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AUGUST 19, 2002

S.No. 01. 02. Description Page Nos.

Typed copies of combined Regulations for Approval 1-15 Process (incorporating all amendments) Typed copies of Regulations for Admission & Fee Structure 15-46 i) ii) iii) iv) Typed copies of Admission Regulations, 1992 15-21

Typed copies of Admission & Fee Structure 21-29 Regulations, 1994 Typed copies of the Resolutions of Govt. of India 29-37 for Fee Structure, 1997 Typed copies of Regulations for Admission of 37-46 NRI/Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin


AICTE guidelines for constitution of Governing Bodies of 46-47 Self Financing Institutions




Reference Regulations and Amendments:

1. Original Regulations No. F.304-4/CCF/REG/94 dated 31st October, 1994 (Published in the Gazetted of Government of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4) Amendment Regulations No. F. 711-6-1/E/96 dated 11th April, 1997 (Published on 12th May, 1997 in the Gazettee of Government of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4) Amendment Regulations (Published on 26th August, 2000 in the Gazettee of Government of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4)



ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of section 23 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), the All India Council for Technical Education hereby makes the following regulations, namely :1.0 SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT 1.1 These regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (grant of approval for starting new technical institutions, introduction of courses or programmes and approval of intake capacity of seats for the courses or programmes) Regulations, 1994, Amendment Regulations, 1997 and 2000. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

1.2 2.0

APPLICABILITY These regulations shall be applicable to the proposals relating to :2.1 Grant of approval of the Council for establishment of new Technical Institutions including Universities or University Departments and Deemed Universities and for Technical Institutions functioning on the date of commencement of these regulations at degree and diploma levels; Grant of approval of the council for introduction of any course or programme in Technical Institutions and Technical Departments of Universities or Deemed Universities; Grant of approval of the Council for intake capacity of seats and for increase in the annual intake capacity of seats in courses or programmes in Technical Education.




DEFINITIONS In these regulations, unless the context otherwise required :-

3.1. 3.2.

Act means All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987) ; Bureau AIB means the Bureau of All India Board of Studies of the Council;

3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.

Bureau MPCD means the Bureau of Manpower Planning and Career Development of the Council ; Bureau RDII means the Bureau of Research & Development Institute Industry Interaction of the Council ; Bureau E&T means the Bureau of Engineering & Technology of the Council ; Council means All India Council for Technical Education established under Section 3 of the Act ; Deemed University means any institution of Higher Education other than a University, declared as such under section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) Form means a Form appended to these regulations; Regional Office means the Regional Office functioning as the secretariat of the Regional Committee of the Council ; University Technical Department means the Department of the concerned University conducting courses or programmes in Technical Education. All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987) , shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Act. REQUIREMENT OF GRANT OF APPROVAL 4.1 After the commencement of these regulations, a) no new Technical Institution or University Technical Department shall be started ; or b) no course or programme shall be introduced by any Technical Institution, University including a Deemed University or University Department or College or ; c) no Technical Institution, University or Deemed University or University Department or College shall continue to admit students for Degree or Diploma courses or programmes ; d) no approved intake capacity of seats shall be increased or varied ; EXCEPT WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL.

3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11.



Applications for the grant of approval under sub-regulation (4.1) shall be made by any of the following, namely :a) b) Government Institutions, Government Aided Institutions, Deemed Universities and University Department or Colleges. Registered Societies / Trusts.

5.0 5.1

FORMS AND APPLICATIONS Application for starting a Technical Institution or for approval of institutions functioning on the date of commencement of these regulations, or for introducing courses or programmes, or for increase in the intake capacity of seats in the courses or for obtaining a Letter of Viability shall be made in the form specified in sub-regulation (5.2) and shall be accompanied by the documents called for therein. a) b) c) d) e) f) An application for starting Technical Institution shall be in Form I. An application for approval of Degree level institution functioning on the date of commencement of these regulations shall be made in Form II. An application for approval of Diploma level institution functioning on the date of commencement of these regulations shall be made in Form III. An application for introduction of additional course or increase in the intake of seats in the Degree level institutions shall be made in Form IV. An application for introduction of additional courses or increase in the intake of seats in the Diploma level institutions shall be made in Form V. An application for obtaining Letter of Viability from the Council for starting a new Technical Institution shall be made in Form VI.


NOTE: The specified forms are not attached with these regulations and provided separately. 6.0 CONDITIONS FOR GRANT OF APPROVAL Every application under sub-regulation (4.1) shall be considered subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions , namely :6.1 The financial position of the applicant shall be sound for investment in developed land and in providing related infrastructural and instructional facilities as per the norms and standards laid down by the Council from time to time and for meeting the annual recurring expenditure;

6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.0

The courses or programmes shall be conducted as per the assessed technical manpower demands ; The admission shall be made according to the regulations and directions of the Council in the respective Technical Institutions or Universities ; The tuition and other fees shall be charged within the overall criteria as may be laid down by the Council ; The staff shall be recruited as per the norms and standards specified by the Council from time to time ; The Governing Body in case of Private Technical Institution shall be as per the norms specified by the Council ; any other conditions as may be specified by the Council from time to time.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS 7.1 Every application for approval of the Council shall be submitted in triplicate with a copy to the concerned agencies as per the provisions of these Regulations. Every application for approval from the Government Institutions and the Government Aided Institutions shall be sent by the State Government concerned to the Bureau E&T alongwith the consent of affiliation by the University / State Board. Every application pertaining to a University, University Department or Deemed University shall be submitted through the University Grants Commission. Every application form a registered Society or Trust for approval of Technical Institution functioning on the date of commencement of these regulations or for setting up of new Technical Institution at Degree or Diploma level or for courses or programmes and the intake capacity of seats shall be submitted to the Bureau E&T and also simultaneously to the concerned State Government, the University or the State Board of Technical Education, whichever is applicable, and the Regional Office concerned by the Society or Trust, as the case may be.





SCRUTINY OF APPLICATIONS 8.1 On receipt of a copy of the application submitted to the Council for obtaining a Letter of Viability, the concerned University or the Directorate of Technical Education having jurisdiction in the area in which the new

Technical Institution is to be started, shall make arrangements for scrutiny and verification of the information contained therein. 8.2 If the University or the Directorate of Technical Education, as the case may be, desires to have a local inspection of the Site, it may constitute its Local Inspection Committee (LIC) and under intimation to the applicant make such inspection of site. On receipt of the Report of the Local Inspection Committee or after Verification of the particulars contained in the application to the satisfaction of the University or the Directorate of Technical Education, as the case may be, or by such other means, at it may deem proper, it shall give its recommendations to the respective State Government or to University Grants Commission with a copy to the Council . On receipt of the report containing the recommendations of the University or the Directorate of Technical Education, as the case may be, under subregulation (8.3), the State Government or the University Grants Commission, as the case may be, shall forward the report and its recommendations to the Council specifically dealing with the Viability of the proposal having regard to the following requirements :Requirement of Land The applicant shall identify suitable land for starting the new Technical Institution. The minimum requirement of such land shall be as indicated in Table I below :Table I S. No. (1) Locality (2) For Degree Level Institution (i) 10 Hectares 4 Hectares 2 Hectares Minimum Requirement of Land (Engineering & Technology) (3) For Diploma Level Institution (ii) 8 Hectares 4 Hectares 2 Hectares




1. 2. 3.

