsidinghe was still there! A few more minutes at the gentle rocking pace and she began to relax a little more and enjoy herself when she found she didn't have to concentrate quite so hard on what she was doing. All would have been well had she not chanced to turn once more to speak to Rafe and found that he wasn't directly behind her as expected but was walking slightly to the rear of the horse. She panicked. She dropped the reins and made a grab for the pommel, kicked her feet free of the stirrups, intending to slide gracefully from Jamie's back, but it didn't work out that way and she ended by tumbling ignominiously into Rate's arms as he rushed forward to catch her, and she threw her arms around his neck desperately. Having felt his load disappear in mid-stride, Jamie came to an abrupt halt of his own accord. 'What did you do that for?' Rafe asked with a grin, still holding her high in his arms. 'You were doing nicely as you were.' ' No, I was not. I knew I'd fall off if you left me on my own,' Kim came back reproachfully. ' You didn't fall off,' amended Rafe with a shake of his head, 'you threw yourself off. I left you some two hundred yards back, so it wasn't as if you couldn't manage on your own. You frightened yourself,' he laughed down into her indignant face. ' Two hundred yards back...' She went wide-eyed at the thought and began struggling to get down. 'You beast, Rafe! You knew I'd be scared on my own.' 'You were scared at the thought of being on your own,' he corrected her, still laughing as he set her down on her feet. He was right, but Kim wasn't going to admit it meekly.' I was scared of being on my own,' she impressed on him resolutely, ' and I'll never get on another horse again in my life,' she ended dramatically. ' Oh, yes, you will! You're going to get right back on Jamie and finish riding him back to your car, even if it's only to prove to yourself that you can do it and that there's nothing to be scared of.' ' I will not!' stated Kim categorically with her hands on her hips, facing him defiantly. The answer was just as unequivocal. ' I think you will!' and before she could guess .what he intended, he had gripped her around the waist with both hands and literally tossed her on to Jamie's back.

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Kim's temper soared at this high-handed treatment and, without thinking, she gathered in the reins, thrust her feet into the stirrups, and heeled Jamie forward into a trot. Still muttering dire imprecations against Rafe, it was some minutes before she fully realised that, in her anger, she had forgotten to be frightened of the horse and, by the time she reached the boundary gate, she was actually relishing her ride with the breeze in her hair. She gave an excited laugh as she dismounted normally this timeand tied Jamie to the gatepost. She even plucked up enough courage to give the horse a few gentle pats on his satin-smooth neck and was treated to a warm nose nuzzling into her shoulder. Rafe was drawing closer by now, but Kim had no intention of waiting around for his arrival, so she opened the car door for Bounty, who had kept pace with the horse all the way up the slope, but before getting in herself she gave Rafe an exaggeratedly cheeky curtsy. She was still smiling to herself when she drove up to the O'Sullivan home and let Bounty out of the car. For once she had managed to score off Rafe, instead of it always being the other way around. She gave a laugh of sheer pleasure and rounded the corner of the house heading for the kitchen.

Kim and Mona were still discussing what they would prepare for a dessert that evening when the men finally traipsed into the kitchen once the milking had been done and all the animals fed. Raoul came in for much ragging as he intended visiting one of their neighbours' daughters that night and Mona left Kim's side to join in the general fun. Under cover of the banter Rafe moved next to Kim and bent his head close to hers. ' I haven't forgotten your disrespectful exit of this afternoon. Your time is coming, Miss Forsythe,' he whispered with a grin. In the noisy crowded room she felt safe enough to give as good as she got. 'I'll be ready and waiting any time you like to try, Mr O'Sullivan.' ' Very confident amongst a crowd and from a safe distance, aren't we?' he laughed down at her. ' If I remember correctly, you weren't quite so sure of yourself the last time we put it to the test.' Kim knew he was referring to the night of the dance and pulled an expressive face. ' I hardly think it's fair to bring up the past. You might find future encounters very different after all, I know what to expect now, don't I?' ' You think so?' She nodded positively and grinned back mischievously. ' Besides, I don't intend straying from the herdit's a well known fact, even to city dwellers, that lone animals are easy prey for wolves and such.' Rafe flicked a long finger towards the end of her straight little nose. 'You'll pay dearly for that one, little cat,' he told her silkily. With such a crowd in the kitchen she- was full of confidence and found it hard to imagine that she would, or could, be called upon to account for her provoking words. With the bright lights and chatter she couldn't have felt more safe and secure from retribution. As soon as dinner was finished Raoul departed quickly before any more quips could be thrown at him, and Rafe and Rick vanished into the study armed with sheafs of official-looking papers and documents, while the three left in the kitchen made short work of the washing up and clearing away.

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Suddenly the back door opened and, ' Hi, is everybody at home?' heralded Rose and Hugh as they entered the room with broad smiles for all present. Greetings disposed of, it was left to Mona to answer her sister's enquiry. ' Raoul's outgone to see Anita Maxwellbut the rest of us are here holding the fort. Rafe and Rick are in the study going over the agricultural census forms.' ' Wouldn't you know it?' Rose's face look on a wry grimace. ' Here I am, looking forward to an evening of scintillating and heady conversation, and those two are filling in forms. How exhilarating! It fair boggles the mind!' She turned to Kim with a look of mock seriousness. ' And just how many acres did you sow to sunflower seeds this year, my dear?' she asked in an impeccable voice which had the rest of them dissolving into laughter. ' Or did you, perhaps,' Rose half-closed one eye interrogatingly, ' add one extra water outlet to your property?' ' One large inlet, actually,' answered Kim, still laughing, ' the creek!' ' In fact, she's now got one gigantic water inlet, and no property,' piped up Mona with an infectious grin.' Wouldn't you just love to see official faces if they got a return made out like that? They wouldn't know what was going on!' 'You could always say it was a community projectlike a local swimming pool,' Ruy added his thoughts on the matter, ' though it wouldn't have very regular hours for use. Rather a case of " now you see itnow you don't," but when it's there... it's a beauty!' It was some time before they had all recovered from the hilarious thoughts this idea brought to mind and Rose spoke to Kim again with a grin. ' Go and drag those two out of their huddle, Kim. You're more likely to have success in that regard than any of us. We'd only get a, " When we're finished," to a request for them to join the family fun.' ' Okay, I'll give it a try,' and Kim made her way down the hall towards the study, but on her arrival she found the door slightly ajar and could hear quite plainly the voices coming from inside, or Rick's voice to be more exact. '... and I couldn't stall any longer.' Rick started laughing. ' I asked so many inane questions I'm sure Adam thought I'd gone completely off my head. Next time,' he laughed again, ' you can look after your own interests. I'm buying out of this one!' The words didn't make much sense to Kim and she jumped guiltily when she realised she had been eavesdropping and quickly knocked loudly on the door before the two inside had time to start speaking again. It was Rick who answered. ' Come on in, love. Nobody stands on ceremony round here.' ' That's all right, Rick. I only came to tell you that Rose and Hugh have arrived and Rose wanted to know if you two were going to join us.' ' Good-ho, we'll be right out,' was his reply, and after a meaningful glance at Rafe he started down towards the now muted conversation to be heard issuing from the kitchen.

