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Apprentice Rotes (Sphere Level 1) These Rotes are largely sensory in nature; they give you more information

to work with. If you wish to use one of these Rotes to find hidden information, you should either find an ST, or you can ask another player who knows the answer. (Such as if youre analyzing an object they carry.) Theyre an easy way to learn more about an object or a person, but be wary, since every use brings Paradox, and every point of Paradox is another chance at catastrophe.

Where Am I? The mage will know her position relative another, known
place within parameter range (Like home or her starting point). When the mage moves away from this place he will still know where it is, and feel direction and distance to it.

Range Finder The Mage instantly discerns the exact distance to an

object. In addition to being useful in golf, this gives him a bonus when trying to do things like leap across a gap or roll with a fall.

Sense Connection The Mage detects the presence of unusual

connections in a person or object either from other Correspondence magic, or from other sources. For example, this Rote could find which ring in a box of rings had actually been worn as an engagement ring.

Stance of the Perfect Defender (Akashic) (Correspondence 1, Entropy

1, Mind 1) This rote is very common among Akashic, who use it to considerable effect when they are attacked by multiple opponents. By keeping track of the location of all their assailants and maneuvering accordingly, the Scale can prevent them from using their numerical superiority to their advantage.

[Each success negates 1 pt of a multiple attacker bonus per success. While this can only be employed when a single mage is being attacked by multiple opponents, if the mage scores well enough, this rote can actual increase the difficulty for multiple attackers, as they get in each other's way.]

Mapping the Track (Verbena) (Correspondence 1 Prime 1) The Verbena

feel that Quintessence flows across the surface of the earth in streams that are called Ley Lines, also known as the Old Straight Track. Ley Lines come in Minor, Major, and Great versions, which fasciliatate the casting of Correspondence, Prime, and Spirit magics. For this reason, many Verbena holy sites are situated on them. [Two successes will locate a Minor line, 4 successes a Major line, and six successes a Great line. A Minor line reduces the difficulty of Correspondence, Prime, and Spirit magics cast in its vacinity by 1, a Major line by 2, and a Great line by 3.]

Locate Bottleneck After spending some time observing a process or
organization, the Mage gains a bonus when attempting to determine where a bottleneck lies which employee is slowing down a company, which machine is holding up manufacturing, etc.

Sense Entropy The Mage detects the presence of unusual fate in a

person or object either from other Entropy magic, or from other sources. It could detect loaded dice, or sense if a person had been placed under an Entropy-based blessing or curse.

Sense Weakness The Mage searches for weaknesses in an objects

Pattern. He gains a bonus on his next challenge to injure a person or break an object. This Rote may be used in combat.

The Abyss of the Mind (Euthanatos) (Entropy 1 Mind 2) The mage feel
the entropy in someones mind. In this way the mage may get an impression of how strong the person really is, and if it has any weak points, like deep traumas, neuroses or guilt. It is fundamental to understand if the person is ready for the Good Death.

The Abyss of the Body (Euthanatos) (Entropy 1 Life 1) The mage feel

the entropy in someones body. Weak points, age, sickness and wounds will become apparent. The mage will know if the person has long time left to live or is dying in some way. Yet another factor in determining death.

The Abyss of the Soul (Euthanatos) (Entropy 1 Prime 1) The mage feel

the entropy in someones flow of quintessence. Normally this is very small, but in some people the flow is disturbed. This is often a sign that something is very wrong about the person. It could be that dangerous magick has hurt him or that his Atman (Avatar) is disturbed in some way. Euthanatos become very interested in these persons, and will study them as much as possible before deciding what to do.

The Well-Targeted Blow (Akashic) Another common rote of the Dragon

Scales, this expands the concept of Dim Mak and specially intends to cause severe damage by striking the body's weak points. [Each success lowers the difficulty of the damage role by 1, although it can never drop below 3.]

Analyze Fighting Style (Akashic) (Entropy 1, Mind 1) By watching how

someone fights, the doist is able to identify weaknesses in the target's fighting style, weaknesses which can be used against the target in combat.

[Each success can be used to increase the difficulties of the target's roll to hit the doist, or to decrease the roll to hit the target. In order to be able to adequately make use of what he has learned, the doist must have a do of at least 3]

Detect Transmissions The Mage focuses on detecting outgoing energy
signals. This is most useful for detecting electronic bugs planted in a room, and some paranoid Mages wont say a word until theyve watched a room for at least an hour with this Rote.