Rural Area Taluk or District Head Quarters Metropolitan Cities or State Capitals

NOTE :It shall not be necessary for the applicant to have ownership or title of the land proposed to be utilized for starting the new Technical Institution at the stage of making the application in Form VI. The ownership or the title shall be required only after issuance of the Letter of Viability. b) Funds

The minimum requirement of funds for starting of new Technical Institution by a registered Society /Trust shall be as detailed in Table II below :Table II S.No. Level of Engineering & Technology Institutions (2) Degree Diploma NOTE:It shall not be necessary to produce any fixed money deposit receipt from a bank in the joint name of an applicant Society/Trust and the respective Regional Officer, at the stage of making an application in Form VI. This will be required only after issue of a Letter of Viability. (c) Provisions as per Norms and Standards Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (a) and (b), the requirement of land and funds in the case of new institutions in MBA, MCA, Architecture, Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pharmacy and Applied Arts & Crafts shall be as per the relevant Norms and Standards specified by the Council in respect of such institutions. (d) Track Record Where the applicant is a registered Society or Trust, it shall have a sound track record of running an educational institution for a minimum period of five years. Minimum Fund required for making fixed deposit in the joint name of the applicant and the respective Regional Officer. (3) Rs. 50 lakhs Rs. 25 lakhs

(1) 1. 2.


In respect of every application submitted to the Council on or before the prescribed date, the concerned agencies, namely the concerned State Government, University or Directorate of Technical Education and the University Grants Commission, shall endeavour to forward their recommendations to the Council as expeditiously as possible, so as to enable the Council to start processing the applications by the prescribed date. Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation 9.0, the Regional Committee or the Board of Studies, as the case may be, shall deliberate on the status of the various proposals and the recommendations of the State Government, University or the Directorate of Technical Education and University Grants Commission thereon and give its recommendations to the Council by the prescribed date. After considering the recommendations of the agencies concerned and after making such further enquiry as it may deem necessary, the Council may, by the prescribed date, a) issue a Letter of Viability on the proposal to the application stating therein that the applicant may proceed to take further action for getting final approval of the Council under these regulations ; or Issue a Letter of Regret to the applicant stating therein the specific ground or grounds on which the application has been rejected, provided that no application shall be rejected unless the applicant has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter.





While issuing a Letter of Viability under sub regulation (8.7), the Council shall ask the applicant to submit by the prescribed date, the following documents, namely :Deed of registration of land relating to ownership/title of the applicant Society/Trust on the land earmarked for setting up the new institution ; A land use certificate from the authority concerned ; and In case the applicant is running any other educational institution and the new institution is purposed to be set up in the same premises, an irrevocable resolution of the applicant stating that sufficient area of the premises has been earmarked specifically for setting up the proposed institution.

8.8.1. a) c) d)

8.8.2. A fixed money Deposit jointly in the name of applicant Society/Trust and the Regional Officer of the respective Regional Office as per the requirements specified in Table II of sub-regulation 8.4 (b & c) for a period of ten years after which the applicant may apply to the Council to allow or use the funds for development purposes of the institutions.


The accounts of the funds shall be maintained by the Regional Office.

8.8.3. Document (s) regarding furnished permanent building atleast adequate for the Ist year classes on the land specified at sub-regulation (8.8.1). 8.8.4. A master plan for the entire institutional complex with the details of the plinth area, including area of laboratories, class rooms, drawing halls, workshops, library, administrative block, hostel etc. shall be submitted alongwith the construction schedule indicating estimated cost of construction involved. 8.8.5. A registered undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper, stating that the institute shall abide by all the Regulations, Norms, Guidelines and Standards of the Council. 8.9. In case of applications for introduction of new courses or programmes or for increase in intake capacity of seats in any institution approved by the Council, the information about additional requirement of infrastructural and instructional facilities only shall be required to be furnished by the prescribed date. An Expert Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Council shall, at the cost of the applicant, visit the premises of the proposed institution or existing institution, as the case may be, and verify all the details furnished in the application, prior to final approval being given. .The report of the Expert Committee and other relevant information obtained by the Council shall be placed before the Executive Committee of the Council for its decision. Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (8.8), the final decision of the Council shall be communicated to the State Government concerned or the University Grants Commission, the University or the Directorate of Technical Education concerned, as the case may be, the Regional Office concerned and the applicant by the prescribed date in case the application was made before the specified date The rejection of an application shall not disentitle an applicant to make fresh application for any subsequent academic year. The Council shall, in every year, before the specified date publish the names of approved Technical Institutions, University Departments or Deemed Universities conducting courses in Technical Education, the courses and programmes approved by the Council and the number of seats permitted (annual intake capacity ) for each course or programme and communicate relevant extracts of the same to the concerned authorities and agencies .




8.13 8.14.

8.15. 8.16.

All institutions, courses and number of seats approved after publication of a list under sub-regulation (8.14) shall stand included in the relevant list. The time schedule and sequences of processing applications for approved proposals shall be as given in the schedule appended to these regulations, provided that the Council may, for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, modify the time schedule in respect of any class or category of applications. PROCESSING OF APPLICATION BY BODIES 9.1. The Council may process the various applications made under these regulations through its following bodies, namely :a. Regional Committee concerned; b. Board of Studies concerned ; 9.2. Before giving its recommendations on an application, the Regional Committee or the Board of Studies, as the case may be, may hold a meeting with the Secretary of the State Government dealing with Technical Education and the Director of Technical Education of the State Government, the Vice-Chancellor, a Director of Indian Institute of Technology, a member from the Executive Committee, nominee of the University Grants Commission, expert members nominated by the Chairman of the Council, Adviser-Bureau E&T, Adviser-Bureau AIB, Regional Officer, Adviser-Bureau MPCD, representative of Technical Bureau of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education and any other special invitees. RETURNS TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT The Council shall furnish a quarterly progress report to the Central Government indicating therein the progress of processing of applications by it for the periods ending the specified dates. 11.0 INTERPRETATION 11.1. 11.2. If any question arises as to the interpretation of these regulations, the same shall be decided by the Council. The Council shall have the power to issue clarification to remove any doubt which may arise in regard to implementation of these regulations.



12.0. POWER TO RELAX The Council may, for removal of any hardship or such other reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these regulations in respect of any class or category of institutions. 13.0. WITHDRAWAL OF APPROVAL If any Technical Institution including University, University Department or Deemed University or College contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations, the Council may, after making such inquiry, as it may consider appropriate, and after giving the Technical Institution concerned an opportunity of being heard, withdraw the approval granted under these regulations. SCHEDULE (See Sub-Regulation 8.16 )

S.No. Stage of Processing (1) 1. (2) For receiving proposals by the Council at its Head Quarters, the State Government, University, Directorate of Technical Education and the Regional Office For receiving the comments from : a) The State Government b) University Grants Commission and c) The University or State Board/ Directorate of Technical Education 3.

Last Date for completion of processing applications (3) 31st December


28th February

4. 5.

