Software Requirement Specification:: Abstract

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Software requirement specification:

Abstract :

The final output of the requirement analysis phase is the software requirement specification document. The purpose of the document is to describe all the external requirements for the project. This the document for the case document for the case study that will be used through out the project. This document fallows the IEEE standard for a requirement s specification document with some variation. 1. Introduction: 1.1 Purpose: 1.2 Scope: Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations Browser IE 4.0+ N 4.0+ N/A Internet Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher Netscape communicator/navigator 4.08 or higher Not applicable

1.3 Developer responsibilities:

2. General description: 2.1 Product function overview:


2.2 Overview of data requirement: 2.3 User characteristics: 2.4 General constraints, Assumptions, Dependencies, Guidelines: 3. Detail functional requirement: This section provides a requirement overview of the product. No design specifications are described. 3.1 General description of Inputs and Outputs: This project will be made up of four major types of the components: Functional Requirements of the No1 components Purpose: Inputs: Processing: Output:

4. External interface required:


6. Design Constraint


Hardware & Software Configuration As it is a web based system so first we have take care of some mandatory requirements to develop the system. SERVER SITE Hardware Requirements: . Software Requirements:

Language used:

CLIENT SITE Hardware Requirements: Software Requirements: Requirement Specification:

7. Performance Requirements: As the product will be accessed via internet by the user, the response is limited by the connection speed, with recommended minimum of 28.8 kbps. The only foreseen limitation is that of web server response.


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