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Reid Nuttall Chief Information Officer OGE Energy Corp.

Name: Reid Nuttall Title: Chief Information Officer Company: OGE Energy Corp. Reid Nuttall, CIO, OGE Ene rgy Corp.: Contact Details

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Currently Reid Nuttall is the Chief Information Officer at OGE Energy Corp. (OGE). As CIO, he is a leader in the transformation of OG&E Electric Services that allows the company and our customers to benefit from the exciting new technologies that are now becoming available. With the assistance of a grant from the DOE, OG&E is rolling out smart meter and AMI capabilities to all customers, implementing demand management capabilities, and developing advanced distribution management systems. OGE Energy Corp, in 2011, was selected as an honoree in the CIO 100 Awards for innovative use of IT to create business value. Prior to joining OGE in 2006, he worked for a major oilfield manufacturer in Strategic Planning, Operations Management, Manufacturing, Management of Asia Pacific and then Eastern Hemisphere sales and operations, Marketing, Project Management, and Systems and Technology. He has resided in Spain, Singapore, Scotland, Texas, and now Oklahoma. A native of San Diego, CA, Mr. Nuttall earned a Masters degree in business administration at Brigham Young University.

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