16-Section Msds Checklist

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16- SECTION MSDS CHECKLIST Review of 54 Items Required by Controlled Products Regulations (Schedule I)

Product Name: __________________________ Missing or incorrect information [ ] Optional Information SECTION 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification q Product Identifier q [WHMIS Classification] q Product Use Manufacturers Name q Street address City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code q Emergency Telephone Number q [Fax Number] Suppliers Name q Street Address


City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code q Emergency Telephone Number q [Fax Number] q Preparation date of MSDS q MSDS Prepared By q Phone Number of Preparer SECTION 2 Composition/Information on Ingredients Hazardous % CAS# LD50 Ingredients (specific)
q q q q q q q q q


SECTION 3 Hazards Identification Route of entry: q Skin contact q Skin absorption q Eye contact q Inhalation q Ingestion q [Emergency Overview]


[WHMIS Symbols]

[Potential Health Effects]

SECTION 4 First Aid Measures q Skin Contact

q q q

Eye Contact Inhalation Ingestion

SECTION 5 - Fire Fighting Measures Flammable q No q Yes - identify under which conditions q Means of Extinction q Flashpoint ( C) and Method (oc or cc) q Upper Flammable Limit (% by volume) q Lower Flammable Limit (% by volume) q Autoignition Temperature ( C) q Explosion Data - Sensitivity to Impact q Explosion Data - Sensitivity to Static Discharge q Hazardous Combustion Products [NFPA] SECTION 6 - Accidental Release Measures q Leak and Spill Procedures

SECTION 7 - Handling and Storage q Handling Procedures and Equipment


Storage Requirements

SECTION 8 - Exposure Control/Personal Protection Exposure Limits q ACGIH TLV q OSHA PEL q Other (specify) Engineering Controls (specific) q General q Local Exhaust q Other (specify) Personal Protective Equipment (specific) q Gloves q Respirator q Eye q Footwear q Clothing q Other SECTION 9 Physical and Chemical Properties q Physical State q Odour and Appearance q Odour Threshold (ppm) q Specific Gravity q Vapour Density (air=1) q Vapour Pressure (mmHg) q Evaporation Rate q Boiling Point ( C) q Freezing Point ( C) q pH q Coefficient of Water/Oil Distribution q [Solubility in Water] SECTION 10 - Stability and Reactivity Chemical Stability? q Yes q No Identify under which conditions Incompatibility with other substances q Yes Identify which ones


q q

Reactivity, and under what conditions? Hazardous Decomposition Products

SECTION 11 - Toxicological Information q Effects of Acute Exposure


Effects of Chronic Exposure

Irritancy of Product q Skin Sensitization q Respiratory Sensitization Carcinogencity q IARC ((1, 2A or 2B) q ACGIH (A1, A2 or A3) q Reproductive Toxicity q Teratogenicity q Embryotoxicity q Mutagenicity q Name of Synergistic Products/Effects SECTION 12 Ecological Information q [Aquatic Toxicity]

SECTION 13 Disposal Considerations q Waste Disposal SECTION 14 Transport Information q Special Shipping Information q PIN q TDG q [DOT] q [IMO] q [ICAO] SECTION 15 Regulatory Information q [WHMIS CLASSIFICATION] q [OSHA] q [SERA] q [TSCA] SECTION 16 Other Information

This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by CPR.

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