Subiecte de Tip II A - Univers Personal

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subiecte de tip II a - univers personal 1.What kind of work would you like to do in the future? 2.

Speak about the importance of friendship in your life 3. What is your favourite means of transport? 4. What does Christmas mean to you? 5. What do you do to have a healthy life? 6. How does fashion influence your personality? 7. What do you think about hobbies? 8. What is your favourite season? 9. What is your favourite sport? 10. What do you think about having a pet? 11. Do you believe in eating habits? 12. What is your favourite free-time activity? 13. What do you like about your home-town? 14. What is the present you would like for your birthday? 129 15. What are your feelings about turning 18? 16. What do you like to do over the weekends? 17. What do you think about the way in which your parents have brought you up? 18. How do you think smoking may affect you? 19. What do you think about school uniforms being compulsory?

20. What is your opinion about mobile phones being used freely in schools? 21. What do you hate most in life? 22. Do you think a relative may be considered best friend? 23. What do you think about travelling by plane? 24. What did you like about the school you attended? 25. What person/personality do you admire? 26. What is your opinion about the way in which television influences your life? 27. What would you change about your hometown? 28. What was the life experience that has taught you a positive lesson? 29. What are your goals for the future? 30. Speak about what makes us live longer. 30 de subiecte de tip II b - relatare/descriere 1.Describe your favourite film 2. Relate an adventure you were involved in 3.Describe the house you live in 4. Speak about a day that has changed your life : 5. Describe your pet. 6. Speak about your best friend 7. Speak about the last time you went to a disco

8. Speak about the happiest day in your life 9. Choose a building you like and describe it. 10. Speak about your favourite actor/actress 11. Describe an object in your house which represents you 12. The way in which you celebrate your birthday 13. Describe your room 14. Describe a habitual Saturday afternoon of yours 15. Talk about a funny neighbour that you have 16. The most interesting, funny and useful internet sites 17. Talk about the ideal Romania -18. Talk about one of your favourite shows on TV. 19. A foreign country you would like to live in 20. Talk about your highschool experience 21. Talk about something interesting you saw in the street. 22. Speak about the holiday you will always remember 23. What is your favourite computer game? 24. What do you think about YouTube? Do you have a favourite video that you watch? 25. What teacher did you like best? 26. Speak about your family 27. Have you got a hobby? Is having a hobby useful?

28. Speak about a colleague of yours that is very funny 29. Describe your best friend's family 30. Speak about your favourite advertisement/s 30 de subiecte de tip II c - parere argumentata 1. Does modern technology make life more convenient...? 2. We tend to become addicted to computers. Is this addiction a good thing ? 3. Do you agree that children should be raised by grandparents? 4. Damage of the environment is a consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss 5.Which place would you prefer to live in: a small town or a big city? 6. What is your opinion about the way in which movies and television influence people's behaviour? 7. What is better: to enjoy your money when you earn it or to save it for some time in the future? 8. Grades encourage students to learn. Do you agree? 9. ]f you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? 10. Which country would you like to visit? 11. Negative aspects of using the Internet. 12. The importance of being well-mannered 13. What are the advantages of being a famous person? 14. The disadvantages of being a famous person :

15. State your opinion about the benefits of doing sports 16. What is your opinion about the statement: One has more opportunities for selfdevelopment abroad? 17. State your opinion about the benefits of keeping pets 18. Advertising: information or manipulation? 19. Does a disability make a person more determined to succeed? 20. State your opinion about being your own boss 21. 'Where there is a will, there is a way.' Comment . 22. The importance of having a career 23. State your opinion about the advantages of travelling 24. Do you agree that more people suffer from obesity, nowadays? 25. Does music influence teenagers? 26. The qualities that help a teenager be admired in high-school. 27. Is it better to watch the film rather than read the book? 28. Argue in favour of the importance of school education 29. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools? 30. Comment on the statement: Cars should be banned from the city centre

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