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A Pack of Life (APoL)

Chapter 4: Love Came Down

Would you pick up the pieces, for the love that is falling apart?


The startled boy slowly inches ahead to the weeping girl, wondering what happened to her. As he advances
closer, his eyes get bigger as he stares in surprise. Crying in front of him was that arrogant and almost inapproachable
classmate who got full marks in that English test Andou Sacchi.
Sacchi lifts her head to see a stranger approaching in her direction. She takes a sniff from her crying and then
notices the stranger is actually her classmate. In a sudden her face changes from a state of depression to a state of shock.
Myousuke is rather surprised at how she remembers this low-profile guy from class. He then attempts to reach
the bench to sit beside her.
Are you alright? Do you need any help-
Wh-who says I need your help?
The girl, who was acting a strong front, immediately stands up before Myousuke can land his butt on the seat.
She wipes her tears for the last time in front of him and dashes off in the opposite direction he arrived. He sits in the
bench alone in the quiet and dim-lit playground in awe.
What the hell is with her?

Myousuke walks through the corridor and sees the classmates gathering outside the room chitchatting. Among
them, he spots Himiko by the open window, who gave him a smile and a nod. He sees it, smiles back at her, and turns
back to a pondering face as he enters the classroom. He faces right and sees the clock.

Its still early.

He then took his seat and prepares for the first lesson; he takes out the textbook needed from his bag and
places it aside. He then rests his head on the table and stares into space until the grabs the sight of someone entering
from the door. Footsteps are heard across the teachers desk as he somehow sees someone in a skirt approaches his desk
within a couple of quick steps. Myousuke thought it was the teacher, and got himself together and sees a familiar figure
right in front of him.

The girl stood silently in front of Myousukes desk holding a spouting and embarrassed face, hoping that
something would happen. A sudden silence spreads throughout the empty classroom early in the morning, and she
decides to speak up.
At that point of time, Shinji is seen walking in from the back of the classroom door in a happy mood and Himiko,
upon seeing Sacchi enter from the front door, intends to follow suit. They startle by the encounter between their friends,
as they both hide behind the classroom doors one at each door symmetrical to the room to eavesdrop on their
Myousuke, scared of yesterday evenings incident, decides to continue to stay silent. Sacchi tilts her face down to
an angle.
I I have a favour to ask.
The listener continues to intelligently keep quiet lest she flares up like before and he indicates by placing his
palm gently on the desk. Sacchi continues.
Y-You wont tell others that I cried yesterday, right? I did not force this upon you, though.


She lifts her head up, showing her embarrassed yet irresistibly cute face in front of Myousuke, making him show
a blushed face. He then clears his throat.
S-So, Miss Andou, you have things to ask?
I-It is like this.
Sacchi suddenly lowers her voice enough for Myousuke to hear.
I I have a boyfriend.
Myousuke stands up in surprise, and Sacchi immediately brings her hands upon his shoulders and pushes him
down on his seat. She closes in to Myousuke, making the other two eavesdroppers by the side open their eyes and ears
Yes I do, is that of a surprise to you?
Sacchi gives him the sceptical look, and opens up.
I used to have a boyfriend, but not for long.
What happened between you two?
Sacchi feels that it is important for her helper to know the details, and went on.
Th there was a girl between us.
You mean you lost to that girl?
Though Sacchi does not want to admit it, she replies with a shy nod.
Then? What do you want me to do about that girl?
I did not tell you to deal with the girl, you idiot!
Sacchi notices she raised her voice in the now crowded classroom, she lowers her voice angrily.
I just want you to-
The school bell sounds through the compound, and it is time for the first period.
You will talk to me later.
Sacchi raises her voice in formality, points at Myousuke with a glint of seriousness in her eyes and retires back to
her seat quickly as the rest of the class soon settle in for the lesson. Students bump into Himiko on her right shoulder and
Shinji on his left shoulder, coincidentally to make the two of them notice each others existence. They look at each other,
knowing that they are both observing the same phenomenon. They show their grins and nod to each other in sync.
The rest of the day is mostly packed with content-heavy lessons and surprise tests, making it a tough job for
anyone to even talk, moreover ask about the conversation in the morning. Not long after, it was lunch break. Many
students got bored of the crammed schedule this morning and left the class once the bell sounds off to take a breather.
In the classroom, Himiko is arranging her stuff on her desk while looking at Myousuke, who is chucking his unarranged
textbooks under the table before he lays his head on the table. As he is about to doze off for a short nap, a palm lands
flat on his desk, making Himikos eyes stare wide. She then sees Sacchi, who smiles politely at her friend. Sacchi then
drags the sleepy student off his seat, stunning Myousuke awake. He then dashes out of the classroom with Sacchi and
down the hallway. Shinji walks to Himikos seat.
What is the meaning of this, Kushieda-san?
She gives a slightly disappointed face as she looks down on the bag of Myousuke.


