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Endangered Species Animal Projects

You will research: (common name) ____________________________

Educational PowerPoint, scrapbook, or Prezi: Design an educational PowerPoint, scrapbook, or Prezi to teach others about your endangered species animal. Include a summary of the six components of the research project in an attractive format with at least 2 illustrations or photos and a map. THIS PROJECT IS DUE Friday, 1/25/13, and IS WORTH 125 POINTS! The project must include the following components: 1. Scientific Classification: Include the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, species names and the binomial (scientific) name with proper capitalization. 2. Description: Describe the organism including size, color, and specialized adaptations. 3. Range & Habitat: Where is the organism found in the world? What type of environment does the organism require? What relationship does this animal have with other organisms? How does the animal contribute to its environment? 4. Endangered Species Status & Causes : What is the official endangered status? What causes the animal to be on the threatened or endangered species list? How many animals are estimated to be living in the wild? 5. Biology: Reproduction, food requirements, predators, additional cool facts, etc. 6. Recovery Plans: What measures are being implemented to ensure species survival? 7. Bibliography: Correct citations using MLA format with a minimum of 3 references. 8. YOU MAY NOT USE WIKIPEDIA OR CITE GOOGLE. Grading Rubric for Endangered Species Project scientific classification____/15 description____/10 habitat & range____/15 endangered species causes____/10 biology_____/10 recovery plans____/10 bibliography____/15 2 illustrations/photos & map ____/15 TOTAL _______/100 POINTS + 25 PRESENTATION POINTS HOW TO CITE YOUR REFERENCES USING MLA-EXAMPLES.
Website Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review." Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley University. 8 Oct. 1997. Science Fiction Club. 1996

<http://>. Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.

Encyclopedia Article (less familiar reference books) Horn, Maurice. "Flash Gordon." The World Encyclopedia of Comics. Ed. Maurice Horn. 2 vols. New York: Chelsea, 1976.

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