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Chinese, Mandarin Verb List (ai4) to hinder; to obstruct; to block

(ai4) to love; affection; to be fond of; to like

(ai4 fu3) to show tender care for; to care

for (affectionately)

(ai4 hao4) to like; to be fond of; to be keen


(an1 pai2) to arrange; to plan; to set up; to set up (an4) to shut the door; unilluminated

(ao1) to boil; stew; to simmer (ao4) to regret

(ba2 diao4) to pluck (ba4) to stop; cease; dismiss; suspend; to quit;

to finish (bai1) to break with both hands

(bai4) to chant (bai4) to pay respect; worship; visit; salute

(ban1) to pull or draw (up or out)

(ban4) to disguise oneself; to dress up; adorn

(ban4) to do; to manage; to handle; to go

about; to run; to set up; to deal with (ban4) to mix; mix in; to toss (a salad)

(ban4) to trip; stumble; hinder

(ban4 an4) to handle a case

(ban4 bao4) to run a newspaper

(ban4 dao4) to accomplish; to get sth done

(ban4 li3) to handle; to transact; to conduct

(ban4 shi4) to handle (affairs); to work

(ban4 sui2) to follow; to accompany (ban4 xue2) to run a school

(ban4 zou4) to accompany (musically)

(ban4 zui4) to punish

(bang1) to assist; to support; to help; group; gang; party

(bang3) to tie; bind or fasten together

(bang4) to flirt (bang4) to slander; defame; speak ill of

(bao3) to eat till full; satisfied

(bao3 chi2) to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve

(bao3 cun2) to conserve; to preserve; to keep (bao3 hu4) to defend; to protect; to safeguard

(bao3 zhang4) to ensure; to guarantee; to


(bao3 zheng4) to guarantee; to ensure; to

safeguard; to pledge (bao4) to crack; to explode or burst

(bao4 chou2) to revenge (oneself); to

avenge (bao4 fa1) to break out; to erupt; to

explode; to burst out (bao4 gao4) to inform; report; make known;

speech; talk; lecture

(bao4 lu4) to expose; to reveal

(bei1) to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder

(bei4) to dry over a fire; to bake

(bei4) to prepare; get ready; to provide or

equip (bei4 zhi4) to the utmost; in every possible

way (ben1) to hurry or rush; to run quickly; to elope

(ben3 tu3 hua4) to localize; localization (beng1) to stretch; taut; to tie; to bind

(beng3) to have a taut face

(beng4) to burst forth; to spurt; to crack; split

(beng4) to jump; bounce or hop

(bi3) to cause; to enable

(bi3 fang5 shuo1) to make an analogy...

(bi4) to benefit; to aid; advantageous;

profitable (bi4) to clear streets when emperor tours

(bi4) to close; stop up; shut; obstruct

(bi4) to cover; to shield; to screen; to conceal

(bi4) to protect; cover; shelter; hide or harbor

(bi4 mian3) to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to

refrain from (bi4 xu1) to have to; must

(bian1 cheng2) to program

(bian1 pai2) to arrange; to lay out

(bian3 zhi2) to become devaluated; to devaluate; to depreciate

(bian4 cheng2) to change into; to turn into;

to become

(bian4 ji2) to extend (everywhere)

(biao3 da2) to voice (an opinion); to

express; to convey

(biao3 shi4) to express; to show; to

express; to say; to state; to indicate

(biao3 yang2) to praise; to commend

(bing4 ba3) to include

(bo2) to anchor; touch at; to moor

(bo2 dou4) to wrestle; to fight; to struggle

(bo3) to winnow

(bu3) to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch (bu3) to divine; foretell (bu3 huo4) to catch; to capture; to seize (bu4 deng3) to vary; to differ; depending (bu4 diao4 yi2 zhi4) to be united in action (bu4 xing2) to go on foot; to walk (bu4 yue4) to stroll beneath the moon (bu4 yun4) to write a poem using another poem's rhymes (ca1 xie3) to erase (cai1) to guess (cai2 jian3) to reduce; to lessen; to cut down (cai2 yang2) to cut staff; to lay off employees (cai3) to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather (cai3 qu3 cuo4 shi1) to adopt a measure (cai3 yong4) to adopt; to employ; to use (can1 guan1) to look around; to inspect; visit and observe (can1 jia1) to participate; to take part; to join (can1 yu4) to participate (in sth) (cang2) to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate

(cao1) to hold; to drill; to exercise; to act; to do; to take in hand; to keep; to manage (cao1 chi5) to manage; to handle (cao1 lao2) to work hard; to look after (cao1 xin1) to worry about (cao1 zong4) to operate; to control (cao1 zuo4) to operate (ce4 ding4) to survey and evaluate (ce4 hui4) to survey and draw; to map (ce4 liang2) to survey and measure (ce4 tang3) to lie down (on one's side) (ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2) to come out one after the other (ceng2 jian4 die2 chu1) to occur frequently; to occur repeatedly (cha2) to cross; be stuck (cha2) to research; to check; to investigate; to examine; to refer to; to search (cha2 chu1) to find out; to discover (cha2 kan4) to watch; to look carefully at (cha2 xun2) to inquire; inquiry (cha3) to diverge; to open (as legs) (chai1) to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open

(chai1 san4) to break up (a marriage, family, etc.) (chai1 xie4) to unload; to dismantle (chan2) to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle (chan3) to express; disclose; enlighten; open (chang2) to compensate; pay back; to recompense (chang2) to taste (chang2 shi4) to try; to attempt (chao1 dao4) to take a shortcut (chao1 hou4 lu4) to outflank and attack from the rear (chao1 huo4) to search and seize (chao1 jia1) to search a house and confiscate possessions (chao1 lu4) to make a copy of (chao1 shen1) to search (a person); to frisk (chao1 song4) to make a copy (and send it to sb) (chao1 xi2) to plagiarize (chao1 xie3) to copy; to transcribe (chao1 yue4) to surpass; to exceed (chao3 jia4) to quarrel; to have a row

(che4) to crack; split; break; to chap (che4) to remove; to withdraw (chen1) to be angry at (chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1) to hit hard (chen4 tuo1) to set off (cheng1 zan4) to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to complement (cheng1 zhong4) to weigh (cheng2) to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a utensil (cheng2 di4) to present; to submit (cheng2 jie4) to discipline; reprimand (cheng2 qing3) to submit (to superiors) (cheng2 shou4) to bear; to support; to inherit (cheng2 wei2) to become; to turn into (cheng2 xian4) to appear; to emerge (chi1) to whip with bamboo strips (chi1 fan4) to eat a meal (chi1 jing1) to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed (chi1 wan2) to finish eating (chi2) to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain (chi2 dao4) to arrive late

(chi2 wu4) to delay; to procrastinate (chi2 yan2) to delay (chi2 yi2) to hesitate (chi4) to scold; shout at; to hoot at (chong1) to pound (grain); beat (chong1 xi3) to rinse; to wash (chong2 dao4) to repeat; to follow the same road as (chong2 fu4) to repeat; to duplicate (chong2 kai1) to reopen (chong2 xian4) to reappear (chong3) to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor (chou1) to draw out; to smoke (cigarettes); to pump (chou2 bao4) to repay; to reward (chou2 da2) to thank with a gift (chou2 he4) to respond to a poem with a poem (chou2 xie4) to thank with a gift (chou2 zuo4) to exchange toasts (chou3) to see; look; take a look at (chu1 ban3) to publish; to come off the press; to put out (chu1 fa1) to start out; to set off

(chu1 feng1 tou5) to create a stir; to enjoy the limelight (chu1 kou3) to speak; to exit; to go out; to export (chu1 lai5) to come out; to emerge (chu1 mai4) to sell (off) (chu1 sheng1) to be born (chu1 shou4) to sell (chu1 xian4) to appear; to arise; to emerge (chu1 yuan4) to leave hospital (chu1 zou3) to flee; to run away (chu1 zu1) to rent (chu3 li3) to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process (chu4 dian4) to get an electric shock (chuai4) to gnaw; eat ravenously (chuan1 guo4) to pass through (chuan2 bo1) to disseminate; to propagate; to spread (chuan2 song4) to convey; to deliver (chuan3) to gasp; to pant; asthma (chuan3 qi4) to breathe deeply; to pant (chuan3 xu1 xu1) to blow

(chuan3 zi1) to gasp for breath; to take a breather (chuang3) to rush; break through (chuang4 ji4 lu4) to set a record (chuang4 jian4) to found; to establish (chuang4 li4) to found; establish; originate (chuang4 zao4) to create; to bring about; to produce (chui1) to blow; blast; puff; boast; brag; end in failure (chui2) to hammer; weight of steel yard (chui2 xia4) to hang down (ci4 gei3) to bestow; to give (cu2) to go; to reach (cu4) to hurry; to rush; to hasten; near; to promote (cu4 jin4) to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost (cuan4) to seize; to usurp (cuan4 duo2) to usurp; to seize (cuan4 gai3) to tamper with; to falsify (cuan4 wei2) to seize the throne (cui1 can2) to ravage; to ruin (cun2 fang4) to deposit; to leave in sb's care

