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Chatlog: Sunday 30th Dec 2012 (17:42:19) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(17:42:49) Kinkyclawz: *enters the chatroom and sits quietly with armfuls of belated presents for her Chatmates* (18:18:58) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (18:19:10) Aubergine: Hello, Allo (18:21:33) Kinkyclawz: Allo Hallo! *big hugz* How goes it, my beloved Twister? (18:22:15) Aubergine: It goes well. How goes it with you? How was Christmas? (18:22:50) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (18:23:00) Eileen: Hello (18:23:00) Kinkyclawz: Aww, Christmas was lovely - I only had one day so made the most of it with my family. (18:23:18) Kinkyclawz: Heeey, hallo my gorgeous Twister! Wie Gehts, liebe? (18:23:36) Aubergine: heloo Eileen (18:23:42) Kinkyclawz: ***** (18:23:48) Aubergine: or maybe hello is more appropiate (18:23:50) Eileen: HOw are you both? (18:23:53) Eileen: I'm awesome! (18:23:55) Eileen: (18:24:03) Aubergine: I'm doing great. (18:24:11) Eileen: heloos are great as well, Genie (18:24:12) Eileen: (18:24:13) Kinkyclawz: You are? YAY! I'm great thanks. (18:24:13) Aubergine: How was Christmas? (18:24:19) Eileen: better than hells (18:24:29) Aubergine: yes that's true (18:24:33) Kinkyclawz: Heloo's go along with coo-ee and a friendly wave. (18:24:33) Eileen: Christmas was awesome (18:24:43) Eileen: that is correct, KC (18:24:44) Eileen: lol (18:25:00) Kinkyclawz: LOL (18:25:20) Aubergine: my reasoning is wearing off on you too (18:25:20) Kinkyclawz: How was your Christmas, Genie? Did you enjoy yourself and make merry? (18:25:35) Aubergine: or two meaning both of you (18:25:37) Kinkyclawz: Great minds thinking alike. ^^ (18:25:39) Eileen: and that is a good thing (18:25:40) Aubergine: not also

(18:25:46) Eileen: lol (18:26:00) Eileen: yeah how was your christmas Milady Genie? (18:26:09) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, fear not, mt typos are wearing off on you two too. (18:26:11) Aubergine: Yes I'm having a wonderful visit with the family on the East coast but can't wait to get back home (18:26:43) Kinkyclawz: Aww, it's nice to go away, but nicer to come home. Are you wtill with your parents, Eileen? (18:27:13) Kinkyclawz: wtill? still with the Wills? (18:27:14) Aubergine: I just miss sleeping in my own comfortable bed (18:27:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya. (18:27:37) Eileen: me too (18:27:38) Eileen: lol (18:27:44) Eileen: yeah I'm wtill (18:27:54) Aubergine: lol (18:27:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (18:28:09) Eileen: where a Will is there is a way (18:28:11) Eileen: (18:28:31) Eileen: lol (18:28:33) Aubergine: oh are the neighbors called ways (18:28:38) Kinkyclawz: *hands out little gifts to her Twisters* There you go, bleated gifts for my bestest gal pals. (18:29:05) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, they must be. *girly giggle* (18:29:07) Aubergine: oh thanks. that's sweet wasn't expect to exchange gifts (18:29:50) Kinkyclawz: Bleated gifts? I made a gift of sheep? (18:30:14) Kinkyclawz: Aww, no exchange needed. I just wanna see folks smile. *grinz* (18:30:30) Aubergine: well I'm sure I can use the sheep. (18:30:54) Aubergine: I have friends who weave and enjoy spinning their own wool (18:30:58) Kinkyclawz: YAY! (18:31:14) Kinkyclawz: And as an added bonus, your lawn gets mown for free! (18:32:00) Aubergine: well I don't exactly have a lawn, but i'm sure they can munch on the weeds (18:32:31) Kinkyclawz: They love weeds most of all! (18:32:44) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, Eileen,a re you still with us suesse? (18:32:47) Aubergine: they be so happy then (18:33:22) Aubergine: she's probably translating the chat for her folks (18:33:46) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, happy sheep. *sings happy sheep to the tune of Kermit The Frog's "Happy Feet" song* (18:34:58) Aubergine: is fang lost in Berlin somewhere or did he give up his travel

plans (18:35:03) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, perhaps. Glad she didn't try translating last weeks chat. Ahem. We had a little Shtrawberry cake party. LOL (18:35:32) Aubergine: oh no not shtrawberry cake (18:35:34) Kinkyclawz: Not sure, he might be resting up after saving the world again on Christmas Day, so soon after saving the world on 21st Dec too. (18:36:19) Kinkyclawz: Yeah... my mistake, I mixed strawberries with shtrawberries. LOL (18:36:46) Kinkyclawz: Should have known by the colour. *looks innocent* (18:36:53) Aubergine: that was a bit of a let down, the 21st. I was expecting a little something to happen. Usually someone commits mass suicide or something equal crazy. (18:37:01) Eileen: sorry got distracted (18:37:37) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Sounds liek you were looking forward to it. Aww, no worries hunny. Just making sure you were still here. (18:37:45) Kinkyclawz: Are you home now, Eileen? (18:38:51) Aubergine: I like hearing how some people deal with uncertainty (18:39:02) Aubergine: in extreme ways (18:39:25) Eileen: I'm still with my parents lol (18:39:34) Eileen: but I was playing a game (18:39:52) Eileen: btw who of you has seen The Hobbit? (18:39:57) Aubergine: who games can be addictive (18:40:05) Aubergine: I haven't had the chance (18:40:17) Aubergine: is it good? (18:40:23) Kinkyclawz: I have!! It's brilliant! (18:40:48) Eileen: it is! (18:40:50) Eileen: (18:40:54) Eileen: Aidan is so awesome! (18:41:01) Eileen: As is Martin (18:41:05) Kinkyclawz: Slower in the first half, meeting the characters and explaining the plot, but funny, entertaining and exciting. (18:41:18) Eileen: Loved Lee Pace as Thranduil (18:41:34) Eileen: I was so out of the LotR loop that I first didnt know who he was (18:41:37) Eileen: *blushes* (18:41:48) Kinkyclawz: All are awesome! Love Sir Ian McKellan as Gandalf (as always) and James Nesbitt as Bofur (18:41:53) Eileen: loved the dwarves. lol (18:41:56) Eileen: so true (18:42:04) Eileen: and Richard

