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1000 mondat magyarul s angolul


IGEIDK H, mit csinlsz te itt? vek ta nem ettem ilyen j vreshurkt. Ezen a tavaszon fogok frjhez menni. Mr vagy hrom rja nyomta a csengt, mikor a hzmester vgre kinzett. Mita jr Jska Gzval? Szeretlek. Rnzett a lnyra, kacsintott, bcst intett neki, aztn belpett a liftaknba. A mai napig nem felejtettem el azt a szeptemberi estt, mikor elszr lttalak meg a sznakazal tvibe. Itt l az id a nyakamon. Holnap hromkor? Nem, akkor pp a fogorvosnl fog lni. tkor? Nem, akkor pp a fogt fogja borogatni. gy rted, hogy htkor? Nem, akkor mr aludni fog. Na, hogy tegnap htkor? Nem, akkor vasalt. Tegnapeltt htkor? Akkor meg mosott. Hogy most? Most itt l mellettem, s kuncog. Mr 10 ve bartnk. Belpett a szobba, de eltte lezuzuhanyozott. Majd szlok, ha befejeztem. Amikor n mg kissrc voltam, minden nap elmentem meglesni a lnyokat a munksszlls frdjben. Nincs hozzszokva ahhoz, hogy busszal jrjon a piacra. Hnyszor mosol naponta fogat? Ezt a srt most megiszom. Jzsi bcsi mr nem dolgozik itt. Megkaptad mr a pnzt? Vissza fogom adni mihelyst megtallom. Most pp nem alszik. Mr egy hete csak a mamra gondolok. Egsz ton hazafel azon gondolkodm Kettkor jttek meg, de azta se lttuk ket.

TENSES Hey, what are you doing here? I havent eaten such good blood pudding for years. Im going to get married this spring. He had been ringing the bell for three hours when the caretaker looked out at last. How long has Joe been dating Gza? I love you. He looked at the girl, winked at her, waved good bye and then stepped into the lift shaft. I havent forgotten the night in September when I first saw you in the shade of the haybale. Time is sitting on my neck. At three tomorrow? No, then hell be sitting at the dentists. At five? No, at that time hell be having a cold compress on his tooth. You mean at seven? No, hell be sleeping then. You mean at seven yesterday? No, he was ironing then. At seven the day before yesterday? He was washing then. You mean now? Now, hi is sitting next to me and tittering. Theyve been friends for ten years. He entered the room. But he had taken a shower before. Ill tell you when Ive finished. When I was a little boy I used to go and see the girls in he bath of the workers hostel every day. She is not used to going to the market by bus. How many times a day do you clean your teeth? Im going to do drink this beer now. Jzsi bcsi doesnt work here anymore. Have you received the money yet? Ill give it back as soon as I find it. Shes not sleeping right now. Ive been thinking of Mum for a week now. All my way home I was wondering. They arrived at two but we havent seen them ever since.


Mg fl vig sem ltek egytt, mikor elvltak. Az sszes hst bepanroztad? Minden este tteremben vacsorzik. Ez elment vadszni, ez megltte, ez hazavitte, ez megsttte, ez az iciri-piciri meg mind megette. Amg a lnyok csevegtek, addig a fik a bnyban dolgoztak. A rakodpart als kvn ltem, s nztem, hogy szik a dinnyehj. Hov msz te kisnyulacska? Nem tallkoztunk mi mr valahol? Nem ltott semmit, mg fel nem rakta a szemvegt. Ballag a katona, szjban csutora. Jvre lesz 15 ve, hogy ns vagyok. Malacka minden nap megltogatja Micimackt. Hol szlettl? Hol lsz te? Hol fogsz dolgozni? Lenin lt, Lenin l, Lenin lni fog. Mg soha nem volt ilyen fejfjsom. Szerencse, hogy tegnap nem fjt a fejem. Nagyon esett, amikor leszlltl a buszrl? Megcsinlod mire visszajvk? Mita megnslt, egsz mskpp viselkedik. Egsz este dnnygtt. Apu, mit csinl a kutya a fnl? Lttl te mr felntt frfit meztelen? Te kinek drukkolsz? Egsz nap gy hinyoztl. Mire megtallta az anyt, eltnt a csavar. llandan jsgot olvas reggeli kzben. Megetted mr amit tegnap fztem? They had been living together for less than half a year when they got divorced. Have you coated all the meat with breadcrumbs? He has dinner in a restaurant every evening. This one went hunting, this one shot it, this one took it home, this one fried it and this teeny weenie one ate it all. While the girls were chatting, the boys were working in the colliery. A was sitting on the lower stone of the quay watching the melon rind floating. Where are you going, bunny? Havent we met somewhere before? He hadnt seen a thing until he put on his glasses. The GI is trudging wit a mouthpiece in his mouth. Next year Ill have been married for 15 years. Piglet goes to see Winnie-the-Pooh every day. Where were you born? Where do you live? Where will you work? Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live. Ive never had such a headache. Luckily enough, I didnt have a headache yesterday. Was it pouring when you got off the bus? Will you have done it by the time I return? Since he got married, shes been behaving rather differently. He was mumbling all evening. Daddy, whats the dog doing by the tree? Have you ever seen a grown man naked? Who do you support? Ive been missing you all day. By the time he found the nut, the bolt had disappeared. He is always reading a paper during breakfast. Have you yet eaten what I cooked yesterday.