(cun2 zai4) to exist; to be (cuo1) to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist (cuo4) to file (da1) to answer; agree (da2 bian4) to reply (to an accusation, e.g.) (da2 cheng2) to reach (an agreement); to accomplish (da2 dao4) to reach; to achieve; to attain (da2 dui4) to reply; to answer (da2 hua4) to reply; to answer (da2 xie4) to express one's thanks (da3 bai4) to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated (da3 dian4 hua4) to make a telephone call (da3 ji1) to hit; to strike; to attack (da3 jin4) to breach; to invade (da3 kai1) to break open (da3 pai2) to play mahjong or cards (da3 po4) to break; to smash (da3 quan2) to do shadowboxing (da3 sao3) to clean; to sweep (da3 suan4) to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation

(da3 yin4) to print; to seal; to stamp (da3 zhen1) to give or have an injection (da3 zi4) to type (da4 bian4) to defecate; excrement; feces (da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1) to the satisfaction of everyone (dai4) to put on; to respect; to bear; to support; wear (glasses; hat; gloves) (dai4 dong4) to spur; to provide impetus; to drive (dan1) to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility (dan4) to hate (dan4 sheng1) to be born (dang1 xin1) to take care; to look out (dang4 zuo4) to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as (dao3) to fall; to collapse; to topple; to change; to fail; bankrupt (dao3) to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct (dao3 bi4) to go bankrupt; to close down (dao3 zhi4) to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about

(dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2) to lead to death; to result in death (dao4 da2) to reach; to arrive (dao4 qian4) to apologize; to make an apology (dao4 xie4) to express thanks (de2 bing4) to fall ill; to contract a disease (de2 dao4) to get; to obtain; to receive (de2 fen1) to score (dei3) to have to; must; ought to; to need to (deng1 ji4) to register (one's name) (deng1 lu4) to land (di1) to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; low; to incline; beneath; low (di3 kang4) to resist; resistance (di4) to hand over; to pass; to give (diao4) to drop; to fall (diao4) to fish with a hook and bait (diao4) to hang a person (diao4 bian4) to modulate (die1) to drop; to fall; to tumble (die1 dao3) to fall; to tumble (die2) to spy (ding3 ti4) to replace

(ding3 yong4) to be of use (ding3 zhu4) to withstand; to stand up to (ding4) to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order (ding4) to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order (ding4 jia4) to set a price; to fix a price (ding4 piao4) to issue tickets (ding4 zuo4) to have something made to order (diu1) to lose; to put aside; to throw (diu1 fan4 wan3) to lose one's job (dong3) to understand; to know (dong3 de5) to understand; to know; to comprehend (dong3 hang2) to know the ropes (dong4) to freeze (dong4) to use; to act; to move; to change (dong4 gou4) to order; to subscribe; subscriber (dong4 shou3) to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to touch (dou4) to fight; to battle; to struggle; to incite (du2) to read; to study

(du2 lan3) to monopolize (du2 lan3 shi4 chang2) to monopolize a market (du2 li4) to be independent; to stand alone (du4) to cross; to pass through; to ferry (du4 guo4) to cross over; pass through (duan4 lian4) to do physical training (dui4) to cash (dui4 huan4) to convert; to exchange (dun1 cu4) to press; to urge; to hasten (duo1 gong1) to multiplex; multiple; multi (duo1 gong1 hua4) to multiplex (e2) to chant (e3 xin1) to hate; to loathe (e4) to be hungry; hungry (e4) to stop; check (e4) to whitewash; to plaster (en4) to press (with finger) (fa1) to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop (fa1 biao3) to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out (fa1 bu4) to release; to issue; to distribute

(fa1 bu4 xin1 ruan3 jian4) to release new software (fa1 chu1) to send out; to issue (fa1 dong4) to start; to launch; to mobilize (fa1 han4) to sweat (fa1 ji1) to rise to power and position (fa1 ming2) to invent; invention (fa1 she4) to shoot; to fire; to launch (fa1 sheng1) to happen; to occur; to take place (fa1 shi4) to vow; to pledge; to swear (fa1 song4) to transmit; to dispatch (fa1 xian4) to find; to discover (fa1 zhan3 he2 wu3 qi4) to develop nuclear weapons (fa2) to punish; to penalize (fa2 jiu3) to drink as the result of having lost a bet (fan3) to return (to) (fan3 dui4) to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition (fan4) to violate; to offend (fan4 bing4) to fall ill (fan4 chou2) to worry; to be anxious

(fan4 cuo4) to err (fan4 fa3) to break the law (fan4 yun4) to transport (for sale); to traffic (in sth) (fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4) to be unfolding (fang2) to protect; to defend; to guard (against) (fang2 wei4) to defend; defensive (fang2 zhi3) to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions (fang3) to imitate; to copy (fang3 xiao4) to copy; to imitate (fang3 zhen1) to emulate; emulation (fang4) to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out (fang4 chu1) to let off; to give out (fang4 jia4) to have a holiday or vacation (fang4 qi4) to renounce; to abandon; to give up (fang4 she4) to radiate; radioactive (fang4 xin1) to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to rest (fei1) to fly (fei1 chang2 yan2 li4) to punish severely (fei4) to bark

(fei4) to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; (surname) (fen1 ge1) to cut up; to break up (fen1 kai1) to separate; to part (fen1 li2) to separate (fen1 pei4) to distribute; to assign; to allocate (fen1 san4 zhu4 yi4) to distract (fen1 xi1) to analyze; analysis (feng1) to confer; to grant; to seal; (a measure word) (feng2) to sew; to stitch (feng4) to receive (from superior); to offer; to revere (feng4 xing2) to pursue (a course, a policy) (fou3) to negate; to deny; not (fou3 ren4) to declare to be untrue; to deny (fu2) to float (fu2) to support with hand; to help sb. up; to help (fu2 chi2) to help; to assist (fu2 wu4) to serve; service (fu3) to assist; to complement; auxiliary (fu3) to comfort; touch gently with hand

(fu3 dao3) to coach; to tutor; to give advise (in study) (fu3 yang3) to foster; to bring up; to raise (fu3 yang3 cheng2 ren2) to bring up (a child) (fu3 zhu4) to assist; to aide (fu4) to add; to attach; to be close to; to be attached (fu4) to order (fu4 gai4) to cover (fu4 xi2) to revise; to review (fu4 yu2) to be full of; to be rich in (fu4 zhi4) to duplicate; to reproduce; to make a copy of; to copy (gai3) to change; to alter; to transform; to correct (gai3 bian1) to adapt; to rearrange; to revise (gai3 bian4) to change; to alter; to transform (gai3 ge2) to reform (gai3 guo4) to correct; to fix (gai3 jin4) to improve; to make better (gai3 kou3) to correct oneself; to withdraw or modify one's previous remark (gai3 ming2) to change ones name

(gai3 shan4) to make better; to improve (gai3 shan4 guan1 xi5) to improve relations (gai3 shan4 tong1 xun4) to improve communications (gai3 zao4) to change; to alter; to transform (gai3 zheng4) to correct; to amend; to put right; correction (gai4 zhang1) to affix a seal (to sth) (gan1 bei1) to drink a toast; to propose a toast; here's to; cheers (gan3) to catch up; to overtake; to hurry; to rush; to drive away (gan3) to feel; to move; to touch; to affect (gan3 dao4) to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; think that; to move; to affect (gan3 dong4) to move (sb); to touch; moving (gan3 jue2) to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception (gan3 mao4) to catch cold; (common) cold (gan3 tan4) to sigh (with feeling) (gan4) to work; to do; to manage (gao3) to do; to make; to go in for; to set up; to get hold of; to take care of

(gao4) to tell; to inform; to say

(gao4 bie2) to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to (gao4 su5) to tell; to inform; to let know (ge1) to place (ge2) to hug (ge2) to separate; to stand or lie between; to divide; to cut off (ge2 kai1) to separate (ge2 li2) to separate; to isolate (ge2 shi4 hua4) to format (gen1) to follow; to go with; heel; with; and (gen1 sui2) to follow (geng1) to change (geng1) to plow; to till (geng1 zhong4) to till; to cultivate (gong1) to attack; to accuse; to study (gong1 ji1) to attack; to accuse; to charge; (military) attack (gong1 ke4) to capture; to take (gong1 ran2 biao3 shi4) to state openly (gong1 ye4 hua4) to industrialize; industrialization