(18:42:14) Eileen: starting to really like him, too (18:42:33) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Thranduil... he was an elf, right? *is showing her nonTolkien readerness* (18:42:33) Aubergine: well I'll have to get to see it somehow (18:42:49) Kinkyclawz: Sounds liek we loved them all, to be honest. LOL (18:43:03) Kinkyclawz: Richard Armitage... yum! (18:43:06) Eileen: he's Legolas' father and an elven king (18:43:07) Eileen: (18:43:17) Eileen: not nice of him to not help though (18:43:19) Kinkyclawz: Aha! That explains things. (18:43:29) Eileen: yes Genie, you need to! (18:43:30) Eileen: (18:43:38) Kinkyclawz: Nope, but if he had, there'd be no story. (18:43:51) Kinkyclawz: Oh please see if when you can Genie, you'll love it! (18:44:07) Kinkyclawz: I know who you eman now, Eileen. (18:44:48) Kinkyclawz: My fave part... Gollum! always loved Gollum and his good side, Smeagol. (18:45:21) Kinkyclawz: We're not giving too much away, are we? (18:46:05) Eileen: loved Bilbo's and Gollum's scenes (18:46:11) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, I'm ready for the next one now - where we'll get to meet Smaug no doubts. ^^ (18:46:15) Eileen: yeah Richard Armitage (18:46:24) Eileen: yay (18:46:43) Kinkyclawz: LOL (18:46:45) Aubergine: no I already know the story (18:47:11) Kinkyclawz: YAY! (18:47:29) Kinkyclawz: I don;t know the story so it'll be an adventure finding out. (18:48:16) Kinkyclawz: There might be bits that ahve been elaborated on from the book 'cause the story is spread over three films, I've heard. (18:48:30) Kinkyclawz: Mountain trolls!! They were ace!! (18:48:39) Eileen: me neither (18:48:40) Eileen: lol (18:48:48) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, remembering bit sI forgot about. LOL (18:48:54) Eileen: but i think its a good thing that i havent read the book yet (18:48:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. (18:49:00) Eileen: so i wont be disappointed (18:49:09) Eileen: hope to see more of Thranduil and the elves (18:49:14) Kinkyclawz: You have an advantage over us then, Genie, if you know the story. ^^

(18:49:33) Kinkyclawz: It's a possibility. ^^ (18:49:49) Eileen: the trolls (18:49:50) Eileen: haha (18:50:12) Kinkyclawz: And didn't Aidan look cool as the dwarven archer? (18:50:19) Aubergine: read the book years ago. Always liked the Hobbit better that LotR (18:50:25) Kinkyclawz: LMAO They were so funny, the trolls! (18:50:33) Eileen: lol (18:50:42) Eileen: yeah he was (18:50:45) Kinkyclawz: The Hobbit was more light hearted? Is it easier reading? (18:51:06) Eileen: so funny that many of my fav actors played an archer at one time or another (18:51:22) Aubergine: better stiry I thought (18:51:39) Eileen: to be honest, I have the books but i never got the time to really read them through (18:52:02) Aubergine: which is why I like audiobooks (18:52:13) Aubergine: you can listen anywhere (18:52:15) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, you have a thing for archers methinks. Ahem, I'm not far behind since I've def. got a thing for Jeremy Renner. ^^ (18:52:25) Aubergine: you don't have to sit in one spot (18:52:49) Kinkyclawz: I can never find anywhere quiet enough for audio books-not at home anyway. (18:53:05) Aubergine: just re-watched the Avenger assemble last night (18:53:14) Kinkyclawz: Can't listen in the car 'cause ot's too noisy. lol. (18:53:27) Kinkyclawz: Did you enjoy it as much as the first time? (18:53:42) Aubergine: oh yes (18:53:52) Eileen: me neither, KC (18:54:06) Kinkyclawz: It took me three years or so to read Lord Of The Rings, I found it very difficult reading. (18:54:17) Eileen: i have quiet but all the shows i have to watch an a certain social medium keep distracting me (18:54:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL Ah, those pesky distractions again. (18:55:01) Aubergine: you can listen to an audiobook as you play computer games or surf the net. it can be going in the background (18:55:05) Eileen: and i read in english (18:55:10) Kinkyclawz: I forgot to ask, what game were you playing? (18:55:21) Eileen: so not my first language (18:55:47) Eileen: i cannot concentrate when i do something else i have to admit (18:55:47) Kinkyclawz: I tried but found that I couldn't give the audiobook my full

attention. (18:55:57) Eileen: but i listened to one while jogging (18:56:10) Kinkyclawz: Now that's a good time to listen. (18:56:19) Aubergine: there that multitasking (18:56:32) Eileen: but have to admit i had to stop and rewind a couple of times (18:56:50) Kinkyclawz: Does it take a little more effort ot read in English, Eileen? (18:56:58) Eileen: it does (18:57:30) Eileen: but depending on the book and level of english it can actually be easier to read in english than in german (18:57:41) Eileen: that was the case with Harry Potter. (18:57:42) Eileen: lol (18:57:52) Kinkyclawz: Bless ya, I can understand that. Would it make it easier if there were a german translation? (18:58:16) Eileen: there are (18:58:21) Eileen: but i like the original (18:58:22) Eileen: (18:58:24) Kinkyclawz: REally? Interesting. (18:58:38) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, fair dues then. (18:58:52) Eileen: german lotr is a bit longer (18:58:52) Eileen: lol (18:59:05) Aubergine: no not longer (18:59:18) Kinkyclawz: I have to say though, I found The Lord Of The Rings trilogy extremely difficult reading, and English is my only language. (18:59:20) Eileen: no not the story of course (18:59:27) Kinkyclawz: Longer? Yikes!! (18:59:31) Eileen: the sentences (18:59:38) Aubergine: oic (18:59:44) Eileen: we need more words for saying something (18:59:45) Eileen: lol (18:59:51) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Genie. (19:00:09) Kinkyclawz: Or longer words to describe them? (19:01:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh, by the way, did you like your bleated gift, a sheep? (19:01:22) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, that is. I was unimaginative and got you the same. (19:02:09) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (19:02:18) Fang: Good evening (19:02:27) Fang: you're all here bright and early (19:02:33) Kinkyclawz: Changing the subject slightly: There;s a show on tongiht called Ripper Street, set in Victorian London just after the Ripper murders where people are dying in similar ways. could be fun!

(19:02:38) Eileen: lol yeah my sheep likes me too (19:02:40) Eileen: Fang! (19:02:42) Eileen: hello (19:02:49) Eileen: How are you? (19:02:52) Aubergine: hello Fang (19:02:58) Fang: your sheep? (19:03:07) Fang: yeah I think I'll watch Ripper street (19:03:07) Aubergine: how was your Christmas> (19:03:11) Kinkyclawz: Fang!! Hello there my handsome Twrother! How are you? Did you ahve a good Chrsitmas? *hands you a bleated gift, looks suspiciously like a sheep* (19:03:12) Eileen: KC gave us each a sheep (19:03:40) Eileen: "Drei Ringe den Elbenknigen hoch im Licht, sieben den Zwergenherrschern in ihren Hallen aus Stein, den Menschen, ewig dem Tode verfallen, neun. Ein Ring dem dunklen Herrscher auf dunklem Thron, im Lande Mordor, wo die Schatten drohen. Ein Ring sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden, ins Dunkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden, im Lande Mordor wo die Schatten drohen." ("Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.") (19:03:51) Kinkyclawz: Wool for knitting jumpers and a free lawnmower too. *smile* (19:03:52) Eileen: lol didnt work out as well as i thought (19:04:01) Eileen: true (19:04:05) Eileen: i like my sheep (19:04:25) Fang: er...thanks KC (19:04:49) Aubergine: you can use the manure for fertilizer too (19:04:57) Fang: I had a terrible christmas alone in Berlin, now I have a cold too so new years even will be crap too (19:05:17) Kinkyclawz: Merry Christmas! Ahhh, it doesn't look too much longer, but over the course of the whole LotR text, it would make a much thicker book.

