Portfolio Management Processes: Based On The Standard For Portfolio Management - Second Edition - English

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Strategic Planning Process Output: Current Strategic Plan

Aligning Process Group

GOVERNANCE 4.1 Identify Components

.1 Inputs .1 Strategic Plan .2 Component Definition .3 Component Key Descriptors .4 Inventory of All Existing Components .5 New Component Proposals .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Documentation of All Inventoried Components Based on Key Descriptors .2 Comparisons of All Inventoried Components with Component Definition .3 Identification of Components .4 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Components .2 Key Descriptors for Each Component .3 List of Rejected Components

GOVERNANCE 4.5 Prioritize Components

.1 Inputs .1 List of Selected Components .2 Selection Process Recommendations .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Weighted Ranking .2 Scoring Techniques .3 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Prioritized Components within Each Strategic Category .2 Supporting Documents to Prioritized Component List

Portfolio Management Processes

Based on The Standard for Portfolio Management Second Edition English

Current Strategic Plan Goals Definitions & Categories Key Performance Criteria Capacity Definition

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group

Component Processes

RISK 5.3 Develop Portfolio Risks Responses GOVERNANCE 4.2 Categorize Components
.1 Inputs .1 List of Components .2 Key Descriptors for Each Component .3 Category Definitions .4 Portfolio Management Plan .5 New Component Proposals .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Categorization of Components .2 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Categorized Components .1 Inputs .1 Portfolio Management Plan .2 Portfolio Risk Register .3 List of Prioritized Components within Each Strategic Category .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Response Strategy Selection .2 Scenario Analysis .3 Outputs .1 Portfolio Risk Register Updates .2 List of Categorized, Evaluated, and Selected Portfolio Components .3 Portfolio Management Plan Updates

Component Execution and Reporting

RISK 5.4 Monitor and Control Portfolio Risks

.1 Inputs .1 Portfolio Management Plan .2 Portfolio Risk Register .3 omponent Progress Reports .4 Component Data .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Portfolio Risks Audits .2 Variance and Trend Analysis .3 Status Meetings .4 Portfolio Risks Reassessment .3 Outputs .1 Portfolio Change Requests .2 Portfolio Risk Register Updates .3 List of Selected Portfolio Components

GOVERNANCE 4.3 Evaluate Components

.1 Inputs .1 Strategic Plan .2 List of Categorized Components .3 Key Descriptors for Each Component .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Scoring Model Comprising Weighted Key Criteria .2 Graphical Representations .3 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Evaluated Components .2 Value Score for Each Component .3 Graphical Representations .4 Evaluation process recommendations

GOVERNANCE 4.6 Balance Portfolio

.1 Inputs .1 List of Prioritized Components within Each Strategic Category .2 Portfolio Management Criteria .3 Portfolio Management Performance Metrics .4 Capacity Constraints .5 Portfolio Rebalancing Recommendations .6 Portfolio Risk Register .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Cost Benefit Analysis .2 Quantitative Analysis .3 Scenario Analysis .4 Probability Analysis .5 Graphical Analytical Methods .6 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Approved Portfolio Components .2 Master List of Updates .3 Approved Portfolio Component Allocations Updates

GOVERNANCE 4.9 Review and Report Portfolio Performance

.1 Inputs .1 Component Data .2 Resource Allocation and Capacity Data .3 Environmental Constraints .4 Organizational Governance Standards, Controls, and Constraints .5 Evaluation and Selection Criteria .6 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Updates .7 Strategic Goals and Strategy .8 Portfolio Management Criteria .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Project/Portfolio Management System .2 Financial Reporting Systems .3 Performance Measurement Techniques .4 Graphical Representations .5 Portfolio Management Resources .6 Portfolio Management Performance Variance/ Alert Techniques .3 Outputs .1 Directives Regarding Components .2 Portfolio Rebalancing Recommendations .3 Recommendations to Business .4 Refined Selection Criteria .5 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Updates .6 Strategic Goal Achievement Reporting

GOVERNANCE 4.4 Select Components

.1 Inputs .1 Strategic Plan .2 List of Evaluated Components .3 Value Score for Each Component .4 Graphical Representations .5 Organizational Resources .6 Evaluation Process Recommendations .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Human Resource Capacity Analyses .2 Financial Capacity Analyses .3 Asset Capacity Analyses .4 Expert Judgment .3 Outputs .1 List of Categorized, Evaluated, Selected, and Rejected Components .2 Selection Process Recommendations

GOVERNANCE 4.7 Communicate Portfolio Adjustments

.1 Inputs .1 New Criteria .2 Strategic Plan Update .3 Portfolio Reporting and Review Outputs .4 Organizational Process Assets .5 Stakeholder Expectations and Requirements .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Communication Requirements Analysis .3 Outputs .1 Portfolio Management Roles and Responsibilities Document .2 Portfolio Management Communication Plan .3 Portfolio Communications

GOVERNANCE 4.10 Monitor Business Strategy Changes

.1 Inputs .1 Portfolio Periodic Reporting and Review .2 Strategic Plan Update .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Expert Judgment .2 Criteria Re-weighting .3 Graphical Representations .3 Outputs .1 New Criteria

RISK 5.1 Identify Portfolio Risks

.1 Inputs .1 Enterprise Environmental Factors .2 List of Selected Portfolio Components .3 Organizational Process Assets .4 Portfolio Management Plan .5 Escalated Component Risks .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Documentation Reviews .2 Information Gathering Techniques .3 Checklist Analysis .4 Assumptions Analysis .5 Diagramming Techniques .3 Outputs .1 Portfolio Risk Register

GOVERNANCE 4.8 Authorize Components

.1 Inputs .1 List of Approved Portfolio Components .2 Component Funding Requirements .3 Component Resource Requirements .4 List of Deactivated and Terminated Components .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Portfolio Management Roles and Responsibilities Document .2 Portfolio Communications .3 Portfolio Authorization Process .3 Outputs .1 Additions to the Active Component Inventory .2 Component Expectations Updates .3 Approved Component Funding and Exceptions .4 Approved Component Resource Allocations and Exceptions .5 Excluded Components .6 Portfolio Milestones


Significant Change?

RISK 5.2 Analyze Portfolio Risks

.1 Inputs .1 Portfolio Risk Register .2 Portfolio Management Plan .2 Tools & Techniques .1 Risk Probability and Impact Assessment .2 Risk Combining and Modeling Techniques .3 Outputs .1 Portfolio Risk Register Updates .2 Portfolio Risk Exposure Charts


Portfolio Management Processes Based on The Standard for Portfolio Management Second Edition English Realization: 2010 Konstantin Trunin, PMP. konstantin@trunin.com - http://blog.trunin.com Processes: 2008 Project Management Institute, Inc. - http://www.pmi.org All rights reserved

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