Hey, the two of you!

The teacher calls for the two of them who are still in class.
Can you help me carry these to the teachers room on the other building?
The two of them stare at each other again and let out a sigh of agony.
Up at the rooftop, Sacchi and Myousuke stand near the edge with Myousuke leaning on the metal railing and
Sacchis fingers grabbing on it beside him. A slight wind blows past them, and trying to be bold, Myousuke initiates the
So? What am I to do about your problem?
She holds back on her words.
I dont know. He ignores my calls, he claims he is not at home when I visited his abode and recently
How about this? We go confront the guy and ask-
Sacchi shouts out in fear to Myousuke.
He is always hanging around with his gang mates now, so we cannot-
DO NOT disrupt me. Listen.
He pushes off Sacchis warning with confidence.
We just need to ask the reason behind him ignoring you, and then we will carry on from there.
Myousuke pauses for a moment.

Though most likely the guy would not return to you anyway.
Sacchi looks at Myousuke innocently, and looks out into the landscape.
She approves his suggestion with hesitation, and looks back at him.
I agree to your idea for now only because I dont have an answer to my problem, understand?
She then looks away into the school field.
Myousuke ponders about the feasibility of his plan. Yet at the same time, he does not want to drag anyone else
into this private affair of Sacchis, not mentioning this irritating person who just appeared in his life talking about change
using some weird Cards.

That irritating girl, Ill show her how much I can do without those powers.

Are you sure this is okay?

Sacchi speaks with little confidence as they walk to one of the most dangerous alleys in Tokyo. The alley
inevitably emits an eerie look with its dark shadow in the bright street. Graffiti on the walls decorate the close to pitch


black path in the sunset. However, this does not stop Myousuke to help Sacchi solve her problem. He knows it was
difficult for her to ask about such a situation in the first place.
After a few turns into the alley, Sacchi sees a familiar symbol and points at a metal door.
Its here. I think we should-
Before she could continue, Myousuke moves forward and smashes his fist on the thick metal door with all his
strength to no avail. He attempts to knock again, and as Sacchi intends to stop him, a voice echoes from behind them.
Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?
The couple turn to see a few rough thugs with a tall boy dressed in punk, with fringes covering half his face and
an obvious tattoo of the same symbol on his right shoulder. They stand around with some sitting on bikes, with an older,
more muscular and fitter man sitting behind them on a bike. They all bear the same tattoo on their right shoulder wearing
sleeveless shirts, with only an exception: The guy to the left of the leader who does not have a tattoo at all.
Dont tell me someone thought THIS was their home?
One of the thugs comments at the top of his voice, while the other members laugh at them, besides the guy who
did not have a tattoo.
No we were just-
As Myousuke smiles and apologises for the rude intrusion, Sacchi went ahead of him and identifies his boyfriend.
Just as she was about to run to his boyfriend, the leader took a step forward, stretches his left arm over the girls
neck and stops her.
Just a minute, Miss. You think this is your playground?
He then grabs her by her shoulder and turns around to face the gang.
Have any of you guys seen this cute chic before?
Everyone in the gang shakes their head, except the identified boyfriend, who remains silent and calm, as if
nothing has happened.
No, dont know this woman.
Sacchi walks out of the leaders embrace and takes a few steps forward.
How can you not know me, after all these years?
The guy stays silent, looks away to avoid eye contact with his girlfriend. Myousuke moves forward to stand
beside Sacchi, but is stopped by the leader with his finger on Myousukes forehead. He then places his finger on his lips,
indicating Myousuke to stay out of this event.
I saw you hugging and and kissing another girl behind my back, you faithless man! Why-
You are Sacchis boyfriend, arent you?
Myousuke speaks up as he moves to beside Sacchi. She looks at Myousuke.
How dare you hurt her feelings, you two-timing freak?