(19:05:25) Fang: oh now I get it, KC was using that fertilzer for bombs and now has some spare sheep (19:05:28) Eileen: but it wasnt so cold in Berlin (19:05:29) Kinkyclawz: Awwwww. (19:05:54) Kinkyclawz: Hush, that was a secret, Fang. (19:06:07) Aubergine: oh did they not heat the train (19:06:17) Kinkyclawz: Warmer then the UK? Twas bloomin' freezing most of the time here. (19:06:20) Eileen: I told you I was not there, Fang (19:06:27) Kinkyclawz: Or ws that just when I wa in work? (19:06:27) Eileen: why did you come anyway? (19:06:50) Fang: non-refundable, I was going dammit! (19:06:57) Eileen: yeah warmer (19:07:14) Eileen: one day i think we had 17 (19:07:24) Kinkyclawz: I bet Berlin looked nice for Christmas. (19:07:40) Aubergine: oh well what's done is done (19:07:49) Eileen: sorry but I hope you still had fun (19:07:55) Kinkyclawz: 17 whats? *looks innocent but bursts out laughing* Ah, degrees. (19:07:56) Eileen: sorry for the cold (19:08:10) Eileen: degrees celcius (19:08:24) Aubergine: 17 sounds cold tome (19:08:50) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sounds tropically warm to me. ^^ (19:09:09) Fang: yeah 17 degrees is our summer (19:09:28) Eileen: before it was -9 (19:09:32) Eileen: lol (19:09:36) Kinkyclawz: Psst, Eileen, maybe you can warm Fang up for New Years? (19:09:38) Eileen: its spring and fall (19:09:46) Kinkyclawz: Wow, that is chilly! (19:10:00) Eileen: not sure if he wants me to touch him after what happened (19:10:35) Fang: it's probably best you don't, I don't want you to catch anything (19:10:39) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, I forget - what happened? (19:10:56) Kinkyclawz: Aww, such a sweet Twoyfriend. (19:11:20) Aubergine: thanks for not sharing fang. (19:11:37) Fang: I'll just go and sit in the corner...alone...again (19:11:39) Aubergine: I knw I'm usually the first to suggest sharing, but not colds (19:11:50) Fang: sharing is caring (19:12:03) Aubergine: non sense have a nice hot toddy (19:12:15) Aubergine: it's good for you

(19:12:42) Fang: *drinks hot toddy, would prefer Eileen's hot body though* (19:12:49) Fang: anyway enough about me (19:13:10) Fang: get back to LotR and sheep and your christmases and nice things (19:13:45) Fang: brb (19:13:50) Kinkyclawz: Baaa, but you're not alone. (19:14:15) Kinkyclawz: Hb Fang! (19:14:48) Aubergine: now that I think about it is sheep manure good for bomb making (19:15:03) Aubergine: I don't think it's the best material (19:15:14) Kinkyclawz: Is it? how interesting. *looks al innocent* (19:15:31) Eileen: back (19:15:40) Aubergine: wb (19:15:45) Eileen: i would give you my body, Fang. But I need it atm (19:16:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh, it's not... (19:16:16) Eileen: *hands him a some hot toddy but is not sure it is real hot toddy because she doesnt know what hot toddy is* (19:16:24) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen! Wait... did you say you were going? (19:16:36) Eileen: no i didnt but i went anyway (19:16:39) Eileen: *blushes* (19:17:05) Kinkyclawz: A hot toddy has added alcohol in honey and lemon or other cold relief drinks to help the warming effect. (19:17:13) Kinkyclawz: Usually whiskey, if I remember rightly (19:17:16) Fang: back (19:17:35) Eileen: i see thank you (19:17:36) Kinkyclawz: Awww, Eileen such a Will-ful creature. Heehee. WB Fang! (19:17:39) Fang: I thought JD might be back tonight too (19:17:49) Eileen: oh no! (19:18:00) Eileen: if Fang was gone who took the hot toddy then? (19:18:03) Kinkyclawz: I had hoped so too. Start the New Year as you want to go on and all that. (19:18:03) Eileen: wb Fang (19:18:20) Fang: our Eileen is surprisingly rebellious (19:18:22) Aubergine: now I bet you could just use some of the honey whiskey to make the hot toddy (19:18:42) Kinkyclawz: Damn, I think his sheep is drunk... but feeling relief from his bunged up nose. (19:19:18) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, yeah. They make a honey Jack Daniels now don't they? (19:19:40) Aubergine: yes and other companies have jumped on the band wagon.

(19:19:56) Kinkyclawz: YAY. (19:20:15) Aubergine: i find that honey jack daniels and diet coke taste like butterscotch (19:20:20) Kinkyclawz: Teetotal or not, Honey Jack Daniels sounds lovely. (19:20:44) Kinkyclawz: Oh... Eww... I'm not a butterscotch fan so I might not like that as much. (19:20:54) Eileen: *feels questionmarks come into her eyes* (19:21:21) Aubergine: question mark in your eyes? (19:21:30) Fang: I prefer schtrawbery angel delight, not butterscotch (19:21:35) Fang: or is it raspery (19:21:39) Fang: hte pink one anyway (19:21:56) Eileen: yes in my eyes (19:22:03) Aubergine: yes it seems you all did enjoy that (19:22:11) Kinkyclawz: How pretty, how did you get those ?'s in your eyes, Eileen? (19:22:20) Eileen: me as alcoholnever have no clue (19:22:21) Eileen: lol (19:22:35) Eileen: they just arrived. I dont know why (19:22:38) Eileen: oh look (19:22:44) Eileen: one more ? (19:23:05) Kinkyclawz: I don't drink either, but I have drunk Jack Daniels and lemonade and I quite liked it. (19:23:10) Aubergine: that sounds painful (19:23:23) Fang: I don't like JD (19:23:26) Aubergine: but it means you can see the question marks and i can stop putting them (19:23:35) Kinkyclawz: Don't blink Eileen,t hey keep multiplying in your eyes. (19:23:39) Aubergine: you don't (19:23:49) Aubergine: how un American (19:23:50) Kinkyclawz: *hands on hips* What's wrong with ym twusband? (19:24:27) Aubergine: right I get it (19:24:36) Eileen: you dont like JD? (19:24:39) Eileen: what did he do? (19:24:56) Aubergine: you're just upset with JD (19:25:10) Eileen: yes, please stop poking me in the eyes with the ?s please, Genie (19:25:46) Fang: no not our chatmate JD, the drink (19:25:59) Fang: I don't even care if it's Unamerican ans I'm not very American anyway (19:26:03) Kinkyclawz: Oh. That's ok then. *smiles* (19:26:18) Kinkyclawz: Or not American at all...