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When he drew level with her, Rafe put out a hand towards Kim, but she only laughed nervously, sidestepped and hurried on ahead of him after Rick. As she had already told Rafe once that evening, she didn't intend straying from the herd. There was safety in numbers! The coffee had already been made and, along with the necessary accoutrements, had been carried into the lounge where Kim took a seat on the settee between Rick and Ruy as Hugh struck up a conversation with Rafe on the other side of the room. 'Jack Forbes came out today to begin work on the new dam. He ...' ' If you two intend talking about work all evening,' Rose interrupted rapidly,' then I'm going home right now.' Her threat to her husband was robbed of much of its sting by the smile that accompanied it. ' Rafe can come over in the morning and you can discuss it to your heart's content then. That'll be soon enough!' she told them mock-authoritatively. ' All right, my love,' Hugh acquiesced readily, knowing his wife's aversion to business becoming the sole topic at social outings, and silently agreeing with her, ' the morning will dobut there is one thing I wanted to ask ...' he turned back to Rafe. ' I hear Fred had some trouble with his mare the other night. How's she making out now?' ' On the mend I'm glad to be able to report. We lost the foal and thought the dam would follow, but it looks as though she's managed to pull through. She was considerably improved when I went over to see her this morning.' ' That's good,' approved Hugh with an appreciative nod of his head, 'she's a handy mare. Pity about the foal, though.' In the small lull that followed Rose queried across the space between them to Kim. ' What's this I hear about you finding Joe's will? Did you really?' and after Kim's confirmation of the fact, ' What will you do now, Kim? Move into town?' Under cover of Ruy's, 'That's a good idea,' and Mona's, 'Why didn't I think of that?' Kim picked up a lightly murmured, ' I rather think Rafe might have something to say about that,' from a smiling Rick as he sat gazing at the ceiling, and chancing a swift look at Rafe from the corner of her eye, Kim found him scowling good-naturedly at his brother. Her brow creased in deep thoughtobviously Rafe wasn't happy with Rick's comment, but, just as obviously, Rick had taken great delight in making the remark. Why would Rafe have anything to say about her moving to town? There was no disputing that the document she had discovered was legal and that, in due course, the property would become Rafe's possessionso what more could he have to say on the matter? ' I didn't think my simple little question would require so much concentration,' laughed Rose, and Kim lifted startled eyes at the interruption to find she was the centre of attention. She gave a shaky laugh and her brow cleared and she attempted to pass off her confused musings lightly. ' Well, I wouldn't want another place that went under so easily. This experience has been quite enough for me, thanks very much!' ' You could always come back and stay with us,' Mona offered eagerly once again, while one of Rafe's eyebrows crooked enquiringly and Rick went into chuckles of subdued laughter at what was, Kim could only presume, a private joke.

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' No, no,' she protested at last. 'I think I'll return to the city.' A challenging glance was issued to Rafe before she continued. ' I know what I'm doing there and I'm not likely to show my ignorance quite so readily!' ' Running away?' Rafe retaliated with a sardonic twist to his lips. She gave him a straight look from dark blue eyes, then shrugged, deliberately dismissive. ' Nothing to run from,' she told him coolly, Rick leant towards her with a wide smile on his good-looking face. ' That's right, love. You tell him,' he goaded. Kim wrinkled her nose at him and dug her elbow backwards towards his ribs.' Shut up, Rick,' she hissed at him with a laugh, ' and stop stirring, or you might find yourself in trouble tool' ' Who withyou? Or Rafe?' ' Most probably both if you don't watch it,' ' What? You two on the same side for a change? Now that would be something to see!' he laughed. Doubtfully Kim looked across at Rafeshe couldn't imagine it eitherbut Rick hadn't finished yet. ' In fact, you two seem to hit it off so badly, and for no apparent reason, that I find myself thinking there might be more to you two than meets the eye,' he taunted flagrantly. This had Kim swinging her head rapidly to look at the others in the room and she was exceedingly grateful to find that they were busily sorting cups and saucers and paying no attention to Rick and herself. She managed a scornful smile, admittedly one that faded fast, but a smile nonetheless. 'Don't be ridiculous, Rick! How on earth could you think that?' He lowered his voice pseudo-furtively. 'Because you're the first girl I've ever heard him call " sweetheart", for one thing.' She gave a relieved laugh. ' Oh, that! But you all use endearments casuallyyou do yourself.' ' Sure we do, but that's a new one for Rafe.' 'You're imagining thingshe's fed up with his usual repertoire, that's all! Take my word for it, I had something he wanted and now that that's been settled, Rafe will be only too pleased to see the last of me.' Rick laughed again with clear amusement. ' Don't you believe it,' he impressed on her, ' there's more to come, you mark my words.' She pulled a disbelieving face and accepted a cup of coffee from Rose with appreciative hands, but Rick's words stayed in her mind and she found herself dwelling on them. Rafe surely had all he wanted from herthe property and the stock would soon be hiswhat else was there to come? A few minutes later they all heard the back door bang closed and the expectant hush that followed was soon broken when Adam walked into the room looking very attractive in dark brown pants with a light cream short-sleeved shirt. Everyone seemed to begin their greetings at once, which he accepted and

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returned with friendly smiles before seating himself between Kim and Ruy on the settee. ' I hear Rafe's dispossessing you of your property,' were his first words to Kim once Mona had produced another cup and saucer and provided him with a brimming cup of coffee. ' What will you do now?' Kim's eyes widened in surprise.' How did you find out?' then she grinned and sighed,' you don't have to tell me, I can guess the grapevine! But as to what I'm going to dogo back to Sydney, I supposeI don't have all that much choice.' She put a hand apologetically on his arm.' I'm sorry about the job, Adam, but I think you'll have to look round for another receptionist.' He was quick to reassure her on that point. ' Don't worry about that, Kim, but I'll be sorry to see you leave. Do you have to go? I mean, couldn't you stay up here, but live somewhere else? You could get a flat in townI'll help all I can. After all, you've already told me you have no ties in Sydney, it's not even as if your family are there.' Unconsciously she looked to Rafe and. was surprised to see him watching them closely, his mouth tight and uncompromising. She turned hastily back to the man beside her. 'I think it would be wiser if I left, Adam, but I appreciate your offer of help.' She fiddled with the spoon lying on her saucer absently and gave a rueful smile. 'I think I fit in better in the city.' At this Rick leant across her and spoke to Adam. ' Take no noticeshe was doing real good up there on her own.' Kim glared at him exasperatedlywhat was up with Rick tonight? He knew she had already made up her mind to leave, so why was he trying to head her into a corner all the time? She couldn't understand him. Rafe's voice cut into her thoughts laconically. ' You shouldn't try and force Kim to stay against her will, Adam. I'm sure it was only a spur of the moment decision that made her come and now she's tired of the game. You couldn't expect a girl like Kim to incarcerate herself in the country for good. If the truth were known she's no doubt been missing the bright lights for some time and is only too happy to have found a way to get herself back to the city with her pride intact and without appearing to have given up.' He gave Kim a cool infuriating glance that had her curling her free hand into a tight fist and wishing for some other form of retaliation besides words, but she protested hotly: ' That's not true, and it wasn't a game I was playing either! I am not hankering after the city lights, as you put it, and I had no intention of leaving until I found that will!' 'Then why do so?' came the quietly spoken question which had her wondering if Rafe were trying to get her to commit herself in some way too, and she stared at him in some puzzlement. ' Because Ibecause the propertyyou know very well why!' she all but shouted at him confusedly. 'No, I don't know,' was Rafe's imperturbable reply, and she could see his eyes dancing at her predicament. ' You keep telling us you don't want to leave and yet, in the same breath, you insist on saying that you are leaving. Both statements can't be true!' 'Yes, they can,' she returned spiritedly, beginning to see her way clear at last, while the others watched enthralled at the battle of words going on before their eyes, ' I moved on to the property because I