Before he could speak further, the leader takes a step back with his long, strong legs and pulls Myousukes plaid
What makes you think he cannot go out with another girl?


With a tug from his arm, Myousuke is dragged back. He takes a few steps back to prevent himself from falling,
but just as he was about to recover from his position, one of the gang members delivers a punch right to his left cheek to
make him fall to the ground. The other gang members then move to Myousuke and relentlessly beat him up. No matter
how much he tries to defend himself, he could never retaliate against five well-built bike men.
Sacchi turns back only to see Myousuke on the ground as he is beaten up by her boyfriends gang. As she moves
to Myousuke in an attempt to stop them, the leader walks right into her path and faces directly at her eye to eye.
He is interfering with your affairs.
Stop it.
The gang members suddenly stop and turn to Kenji.
I know it has to come to this day. Ill settle this myself, brothers, Boss. Just just leave us alone.
The bike gang members including the leader walk into the metal door. Kenji, Sacchi and Myousuke meet out of
the alley by the street. Sacchi then starts to question her boyfriend. Myousuke moves a few steps back to give them some
Where have you been? Ive been messaging you for weeks! What were you doing?
I Im busy.
Kenji answers with some hesitation, touching the chain of alphabets hung round the left pocket of his jeans.
Busy about being with this gang of co-called brothers?
It It is none of your business, really.
Kenji gives a sigh of ignorance.
I think we did both agree that in a relationship both parties should share everything and be honest towards
each other, and yet
She hesitates for a while before blurting out the truth.
Yet it took me another friend of mine to know that That-
Argh, youre so irritating. You dont question that much back then.
What? You are not much better, you know! Before I went into high school and went overseas, you were still
caring about me and asking me out. What happens now? Now you only know how to hang around with bad company,
Shut up, you woman.
Sacchi is startled by his usage of words on her. He then takes out a cigarette from his pocket. Before he could
take out a lighter she immediately smacks it aside, letting it drop down the nearby drain. Kenji flares up and grabs her by
her arm.
I have changed, you ignorant fool! It is you who have been ignorant! Ive been dropping hints to you since last
year by neglecting you and yet you do not get it! Yes, Im happy with riding my bike with my brothers, and Im not
interested in you anymore because I am hitting it off on another girl! So dont bother me now, you and I
Kenjirou gives her a stern look and pushes her to the ground. He raises his voice in fury.
Are through!!
Sacchi, with her hands on the ground behind her cushioning her fall, stays in shock with his violent actions and
him revealing his true colours in front of her. Kenji turns to the alley with her back facing her, not looking back.


Myousuke, upon seeing what happened, limps over to beside Sacchi, who can be seen tears rolling down her big,
round, yellow eyes.
Hey, are you okay?
Sacchi looks up with her eyes tearing up, barely seeing his boyfriends back.
Heartless freak.