(19:26:27) Aubergine: well I never (19:26:30) Kinkyclawz: (19:26:54) Eileen: you never? (19:27:04) Eileen: im un-american, too (19:27:08) Kinkyclawz: Genie never. (19:27:12) Aubergine: lmao (19:27:16) Eileen: we fit so well together, Fang (19:27:27) Eileen: why you never, Genie? (19:27:29) Kinkyclawz: As am I, even though I like JD, both my Twusband and the drink. LL (19:27:31) Kinkyclawz: LOL Also (19:27:35) Eileen: you should always! (19:27:38) Aubergine: yes I'm always American never unamerican (19:27:58) Eileen: I c (19:28:18) Fang: not even on Tuesdays? (19:28:20) Kinkyclawz: YAY for Genie not being unAmerican. (19:28:23) Eileen: btw when and where will Ripper street be on? (19:28:37) Kinkyclawz: 9pm tonight on BBC1. (19:28:40) Eileen: on Tuesdays? yeah, not even on Tuesdays? (19:28:45) Eileen: ok thanks (19:28:48) Eileen: 10 here then (19:28:51) Eileen: will look for it (19:28:52) Eileen: (19:29:03) Aubergine: no Tuesdays are a very American day (19:29:11) Kinkyclawz: YAY. I hope it's a good as the adverts look. (19:29:48) Fang: wow so being American is an all week thing? (19:29:48) Kinkyclawz: (19:29:54) Fang: some countries give you Tuesday off (19:30:07) Kinkyclawz: Are there any unAmerican days? (19:30:26) Aubergine: some restaurants have a taco Tuesday which is Mexican (19:30:33) Kinkyclawz: Tuesday is half day closing for Britishness. (19:30:54) Kinkyclawz: So that's unAmerican and very American all at once. (19:31:08) Aubergine: if you like tacos (19:31:17) Fang: Eileen is very German too (19:31:29) Fang: although I'm not sure she's very German all week (19:31:45) Fang: tonight for instance she's typing mostly in English (19:31:48) Eileen: i am i think (19:31:50) Kinkyclawz: Are there any days off being German, Eileen? Days for being unGerman for instance?

(19:31:58) Eileen: oh am i? (19:32:12) Eileen: i think Fridays (19:32:17) Eileen: and Sat and Sundays (19:32:30) Fang: she's so German she won't even rofniec (19:32:30) Kinkyclawz: You're typing in English but I'm not sure that classes as unGerman behaviour. (19:32:39) Aubergine: wow the whole weekend to be un German (19:32:50) Kinkyclawz: Such freedom! (19:33:01) Fang: true KC, she's have to be vague rather than exact to be Ungerman (19:33:01) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. (19:33:07) Aubergine: doesn't seem right (19:33:14) Eileen: and im so german to not even rofnigc (19:33:45) Eileen: i dont work on weekends and we dont work long on fridays mostly (19:33:49) Eileen: so its rather ungerman (19:33:49) Fang: Eileen was rofling in front of her parents last week Genie (19:33:50) Eileen: lol (19:34:10) Eileen: i was (19:34:17) Eileen: they just looked at me funny (19:34:25) Aubergine: well it's okay it's an unGerman thing to do (19:34:30) Kinkyclawz: She was indeed. *is proud* (19:34:32) Eileen: btw is Ripper Street a movie? (19:34:37) Eileen: not a series, right? (19:34:41) Fang: luckily EWileen's parents are even more German than Eileen so didn't understand the things I said (19:34:49) Fang: where'd that W come from (19:34:49) Kinkyclawz: No, a series suesse. (19:35:07) Kinkyclawz: W for Will? Subliminal messaging. (19:35:11) Fang: German's can't even pronounce their Ws properly (19:35:13) Eileen: oh cool (19:35:18) Fang: oh yeah! (19:35:23) Eileen: the trailer looked like it was a series (19:35:28) Eileen: a bit like Coppers for London (19:35:29) Eileen: (19:35:35) Eileen: lol (19:35:35) Kinkyclawz: Not sure how many episodes it is, but most UK ones are between 6-8 episodes. (19:35:41) Fang: does that mean your name is pronounced Vill? (19:35:45) Eileen: yeah we dont call them double us (19:35:50) Eileen: we call them wee

(19:36:03) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, it could be quite like Coppers - not that I've seen that yet but looking forward to when I do. (19:36:08) Eileen: yes it is (19:36:09) Eileen: lol (19:36:12) Fang: whereas here wee is urine or small things (19:36:16) Aubergine: I thought vee (19:36:23) Eileen: lol (19:36:24) Eileen: i know (19:36:30) Eileen: vee is better (19:36:37) Fang: as I've said before my knowledge of the world is formed soley by cartoons (19:36:39) Eileen: no not (19:36:43) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:36:50) Eileen: no idea how to explain (19:36:51) Eileen: lol (19:37:08) Fang: damn all this time I've been saying your name wrong when you've been too polite to correct me? (19:37:25) Eileen: how did you say it? (19:37:25) Kinkyclawz: Aww, such good manners. (19:37:28) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:37:33) Eileen: its difficult to listen to writing (19:38:08) Kinkyclawz: Unless it's an audio book (coming full vcircle to the earlier conversation. YAY!) (19:38:09) Fang: I say it Will rather than Vill, if that makes sense? (19:38:41) Kinkyclawz: I have to admit, I've been syaing ti the same as you, Fang. (19:38:48) Kinkyclawz: Only with a blunter accent. ^^ (19:39:18) Aubergine: I've been saying Vill rather than Will (19:39:35) Fang: well that's just showing off Genie (19:39:39) Fang: unless your wrong of course (19:39:40) Aubergine: but I get my German from Hogan's Heroes (19:39:52) Fang: Hulk Hogan? (19:39:53) Eileen: lol (19:39:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Genie. (19:40:04) Fang: he was even more American than you are (19:40:04) Eileen: yeah vill would be better (19:40:26) Kinkyclawz: Vill will do. (19:40:36) Aubergine: (19:40:40) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou for clearing that up, Eileen. (19:40:57) Aubergine: not Hulk Hogan

