The Porter and Lawler Model

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Hafiza Markali

The Porter and Lawler model explains that an

individuals motivation to complete a task is affected by the reward they expect to receive for completing the task. The Porter-Lawler expectancy model is a model of work motivation. It is an extension of an earlier expectancy model developed by Victor Vroom in 1964. A person will decide to behave or act in a certain way because of what they expect the result of that selected behaviour will be.

Rewards could be categorized as intrinsic and extrinsic

INTRINSIC: Intrinsic rewards are the positive feelings that the individual experiences from completing the task e.g. satisfaction, sense of achievement.


Extrinsic rewards are rewards obtained from outside the individual control such as bonus, commission and pay increases. Performance is the factor that leads to intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards. These rewards leads to satisfaction, therefore satisfaction of the individual depends upon the fairness of the reward.

Porter and Lawler also said that motivation is also

affected by the individuals ability to perform the task and their perception of the task. perceptions of role (activities and behaviours the person feels they should be engaged in to do the performance successfully) the Porter-Lawler model suggests that individuals' abilities and role perceptions moderate the relationship between effort and performance.

The Porter-Lawler expectancy model is one of the

better known models of work motivation and has generated a considerable amount of research and debate

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