31st March For consideration of the comments from the State Government, University Grants Commission, University or State Directorate of Technical Education by the Regional Committee or the Board of Studies concerned For issue of Letter of Viability 15th April For receiving detailed proposals and documents from applicants as per Letter of Viability 15th May


Visit of the Council Expert Committee and report to the Executive Committee and for communicating the final decision to the State Government, the University Grants Commission, under intimation to the Director of Technical Education, the applicant, the University or State Directorate of Technical Education and the Regional Office. NOTE :-

15th June

The Council on the advice of its Executive Committee may modify the prescribed dates as mentioned in the Schedule. The decision of the Council regarding the dates shall be final.








The Gazettee of India July 11, 1992


Guidelines for Admission to Engineering Degree and Engineering Diploma Programmes

G.S.R.320- in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23(1) of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Act 1987( No.52,1987), the AICTE hereby prescribes the following guidelines for admission of students in Engineering Degree and Engineering Diploma programmes in pursuance of Section 10 (o) of the AICTE Act, 1987. GUIDELINES 1.0 ENGINEERING DEGREE PROGRAMMES

1.1 Qualification for Admission of General Category Students. The minimum qualification for admission to degree programmes in Engineering should be a pass in the 10+2 (Senior Secondary) Examination with a minimum aggregate of 60 per cent marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics obtained in a single sitting. The duration of degree programme in Engineering will be 4 years after 12th standard. This will apply to cases where admissions are based on the marks in the qualifying examination and not on the basis of entrance tests. 1.2 Qualification for Admission of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Students The minimum qualification for admission to degree programmes in Engineering in respect of SC/ST candidates will be a pass in the 10+2 Senior Secondary Examination with a minimum aggregate of marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as prescribed by the respective State Government/ Union Territory Administration, obtained in an single sitting. 1.3 Entrance Tests All States/Union Territories (UTs) should conduct entrance tests in the subject of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at 12+ level. The entrance test should be common to all Engineering degree Institutions in the State /UT. The minimum marks for eligibility for the entrance test need not be prescribed in the case of degree courses and all students who have passed the qualifying examination may be permitted to appear the entrance test. Only the merit ranking in the entrance test should be the basis for admission to engineering degree programmes. Such tests should be conducted by appropriate agencies set up for the purpose.

1.4 Admission of Reserved Category Students The admission for reserved categories should be strictly on the basis of merit of the respective categories, in the test as prescribed by the respective State Government/UT Administrations. In case, no such rule is available with the State Government/UT Administration, the cut-off point for SC/ST candidates should be not less than 2/3 (two third) of the cut-off point in the open category. 2.0 LATERAL ENTRY TO DEGREE ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES.

Although Engineering diploma programmes are conceived as terminal in nature, some flexibility has to be built in , to enable the meritorious amongst diploma holders to obtain Engineering degrees. There is evidence of diploma holders pursing an Engineering programme having performed well not only in their academic careers but also in their jobs. A student who has acquired a diploma in Engineering through a minimum of three years of institutional study, after 10+(Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination) can be considered to be academically equivalent to a student who has passed the first year of the four year Engineering degree programme for which the qualifying examination is of the 12+ level. Lateral entry for diploma holders will be allowed in the second year third semester level. Seats in addition to the sanctioned intake at first year level, limited to a maximum of 10% will be reserved for such students. At present students obtain diploma through different programmes in different States/UTs. Such programmes have different structures and forms like the semester pattern, annual pattern, sandwich pattern, etc. In order to maintain uniformity, a common entrance examination at the State level seems essential. Further, it is necessary to select only meritorious students who have passed the diploma with good academic record. For being eligible to seek lateral entry to an Engineering degree programme at the second year/ third semester level, a candidate must have passed the diploma in Engineering in the relevant branch with a minimum of 60 percent in the aggregate. Only candidates fulfilling these conditions would be eligible for appearing in the entrance test meant for selection of diploma holders for Lateral entry to degree programmes. The selection of candidates will be based on a State level entrance test, the merit ranking in the test being the basis of admission. Diploma holders admitted to degree programmes through lateral entry will be provided with opportunities for making up their deficiencies through remedial courses offered for this purpose. These students will have to successfully complete such remedial courses within the stipulated time.



3.1 Qualification for Admission of General Category Students

The minimum qualification for admission to diploma programmes in Engineering should be a pass in the 10+(Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination) with a minumum aggregate of 60 per cent marks in Science and Mathematics in a single sitting. The duration of Diploma programme in Engineering will be not less 3 years, after 10th standard unless specified otherwise by the AICTE. The duration of new programmes in emerging technology areas as well as those based on flexible modular structures with multipoint entry will have to be considered separately. 3.2 Qualification for Admission of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Students. The minimum qualification for admission to Diploma programmes in Engineering in respect of SC./ST candidates will be a pass in the 10th Examination with a minimum aggregate of marks as prescribed by the respective State Government/ /Union Territory Administration. 3.3 Criterion of Admission

The admissions to diploma programmes in Engineering should be centrally administrated by the respective State Government/ UT Administrations. The criterion for selection of candidates for admissions should be the merit ranking based on the aggregate percentage of marks in all the subjects of the qualifying 10 + level Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination on the basis of the entrance test, if conducted by the State Government/ UT Administration. The minimum marks for eligibility for the entrance test need not be prescribed in the case of Diploma Courses and all students who have passed the qualifying examination may be permitted to appear in the entrance test. Only the merit ranking in the entrance test should be the basis for admission to Diploma Courses. 4.0 RESERVATION OF SEATS

The Central Institutions will be governed by the reservation policy of the Govt. of India. The reservation in the State Institutions shall be left to the respective States/ UTs and be as per the policy of the concerned State Government /UT Administration. 5.0 STUDENTS FROM OTHER STATES

Some reservations may be made for students from the other States/ UTs to promote national interaction, provide facilities to students from States lacking facilities of there own. For this purpose, not more than 15% seats may be reserved for students coming from other States/ UTs.



6.1 Notwithstanding anything contained above, the AICTE shall have the right to reduce the prescribed minimum percentage for admission for any State/ Region/Area/Course, on specific grounds/ reasons to be recorded in writing. 6.2 The above guidelines will not be applicable for admission to degree courses in Architecture, Pharmacy, Applied Arts and Crafts, etc., for which separate admission guidelines issued by the concerned organizations exist. Admission to these Courses will continue to be governed by those guidelines. 7.0 DATE OF EFFECT. The above guidelines will take effect from the academic year following the date of publication of this Notification. (No.F.1/11/88.TS(AICTE) (Dr. K.Gopalan) Educational Adviser(T) Dept. of Education, MHRD, Govt. of India and Member Secretary, AICTE, New Delhi. Note: 1. Subsequently vide Regulations, 1994 and 1997, the concept of free, payment and 5% Reservations for NRI students have been introduced. Except for NRI category students, admission to both free and payment quota have been suggested to be made through joint entrance without changing the major guidelines of the above Notifications. For clarification regarding single sitting, AICTE letter No. F.1.-52/92-AICTE dated February 3, 1993 ( Copy enclosed) may be referred to ( next page)