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wanted to live in the country, but,' she lifted her chin challengingly, ' if I have to live in town then I'd prefer to do so in the city.' That should stop him, she decided triumphantly. ' If that's all that's stopping you from staying, then there's no problem,' spoke up Adam on an enthusiastic note. ' We've plenty of room since my two brothers have marriedyou can stay with us! We're even more isolated than you are here and 1 know Mum would be pleased to have another female in the house.' ' Not to mention yourself, Adam,' chortled Ruy with a knowing grin which brought forth more comments in a similar vein from the others, while Kim sat back aghast at the turn the situation was taking. Now she had Adam to contend with as well as Rafe, and he was moving too fast for her likingapart from the fact that she didn't want him labouring under the wrong impression. He evidently was reading more into their dates than she wanted, and Rick's grinning aside, ' Now see what you've gone and done,' had her brain working feverishly to devise a method of politely declining his invitation and still keeping to her original plan of leaving the area altogether. This was becoming complicated! Adam was still occupied with sidestepping the laughing sallies being flung at himRuy and Mona were having a field day and Kim bent covertly towards Rick. ' What'll I do?' she pleaded for advice anxiously, eyes wide and stricken in her worried face. His laughing, ' Why not ask Rafe? He got you into this,' she didn't consider to be of much assistance. ' In which case, he's not likely to help me out of it, is he?' she queried a trifle sarcastically. ' Oh, I wouldn't say that,' Rick replied with a bland nonchalance. ' I rather think you could prevail upon him to do so.' ' Well, I don't intend to prevail upon him to do anything,' she retorted, and saw a muscle twitch at the side of Rafe's mouth which had her wondering whether she had spoken loudly enough for him to overhear. Her look was indifferent. Too bad if he had heard herit might do him good if he occasionally found people who weren't willing to accept his word as law. ' Besides,' she spoke a little louder, defiantly, ' I wouldn't want his assistancethere would probably be too many strings attached,' and had the pleasure of seeing Rafe's eyes glitter fiercely at her remarks before Adam claimed her attention once more. ' What about it, Kim? Would you like to move in with us?' Kim sat quietly, although her mind was revolving in rapid calculations, until she came up with an idea that should quell all questions. If she had had more time it was one she would, no doubt, have discarded because she didn't like using it, but, at the moment, she was frantically trying to grab at any straw, and this one should do the trick. She lowered her eyes selfconsciously and fumbled for words with painstaking deliberation. ' Well, you see, AdamI'm very sorrybut... there's somebody in Sydney. I... we ... we had an argument and broke off our engagement.' She paused dramatically and raised eloquent eyes. ' But now he's written to me again, and...' she lifted her hands expressively, allowing her words to trail off into any manner of insinuations. In the immediate talk that followed, she faced Adam contritely. ' I'm very sorry, Adam, I really didn't want to have to tell you like this, but I wasn't sure I'd ever hear from him again.' Adam, at least, took her sudden disclosure extremely well and smiled reassuringly. ' That's okay, Kim. I

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should have known someone like you would already have been spoken for.' He gave her a rueful look.' I hope everything works out well for you he's a lucky guy.' Kim cringed inwardly at having deceived Adam in such a way and had immediately regretted yet another of her impulsive actions, especially when Rick's muttered, ' Liar!' behind smiling teeth did nothing for her guilty conscience, although the indignant look she bestowed upon him in return certainly wasn't faked. Mona's ensuing, 'What's he like?' and Rose's, 'How long have you known him, Kim?' were almost easy to answer as she began describing Patsy Abbott's boy-friend, Don, but Rafe's curt, 'What's his name?' had Kim stupidly repeating, 'His name?' as if she'd never heard of itwhich, of course, she hadn't. She pulled herself up sharply and answered quickly, too quickly, before giving herself time to think of the consequences. 'Why, it's John...John Smith!' she told them brightly, even while she cursed herself for coming up with such a commonplace name. True, there must be hundreds, or more like thousands, of legitimate John Smiths in the world, but it was a name that was so frequently used as an alias that one quite often tended to disbelieve its authenticity, and especially so in these circumstances. However, apart from Rafe's dark eyebrows arching sceptically, and Rick's subdued grinshe already knew his thoughts on the subjectthe others appeared to accept the name readily, although Ruy couldn't resist a rib or two, but, most important of all, there was no sign of any suspicion on Adam's face. Kim was grateful for this factshe liked Adam Spencer and had no wish to hurt his feelings unduly. That her sudden explanation might have done so to some degree she was sorry for, but she had had to produce a satisfactory reason very quickly for returning to Sydney and, in the heat of the moment, that had appeared the most logical for everyone's immediate acceptance. Romance explained and excused many things! It was with a heartfelt sigh of relief that she now collected the empty coffee cups and placed them on the tray, hearing the conversation turn to more mundane matters as she took the carefully balanced china out to the kitchen. For the remainder of the evening Kim was on tenterhooks lest either Rafe or Rick made some taunting remark concerning her ' fiance ' and was comforted when their guests finally departed and she could seek the solitude of the bedroom she shared with Mona. A Mona, however, who unfortunately wasn't prepared to go to sleep until she had uncovered the whole romantic story. She watched Kim brushing her hair in front of the mirror from her cross-legged position on the end of her bed. ' Gee, Kim, fancy you being engaged and not telling us,' she breathed dreamily, already imagining herself into the same blissful state and thus unaware of the wary look that cut across Kim's features a.t her words. ' I'm not really at the moment,' laughed Kim nervously, strictly truthful to her story, ' but I daresay we will be once I get home again,' she added for good measure. Mona nodded thoughtfully.' You know, I thought for a while there that you and Rafe might have been keen on each other,' she told Kim confidingly, then grinned. ' Silly, wasn't I?' Kim ducked her head swiftly to pretend she was searching for something in her drawer in order that Mona shouldn't see her warmly colouring reflection in the mirror. ' Heavens! What gave you that idea?* Her voice was faintly husky at the thought of what Mona might say next. ' Oh, I don't know,' was the younger girl's indecisive reply, followed by an oblique moue. She was still too young to admit to female intuition and firmly believe it. 'Just the way Rafe looks at you sometimes,

