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<Golly-chan>Flo: *Is on her way to go Christmas shopping!!!!!

She's bundled up in a big-ass coat with a scarf and some mittens and boots, and she is on her way out. She heads out of the elevators and starts walkin' to leave the building* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -Whistling "Jungle Bells" and bopping along to go outside himself, he stopped and slowly grinned as Flo passed by. He began to creep behind her far away at first but he slowly got closer and closer<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *At first, she didn't notice Kristoff. But as he comes closer, she realizes that the dude is following her. She slooowly looks over her shoulder to stare at him while walking* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He gave her a little finger waggle as he started to invade her personal bubble- "Hi." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Her eyes widen a bit when Kristoff comes to invade her bubble, omfg who is this guy what is he doing* Uh. H-hey. *Insta-awkward* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -Oh good. He could tell she was feeling awkward. He was the best at making that happen. He just kept grinning at her- "How's it goin'?" <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Ommgfg. Feeling more nervous and embarrassed by the second. She's so busy staring at him and being awkward and trying to think of an answer to that question that she walks right into the doors of the building like a doofus* oof <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He stopped and stared at her for a few seconds before laughing, cackling almost- "Good job there, yeah?" <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *fasoigh scrambles to open the doors correctly, her face all red from embarrassing herself* D-do I know you, mister? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: "I know you....But... "-He leaned in and waggled his eyebrows- "You could know me~" <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *WHOA THERE. She gets all flustered, and plaps her palm right onto his face to keep it at a distance* I ain't that kinda girl! G-gosh. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -RIGHT IN THE NOSE- "fhdjklfahfa" He leaned away glaring at her mumbling- "That's what they all think" -He then leaned back trying to avoid her hand as if he just forgot the lesson about getting too close- "I'm Kristoff." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Huffs when he pulls away like YEAH THAT'lL TEACH YA-- but oh whoops he leans back in again. She's about to plap him once more when she hears his name, and then her face lights up in recognition* Uh... yyou ain't... that feller that leads intel... are ya...? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He frowned- "Ew. No. That's Ava." -He leaned in so close- "I deal in something different--" -With that he quickly leaned away with her wallet, pulling out an ID card lifting it above his head- "Florence Hart, yeah? What a strange name." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Coulda sworn one of the bosses was named Kristoff, I-- *wait is THAT HER WALLET WH--* Hey! Getcher paws off that! *Jumps up to try getting it! But it hardly works since she's freaking 5" gdi* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He keeps trying to not let her have it reading off all of the information on the wallet. It's hard though. He's only 5'8". He did not get Papa's tall genes that's for sure<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *WOW OMG. She wants dat back. She

suddenly latches onto his shoulders, trying to pull herself up onto them* I said givvit! <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He wasn't expecting that. He struggles to try to keep it away from her and then falls down<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Grunts when Kristoff falls and she ends up flopping right on top of him anime-style. Takes the opportunity to try swiping back her wallet while he's down!* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He is slightly dazed but as she tries to get it back, he whacks Flo with her own wallet- "No." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Lol gets whacked. She tries to give him a stern glare but just ends up looking more flustered* you Y-you oughta be ashamed of yerself, reachin' into a lady's pocket like that an' lookin' in her stuff without no permission! That's real impolite. <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *ALSO WHILE STILL ON TOP OF HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF PUBLIC ok* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: " I don't care what gender, sex, age, whatever you are. If you're stupid enough to not watch your pockets, it's your own stupid fault." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *RUDE!!* :icondesucraiplz* w-well... uh... *Finally tries to get off the other* I-I need that wallet. I'm goin' Christmas shoppin' and all my money's in there. <Golly-chan>wow <Golly-chan> <Golly-chan>* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -His facial expression didn't change"Geez. Stop acting like I wasn't going to give it back. I wouldn't steal from you." -He popped back up onto his feet and got reallly close to her again slipping the wallet back into her pocket whispering- "I wouldn't steal from any of Cassius' kids." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Gets wallet back!! Even though he's gotten really close to her face again. She resists the urge to plap him away* w-well... that's good, then. Thank you. But I ain't really no kid... <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He patted her on the back a few times laughing at her again- "Yes. Yes you are." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *lets herself be patpated* Why d'ya say that? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He just laughed a few more times"Shouldn't we be shopping now?" <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Oh... yeah, I guess so... I was gonna go down to look for some shops 'cuz the only mall I know 'round here is real expensive, and-- wait,'we'? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: "Oh good, oh good. Right this way." -He started leading her towards some shops that he may or may not have shoplifted from. To test their security. Their security sucked by the way<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *It's not like she has anything to loose so she follows him! Peeking up at the man's face* You know some nice places? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He nodded a few times- "Oh yeah. There

are some great places over this way." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Smiles!* That's swell. Say... whaddya suggest I get for
Varion? Cuz I wanna get him somethin'...

