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Pohang University of Science & Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering II



Pohang University of Science & Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Overview

Introduction to Machine Drawing

CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) CAD S/W

Introduction to Computer Usage in Mech. Eng.

Numerical Simulations in Mechanical Engineering Computer S/W for Mechanical Engineering: ANSYS, ABAQUS, etc. General Purpose Computer S/W: Matlab, Mathematica, Excel, etc. Computer H/W & S/W for Experiments: DAQ Board, LabView, etc.

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Pohang University of Science & Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Design, Manufacturing, & Computers

CAD: Computer Aided Design

What can computers help designers to design something? NURBS, STEP, STL,

CAD: Computer Aided Drawing

Have you ever used computer programs like Corel Draw?

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing

Have your ever seen an NC machine?

CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing

How can we manufacture something more efficiently?

CAPP: Computer Aided Process Planning

Not only in a plant (factory) but also in a unit machine tool

CAE: Computer Aided Engineering

What is engineering?

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Pohang University of Science & Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

CAD: Computer Aided Drawing

Machine Drawing by use of Computers

How can one ask others to make something for him? Machine Component Drawings Assembly Drawings Agreements between Designers and Manufacturers Geometric Modeling Easy to draw machine drawing Easy to reproduce machine drawings Easy to check geometry without making a real model Easy to connect with CAM and CAE

What are Benefits of CAD?

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