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DC and AC Resistance of p-n Junction

the static or dc resistance, Rdc of a p-n junction diode is defined as the ratio of the total applied voltage to the total diode current, Rdc = V = V ohms s [exp (eV/kT) 1]

since the I-V characteristic of the junction is nonlinear, Rdc has different values at different points on the curve

forward resistance of a p-n diode is a few ohms, whereas reverse resistance may be several mega ohms the dynamic or ac resistance, rac, of a diode is defined as the ratio of the small change in voltage to the small change in current rac = dv d reciprocal of the slope of I-V characteristic curve rac also depends on the operating point

important parameter for small values of the ac input signal from,

= s [ exp eV 1 ] kT and rac = dV d

we get, 1 rac = d = se [ exp eV ] dV kT kT = e ( + s) kT

rac =

kT e( + s)

for Si at 300 K, kT/e 0.026 V and = 2 rac = 0.052 0.052 ohms + s where = forward current in amperes thus rac decreases with increase in current

for small applied signals, it remains practically constant

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