<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: "Ugh. Varion? That stick in the mud? Fuck if I know. That guy is as readable as a book written in...some...dead language." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Bites her lip to stop herself from giggling, but then tries to look srs face* h-hey, now. He's not a bad fellah... and he's been goin' through a hard time. Gettin' hit by a car an' all. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He rolled his eyes at Flo- "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Should have watched where he was going." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Guess so. I still think he's a good guy. *mumblemumble. Puts her hands into her pockets, it's cold out here* Dunno what I'll get 'im. Wish I could get somethin' nice
but I don't really got no budget for it. Maybe I'll bake him somethin'. Uhh, but then again I ain't no good at cookin'...

<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: "Whatever, whatever. Poor Mr. Varion. Whatever. If you keep talking about him like that, I'm going to barf." -He stuck his tongue out a little** aomaoe has joined <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Pouts, she likes talking about Varion* Sorry... *pulls the scarf more over her face to hush herself up* ** prupelallitraitor has joined <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He shuffles off with her and takes her to a nice little store that's more like Bed, Bath, and Beyond with more beyond<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Hello, store. She enters it and starts looking around, giving a little impressed whistle* This place sure smells nice. <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He nodded a few times- "I have a few of their candles in my place." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Looks like a lightbulb just went off in her head* That's a perfect idea! I'll get everybody some of them nice-smellin' fancy candles. Good idea. *Heads off to look for where the candles are at!!* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He chuckles a few times. He'll probably getting himself some more of those. For free<aomaoe>for free ;y ]] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>five finger discount bby)) <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Grabs a basket as she heads for the aisles, and YES GOOD HERE ARE THE CANDLES!!! She starts looking through the shelves, reading the labels, picking up a few to sniff at them. And then she starts placing them into her basket, one by one* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He followed Flo and picked some out"Oh~ Vanilla" -He offered it to Flor for her to smell as he pulled something out of his pocket. A small device that would deactivate the security devices on items in stores<SunnyMcFaceShovel>*flo not flor <Golly-chan>LOL offered it to the floor ) <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Sniiiiff* Gosh, that's nice. what's that thing? <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He shook his head at the girl- "Don't worry about it." -He then looked over- "oooh~ Pine~" ** cutieringtail has left [timed out]

<prupelallitraitor>Elizia: *sashays into the shop* ** cutieringtail has joined <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Heck yeah, pine. She takes one to sniff at it, then makes a face* Don't smell as nice as a real pine. *Sets that one down, and starts looking around at other things instead* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He looked around and deactivated the pine candle before slipping it into his jacket then skipping after Flo<Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Finds a shelf with an odd-looking machine on display for testing. She takes it and flips it on, finding that it's some weird buzzing massager-- she prods it against Kristoff's arm to test it. She doesn't notice or recognize Elizia, but they're in view of her now* <aomaoe>it's a dildo ]] <Golly-chan>yes ) <prupelallitraitor>Elizia: *sees the "weird buzzing massager" and sniggers in a very unladylike manner* ** aomaoe has joined <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan: Kristoff: -He looked down at the massager and back up to Flo- "You know...I could teach you how to use that thing~" <SunnyMcFaceShovel>prupelallitraitor: <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Just gives him a funny look* Whaddya mean? I know how back massagers work. *To demonstrate she starts rubbing the massager over his back, although while doing it she glances at Elizia and stares a bit, finding her familiar* <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor: <aomaoe>gold stars flo ]] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He snickered- "Oh, bird." -He leaned in whispering- "That's not a massager for the back~" <Golly-chan>I was thinking it really is a massager but it can be a dildo if you want I JUST