(gong4 xian4) to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution (gong4 xiang3) to share (gong4 you3) to have altogether; in all (gong4 zun2) to coexist (gou1) to cancel; to delineate; hook (gou1 hua4) to sketch; to delineate (gou4) to buy; to purchase (gou4) to marry; to copulate (gou4) to reach; to be enough (gou4 cheng2) to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up (gou4 he2) to make peace (gu1) to deal in liquors (gu3 li4) to encourage (gu3 zhang3) to applaud (gua1) to scrape; to blow (gua4) to hang; to put up; to suspend (gua4 hao3) to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.) (gua4 hao4) to register (a letter, etc.) (guai3 wan1) to turn a corner (guan1) to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold

(guan1 cha2) to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine (guan1 kan4) to watch; to view (guan4) to head (guan4 gai4) to irrigate (guang3 gao4) to advertise (guang4) to stroll; to visit (gui1) to go back; to return (gui1 bi4) to evade; to dodge (gui1 quan4) to advise (gun3) to boil; to roll (guo2) to slap (guo4 lai2) to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of (guo4 lai5) to come over; to come up (guo4 lu:4) to filter (hai2 shuo1) to add (in speaking); to also say (hai4) to do harm to; to cause trouble to; harm; evil; calamity (hai4 pa4) to be afraid; to be scared (han2) to keep; to contain (han4) to solder; weld by heat (hao4 fei4) to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander

(he1) to blame; ridicule in loud voice (he2) to dry; to dry up (he2 fa3 hua4) to legalize; to make legal; legalization (he2 hao3) to become reconciled (he2 zuo4) to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation (hen4) to hate (heng2) to weigh; weight; measure (heng2 sao3) to sweep away (hu1) to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale (hu1 jiao4) to shout; to yell (hu4 huan4) to exchange (hu4 nong5) to fool; to deceive (hu4 tong1) to intercommunicate; to interoperate (hua2) to row (hua2 bing1) to skate; skating (hua2 xue3) to ski; skiing (hua4) to delimit; to transfer (hua4) to mark off; draw (a line) (hua4 fen1) to divide (hua4 zhuang1) to put on make-up

(huai2) to think of; to cherish; mind; heart; bosom (huai2 nian4) to cherish the memory of; to think of (huai2 yi2) to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion (huai2 yun4) to be pregnant (huan1 ying2) to welcome; welcome (huan2 rao4) to surround; to rotate (huan3 chong1) to buffer (huan3 he2) to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild (huan4) to call (huang3 bao4) to lie (hui1) to restore; to recover; great (hui1 fu4) to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain (hui2 gu4) to look back; to review (hui2 gu4 li4 shi3) to look back at history (hui2 gui1) to return (to previous condition); Hong Kong's return to Chinese sovereignty; to regress (hui2 gui1 zhong1 guo2) to return to China (e.g. Hong Kong) (hui3) to destroy; to damage; to ruin

(hui4) to draw; to paint (hui4 bao4) to report; to give an account of; report (hui4 ji2) to collect; to compile; to converge (hui4 jian4) to meet with (someone who is paying a visit) (hui4 tu2) to draw; to draft (hui4 zhi4) to draw; to draft (hun1) to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife (hun1 mi2) to lose consciousness; to be in a coma (hun4) to mix; to get along; thoughtless (hun4 he2) to mix; to blend (huo2) to live; alive; living; work; workmanship (huo4) to catch; to obtain; to capture (huo4 de2) to obtain; to receive; to get (ji1) to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing (ji1) to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent (ji1) to divine (ji1) to hit; to strike; to break (ji1 dong4) to excite; to agitate; exciting

(ji1 fa1) to arouse; to excite (ji2) to gather; to collect; collected works (ji2) to reach; and (ji2 ge2) to pass a test (ji2 zhong1) to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together (ji3) to supply; provide (ji4) to calculate; to compute; to count; reckon; ruse; to plan (ji4) to continue; to follow after; then; afterwards; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit (ji4) to reach; when (ji4) to remember; to note; mark; sign; to record (ji4 cheng2) to inherit; to carry on; to succeed (ji4 de5) to remember (ji4 nian4) to commemorate; to remember (ji4 song4) to send; to transmit (ji4 suan4) to count; to calculate; to compute (ji4 xu4) to continue; to proceed with; to go on with (ji4 zhu5) to remember (jia1) to add; plus (jia1 jin3) to intensify; to speed up; to step up (jia1 kuai4) to accelerate; to speed up

(jia1 mi4) to encrypt; encryption (jia1 qiang2) to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase (jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4) to tighten control (over sth) (jia1 ru4) to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in (jia1 shang4) to put in; to add; plus; to add on; to add into (jia1 shen1) to deepen (jia1 you2) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb. on (jia3 ding4) to assume; to suppose (jia4) to drive; to draw; to harness; to mount (jia4) to support; frame; rack; framework (jia4 shi3) to drive (jia4 yu4) to control; to drive (jian1 bing4) to annex; to take over; to acquire (jian1 chi2) to continue upholding; to remain committed to; persistence; to persist; to uphold; to insist on (jian1 du1) to control; to supervise; to inspect (jian1 jue2 fou3 ren4) to firmly deny (jian1 kong4) to monitor

(jian3) to check; to examine; to inspect (jian3) to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish (jian3 ce4) to detect (jian3 cha2) to inspect; check up (on) (jian3 dan1 de5 shuo1) to put it simply; simply put (jian3 fei2) to lose weight (jian3 huan3) to slow down; to retard (jian3 shao3) to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower (jian3 yan4) to inspect; to examine; to test (jian4) to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct (jian4) to see; to meet; to appear (to be sth); to interview (jian4 bie2) to differentiate; to distinguish (jian4 ding4) to appraise; to identify; to evaluate (jian4 jiao1) to establish diplomatic relations (jian4 ru4) to key in; to input (jian4 shang3) to appreciate (jian4 she4) to build; to construct; construction; constructive

(jian4 yi4) to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation (jiang3) to plough; to sow (jiang3) to talk; speech; to speak; to tell; to explain (jiang3 jie3) to explain (jiang4) to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend (jiang4 di1) to reduce; to lower; to bring down (jiang4 luo4) to descend; to land (jiao1) to deliver; to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines); to pay (money) (jiao1) to water (jiao1 gou4) to have sex; to copulate (jiao1 huan4) to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom) (jiao1 ti2) to replace; alternately; in turn (jiao2) to chew (jiao3) to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir (jiao3 ban4) to stir; to agitate (jiao3 bian4) to quibble (jiao3 dong3) to mix; to stir (jiao3 hun5) to mix; to blend

(jiao3 huo4) to mix (up); to blend; to spoil (jiao3 jin4 nao3 zhi1) to wrack one's brains (jiao3 lai4) to deny (through sophism) (jiao3 luan4) to confuse (jiao3 rao3) to disturb; to annoy (jiao3 ruo4) to weaken; to fall off (jiao4 xing3) to call awake; to wake up (someone); to awaken (jiao4 yan4) to check; to examine (jiao4 yu4) to educate; to teach; education (jie1) to extend; to connect; to receive; to join (jie1 bo2) to access (jie1 ren2) to meet a person (jie1 shi4) to show; to make known (jie1 shou1) to receive; to accept (jie1 shou4) to accept; to receive (jie1 tong1) to connect; to put through (jie2 he2) to combine; to link; to integrate (jie2 hun1) to marry; to get married (jie2 jin4 quan2 li4) to spare no effort; do one's utmost (jie2 zhang4) to settle accounts

(jie3) to separate; to divide; to break up; to loosen; to explain; to untie; to emancipate (jie3 diao4) to demodulate (jie3 gu4) to fire; to sack; to dismiss (jie3 jue2) to settle (a dispute); resolve; to resolve; to solve (jie3 kai1) to untie; to undo (jie3 ma3) to decode; to decipher (jie3 xi1) to analyze; to resolve (jie3 ya1 suo1) to decompress; decompression (esp. computer) (jie4) to lend; to borrow; excuse; pretext; by means of (jie4 shao4) to present; introduction; to introduce (jie4 zhu4) to get help from (jin3) to the utmost (jin4) to prohibit; to forbid (jin4) to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth) (jin4 ru4) to enter; to join; to go into (jin4 xing2) to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to conduct; to execute

(jin4 xing2 diao4 cha2) to carry out an investigation (jin4 xing2 jiao1 yi4) to carry out a transaction (jin4 xing2 tong1 xin4) to communicate; to carry out communications (jin4 xing2 xing4 jiao1) to have sex; to have sexual intercourse (jin4 zhan3) to make headway; to make progress (jin4 zhi3) to prohibit (jing1) to be fearful; apprehensive (jing1) to start; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm (jing1 guo4) to pass; to go through; process; course (jing1 jian3) to simplify; to reduce (jing1 jian3 kai1 zhi1) to reduce spending; to cut spending (jing1 xiao1) to sell; to distribute (jing1 yan4) to experience; experience (jing3) to alert; to warn (jing3 gao4) to warn; to admonish (jing3 jie4) to warn; to be alert for (jing4) to compete; to contend; to struggle

