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BASIN YAYIN ORGANLARINDA EN OK KULLANILAN TERMLER: A minority government A national policy A permanent and a just / justful solution A set

t of bilateral meetings A threat to peace (to) abide by Accelerating economic reforms (to) accept interference from outside (to) accept international mediation (to) achieve full integration with Europe (to) achieve military success (to) act in cool-handed manner Action of NATO Activities are condemned. Adequate pay (to) adhere to international specifications (to) admit responsibility Advisor to treasury Advocates of war Aggressive and expansionist intentions Aid / relief flights Ailing and unsteady economy (to) aim to deepen economic and political ties Airlift operation Alawites Allegation Allegedly All-out assault Amendment Amnesty International Ankaras unease Anatolian Fortress Anti-proliferation efforts Anti-terror legislation Appeal (to) approve by 193 versus 25 April 5 austerity measures Armed struggle for independence As a memento of this visit Associate Professor Association of Kemalist Thoughts (to) assume a role (to) attract investments Auto-theft ring Auxiliary vessels : Aznlk hkmeti : Milli politika : Kalc ve adil zm : Bir dizi ikili grme : Bar tehdit : -e uymak, riayet etmek : Ekonomik reformlarn hz kazanmas : D mdaheleyi kabul etmek : Uluslararas arabuluculuu kabul etmek : Avrupayla tam (olarak) btnlemek : Askeri baar salamak : Sakin bir tavrla davranmak : NATO Harekat : Eylemler knand. :Yeterli denek : Uluslararas artnamelere bal kalmak : Sorumluluu kabul etmek : Hazine mstear : Sava destekileri : Saldrgan ve yaylmac emeller : Yardm uular : Sorunlu ve istikrarsz ekonomi : Ekonomik ve politik balar glendirmeyi hedeflemek : Hava kprs : Aleviler : Sulama : ddiaya gre : Topyekn sava : Deiiklik : Uluslararas Af rgt : Ankarann tedirginlii : Anadolu Hisar : Silahszlanma abalar : Anti-terr yasas : temyiz : 25e kar 193le onaylamak : 5 Nisan istikrar paketi : Bamszlk iin silahl mcadele : Bu ziyaretin ans olarak : Doent : Atatrk Dnce Dernei : Rol stlenmek : Yatrmlar ekmek : Oto hrsz ebekesi : Destek gemileri

(to) avoid a potential confrontation with Greeks : Yunanistanla potansiyel bir atmay nlemek (to) back up intervention : Mdaheleyi desteklemek ballot box : Oy sand (to) ban activities of : Eylemlerini yasaklamak Ban on heavy weapons : Ar silahlarn yasaklanmas (to) ban the PKK in European countries : PKKy Avrupa lkelerinde yasaklamak (to) be at odds over something : Bir konuda kart grleri savunmak (to) be crushed by the inflation : Enflasyon altnda ezilmek (to) be engaged : Megul olmak (to) be in the control of an unscrupulous dictator:Vicdansz bir diktatrn kontrol altnda olmak (to) be in public office : Kamu grevinde (alyor) olmak (to) be involved in : Yer almak (to) be sentenced to life imprisonment : mr boyu hapis cezasna arptrlmak (to) be under inquiry for alleged corruption : Yolsuzluk sulamasndan soruturma altnda olmak (to) be up for franchise : Halka almak Belligerence : Sava hali Bilateral contacts / talks : kili grmeler Bluecollar (to) bombard the Bihac enclave in BiH : i snfndan : Bosna-Hersekteki Biha blgesini bombalamak Booming business : Patlayan i hacmi Border violation : Snr ihlali Bottleneck in external affairs : D ilikilerde darboaz Breakthrough into demilitarized zone : Askerden arndrlm blgeye szma Breakaway state : Bamszln ilan eden lke Breathalyzer : Alkol muayenesi lm aleti (to) bring amnesty : Af getirmek (to) bring peace to long-troubled part of the world: Dnyann uzun sredir kark olan blgesinde bar salamak Budgetary constraints : Bte kstlamalar Budgetary goals : Bte hedefleri Budget deficit / gap : Bte a Buffer zone : Tampon blge (to) build market economies : Piyasa ekonomisi kurmak (to) buy everything from needles to locomotives: neden iplie hereyi satn almak (to) buy ordnance from : Mhimmat satn almak By-election : Ara seim Call for early election Candid camera Casualty evacuation operation Center-right coalition Central Discipline Council Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Centrist political parties : Erken seim ars : Gizli kamera : Yaral tahliye harekat : Orta sa koalisyonu : Merkezi Disiplin Kurulu : ABD Merkezi Haberalma rgt : Merkeziyeti siyasi partiler