( A STATUTORY BODY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) D-47, N.D.S.E., PART-I NEW DELHI 110 049 No.F. 1-52/92-AICTE To The Principal Regional Engineering College, Hamirpur (H.P.) 177 005. Sub: Sir, I am to refer to your letter No. REC/HMR/ACD-243 (Vol. II) 93- 205 dated 15.1.1993 on the above subject and to clarify as under: (1) (2) Single sitting means, a candidate who has passed qualifying examination in one attempt only without any compartment. The candidate mentioned at Para 2 of your above said letter is not eligible for admission to Engineering Degree Programme as per Admission Guidelines notified by the AICTE. Yours faithfully, ( P.L. KOHLI ) Deputy Secretary (T) Copy to : 1. All Officers of AICTE Secretariat for information, please. ( P.L. KOHLI ) Deputy Secretary (T) Guidelines for admission to Engineering Degree and Engineering Diploma Programme Clarification regarding. February 3, 1993


ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION New Delhi, the 20th May, 1994 G.S.R. 476(E). In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (j) and clause (o) of section 10 read with section 23 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), the Council hereby makes the following regulations fixing norms and guidelines for charging tuition fee and other fees, and providing guidelines for admission of students to professional colleges, namely :1. Short Title and Commencement:(1) These regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (norms and guidelines for fees and guidelines for admissions in professional colleges) Regulations, 1994. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Application.These regulations shall apply to a professional college imparting diploma, degree or equivalent courses in engineering, technology, architecture, town planning, management, pharmacy, electronics, computer science, applied arts and crafts and such other programmes or areas as the Central Government may in consultation with the Council, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare; but shall not apply to Universities, University departments or colleges, government colleges, aided colleges of the Central Government or State Government, Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Management, Regional Engineering Colleges, and such technical institutes which are fully funded by the Central Government, a State Government, the Council, or as the case may be, the University Grants Commission and any full or part-time post graduate courses or programmes in any discipline other than management. 3. Definitions.In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) Act means the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987); (b) Competent Authority means a Government or a University or any other authority as may be designated by the Government or the University or by law to allot students for admissions to various professional Colleges in a State or Union Territory;

(c) Council means the All India Council for Technical Education established under section 3 of the Act; (d) Fee in relation to free seats and payment seats, means all the institutional fees and includes tuition fee. (e) Free Seat means the seats on which the fees payable is same as prescribed for the Government Institution in the concerned State; (f) Payment Seat means the seats on which the fees payable shall be substantially higher than for free seats; (g) Professional College means any private unaided college imparting technical education and includes a private unaided technical institution. 4. Condition for establishment of a professional college:(1) No individual, firm, company or other body of individuals with whatever name called, shall, on and from the commencement of these regulations, be permitted to establish a professional college.

(2) The Council shall grant approval for establishment or administration of a

professional college only by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), the Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882), the Wakf Act, 1954 (29 of 1954), or under a corresponding law, if any, in force in a State. (3) The Council shall cancel the registration of, or as the case may be, withdraw the approval granted to, a professional college established before the commencement of these regulations, if that college does not conform to the conditions stipulated under this regulation on or before the 31st day of March 1995. (4) No professional college shall be established or a new technical education course or programme started without the approval of the Council. 5. Admission: (1) Number of seats for admission available in a professional college shall be fixed by the Council and no professional college shall be permitted to change the intake capacity except by the approval granted by the Council. (2) Competent Authority shall not make admissions, from the academic year, 1994, to a course or a professional college which has been started or established in violation of the Act and these regulations.

(3) Admission to a course or programme shall be limited to the number of seats which are either fixed by the Council or the number of seats that existed before the enactment of the Act and no admission shall be made for the seats which have been enhanced, without the approval of the Council. (4) No admission shall be made by the Competent Authorities in unapproved or unrecognized professional colleges, from the academic year, 1994. 6. Examination:No University, Board or any other body constituted by a Government shall examine or cause to examine any student admitted to an unrecognized or unapproved professional college. 7. Fees :(1) Tuition and other fees for a professional college shall be determined by a State Level Committee. (2) The Council shall constitute a Standing Committee for each State to fix ceiling on the fees chargeable for individual course by a professional college or class of professional colleges, as the case may be. The Standing Committee shall consist of the following members namely:(i) (ii) (iii) Vice-Chancellor of a University in a State to be nominated by the State Government; Secretaries, Department of Technical Education and Department of Finance of the respective State, ex-officio; Two economists or experts in cost accountancy with background of Institutional financing to be nominated by the Council; Member-Secretary not below the rank of Joint Secretary or Director of the respective State Government to be nominated by the State Government.


(3) The members referred to in clauses (i), (iii) and (iv) shall hold Office for a period of three years from the date of their nomination. (4) The Committee shall give an opportunity to the professional colleges to place such material, as they think relevant in determining the tuition fee and other fees. The fees shall be fixed once in every three years or at such longer intervals, as the Committee may think appropriate.

(5) The fees chargeable in professional colleges shall be determined on the basis of estimation of expenditure of the professional college for its efficient functioning. The Committee shall take the items specified in the Annexure to these regulations, into account while determining the tuition fee and other fees to be charged by a professional college. The Committee may in its discretion take into consideration a reasonable return on Capital investment with reference to the investment made and determine the fees accordingly. While calculating the fees, the estimates of recurring expenditure shall be based on at least the last two years audited figures of recurring expenditure of the college and projected requirement for next three years. (6) No professional college shall be entitled to receive from the student any other payment or amount, under whatever name it may be called, in addition to the fee fixed by the Committee for a free seat or payment seat. (7) A professional college shall send intimation to the Competent Authority in advance the fees chargeable for the entire course commencing from the academic year for which admissions shall be made. The total fees shall be divided into the number of years or as the case may be, the number of semesters of study for a course. In the first instance, fees only for the first year or semester shall be collected. The fee chargeable by a Professional College shall be subject to the ceiling fixed by the Standing Committee. 8. Procedure for allotment of seats.(1) No Professional College shall call for applications for admission separately or individually. All applications for admissions to all the seats available in such college shall be called for by the competent authority. The application forms for admissions shall be issued by the competent authority which shall contain a column wherein an applicant shall indicate whether he or she wishes to be admitted against a free seat or a payment seat, or both and the order of preference, upto three professional colleges. (2) The Competent Authority shall issue a brochure containing therein an application form for admission. The brochure shall contain full particulars of the courses and the number of seats available, the names of the colleges, their location, the fees chargeable by each professional college, the minimum eligibility conditions and such other particulars as may be deemed necessary by the Competent Authority. (3) The Council of Architecture constituted under section 3 of the Architects Act, 1972 (20 of 1972) shall formulate a comprehensive entrance test including aptitude test on an all India basis. (4) The admissions to management course shall be on the basis of an entrance test including aptitude test or interview to be conducted by a professional