Te j isten, mennyit ittl? Nyugi anyukm, nem ittam tbbet, mint a Jzsi, pedig mr tegnap elkezdte, s mg most sem fejezte be. H de khgsz, csak nem fztl meg? A cipjt s a kabtjt levette, az ingt pp most gombolja, de a flbevaljt mg nem kattintotta ki. Mondtam mr neked, hogy ne szopd az ujjad! Megitta a tejet, megette a kakas csigt, megksznte a reggelit s bement a szobjba. Megjavtottad mr a csapot? Elfogyott a cigarettm. Mr dl van, mgis kisfiam, hol voltl egsz dleltt? Htkor tallkoztunk a Nemzetinl. Korn lefekdt, gy aztn hazart nyolcra. Befejezted mr? Nem emltettem mg neked azt az esetet, mikor vletlenl rossz buszra szlltam? Ugye mg nem mesltem azokrl az idkrl, amikor kz a kzben mentnk a Dzsa Gyrgy ton, mjus 1-jn? Felfjta a lufit, s az most akkora, mint egy hz. Most mr befejeztem. Meglocsoltad mr a felesged? t mg nem locsoltam meg, de a bartnmet mr igen. Tegnap mentem hozz s kaptam tle piros tojst. A felesgemtl mg piros tojst nem kaptam, de a sodrft mr elvette. Mg nem csapott a fejemre, de nagyon flek, mert tavaly gy kupn vgott, hogy mg most sem ment le a pp a fejemrl. Hegyek kztt, vlgyek kztt zakatol a vonat. Ittam egy kis klt s most csuklok. Te csngettl, Taszil? Oh, my God, youve been drinking a lot! Easy mum, I havent drunk more than Joe, mind you, he started it yesterday and hasnt finished it yet. Hey, youre coughing a lot. I hope you havent caught a cold. She has taken off her shoes and coat, shes undoing her blouse right now, but she hasnt unclipped her earrings yet. Ive already told you not to suck your finger! He drank the milk, ate the cocoa snail, thanked for the breakfast and went into his room. Have you repaired the tap yet? Ive run out of cigarettes. It is noon, sonny, where have you been the whole morning? We met at the National Theatre at seven. She had gone to bed early, so she got home by eight. Have you finished yet? Havent I mentioned to you the case when I accidentally took the wrong bus? I havent told you about the days when we were walking hand in hand on Dzsa Gyrgy road on May Day, have I? He has blown up the balloon and now its as big as a house. Ive finished it now. Have you sprinkled your wife yet? No, I havent, but Ive already sprinkled my girlfriend. I went to her place yesterday and I got a red egg from her. A havent got a red egg from my wife yet, but she has already produced the rolling pin. She hasnt yet hit me on the head but Im scared because last year she hit me on the head so hard that the lump hasnt gone down from my head yet. The train is rattling along between mountains and valleys. Ive drunk some coke and now Im hiccuping Have you rung the bell, Taszil?


