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Software (India) Ltd

Name: Profile: Summary of your profile Educational Information: Degree Institute & University Year

Training Undergone: Training Institute Year

Summary of experience: O/S and Platform High Level Language Databases / Structures Methodology Other Tools Exposed to Industry / Market Segment Major Project Summary: Project 1 Client Project Hardware O/S Software Language / Tools used
A SEI CMM Level 4, P CMM Level 3, ISO 9001:2000 and ISO27001:2005 Company

R.S. Software (India) Ltd

Period (Month with year) Role Played The Project: Responsibilities Held: Project 2 Client Project Hardware O/S Software Language / Tools used Period (Month with year) Role Played The Project: Responsibilities Held: Employment History: Organization Duration (MM/DD/YYYY) Role

A SEI CMM Level 4, P CMM Level 3, ISO 9001:2000 and ISO27001:2005 Company

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