college or for a group of professional colleges as the professional college or the group of professional colleges may determine. (5) Fifty per cent of the seats in every professional college, course or programme shall be earmarked as free seats. The students to be nominated shall be selected on the basis of merit determined in accordance with subregulation (f) of regulation 8. The remaining fifty percent seats shall be payment seats and shall be filled by those candidates who are prepared to pay the fee fixed by the Standing Committee. The allotment of students against payment seats shall be done on the basis of inter-se merit determined on the same basis as in the case of free seats. (6) There shall be no management quota or any other quota whatsoever either free seats or payment seats, except as otherwise provided in sub-regulation (10) of Regulation 8. (7) A common merit list, in accordance with the provisions of sub-regulation 8(5) of Regulation 8 shall be prepared from amongst all the candidates provided that in States where no such entrance examination is presently being held, a common entrance examination shall be held for admissions to be made from the academic year, 1995. (8) The criteria of eligibility and other conditions shall be the same in respect of both free seats and payment seats except the higher fee to be paid for payment seats. The management of a professional college shall not be entitled to impose any other eligibility criteria or conditions for admission either to free seats or to payment seats. (9) The Competent Authority shall prepare a detailed schedule every year relating to inviting of applications, conducting of examination, if any, drawing up of merit order, publication of results, allotment of students to various courses and institutions, both for free seats and payment seats, in accordance with these regulations and shall act in accordance with such schedule. (10) A last date for allotment of seats shall be fixed by the Competent Authority, while inviting applications for admission, and no allotment shall be made after the last date so fixed. After making the allotments of seats, the waiting list shall be followed for filling up any casual vacancies or dropout vacancies arising after the allotments are finalized. The vacancies shall be filled until such date as may be fixed by the Competent Authority. It shall be open to the competent authority to offer any professional college or seat to the candidate other than his options and as per his merit. Once the last date of allotment of seats is over, the vacancies still remaining may be filled by the management out of the candidates included in the list under sub-regulation (7) of Regulation 8.

(11) In case of technical institutions which are affiliated to an out-of-State affiliating body, the seats in such institutions shall be included in the seats available in the State in which the institutions is actually located, and admissions shall be made by the competent authority of that State in accordance with the procedure specified under this regulation. (12) Each professional college shall set aside one free seat and one payment seat over and above the fixed intake capacity for each course or programme and shall fill up such seats with the nominees of the beneficiary States to whom the seats may be allotted by the Central government. The beneficiary States shall nominate students strictly on merit basis from the merit list prepared by them for this purpose. (13) Every year in the Month of December, the Council shall communicate to the Competent Authority for each State the name of approved professional colleges, the names of the course or programmes and number of seats for each course or programme fixed by the Council for making admissions for every academic year. There upon the competent authority shall proceed with inviting of applications for such professional colleges and number of seats for the courses or programmes only and for making admissions thereto. 9. Reservations (1) It shall be open to a professional college to provide for reservation of seats for candidates belonging to weaker section of society in accordance with the rules of the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be. (2) Admission to reserved seats shall be made on the basis of merit. 10. Minority Educational Institutions. (1) In the academic year 1994-95, fifty per cent of the total intake in a minority technical institution shall be filled up by candidates selected by the competent authority on the basis of the common merit list. The candidates selected shall be distributed equally in free seats as well as in payment seats in the order of merit. The remaining fifty per cent shall be filled up by the management of such minority technical institution from the candidates belonging to the minority community on the basis of merit. (2) Fifty per cent of seats permitted to be filled by the minority technical institutions under sub regulation 10 (1) shall be equally distributed between free and payment seats. (3 ) After completion of admissions, each minority technical institution shall submit to the competent authority, the statements containing full particulars

of students admitted under this regulation. The competent authority shall verify the correctness of the statements, and if any irregularity is noticed, it shall call upon the such institution to rectify the same. (4) The competent authority shall conduct the verification keeping in view of the objective that the minority technical institutions are equally committed to promote excellence of the institutions as a vehicle of general secular education. 11. Exemptions and Relaxations.

The Council shall have the power to issue clarification to remove any doubt which arise in regard to implementation of these regulations. 12. Furnishing of Information.

The competent authority shall furnish information or returns in the matters of admission and levying of fees to the Council before the 31st December of every year. 13. Withdrawal of approval.

If a professional college contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations, the Council may withdraw its approval after making such enquiry, as it may consider appropriate and after giving the professional college an opportunity of being heard.

[No. f.1-3/BVI/CCF/PP/94/B.H.-104] Y.N. Chaturvedi, Member-Secretary, All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi



PART I SECTION I PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY(No.F. 20-43/96-Desk (U)) Policy on Fee fixation in Private Unaided Educational Institutions imparting Higher and Technical Education including Management Education. -1.0 The Supreme Court of India in Unnikrishnan JP versus State of Andhra Pradesh had, on 8th February, 1993 laid down a scheme regulating admission and levy of fee in private unaided educational institutions particularly those imparting professional education. This scheme will be referred hereinafter as the Scheme in Unnikrishnan. As an interim measure, the Scheme provided for an adhoc fee determination procedure and certain allied matters. As a long term measure, however para 6(6) of the scheme required that the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), University Grants Commission (UGC), the Medical Council of India and the Dental Council will frame suitable regulations in the matter which would replace the adhoc provisions of that Scheme. 2.0 Pursuant to the above decision, fee was fixed in various States in Private Engineering Colleges at rates that were found to be suitable by the Courts. Regulations were framed soon thereafter by the All India Council of Technical Education broadly incorporating the features of the Scheme laid down by the Court. Similarly, the University Grants Commission has also prepared draft regulations on the subject. In case of Medical and Dental Colleges, however, rates of fee have been laid down by the Court from time to time. 3.0 The Court had occasion to consider the status of implementation of the Scheme in Unnikrishnan, as modified by its various orders, in 1A No. 24 etc in CWP No. 317 of 1993. The orders passed on 9th August, 1996 require the Central Government, including the Ministry of Education to take steps to convene a meeting of all the concerned authorities for evolving a proper fee structure for Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges throughout the country within three months, which now stands extended till 28th February, 1997. 4.0 Meeting of all concerned, viz. the Ministries of Health & Family Welfare, Law Ministry, the Medical Council of India, the Dental Council of India, the AICTE and the UGC, and Representatives of Technical, Higher and Medical Education, Departments were, accordingly, held on 30th August, 1996 and 8th October, 1996 where all the relevant issues were considered. Pursuant to these meetings, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, took a view that the proposed fee structure for Medial and Dental Colleges could be evolved separately, and that it was not practicable to have a common fee structure for all professional Unaided institutions generally. 5.0 To take a final view in the matter, a meeting of State Higher and Technical Education Ministers was convened by the Union Minister of Human Resource

Development on 10th December 1996 wherein it was decided that self-contained policy directions could be issued applicable to sectors of education, falling within the purview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, namely Higher and Technical Education. The meeting noted that while the AICTE had notified its regulations and the UGC was in the process of doing so, uniform policy, directions were still needed to be laid down by the Government to cover all aspects of relevance in the light of these policy declaration. 6.0 President of India is pleased to approve the policy on Fee determination in Private Unaided Institutions in the Higher & Technical Education Sectors, formulated on the basis of the broad principles arrived at in the meetings of the officials of the State Governments of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and also endorsed in the meetings of the Ministers of States Governments for Higher and Technical Education. The policy is laid down in succeeding paras: 6.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES:

The policy guide-lines enunciated below seek to ensure a fair fee structure in the relevant institutions. A fee structure in order to be fair, has to be fair to all concerned, namely the students and their guardians, the management, faculty members and employees. The bed-rock of such a policy has to be avoidance of commercialization and profit-making while simultaneously ensuring maintenance of standards and upkeep of facilities and assets. Keeping these as prime considerations, the following may be identired as the broad general principles which inform the present policy framework: a. b. c. d. e. 6.2 Prevention of profit making and ensuring, as far as possible, the principle of no-profit no-loss which underlines the Scheme in Unnikrishnan; Without diluting the fundamental concern of avoiding commercialization, to make allowance in the fee so as to provide for replacement and upgradation of facilities; Providing for a transparent and intelligible procedure for fee determination; Bringing all private unaided institutions within the purview of the scheme-not merely confining it to Colleges; and Involving the State Governments concerned in the process of fee determination.