(to) challenge the French governments policy on Bosnia

: Fransz hkmetinin Bosna konusundaki tutumunu eletirmek Chairmanship of Privatization Administration : zelletirme daresi Bakanl Chairmanship of Turkish Standards Institute : Trk Standartlar Enstits (TSE) Chechen ignored the ultimatum. : eenistan ltimatomu dikkate almad. Chechen independence fighters : een bamszlk savalar Chemical Warfare : Kimyasal Sava City Electricity Board : Elektrik daresi City Water Board : Sular daresi Civil non-military approach : Sivil yaklam Civil servants : Devlet memurlar Clintons top aide : Clintonun ba danmanlar Close of business : Mesai bitimi Closed circuit TV : Kapal devre televizyon Collapse of Soviet Union : Sovyetler Birliinin k Collective effort : Mterek aba Collocated operated bases : Mterek kullanlan sler (to) commit an aggression against Bosnia : Bosnaya kar saldrgan tutumda bulunmak (to) commit crimes against community : Toplumsal su ilemek Commonwealth of Independent States : Bamsz Devletler Topluluu (BDT) Communiqu : Bildiri (to) compensate : Tazminat demek Complete cessation of hostilities : Dmanlklarn tam olarak sona ermesi (to) comply with all conditions of UN : B.M.nin btn artlarn yerine getirmek Comprehensive negotiations : Detayl grmeler Conditions deteriorate. : artlar ktleiyor. (to) compromise : Uzlamak Confidence and security building measures : Gven ve gvenlik artrc nlemler Confidence building measures : Gven artrc nlemler Confidence in the government : Hkmete gven Confidence inspiring : Gven telkin edici Confident approach : Gvenli yaklam Conflict of interests : karlarn atmas Conflict Prevention Center : atma nleme Merkezi (to) constitute a threat against Turkey : Trkiye iin bir tehdit oluturmak Constitution : Anayasa Constitutional Commission of the Assembly : Meclis Anayasa Komisyonu Constitutional Court : Anayasa Mahkemesi Constitutional restraints : Anayasal snrlamalar Constrained budget : Kstl bte Constructive criticism : Yapc eletiri Constructive dialogue : Yapc grme Contact group : Temas grubu Contemporary : imdiki zamana ait, ada Continental shelf : Kta sahanl Contractor : Mteahhit Controversial privatization bill : Tartmal zelletirme yasas

(to) convene

: (Meclis vs. yi) toplantya armak, toplanmak Cooperation Partners : birlii Ortaklar Cost estimate : Maliyet tahmini Counter-insurgency operations : Kar ayaklanma hareketleri (to) counter the threat to represent a serious danger: Tehditi ciddi bir tehlike olarak grmek Coup detat : Hkmet darbesi Court proceedings : Adli ilemler Counter Proliferation : Kitle mha Silahlarnn Yaylmasn nleme Counter-terrorist activities : Terrist kart hareketler Covertly support : Gizli, rtl destek (to) create a sound national economy : Salam bir milli ekonomi tesis etmek (to) create confidence : Gven salamak Crew protection : Mrettebat koruma Crime ridden area : Suun youn olduu blge Criminal Investigation Department (CID) : Cinayet ubesi Crippling economy : Aksayan ekonomi Crisis Management Manual : Kriz Ynetimi Muhtras Cross border / off-border operation : Snr-tesi harekat Crucial : Hayati, ok nemli, can alc CT Scan : Tomografi (to) cultivate military contacts : Askeri ilikileri gelitirmek Cultural heritage : Kltrel miras Current account deficit : Cari hesap a Current population growth trends : Son nfus art eilimleri Curriculum Vitae (CV) : zgemi (to) curtail freedom of speech : Konuma zgrln glgelemek Customs Union : Gmrk Birlii Customs Union negotiation process : Gmrk Birlii anlama sreci (to) cut spending : Harcamalar kesmek Damage assessment Dead-toll Death and disability compensation Debates were deadlocked. Deceased (to) decide on a course of action Decision-making period Decisive measures (to) declare state of emergency (to) decline comment on Declining budgets Delaying tactics Delineation of territorial waters (to) deliver aid Democratic Left Party Democratic secular republic Democratic values : Hasar tesbiti : lm oran : lm ve maluliyet yardm : Tartmalar sonusuz kald. : Rahmetli, merhum : Ne yaplacana karar vermek : Karar verme sreci : Kesin tedbirler : Olaanst hal ilan etmek : Yorum yapmamak : Ktleen bte : Oyalama taktii : Uluslararas sularn tespit edilmesi : Yardm gtrmek : Demokratik Sol Parti : Demokratik laik cumhuriyet : Demokratik deerler