(19:41:41) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. Thank goodness. (19:41:44) Eileen: thanks for cleaning that up, Genie (19:41:45) Eileen: (19:41:48) Eileen: both (19:42:23) Aubergine: brb (19:42:45) Fang: wow I just can't trust what I thought I knew anymore (19:42:55) Fang: what else could I be wrong about? (19:42:55) Eileen: (19:43:05) Fang: Maybe Genie isn't the one for moral guidance? (19:43:05) Eileen: hb! (19:43:14) Fang: maybe KC isn't an evil genius? (19:43:26) Kinkyclawz: HB Genie! BRB gang, pitstop time. (19:43:36) Eileen: hb KC (19:43:44) Fang: now you're all leaving! It's like Berlin again (19:43:54) Fang: expect this time Eileen won't leave me, Vill you? (19:44:52) Fang: oh no now Eileen has fallen silent (19:45:00) Eileen: I vont leawe you, Fang (19:45:02) Eileen: *hugs Fang* (19:45:24) Fang: oh no, now you'll be all infected! (19:45:52) Fang: I wasn't going to touch you at all this week, just double the amount next week! (19:45:55) Eileen: I don't care (19:46:05) Eileen: *hugs Fang tighter* (19:46:17) Fang: well what kind of UnGerman response is that? (19:46:25) Fang: cold logic over emotions! (19:46:46) Fang: oh wait maybe that's English (19:47:05) Eileen: maybe thats both (19:47:06) Eileen: (19:47:44) Kinkyclawz: Baaaack (19:47:53) Eileen: wbaaaaaack (19:47:56) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, I had to elave or there'd have been a puddle in the chatroom. (19:47:56) Fang: aww you sounded like one of your many sheep (19:48:02) Kinkyclawz: And Willie wouldn't like that. (19:48:11) Fang: due to your ice lolly melting? (19:48:31) Eileen: oh my (19:48:37) Fang: well I'm still touching you double next week Eileen (19:48:38) Kinkyclawz: Erm... yes. yes. That's right Fang. Ahem.

(19:48:39) Eileen: no no puddles in the chatroom (19:48:47) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're cuddling! How sweet! (19:48:50) Eileen: good, Fang (19:48:51) Fang: see I am wise! (19:49:29) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. (19:49:41) Kinkyclawz: Double touching for the first chat of 2013! YAAAAAY! (19:50:23) Eileen: hehe (19:51:03) Kinkyclawz: I hope I get a chance to double touch with JD next week. :/ (19:51:05) Aubergine: back (19:51:12) Kinkyclawz: WB Genie! (19:51:58) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:52:15) Fang: Wb Genie, don't drip your ice lolly! (19:52:40) Aubergine: we'll thanks for that (19:52:48) Aubergine: I'll try not to make a mess (19:53:06) Kinkyclawz: No messes, especially not puddle sont he floor. ^^ (19:53:18) Eileen: wb Genie (19:53:24) Eileen: i hope you will, too, KC (19:53:32) Fang: you don't want to anger Willie on the last chat of the year (19:53:39) Kinkyclawz: I'll try. No promises though. (19:53:42) Fang: Willie doesn't like dripping (19:53:49) Eileen: Willie or Villie? (19:54:11) Kinkyclawz: I'm afraid I'm not the tidiest person in the world. (19:54:33) Eileen: thats what my mom is for (19:54:35) Eileen: lol (19:54:56) Aubergine: poor Momma Vill runnign behind eileen all day (19:54:59) Eileen: she is a tidyholic (19:55:04) Eileen: lol (19:55:09) Eileen: that would be my dad (19:55:19) Eileen: i mean the one she is running behind all day (19:55:21) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, now you're asking. He's American so probably Willie more than Villie. But who knows, he may have German roots and be happy to pronounce it Villie. (19:55:24) Eileen: i should stop (19:55:48) Eileen: that is a very good question (19:56:19) Aubergine: villie sounds like a nickname for a villian (19:56:34) Aubergine: I don't think Willie wants us to think him a bad ghost host (19:56:49) Eileen: true (19:56:55) Kinkyclawz: *offers out the biscuits her Dad has just brought into the room* Does anyone want a shortbread biscuit half covered in chocolate?

(19:57:03) Fang: I don't know, sometimes Willie ejects early (19:57:11) Fang: he's kicked KC out quite a lot (19:57:14) Aubergine: oh sounds good, but I better not (19:57:28) Eileen: please dont make a mess while eating the biscuits though (19:57:32) Kinkyclawz: They're tasty.... (19:57:37) Fang: *grabs a bit of KC's biscuits* (19:57:50) Eileen: *takes biscuits* thanks KC (19:58:02) Aubergine: such enthusiam fang (19:58:05) Kinkyclawz: LOL *cups an hand under her mouth to catch the crumbs* *speaking through biscuit* Shee, no crumbsh. (19:58:10) Fang: wait a minute this was clearly once fully covered in chocolate, did you lick/bite half of it off KC? (19:58:21) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang. Easy, Twrother dear. (19:58:32) Kinkyclawz: *looks innocent* No. Not me. (19:58:36) Fang: yes I'm an enthusiastic grabber, ask Eileen (19:59:00) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh* (19:59:07) Eileen: he is! *nods enthusiastically* (19:59:09) Fang: you should have bought your mum a litter picker Eileen to pick up after your Dad (19:59:14) Fang: it would safe her back (19:59:29) Fang: although it's not very festive (19:59:32) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Eileen. (19:59:36) Eileen: yeah it would (19:59:46) Eileen: oh antiques road show starts (19:59:51) Eileen: then Ripper Stree (19:59:52) Eileen: (19:59:53) Eileen: t (19:59:56) Fang: wow I never thought I'd encourage a female Will not to bend over, what's wrong with me? (19:59:58) Eileen: t missing (20:00:06) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, it does, in one minute... or is it on at 8.15? (20:00:12) Aubergine: it's the cold (20:00:13) Fang: ah damn (20:00:25) Eileen: *blushes* Fang! (20:00:27) Fang: oh well I'll stay with you anyway (20:00:42) Eileen: good good (20:00:49) Fang: Eileen you'll looking all red, like Santa! and JD! (20:01:15) Aubergine: or Santa after he's had a shot of JD (20:01:22) Fang: me grammar iz well badz 2nite innit?