APPLICABILITY: These policy guidelines will apply to the following : i. Self-financing institutions imparting technical education as defined under the All India Council of Technical Education Act, 1987 (Act 52 of 1987), including institutions imparting Post-Graduate Education in Management whether by awarding degrees or otherwise;

ii. Colleges, affiliated to the universities, operating on no grant in-aid basis; and iii. Institutions deemed to be universities under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Act No. 3 of 1956), if such institutions operate on self-financing basis without receiving maintenance grants from the Central or State Governments or statutory grant disbursing bodies under their control. Even though deemed universities are not expressly included in the Scheme in Unnikrishnan, their inclusion within the purview of this policy is considered necessary on the grounds treating such institution at par with private colleges will be just and appropriate. 6.3 ADMISSION:

In the scheme in Unnikrishnan, the manner and method of admissions form part and parcel of the fee determination procedures. The admission procedure incorporated in that scheme will, therefore, apply to the institutions covered under the present policy. As the UGC Act does not empower the Commission to issue regulations relating to Admission, the judgment in Unnikrishnan and the present Resolution will be constructed as enabling the Commission to make suitable provisions relating to admissions in accordance with the scheme in Unnikrishnan. 6.4 DETERMINATION OF FEE : Fee chargeable by various categories of institutions shall be determined by the Committee prescribed below: a) (i) Fee in institutions imparting technical education will be determined by State Level Committees consisting of the following:

Vice Chancellor of one of the universities in the State to be nominated by the State Govt. concerned Chairperson. (ii) Secretaries in-charge of the Technical Education and Finance Departments of the State Govt. concerned or their nominees Member; (iii) Three experts, one each in Economics, Cost Accountancy, and Institutional Finance, to be nominated by the All India Council of Technical Education Members; (iv) Director of Technical Education of the State concerned MemberSecretary; (b) Fee chargeable in affiliated colleges operating on No-Grant-in-aid basis shall be determined by State level Committee consisting of: (i) Vice-Chancellor of one of the universities in the State nominated by the State Govt. concerned Chairperson;


Secretaries in-charge of the Higher Education and Finance Departments or their nominees-Members; (iii) Three experts one each in Institutional Finance, Cost Accountancy and Economics to be nominated by the University Grants CommissionMember; (iv) Finance Officers of one of the Universities to be nominated by the State Govt. Member ; and (v) Director in charge of Higher or Collegiate Education of the State concerned Member Secretary. (c) Fee chargeable by Institutions deemed to be universities will be determined by a Standing Committee of the University Grants Commission consisting of:

(i) A Member of the Commission Chairperson; (ii) One Vice-Chancellor to be nominated by the Commission Member; (iii) Three experts, one each in Economics, Cost Accountancy and Institutional Finance to be nominated by the Commission-Members; (iv) Where a deemed university conducts courses in Technical/Medical Education, a nominee of the All India Council for Technical Education /Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India as the cases may be Member; (v) State Secretary Higher/Technical/Medical Education (depending on the field of specialization of the institution) or his nominee will be co-opted as the Member for the purposes only of determining the fee structure for deemed universities in the State concerned: (vi) An officer of the UGC of the Rank of Additional Secretary Member Secretary. 6.5 PROCEDURE TO BE ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE: (a) Secretarial Assistance to the Committees referred in 5.2 and 5.3 will be rendered by the Directorates of Technical and Higher Education respectively of the State Govt. concerned. The Standing Committee referred to in 5.4 will be assisted by the Secretariat of the UGC. (b) Members of the Committee, other than ex-officio Members, will hold office for a period of three years. The recommendations of the Committee will also be valid for three years. (c) Each Committee will be free to device is own procedure. The procedure will however, compulsorily include giving opportunity to the institutions concerned to furnish such material as they consider relevant :The Committee will also have power to call for such information and details as it considers relevant. To carry out its functions smoothly, the bodies would lay down timebound actionCalendars and dead-lines for compliance of the institutions concerned and for completing the Committees own tasks.

(d) Fee once determined shall be in force for three years. The Committees may determine different rates of fee for Institutions falling in different classes, if a classification is justified on intelligible and objective criteria. In particular the Committees will be free to fix different rates for institutions located in rural areas. (e) The UGC and AICTE, as the case may be, will have power to call for information and clarifications form the Committees under their purview. (f) While determining the fee chargeable, it will be the duty of the Committee to ensure that Fee does not become a source of profit or commercialization for the institutions concerned. This approach would be in conformity with the pronouncements of the Court in cases dealing with fee determination. 6.6 (a) FEE DETERMINAITON: Fee will have two broad categories Tuition fee and Development Fee.

Besides, the management of the institutions may realize the actual cost of boarding & messing form the above students subject to the relevant Committee being satisfied about the reasonableness of such costs. (b) Tuition Fee will seek to recover the actual cost of imparting education. While assessing a fair tuition fee the Committee will take into account the following: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Salary and allowances including bonus, if admissible, to teaching and non-teaching employees: Expenditure on administrative services; Cost of maintenance of laboratories including consumables; Contingent expenditure including statutory requirements like audit fee etc. Cost of acquisition of books and journals for libraries; and Maintenance of buildings and other assets including rents and tariffs.

Keeping the above parameters in view, suitable rates will be fixed for holders of free, payment, and NRI/Foreign Students categories. (c ) The UGC and AICTE will forthwith prepare norms relating to staffing and scales of expenditure for other items wherever such norms have not so far been worked out, to the extent feasible. In case, where it is difficult to lay down specific quantified norms, the relevant Committees shall satisfy themselves about the adequacy and reasonableness of the expenditure involved. Care will be taken to ensure that the projected expenditure does not become a source of profit to the sponsors.


As the scheme in Unnikrishnan prohibits commercialization and profit-making, it will not be open to the institutions concerned to claim any return on investments. This should, however, not come in the way of the institutions in mobilizing resources for replacement and upgradation of assets. Further, while earning return on investment would not be permissible, the Court had, in the Unnikrihnan judgement left the question of recovering investment on the Central Govt. and the statutory bodies. It is, therefore, considered desirable that the Development Fee could provide for an element of partial capital cost recovery to the Management (but not a return on investment) and to serve as a resource for upkeep and replacement. (e) Development Fee may be at flat rates to be determined every three years by the AICTE and UGC as the case may be. Different rate may be prescribed for Payment, Free/Merit, and Foreign/NRI seat holders. These bodies could also classify institutions in different categories for all the purposes of prescribing different slabs provided such categorization is based on intelligible and objective criteria. (f) In the first ten years, it would be open to the managements to appropriate upto half of the proceeds of the development fee or the actual capital cost, whichever be lower. The remaining half will have to be utilized for upgradation and replacements in the first ten years and thereafter the entire proceeds will have to be so utilized. (g) As the fee chargeable will be notified by the relevant Committee, it will be the duty of the Statutory body concerned to communicate the rate of Development Fee to such bodies well in advance to enable the appropriate Committees to suitably incorporate such rates in their Notification. The UGC/AICTE will take into account the views and suggestions of the private institutions, the State Govt. and interested members of public while determining these rates.