Thermal Sight The Mage shifts his vision into the infrared spectrum, and
has no penalties for blindness, even in total darkness. This sight is based on the Mages own sight, so he cannot use this Rote to see through walls or such.

Quantify Energy The Mage chooses a source of energy, and may ask one

question about it to an ST. These questions might include how much energy is going through this wire? or where is this radio signal coming from? or is this thing radioactive?

Sense Life The Mage senses living things all around him, up to a certain
distance. He also gains a basic sense of their nature human, animal, or vegetable. Unless they are magically concealed, he gains a bonus to detect any hidden persons.

Sense Health The Mage studies the health and injury of a person or
animal. The target must immediately tell the Mage how many Health Levels he has remaining.

True Age The Mage focuses on another person, looking for invisible flaws
in their life. The player of that character must tell the Mage how old his character truly is, not just how old he looks. This can be quite interesting Porthos, for example, looks to be about 60-70, but is actually over 500 years old!

Call the Blood The LeVay family is known for its affinity with blood; the
line is drawn back into the deep of Celtic times, when blood was power and it was sacrificed to obtain the Mages desires. Such drastic events are not needed to keeping your toes warm on a cold night; rather you can summon the blood to the surface, and liven up the cold limbs and skin.

Transcendent Touch (Verbena) (Life 1 Mind 1) The Lifeweaver Edwin

Stroud once found himself blinded by the muzzle flash of a Hitmark's cannon.

Desperate to escape but lacking any knowledge of the Correspondence sphere, he instead relied on his powerfully heightened sense of touch, a sense particularly favored by his Tradition. [The rote makes the witch's sense of touch so strong that it compensates for the lack of sight.]

Analyze Substance The Mage chooses an object, and may ask one
question about it to an ST. These questions might include how much weight could this hold? or is this really a diamond? or what kind of metal is this? Note that a Mage is limited by his own knowledge; he wont look at a white block and declare it sodium if he has no idea what sodium should look like. (He might declare it to be a block of one solid substance, which will react poorly with water.)

Detect Durability The Mage touches an object, and immediately knows

how much damage it can withstand (its Durability) and if it has taken any damage already.

Detect Secret Compartment The Mage looks over an object as best he

can. He becomes aware of any neat features built into it for example, a hidden compartment, secret button, or trap. If the object has no secrets, the Mage will know.

Patternweave The mage can see a disassembled or shattered object in

its whole form or as it should be. Seers of Chronos use to reflect the image of the parts in their ring, and see the whole in the reflection. Sons of Ether just measure things with their meters, while Choristers touch the parts, seeing how they should fit together. (Each degree of success will summarily strengthen the furniture. Great for those Garou-laiden nights! Noriko Fujimiya)

Horn of the Unicorn (Matter 1, Life 1) An old hermetic rote to find out if

food or drink would be harmful (poisoned, spoiled or very unhealthy). The mage draws a sacred symbol over the food with a foci (generally a unicorn horn a formed piece of wood in the shape of a horn, bleached white for 40 days and left to bask in the moon for 40 nights), while naming five revealing spirits. If the food is harmful, the plate or cup will shudder, as if they were revealed.

Chemical Shortcut (Etherites) (Matter 1) The Sons of Ether employ a

different version of the periodic table than do conventional scientists, which can only be expressed with a three dimensional model. This allows them to pay attention to properties that most scientists overlook, thus enabling them to produce surprising results in laboratories.

[Each success reduces the difficulty on Science, Medicine, Pharmacology, Chemistry and similar rolls by 1, to a minimum difficulty of 3.]

Mind Empowerment The Mage enhances his own mind. He gains +1
Trait to any test involving raw mental power and knowledge, such as mathematics, cryptology, or translation. He may contemplate a problem while still remaining fully aware of the world around him.

Mind Sensing The Mage seeks out the minds of others. He can sense the
effects of Mind magic - if there is a mind where there shouldnt be one (such as a magically-aware brick wall), or if a creature lacks a mind (such as a Sons of Ether robot, which looks human, but has no mind).

Conscience Alarm The Mage allows himself to feel the presence of minds

around him. He gains a bonus on his next challenge to detect someone hiding with Stealth, and generally is very difficult to eavesdrop on or ambush.

Quick Reading The mage increases his reading speed far over the
normal. [One success doubles it, two triples it, three quadruples it, etc. By adding Time 3 the speed can be increased even more.]