(to) deny Muslims heavy weapons by international arms embargo

: Uluslararas silah ambargosu ile Mslmanlar ar silahlardan mahrum etmek Department of Family Affairs : Aile leri Bakanl (to) deport : Snr d etmek Deputy Prime Minister : Babakan Yardmcs (to) designate 1994 as the Year of Family : 1994 Aile Yl ilan etmek (to) deter against internal and external threats : ve d tehditlerin karsnda durakalmak Deterioration in income distribution : Gelir dalmndaki d Deterioration of human rights : nsan haklarnn ihlali (to) detonate : nfilak et(tir)mek (to) develop concrete policy : Somut bir politika gelitirmek (to) die a martyr : ehit dmek Die-hard Chechen defenders : Gzpek / ylmaz een savalar Dignified foreign policy : Saygn d politika Dilemma = dead lock : Mgl durum, kmaz Diplomatic efforts : Diplomatik abalar Disaster Assistance Center : Afet Yardm Merkezi Dish antenna : anak anten Disputed enclave : Tartmal blge Disputed territories : Tartmal blgeler (to) disrupt state unity : Devlet btnln bozmak Dissemination of the propaganda : Propogandann yaylmas Dissolution of the coalition : Koalisyonun dalmas Doctor of philosophy (PhD) : Bilim doktoru Draft resolution : Taslak zm Dramatic rise in crime : Su orannda ciddi art (to) draw parallel with terrorism : Terrizmle paralellik kurmak Drug trafficking : Uyuturucu trafii Dual citizenship : ifte vatandalk Durable resolution to problem : Soruna kalc zm (to) ease the tension : Gerginlii yumuatmak Economic reconstruction : Ekonomik yaplanma Economic recovery program : Ekonomik istikrar paketi Economic stability measures : Ekonomik istikrar nlemleri Election rally : Seim toplants (to) embezzle the charity funds collected for Bosnia: Bosna iin toplanan yardmlarda yolsuzluk yapmak Emergency Rule Governor : Olaanst Hal Blge Valisi Emergency Rule Region : Olaanst Hal Blgesi (to) employ hit and run tactics : Vur-ka taktii uygulamak (to) encounter fierce resistance : Gl bir direnile karlamak (to) encourage regional peace : Blgesel bar tevik etmek (to) endanger vital interests : Son derece nemli karlar tehlikeye atmak (to) enjoy freedom : zgrl yaamak Entering the Customs Union : Gmrk Birliine gei

Envoy : Delege, eli Equal rights are granted to people. : nsanlara eit haklar tannr. (to) escalate the efforts : abalar artrmak Escalation of tensions : Gerginliin artmas Escalation of war : Savan kzmas (to) establish permanent peace and stability in the area: Blgede kalc bar ve istikrar salamak Establishment of a multi-party democracy : ok partili bir demokrasinin tesisi Ethnic cleansing : Etnik arndrma Ethnic cleansing campaign : Etnik arndrma giriimi Ethnic strife : Etnik mcadele European Court of Human Rights : Avrupa nsan Haklar Mahkemesi European Currency Unit : Avrupa Para Birimi European Stability Pact : Avrupa stikrar Pakt European Union : Avrupa Birlii (to) evacuate troops : Birlikleri tahliye etmek (to) examine alternatives : Seenekleri deerlendirmek Exclusive : zel Executive : Yrtme Executive Working Group : cra Kurulu (to) exert pressure : Bask uygulamak Existing political instability : Mevcut siyasi istikrarszlk Exclusion zone was hit. : Yasak blge bombaland. (to) expand union further : Birlii daha da geniletmek (to) expose personnel to high-tech weapon systems: Personeli modern donanmlarla tantrmak (to) express condemnation (of sthg) : Knamak (to) express optimism and support for : Destek ve iyimserlii vurgulamak (to) express scepticism : Tedirginlii dile getirmek (to) express willingness to join : Birleme isteini dile getirmek (to) extend the NATO membership : NATO yelik sresini uzatmak Extension of the military service term : Askerlik sresinin uzatlmas Extension of the stay of Hammer Force : eki Gn kalma sresinin uzatlmas Extensive and international strategic cooperation:Geni apl uluslararas stratejik ibirlii Extensive discussion : Byk tartma Extra judicial execution : Yargsz infaz (to) face threats from terrorists (to) fall from power Father Christmas (to) fit within budgetary constraints Favorable statements Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Fierce criticism from opposition parties Finance Ministry Financial backing Financial legislation Financially capable companies Fiscal consolidation : Terristlerden tehdit almak : ktidardan dmek : Noel Baba : Bte kstlamalarna ayak uydurmak : Cazip aklamalar : ABD Federal Soruturma Brosu : Muhalif partilerden sert eletiri : Maliye Bakanl : Mali destek : Mali mevzuat : Mali adan yeterli irketler : Devlet sbvansiyonu (mali takviye)

Fiscal imbalances Five-billion aid Five nation contact group Footage For better or for worse Foreign Ministry = Office (to) form a dual federation (to) form a technical committee Forthcoming presidency 4 % growth rate Free market mechanism Free trade zone (to) freeze and dismantle nuclear weapons (to) fulfill commitments Full democratic government Full independence Full membership in the EU Full respect for orders Fully equipped hospital Fundamental changes in security Further developing relations (to) gain control of oil wells in Iraq

: Mali dengesizlikler : Be milyar dolarlk yardm : Be uluslu temas grubu : Grnt, film : yisiyle ktsyle : Dileri Bakanl : kili federasyon kurmak : Teknik bir komisyon oluturmak : Beklenen bakanlk : % 4lk byme oran : Serbest piyasa mekanizmas : Serbest ticaret blgesi : Nkleer silahlar kstlamak : Vaatleri yerine getirmek : Tam demokratik ynetim : Tam bamszlk : ATye tam yelik : Emirlere mutlak itaat : Tam teekkll hastane : Gvenlikte kkl deiiklikler : likilerin daha da gelitirilmesi