MAINTENANCE OF FEE ACCOUNTS : (a) Institutions will maintain two accounts Maintenance Accounts and Development Accounts. (b) The proceeds of Tuition Fee and cost recoveries of boarding and messing etc. will be credited to the Maintenance Accounts. This account will be maintained in two parts (a) pay and allowance and (b) other expenditure. All recurring expenditure will be met from this accounts and brought to account under these two parts. (c) At least half the proceeds of Development Fee will be credited to the Development Account in the first ten years, after which this Account will receive the entire proceeds of this fee ; Miscellaneous receipts of the institution would also be credited to the same account. The proceeds of this fee would be utilized for procurement of equipments, books and journals and acquisition of assets. It will be also be open to the management to debit expenditure on improvement of faculty also to this account.

(d) The regulations of UGC and the AICTE will provide for Audit of accounts of the relevant institutions to ensure that the financial managements conforms to the broad framework of these guide-lines and the regulations. 6.8 OTHER PROCEDURAL MATTERS CONNECTED WITH LEVY OF FEE: (a) Fee once fixed will be valid for a period of three years. Fee will be payable in advance for a semester. Each Committee will notify for general information the total fee payable per semester in the month of December every year for the next year, in two News papers having wide circulation in the State concerned. This exercise shall be carried out annually notwithstanding the fact that the rates once fixed will be in force for three years. (b) While fixing fee, once every three years, the Committees will take into account the unspent balance, if any in the maintenance and development accounts while fixing fee for the next three years. (c) Institutions which levy fee at rates higher than those fixed, or fail to maintain accounts in the manner laid down or are otherwise found to contravene the provisions of the appropriate Regulations are liable to have their permission/affiliation cancelled. The appropriate regulations will incorporate these guidelines. 7.0 RESOLVED THAT THE ABOVE PROVISIONS BE SUITABLY INCORPORATED IN REGULATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION AND THE ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION.



ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION NEW DELHI, The 24th April 2002 Notification No. 26-7/Legal/2002 In exercise of the Powers conferred by Clause (j) and clause (o) of Section 10 read with Section 23 of All India Council for Technical Education Act (No. 52 of 1987), the Council hereby makes these Regulations within the meaning of Section 2(f) of the said Act, 1987 in supersession of the Regulations, 2000 and Circular dated October 03/09, 2001 mentioned herein below: a) The All India Council for Technical Education (for Admission under Foreign Nationals(FN)/Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) category/quota in AICTE approved institutions) Regulations, 2000 ( as Published in the Gazette of India in Part III Section IV on March 31, 2001); Circular No. F.38-7/Legal/2001, dated October 03/9, 2001 issued by the Council providing guidelines for admission against NRI Seats.


1.0 SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT 1.1 These regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (Admission under Non Resident Indian(NRI)/ Foreign Nationals(FN)/ Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) category/quota in AICTE approved institutions) Regulations, 2002. 1.2 They shall come into force with effect from the date of the official publication in the Gazette of India. 2.0 APPLICABILITY These Regulations shall be applicable to all Self Financing Institutions. Institutions (including Departments/ Sections of Deemed Universities, Departments/ Sections and Constituent /Affiliated Colleges of Universities conducting/ offering courses/ programmes in Technical Education), other than Self Financing Institutions, may follow these regulations based on instructions of respective State Governments/ U.T. Administrations/ Central Government/ University Grants Commission. 3.0 DEFINITIONS All the words and expressions used herein are not defined in Section 2 of All India Council for Technical Education Act (No. 52 of 1987). Unless the

context otherwise requires, the words and expressions defined herein shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them under these Regulations. The words and expressions which are not explicitly defined in Section 2 of the said Act, 1987 are provided with the following definitions for the purpose of the present Regulations: 3.1 Act means All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987); 3.2 Competent Authority in AICTE means the Council or the Executive Committee (EC) of the Council (or Sub-Committee of EC ) or the Chairman of the Council or the Vice-Chairman of the Council in absence of the Chairman; 3.3 Competent Authority for Admission means Central Govt. or, State Govt. or Union Territory Administration or University or any other authority as may be designated by the Govt. by Law to allot students for admissions to Technical Institutions in a State or Union Territory. 3.4 Institution means Technical Institution as defined in Section 2 (h) of the Act, 1987. 3.5 Fees mean tuition and other fees, but does not include Development Fee. 3.6 Development Fee means a fixed amount for each category of Technical Institution, prescribed by AICTE for Development of Technical Institutions to be charged from the students in addition to Fees. 3.7 Free Seats means the seats on which the Fees payable are same as prescribed for the Govt. Institution / Govt. Aided Institution in the concerned state or Union Territory. In case of variation of Fees charged by different Govt. Institutions / Govt. Aided Institutions, the highest Fees charged by any Govt. Institution/ Govt. Aided Institution for any progamme in Technical Education shall be the Fees for Free Seats. 3.8 Payment Seats means the seats on which the Fees payable shall be higher than the same for Free Seats as determined by the State Level Fee Committee or National Fee Committee. 3.9 NRI in this context means Non-Resident Indian as defined in Income Tax Act, 1961 with the following clarifications: An individual is Non-Resident when he is not a resident or who is not ordinarily resident. A person is treated as not ordinarily resident when any of the following conditions is satisfied:

(1) If he/she has not been resident in India in nine out of ten preceding years; or (2) If he/she has not been in India for a period of 730 days or more during the preceding seven years. 3.10 NRI Seats means the seats for admission of NRI to the programmes in Technical Education. 3.11 Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) in this context means a person having foreign citizenship (except Pakistan and Bangladesh) without NRI status, but who holds a Foreign Passport at the time of sending application, consideration for admission and during the period of his study and he/she or any one/ both of his/her parents or any one/ both of his /her grand parents is (or was) / are (or were ) citizen (s) of India by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India or Section 2 (b) of Citizenship Act, 1955 (Act No. 57 of !955). 3.12 Foreign National (FN) in this context means an individual having citizenship of a foreign country (citizens of all countries other than India) and not having the status of NRI and/or Persons of Indian Origin (PIO). 3.13 Foreign Student in this context means a student with the status of Foreign National who possesses a foreign passport. 3.14 National Fee Committee means a Committee constituted by the Council for determining Fees and Development Fee for Technical Institutions on national basis. 3.15 State Level Fee Committee means a Committee constituted by theCompetent Authority in AICTE for determining Fees for concerned State /Union Territory. 3.16 Govt. Institution means Govt. Technical Institution which is run, controlled and managed by the Government. 3.17 Govt. Aided Institution means Technical Institution receiving more than 50% recurring grants from Govt. or Govt. organizations for its operating expenses. 3.18 MBA means Master of Business Administration, a programme in the Technical Education (Management). 3.19 MCA means Master of Computer Application, a programme in the Field of Technical Education (Technology). 3.20 M.E. means Master of Engineering, a post-graduate degree in Engineering/ Technology.

