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Top Dog Productions

"Your EntertainmentProfessionals'

Luu@ Wcddficr CIA^rK Kutq ffiffi

@ @RuderYtr@

Date of Event

When ContactinqTop Doq Productions. How Were You Treated? {Circle Any)

Didn't Listen ToYour Needs

Unprofessionally Other:

lnpd aveCreative

Gave TooMuchInput

FeltPressured Booking Into

Appearance OurSetup Equipment Of /

UtUeMessy RuinedMy Decar

Dancing Music Selections:



Volume Level:





We HadNoWorries

LostControl (Circle One)

I Asked DJNotTo Belnteractive The

O Top Dog Produqtions- All Rlghts RGorwd

Ivaluation ContinuedOn Back >

-Vrurn L/rtfc5i 0-lI o*

Were Your Sonq RequestsAcknowledqed?(CircleQne)
I WasThe EventPlanner,Didn'tRequest Songs I Any

(CircleOne) NoneOf My Guest's ToldMe AboutTheirRequests Did You ChooseTo IncludeAnv AdditionalServices With Your DJ Packaqe? (CircleAny BelowAnd TakeA Moment To Descibe How We Met YourExpectations)
Ceremonv Services:

Videos: Multimedia / Music

inoto eooil) ..

WhatWasThe Difference ChoosinE In Top Doq Productions OverOtherDJ Companies?

Do You FeelThatYou Received ValueForTheMonev A You SpentOn TheEntertainer? fe\ -\, Would You Recommendlop Doq Producfions To A Friend Or Relative? 1") to


Could We Give Your Phone Number To A Prospective Glient For Use As A Reference? -ffit5, I wouldloveto hearfrom a newclient, I canreferyourservices. so F private ttO,I wouldrecommend DogProductions, please Top but keepmy contact information

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