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and the way you answer him back.' She shrugged lightly and grinned again. ' It was only a thought, that's all.' Kim swung around in amazement, her head to one side as she picked up the hairbrush again and began long calming strokes through her curling hair. ' And how does Rafe look at me?' she enquired with an assumed insouciance, even while her pulse increased its tempo rapidly in anticipation of Mona's reply. ' Oh, I don't know,' Mona began again, finding it hard to put her ideas into exact words. 'Like I've never seen him look at another girl. Almost as if... as if he enjoyed it, or something.' She giggled self-consciously and flung herself flat on the bed, a flush covering her cheeks. ' Sounds stupid put like that, doesn't it? But you must know what I meanyou've been with more men than I have.' ' Been out with,' corrected Kim with a smile, '" been with " always seems to contain a completely different connotation.' Mona accepted the amendment with an understanding smile, while Kim switched the brush to the other side of her head, brushing swiftly in time to her jumping heartbeats. Kim did know the look that Mona was referring toit was usually called ' the look of love'! But Mona must have been mistaken if she thought that was how Rafe had been looking at her. The ' or something' would, no doubt, be nearer the mark! Although her hand slowed its strokes musinglyRick had made much the same sort of comment earlier that night. Not about the way Rafe looked at her, but that there was something between them strange that both Rafe's brother and sister should think that. Her hand picked up speed again, casting these dangerous thoughts asidethe only thing between Rafe and herself had been Joe's property, and the ownership of that had now been resolved once and for all. But Mona wasn't prepared to rest until she had put forward all. the evidence. She sat upright excitedly, her eyes gleaming. ' And he calls you "sweetheart" I've heard him, and I can't remember him using that one before. Onceyears agohe told me that some pet names were only for special people, and I'm positive that was one of them!' If she was eagerly awaiting Kim's reaction to this startling piece of information then she was doomed to disappointment, for Kim had her expression tightly under control, even though her thoughts were racing erratically. Rick had again said the same thing, but Kim steadfastly refused to put any credence to their beliefs, no matter how hard her heart tried to persuade her to. That way only lay humiliation and heartbreak! She knew better than either of them just what Rafe's ideas were regarding herselfhe'd implied them often enough! That she was an ignorant city slicker playing at farming and expecting the work to be done for her. Nothe look of enjoyment that Mona had perceived in her brother's eyes had only been at the idea of Kim trying to run the property and eventually in having lost it altogethernothing more! With a quick shake of her head Kim saw that Mona was still waiting for a satisfactory answer to her suppositions and she sought wildly for a convenient explanation. ' Sorry to disappoint you, but I think it's just that he considered I should have a distinct category,' Kim answered in quelling tones, ' because he definitely told me, without mincing words, that one like me up here was quite enough, so I doubt that Rafe will be at all sorry to see the last of me!' Mona's face fell disbelievingly. 'Rafe wouldn't say a thing like that,' she protested vigorously, followed by a hesitant, ' Would he?' Kim padded over to her bed and smiled consolingly at the other girl's puzzled frown. ' Don't worry

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about it, MonaI'm not,' she lied convincingly as she slipped under the covers. ' It's just that I can't believe Rafe would say anything like that. He's always so thoughtful and kind-hearted that I can't imagine him saying anything so nasty and hurtfulespecially to you.' ' Maybe I bring out the worst in him. It sometimes happens that way without people quite knowing the reason why.' ' Perhaps,' conceded Mona dismally as she too pulled the bedclothes over her slight form. ' But I'll ask him tomorrow why he did say it.' Now it was Kim's turn to sit bolt upright. 'Don't you dare, Mona!' she ordered in horrified awareness of Mona doing just what she said. ' Why ever not, Kim? Don't you want to know the reason?' ' Not particularly. I'd rather leave sleeping dogs lying, if you don't mind.' Kim rolled over on one elbow and switched off her bedside lamp.' Forget it, Mona, and go to sleep,' she urged. There was another click from beside Mona's bed and the room was plunged into darkness. ' You're not mad at me, are you, Kim?' the young voice questioned falteringly. ' No, I'm not mad at you, Monajust tired.' ' Okay, I'm sorry.' Mona's voice was becoming drowsy. ' G'night, Kim.' Kim smiled into the darkened room at the patent relief in her tone. ' G'night, Mona,' she replied softly. But it wasn't a good night for Kim. She rolled and tumbled endlessly, reliving conversations and parts of conversations that, in her dreams, became muddled and confused and hopelessly twisted together until they were completely unintelligible. Just before dawn she awoke suddenly and lay exhaustedsure she had pieced together something of great importancebut, whatever it had been, it now refused to be recalled to mind and, with a despairing thump of her pillow, she slipped into sleep once morethis time quietly and deeply.


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Mona was still sleeping when Kim dressed in old faded jeans and a navy and white check shirt the next morning in readiness for the cleaning of her one-time home, but she hadn't reached the door before Mona opened her eyes and smiled. ' I'll be with you in two shakes,' she said. Kim smiled back, ' No rush, I think I know where everything is by now,' and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Everything was quiet in the house and Kim guessed that the men must all be down at the dairy still, although by the evidence of the used coffee mugs piled in the sink, they'd had an early morning drink before venturing outside. She had the coffee merrily perking by the time Mona made her appearance and they sat down companionably to enjoy a mug of the refreshing brew. ' What will I need for cleaning the house now that the water's left?' Kim opened the conversation. ' Usually a hose is a help, but with you having no pressure pump it wouldn't be much good, so I guess it'll be a job for buckets, mops and brooms,' grinned Mona over the rim of her mug. 'Just keep your fingers crossed that it was a clean flood and not a dirty one.' ' Is there any difference?' questioned Kim dryly. ' My word, yes! Some leave hardly any mud behind, but others...!' Her expression told Kim far better than any words could have done just what the others left behind, and Kim did as she was told and kept her fingers crossed that this one hadn't been too bad. 'I suppose there won't be much point to making the place spotless if Rafe is planning to pull it down, will there?' Kim spoke offhandedly. Mona put her mug down with a definite thud and stared at her in astonishment. ' Is he? That's the first I've heard of it. What for?' she asked to be told. ' He said he wanted to build a house on the far side of the creek and that one would be in the way.' ' Did he now?' Mona leant back in her chair, her thumbs dug into the waistband of her jeans, her mouth tilting slowly. ' Fancy that! Maybe I wasn't so wrong after all.' ' About what?' ' Uh-uh! That's not for me to tell, but for you to guess,' she answered, aggravatingly secretive. 'That Rate's going to marry Beth?' Kim took a shot in the dark in an attempt to breach Mona's mystery. ' Beth?' Mona went into a peal of hilarious laughter. ' Whatever made you think Rafe would want to marry her?' Kim moved uneasily, not wanting to appear too interested in whom Rafe intended to marry, and lifted her shoulders carelessly. 'Well, she's the only girl I've seen him with since I arrived, and Rick said something of the sort the first time I met him.'

