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SWOT Analysis

Strengths: attributes of the organization that positively impact its ability to achieve business/project objectives. Weaknesses: attributes of the organization that negatively impact its ability to achieve business/project objectives. Opportunities: external conditions that potentially assist the business in achieving the objective. Threats: external conditions that potentially threaten the success, in the present or future, of a business or project.

It is important to note that opportunities and threats are often beyond the control of a business, and therefore should prompt the business to adapt, evolve and innovate to either take advantage of the opportunity, or to mitigate the damage of the threat. Here is a chart that you can use to formulate your analysis: Positive (to business achieving its objective) Internal (attributes of organization) External (attributes of the environment) Strengths Negative (to business achieving its objective) Weaknesses



Examples of SWOTs Strengths or Weaknesses

Opportunities or Threats

resources/technology prowess customer service/loyalty efficiency infrastructure quality staff productivity corporate culture management expertise or lack of expertise delivery time price point capacity relationships with customers/suppliers brand strength multi-lingual capabilities ethics

changes in government policy tax increases/decreases currency fluctuations interest rates industry mergers or joint ventures change in customer demographics strategic alliances expectations of shareholders/public technology advances closing of geographic markets changing customer tastes

patents, licenses, permits exclusive access to natural resources distribution networks

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