Late in the evening, Myousuke and Sacchi rest by the nearby town park on a bench, as the lampposts light up
and the sun sets down. Sacchi holds a piece of wet tissue paper in her hand, after overcoming all the tears from the
discovered truth.
You know something?
Sacchi takes a glace towards Myousuke.
The night view of today is great. And you know another thing? I love the night, especially when it gets darker.
Why is that so?
Because you can do anything you like at night without being seen
She says with a little seduction in her eyes, leaning towards Myousukes shoulder. He pushes her off back to her
sitting position.
Kenji, he he was a nice guy.
Yeah, but that was in the past.
She hears Myousuke and nods in agreement.
Weve been together for three years already, ever since I entered middle school and met this handsome,
considerate and helpful senior in the schools English study circle. Ive not met anyone else who is this concerned about
me, especially when it comes to guys. He even reads out love poetry he writes to me out to the public when we were in
the circle. We fell in love with each other not long after.

No wonder her English was so good.

Myousuke thought to himself with little surprise.
He was so jovial, so caring, and so cool when he was serious. I can still remember the first time he took me out
to the fireworks festival. We took a walk round the shops in our yukatas and he taught me how to play some of the
games. And as we sat at a corner on top a small hill, sitting on the grass watching the fireworks, I gave my first kiss to
him. I felt that he was my everything. I felt he could take care of me for the rest of my life. His devotion to me It was
beyond words.
She stares at the night sky with only a single star. She clenches her fist with the tissue paper still on her hand.
But after I went overseas with my family for a week in the winter holidays and with him barely making it to high
school, we suddenly lost touch. I wanted to go to that school to join him, but my parents wanted me to go to a better,
more established college. Over the past year, he has not been contacting me and rejects all my calls. He also secretly
joined a bike gang with his friends, which he has been keeping me in the dark. Only when one of my female friends told
me they saw him on the streets that I decided to go find him. Little do I know


Tears start to appear from her big yellow eyes once again. Myousuke continues to listen and seeing her telling
the story in distress.
Little do I know when I saw him yesterday, he was going wild on the bike hugging and kissing another girl!
She wipes off the tears from her face.
My friend also found out that the girl was the gang leaders younger sister.
And so, you
I I just could not take it. The person I hold dear most in my middle school life would actually I felt that I will
be with him forever, yet he He
She stops the conversation, covers her teary face with both of her hands, looks down and starts weeping again.
Recalling about her past has made her tear up uncontrallably, and Myousuke, who does not have a habit of carrying a
handkerchief with him, can only watch her in silence. He then looks at the night sky, at Sacchi, and decides to help her.

Ive already gone this far, so might as well help her anyway, huh
As Myousuke reaches home in a limp, he closes the door behind him and walks hastily into his room. His mother
saw him limping quickly and looking terrible. She is about to ask him about his injuries when Jouhou creeps behind him
and gives his mother an okay sign. She then heaves a sigh of relief while Jouhou sneaks past the corridor.
Myousuke enters his bedroom, leaves the door open and throws his schoolbag on a chair. Jouhou slams the door
behind her as she enters, making Myousuke jump as he lands chest first on his bed. He turns to look behind him.
How did YOU get in here?
You couldve been more resilient instead of blaming me, you know. I can see your mind is occupied with
something, so Im here to see if I could be of any help.
Jouhou turns on the lights to Myousukes bedroom. She then saw his injuries were not only the limp but his
whole body is covered with bruises.
Oh my god! What has happened to you? Did you get to a fight?
She approaches him; he stops her and points at his desk chair. She takes her seat, gives a serious stare at him
and Myousuke reluctantly speaks up.
Myousuke starts to tell about his situation, only to be stopped by Jouhou.
Wait. Actually, I think I know everything already.
Did you-
Never mind that. I just want to know about your next course of action.
Myousuke, though doubting about whether Jouhou followed him to the bike gang earlier in the afternoon, still
decides to reply to her question.
I I dont know.
How about I help you this time round?
Myousuke suddenly looks up at Jouhou.
For this kind of situation, I offer two solutions. One is to go find the guy again and use force to get him to
apologise for his misdeeds against your dear friend.
What is the other solution?


