3 Lab5 Thevenin

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EENG 2111 Circuit Analysis Lab Spring 2012 Lab 5.

Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer

NAME:____________________________ Date:______________________________ PRE-LABORATORY CALCULATIONS

I.- Thevenins Theorem Thvenins Theorem is a process by which a complex circuit is reduced to an equivalent series circuit consisting of a single voltage source (VTH), a series resistance (RTH), and a load resistance (RL). After creating the Thvenin Equivalent Circuit, the load voltage VL or the load current IL may be easily determined. One of the main uses of Thvenins theorem is the replacement of a large part of a circuit, often a complicated and uninteresting part, by a very simple equivalent. The new simpler circuit enables us to make rapid calculations of the voltage, current, and power which the original circuit is able to deliver to a load. It also helps us to choose the best value of this load resistance for maximum power transfer. Thevenins Theorem states that a two terminal circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source, VTH, in series with a resistor, RTH, where VTH is the open-circuit voltage, VOC, at the terminals and RTH is equivalent to the resistance at the terminals when all independent sources are turned off.

Figure 1a) Simple circuit to be analyzed

Figure 1b) Thevenins equivalent of Fig. 1a)

1.- A simple Circuit. Determine the Thevenins equivalent of the circuit given in fig. 1a). Show all your calculations. VTH = __________ RTH = __________ a) For the simplified circuit in figure 1b), calculate the voltage, current, and power that will be supplied to the load resistor for a resistor value of RL = 100. b) Repeat a) for load values of: RL = 51 , 250 , 500 , and 1.5 k . Show below all your calculations.

EENG 2111 Circuit Analysis Lab Spring 2012 Lab 5. Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer

c) Using Matlab or Excel, plot VRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). d) Using Matlab or Excel, plot IRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). e) Using Matlab or Excel, plot PRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). f) Observe the three plots and write your observations. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 1A).- Repeat 1 using MultiSim to verify your results. Note: There is a measurement device in MultiSim to measure power. II.- Maximum Power Transfer Theorem states that an independent voltage source in series with a resistance RS delivers a maximum power to a load resistance RL for which RL = RS. In terms of a Thvenin Equivalent Circuit, maximum power is delivered to the load resistance RL when RL is equal to the Thvenin equivalent resistance RTH of the circuit. 2.- A More Complex Circuit Calculate the Thevenins equivalent for the circuit in fig. 2a). Consider the following values:
R1 = 270 , R2 = 560 , R3 = 560 , R4 = 300 , R5 = 820 , and VS = 15 V. For what value for RL the circuit will deliver maximum power ?. What will be this maximum power ? Show all your calculations in the space provided below.

Figure 2a) A more complex circuit to be analyzed

Fig. 2b) Thevenins equivalent of Fig. 2a)

VTH = _________ RTH = _________

RL (for max power transfer) = _______________ Maximum power delivered by the circuit = ____________________

EENG 2111 Circuit Analysis Lab Spring 2012 Lab 5. Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer

a) For the simplified circuit in figure 2b), calculate the voltage, current, and power that will be supplied to the load resistor for a load resistor value of RL = 100 . b) Repeat a) for load values of: RL = 51 , 250 , 500 , and 1.5 k. Show below all your calculations.

c) Using Matlab or Excel, plot VRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). d) Using Matlab or Excel, plot IRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). e) Using Matlab or Excel, plot PRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis). f) Observe the three plots and write your observations. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2A).- Repeat 2 using MultiSim to verify your results.

PreLab Verification: _________

EENG 2111 Circuit Analysis Lab Spring 2012 Lab 5. Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer

Experimental Verification of Thevenins Equivalent 1) Circuits in figures 1a) and 1b)

Determine by experimental procedure the Thevenin equivalent of the circuits in figure 1a) and 2a) . a) Build on the breadboard the original circuit [ fig. 1a)] b) Measure Voc, the open circuit voltage across terminals A-B (fig. 3a). Record this value in Table 1. c) Measure RTH by disconnecting the power supply Vs from the circuit and replacing it with a short circuit (a piece of wire). With the circuit in this configuration, measure the resistance across terminals A-B. Record this value in Table 1. d) Reconnect the power supply Vs and use the ammeter of your DMM to measure the short circuit current Isc for terminals A-B. To measure the short circuit current between two points use the ammeter (negligible resistance) to connect the two nodes being shorted (see Fig. 3b). Record this value in Table 1.


Figure 3a). Measuring the open circuit voltage, VOC

Figure 3b). Measuring the short circuit current, ISC

Measurement VTH = VA-B (open circuit) RTH = RA-B (power supply disconnected and shorted) Isc= IA-B (short circuit)

Measured Value

Calculated Value

% Difference
[(measure-calc) / calc]

Table 1. Experimental Results for fig 1a) e) Using results in Table 1, verify that RTH = VOC/ISC RTH = ________________


For each circuit 1a) and 1b), measure the voltage, current, and calculate the power that is supplied to the load resistor for a load resistor value of RL = 51 , 100, 250 , 500 , and 1.5 k. Record your results in Table 2.

EENG 2111 Circuit Analysis Lab Spring 2012 Lab 5. Thevenin Equivalent and Maximum Power Transfer g) Using Matlab or Excel, plot PRL (vertical axis) vs RL (horizontal axis) using the PL values recorder in Table 2 (for both circuits 1a and 1b).

RL 51 100 250 500 1.5k

Circuit in Fig 1a) VL IL PL Measured Measured Calculated

Circuit in Fig 1b) VL PL IL Measured Calculated Measured

Table 2. Voltage and currents for different loads

2) Circuits in figures 2a) and 2b)

Repeat steps a) to g) for the circuits in figures 2a and 2b. Create similar Tables (Table 1 and 2) to report your results for the circuits in figure 2a and 2b.

Instructors Initials: _________

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