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' Rick! What would he know?' Mona snorted in sisterly contempt for her brother's knowledge. She wagged a finger at Kim slyly.' I know somebody else he's spent far more time with these last few weeks, and,' she chuckled delightedly, ' whenever he sees her with someone else, he glowerslike this...' and she pulled such an exaggerated form of dark grimness that Kim couldn't help laughing, despite the fact that Mona's unthinking words had caused a shaft of burning pain to spear through her at the idea of a girl being lucky enough to have the power to make Rafe jealous. For that was all it could be to cause a man to look even a little like what Mona had just depicted when he saw his girl with another man. It was a supreme effort, of which she was justifiably proud, that Kim was able to comment coolly: ' In that case, I probably haven't met her.' Mona nodded understandingly, her irrepressible smile just below the surface. 'No, I don't think you would have been formally introduced.' And that was apparently as far as she was prepared to go, for in answer to Kim's expectant look for a name to ensue, Mona would only shake her head and dimple, ' That's not for me to say.' Kim brushed this aside lightly, not really desirous of knowing the fortunate girl's name in any case, and leaving the table she moved across the room and opened the cupboard door in order to take out the necessary plates for breakfast. The first half of the meal was mostly taken up with questions to Raoul concerning his night out, but then came the disclosure of Kim's supposed fiance, at which Raoul looked deservedly surprised, though Kim noted that he looked closely at the suave faces of both Rafe and Rick on the opposite side of the table before commenting obscurely, "That puts things in a different light,' but he fully ignored the faintly puzzled looks Kim directed at him with a light grin and a shrug, then changed the subject completely. ' Want any help in cleaning up the house, Kim?' he asked. 'Ruy and I are at your service. The water's out of the house nowit's going down very quickly this time.' ' Of course you can help,' spoke up Mona immediately, 'it'll make a nice change to see you two doing some honest work.' ' Oh, yeah? Look at you?' scoffed Ruy in return. ' Now that Kim's taken over the cooking, I suppose you sit in your room all day listening to that damned transistor of yours!' 'I do not!' Mona fired back indignantly and looking to Kim for support.' I help you, don't I, Kim?' Mona might not have been a very good cook, but she was a very willing helper and Kim defended her staunchly. 'Yes, you do, Mona. You're a great help.' Mona wrinkled her nose triumphantly at her brothers and Ruy laughed, ' I told you they'd take sides,' and Raoul added with a grin, ' Regular little mutual admiration society, aren't they?' as they both pushed their chairs back from the table and rose to their feet. ' If you two are going down, just keep your minds on the job and watch what you're doing,' Rafe warned when he joined in with a knowing look at the twins, before turning to Kim and adding, ' It still won't be safe to take your car down to the house. You'll have to leave it by the gateunless,' he paused significantly and his lips quirked suggestively, ' you all plan to ride down.' Luckily Raoul saved Kim the bother of replying to this piece of provocation. 'Can't do that, Kim doesn't

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ride,' he stated unwittingly. Rafe eyed Kim quizzically, a definite smile now hovering at the corners of his firm mouth, but she refused to be drawn and answered lightly, ' 'The others can ride if they like, and I'll take all the gear with me in the car.' ' That's all right, Kim, we can all pile into the Minia walk at the other end won't hurt us,' said Ruy, causing Rafe to openly smile at the small show of relief that flickered over Kim's face when she realised that his trap had been successfully skirted. An hour or so later, after Rafe and Rick had left to see Hugh regarding the new dam, the other four climbed into the car along with all the cleaning implementsBounty squeezing himself between Mona's feet in the frontand set off cautiously along the still treacherous muddy track. The twins were evidently enjoying the break from routine work and soon had the girls in fits of laughter over their antics as they carried all the paraphernalia from the car down to the house. The ground was still soggy and sank with sickening squelches beneath their feet, making Kim grateful that she had bought boots when she did. She looked expectantly at the sides of the house thinking that there should have been some indication there as to the height that the water had reached, but on seeing no water marks hopefully surmised that this might have been a clean flood after all. Upon reaching the verandah she moved gingerly forward and started down the dark hallway, not knowing quite what to expect. However, apart from a heavily musty wet smell and some small pools of muddy water lying on the floor, there didn't appear to be any particularly noticeable damage done, and she let out her breath. She wasn't sure just what she had been expecting but, whatever it was, she was pleased it hadn't come to pass. The twins promptly began unpiling the furniture they had so painstakingly stacked only a couple of days ago and carried it out on to the grass in front of the house where Kim and Mona took to it with brushes and cloths to clean it down and leave, for the sun to dry out completely and the fresh air to dispose of the faintly unpleasant odour. This finished, the twins returned inside and began the business of washing down the walls and floors, and the girls could hear them ragging each other mercilessly as they wielded heavy brooms and mops. Bounty spent his time sniffing around experimentally, trying to distinguish familiar smells from more recent ones that were strange to his nose. The muddy streaks left on some of the furniture came away fairly easily as the girls applied the elbow-grease willingly and the pieces began drying quickly in the hot air outside while the burning sun climbed higher into the cloudless sky. Two hours later, having just rubbed her cloth for the last time over a now shining kitchen chair, Kim sat back on her heels and brushed the back of her wrist across her perspiring forehead. Mona gave a perfunctory wipe to the table she had just finished, grinned, and did the same, commenting with feeling: ' Phew! That's hot work. How about we knock off for a cold drink and have some lunch?' ' I couldn't agree with you more,' said Kim with a grin of her own, easing herself slowly to her feet. ' Give the boys a yell and I'll start taking the food out of the basket.' Within minutes the twins made their appearance and all four of them sat on the edge of the verandah, legs dangling comfortably over the side, and swiftly despatched four large mugs of cool fruit juice before turning their attention to the appetising food that Kim and Mona had packed for their lunch. Very little was said for once while they were eating and, the meal finished, they spread out contentedly with more fruit drink and leisurely smoked a welcome cigarette; all except Mona, who hadn't as yet succumbed to

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the habit and vowed that she had no intention of so doing either! Ruy ground out his cigarette on the sole of his boot, flicked the butt under a now sickly-looking azalea bush and stretched lazily. ' It wasn't too bad inside,' he told Kim with a comforting grin,' and it shouldn't take us long to finish it from here.' The grin widened teasingly. ' You two don't seem to have done much.' Mona couldn't let that pass. 'We have so,' she retorted resentfully. ' Just because we haven't seen yours and can't judge how you've been going, it doesn't mean you can criticise us. Yours is all straightforwardaround the walls and the floors not like ours with all the corners and the fussy bits.' ' What about the cupboards in the kitchen?' Raoul demanded with a slow smile that had Kim catching at her breath. 'That's only onewe've got loads!' ' Huh! Doesn't look much to me.' 'All right, we'll swap jobs after lunch, then,' suggested Mona. ' Now we've done the hard part, they offer. Typical, isn't it?' Ruy queried of his brother. 'Ah-hah!' Mona picked up the words as soon as they were out of his mouth.' So you admit you've got the easiest job?' 'No, I didn't,' Ruy defended himself with an exasperated grin,' but having finished the hard part, we reckon we're entitled to complete the easier half.' Mona made a face at him scornfully. 'A likely story!' she gibed. The twins merely exchanged telling glances and grinned aggravatingly at their sister before setting off inside once more, whistling cheerily as they went. It was late in the afternoon by the time all the cleaning was finished and the furniture restored to order inside the house, and, having fed the hens and collected the day's supply of eggs, the four of them wandered along the pathway to have a look at the creek. On the way they could see where the rising waters had coated the fences with grass, twigs and other assorted debris, but the creek was now safely back within its own boundaries and, apart from the remnants left along the banks and trapped in branches of some of the closest trees, there was really very little to show for its foray into the surrounding countryside. The water was moving smoothly and silently, though now a dark muddy colour rather than the crystal clearness it had presented before. After unloading the car when they returned to the house, the twins headed in the direction of the dairy to search out Rafe and Rick, while the two girls gratefully made use of the showers to clear away the last vestiges of their day's cleaning. During their changeover into clean clothes Mona had the inevitable transistor going from which issued a news bulletin informing them that the river was now dropping rapidly, but this was immediately followed by a request that the general public stay out of town until the following afternoon in order to give the townspeople time to mop up before the city centre once more opened for business. Kim nearly found it impossible to believe that it had all happened, but didn't doubt that those people actually living in town viewed it in a completely different light. She was putting out the food for the dogs when the men returned from their day's work, bringing with