: Iraktaki petrol kuyularnn kontroln ele geirmek General amnesty : Genel af (to) get a bill through the Turkish Grand Assembly: TBMMden yasa geirmek (to) give approval to Serbs : Srplar onaylamak (to) give assurances (to) : Teminat vermek (to) give parliament members new powers : Milletvekillerine yeni haklar tanmak (to) go Dutch : Alman usul (to) go on a goodwill mission : yiniyet grevine kmak (to) go off the air : Yaynn kesilmesi (to) go straight into talks : Direkt grmelere girimek (to) go through a period of transition : Deiim srecinden gemek Goodwill gesture : yiniyet gsterisi Governor of the State of Emergency Region : Olaanst Hal Blge Valisi Government Spokesman : Hkmet Szcs Government subsidy : Devlet denei (to) grant right to somebody : Hak tanmak Greek Cypriots : Kbrs Rumlar Greek Cypriots Administration of Southern Cyprus : Gney Kbrs Rum Ynetimi Green light for Turkeys application : Trkiyenin bavurusuna yeil k Gregorian calendar : Miladi takvim (to) grip on economy : Ekonomiye hakim olmak Gross national product : Gayri safi milli hasla Guerrilla infested area : Gerilla kaynayan blge Hammer Force : eki G (to) hammer out the solutions around the table : zmleri tartmak

Hardliners of crazy policies : lgn politika izleyenler (to) have different political connotations : Farkl siyasi temaylleri olmak (to) have a face-to-face meeting with somebody : Yz yze grme yapmak (to) have intention (of) : Niyetinde olmak (to) have the authority to strike targets in Bosnia: Bosnadaki hedefleri vurma yetkisi olmak He accepted the draft law. : Yasa tasarsn kabul etti. Head of Delegations : Delegasyon Bakan Headscarf : Barts Heavy rain shower : iddetli yamur Heavy weapon exclusion zone : Ar silahtan arndrlm blge Hegira calendar : Hicri takvim High-level source : Yksek seviyeli (gvenilir) kaynaklar High power lines : Yksek enerji hatlar (to) hold a regular meeting : Olaan toplant yapmak (to) hold responsible for : Sorumlu tutmak (to) hold up UN convoy vehicles : B.M. konvoylarn engellemek (to) hope a peaceful solution : Barl bir zm ummak (to) hope for the full cooperation : Geni apl ibirlii ummak Hostile to international community : Uluslararas toplum kart Human rights abuses : nsan haklar sular Human Rights Association : nsan Haklar Dernei Humanitarian mission : nsani grev Humanitarian relief : nsani yardm Humiliating conflicts : Aalayc tartmalar Immediate and unconditional withdrawal (to) immunize somebody against Impasse in the election In anticipation of high rates In every stage of peace In plain-clothes In stark contrast to Greece In the eyes of local and foreign public opinion In the new working term Increased firepower Increased mobility In police custody (to) increase defense spending (to) increase humanitarian and economic aid (to) increase muscle power (to) increase self-sufficiency Increasing pressure Independent Ankara deputy Inflow of capital Influx of immigrants In-service training (to) intensify fights Interest rates : Hemen ve artsz geri ekilme : Dokunulmazl tanmak : Seimlerde krdm : Yksek oran beklentisiyle : Barn her aamasnda : Sivil elbiseli : Yunanistann tam aksine : Yerli ve yabanc kamuoyunun gznde : Yeni alma dneminde : Artrlm silah gc : Yksek hareket (manevra) kabiliyeti : Polis nezaretinde, gzaltnda : Savunma harcamalarn arttrmak : nsani ve ekonomik yardm arttrmak : Kaba kuvvet kullanmak : Kendi ayaklar zerinde durmay salamak : Artan bask : Bamsz Ankara milletvekili : Anapara akm : Gmen akm : Hizmet ii eitim : atmalar younlatrmak : Faiz oranlar

Interior Minister : ileri Bakan Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces : Orta Menzilli Nkleer Kuvvetler Internal turmoil : karklk International aid agencies : Uluslar aras yardm kurulular International and regional developments : Uluslararas ve blgesel gelimeler International legitimacy : Uluslararas hukuk, yasa International Monetary Fund (IMF) : Uluslararas Para Fonu International Standardization Organization (ISO): Uluslar aras Standartlar Kurumu Interpol = International Police : Uluslararas Polis Interrogation of prisoner of war : Sava esirlerinin sorgulanmas Irregular = faulty : Defolu Istanbul Chamber of Automobile Trade : stanbul Otomobil Sanayiciler Odas Istanbul Gold Exchange : stanbul Altn Borsas Istanbul Police Department : stanbul Emniyet Mdrl It is a grave mistake to deny that. : Bunu inkar etmek byk bir hatadr. It is under debate. : Tartlyor. It remains in effect on Serbia. : Srbistan zerinde etkili olur. Joint press conference Joint readiness Judgement and Development Party Judicial Justice Minister (to) keep abreast with the new developments (to) keep Turkey out of the club (to) keep under surveillance Key advisor (to) knock the doors of the E.U. Korea is a party with China. Kurdistan Workers Party Labor and Social Security Ministry Labor Party Labor Unions (to) languish under ones control (to) launch investigation (to) lead to unease among parties : Ortak basn toplants : Ortak hazrlk : Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi (AKP) : Yarg : Adalet Bakan : Son gelimeleri takip etmek : Trkiyeyi topluluun dnda tutmak : Gzaltnda tutmak : Ba danman : ATnin kaplarn almak : Kore inle ayn tarafta. : PKK