Nyr este volt, pacsirta szlt a fn, ott kborolt egy cigny. Csrg a lnc! Mi? Csrg a lnc. Nem hallom, mert csrg a lnc. Mit stsz kis szcs? Ss hst stsz kis szcs? St a pk, st a pk gezemice lngost. Perceg a sz. Hrom ve hordja azt a rongyos farmert. Mita meglttalak a bokrok alatt, csak rlad lmodom. Mita megrkezett a vrosba, a legdrgbb szllodban lakik. A hullmvaston mr ltem, de az elvarzsolt kastlyban mg nem voltam. Ivott egy pohr vodkt s most itt kacszik az utcn. Mg sosem volt ilyen szerencsm. pp az utcn stltam, mikor a baleset trtnt. Meredten bmult a tvolba, mikor egyszercsak megpillantotta Aljost. n mg sohasem utaztam a szellemvaston, soha sem lttam a nagy srknyt. Lttl te mr mackt mlnsban? A brtndr a villanyokat oltogatta, a lny a fogasnl llt, mikor egy fiatal rendr lpett be a hts ajtn t. Az istll hts rszben tehenek aludtak szalmn. Flt, hogy felbresztett valakit az ordiblsval. Senki nem fog egy knnycseppet sem hullatni rte. Holnap tizenegy j lesz? Mindig este zuhanyozok, mert reggel rohanok.

It was a summer night, there was a lark singing in the tree and a gypsy roaming about. The chain is rattling! What? The chain is rattling! I cant her you cause the chain is rattling. What are you frying little furrier? Are you frying salty meat, furrier? The baker is frying, the baker is frying hotchpotch dough. The woodworm is ticking away. Shes been wearing that shabby pair of jeans for three years. Ive been dreaming about you since I saw you under the bushes. Since he arrived in town, he has been living in the ritziest hotel. Ive already travelled on the roller coaster but I havent been to the haunted castle. He has drunk a glass of vodka and now hes zigzagging in the street. Ive never been so lucky. I was walking in the street when the accident happened. She was staring into space when out of a sudden she caught sight of Aliosha. Ive never ever travelled on the ghost train Ive never ever seen the large dragon. Have you ever seen a bear in raspberries? The bartender was putting out the lights, the girl was standing by the clothes tree, when a young cop entered the back door. At he far side of the barn cows were sleeping on straw. He was afraid he had awakened someone with his shout. Not a tear will be shed for him. Eleven tomorrow will do? I always take a shower in the evening because in the morning Im in a hurry.


llandan csapkodja az ajtt. Szereted a mzet? Szeretsz mg, mondd? Holnap lesz egy hete, hogy sztrjkolnak. Mr kt rja beszlt, mikor rjtt, hogy senki nincs a szobban. Mire a vgre rsz, el fogod felejteni az elejt. Magas lovon lt, mieltt lebukott. gy megcskolt, ahogy, soha senki azeltt. Piroska karjra akasztotta a kosarat, amit a nagymamja font. Egy fekete macska l a fogason. Sok krdst mr megoldottunk. n mg sose voltam frfivel. Mikor jssz vissza? Ezrt megfizetsz! Olyan nehzsgekkel talltam szembe magam, amilyeneket azeltt nem tapasztaltam. Hull az elsrgult levl. rted? Azt hiszem, n rtem. Hol lesz a htvgi buli? Mire kisl a hs, kihl a krumpli. Sokszor voltam mr ideges. Vasrnap mr hrom napja lesz, hogy tncol. Tegnap mr kt napja tncolt: gyhogy most hrom napja tncol. Amikor befejezi, sszesen hat napja fog tncolni. Milyen nap van ma? Ugye milyen sokat javult az letsznvonalunk? De idtlen vagy. Melyik horkol? He is always slamming the door. Do you like honey? Tell me, do you still love me? Tomorrow theyll have been on strike for a a week. She had been talking for two hours when she realised there was nobody in the room By the time you get to the end, youll have forgotten the beginning. He had been riding high before he had a fall. She kissed me in a way I had never been kissed before. Little Red Riding Hood put the basket on her arm that her grandma had woven. A black cat is sitting on the rack. We have solved a lot of problems. Ive never been with a man before. When will you be back? Youre going to pay for this. I met with difficulties I had never met before.

The yellow leaves are falling. Do you understand? I think I understand. Wheres the party gonna be this weekend? By the time the meat fries, the chips will have got cold. Ive been nervous lots of times. On Sunday shell have been dancing for three days. Yesterday she had been dancing for two days. So now shes been dancing for three days. When she has finished, shell have been dancing for six days altogether. What day is it today? Our living standard has improved greatly, hasnt it? How stupid can you get! Which one is snoring?