(20:01:27) Kinkyclawz: Yay for staying! And referrring to an earlier topic - I think Willie is lovely. Just a tad too keen sometimes. ^^ (20:01:46) Fang: it's a compliment really, he just wants to do a good job (20:01:48) Fang: for us (20:02:07) Kinkyclawz: Indeed. (20:02:10) Eileen: (20:02:17) Fang: PS when I say you look like Santa I don't mean your fat and old with a beard, I mean red cheeked (20:02:34) Eileen: thanks for clearing that up, Fang (20:02:40) Eileen: I was getting confused (20:03:21) Kinkyclawz: Phew, could have been a bad thing happening there. (20:03:28) Fang: plus if you were Santa you wouldn't deliver all the presents in one night, you'd be more efficient and do it over several nights (20:03:42) Eileen: true (20:03:46) Aubergine: yeah you don't want that misunderstanding hanging about for anytime (20:04:00) Eileen: or more lazy and do it over several nights (20:04:17) Fang: aww efficient sounded much nicer than lazy (20:04:39) Aubergine: actually it's quite a feat delivering all those presents in one night (20:04:54) Fang: yeah but he wouldn't have too if he stopped putting it off (20:05:10) Fang: it's like when women ask men to empty the bin (20:05:12) Aubergine: hoping people remember not to light the fireplace (20:05:29) Eileen: yes (20:05:31) Eileen: that is dangerous (20:05:38) Aubergine: it's takes a whole year to get someoof those gifts together (20:05:45) Fang: I know but you still make us empty them (20:06:32) Aubergine: i don't think she meant emptying the bins was dangerous, fang (20:06:35) Fang: exactly! what a slow production line, Eileen could do two runs a year instead of one (20:06:48) Kinkyclawz: But if you think about it, "technically" the presents aren't all delivered in one night, but over the course of the whole of the 24th December, depending ont he time zones. (20:07:04) Fang: oh, but my could end up like Eileen's Mums (20:07:04) Aubergine: and who decides who gets their gifts first (20:07:06) Eileen: yeah, i meant the fireplaces (20:07:19) Eileen: but if you want you can empty those too

(20:07:32) Eileen: there might be some left over presents there (20:07:51) Fang: but all the soot into my lungs and make me cough more (20:08:03) Fang: how heartless, at Christmas too (20:08:13) Kinkyclawz: Isn;t Sansa's suit fireproof? (20:08:23) Fang: brb, I'm off for a little cry (20:08:35) Eileen: awww Fang (20:08:40) Kinkyclawz: Erm Santa Calus that is, not Sansa from Game Of Thrones. (20:08:41) Eileen: i said only if you wanted (20:08:47) Kinkyclawz: Damn, Claus! Claus! LOL (20:08:47) Aubergine: no one is that fireproof to climb into a fireplace with a fire blazing (20:08:58) Eileen: Santa Calus, I like it (20:09:30) Eileen: true, Genie (20:09:34) Kinkyclawz: Not even a magical being like Santa. *eyes get wide and innocent, like a puppies* (20:09:39) Aubergine: I think Santa Calus is a town off the coast of Mexico (20:10:11) Eileen: it is? (20:10:11) Kinkyclawz: Very likely. LOL They drink Pina Colada's there. (20:10:12) Eileen: cool (20:10:35) Fang: I like your puppies KC (20:10:41) Kinkyclawz: Aww, HB Fang. *throws tissues after him so he can dry his eyes* (20:10:50) Fang: oh yeah back (20:11:03) Eileen: wb Fang (20:11:14) Aubergine: strange I didn't get the brb message (20:11:18) Kinkyclawz: WB Fang. And thankyou! (20:11:18) Fang: hmm isn't that your second Mexico mention Genie (20:11:34) Eileen: Genie likes Mexico (20:11:35) Aubergine: why yes it is (20:11:45) Fang: maybe you even wear a sombrero! (20:11:47) Aubergine: actually I don't (20:12:06) Aubergine: but it's coastal and where tacos come from (20:12:37) Kinkyclawz: " (20:08:13) Kinkyclawz: Isn;t Sansa's suit fireproof? (20:08:23) Fang: brb, I'm off for a little cry " (20:12:55) Fang: damn I think you'd look good in a sombrero, shaking your maracas (20:13:07) Aubergine: and they have a lot of Santa towns (20:13:46) Eileen: alot of Santa's towns? (20:13:49) Aubergine: as does California which at one time was part of Mexico (20:13:56) Eileen: how many towns does Santa have?

(20:14:01) Kinkyclawz: And is that the second mention of Tacos too? (20:14:06) Fang: oh thanks for the tissues, I wouldn't want to leave puddles on the floor (20:14:14) Kinkyclawz: He has many, it seems. (20:14:19) Aubergine: Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, (20:14:30) Fang: Santa Monica (20:14:39) Eileen: Puddles!!! No puddles in the chatroom!!! (20:14:41) Aubergine: exactly (20:14:46) Kinkyclawz: Santa Carla, muder capital of the world. (ok, who can tell me what film that's from?) (20:14:46) Fang: Santa Grotto (20:14:52) Eileen: Santa Claus (20:15:13) Kinkyclawz: No puddles, that's that the tissues were for. Honest. (20:15:27) Kinkyclawz: murder not muder, by the way. (20:15:42) Fang: I can but only because I just googled it, bad Fang! (20:15:51) Fang: oooh (20:15:59) Fang: do you like bad boys Eileen? (20:17:02) Aubergine: is it Get the Gringo (20:17:09) Kinkyclawz: Does anyone who hasn't googled it know the answer? (20:17:10) Eileen: No I dont (20:17:28) Fang: no the answer or like bad boys? (20:17:32) Fang: know! (20:17:35) Eileen: both (20:17:40) Fang: damn KW escaping (20:17:43) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Genie, not quite. It does ahve a vampire connection... (20:17:59) Aubergine: the lost boys (20:18:14) Fang: damn, so much for getting that motorbike (20:18:19) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you have to be a good oy for Eileen, Fang. (20:18:27) Kinkyclawz: boy not oy. >< (20:18:43) Fang: but she makes it so difficult (20:18:48) Aubergine: does a motorbike make you a bad boy (20:19:00) Kinkyclawz: YAY, that's the one Genie! You win another sheep! (20:19:07) Fang: yes, TV shows and cartoons have taught me that (20:19:22) Eileen: yay for sheeps! (20:19:23) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang. (20:19:27) Fang: tattoos do to but I'm not getting one of those (20:19:27) Eileen: yes they do (20:19:45) Fang: and cheesy 80s movies (20:19:50) Kinkyclawz: I already ahve tattoos.

(20:20:00) Aubergine: I think a tattoo more than a bike (20:20:11) Kinkyclawz: Hoping to ahve another before we have our convention in May, Eileen. ^^ (20:20:17) Fang: are you saying you're a bad boy KC? (20:20:26) Eileen: oh my (20:20:29) Eileen: bad girl (20:20:38) Aubergine: you can't bring your bike into the pub so no one knows you have it, but roll up your sleeve everyone can see your tat (20:20:50) Eileen: true (20:20:51) Fang: well you didn't think KC was sweet and innocent did you Eileen? (20:21:20) Eileen: i did! (20:21:22) Eileen: ah! (20:21:31) Eileen: how could I have been so wrong? (20:21:38) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, I am a bad girl, all wrapped up in a package of goodness. (20:21:54) Fang: aww bless you for being so sweet and innocent you thought KC was sweet and innocent (20:21:58) Aubergine: she's allowed to have her dark side (20:22:09) Fang: that's what shadows are for! (20:22:12) Kinkyclawz: Wait... wait, sorry, I'm a good girl wrapped in a bad package? No, wait, wiat that sounds worse. (20:22:32) Fang: well I still like you whatever your wrapped in (20:23:04) Kinkyclawz: Thanks Fang. And bless ya for being so trusting Eileen. ^^ (20:23:49) Fang: poor Eileen hs fallen silent (20:24:07) Fang: her world has been shaken worse than when I found out it was pronounced Vill (20:24:24) Fang: is nothing sacred? (20:24:28) Kinkyclawz: It's the shock of learning I'm no angel. Sorry Eileen. I didn't make a secret of it though. Honest I didn't. (20:24:51) Kinkyclawz: Nothing is sacred tonight in this chatroom, that;'s for sure. (20:25:05) Eileen: *sobs and hides in a corner* (20:25:09) Kinkyclawz: WE could even discuss the forbidden subject and no-one would worry tonight. (20:25:13) Aubergine: oh dear (20:25:34) Aubergine: surely you knew KC wasn't an angel (20:25:41) Aubergine: it's in her name dear (20:25:44) Fang: (20:26:02) Eileen: *mumbles "How could this happen, my precious? How could I be