(jing4) to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer (jing4 zheng1) to compete; competition (jing4 zhong4) to respect deeply; to revere; to esteem (jing4 zhu4) to respectfully offer (written at the end of letter from someone of lower status to higher status) (jiu1) to clutch (jiu1 ban4) to investigate and deal with (jiu1 cha2) to picket (jiu1 ji2) to gather together; to muster (jiu1 pian1) to correct an error (jiu1 zheng4) to correct; to make right (jiu4) to save; to assist; to rescue (jiu4 yuan2) to save; to support; to help; to assist (ju1) to bring up; to rear; Ju (a surname) (ju1) to mend (china) with staples (ju1 gong1) to bow (ju3) to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect (ju3 ban4) to conduct; to hold (ju3 li4) to give an example (ju3 xing2) to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)

(ju4) to fear (ju4) to resist; to repel; to refuse (ju4 jue2) to refuse; to decline; to reject (juan1) to confine; enclose (juan1) to contribute; to donate; tax; to abandon (juan1 xian4) to donate; to contribute (juan1 zeng4) to donate; to give (away) (juan3) to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on (juan3 ru4) to draw into; to involve (jue2) to chew (jue2 de5) to think; to feel (jue2 ding4) to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve (jun1) to chap (ka3) to check; to stop; to block; card (kai1 che1) to drive a car (kai1 chu2) to expel (kai1 chu2 xue2 ji2) to expel from school (kai1 dao1) to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on (kai1 mu4) to open (a conference, e.g.); to inaugurate (kai1 wan2 xiao4) to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke

(kai1 xin1) to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody (kan1) to investigate; to survey; to collate (kan1) to look after; to take care of; to watch;

to guard (kan1) to print; publish (kan1 ce4) to investigate; to survey (kan1 wu4) to correct printing errors

(kan3) to chop (kan4 jian4) to see; to catch sight of (kang4) to resist; to fight; to defy (kao3) to beat; to flog; to examine by torture (kao3) to check; to verify; to test; to examine (kao3) to roast; bake; to broil (kao3 bei4) to copy (kao3 da3) to beat; to flog (kao3 hua1) to emboss (kao3 lu:4) to think over; to consider; consideration (kao3 wen4) to question via torture (ke1) to tap; knock (ke2 sou5) to cough (ke3 shen1) to fit well (clothes)

(ke4) to crack (seeds) with front teeth (ke4) to woof (ken3) to agree; to consent; to be ready (to do sth); willing (ken3) to gnaw; to nibble; to bite (ken3 ding4) to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative (kong3 he4) to threaten; to menace (kong4) to accuse; to charge; to control; to sue (kou4 shang4) to buckle up; to fasten (ku1) to cry; to weep (ku1) to cut open; rip up; scoop out (kua1) to boast (kua1) to boast (kua1 zhang1) to exaggerate; to overstate (kua4 yue4) to step across; step over (kuai4) to balance an account; accounting (kui4) to sigh (kui4 lan4) to fester; to ulcerate (kuo4 chong1) to expand (kuo4 da4) to expand; to enlarge (la1) to pull; to play (string instruments); to drag; to draw (la2) to slash

(lai2) to come (lai2) to come (lai2 dao4) to come; to arrive (lai2 wang3) to come and go (lai2 zi4) to come from (a place) (lan2 zhu4) to stop; to bar the way (lang4 dang4) to loiter; to hang around (lang4 fei4) to waste; to squander (lao2) to chatter (lei4 tui1) to reason by analogy (leng4) to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; stupefied; blank (li2) to leave; to depart; to go away; from (li2 hun1) to divorce; to be divorced from (one's wife or husband) (li2 kai1) to depart; to leave (li2 kai1 bei3 jing1) to leave Beijing; to depart from Beijing (li2 kai1 gu4 xiang4) to leave one' homeland (li3 jie3) to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand (li4) to bully; wheel-rut

(li4) to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; calendar (li4 shi2) to last; to take (time); period (lian2) to ally; to unite; to join (lian2) to pity (lian2 he2) to combine; to join; unite; alliance (lian2 jie1) to link; to join; to attach; connection (lian2 jie1 zhi4) to connect to (lian2 jie2) to bind; to tie; to link (lian4) to practice; to train; to perfect (one's skill); to drill (lian4 ai4) to have a love affair; to be in love; to love; love (liang2) to measure (liang4) to dry in the air (liang4 li4) to estimate one's strength (liao2) to chat; to have a chat; to kill time (liao2) to treat; to cure (liao3) to know; to understand; to know (liao4) to leave (it) (lie4) to arrange; to line up; row; file; series (lin2) to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before

(lin2 mo2) to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.) (lin2 xie3) to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting) (lin2 xuan3) to pick; to choose; to select (lin4) to rent (ling3 shou4) to accept (ling3 xian1) to lead; to be in front (ling4 ji4) to mail separately (ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4) to start from scratch; to set up a separate kitchen (ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4) to view in a new light (liu2) to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move (liu2 lan3) to skim over; to browse (liu2 tong1) to circulate (liu2 wang2 zai4 hai3 wai4) to be in exile overseas (liu2 xue2) to study abroad (liu2 yan2) to leave one's comments; to leave a message (liu4) to stroll; walk a horse; to linger (lou3) to hug; to embrace (lou3 bao4) to hug; to embrace

(lu:4) to strain; to filter (lu4) to record; to hit; to copy (lu4) to show; to reveal; to expose; dew (lu4 gong4) to take down a confession (lu4 qu3) to recruit; to enroll (luan4 chi1) to eat indiscriminately (luan4 shuo1) to make irresponsible remarks (luan4 xie3) to write without basis (luan4 zuo4 jue2 ding4) to make arbitrary decisions (lun2 xun2) to poll; polling (luo2 lie4) to spread out (luo4 shi2) to implement; to carry out; practical; workable (ma2 zui4) to anaesthetize (mai3 hao3) to ingratiate oneself (mai3 tong1) to bribe (mai3 zhang4) to show respect (for sb) (mai4) to sell (man2) to blame (man3 yi4) to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased (man3 zu2) to satisfy; to meet (the needs of) (man4) to plaster

(man4) to spread (man4 yan2) to extend; to spread (man4 yan2 quan2 guo2) to spread throughout the entire country (mei2 you3 lian2 xi4) to be unrelated (meng4) to dream (meng4 jian5) to dream; to see in a dream (meng4 xian3) to dream of (in vain) (meng4 you2 zheng4) to sleepwalk (mi1) to squint (mi2 huo5) to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle (mi2 lian4) to be infatuated with; to indulge in (mi3) to stop; repress (mian3) to exempt; to remove; to avoid; to excuse (mian3 chu2) to prevent; to avoid (mian4 lin2 kun4 nan2) to be faced with problems (mian4 xiang4) to face; to turn towards; oriented (miao2) to aim (miao2 hong2) to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write) (miao2 hua4) to draw; to describe

(miao2 hui4) to describe; to portray (miao2 jin1) to outline in gold (miao2 mo2) to describe; to portray (miao2 shu4) to describe (miao2 tu2) to trace (miao2 xie3) to describe; to depict; to portray (ming2) to cry (of birds) (mo2) to sharpen; to delay; hardship; to grind; to rub (mo2 fang3) to imitate; to copy (mo3 you2) to anoint (mo4) to end; to die (mou2) to plan; seek; scheme (mou2) to wind round (mu4 hua4) to collect alms (Buddhism) (mu4 ji2) to raise; to collect (mu4 juan1) to solicit contributions (na2) to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take (na2 zu3 yi5) to make a decision; to make up one's mind (na4) to accept; to pay (tax etc.) (nai3) to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon

(nai3 shi4) to be (nai4) to be unbearable; unable to endure (nao2) to scratch (nei4 ma3) to encode (ni4) to hide (nian4) to read aloud (nie1) to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up (nie1 gu5) to act as a go-between (nie1 hu2) to act as a go between (nie1 zao4) to make up; to fabricate (ning2) to pinch; wring (niu3) to turn; to twist; to grab; to wring (niu3) to turn; to wrench; button (nong4) to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with (nu3) to exert; to strive (nuo2) to shift; to move (nuo2 dong4) to move; to shift (nuo2 jie4) to borrow money for a short time (nuo2 wor1) to move (to a house) (nuo2 yong4) to embezzle; to divert funds (nuo4) to promise; to yes (pa1) to lie on one's stomach

(pa4) to be afraid; to fear ,medo

(pai1) to clap; to pat; to beat; to hit; to slap; to take (a picture) (pai1 zhao4) to take a picture (pai2 dui4) to line up (pai4 gei3 gong1 zuo4) to task (pan4) to betray; to rebel; to revolt (pan4) to hope for; to long for; to expect (pan4) to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern (pan4 chu3) to sentence; to condemn (pan4 chu3 si3 xing2) to sentence to death (pan4 duan4) to decide; to determine (pan4 mai4) to betray (pan4 ming2) to distinguish; to ascertain (pan4 ni4) to rebel; to revolt (pan4 wang4) to hope for; look forward to (pang2 lu4) to bypass (pang3) to weed (pao1) to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon (pao2) to roar (pao3) to run; to escape