: alma ve Sosyal Gvenlik Bakanl : i Partisi : i Sendikalar : Birinin kontrol altnda ezilmek : Soruturma balatmak : Partiler arasnda honutsuzlua sebeb olmak Leading opposition group : Birinci muhalif parti Left-Wing Parties : Sol Kanat Partileri Legacy of British Colonialism : ngiliz koloniciliinin hakimiyeti Legal circles : Yasal evreler Legislative : Yasama Legislative reform : Yasal reform Lengthy discussions / talks : Kapsaml tartmalar (to) lessen the burden on : zerindeki yk azaltmak (to) lift immunities : Dokunulmazlklar kaldrmak Little likelihood of a Turkish-Bulgarian bounding: Umutsuz Trk-Bulgar ilikisi

(to) live happily within the existing boundaries of Turkey: Trkiyenin mevcut snrlar ierisinde mutlu yaamak (to) live in unity and brotherhood : Uyum ierisinde ve kardee yaamak Lobby campaign : Lobi faaliyetleri Long-standing peace : Uzun sreli bar (to) loot : Yama etmek, yamalamak Mahmut Yldrm, alias Yeil : Yeil kod adl Mahmut Yldrm (to) maintain contact and communication : Temas ve irtibat devam ettirmek (to) maintain the legal status of : Yasal statsn devam ettirmek Maintenance and up-keep : Bakm onarm (to) make an official statement : Resmi bir aklama yapmak (to) make public opinion sensitive towards the problem: Kamuoyunu soruna kar duyarl hale getirmek malpractice : Yolsuzluk, yasaya aykr hareket Mass deportation : Toplu snrd Mass media : Kitle iletiim aralar Massacre : Katliam (to) maximize election chances : Seim olasln arttrmak (to) meet one-on-one with Bush : Bushla yzyze grmek (to) meet requirements : htiyalar karlamak Member-in-waiting of the European Community: Avrupa Topluluunun askdaki yesi Memorandum of Understanding : Mutabakat Muhtras Midterm elections : Ara seim Minister of Interior : ileri Bakan Minister of State : Devlet Bakan Ministry of Defense : Savunma Bakanl Ministry of National Education : Milli Eitim Bakanl Minorities : Aznlklar Misleading propaganda : Yanl ynlendirici propaganda Moderate policies : Ilml politikalar Mole : Kstebek Money lenders : Tefeciler Mortality rate : lm oran Mortgage : potek Moslem Festival of Sacrifices : Kurban Bayram Moslem fundamentalists : Kktendinci mslmanlar MOSSAD (Israeli Intelligence Agency) : srail Gizli Servisi Most pressing needs : Elzem ihtiyalar Motherland Party : Anavatan Partisi Multidimensional Turkish policy : ok ynl Trk politikas Multiplayer satellite system : ok amal uydu sistemi Multilateral operations : ok ynl operasyonlar Multilateral talks : ok tarafl grmeler Multinational forces : ok uluslu gler Mutual defense treaty : Karlkl savunma anlamas Mutual links : Karlkl balant Mutually acceptable solutions : Karlkl kabul edilebilir zmler

National and regional stability National Intelligence Service National Security Council National Security Council General Secretariat

: Milli ve blgesel istikrar : Milli stihbarat Tekilat (MT) : Milli Gvenlik Kurulu (MGK) : Milli Gvenlik Kurulu Genel Sekreterlii National Sovereignty and Childrens Day : Milli Egemenlik ve ouk Bayram Nationalist Action Party : Milliyeti Hareket Partisi (MHP) Nationalistic-populist anti-westernism : Milliyeti-halk bat kartl NATO expansion : NATOnun genilemesi NATO Military Authorities : NATO Askeri Makamlar Natural geopolitical center of security arrangement: Gvenlik dzenlemesinin doal jeopolitik merkezi Near-term strategy : Ksa vadeli strateji Negotiations are under way. : Anlama yolda. No firm decision was made. : Hibir kesin karar alnmad. No fly-zone : Uua yasak blge Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) : Sivil Toplum rgtleri Non-military resolution of Kurdish issue : Krt sorunu iin sivil yaklam Normalization of relations : likilerin normalletirilmesi North Atlantic Assembly : Kuzey Atlantik Asemblesi North Atlantic Council : Kuzey Atlantik Konseyi (to) obtain support Occupied territories Official Gazette Official sources Official visit On the international scene (to) open a new era in economy (to) oust from the enclave Pacifism Package of compensation Palestinian self-rule Parliamentarian Parliamentary immunity was lifted. Partisan warfare Partnership agreement (to) pass the bill Pay hike Peace and reconciliation Peace enforcement approach Peaceful settlement Peacekeeping operations Peacekeeping troops Peacetime Establishment Pentagons push to position more heavy armor in the region Per capita income : Destek almak : gal altndaki topraklar : Resmi Gazete : Resmi kaynaklar : Resmi ziyaret : Uluslararas platformda : Ekonomide yeni bir dnem amak : Blgeden karmak : Barseverlik : Telafi paketi : zerk Filistin : Parlamenter : Milletvekili dokunulmazl kaldrld. : ete harbi : Ortaklk anlamas : Yasa karmak : deme (maa) art : Bar ve uzlama : Bar kuvvetlendirme yaklam : Barl zm : Bar salama operasyonlar, abalar : Bar gc birlikleri : Bar Kuruluu : Pentagonun blgeye ar silah yerletirme yolundaki teviki : Kii bana den milli gelir

