Author Profile 7 and 8

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Authors entertain us with their vivid imagination and their writing skills.

We all know something about our favourite author, but do you know about the many other incredibly talented writers in the genre? Who are they? What have they written? What is the life of a horror writer really like? Well, now is your chance to find out. Task: You are to choose an author that you would like to learn more about and create a product that represents your authors life and work. You will need to complete all sections of the task. Presentation: Video, website, newsletter or brochure using Pages, Trivia board game, a scrapbook.

Author Profile: Name Picture/ Photograph Birthday Short Biography 200 words Interesting Facts List of the authors books


Read one or more novels by your author. - Write a letter to your author. Think about the questions you have about the novels you have read, or questions you have about the authors life, or writing process. - Post or email your letter to your author. See the list further down for popular authors, or do an

Internet search for the publisher of the authors books. Publishers websites usually have an authors section that should tell you where to send a letter. - Make sure you include a copy of your letter and the authors response, if you are lucky enough to get one, with your completed assignment. - If you dont receive a letter in response use the Internet to see if you can find the answers to the questions you asked. Include this with your completed assignment. Complete a book review for one of the novels you have read by the author you have chosen. Book Review: Notes: Title Citation Genre Themes Synopsis 200 words Main Characters Did you enjoy reading this novel? Would you recommend it to others? Why did you choose this book?

Completed Assignment Checklist: Task: Author Profile Letter to your author Authors response (if you Completed

receive one) Book Review Bibliography using EasyBib (be sure to document all sources you used)

Contact details for popular authors: Author: Contact Details: Suzanne Collins Suzanne Collins Scholastic Media 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012 USA Christopher Paolini Christopher Paolini The Random House Publishing Group 1745 Broadway 18th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Tamora Pierce Tamora Pierce David Higham Associates 5-8 Lower John Street Golden Square London W1F 9HA UK Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett PJSM Prints P.O. Box 1770 Salisbury SP5 5SS UK Philip Pullman Philip Pullman c/o A.P.Watt 20 John Street

Rick Riordan

John Marsden

Anne Mccaffrey

Stephanie Meyer

Michael Morpugo

Meg Cabot

Emily Rodda

London WC1N 2DR UK Rick Riordan Hyperion Books for Children 114 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 USA John Marsden Pan Macmillan Australia Level 25 1 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Anne Mccaffrey The Random House Publishing Group 1745 Broadway 18th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Stephenie Meyer Little, Brown and Company 237 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 USA Michael Morpurgo David Higham Associates 5-8 Lower John Street Golden Square London W1F 9HA UK Meg Cabot P.O. Box 4904 Key West FL 33041-4904. Emily Rodda c/o HarperCollins Publicity

Isobelle Carmody

J.K Rowling

Eoin Colfer

PO Box A565 Sydney NSW 1235 Isobelle Carmody P.O. box 288, Apollo Bay, Vic Australia 3233 Email: J.K. Rowling c/o Bloomsbury Publishing 38 Soho Square London W1V 5DF UK Or J.K. Rowling c/o Scholastic Inc. 555 Broadway New York, NY 10012 Eoin Colfer c/o Penguin Publicity 80 Strand London WC2R 0RL

Also see for more author contact details.

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