3.21 M.Tech. means Master of Technology, a post-graduate degree in Engineering/ Technology. 3.22 M.Pharm. means Master of Pharmacy, a post-graduate degree in Pharmacy. 3.23 M.Arch. means Master of Architecture, a post-graduate degree in Architecture. 3.24 Self-Financing Institution means Technical Institution either not receiving any recurring grant from Govt. or Govt. organization or receiving recurring grants less than 50% of its operating expenses from Govt. or Govt. Organisations. 3.25 Circular means written statements issued by the Competent Authority in AICTE under the provisions of these regulations, which are circulated to all concerned either by post or by issuing an advertisement in Newspapers and/or Website in Internet of the Council 4.0 GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION OF STUDENTS TO NRI SEATS 4.1 These guidelines shall be applicable to Technical Institution approved by AICTE offering courses in Technical Education leading to Diploma/ Post-Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/ Degree in Engineering (Engg.) & Technology (Tech.)/ Architecture (Arch.) & Town Planning/ Pharmacy (Pharm.)/ Applied Arts & Crafts/ Hotel Management & Catering Technology (HMCT), MBA, Postgraduate Diploma level programme in Management, MCA and Post-graduate Diploma in Computer Application, but shall not be applicable to Post- graduate Courses/ Programme of the level of M.E./ M.Tech./ M.Pharm./ M.Arch. etc. and Post-graduate Diploma in Engineering/ Technology. In the self financing Institutions, 50% seats shall be treated as free seats and other 50% seats shall be treated as payment seats. Out of payment seats, 5% seats of total intake shall be earmarked for NRIs. The NRI seats shall be treated within the 50% payment seats. Against NRI seats, only a person who is NRI himself/herself may seek admission and no other candidates without NRI status would be eligible. The Technical Institutions shall be permitted by the competent authority for admission in respective States/ UTs to admit the NRI students upto maximum of 5% of the total sanctioned intake. In view of the difference in their backgrounds, the competent authority for admission in the State/UTs shall determine the merit of these candidates having regard to all the relevant factors.




There shall be no quota of seats for the Management on any basis such as caste, community, religion or family which had established the Technical Institution. Any seat remaining unfilled from the NRI quota will be reverted to the payment seats and this will have to be filled from the list of selected candidates prepared as per the procedure laid down for admissions to Technical Institutions. There is no provision for admission of NRI sponsored students. The Institution shall not be permitted to charge equivalent amount of NRI fees from the students admitted under vacant NRI seats. The fees chargeable from the students admitted against vacant NRI seats shall be the same as chargeable for the students admitted against payment Seats and not against the NRI Seats. The competent authority for admission shall make attempts to fill any vacant seats, which may remain unfilled in 5% NRI quota in each academic year, as payment seat.




The Fees and Development Fees to be charged from the NRI students shall be as per the ceiling fixed by the duly constituted State Level Fee Committees or the National Fee Committee, which ever is applicable. 5.0 GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSIONS OF FOREIGN NATIONALS/ PERSONS OF INDIAN ORIGIN (PIO) Under these Regulations fifteen per cent (15%) seats in the Technical Institutions approved by AICTE offering technical courses leading to Diploma/ Post-diploma/ Advanced Diploma/ Degree/ Post-Graduate Degree in Engineering & Technology/ Architecture & Town Planning/ Pharmacy/ Applied Arts & Crafts/ Hotel Management & Catering Technology, MBA, Post-graduate Diploma level programme in Management, MCA, Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Application and Post-graduate Diploma in Engineering/ Technology shall be allowed on supernumerary basis from amongst Foreign Nationals/ Persons of India Origin (PIOs) over and above the approved intake. This is subject to the following conditions and availability of infrastructural facilities in the respective institutions: 5.1 The Institutions should be able to provide suitable hostels/ residential accommodation to the Foreign Students/ Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs). The teacher:student ratio in the technical department/ section where Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin are admitted is not below 1:15.


5.3 5.4 5.5

Institutions have a modern library as per norms & standards of AICTE with multi media facilities. The total plinth area of the institution (excluding hostels and residential areas) is not less than 12.5 sq.mtrs. per student. The Institute and its hostels have proper approach road, good environment, sufficient water supply and an arrangement for generators in absence of normal supply of electricity. The concerned institutions was not put under No Admission or Reduced Intake category by AICTE due to poor infrastructural facilities atleast during the last 3 years. The institute is functioning atleast for a period of 5 years after AICTE approval. The results of the last two years for final year students are not less than 75%, calculated based on Number of students appeared for the final examination .


5.7 5.8

AICTE shall certify the availability of facilities for admission of Foreign Nationals/PIO. For this purpose, the institutions meeting the above criteria, may submit Status Reports alongwith written request to AICTE for inclusion of the institutions under the list of eligible institutions for admission of Foreign Nationals/PIOs. AICTE shall examine the Status Reports and will include only those institutions who fulfill all the above criteria. AICTE shall subsequently communicate the list of such institutions to the competent authority for admission. The Fees and Development Fees to be charged from amongst Foreign Nationals/ Persons of India Origin (PIOs) students shall be as per the ceiling fixed by the duly constituted State Level Fee Committees or the National Fee Committee, which ever is applicable. These supernumerary seats shall be exclusively meant for the foreign students in the diploma, under-graduate and post-graduate courses with a condition that under no circumstances a seat remained unfilled shall be allocated to any one other than a foreign student/PIO. Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) admitted in an AICTE approved institutions through Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) or as Government of India nominee under various exchange/ other programme shall be included within the 15% Ceiling and the fees and development fee to be paid by these students may be decided separately by State Level Fee Committees or the National Fee Committee, as decided by theseCommittees.


GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 The decision of the competent authority in AICTE regarding clarification on any provision of these Regulations and for modifications of guidelines for admission and/or percentage of seats under NRI/ Foreign Nationals/ PIO category/quota, as and when required, will be communicated by issuing a circular. The provisions of the latest circular will supersede the overlapping provisions of previous circulars issued. (Prof. R.S. Nirjar) Member Secretary




Reference:- (1) AICTE Regulations 304/CCF/REC/94 (Approval) dated 31-10-1994, sub regulations 6 (vi). (2)Based on decision of the Council as its meeting held on March 27, 1998 (Item 4.02), the following guidelines have been prepared by AICTE for Model Constitution of the Governing Bodies of Private Technical Institutions. The Governing Body shall have atleast 11 members including the Chairman and the Member-Secretary. The Registered Society/Trust shall nominate 6 members including the Chairman and the Member-Secretary, and the remaining 5 members shall be nominated as indicated below:1. Chairman to be nominated by the Registered Society/Trust.

2-to-5 Members to be nominated by the Registered Society/Trust. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nominee of the All India Council for Technical Education-Regional Officer (ExOfficio). An Industrialist/technologist/educationist from the Region to be nominated by the concerned Regional Committee as nominee of the Council, out of the panel approved by the Chairman of the Council. Nominee of the Affiliating Body/University/State Board of Technical Education. Nominee of the State Government Director of Technical Education (ex-officio). An Industrialist/technologist/educationist from the Region nominated by the State Government. Principal/Director of the concerned technical institution (as nominee of the Society/Trust) Member Secretary.

The number of members can be increased equally by adding nominees of the registered Society and by adding an equal number of educationists from the Region keeping in view the interest of the Technical Institution. The total number of members of a Governing Body shall however, not exceed 21. Appointment of Chairman of the Governing Body. The Chairman of the Governing Body shall preferably be a technical person either entrepreneur or an industrialist or an educationist of repute who is interested in the development of technical education and has demonstrated an interest in promotion of quality education.

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