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them a pail of milk for use in the house. ' I hear you got on well today,' remarked Rick as he passed her on the way in.' The old place seems to take everything in its stride, doesn't it?' Kim grinned. ' It must be more used to it than I ambut, I must admit, the effects weren't as bad as I thought they would be.' Rick nodded in acknowledgement and moved through the doorway with the twins close behind, leaving Kim to face Rafe, who had stopped beside her and who now pushed his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. ' Going to move back into the old house soon?' he asked. ' Hardly!' She pulled an expressive face. ' It doesn't belong to me, remember?' 'The will hasn't even been handed in yet, let alone proven. You may as well use the property until you decide what you'll be doing. There's no rush.' 'And I keep telling you that I have already decided. I'll be leaving in a couple of days now that the roads are clear again.' 'Ah, yes. I expect you want to get home as quickly as possible now,' and, at her uncomprehending frown, ' the ex-fiance,' he prodded with a slow grin, 'John Smith, I think you said his name was. That's right, isn't it?' Kim coloured furiously and stammered: ' Y-yes, that's correct. IumI'm looking forward to seeing him again. It'll be good to get back together.' ' You don't feel any qualms about going back to a man with whom you've already had such a strong disagreement that you considered it necessary to break your engagement?' One eyebrow rose dubiously. 'I would have thought such a decision would need a great deal of careful contemplationunless, of course, it was he who broke the engagement in the first place and you've only been biding your time in the hope that he says all is now forgiven, eh?' Kim was about to reply in very strong terms to this suggestion, but thought better of it. It was all a sham anyway, so why should she tell Rafe that she wasn't the type of girl that, once having been thrown over, could no more wait hopefully to be condescendingly picked up again by the same man, than she could break the four-minute mile. She had more pride and self-respect than to let that happenafter all, wasn't it for that very same pride and self-respect that she was hurrying to leave the north coast? Coolly she faced him, her eyes holding his steadily. ' Does it matter who called a halt, as long as we're both willing to give it another try?' Rafe shrugged indifferently. ' I suppose that's one way of looking at it.' A lazy smile. 'But then Rick reckons there never was any fiance at all. That he was a handy idea on the spur of the moment, and ...' he paused deliberately, '... I'm inclined to agree with him. There is no John Smith, is there, Kim?' 'Well, of course there is!' she retorted scornfully. There were loads of them in the world, weren't there? ' But not one that you are, or were, engaged to?' he pressed.

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'That's none of your business, Rafe,' she found herself blustering and edging towards the open doorway and safety. 'What reason would I have for saying there was, if there wasn't?' 'Now that is a good question, little one,' he laughed, 'and I have some ideas of my own on that particular subject. Still, I don't doubt that all will be revealed in good time.' Feeling more secure with the distance between them, she replied bravely. 'I doubt that, unless, of course, you reaily intend to get cracking, because I'll be gone by the end of the week.' ' And I doubt that,1 was the obscure rejoinder that put creases of concentration in Kim's forehead when she continued on into the kitchen. Why was Rafe so insistent that she wouldn't be leaving soon? Did he know it would take longer than that for the roads to become passable and wasn't telling her, or was there some other, as yet unforeseen, reason? She was given no time to deliberate on what might have prompted Rafe's remark, for Mona called out worriedly the moment she saw her. ' Oh, Kim, come quickly! I think I've done something wrong. The sauce has gone all lumpy and it's sticking to the bottom of the pan.' By the time Kim had decided that the once smooth and creamy cheese sauce was now beyond repair and had set about making some more, her discourse with Rafe had been pushed from her mind and didn't return again until the meal was over and the whole family were enjoying their coffee in the lounge room. Mona was watching television but, at the same time, had her transistor plugged into one ear, and she explained to Kim with a self-effacing grin, ' Can't miss the top forty, you know.* Raoul had his head buried in a book on animal husbandry; Ruy was watching the news broadcaster, as was Kim herseif, while Rafe and Rick had just concluded their discussion regarding when to begin the fertilising of the top and south paddocks and were now sitting back, comfortably relaxed. Rick set the ball rolling with an innocent smile and an irritating, ' Had any more letters from your fiance, Kim?' After a glare that should have dropped him in his tracks, Kim answered as airily as she could, ' Not yet, give him time.' Mona now entered into things and Kim could only hazard a guess as to how she could watch television, listen to the radio, and still take part in a conversation. ' Will you be getting married soon, Kim?' she asked curiously. 'Very shortly, I'd say,' was the surprising interruption from Rafe and, turning quickly, Kim intercepted a devilish grin on its way from Rick to his elder brother, causing her to study them perplexedly. What was going on between those two? ' That's lovely,' sighed Mona, going all dreamy-eyed, ' I wish I could see it. I love weddings!' Rick's ironic, 'Tell me a woman who doesn't?' brought an unwilling smile to Kim's lips, but Rafe's quietly spoken, ' Maybe you will,' took it away again, leaving her to stare at him warily and not quite sure of

