Analysis of First Questionnaire

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Analysis of first questionnaire

The majority of people that I asked to complete my questionnaire were between the age of 16 and 19 years old. This has given me a clear idea as to who my target audience is for my film opening and what research I need to do in order to entice them. In this questionnaire analysis I will evaluate the questions that I thought had the most useful information. This information will allow us to progress with of our film opening ideas and research.

What is your favourite genre of film?

Horror Romance Thriller Comedy Social Realism Action Adventure Other

It is made clear through the results of this question that our target audience prefer to watch films of the horror genre. This has lead Dickie and I to our chosen genre for our film opening and will now enable us to begin researching into the important conventions of horror films. In order to do this, we must explore examples of horror film openings and analyse the conventions that the director has used. We also must formulate a story line idea which fits the horror genre.

Which out of the following do you expect to see most in a film opening?
Introduction to characters A fight scene Credits A twist A clue to the storyline Other

The results from this question highlight the importance of introducing characters in a film opening. This is a vital aspect that we must include in our film opening in order to suit our target audiences expectations. Another popular answer was the use of credits in a film opening. These are almost always shown in the opening to a film however can sometimes be shown afterwards, when the film officially starts. Dickie and I must decide whether or not we want to present our credits within the first two minutes of our film. I think that research into the use of credits in other film openings would be very helpful for making this decision.

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