The other way is that I can help you create a good ending for that depressed friend of yours so she would not
continue suffering any longer from this broken relationship.
Myousuke and Jouhou stay silent. He ponders for a while, and goes with the latter. Jouhou picks up Myousukes
phone on his table and starts browsing through his contact list. Myousuke immediately snatches over his phone from her.
What do you think you are doing?
Relax. I just thought I would help you find her number.
Ill do it myself.
Myousuke looks at his phone, ponders for a while, and pressed the button. A moment later, Sacchi answers the
Its me, Myousuke.
What do you want?
I just came to ask for your boyfriends phone.
Certain murmurings can be heard from the other end of the phone.
Ah about that dont worry. Ill talk to him personally. If he is someone like you mentioned, then maybe he is
still worth talking to. If he rejects me then Ill think of something else.
Myousuke looks towards Jouhou, where she attracts his attention and then points at herself, claiming her effort
on the solution. Myousuke places his fingers on his lips.
Whats the matter?
Oh, no. Its just my mother blabbering away.
He moves his fingers indicating a chatterbox to Jouhou, who ignores him.
Good night then. Dont think too much into it, okay?
Myousuke hangs up his phone, and looks at Jouhou.
Its settled.
A few moments later, Myousukes phone vibrates to indicate a message containing Kenjis phone number.
As the night passes by, Myousuke lies down on his bed and looks out of the window of his room. Jouhou stands
by the bedroom door, preparing to turn off the lights.
Dont you think you look like my mother? Do you have to accompany me until I sleep before you leave?
Well, Im just here to take care of the new Card Guardian? If youre dead somehow I have to answer for you,
you know.
Jouhou answers like there is some great responsibility upon her.
Ill see you tomorrow morning, yeah? Dont stay up too late~
With a flick of a switch, the room suddenly turns dark, and also silent. Myousuke briefly hears Jouhou saying
goodbye to his mother, and turns to face the ceiling.

How can this guy be this dishonest, despite all the things he has done for her? There must be an explanation
He ponders as he slowly goes into a deep sleep.


A tint of orange fills up the sky, the sun slowly rises to light. In the early morning, Myousuke in his school
uniform meets Kenji along with Jouhou, who promises not to interfere with this incident. She stands beside him with her
Card deck as if she is Myousukes bodyguard.
Who the heck is she? I thought it is between us.
What do you want to do now? Your scheme is not going to leave you scot free, you know.
If Sacchi does we wouldnt leave it alone.
Jouhou is warned again by Myousuke not to poke into the conversation.
For all she has done for you and this is how you treat her? As far as I know in a relationship one should not
shirk responsibility when something happens. Even couples out there who want to fall out meet together and explain
things straight, not abandon her to her fate. You even reject her calls and ignored every single question from Andousan! You are a liar and an irresponsible bastard.
Kenji, feeling insulted, intends to retaliate but is stopped by Jouhou.
Wait, were here for a simple solution, not to exchange insults.
She faces Kenji after telling off Myousuke about being less critical with his words.
Why dont you just meet her again already? Explain yourself and you can do whatever you want after.
Whatever. Ill talk to her because I feel that I am mistaken now that her friends have to come in to defend her
Myousuke was about to get violent when Jouhou held him, seeing him walk away into the sunrise.
We have to go. Lets leave him to think about his script for this evening, yeah?
She drags him away from Kenji, also reminding the frustrated him that he is going to be late for school. Kenji
looks back at the friends of Sacchi supporting her.
That troublesome girl
Suddenly his phone rings. He takes out his phone and sees a contact which makes him happy GIRLFRIEND.
Back in the classroom for another day of lessons, Myousuke makes it to the classroom where most of the
classmates (who normally do not settle down until first period starts) have taken their seats. He rushes to his seat, takes
out his stuff just in time for the teacher to come in. Himiko sees him preparing his stuff in a rush.
You overslept?
Myousuke nods his head hesitantly and gives a quick smile back at her.
Time passes by mercilessly as more lessons bombard more new information to the students, Myousuke is not
any exception. But once lunch time arrives, he moves to Shinji who decides to just stay in class and eat bento instead of
going to the canteen.
Sure. Just get another table.
Myousuke sees around him and decides to take his own table. As he places the table to the left side of Shinjis,
hesitates and decides to shift it towards his left, Shinji speaks up.
Never mind about that, just sit down and eat already.