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what was likely to come next. ' But how could I?' queried Mona despondently, then her face cleared magically. ' Oh, you mean when I'm back at school in Sydney. Could I, Kim? Could I come to your wedding, please? I really would love to see it.' It was as much as Kim could do to keep the consternation she was experiencing from showing on her face. She swallowed hastily before replying vaguely,' WellI'm not sure when it will be, Mona,' but on seeing the young girl's crestfallen expression, promised, rashly desperate, ' but I will write and let you know the date and send you an invitation. That is... if we do decide to eventually get married,' she finished on the defensive with a self-conscious laugh. 'You mean you might just decide to live together instead?' enquired Rafe with a laconic twist to his mouth. 'No! That's not what I meant at all!' she hastened to assure them.' I mean II meant we ...' 'He doesn't sound very reliable if you don't know whether or not he'll marry you, Kim,' put in Rick with a maddening artlessness, ' I should pick someone else if I were yousomeone you know you can depend upon.' 'Well, that lets out practically the whole of the male sex, doesn't it?' Kim fired, sweetly caustic. Ruy must have had his ears pricked, for he now turned from the television and laughed. ' Are you making unkind remarks about our sex again, Kim? You know, you really will have to * change your views or you could end up an old maid.' ' And I'm beginning to think that wouldn't be such a bad idea either!' she riposted. Rick burst out laughing.' Now that I would like to see. You a little old maid!' ' Highly unlikely,' commented Rafe with a bright glint to his green eyes. 'Kim will be married before the summer's over, won't you, little one?' ' How do you know?* questioned a surprised Ruy before Kim could voice the same sentiments. ' Because I mean to make sure she is, that's how,' was the even more surprising and enigmatic answer. Kim sat stunned, gazing at him wide-eyed, and not knowing what to think. Rafe was watching her closely, a light smile playing round the corners of his well-shaped mouth, and Kim felt herself the cynosure of all eyes in the roomeven Raoui had lifted his head from his engrossing book at this last statement. How could he make sure she married? He already suspected that there was no fiance waiting for her in Sydney, so he wouldn't be referring to the mythical John Smith, even had he been interested enough to make sure they married when she returned which he couldn't do in any case as he had no control over either of them! She moved her head dazedly and took another look around the room in order to rally her thoughts. Pack was smiling hugely and as their glances locked he gave Kim a slow, exaggerated wink that set her chaotic thoughts surging into other, only half-formed channels, with a simmering eagerness. Both Rick

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and Mona had only said last night that they thought there was something between her and Rafe. Then the other day, what was it that she had overheard Rick say to Rafe in the study? That Rafe could look after his own interests? Could he have been referring to her? Was that the reason Rick had stayed talking to Adam for so long that night? Even Adam had thought it strange! A glimmer of hope began to struggle upwards from deep within her. Rafe had been unwarrantedly furious that night when he had found her with Adam, and he had scowlednot quite as badly as Mona had depictedbut a scowl all the same. Could it possibly have been jealousy? Could it? A tight feeling of bubbling excitement banded Kim's ribs as her mind rushed on, desperately attempting to recall words only half-remembered. Added to all this were Rafe's almost unequivocal remarks that she wouldn't be leaving in a few days, and coupled with his last statement that he meant to see that she was married before the end of summer, have to prove something they just had to, didn't they? It was almost as if Rafe had followed her mental processes step by step, for now he gave her that lazy look that played such havoc with her emotions and, without knowing why that smile should make such a differencebut quite positive that it did Kim jumped agitatedly to her feet, receiving from Rick a delighted grin as she did so, and rushed out of the room without any preconceived ideas as to where she was going. Behind her, Kim could hear questions and answers flowing freely as the occupants of the lounge room tried to bring themselves into the picture. 'What's going on?' was Ruy's confused subscription, supplanted by, ' God, you're slow. Don't you read the signs?' from Rick, and, 'Heaven help us, he must go round with his eyes closed,' from Raoul, while Mona announced grandly, ' Previous fiance or not, I'd say we're about to get a new addition to the familyand I'm not talking about Rose's expectation either, Ruy!' Plainly this last remark had the desired effect of opening Ruy's eyes and more muted comments followed, lastly succeeded by a plaintive wail from Mona. ' Oh, now I've missed my favourite record. Shut up, you lot, I can't hear the radio!' Kim hadn't been able to make out Rafe's voice in the general hubbub that broke out when she left the room, and the reason why not became evident when, before she could reach her bedroom door, two warm hands grasped her by the shoulders, spun her around and pinned her against the wall. ' And where do you think you're going?' Rafe drawled softly, his eyes roving over her lightly flushed features. Kim gulped a deep breath to still the heavy thudding of her heart. She still couldn't quite believe it was happening, even if the joyous singing of the blood in her veins told her it was, and she determined not to let Rafe see how much she loved him. All this time and he'd never given her so much as an inkling as to how he felt! Well, she wasn't going to be another of his easy conquestsat least, not on the surface she wasn't! He was going to have to work for it! She replied to his question with an indicative nod towards the bedroom door. ' In there,' she said with as much coolness as she could gather, not quite meeting his gaze, but she could see through the thickness of her lashes the humorous tilt to his curving mouth. ' Running away again?' Kim turned her head and slanted him a gleaming look. 'Perhaps I was going to write to my fiance!' ' The once-rejected John Smith? More like you were planning to hide.'

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' From you?' ' From me!' 'Why should I do that? You don't scare me!' she stood her ground valiantly. Rafe's smile widened. ' So you've said before, but you still run for cover each time I kiss you. I thought you might be doing the running first this time.' With a soft flush steadily mounting her cheeks she struggled to pull away, but Rafe wasn't prepared to let her go and smiled infuriatingly at her ineffectual efforts. Kim's breasts heaved and she lifted her head in a direct challenge. ' Your kisses don't affect me,' she told him recklessly, but when he started to laugh she knew her temper to be slipping out of control and, more in self-defence of her heightened emotions than from any desire to actually hit him, she swung her right arm towards that proud head. By the time her hand would have reached its target, Rafe's head was no longer there, for he had released his left hand from her shoulder, ducked beneath the swinging arm and, before Kim could guess what he intended, he had moved towards her. As his broad shoulder came into contact with her middle she was lifted over that shoulder, and the arm clasped around the back of her legs kept her imprisoned there. She couldn't hold on to the muffled gasp of surprise that escaped her before she began pummelling at the muscular back below her. 'Put me down, Rafe! Put me down!' And when he began walking further down the hall,' Where are you taking me? Rafe! Put me down!' ' All in good time, sweetheart,' was his amused reply, ' but I don't intend to have Mona interrupting with some trumped-up reason of wanting something from her room, so we'll go in here.' There was the click of a door opening and when they had passed through into the room and Rafe had pushed the door closed behind them, Kim raised her head and recognised it from when Mona had shown her around the house as being Rafe's own bedroom. She had no time to say anything before Rafe had tumbled her flat on to her back on the bright orange and black woven bedspread that covered the wide bed and he was leaning over her, a hand planted flat on either side of her head. ' Shall we see how much my kisses don't affect you now?' he taunted softly, eyes dancing, and his head lowering with each passing second. Kim turned her face away breathlessly, but it was a futile gesture, for his mouth found hers easily, moving against it gently and persuasively until her lips parted and she slid her arms around his neck, pulling him down towards her. The warmth and weight of his body against her own filled her with a desire she had never before experienced and she arched even closer to him while her hands moved exploringly over his back, savouring the feel of taut, ridged muscles beneath her sensitive fingers. Suddenly, with a brief hard kiss pressed to the base of her throat. Rafe lifted his head and Kim let loose a sigh of disappointment as she opened her eyes to gaze into the warm and glowing ones above her. He brushed her hair back from her wide forehead with a slightly shaking hand and twisted one shiny curl around his finger. ' My kisses might not affect you, sweetheart, but God ...' he smiled ruefully, ' yours sure affect me!'