Holnap lesz egy hete, hogy nem mos lbat. Egy hete lakom a California szllodban. A br az ujjval ftylt, mert elfelejtette elhozni a spjt. Minden krtya nlad van. Az se segt, ha tudjuk. Idig vagyok az zleti problmiddal. Mindig azt mondod, hogy visszafogott vagyok. Majd n leviszem a kutyt. Szaktottam Jzsival. Londonban zletel. Hallra untatsz. Tegnap robban le. Sose olvas. Nha olvas. Most is olvas. Olvastad mr? Amikor majd elolvasod, lgy szves add ide. Biztos, hogy el fogja olvasni? Csak azrt is el fogom olvasni. Tegnap se olvastad el. A nap is lement mire elolvastad. Csak olvasta, olvasta, mikor ltta, hogy fejjel lefel van. Az egyikk a knyvet tartotta, a msik meg olvasott. Mr egy rja olvassa ezt a kurta cikket. Lefogadom, hogy akkor is olvasni fog, ha nger gyerekek potyognak az gbl. gyis elfelejti az els rszt mire vgigolvassa. Kedden lesz egy hete, hogy olvassa.

Tomorrow he wont have washed his feet for a week. Ive been living in the Hotel California for a week. The referee used his fingers to whistle, because he had forgotten to take his whistle. You hold every card. I wont help knowing. Im having to here with your business problems. You always say Im too reserved. Ill walk the dog. Me and Joe have had a bust up. Hes doing some deal in London now. Youre boring me stiff. It broke down yesterday. He never reads. Sometimes he reads. Hes reading right now. Have you read it yet? When youve read it, please give it to me. Are you sure he will read it? Im going to read it. You didnt read it yesterday. The sun had set by the time you read it. He had been reading and reading when he saw it was upside now. One of them was holding the book, the other one was reading. He has been reading that short article for an hour already. I bet hell be reading even when black kids are falling from the sky. He will have forgotten the first part by the time he reads it. On Tuesday hell have been reading it for a week.


SZENVED Ezt a knyvet mg semmilyen nyelvre nem fordtottk le. Mondd, tged meghvtak? j iskolt ptenek a falunkban. Most viszik, most viszik Danikn lnyt, bborban, brsonyban Legjabb filmjt tartjk a legjobbnak. Nemsok flszolgljk a jghideg srket. Mr a mlt hten elkldtk a levelet. Jvre taln majd kiadjk. pp most bontjk az j felljrt. Mire a rendrsg odart, a kpeket mr rg elloptk. J llst grtek neki. Manapsg sokkal tbb pnzt kltenek hsra, mint tegnapsg. Mg tz ilyen mondat, s biztos, hogy a dilihzba visznek. A csnakot szem ell tvesztettk a sr kdben. Mr egy csomszor megmondtk neked, hogy ne nylj hozz. Fl kn mr pteni ezt a hzat. Most mr kell tallni valakit, aki rt hozz. Egy csom embert fljelentettek adcsalsrt. Meg kne mondani neki, hogy ezt ne csinljk. Holnap tre kell legpelni. El lehet vinni ezeket a knyveket? Brcsak megtalltk volna. tezerre rtkeltk a vadonatj nercbundjt. Kt lvst hallottak. Ha nem Hong Kongban kszlt volna, nem vennm meg. Ksbbre kell halasztani a tallkozt.

PASSIVE This book has not been translated into any language yet. Say, have you been invited? A new school is being built in our village. Old Mrs. Danikas daughter is being taken, right now, right now, in a fancy velvet garment. His latest film is thought to be the best. The ice cold beer will be served up in no time. The letter was posted last week. Maybe it will be published next year. The new flyover is being pulled down. By the time the police got there, the pictures had been stolen. He has been promised a good job. Nowadays much more money is spent on meat than before. Another ten sentences like this, and Ill surely be taken to hospital. The boat was lost in the dense fog. Youve been told lots of times not to touch it. This house should be built now. Somebody has to be found who is good at it. A lot of people were reported for tax evasion. They should be told not to do this again. It will have to be typed by five tomorrow. Can these books be taken? If only it had been found. Her brand new mink has been valued at 5,000. Two shots were heard. If it hadnt been made in Hong Kong, I wouldnt buy it. The meeting has to be put off.