Myousuke goes along with it and brings his chair to the desk and starts eating.
Just as Myousuke opens his bento to see it wonderfully done by his mother, he notices Sacchi walking towards
him, her hand holding her own lunch. She takes a nearby vacant chair and joins the two.
Dont mind if I join in?
Sacchi faces Myousuke and smiles politely. Shinji gives her the irritated face.
You know her?
Of course I know her. Shes our classmate.
Sacchi quickly sits down and starts commenting on Myousukes lunch. Himiko, after coming back from a rush to
the toilet, sees her friend Sacchi along with two of her classmates. She hesitantly picks up her lunch on her desk, takes
her chair and sits opposite Myousuke.
Surprisingly, the four of them sit in a roundtable position, with Shinji facing Sacchi, and Myousuke facing Himiko.
Myousuke notices that almost immediately, starts blushing, lowers his head and continues eating.
As they eat in silence, Himiko decides to break the silence.
Hey Sa-chan, what were you talking to Myousuke yesterday early in the morning?
Upon hearing this, Myousuke chokes on his food and starts patting on his chest. Sacchi gives an awkward laugh.
Oh its nothing important, really.
It sounded real important, especially when it concerns your boyfriend.
Shinji looks at Myousuke and nudges him, asking him to reply. Myousuke shakes his head lightly back.
You better tell me what happened, Sa-chan!
Himiko tries to threaten her to tell her the truth, but Sacchi keeps her lunch half eaten and attempts to leave.
You havent finished your-
Im on a diet.
Sacchi gives a quick reply to Myousuke and rushes out of the classroom, placing her lunch by her table along the
way. Himiko leaves her lunch and follows behind her.
Ill be back soon.

In the background, the guys hear Himiko asking Sacchi loudly about what she overheard, arousing Shinjis
May I ask-
No you may not.
Its merely relationship problems, not that I dont know
What do you know?
Nothing. Haha. Shinji gives a dull face, wondering what really happened.
Its just too complicated for you to know anyway

Myousuke gets the attention of Shinji, but then is seen eating in silence. Shinji looks back at his food, looks at his
watch, and continues eating.


So that is what happened.

Himiko answers after hearing Sacchis story. After chasing and pestering Sacchi out of the school building before
she could get an answer, it sure is a complicated situation.
I just dont want you to worry, Himi-chan. Besides, Myousuke saw my weak side, so he shall be responsible
for helping me out.
She puts on a brave front, confirming Myousukes responsibility on this incident
Really I feel like Im not trusted here
Sacchi gives her a pat on her shoulder and assures her that she is still her best friend.
All the best, then. I Ill go back to the classroom first.
Himiko faces her as she walks away into the school building. She waves goodbye and gives Sacchi her best
wishes. It is rare that a friend can just sit down and watch without any action, but then since her friend assures that,
Himiko heaves a sigh of relief and puts it off her mind.

In the late evening, Sacchi is at home going through her wardrobe of the latest fashion clothing. She then
receives a call from Myousuke about the time and location to meet her boyfriend. She hangs up, wears a smile on her
face, takes out a green dress and prepares to move out.
Myousuke, on the other hand, is lazing around at home. And as he lies on his bed thinking about what happened
during his meet with Kenji, he feels a bit doubtful that things would go as planned. He recalls the warning Kenji gives to
him as agreement to meeting her ex-girlfriend.

