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Questionnaire for film opening

1.) How often do you watch horror films?

Once a week 2-3 times a week 4 or more times a week Never

2.) What do you expect to see most in a horror film opening?

Introduction to characters A fight scene A mysterious event Credits A death Creepy setting Foreshadowing Other (please specify)

3.) What soundtrack do you expect to hear in a horror film opening?

Contemporary music Orchestral music Upbeat music Slow quiet music None Other (please specify)

Questionnaire for film opening

4.) What is your favourite horror film?

5.) Do you think it is neccesary to be shown the credits in the first two minutes of a film?
Yes No Doesnt matter

6.) What scares you most in a horror film? Mysterious characters A sudden shock The sound Realistic situations Blood/Gore Other (please specify)

7.) Do you prefer horror films to use point of view shots?

Yes No Irrelevant

8.) Is there anything that puts you off horror films? If so, what and why?

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