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She smiled lovingly upwards and shook her head in silent refutation. His kisses not affect her! If only he knew! His mouth lowered again to the corner of her lips. ' I love you, Kim,' he murmured huskily against the softness, ' will you marry me before the summer's gone?' Of course she wouldshe'd marry him tomorrow if that was what he wantedbut did he have to dismiss her imaginary fiance quite so carelessly? ' I am already engaged, you know,' she reminded him innocently. Rafe's reply was softly spoken, but definite. ' No, you're not. You were supposed to have been once, but not at the moment. And there never was a John Smith, was there?' ' You can't be that certain.' ' Oh, yes, I can, sweetheart,' he assured her captivatingly. ' No man fortunate enough to be engaged to you would make the idiotic mistake of letting you escape.' A ready smile played over her lips at these complimentary words and she willingly gave up the vague idea of insisting on the validity of one John Smith. ' In that case, yes, I'll marry you, Rafe, whenever you want me to,' she agreed happily, her heart overflowing at the thought of living the rest of her life with this man. ' And are you going to admit that you love me too?' This made her grin mischievously and she shook her head slowly. 'Not after what you and Rick put me through.' She pouted reproachfully at him. ' You might have let me in on the secret.' 'I would have done in due course if you hadn't found that damned will so precipitately and insisted on leaving town almost immediately thereafter.' He gave a wry grin. ' It didn't give me much time.' ' You were relieved when I found it, though, weren't you?' ' Of course I was.' He traced the outline of her mouth with a gentle finger. ' Knowing you, if I'd asked you to marry me before you discovered it, you'd have thought I was only doing so to get my hands on the property.' Now it was Kim's turn to smile wryly. She probably would have thought exactly that way, although, if she was strictly truthful, she might not have cared about examining his reasons too closely. 'And having cleared that up, will you now tell me you love me?' Again she shook her head provocatively, but Rafe's eyes told her he was devising some audacious form of retaliation. He bent his head and slid his mouth sensuously along the side of her neck, sending shivers of delight down her spine. 'Okay, we'll just stay here until you do admit it,' he promised. ' All night, if necessary.'

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Kim gave a nervous laugh. As much as the idea appealed, she was sure that these weren't the most suitable of circumstances, and she was feeling thoroughly vulnerable at the moment. ' You couldn't do that,' she protested weakly, waving a hand in the direction of the lounge room. ' Why, they might think they'd think we ...' ' Uh-huh!' agreed Rafe with a tantalising smile that set her pulses racing afresh. ' And they might not be wrong either!' 'You wouldn't, Rafe? Would you? Keep me here all night?' ' Quite willingly, darling,' he admitted freely, his green eyes making love to her without his ever having to touch her.' You're gloriously enticing ... and I'm only human,' he breathed against her softly parted lips. With a relaxed sigh she capitulated and gave a smile of surrender. ' All right, if you're not going to play fair, I'll admit it.' Her voice deepened tenderly. 'I love you, Rafe, with all my heart.' 'As it's taken me so long to make you say it, perhaps now you'd better kiss me to prove it.' Outrageous thoughts slipped through her mind and with a deceptively sweet smile she lifted her head to his, touching his lips with her own feather-lightly, moving them temptingly across his mouth with the lightest of pressures. ' You little cat ...' Rafe groaned huskily as he pushed her back down against the bed, his mouth now passionately demanding a response Kim was only too willing to give, and rousing them both to- a height of desire that threatened to anticipate the joys of wedded bliss. His hands moved caressingly from her hips to her breasts and she had not the power, nor the wish, to stop him, while her own hands slipped under the neck of his shirt to linger lovingly on the warm hard flesh beneath. Suddenly a shudder escaped Rafe's taut frame and with a smothered exclamation he lifted his head and rolled away from her to lie on his back, his arms folded behind his head. ' I don't think I can wait till the end of summer,' he smiled crookedly at her. ' How about we make it the end of next week instead?' Kim rolled on to her side, her head propped up by one hand as she rested on her elbow and looked down at the man beside her. ' I'm agreeable, but wouldn't your parents be disappointed if you didn't wait for them to return first?' ' Oh, God, look what you're doing to me already after only two weeks?' He ran a hand distractedly through his rumpled hair. ' I'd forgotten clean about them. You're the only thing I have on my mind these days.' With a throaty laugh she confessed, ' I'm glad, because you've inundated mine too!' A long smouldering look of desire entered his eyes at this disclosure and Kim could see that it was only the strongest self-discipline that enabled him to forbear from taking her in his arms again. ' All right, then,' he said at last, ' the folks return in three weeks' timeanother week for them to get to know you and we'll be married in exactly one month's time.' A worried look tugged at Kim's mouth and she followed the pattern on the bedspread with one slender finger. ' Maybe your parents won't like me, Rafe.'

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A tanned hand turned her face gently back to his. 'Impossible for them not to like you, darling. You've fitted into this family as if you were made for it. They'll love you almost as much as I do.' ' But I know nothing about rural matters.' 'You don't have to tell me that,' he laughed away her fears. ' Who knows that better than I do.' ' Then there's Adam.' ' What about him?' 'Well,' Kim hesitated doubtfully, and raised hopeful eyes. ' What can I say to him? I mean, he thinks I'm engaged to some man in Sydney. Won't he think it's peculiar if I suddenly turn around and marry you?' Rafe sat up and brushed a kiss across her warm mouth. ' I don't expect Adam will be quite so surprised as you seem to think. The fiance you conjured up last night might well have thrown him some, but apart from that, I rather suspect he knew exactly which way the wind was blowing.' ' How could he? I certainly didn't say anything to him.' ' I did.' Kim's eyes widened in startled amazement. ' When?' she demanded to be told. ' After the dance.' ' Oh, Rafe, you didn't? What on earth did you say?' A complacent smile pulled at Rafe's lips. ' Nothing much, but I think Adam got the general idea that you weren't as unattached as you appeared. Perhaps that's why he accepted your story of a fiance so readily.' It was pleasing to Kim to know that Rafe had been attracted to her so early in the piece, and that could explain why Adam had been so diffident about asking her out after she had been to his office for her interview. She only hoped that Rafe's 'nothing much' had been exactly thatnothing much! 'Stop worrying, sweetheart. As I've already told you, Adam had a fair idea of the way things were heading, and with you out of the running maybe Beth can now get a fair go.' ' Beth? A fair go with Adam? But Rose said she was in love with you!' ' Rose did? I thought she knew better than that.' Rafe gave an exasperated look as if all the talk was keeping him from something else he would rather be doing. ' Beth has been trying to get Adam to realise she's not a little girl any longer for the last six months or more, hence the use of me as a partner, but I still think Adam can only see her in school uniform with pigtails. Beth reckons she wouldn't mind so much if Adam did notice her and wasn't interested, but the fact that he hasn't come to, even yet, that she isn't a school kid any more really sets her going.' ' Poor Beth, and I thought you were in love with her.'

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'You thought I was in love with Beth?' Rafe started laughing and couldn't refrain from pulling her back into his arms 'There's only one girl I'm in love withhave ever been in love withand she's next to me right now, but if she doesn't stop talking and worrying about other people who should be well able to look after their own affairs, and keep her mind on matters closer to hand, then I'll...' ' You'll what...?' questioned Kim with a smile, linking her arms around his neck. '... Give me something else to think about?' ' Now that's an idea worth working on,' agreed Rafe deeply before his mouth covered hers possessively and he proceeded to do exactly what Kim had suggested.

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