Zen Shiatsu - Moxa - 1992

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Moxa: Moxa can be used in two ways, indirectly or directly.

Directly: A grain sized moxa heap, these are the best, but the hardest to do. Make into an obelisk in shape and burn it right down, making a small mark on the skin. This allows for precision. Stick the moxa directly on the skin, with the burning end on the point being treated. This is called scarring. It is very dispersing, and causes a permanent change. Good for acute asthma. Date size heap of moxa, this should be allowed to nearly burn down before removal. Mugwort used in moxa is also used as a medicinal herb for menstrual irregularity. Moxa is used at the end of the treatment, and for the person to take home and self administer daily, or perhaps twice daily. Moxa puts energy into the system, a sort of `false life energy'. L.I. 4 is very good for weak conditions as it puts energy into the bowels. In the case of arthritis diet and shiatsu is not as effective as moxa. Arthritis will show up on the G.B. or L.I. meridians depending on the type of arthritis, rheumatoid or the regular type. Different sizes of moxa heaps are for the most efficient application of heat. Indirectly: When using a moxa stick to the area. Pecking like a sparrow, `pushes' the energy into the point. Use moxa once a day for three weeks, then one week off. Don't miss a session, that's very bad. Then repeat if necessary. When the area is hot and red looking, end of treatment until tomorrow. Moxa has grown out of an understanding of the energy flow of the body. Do not moxa a very condition, or people who are very . Old sprains, tendon problems and calcification can be diagnosed around the knee for moxa treatment. After a collapse, say with stomach pains,fainting (where the body shuts down for the brain to function), or in a coma, from a drug overdose or unconscious, place a heap of salt in the person's navel with ginger and/or garlic and moxa on top. It brings the person to consciousness. It ise the whole hara area. The hara can never be too and the brain can't be too . Structure is opposite to function. Chronic diarrhoea, the stuff people can die from, Scar L.I. 10 with little moxa cones, or the ones bought already packaged (expensive).

Moxa sticks come in mild and hot, and are for the general warming of an area. The grain sized moxa is for more specific purposes. Chemically the skin is changed into an essence that nourishes the area being treated with moxa. After the moxa has burned down, squeeze or pinch the area and this doubles the effectiveness of the moxa treatment. General principle of moxa: 1. Treat the back before the front 2. Treat the body before the limbs If a person is very hungry, or has just eaten, moxa should not be applied, because the body's energies goes to the stomach. If a person is very and has a fever, do not use moxa, only as a very last resort. A area responds most easily to moxa treatment, areas need more moxa to gather heat. Use moxa when pressure on points have failed to bring about results, or so called stubborn points, and when daily treatments are desired. On every meridian there are low points that transfer energy into the next meridian, i.e. Sp. St. or vice versa.

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