so wrong?"* (20:26:05) Kinkyclawz: *takes tissues over to Eileen* Sorry. (20:26:24) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, this isn't good. (20:26:33) Eileen: *screams from the corner* (20:26:42) Eileen: But I though KC stood for KindCute* (20:26:45) Kinkyclawz: *runs and hides* (20:26:47) Aubergine: maybe it's the translation (20:26:51) Eileen: or "KindClawz" (20:26:58) Fang: menthol sweet followed by cold water, I love that feeling (20:27:01) Kinkyclawz: It might be a problem in transaltion. (20:27:16) Eileen: lost in translation? (20:27:22) Eileen: *sobs some more* (20:27:29) Aubergine: good Bill Murray movie (20:27:37) Fang: awww Kinky isn't a part of Eileen's vocabulary (unfortunately) (20:27:51) Fang: she had to replace it with something her innocent mind could grasp (20:28:10) Aubergine: well that's not good (20:28:26) Fang: you just said it was good (20:28:37) Fang: make your mind up (20:28:37) Kinkyclawz: *peeps out fo ehr hiding place* It could be. KindCute? Aww, but I'm not cute either. Hard to tell through the chatroom filters though. (20:28:41) Eileen: kinky is not "kind"? (20:28:53) Fang: er...yes it is Eileen (20:28:58) Fang: that's right (20:29:08) Fang: well done, gold star (20:29:11) Aubergine: well kinky can be kind, but no that's not the translation (20:29:21) Eileen: oh I see (20:29:47) Aubergine: but kinky doesn't have to be bad (20:29:49) Fang: just don't put "kinky" down if you ever have to describe yourself on dating sites or job applications (20:29:57) Aubergine: it's just different (20:30:03) Kinkyclawz: Sadly not. Kinky can either be "wriggly, not straight" or "into the weird sexual stuff". I'm the former description of course. *is trying not to trauatise Eileen more than she already is* (20:30:03) Eileen: not? (20:30:06) Eileen: okay thanks (20:30:10) Fang: stick with "kind" (20:30:13) Eileen: *looks around sheepishly* (20:30:18) Eileen: okay

(20:30:25) Fang: lucky there's so many sheepp about (20:30:38) Fang: it means Eileen doesn't stand out when she looks sheepis (20:30:44) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, stick with Kind. (20:31:00) Fang: not that I'm saying you look like a sheep...or Santa (20:31:12) Eileen: okay I will buy that stick (20:31:24) Eileen: thanks for clearing that up, Fang (20:31:25) Kinkyclawz: YAY! (20:31:35) Aubergine: now that explanation is a little kinky (20:31:42) Eileen: a stick with kind sounds good (20:32:04) Kinkyclawz: A kind stick. It is? (20:32:12) Fang: wait did you just say you're not straight KC? (20:32:26) Kinkyclawz: *tries to be really good* (20:32:27) Aubergine: lol (20:32:54) Kinkyclawz: I am straight in the sexual sense, not in the standing up straight sense. (20:33:04) Fang: oh OK (20:33:10) Eileen: oh (20:33:26) Fang: it's OK if your not honest, I like lesbians, I've even watched videos all about them (20:33:42) Kinkyclawz: I hoped that faux pas had slipped under the radar but apparently you're all too observant. ^^ (20:33:48) Aubergine: say no more fang (20:33:50) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:33:51) Eileen: oh that was that video that distracted you the other day, Fang (20:34:10) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh and heads to the gutter* (20:34:44) Fang: exactly Eileen, it was so...let's say...educational I couldn't concentrate on the chat (20:34:59) Aubergine: lmoa (20:35:07) Kinkyclawz: education is good, learning things is very good. usually. (20:35:17) Aubergine: no more shtrawberry cake for you lot (20:35:28) Fang: laugh my... what does the oa stand for? (20:35:40) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Ok. you know best, oh Vice of REason. (20:36:17) Kinkyclawz: No idea Fang. (20:36:21) Fang: I can't even think of an external body part starting with O (20:36:43) Fang: maybe it's a type of clothing or accessory? (20:36:53) Aubergine: laughing my ohmygod ass (20:36:54) Kinkyclawz: Orbit, as in of the eye? Not external tho so can;t really be laughed off.

(20:37:41) Fang: well that can't be right, you're meant to be the definitive vice of reason and that barely makes sense (20:37:47) Eileen: off-ass? (20:38:04) Fang: see what you did to Eileen with taht kinky talk! (20:38:15) Fang: I don't even know what off ass means but now Eileen does! (20:38:18) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* (20:38:27) Aubergine: lol (20:38:40) Fang: the whole word is upside down, except Australia which is now the right way up (20:38:41) Kinkyclawz: It's liek Face-Off but lower and a bit behind? (20:39:07) Kinkyclawz: Which techincally makes it upside down too. (20:39:33) Aubergine: Australia is not upside (20:39:34) Eileen: hmmm (20:39:50) Kinkyclawz: Are we confused yet? (20:39:57) Eileen: yes (20:40:05) Aubergine: good (20:40:07) Kinkyclawz: Good, me too. ^^ (20:40:15) Aubergine: now for something completely different (20:40:27) Kinkyclawz: Monty Python? (20:40:39) Eileen: Thranduil (20:40:43) Aubergine: love MOnty Python (20:40:45) Fang: good idea (20:40:46) Eileen: the Hobbit (20:40:48) Eileen: Kili (20:40:51) Fang: change things quickly Genie (20:41:07) Kinkyclawz: The Hobbit! Full circle to our early discussions! (20:42:02) Kinkyclawz: I think we already changed. Did you see The Hobbit, Fang? (20:42:04) Eileen: full circle 2 (20:42:51) Fang: not yet (20:42:57) Fang: not sure if I want too actually (20:43:11) Kinkyclawz: Michael Palin of Monty Python fame did a travel series called Full Circle (20:43:22) Fang: seems a bit long to me, which was fine with LotR but not such a small book like the hobbit (20:43:27) Kinkyclawz: Not a LotR fan? (20:43:30) Fang: it sounds too stretched (20:45:10) Aubergine: there were a lot of characters in the Hobbit we are apparently going to get to know they allindividually (20:45:14) Kinkyclawz: It's very entertaining, doesn't feel overstretched. Not having

