Amazing Mantras

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Amazing Mantras

1. Magnetic persona
Outshining everyone in one's field is an achievement easily wished for but hard to attain. Yet one knows well that if one has magnetism in one's voice, eyes, face or personality others could be easily left overawed. Would you like to be equipped thus? Yes? Then there's no better time than the new millenium to possess such attributes which you thought to be the birthright of only national and international luminaries. Know it that one is never born with them, rather they have to be brought to the surface and there couldn't be a better way than this short but powerful Mantra ritual. Start on a Sunday morning wear fresh clothes and light a ghee lamp. Seated on a yellow mat chant thus continuously for 15 minutes while staring unblinkingly at the flame.

|| Om Hreem Hreem Om ||
Do this regularly for 15 days and see the results for yourself.

2. Relief from ailments

Today no one can claim to be totally fit, although everyone shall agree that the natural state of the body is perfect health. Diseases not just bring pain and suffering but also loss of money and even longevity. Best medical help is a must, yet along with it one could try a wondrous Mantra whose efficacy for curing even the worst ailments and even stalling death remains unparalleled since the Vedic age! Start from any Monday. Early morning have a bath. Wear yellow robes. Sit on a yellow mat and chant 5 rounds (of 108 each) of the following Mahaa-mrityunjaya Mantra.

|| Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvaarukmiv Bandhnaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat ||

Do this for 121 days.

3. Easing mental tension

The fast pace of life today has left the whole of mankind struggling to somehow maintain poise and mental balance. Outwardly one might look perfectly in control, yet the inner turmoil could assume threatening proportions and burst forth in form of heart failure, indigestion and even insanity. If one realised that there dwells within a power which could steer one clear of all problems, one would choose to tap into it rather than worry oneself to death. To ease tensions try this simple ritual. Early morning or any time you feel fresh have a bath and sit in a relaxed manner in any posture. One can even lie down. Then forgetting all your problems chant the following Mantra for 10 minutes.

|| Om Hreem Hreem Hreem Shreem Hreem Hreem Hreem ||

Whenever you feel mentally fatigued try it. You might even have a flash of intuition suggesting a way out of your current problem.

4. Wealth
Progress in life without wealth is not impossible or unheard of, yet it is a fact that money does ease many problems of life. Poverty on the other hand means toiling day and night to make two ends meet leaving no time or enthusiasm for entertainment, travel or making an attempt to raise one's living standard. Following mantra chanting is an amazing ritual which promises new sources of income and wealth. For this, start on any Wednesday morning. Wear yellow robes. Sit facing North on a yellow mat. Light incense. Next pick the rosary and chant 5 rounds (of 108 each) of the following Mantra.

|| Om Shreem Shreem Indraannyei Shreem Shreem Om ||

Do this regularly for 120 days.

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