(pao3 bu4) to walk quickly; to march; to run (pao3 jiang1 hu2) to make a living as a traveling performer, etc. (pao3 jing3 bao4) to run for shelter (pao3 long2 tao4) to play a small role (pao3 tuir3) to run errands (pao4) to steep; soak (pei1) to spit (in contempt) (pei2) to accompany; to keep sb. company (pei2) to cultivate; to earth up (pei2 tu3) to earth up (pei2 xiu1) to repair earthworks (pei2 xun4) to cultivate; to train (pei2 yang3) to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position) (pei2 yu4) to train; to breed (pei2 zhi2) to cultivate; to train (pei4) to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to deserve; to make up (a prescription) (pei4) to respect; wear (belt; etc.) (pei4 bei4) to allocate; to provide; to outfit with (pei4 zhi4) to deploy (pen1) to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt

(peng2 bi3 wei2 jian1) to conspire; to gang up (peng2 zhang4) to expand; to inflate; to swell (peng4) to touch; to meet with; to bump (peng4 chu4) to touch (peng4 jian4) to run into; to meet (pi1) to ascertain; (measure word for batches, lots); to act on; to criticize; to pass on (pi1 liang4 sheng1 chan3) to mass produce (pi1 lu4) to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce (pi1 ping2) to criticize; criticism (pi1 zhun3) to approve; to ratify (pi3) to part (pi4) to break wind; to fart (pi4) to match; to pair (pian2) to limp (pian4) to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to full (pian4 qu3) to gain by cheating (piao1) to float (piao1) to float; to drift (piao1) to rob; swift; nimble (piao1 fu2) to float; superficial

(piao3) to bleach (pin1 ming4) to be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.) (pin1 qi5 lai5) to put together (ping2) to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal) (ping2 bi3) to evaluate (by comparison) (ping2 jia4) to evaluate; to assess (ping2 xuan3) to choose (po4) to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out (po4) to force; to compel; pressing; urgent (po4 chan3) to go bankrupt; to become impoverished (pou1) to cut (pu1) to rush at; to throw oneself on (pu1) to spread (pu4) to air; to sun (qi1) to roost (qi1) to roost (qi1) to steep (tea) (qi1) to stitch finely (qi1 dai4) to look forward to; to await (qi1 fu5) to bully

(qi1 ling2) to bully and humiliate (qi1 man2) to fool; to hoodwink; to dupe (qi1 man3) to expire; to run out; to come to an end (qi1 pian4) to deceive; to cheat (qi1 wu3) to bully (qi1 ya1) to bully; to push around (qi1 zha4) to cheat (qi2) to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride (qi2 dao3) to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer (qi3) to open; to start (qi3) to rise; to raise; to get up (qi3 chuang2) to get up (qi3 dong4) to start (qi3 fei1) to take off (in an airplane) (qi3 su4) to sue; to bring a lawsuit against (qi4) to build by laying bricks or stones (qi4) to marry off (a daughter) (qi4) to repair (qi4) to rest (qi4) to sob (qi4 jiu4 tu2 xin1) to turn over a new leaf

(qi4 quan2) to abstain from voting; to forfeit; to waive one's right to vote (qi4 ren2) to get someone angry; to get someone annoyed (qi4 shi4) to leave this word; to die (qi4 zhi4) to throw away; to discard (qian1) to move; to shift (qian1 chu1) to log off (qian1 ding4) to agree to and sign (a treaty, etc) (qian1 du1) to move the capitol (city) (qian1 jiu4) to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth) (qian1 ju1) to move (from one residence to another) (qian1 ming2) to sign (one's name with a pen, etc.); to autograph (qian1 nu4) to take one's anger out on sb (who does not deserve it) (qian1 ru4) to log on; to log in (qian1 shu3) to sign (an agreement) (qian1 xi3) to migrate; to move (qian1 yi2) to migrate; to move (qian1 zi4) to sign (a signature)

(qian2 fu2) to hide; to cover up; to conceal (qian2 jin4) to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward (qiang2 diao4) to emphasize (a statement); to stress (qiang2 hua4) to strengthen; to intensify (qiang3 xian3) to rush (to do sth urgent) (qiao1 ru4) to key in; to input (qiao4) to lift (qie1) to cut; to slice (qie1 huan4) to cut over (qin1) to invade; to infringe; to approach (qin1 fan4) to infringe on; to encroach on; violate (qin1 hai4) to encroach on; to infringe on (qin1 jie2) to hack (computer) (qin1 rao3) to invade and harass (qin1 ru4) to make (military) incursions; to invade (qin1 shi2) to erode; to corrode (qin1 tun1) to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle (qin1 xi2) to invade and attack (qin1 zhan4) to invade and occupy (territory)

(qin4) to press (bell) (qing1) to overturn; to collapse; to lean; to tend; to incline; to pour out (qing1 xi3) to wash; to clean; to purge (qing1 xiao1) to dump (goods, products) (qing2) to raise (hand) (qing3) to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal, etc); to request (qiu2) to bribe (qiu2) to seek; to look for; to request; to demand; to beseech (qu1) to exercise (qu1) to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly (qu1) to hasten; to hurry; walk fast (qu1 dong4) to drive (qu1 feng4) to fawn on; to kiss up to (qu1 fu2) to surrender; to yield (qu1 fu4) to ingratiate oneself (qu1 shi2) to follow fashion (qu3) to take; to get; to choose; to fetch (qu3 de2) to acquire; to get; to obtain (qu3 de2 da4 xue2 xue2 wei4) to obtain a university education

(qu3 nuan3) to warm oneself (by a fire, etc.) (qu3 xiao1 jin4 ling4) to life a prohibition; to lift a ban (qu4) to go; to leave (qu4) to go; to leave; to remove (qu4) to spy; watch for (qu4 guo2 wai4) to go abroad (qu4 shi4) to pass away; to die (qu4 wei4) to interest (quan1) to reform (quan2) to curl; curled (quan4) to advise; to urge; to try to persuade (que4 bing4) to prevent or treat a disease (que4 bu4) to step back (que4 zhen3) to make a definite diagnosis (que4 zhi1 bu4 gong1) to refuse would be impolite (ran3) to catch (a disease); dye (rang4) to ask; to let; permit; have (someone do something); to yield; to allow (rang4 kai5) to get out of the way; to step aside (rang4 lu4) to make way (for sth) (rang4 qiu2) to concede points (in a game)

(rang4 wei4) to abdicate; to yield (rang4 zuo4) to give up one's seat; to be seated (re3) to provoke; to exasperate; to annoy (re3) to salute; make one's curtsy (re4 tang4) to burn (ren3) to beat; to endure; to tolerate (ren4) to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility (ren4) to recognize; to know; to admit (ren4) to string; to thread (needle) (ren4 mian3) to appoint and dismiss (ren4 ming4) to appoint and nominate (ren4 wei2) to believe; to think; to consider; to feel (ren4 yong4) to appoint; to assign (ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1) to increase daily (rong2) to hold; to contain; to allow; appearance; look; countenance (rong2) to smelt; fuse (rong2 ren3) to put up with; to tolerate (ru2) to squirm; to wiggle; to wriggle (ru2 dong4) to wiggle; to squirm (ru4) to enter (ru4 mi2) to be fascinated; to be enchanted

(ru4 qin1) to invade (ruo4) to seem; like; as; if (sa3) to scatter (sai4) to compete; competition; match (san3) to mix (of powders) (san3 bo4) to spread (san4 bu4) to take a walk; to go for a walk (sao3) to sweep (sha1) to brake (car)

(sha1) to kill; to murder; to slaughter (shai1) to filter; to sift; to sieve (shai1 xuan3) to filter (shai4) to sun (shai4) to sun (shan1) to delete (shan1) to fan (shan1) to mix water with clay (shan1 chu2) to delete (shan3) to grasp (shan4) to geld (shan4) to support; provide for (shan4 chang2) to be good at; to be expert in (shang1 ye4 hua4) to commercialize

(shang4 ban1) to go to work; to be on duty;

to start work; to go to the office (shang4 che1) to get on or into (a bus, train,

car etc.) (shang4 ke4) to attend class (shang4 xue2) to go to school; to attend school (shang4 zai4) to upload (shao1) to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; fever (she3) to abandon; to give up (she3 de5) to be willing to part with (sth) (she3 ming4) to risk one's life (she3 qi4) to give up; to abandon; to abort (she3 shen1) to give one's life (she4) to pardon (a convict) (she4) to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display (she4 li4) to set up; to establish (she4 xian2) to be a suspect (in a crime) (she4 ying3) to take a photograph (she4 zhi4) to set up; to install (shen1) to stretch; to extend (shen1 kai1) to stretch out