Subprocess This rote was perfected by the Virtual Adepts. The mage

allocates a small part of his mind to perform a certain task, like solving a problem or guarding a door. The mage will then forget it until the subprocess is finished and reunites with the main mind. This can be used to hide information from the main mind or plant reminders (Time 1 can be combined, creating a timed subprocess). Some Virtual Adepts have developed recursive subprocesses, which can generate their own subprocesses. Several of them have however fallen victim to runaway subprocesses which have eaten their brain capacity, due to erroneous programming.

Osmosis (Mind 1, Matter 1) The mage "reads" an object by holding it, and

quickly learn all information it holds. This can take different time depending on the amount of information, but afterwards the mage can recite everything out of memory (hopefully he knows the language). Very practical for books, letters or computer disks. The mage doesn't necessarily understand the information, but he can recite it or remember particular parts. [For electronic media, use Forces 1 instead of Matter.]

Detect Disinformation (Mind 1 Entropy 1, often Correspondence 3 and/or

Time 2) Many Rosicrucians are paranoid about information they receive,

and seek to test it to see if it is disinformation or lies. This rote was developed by a group of especially worried mages, who were barraged by subtle disinformation from the Technocracy. They studied the information in the mental image of their showstones, invoking Mikael and other angels of truth to help them to find falsehoods and lies. By seeking internal inconsistencies, they managed to ascertain some of the validity. This method was later developed into a very efficient rote by adding Correspondence and Time. The mage not only studies the internal consistency of the information, he also compares it to the causal chains and actual state of the world. This might take a long time if it is complex information or relates to very specific matters, so the use is somewhat limited. However, even a brief check can reveal some types of disinformation.

Lucid Dreaming (Dreamer) This is the basic ability which makes a

Dreamer awaken. They can control the reality of their own dreams. They have an almost godlike power in their own dreams if they choose to use it. They can decide what will happen, how things will look and the "laws of nature". However, while their dreams are much more vivid than normal dreams they will still dissolve as soon as they are not dreamed.

Weightless Walk (Akashic) (Mind 1, Correspondence 1, Matter 1) Chu

Kwei, an Orange Robe, developed a Light Body technique to walk over surfaces with concealed weak points. Kwei was unable to make himself weightless, but could locate areas with good traction that would support his weight. [Divide the number of successes achieved between multitasking and range of perception. Correspondence and Matter perception detect and determine the structural integrity and traction of surfaces. The mage memorizes the locations of "safe spots" within the range of his senses.]

Self-Sacrifice Using this Rote, a Mage may convert his own life to
Quintessence, gaining 1 Quintessence for each level of Lethal damage he gives himself. This Rote is obviously risky, but can be a true lifesaver when needed.

Magical Sense The Mage senses the flow of magic around him. He may

ask one question about the magic of a person, place, or object, such as is he a Mage? or is this object magical? or has magic been used here recently? At higher Sphere Levels, more detailed versions of this Rote may be developed, but many Mages know the usefulness of this basic level of perception.

Sense Quintessence The Mage focuses closely on another magic-user.

The subject must tell the caster how many points of Quintessence they currently possess.

Resist Resonance (Prime 1 Mind 1) Sometimes mages have to use nodes

or realms with strong or unpleasant resonance. Some mages have developed a mean to counter this insidious effect, by shielding themselves against the resonant quintessence of the node. This however makes them unable to use or infuse themselves with the quintessence, but may be worth it for specially nasty nodes. [ Note that Mind alone cannot prevent Resonance, since its is reality itself that is changed. ]

Reveal The Enlightened (Prime 1 Spirit 1) This rote was used by some
of the more radical fractions of the Celestial Chorus during the war against Order of Hermes. They had trouble with mages hiding themselves among sleepers and setting up clever wards against mental scans. But they weren't able to hide their souls and magick. By watching people through the light of a pure fire, the choristers could see the strength of their Avatars and the Quintessence in them.

Find Paradox (Prime 1 Entropy 1)

Paradox Energies are subtle and capricious, but often telltale indicators of magickal activity. Even small acts of vulgar magick leave traces, which can be found by clever mages. Order of Hermes whisper the seven secret names of Discordia over their seal while the Virtual Adepts link up with a network and check for disturbances in the information flow to find Paradox.

Hear Spirit The Mage listens closely to the Penumbra. He may eavesdrop
on other characters and spirits who have used Spirit to shift into the Penumbra, although he may not yet make his voice be heard. If he is in the Penumbra, he uses this Rote to listen into normal reality.

