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Hanna Bernardo Corrinne Tamayo Sophie Kim Ann Nismal


the 20th century Edward Thorndike influenced well-known curricularists such as Hilda Taba and Ralph Tyler. Robert Gagnes Hierarchical learning or sets of behavior and five learning outcomes became classic examples. Learning should be organized in a step by step manner for the students to experience the success of mastering the subject matter. Proper sequencing is important because it is believed to be simplistic and mechanical.


psychologists are concerned with how learners can develop their human potential. Abraham Maslows Theory of human needs for self-actualizing and Carl Rogers nondirective lives, also fall under humanistic psychology. Curriculum is concerned with the process not the products; personal needs not subject matter; psychological meaning and environmental situations.


has a great influence in the curriculum. Learners are NOT machine and the mind is not a computer. Psychological foundations will help curriculum makers in nurturing a more advanced, more comprehensive and complete human learning.


P. & et al. (2008). Curriculum Development. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila.

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