(shen1 si1) to ponder; to consider (shen1 su4) to appeal (to sb) (shen1 suo1) to extend; to stretch; flexible (shen1 yin2) to moan; to groan (shen3) to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court) (shen3 cha2) to examine; to investigate (shen3 li3) to hear (a case) (shen4) to seep; to ooze; to horrify (shen4 ru4) to permeate (shen4 tou4) to permeate; to infiltrate (sheng1) to be born; to give birth; life; to grow (sheng1) to raise; to hoist; to promote; pint (sheng1 chan3) to produce; manufacture (sheng1 cheng1) to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert (sheng1 cun2) to exist; to survive (sheng1 huo3) to make a fire; to light a fire (sheng1 ji2) to escalate (in intensity); be stepped up; to increase; to rise; to go up (sheng1 xiao4) to take effect; to go into effect (sheng1 yu4) to bear; to give birth (shi1) to lose; to miss; to fail (shi1 qu4) to lose

(shi1 xiao4) to fail; to lose effectiveness (shi1 xing2) to put in place (shi1 zu2) to take a wrong step in life (shi2) to know; knowledge (shi2 bie2) to distinguish; to discern (shi2 huo4) to know what's what (shi2 jian4) to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill (shi2 po4) to penetrate; to see through (shi2 shi1) to implement; to carry out

(shi2 xi2) to practice; field work (shi2 xian4) to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about (shi2 yan4) to experiment; experiments (shi2 zi4) to learn to read (shi3) to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; messenger (shi3 man3 yi4) to make content (shi3 man4 yan2) to spread (shi3 xin4 fu2) to convince (shi3 yong4) to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of (shi4) to fit; to suit

(shi4) to install; to place; to put (shi4) to lick; lap (shi4) to look at; to regard; to inspect (shi4) to show; reveal (shi4) to sting (shi4) to test; to try; experiment; examination; test (shi4 bu4 fan3 hui3) to vow not to break one's promise (shi4 he2) to fit; to suit (shi4 shi1) to vow before one's troops (shi4 si3) to pledge one's life (shi4 si3 bu4 xiang2) to vow to fight to the death (shi4 tan4) to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out (shi4 tu2) to attempt; to try (shi4 yi1 shi4) to have a try (shou1) to receive; to accept; to collect (shou1 hui2) to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke (shou1 ji2) to gather; to collect (shou1 ru4) to take in; income; revenue (shou1 shi5) to put in order; to tidy up

(shou1 shou4) to give and accept (shou1 ting1) to listen (to); to listen (in) (shou3) to guard (shou4) to bear; to stand; to endure; (passive marker); to receive (shou4) to sell (shou4) to teach; to instruct; to award; to give (shou4 hai4) to be injured; to be killed

(shou4 huo4) to sell goods (shou4 ji4) to confide a plan to sb (shou4 jia4) to sell for; selling price (shou4 jiang3) to award a prize (shou4 ke4) to teach; to give lessons (shou4 mai4) to sell (shou4 ming4) to give orders (shou4 quan2) to authorize (shou4 xun1) to award an honor (shou4 yi4) to inspire; to incite (shou4 yu3) to award; to confer (shu1) to strain; pour out (shu1) to transport; to lose (shu1 chu1) to export; to output (shu1 ru4) to import; to input

(shu1 xie3) to write (shu2 xi1) to know well (shu3) to count (shu4) to rinse (mouth) (shu4) to state; to tell; to narrate; to relate (shua4) to select (shuai1 jian3) to weaken; to attenuate (shuai4) to lead; command (shuan1) to bolt (shui4) to sleep (shui4 jiao4) to go to bed; to go to sleep (shun3) to suck (shun3 xi1) to suck (shun4) to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable (shun4) to wink (shuo1) to speak; to say (shuo1 fu2) to persuade; to convince; to talk sb. over (shuo1 ming2) to explain; to illustrate; explanation; directions; caption (si1) to tear (si1) to think; to consider

(si3) to die; inpassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid (si4) to feed (si4) to raise; to rear; to feed (si4) to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble (si4) to watch; to wait; to examine; to spy (si4 hu5 hen3 an1 quan2) to appear (to be) very safe (si4 ji1) to watch for one's chance (si4 yang3) to raise; to rear (song3 dong4) to create a sensation (song3 jian1) to shrug one's shoulders (song3 li4) to tower above (on top of sth); erect (song4) to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send (song4) to praise (song4 ren2) to see (or walk) someone home; to see someone off (song4 xing2) to see someone off (sou1) to search (sou3) to urge on; incite (su4) to model (a figure) in clay

(sui2) to follow; to comply with; to allow; (surname) (sui4) to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary (sun3) to damage; injure; to lose; to harm (sun3 huai4) to damage; to injure (sun3 shang1) to harm; to damage; to injure (suo1) to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce (suo1 duan3) to curtail; to cut down (suo1 jian3) to cut; to reduce (suo3) to lock up; to lock (suo3) to search; to demand; to ask; to exact; large rope; isolated (suo3 qu3) to ask; to demand (ta4) to despair (tai2) to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry (tai4) to discard; to eliminate; too (tan2) to speak; to talk; to converse; to chat; to discuss; (surname) (tan2 dao4) to refer to; to speak about; to talk about (tan2 lun4) to discuss; to talk about

(tan2 pan4) to negotiate; negotiation; conference (tan2 qin2) to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument (tan3) to bare (tan4) to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit (tan4) to sigh (tan4) to sigh (tan4 lu4) to find a path (tan4 qin1) to go home to visit one's family (tan4 xian3) to explore (tang3) to recline; to lie down (tang4) to scald; to burn; to iron; hot (tao2) to escape; to run away; to flee (tao2 tai4) to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection (tao2 tou2) to raise one's head; to gain ground (tao3 lun4) to discuss; to talk over (tao4) to cover; covering; case; cover; (a measure word, a set of something); sheath (teng2) to soar; to gallop; to rise; to prance; to hover; to move out

(ti2) to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention (ti2 chang1) to promote; to advocate (ti2 chu1) to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to post (Usenet) (ti2 gong1) to supply; to provide; to furnish (ti2 lian4) to extract (ore, minerals, etc); to refine; to purify; to process (ti2 qian1) to write the title of a book on a label (ti2 qian2) to shift to an earlier date; to bring forward; to advance (ti2 sheng1) to promote; to upgrade (ti3 xian4) to embody; to reflect; to give expression to; to be reflected in (ti3 yan4) to experience for oneself (ti4) to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for (tian1) to add; to increase; to replenish (tian2) to fill in (tian3) to lick; to lap (tian3) to shame (tian3 shun3) to lick and suck (tiao2 zhi4) to modulate; modulation

(tiao4 dong4) to beat; to pulse (tiao4 wu3) to dance (tiao4 yue4) to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip (tie1) to stick; to paste; to keep close to; to fit snugly; allowance (ting1 shuo1) to hear told (ting1 shuo1 guo5) to hear said (ting2) to stop; to halt (ting2 che1) to stop; to park (ting2 zhi3) to stop; to halt; to cease (ting3 li4) to stand erect; to stand upright (tong1 gao4) to announce; to give notice (tong1 xin4) to communicate (tong2 mou2) to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime (tong2 yi4) to agree; to consent; to approve (tong3) to gather; to unite; to unify; whole (tong3 yi1) to unify; to unite; to integrate (tou1) to steal; to pilfer (tou1 lan3) to goof off; to be lazy (tou1 ting1) to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly) (tou2) to throw; to send

(tou2 ben1) to seek shelter; to seek asylum (tou2 fang4) to put in (circulation); to throw in (tou2 fang4 shi4 chang3) to put sth on the market (tou2 piao4) to vote; vote (tou4) to penetrate; thorough; penetrating; to pass through; to pierce (tou4 lu4) to leak out; to divulge; to reveal (tou4 lu4 xiao1 xi5) to disclose information (tou4 shi4) to examine by fluoroscope or Xray; perspective; fluoroscopy (tu1) to dash; to move forward quickly (tu2) to smear; daub (tu2 mo3) to smear; to doodle (tu3) to spit (tu3 lu4) to tell; to disclose; to reveal (tu3 qi4) to spurn; to reject (tu3 sui4) to have the ears of grain come up (tuan1) to rush (of water) (tuan2 ju4) to reunite; to have a reunion (tuan2 yuan2) to have a reunion (tui1 chi2) to postpone; to put off (tui1 chu1) to release

(tui1 ci2) to decline (an appointment, invitation, etc.) (tui1 dong4) to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote (tui1 xiao1) to market; to sell (tui4 chu1) to withdraw; to abort; to quit (tui4 xue2) to quit school (tun1) to swallow; to take (tun1 bing4) to annex (tun1 jin1) to commit suicide by swallowing gold (tun1 mo4) to embezzle (tun1 sheng1) to swallow one's cries (tun1 shi2) to devour (tun1 shu4) to swallow; to engulf (tun1 tu3) to take in and send out (in large quantities) (tun2) to station (soldiers); to store up (tun2) to store; hoard (tuo1) to hold in one's hand; to entrust; to support in one's palm (tuo1) to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from