Spirit Sight The Mage extends his sight into the Penumbra. This allows

him to see any characters who have used Spirit to shift into the Penumbra. He may also see spirits, but they pass by quickly, unless one is specifically interested in the Mage or his companions. If he is in the Penumbra, he uses this Rote to see into normal reality.

Detect Possession Voodoo and other religions have a long tradition of

spirits riding humans. This Rote allows a Mage to detect when a person is not himself, and is being manipulated by the spirit world. Unfortunately, the Mage cannot do much about the possession until he learns more Spirit.

See the Astral World (Spirit 1 Mind 1) To actually project into Astral

Space is hard and requires hard training and immense strength of will. However, to just see what's in there requires much less preparations. Akashic brothers cleanse themselves and meditate on the mental world, while Dreamspeakers watch how the contents of the medicine pouch fall.

Track Xenofauna (Etherites) (Spirit 1 Life 1) The renowned

xenobiologist Ferris Shu was dedicated to the discovery of previously undocumented life forms, and she employed this rote to help her find such creatures. [This allows the scientist to look through the Gauntlet into the Middle Umbra, thus spotting any Umbral creatures in the vicinity.]

Sense Changes Powerful Mages can use Time to go back and rewrite the
past. By using this Rote, a Mage can discover whether he is living in his original reality, or if things have been changed by Time magic. He may not know exactly what has changed, or be able to fix it, but he will get a disconcerting sense that the world is wrong. This Rote can be as much a curse as a blessing.

Perfect Time The Mage instantly knows the current time. This is more
useful than a simple watch, however. In the Umbra, time can change rapidly, and a Mage who goes out without this Rote may be lost forever. With this Rote, a Mage will always make it to his meetings on time, and always be home for supper.

Time Sense The Mage detects any unusual effects in time. He may ask a

player or ST if there is any Time magic in effect on a person or object, or within about 10 feet of his position. This can be useful for avoid Time-based traps laid by other Mages.

Scent of the Hounds of Clypsani (Euthanatos) (Time 1, Entropy 1)

The mage concentrates himself and try to feel when something happened (or will happen) by imagining it and different times it might have happened at. The mage will feel when he gets closer to the right time as the "scent" gets stronger. This can for example be used to find out when a building was built or when a clock stopped. It cannot tell why or where something happened. This rote is named for the legendary paradox beings the Hounds of Clypsani, which ruthlessly hunt down mages who interfere with Time. They have the ability to find the mage regardless of the time he exists in, and will appear out of nearby corners to destroy him.

Sense Angled Time (Time 1 Entropy 1) Time does not always flow

smoothly, sometimes there are corners and discontinuities in it for unknown reasons. These corners are dangerous times, since the defenses of reality and casualty are briefly removed. Powerful beings of the Deep Umbra and dangerous weirdness may appear, and many momentous events occur at these times. This makes it especially important to know them beforehand.

The Technocracy calls the "Bifurcation Points", and spend much energy neutralizing them or manipulating events around them.

Find Connection (Time 1 Correspondence 1) This rote is used by mages

to find the secret links between seemingly disparate events. A mage can read a newspaper, and realise that the current conflicts on Balkan are linked to the disappearance of several prominent engineers in England, or that the fluctuations of the stock market have been strongly influenced by the person in the border of that picture. He might not know how or why, but he will see the links.

Time of Death (Euthanatos) (Time 1 Correspondence 1 Entropy 1) The

Euthanatos are trained to sense if it is time to deliver the good death. Occasionally, someone beats them to it. In instances where this happens, the Mage can extend his senses to deign the time of death, down to the moment.

Instant Reaction (Time 1 Mind 1) When the mage expects a certain

event, he can focus his attention on it to be able to respond reflexively at the same time. For example, if a thug threatens him with a gun, he can program his body to dodge at the exact moment the thug pulls the trigger or respond with magick. A stand-off between two mages both using this rote can be quite deadly, since they will both react at the exact same time. [If the rote succeeds the mage will act just before the event, as long as the condition predates it slightly (like the act of pulling a trigger). The number of successes denotes how long the mage can concentrate himself. He has to be completely concentrated on the condition to act, and cannot do anything else (unless he uses multitasking, of course).] Right Place at the Right Time (Cultists) (Time 1 Correspondence 1) This little effect is usually done subconsciously and coincidentally bythe mage: he is always standing in the right place to avoid unpleasantness. When the Oracle of Correspondence teleports into the room,the cultist is not the one standing at the spot where he appears...

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