Period of profound change and uncertainty Permanent end to fighting in Bosnia Peshmerga Pirate CD Pity to UN Pipeline PKK and Armenian collaboration PKK and their adherents PKKs mask falls from its face. (to) place high emphasis on technology (to) place wreath at the Atatrks mausoleum (to) play a bridge role Policy makers Political asylum Political awareness Political blackmail against Turkey Political climbdown Political criminal Political disputes Political gain Political immunity Political nightmare Political party representatives Political rights and duties Political setback Political sovereignty Poll-weary Germany (to) pose a danger for stability Post-cold war era Postgraduate education (PG) Post-mortem = autopsy Post-war political scene Precipitation (to) present credentials Press conference Price hikes for petrol Privatization Privatization Administration Chairmanship Progress of stand-by agreement (to) promote economic growth (to) promote human rights Promulgation of reforms (to) provide humanitarian support Purchasing power (to) pursue a policy (to) put the agreement into force / operation Raise in pay (to) ransack

: Tam bir deiim ve kararszlk dnemi : Bosnadaki savaa kalc zm : Pemerge : Korsan CD : Birlemi Milletleri knama : Boru hatt : PKK ve Ermeni ibirlii : PKK ve destekileri : PKKnn maskesi dyor. :Teknolojiye nem vermek : Atatrkn mozolesine elenk koymak : Kilit rol oynamak : Politika gdcler : Siyasi snma / iltica : Siyasi duyarllk : Trkiyeye yaplan santaj : Politik k : Siyasi sulu : Politik tartmalar : Politik kazan : Politik dokunulmazlk : Politik kabus : Siyasi parti temsilcileri : Siyasi haklar ve sorumluluklar : Siyasi engel : Politik hakimiyet : Seim yorgunu Almanya : stikrar iin tehlike arzetmek : Souk sava sonras : Mezuniyet sonras renim : Otopsi : Sava sonras politik sahne : Ya : yi niyet mektubu sunmak : Basn toplants : Petrol fiyatlarnda art : zelletirme : zelletirme Kurulu Bakanl : Protokol anlamasnda gelime : Ekonomik bymeyi salamak : nsan haklarn iyiletirmek : Reformlarn yrrle konmas : nsani yardm destei salamak : Satn alma gc : Bir politika takip etmek : Anlamay yrrle koymak : demelerdeki art : Didik didik aramak, tamtakr edip brakmak

Rapid Deployment Force : evik Kuvvet (to) reach a compromise / consensus : Uzlamaya / anlamaya varmak (to) reach a satisfactory point : Memnuniyet verici bir noktaya varmak (to) reach a solution through talks : Diyalog yoluyla sonuca varmak (to) reach alarming rates : Tehlikeli boyutlara ulamak Real increase in salary : Maalardaki reel art (to) receive a positive result : Olumlu bir sonu almak (to) receive ear-piercing criticism : Sert eletiri almak Recognition of a Turkish Cypriot State : Kbrs Trk Devletinin tannmas (to) recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty: Toprak birlik ve btnl tanmak Reduction of defense sources : Savunma kaynaklarnn kstlanmas Registration number = plate number : Plaka (to) release a statement : Aklamada bulunmak (to) release its economy from crippling sanctions: Ekonomisini ypratc yaptrmlardan kurtarmak Relevant : Konu ile ilgili Reliance on U.S. : ABDye ballk Relief agencies : Yardm araclar Relief shipments : Gemi yoluyla yardm gnderme Religious and ethnic discrimination : Dini ve etnik ayrmclk (to) remain in office : Makamn korumak (to) remain within the bounds of legality : Yasalar ierisinde kalmak (to) remove restrictions on free expression : Konuma zgrl kstlamalarn kaldrmak (to) renew hostilities : Dmanlklar tekrarlamak Renewed bombardment of Sarajevo : Saraybosnaya yeni bir bombardman Republic Day celebrations : Cumhuriyet Bayram kutlamalar Republican Guards : Cumhuriyet Muhafzlar Republican Peoples Party : Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (to) request a NATO air presence : NATO hava destei istemek (to) resolve the conflict in Katabakh : Karaba sorununu zmek (to) resolve the issue : Sorunu zmek (to) respect democratic standards : Demokratik dzene sayg duymak (to) respect human rights : nsan haklarna sayg gstermek (to) respect its new U.N. defined borders : B.M. tarafndan tannan yeni snrlar kabul etmek (to) respect ones dignity : Kiinin onuruna sayg gstermek (to) restore constitutional order : Anayasal dzeni tesis etmek (to) resume : Yeniden balamak (to) retain a lawyer : Avukat tutmak Right-Wing Parties : Sa Kanat Partileri Ruling coalition partners : Bataki (ynetimdeki) koalisyon ortaklar (to) run country under election conditions : lkeyi seim artlarna sokmak Rural Affairs General Directorate : Ky Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl Russian Intelligence Agency (KGB) : Rus stihbarat rgt (to) safeguard security (to) sanction : Gvenlii muhafaza etmek : Onaylamak, tasdik etmek