(tuo1 yun4) to book or check through (baggage) (wa1) to dig; to excavate; to scoop out (wan1) to move (as snake) (wan2) to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire (wan2 bi4) to finish; to end; to complete (wan2 quan2 dong3 de5) to understand completely (wan3 xi1) to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened (wang2) to die; to perish (wang3) to go (in a direction); past; previous; towards (wang3 fan3) to go back and forth; to go to and fro (wang3 fu4) to reciprocate (wang4) to forget; to overlook; to neglect (wanr2) to play (wei1) to cuddle (wei1 hai4) to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger (wei1 xie2) to threaten; to menace (wei1 zhang1) to break the rules; to violate regulations

(wei2) to circle; to surround (wei2) to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against (wei2) to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension (wei2 ao4) to disobey (wei2 bei4) to violate; to be contrary to (wei2 chi2) to keep; to maintain; to preserve (wei2 fan3) to violate (a law, e.g.) (wei2 fan4) to violate; to infringe (wei2 jin4) to violate a prohibition or ban (wei2 kang4) to disobey (wei2 li4) to break the rules (wei2 sheng1) to make a living (wei2 yue1) to break a promise; to violate an agreement (wei3 zao4) to forge; to fake (wei3 zhuang1) to fake; to feign; to pretend (wei4) to fear (wei4) to feed (wei4) to guard; to protect; to defend; (surname) (wei4 wei2) to afford (a view of sth, e.g.) (wen4) to ask (wen4 shi4) to be published; to come out

(wo4) to lie; to crouch (wo4) to turn (wo4 bian1) to lie on one's side (wo4 bie2) to shake hands (wo4 quan2) to make a fist (wo4 shou3) to shake hands (wu1) to plaster; whitewash (wu2 suo3 bu2 mai4) to sell anything; to sell everything (wu2 suo3 wei4) to be indifferent; not to matter (wu3) to dance; to wield; to brandish (wu3 nong4) to wave; to brandish (wu4) to hate; to loathe (wu4 hui4) to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding (xi1) to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale (xi1) to roost (xi1) to roost (xi1) to separate; to divide; to analyze (xi1) to sob (xi1 chu1) to separate out (xi1 du2) to take drugs (xi1 qu3) to absorb; to assimilate

(xi1 ru4) to breathe in; to suck in; to inhale (xi1 shun3) to suck in (xi1 wang4) to wish for; to desire; to hope (xi1 yan1) to smoke (xi1 yi2) to resolve a doubt (xi2) to practice; to study; habit (xi2 juan3 ya4 zhou1) to sweep through Asia (xi3) to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad (xi3) to wash; to bathe (xi3 ai4) to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite (xi3 huan5) to like; to be fond of (xi4 shang4) to buckle up; to fasten (xia4) to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to threaten (xia4 ban1) to come or go or get off work (xia4 ding4 yi4) to define (xia4 gong1 fu5) to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts (xia4 jiang4) to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease (xia4 zai4) to download (xian2) to dislike

(xian2) to stay idle; to be unoccupied; not busy; leisure; enclosure (xian3 shi4) to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate (xian4) to envy (xian4) to fall; trap (xian4) to offer (xiang1) to inlay; to embed; ridge; border (xiang1 lian2) to link; to join; link; connection (xiang1 qian4) to inlay; to embed; to set (in sth) (xiang1 si4) to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity (xiang3) to make a sound; to sound; to ring; (a measure word for sound); loud (xiang3) to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss (xiang3 shou4) to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.) (xiang3 xiang4) to imagine; to fancy (xiang4 wang3) to yearn for; to look forward to (xiao1) to melt; to do away with; to sell (xiao1) to scrape (xiao1 chu2) to eliminate; to remove

(xiao1 fei4) to consume (xiao1 hao4) to use up; to consume (xiao1 hui3) to destroy (by melting or burning) (xiao3 de5) to know (xiao3 shi4) to tell; to notify (xiao4) to hiss; to whistle (xiao4 jing4) to respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors) (xie1) to rest (xie1) to wedge; wedge (xie2) to carry; to take along; to bring along; to hold (hands) (xie2 dai4) to carry; portable (xie2 tiao2) to coordinate (xie3) to write (xie3 cheng2) to compile (fashion through writing) (xie3 xin4) to write a letter (xie4) to flow (out) swiftly; diarrhea (xie4) to walk (xie4 du4) to have diarrhea (xie4 lu4) to leak out (information) (xie4 xie5) to thank

(xin1 shang3) to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire (xin4 fu2) to convince (xing2) to appear; to look; form; shape (xing2 cheng2) to form; to take shape (xing3) to wake up; to be awake (xiu1) to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate (xiu1) to rest (xiu1 jian4) to build; to construct (xiu1 zheng4) to revise; to amend (xiu4) to embroider (xiu4 hua1) to embroider; to do embroidery (xu1) to require; to need; to want; necessity; need (xu1 yao4) to need; to want; to demand; needs; to require (xu2 bu4) to stroll; to walk slowly (xu3) to allow; to permit; to praise; (surname) (xu3 ke3) to allow; to permit (xu4) to raise (animals) (xu4) to store (xuan1) to declare (publicly); to announce

(xuan1 bu4) to declare; to announce; to proclaim (xuan1 shi4) to vow; to pledge (xuan3) to choose; to pick; to select; to elect (xuan3 ju3) to elect; election (xuan3 ze2) to select; to pick; to choose; to make a choice (xuan4) to boast; to show off (xue1) to reduce; to pare (away); to cut (down) (xue1 jian3) to cut down; to reduce; to lower (xue2) to walk around; turn back midway (xue2 ju1) to live in a cave (xue2 xi2) to learn; to study (xun1) to scent tea with flowers (xun1) to smoke; scent; fumigate (xun1) to smoke; scent; fumigate (xun2) to follow; to adhere to; to abide by (xun2) to patrol; to make one's rounds (xun2) to search; to look for; to seek (xun2 cha2) to go around and inspect; to inspect (by moving around) (xun2 fang3) to inquire after; to look for (sb) (xun2 ji1) to look for an opportunity (xun2 kai1 xin1) to make fun of

(xun2 mi4) to look for (xun2 qiu2) to seek; to look for (xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1) to look for trouble (xun2 wei4) to think sth over (xun2 xin4) to provoke; to start a fit (xun2 zhao3) to seek; to look for (xun4) to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information (xun4) to yield (ya1) to press; to push down; to keep under (control) (ya1 suo1) to compress; compression (ya4) to calender (yan1) to salt; pickle (yan1) to salt; pickle (yan2) to prolong; to extend; to delay (yan2) to speak; to say; talk; word (yan2 shen1) to extend; to spread (yan2 zhan3) to scale; scalable (yan2 zhi4) to manufacture; to develop (yan3) to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act

(yan3) to spread out; to develop; to overflow; to amplify (yan3 bian4) to develop; to evolve (yan3 bian4) to develop; to evolve (yan3 jian1) to have good eyes (yan3 shi4) to demonstrate; to show (yan3 suan4) to calculate; to perform calculations (yan4) to examine; to test; to check (yan4) to swallow (yang3) to itch; to tickle (yang3 yang5) to itch; to tickle (yao2 wang4) to look into the distance (yao3) to scoop (ye4) to choke (in crying) (ye4) to visit (a superior) (yi1 lai4) to depend on; to be dependent on (yi2) to doubt; to misbelieve; to suspect (yi2) to lose; to leave behind (yi2) to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove (yi2) to weed (yi2 lu4 ping2 an1) to have a pleasant journey; bon voyage

(yi2 min2) to immigrate; to migrate (yi2 zhi2) to transplant (yi2 zhi2) to transplant (yi3) to lean on; rely upon (yi3) to use; according to; so as to; in order to; by; with; because (yi3 kao4) to lean on; re on (yi3 zhang4) to lean on; rely on (yi3 zhong4) to rely heavily upon (yi4) to glow; flash (yi4) to restrain; to restrict; to keep down; or (yi4) to shoot (yi4) to translate; to interpret (yi4 lun4) to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion (yi4 zhi4) to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress (yin3) to lead; to divert (water); to guide (yin3 cang2) to hide; to conceal (yin3 dao3) to guide; to lead; to conduct; introduction (yin3 man2) to hide; to conceal (yin3 qi3) to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse

(yin3 ru4) to draw into; to pull into (ying2) to beat; to win; to profit (ying2) to welcome (ying2 jie1) to meet; to welcome; to greet (ying2 ye4) to do business; to trade (ying4 yong4) to use; to apply; application; applicable (yong1 bao4) to embrace; to hug (yong1 dai4) to support (a person) (yong1 hu4) to endorse; to support (yong1 ji3) to crowd (yong1 you3) to have; to possess (yong4) to use (you2) to roam; travel (you2) to walk; to tour; to roam; to swim; to travel (you2 di4) to send by mail; to post (you2 lan3) to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit (you3) to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be (you3 guan1) to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to (you3 lian2 xi4) to be connected; to be related

(yu2) to exceed; to go beyond; to jump over (yu2) to lift; raise (yu3) to give (yu4) to advance; in advance; beforehand; to prepare (yu4 bei4) to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory (yu4 dao4) to meet; to run into; to come across (yu4 fang2) to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against (yu4 he2) to heal (yu4 ji4) to forecast; predict; to estimate (yu4 xi2) to prepare a lesson (yuan2) to help; to assist; to aid (yuan2 liang4) to excuse; to forgive; to pardon (yuan4 yi4) to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth) (yue1) to speak; to say (yue4) to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more ... the more (yue4) to jump; to leap (yue4 bing1) to review troops

(yue4 du2) to read (yue4 lai2 yue4 yan2 zhong4) to become more serious every day (yue4 lan3) to read (yue4 li4) to see; to experience (yue4 shi4) to see the world (yun2) to weed (yun3 nuo4) to promise; to consent (to do sth) (yun3 xu3) to permit; to allow (yun4) to brew (yun4) to move; to transport; to user; fortune; luck; fate (yun4 song4) to transport; to carry (yun4 yong4) to use; to put to use (yun4 zhuan3) to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around (za1) to tie; to bind (zai1) to force; to stick in; to plant (zai1 gen1 tou5) to suffer a setback (zai1 pei2) to grow; to cultivate (zai1 zang1) to frame someone (by planting sth on them) (zai1 zhi2) to plant; to transplant (zai1 zhong4) to plant; to grow

(zai4) to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; and; also; as well as; simultaneously (zai4 mi4 qie4 zhu4 yi4) to pay close attention (to sth) (zai4 xie2) to carry; to bear (zan4) to patronize; to support; to praise (zan4) to praise (zan4 shang3) to admire; to praise; to appreciate (zao1) to waste; spoil (zao4) to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture (zao4 cheng2) to bring about; to create; to cause (zao4 cheng2 wen4 ti2) to create an issue; to cause a problem (ze2) to select; to choose; to pick (ze2 ze2) to click one's tongue (zeng1) to increase; to expand; to add (zeng1 duo1) to increase; to grow in number (zeng1 jia1) to raise; to increase (zeng1 qiang2) to increase; to strengthen (zeng4) to tie; to bind

(zha1) to prick; to run or stick (a needle, etc.) into (zha1 zhen1) to give or have an acupuncture treatment (zhai1) to borrow; to pick (flowers; fruit); to pluck; to take; to select (zhai1 chao2) to extract; to excerpt (zhai1 chu2) to excise (zhai1 ji4) to take notes; to excerpt (zhai1 jie4) to borrow money (zhai1 lu4) to extract; to excerpt (zhan1) to divine (zhan1) to observe; to divine (zhan1) to stick; paste (zhan1 bu3) to divine (zhan3) to use; to spread out; to postpone; to unfold (zhan3 chu1) to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit (zhan3 kai1) to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch (zhan3 lan3) to put on display; to exhibit; exhibition; show (zhan3 shi4) to open up; to reveal

(zhan4) to dip in (ink, sauce, etc.) (zhan4) to fight; fight; war; battle (zhan4) to occupy; to constitute; to make up; to account (zhan4) to tremble; to shiver; to shake; to vibrate (zhan4 dong4) to tremble (zhan4 dou4) to fight; to battle (zhan4 ju4) to occupy; to hold (zhan4 li4) to tremble; to shiver (zhan4 ling3) to occupy (a territory); to hold (zhan4 xian1) to take precedence (zhan4 you3) to have; to own; to hold; to possess (zhang3) to rise (of prices; rivers) (zhang4) to block; to hinder; to obstruct (zhang4) to swell; distend (zhao1) to ridicule (zhao1 dai4) to receive (guests); to entertain; reception (zhao1 mu4) to recruit; to enlist (zhao3) to try to find; to look for; to call on (sb); to find; to seek; to return; to look for (zhao3 qian2) to give change

(zhao4) to call together; to summon; to convene (zhao4 ban1) to copy; to imitate (zhao4 kai1 hui4 yi4) to call a conference; to convene a meeting (zhe1) to sting (zhe1) to sting (zhe1 yan3) to cover (zhen1) to reach; utmost (zhen1) to scout; to spy (zhen4) to relieve (the distressed) (zhen4 jing1) to shock; to astonish (zheng1) to open (eye) (zheng1) to steam (zheng1 lun4) to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate (zheng3) to raise; to aid; to support; to save; to rescue (zheng3 he2) to conform; to integrate (zheng3 jiu4) to save; to rescue (zheng4) to earn; to make (money) (zheng4) to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof (zhi1) to know; to be aware

(zhi1 chi2) to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by (zhi1 xi1) to know (zhi2) to plant (zhi2 de5) to be worth; to deserve (zhi3) to stop; toe (zhi3 chu1) to indicate; to point out (zhi3 dao3) to guide; (give) directions; to direct (zhi3 hao3) to have to; to be forced to (zhi3 hui1) to conduct; to command; to direct (zhi3 nan2) to guide (zhi3 tong4) to relieve pain; to stop pain (zhi4) to record; write a footnote (zhi4) to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); cure; treatment; to heal (zhi4) to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey (zhi4 ding4) to draw up; to formulate (zhi4 liao2) to treat; to cure; (medical) treatment; cure (zhi4 yue1) to restrict; condition (zhi4 zao4) to manufacture; to make

(zhi4 zhi3) to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit (zhong1 duan4) to discontinue; to break off (zhong1 ji4) to relay; to repeat (zhong1 zhi3) to cease; to suspend; to break off; to stop; to discontinue (zhong4) to grow; to plant (zhong4) to plant (zhong4 yong4) to put in an important position (zhou4) to wrinkle; wrinkled; to crease (zhu2) to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one (zhu3) to cook; to boil (zhu3) to gaze at; to stare at (zhu3) to own; to host; master; lord; primary (zhu3 dao3) to lead; to manage (zhu3 mu4) to focus on (zhu3 wang4) to look forward to (zhu3 zhang1) to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint (zhu4) to help; to assist

(zhu4) to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate (zhu4) to live; to dwell; to reside; to stop (zhu4) to make known; to show; to prove; to write; book; outstanding (zhu4 ce4) to register (zhu4 he4) to congratulate; congratulations (zhu4 yuan4) to be in hospital; to be hospitalized (zhu4 zha1) to station; to garrison (troops) (zhua1) to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch (zhuan3) to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to turn; to shift (zhuan3 huan4) to transform; to change; to covert (zhuan4) to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about (zhuang1 ru4) to load (zhuang1 zai4) to load (zhuang4) to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into (zhuang4) to strengthen; strong; robust (zhuang4 da4) to expand; to strengthen (zhuang4 ji1) to strike; to hit; to ram

(zhuang4 jian4) to meet by accident (zhuang4 pian4) to swindle (zhui4 shu4) to say more than is necessary (zhun3) to allow; to grant; to permit; accurate; standard (zhun3 xu3) to allow; to grant; to permit (zhuo1) to clutch; to grab; to capture (zhuo1 qu3) to capture (zhuo2) to cut (gems) (zhuo2) to peck (zhuo2) to wear (clothes); to contact; to use; apply (zhuo2 lu4) to land; to touch down (zi4 sha1) to kill oneself; to commit suicide (zi4 zhu3) to act for oneself; autonomous (zong1) to sum up (zou3) to walk; to go; to move (zou3 chu1) to move away from; to walk away from (zu3) to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord (zu3) to hinder; to block; to obstruct (zu3 ai4) to obstruct; to hinder; to block (zu3 dang3) to stop; to resist; to obstruct

(zu3 ge2) to separate; to cut off (zu3 ji1) to check; to stop (zu3 lan2) to stop; to obstruct (zu3 nao2) to thwart; to obstruct (sth) (zu3 se4) to block; to clog (zu3 zhi3) to prevent; to block (zui4 da4 hua4) to maximize (zun1) to honor (zun1) to observe; to obey; to follow (zun1 xun2) to follow; to abide by (zun1 zhong4) to value (something); to esteem; to respect (zuo4) to do; to make; to produce (zuo4) to regard as; to take (somebody) for; to do; to make (zuo4) to sit; to take a seat (zuo4) to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane etc.) (zuo4 ai4) to make love (zuo4 chu1) to put out; to issue (zuo4 dao3 gao4) to pray (zuo4 hao3) to sit properly; to sit up straight (zuo4 ke4) to be a guest or visitor Categories: Verblist

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