LOOKING BACK - Helping A Newspaper Editor Get Fired With A Simple Cartoon!

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LOOKING BACK: The cartoon that helped get an editor fired.

It all started with a phone call and an idea that ended in an acrimonious career shift. by Art MacKay

Its many years ago now, but as I recall, the new editor rolled into town about 30 years ago and almost immediately made his mark. There had been a long line before him and editors in small towns do tend to come and go with fair regularity, but this new guy seemed to be well-liked almost immediately. He was older, single, friendly and seemed really attached to his dog. He soon became a regular figure in town and could be seen walking to his appointments while his favourite pooch charmed the locals. Actually I remember him as a Clark Kent sort of guy ... you know ... mild-mannered, polite, and considerate.

I cant remember if he hired me as the cartoonist or just inherited me. Either way, we got along well and discussed each weekly cartoon together. He would tell me what he was covering and I would come up with some ideas that might compliment the weekly menu of news and opinion. Once he approved, off I would go to produce the cartoon for that weeks edition. Things went along great and we seemed to be providing the community with some interesting weekly tidbits. But then, some complaints started coming in about the local RCMP contingent. Seems the local force had been less than energetic in serving their public ... mysteriously disappearing on occasion and, when called, sometimes they did not arrive on the scene in good time. Some of the citizens were irate and this seemed to the editor to be a good subject for a forthcoming editorial. So we discussed the cartoon. He didnt really reveal just what he would be saying, but eventually our discussion came around to an idea I had that was an amalgam of the RCMPs musical ride and the nonchalance of a desk-bound officer riding his office chair around in pursuit of justice. Well, I dont need to explain further, since the actual cartoon is included here in this article and Im sure you get the idea. I cant say just how much impact the cartoon actually had, but when the editorial came out in the paper it was a scorcher and the cartoon must certainly have added an irritating visual element. Everything went quiet for a few days like the town was holding its breath. Then the cow patties started coming and the noise commenced. Apparently phone calls came from the uppers to the Publisher and Owner. People at the top were not pleased and they wanted heads to roll! And they did. A very short time later the mild-mannered editor and his friendly dog disappeared from the town streets. Oh ... and my cartoon career came to a screeching halt for little while! Oh well, some good did come of it after all. If I remember correctly, the local RCMP officers became much more visible and prompt, arriving in good time and with some flare if the opportunity presented itself ... for a little while anyway! Thats how I see it today. Art -30******************************
About Art MacKay Forced to choose between his interest in art and natural history, Art chose the latter for his university studies and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, N.B. Canada in 1961 and carried out graduate studies at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec for 3 years. He taught at McGill University, the University of Victoria, and the University of New Brunswick before establishing a biological supply and consulting business on the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick in 1964. His work has included the collection and supply of living marine organisms for schools, universities and research establishments around the world. His consulting activities have been broad and range from the primary development of marine inventories from Newfoundland to Maine, environmental monitoring and mitigation for nuclear power plants, oil refineries, gas pipelines and other industrial developments. He is credited with establishing the first successful commercial Atlantic salmon sea farms in New Brunswick and Maine. His professional work has taken him to the United

States, Canada, Norway, Thailand and India. Art has an extensive background in publishing, printing, graphic design and display construction. He has sold numerous paintings and illustrations and has had several shows of his works. Currently Art makes his many articles and stories available through http://www.scribd.com/artmackay. Check the Looking Back collection This article contains approximately 535 words. Unless otherwise noted, contents and images are Art MacKay 2012 and one-time rights may be purchased by publishers. Additional information and images can be provided on request. Email art @ bayoffundy.ca.

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