I just request some private time with Sacchi, so I better not see you during our meeting.
As he sees the sun set into the Tokyo skyline and distracted in thought, the door opens and in comes a familiar
Its you again!
He looks to the door only to see the girl he rather not see again.
Your mother seems to welcome me with wide arms. She really thinks Im your girlfriend, huh. You should get a
partner soon to clarify this, you know.
Jouhou gives a grin, seeing Myousuke pissed off about his mothers misunderstanding.
Oh, I saw something interesting on the way here.
I see a lonely girl waiting by the entrance of the shopping district nearby. And guess who is that?
Dont tell meits Andou-san?
Jouhou nods her head with response to Myousukes answer. She then explains her presence since she knew the
guy would not be there, even though its been some while after the time stipulated to meet with her. Myousuke looks out
of his window into the sky and thinks how insincere Kenji is in making this end pleasantly.
Need my help?
No I dont need any orthodox methods to catch the guy, thanks.
What do you mean by orthodox? You know APoL is meant to
Jouhou gives up in her explanation and sighs as she takes out her deck, upon seeing Myousukes hesitant face.


Jouhou takes out a Card, looks into it where the Abstract World exists, and abstract lines fly out of the window
into the grey scenery, reaching all edges of the city. In an instant, Jouhou retracts her Card and tells Myousuke,
Hes currently downtown, holding his hands with another girl, buying tickets for a movie. This freak, did he even
want to end this or not?
How did you know-
A sudden silence fills the room, and both parties were quiet due to being in their own thoughts.
What are you going to do about Kenji?
What about Andou-san?

The silence spreads across the room yet again, as Myousuke ponders what next step to take. It may seem like it
is not his business, but then helping Sacchi this far is not going to allow him to retreat. Jouhou changes from her standing
position to sitting on Myousukes desk chair.
I think hes prepared to talk.
Jouhou recalls Kenjis expression of worry in their meeting even though he was with another girl.
Never mind, Ill take over from here. Lets go. By the time we reach there, everything should reach a
At the end of the shopping district, Sacchi can be seen standing by a closed shop, beside a pillar and looking
around for her ex. Her face has turned from an optimistic smile to a disappointing frown, and as she was about to give up
to walk away, she saw a teenager lurking in a nearby alley, looking out into the main street and sees Sacchi, with a face
in surprise.
Kenji suddenly changes his face from a state of shock to a state of downcast, and Sacchi retracts her call with a
frown. As he walks to her, she also feels a different mood of him from when she saw him at the gang house. He walks to
the girl who was his ex-girlfriend, stands still with his chest up, and bows down in apology.
Im very sorry.
Before Sacchi could even speak, she stares at him with her mouth half open in confusion. She then attempts to
voice out in apology likewise, but Kenji continues his apology.
I I made a wrong choice in my life.
This makes Sacchi even more bewildered by his words, wondering if he really is speaking the truth.
That is why I can never go back to be with you.
This time, his words strike Sacchis heart, also making her angry at the same time. Her confusion turns into rage.
You irresponsible fool!
Kenji looks up to her in surprise, and recalls that getting into rage is typical of her character. He keeps silent and
gives her a chance to lecture him.