<Golly-chan>What kind of store did you take her to Kristoff omfg ) <SunnyMcFaceShovel>....WELP. KRIS DID TAKE HER TO THE STORE)) <Golly-chan>EXACTLY ) <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Bed Bath and Beyond if you know what I mean ;y )) <Golly-chan>;y ) <prupelallitraitor>Elizia: *laughs a couple minutes then takes pity on Flo. She walks over to the two and leans towards her* Darling, that's a sex toy. <prupelallitraitor>Oh baby]] <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Looks at Kristoff. Looks at Elizia. Looks at the dildo* ... *DROPS IT* ** aomaoe has left [timed out] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -CACKLES at her reaction<prupelallitraitor>Golly-chan, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Elizia: *SIGHS DEEPLY and picks it up* No dear, at least put it back where you got it. <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *Her face has gone cherry red

from shame. She whacks Kristoff on the arm, then covers her whole face with her scarf to hide herself* whatdja bring me to a sex shop for?! I-I can't buy Christmas gifts here! <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He chuckled at her"what do you mean? YOu have some nice candles there don't you?" ** huina has left [timed out] ** prupelallitraitor has left [connection closed] ** prupelallitraitor has joined <prupelallitraitor>Golly-chan, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Elizia: *puts the dildo back where it came from* Of course you can by presents here! *eyebrow waggle* <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: W-well, yeah, the candles ain't bad, but... *peeks out at Elizia and omfg that eyebrow waggle. Hides her face in shame again* Aw, plum, I gotta get outta here. I'm buyin' these candles an' leavin'! <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He kept laughing and pointed at Elizea- "I like her." <prupelallitraitor>Golly-chan, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Elizia: *waves a hand towards him, all "oh you"* Glad to hear it. You brought her here? <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: He sure did. Told me I could get Christmas presents here... *huffs and gives Kristoff an accusing look* That was lower than a
snake's belly, sir.

<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He nodded a few times"Oh I did. I was going to bring her somewhere else but then she went on and on about Varion so I brought her here." <prupelallitraitor>Elizia: Oh you poor girl... *pats Flo on the shoulder but snickers despite herself* Varion, now? <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: I wouldn't buy nothin' like that for Varion! He's my boss. That just ain't proper. *quickly shakes her head* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He leaned into Flo"Would you now? Don't tell me you haven't thought of it? I certainly have~" <prupelallitraitor>Elizia: *chuckles* You've thought of sending your boss a dildo? Or, rather, sending your crush..? *glances at Flo and grins wickedly* <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: H-heck no, I haven't! And I don't have a crush on no one! *Tries to look stern, but her face just gets redder. She lets out an embarrassed whimper and hurries off for the check-out counter* ** prupelallitraitor has left [connection closed] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: "Oh? You don't? How sad. How lonely you must be~ Don't worry. I'm here for you." ** prupelallitraitor has joined ** Caity-Mayhem has joined <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: That's not sad. I'm here to work and find my granddaddy, not romance! *Puts her basket of candles up on the checkout counter, trying to avoid the showcase of lube and other unholy items up for display* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: "All work and no play. You lot can be so boring. Why not work and play? That's what I do~" <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: ...s'not like I'm all work. I go out and have fun too, sometimes. I go joggin' every day. That's fun. *Waits while the

cashier bags the candles, handing out the cash to pay for them* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: "Jogging is boring. Boring boring boring" -He shook his head a few times<Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Is not. It's fun, and it's good for your health, too! *HURRY UP SEX SHOP WORKER* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: "It is not fun. There's no excitement to it. It's borrrrriiiing." <aomaoe>Sex Shop Worker: *Actually seventeen BD //Takes fiveever* ]] <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Kris: Aw yiss, mah man )) <Golly-chan>prupelallitraitor, SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Well what do you define as being fun? *pouts, okay sex shop worker be that way* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: "WEll. Anything where I have to sit down is not fun. Anything repetitive isn't fun." -He inhaled deeply- "Now. What IS parkour. And firebreathing. But I haven't tried that since I burned my eyebrows off last time." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: Parkwhat? *blink blink* How do you do firebreathing? *The candles are finally all packed up, and she takes the bag and her change and heads for the door* <SunnyMcFaceShovel>Golly-chan, prupelallitraitor : Kristoff: -He looked at Flo like she was the crazy one- "You don't know what Parkour is? No wonder you're boring." <Golly-chan>SunnyMcFaceShovel: Flo: *sadface, doesn't want to be boring* Well... what is it? <Golly-chan>Oihag grocery shopping time gtg ~~)

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