Search and rescue helicopters : Arama-kurtarma helikopterleri Secretary General of the National Security Council : Milli Gvenlik Konseyi Genel Sekreteri Secure regions in Southeast : Gneydoudaki gvenli blgeler Secure = safe zone : Gvenli blge Security issues : Gvenlik meseleleri Security zone : Gvenlik blgesi (to) seek parliamentary seats : Parlamentoya girmeye abalamak (to) seem indifferent to pressure : Baskya kaytsz grnmek Self-determination : Kararllk, kendi kendini idare Self-rule elections : Demokratik seimler (to) send an olive branch : Zeytin dal uzatmak Sense of confidence : Gven hissi Sensible compromise : Mantkl uzlama Separatist forces : Ayrlk kuvvetler Separatist leader : Ayrlk lider Serb-held town : Srp kontrolndeki kasaba Serbian troops have withdrawn. : Srp birlikleri geri ekildi. Services came to a stop. : Hizmetler durdu. (to) set up a cross party commission : Partileraras bir komisyon kurmak (to) set up a dummy party : Hlle partisi kurmak (to) settle the dispute by peaceful means : Anlamazl barl yollarla zmek (to) settle the problems and frictions : Sorunlar ve anlamazlklar zmek Shantytown : Gecekondu blgesi (to) shape new relationships : Yeni ilikileri ekillendirmek (to) sharply criticize : Sert bir ekilde eletirmek (to) shed further light on the existence of repression and torture : Bask ve ikencenin varlna daha fazla k tutmak (to) shed blood / tears : Kan / gzya dkmek (to) shell selected targets in Sarajevo : Saraybosnadaki belli hedefleri bombalamak Shiite : ii Short Range Nuclear Forces : Ksa Menzilli Nkleer Kuvvetler (to) show an adverse reaction : Ters tepki gstermek (to) show their true faces : Gerek yzlerini gstermek Shrinking forces : Fire veren gler (to) sign a peace treaty : Bar anlamas imzalamak Signatories : Taraflar Signatory countries : mza eden taraflar Sincere apology : ten zr Single-minded opportunists : Tek amal frsatlar Skins of sacrificed animals : Kurban derileri Social discontent and strife : Sosyal doyumsuzluk ve mcadele Social well-being : Sosyal refah Solidarity : Dayanma Solution or autonomy for South East : Gneydou sorunu iin zm veya zerklik (to) speak on condition of anonymity : sim vermeme artyla konumak

Spread of armed confrontations to neighboring states: Silahl atmalarn komu devletlere sramas (to) spread the flame of civil war : sava alevini yaymak (to) start / launch an investigation : Soruturma balatmak State bureaucracy : Devlet brokrasisi State Economic Enterprises : ktisadi Devlet Teekklleri State Institute of Statistics : Devlet statistikleri Enstits State Owned Enterprises : Kamu ktisadi Teebbsleri State Planning Organization : Devlet Planlama Tekilat State Security Court : Devlet Gvenlik Mahkemesi (to) stay in the ruling : ktidarda kalmak Strained Turco-Greek relations : Zoraki Trk-Yunan ilikileri (to) strengthen constitutional framework : Anayasal yapy glendirmek (to) strengthen the friendship : Dostluu glendirmek (to) study the recommendations : nerileri deerlendirmek (to) submit a petition : Dileke vermek Sub-committee : Alt kurul Sufficient foreign currency stocks / reservoir : Yeterli dviz stoku (to) suppress the riot : Ayaklanmay bastrmak Suppression on human rights : nsan haklar iin yaplan bask Suppressive anti-democratic authorities : Baskc anti-demokratik otoriteler Supreme Board of Privatization : zelletirme Yksek Kurulu Supreme Military Council : Yksek Askeri ura (YA) Surplus in current accounts : Cari hesap fazlas (to) swoop : Hcum etmek, yukardan stne ullanmak Systematic distortion : Sistematik bozulma (to) take a stand against terrorism (to) take asylum (to) take precautions / measures against ... (to) take refuge in safe areas (to) take refuge in schools (to) take tougher measures towards peace Taking necessary precautions Tampon area Tax amnesty Tax evasion Tax revenue (to) tender (his) resignation Terms of Reference Territorial integrity Territorial settlement Territorial waters Terrorists trying to leak into Turkey The Armed Forces Pension Fund The better-armed Serbs The center-right cabinet The chief prosecutor The enforcement of embargo : Terrizme kar tavr almak : ltica etmek : -e kar nlemler almak : Gvenli blgelere snmak : Okullara snmak : Bar iin daha sk tedbirler almak : Gerekli tedbirlerin alnmas : Tampon blge : Vergi aff : Vergi karma : Vergi iadesi : stifa(sn) talep etmek : Grev Ynergesi : Blgesel (toprak) btnl : Blgesel zm : Kara sular : Trkiyeye szmaya alan terristler : Ordu Yardmlama Kurumu (OYAK) : Daha iyi silahlanm Srplar : Orta-sa kabine : Basavc : Ambargonun teviki

