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Chocolate rum torte

Preparation time-25 mins Cooking time-40 mins Oven setting-1800C

Ingredients: 3 eggs 75 g castor sugar 50 g self-raising flour 25 g cocoa 2 tablespoons corn oil 150 ml pint double cream 3 tablespoons rum For the decoration: 2-4 tablespoons evaporated milk

100 g plain chocolate Chocolate curls

Methods: Line and grease an 18 cm deep cake tin. Whisk eggs and sugar together until mixture is pale and thick. Sift flour and cocoa together. Fold into egg mixture with corn oil. Turn into prepared tin and bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes. Remove from tin and leave to cool before cutting in half. Whip cream until it forms soft peaks. Fold in 2 tablespoons rum. Use to sandwich cake together. Heat evaporates milk and remaining rum slowly together until hot. Remove from heat and add chocolate, broken into pieces, all at once. Stir until chocolate has dissolved. Cool until just warm, and of a coating consistency. Pour icing over top of cake. Decorate with chocolate curls.

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