read the book, I've nothign to compare to. (20:45:17) Fang: sorry I killed the buzz (20:45:29) Aubergine: man I'm having an issue with the space bar today (20:45:30) Fang: like some kind of buzzkiller (20:45:43) Fang: how was Mitchell? (20:46:00) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, you do get to know characters quite well, but it's done as part of the narrative. (20:46:05) Fang: or don't we get to know them individually until the next TWO films (seriously three films is daft) (20:46:11) Kinkyclawz: Brillaint! (20:46:14) Kinkyclawz: Brilliant also. (20:46:30) Fang: a bh related topic! (20:46:32) Fang: hooray! (20:46:47) Kinkyclawz: I've no idea how the next two films will go but if they're anythign like the first one, they'll be excellent. (20:46:49) Fang: the last chat of the year needed one (20:46:52) Aubergine: personally I'm waiting for Fast and Furious 6 (20:46:54) Eileen: i read on the movie database that (20:47:05) Eileen: Kili will be also in the other two parts (20:47:22) Fang: oh yeah I've read the book too which I hadn't for LotR (20:47:47) Fang: not that should really matter (20:48:06) Kinkyclawz: Here's another BH link - I've bought Grabbers on itunes, waiting for it to download! Grabbers being the film Russell Tovey is in where they ahve to stay drunk to avoid being eaten by the monster. LOL (20:48:27) Aubergine: and the next chapter in Riddick (20:48:29) Eileen: lol (20:48:32) Kinkyclawz: YAY for Kili lasting to the third part. (20:48:34) Fang: grabbers! we were talking about that earlier when you bought the cookies in (20:48:42) Fang: why didn't you bring it up then? (20:48:42) Kinkyclawz: I hope Bofur does too. ^^ (20:48:44) Eileen: okay will leave soon to watch Ripper Street (20:48:55) Aubergine: they have to stay drunk to avoid the monster (20:49:16) Eileen: sounds like one spn epi (20:49:18) Eileen: lol (20:49:28) Aubergine: Russell Tovey doesn't make very good movie choices does he (20:49:30) Eileen: stay drunk to see the monster (20:49:41) Kinkyclawz: A friend has been watching them filming F&F6 - they filmed parts of it on Liverpool.

(20:49:54) Fang: yeah time to go (20:50:02) Aubergine: they should be done by now (20:50:02) Kinkyclawz: I tried but the conversation moved on too quickly Fang. ^^ (20:50:10) Aubergine: it's in editing (20:50:31) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Eileen That may have been where they got the idea for hte film. ^^ (20:50:43) Aubergine: okay them run off and watch some poor girl get killed (20:50:50) Kinkyclawz: Not usually, no. BH was his best choice yet, that and History Boys. (20:51:10) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. (20:51:30) Kinkyclawz: Aww, enjoy Ripper Street Eileen! Are you going to go and watch it too Fang? (20:51:31) Aubergine: here we have Mitchell doing the Hobbit and George doing Grabbers (20:51:43) Fang: it sound like he left bh for him and her so he's not the smartest at picking roles (20:51:52) Kinkyclawz: There's a bit of a difference. Grabbers looks funny though, I have to say. (20:51:53) Fang: lol, bit of a difference there Genie (20:51:54) Eileen: a little difference (20:52:03) Kinkyclawz: Gotta be better than Him & Her....:/ (20:52:03) Fang: although to be fair Mitchell just looks like a movie star (20:52:04) Eileen: rofl (20:52:26) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, he does. (20:52:31) Kinkyclawz: Aidan does too. (20:52:34) Fang: Russell looks...let's say unconventional by Hollywood standards (20:52:39) Eileen: we all thing there is a difference (20:52:55) Eileen: yeah (20:53:03) Kinkyclawz: I love unconventional looks. ^^ (20:53:07) Aubergine: it would be fine if he grew his hair to cover his ears (20:53:11) Kinkyclawz: We do. (20:53:31) Fang: anyway this isn't leaving (20:53:38) Fang: so goodnight and happy new year (20:53:51) Fang: if you're doing anything other than moping with cold enjoy it (20:53:53) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Nah, he has cute ears! (20:53:54) Fang: (20:53:58) Aubergine: goodnight fang, Happy New Year (20:54:09) Eileen: yeah good night and happy new year! (20:54:10) Eileen:

(20:54:16) Fang: I bet Eileen is going on a pub crawl (20:54:31) Fang: Genie is having tacos (20:54:38) Fang: and KC will finish the evening in the gutter (20:54:43) Eileen: pub crawl? (20:54:46) Eileen: lol (20:54:51) Fang: because somethings never change (20:55:03) Aubergine: you can do pub crawls and not drink. (20:55:09) Fang: even when the world is upside down and Genie and Eileen do odd thing (20:55:12) Fang: goodnight (20:55:16) Aubergine: not as much fun, but to each their own (20:55:38) Eileen: lol (20:55:40) Eileen: well then (20:55:44) Kinkyclawz: Aww, poor Fang, I hope your cold gets better soon with the help of your Doctor-y self. Goodnight! Goodnight Eileen - Enjoy Ripper Street!! Good Afternoon Genie! Have an awesome weekend and see you all next year! (20:55:46) Eileen: good night!!! (20:55:50) Fang: *plays auld lang syne instead of usual tardis noise* (20:55:52) Kinkyclawz: Happy New Year! (20:55:57) Eileen: Feel Better, Fang!!! (20:55:58) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:55:59) Eileen: Muah! (20:56:03) Eileen: byyyyyyyyye (20:56:06) Kinkyclawz: YAY Gutter! (20:56:07) Aubergine: Happy New year Twisters!! (20:56:13) Aubergine: good night (20:56:22) Eileen: Happy New Year!!! (20:56:43) Aubergine: we do have the most comfortable gutter (20:57:13) Kinkyclawz: Happy New Year my lovely Twisters! *biiiiiiiig hugz!* *calls out after the Tardis* Happy New Year dear Twrother!! (20:57:35) Kinkyclawz: We do! *luxuriates in the gutter* (20:57:48) Aubergine: ah auld lang syne (20:58:08) Kinkyclawz: I know the first couple of lines. (20:58:10) Aubergine: Cheers ladies (20:58:16) Kinkyclawz: love the tune though. (20:58:28) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (20:59:49) Kinkyclawz: Good night and have a wonderful time this week. Ring in the New Year in style, as I'm sure you will!

(21:00:44) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout). (21:01:16) Kinkyclawz: That goes to all of our absent Chatmates, too. Love ya all! See you next year, hopefully!

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