The flow of arms to Turkey : Trkiyeye silah ak The High Education Board : Yksek renim Kurumu (YK) The issue was debated at length. : Mesele derinlemesine tartld. The Istanbul Water and Canalization Management : stanbul Su ve Kanalizasyon daresi (SK) The junior coalition partner : Kk koalisyon orta The junior partner of the coalition : Koalisyonun kk orta The outlawed PKK terrorist organization : Yasad PKK terr rgt The Privatization Board : zelletirme Kurulu The right to elect and be elected : Seme ve seilme hakk The State-owned Agricultural Credit Bank : Ziraat Bankas (to) take your time : Acele etmemek The tension is rising. : Gerginlik artyor. The term extension of the Navy Commander : Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutannn grev sresinin uzatlmas The then independent states : O zamann bamsz devletleri Thorny issue : Tehlikeli mesele Thousands of panicking civilians : Panik iindeki binlerce sivil (to) threaten secular regime : Laik dzeni tehdit etmek (to) threaten to hit back with a major counterattack: Byk bir kar taarruzla tehdit etmek (to) threaten to withhold continued support : Verilen destei kesmekle tehdit etmek Three-year bid to break away from Kremlin control : Kremlin kontrolnden kurtulmak iin harcanan yllk mcadele Three-year independence drive : yl sren bamszlk istei (to) tolerate and sympathize with the PKK : PKKya yardm ve yataklk etmek (to) topple Saddam : Saddam devirmek Tough measures : Sk tedbirler Trade Secretary : Ticaret Bakan Tranche = portion : Miktar, pay Transportation on International Roads : TIR Treasury and Foreign Trade Undersecretary : Hazine ve D Ticaret Mstear (to) trigger debate : Tartma balatmak Tripartite meeting : tarafla yaplan toplant True Path Party : Doru Yol Partisi Turkey does not recognize Kurds as a minority. : Trkiye Krtleri aznlk olarak deerlendirmiyor (tanmyor). Turkey is deeply grieved over Chechnya. : Trkiye eenistan konusunda derin znt duyuyor. Turkey is faced with a South East problem. : Trkiye bir Gneydou sorunuyla kar karya. Turkeys credit rate fell. : Trkiyenin kredi oran dt. Turkey will remain active in Cyprus problem. : Trkiye Kbrs sorununda rol almaya devam edecektir. Turkey Workers Party : Trkiye i Partisi Turkish Atomic Energy Administration/Institution : Trkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu Turkish Aviation Institute : Trk Hava Kurumu (THK) Turkish Cypriots : Kbrs Trkleri Turkish Grand National Assembly : Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi (TBMM)

Turkish Motorists and Drivers Association

: Trkiye frler ve Otomobilciler Dernei Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus(TRNC) : Kuzey Kbrs Trk Cumhuriyeti Turkish Scientific Technical Research Board : Trkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Aratrma Kurulu (TUBTAK) Turkish Straits Foundation : Trk Boazlar Kurumu Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges : Trkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birlii Ultra nationalists movements Unadjusted birth rate Unanimously Uncaring world Unconventional warfare Under construction Under shellfire Under siege Under the counter Underpaid and unprivileged civil servants Undersecretary Unilateral action Unilateral / bilateral / multilateral talks Unilateral peace-keeping Uninhabited industrial zone Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNPROPOR, U.N. Protection Force UN Security Council UN-sponsored peace Unresolved murders (to) uproot democracy and stability Use of chemical and biological agents Vast irrigation and energy scheme Vehicle registration paper Veneral disease Village guards (to) violate public order Violation of constitutional rights Violation of human rights Violation of U.N. decisions Virtue Party (to) voice his adverse condition (to) vote for independence Vulnerable to enemy attacks : Ar milliyeti hareketler : Dzensiz doum oran : Oybirliiyle : Duyarsz dnya : Gayrinizami sava : naat halinde : Ate altnda : Kuatma altnda : Yasa d yoldan, gizlice : Dk cretli ve imtiyazsz devlet memurlar : Mavir : Tek tarafl hareket : Tek / iki / ok tarafl grmeler : Tek-tarafl bar : Kullanlmayan endstriyel blge : nsan Haklar Evrensel Beyannamesi : B.M. Koruma Gc : B.M. Gvenlik Kurulu : B.M. destekli bar : Faili mehul cinayetler : Demokrasiyi ve istikrar bozmak : Kimyasal ve biyolojik sava maddelerinin kullanlmas : Geni apl sulama ve enerji projesi : Ruhsatname : Zhrevi hastalk : Ky korucular : Kamu dzenini bozmak : Anayasal haklarn ihlali : nsan haklarnn ihlali : B.M. kararlarnn ihlali : Fazilet Partisi : Kar olduunu aklamak : Bamszlktan yana oy kullanmak : Dman saldrlarna kar zayf

(to) wage a separatist terrorist campaign in Turkey : Trkiyede terrist ve ayrlk mcadele srdrmek War captives : Sava esirleri

War convicts War-torn Bosnia Weakening economic conditions Welfare Party Well-received Western-imposed no fly zone (to) widen the circle of peacemakers Widespread public opposition Widespread use of torture (to) win a slice (to) wipe out resistance (to) wish to remain anonymous (to) work through government channels Working committee

: Sava sulular : Savan paralad harabettii) Bosna : Ktleen ekonomik artlar : Refah Partisi : yi karlanm : Batnn belirledii uua kapal blge : Arabuluculuk sahasn geniletmek : Geni apl halk muhalefeti : Geni apl ikence uygulamas : Pay koparmak : Direnci krmak : sminin gizli tutulmasn istemek : Hkmet kanallaryla almak : alma komitesi

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