How could you just let me down like that? After so many years, and what has changed you, huh? Just because
your results are bad and got into a high school with below average standards doesnt mean you should just fool around!
You, by leaving me alone and ignoring me, is already proving to me that you are a selfish and irresponsible bastard! And
to think I-
And to think I made the wrong choice by getting into the wrong group of people, right?
Sacchi stops her speech, and looks at Kenji.
Its my entire fault. I joined a bike gang to show to you that my life would not dampen even if I went to high
school. I believed my circle of friends who are in the bike gang into taking action first before being together in a
relationship, saying I lacked the guts to do
Kenjis voice suddenly turns into hatred, as if he was set up.
To do what?
They actually set me up into Into having sex with you!
Sacchi takes a step back in shock to hearing what Kenji just said.
They threatened to get me out of the bike gang if I dont prove my masculinity, so they set me up to to do it
with the leaders daughter! And now, I have to take responsibility for the action I have done.
Kenji then looks into the eyes of the innocent girl before him.
Im really sorry, Sacchi. It is not that I do not want to be with you, but it is the change of environment and my
actions that landed me into this mess. Now Ive ruined my life and our relationship. That is why I never had the face to
see you all this time.
Suddenly, there stood a silence between the two in the night. Both do not dare to speak, and Sacchi does not
know how to face this situation.
I knew I took the wrong step, and have truly regretted. Therefore, it is for your good that I leave you, because
in my case I cannot possibly be with you anymore.
Sacchi has been speechless ever since she heard Kenji speak the truth, and now understanding why Kenji
ignoring her for so long, actually is busy paying his debt of misdeed himself.
C-Can we still be friends, Andou-san?
Kenji raises his voice in formality, talking in a wimpy manner, with tears in his eyes.
He sees Sacchi also in tears. She still does not believe the fact that his boyfriend has actually taken the wrong
path. She wipes her tears away on her dress, and stretches her hand.
Shall we, Kuroki-kun?
Kenji looks at Sacchi and feels the pain in his heart himself, even with his mind half-conscious. He already does
not have the courage to shake her hand already, and even before Sacchi is able to stretch her hand too, Kenji turns
around with his hand passing through hers and walks off in the opposite direction briskly. Sacchi looks into the dark street
in sadness. She swallows up her gut, and starts ranting at Kenjis direction.
And to think I loved you because you were responsible for your own actions! That you are brave enough to face
everything that comes your way! That you are sincere enough to promise you will never hurt my feelings!
Tears continue to flow uncontrollably along her face.
And to think you promised that you would not change even if you went to high school! That you would still stay
with me and not be influenced by what others say! That even if we were far apart things would get better in the future!
Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Ive truly regretted to be in a relationship with you!
As she rants, her tears continue to drop, venting all her bottled emotions for him; Her dedication, her care, her
concern for their future And now it has all came to waste due to his mistake, Sacchi realises that letting it go is the best


choice, as this is already inevitable. She already knew from the moment she saw Kenjis change in attitude that she knows
she has already lost his love for her. As she sees Kenji disappear into the alley, she kneels down in depression, tears
overflowing and sobbing in solitude. Kenji hides into the nearest alley he finds with tears in his eyes, falling to the ground.
Just as he reaches the ground his shadow and existence fade into the dark.
Myousuke and Jouhou look at Sacchi from a distance behind a tree with a thin trunk, Myousuke squatting behind
and Jouhou standing with her hands spreading out, hiding behind the branches, which still reveal her existence under the
moonlight. Both do not speak as they see Sacchi crying in the middle of the empty street, tears already forming a puddle
in front of her. They both know that, the best solution for this kind of love gone down should be solved with the passing
of time.

And so, as he leaves me, I did not even shed a single tear for that irresponsible freak, and I will not be friends
with him forever! Such a freak should be condemned for life! I insulted him so loud that I swear the whole street would
be able to hear about how bad a man he is!
Sacchi exclaims her story in delight that deserves Shinji and Himikos applause, while Myousuke who obviously
witnessed the incident stays silent so to not destroy her pride.
I see.
I did not know Kawazoe-kun was that helpful to even get injured for a girl.
Shinji sees Himiko, who is blushing in disappointment.
How about you help your brother here now, Myousuke?
Why? What happened?
It is about my nephew, and my aunt gets so irritated that her problem becomes mine.
And what is that about your nephew?
Well, he says that that he can see the stars at night in his room


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