Mos szerelik az j antennt. Locsoljk a Soroksri utat. Kirtettk a hamutartkat? Jvre taln majd elfogadjk a jelentkezsedet. Vettek nkem piros csizmt, rojtosat. Hny embert visznek Amerikba a Soros-alaptvnnyal? Az nletrajzot sajnos angolul kell megrni. A hzat mr jval azeltt felptettk, hogy bekltztek. A replgp-szerencstlensg kvetkeztben 200 ember vesztette lett. A mai napig titkoljk a baleset okait. Nem ltezik, hogy kimostk ezeket a pulvereket. Ezt mind hibtlanul kellett volna lefordtani. Az sszes pnzt elvittk. Csak nhny bizsut hagytak az ltzkdasztalon. Vettek ujjlenyomatot, de nem sok remny van. A biztost persze egy fillrt nem adott. sszessgben teht jl paffra vgtak. A Kangkat ltalban vadllatnak tekintik. A radvnyi stt erdben halva talltk Brci Bent. Lttk, hogy bemszik az ablakon, gyhogy nem lehetett titokban tartani. Kapsz tejet, vajat. Elesett, vagy ellktk? Elmozdtotta a fejt pp akkor, mikor a fnykpet csinltk. Remlem nem loptk el. The new aerial is being fixed. Soroksri road is being sprinkled. Have the ashtrays been emptied? Maybe your application will be accepted next year. Ive been bought red boots with fringes. How many people will be taken to the States by Soros fund? Unfortunately the autobiography has to be written in English. The house had been built long before they moved in. 200 people were killed in the plane crash. The causes of the accidents have been concealed so far. These pullovers couldnt have been washed. Should all this have been translated with no mistakes. All the money was stolen. Only some bijou was left on the dressing table. Some fingerprints were taken but there is not much hope. A wasnt given a penny by the insurance company. All in all I was put out. A Kanga is generally regarded as a fierce animal. In the dark forest of Radvnyi Brci Ben was found dead. She was seen climbing through the window, so it couldnt be kept a secret. Youll be given milk and butter. Did he fall, or was he pushed? She moved her head just as the photo was being taken. I hope it hasnt been stolen.


FGG BESZD S FGG KRDS Nem tudom melyik klt krjem, a szkt, vagy a barnt. Azon tndtem, hogy elmenjek-e, vagy maradjak. Azt mondta, hogy hrom ve van lova. Azt mondta, hogy van lova. Azt mondta, hogy hrom vet tanult lovagolni. Azt mondta, hogy hrom ve tanul lovagolni. Nem tudom fog e rm emlkezni. Azt krdezte, hogy jrtam-e mr Ttkomlson. Azt javasolta, hogy pttyset vegyem. Nem tudtam, hogy hny poharat tegyek az asztalra. A fi meggrte, hogy felesgl veszi a lnyt, ha az megteszi amire kri. Tbbszr is megkrdezte, hogy rtem-e amit mond. Szerinte sska volt. Tudtam, hogy hazudik. Azt mondta, hogy az anysnak r. Szlt, hogy ha esik, vigyek esernyt. Azt mondta, hogy mr haza kell mennie. Fogalmam se volt mit tegyek. Fogalmam se volt, tegye-e egyltaln valamit. Rgtn lttam, hogy nem fog tejelni. Azt mondtad, nem rdekel. Azt hittem, mindent elmondtl. Szlt, hogy ne csinljak semmit, majd mindent elintz. Nem tudom, hogyan gygytsam meg a nthmat. Nem tudom, hogy elhiszed-e mg. Azt se tudtam fi vagyok-e, vagy lny. Vajon hova dugta? REPORTED SPEECH AND REPORTED QUESTION I didnt know which coke to ask for, the blond one, or the brown one. I was wondering whether to go or stay. He said he had had a horse for three years. He said he had a horse. He said he had learnt how to ride for three years. He said he had been learning how to ride for three years. I didnt know if she would remember me. She asked if I had ever been to Ttkomls. Se suggested I should buy the spotted one. I didnt know how many glasses to put on the table. The boy promised he would marry the girl if she did what he asked her to do. She asked me several times if I understood what she was saying. He thought it was a locust. I knew he was lying. He said he was writing to his mother-inlaw. She told me to take an umbrella in case it rained. He said he had to go home. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea whether to do anything at all. I immediately saw she wouldnt milk. You said you didnt care. I thought you had told me everything. She told me not to anything, she would arrange everything. I dont know how to cure my sniffle. I dont know whether you still believe it. I didnt know whether I was coming or going. I wonder where she has hidden it.


Nem tudta hova dugta. Azt se tudta, hogy eldugta e? Nem tudta, hogy eldugja-e. Vajon mirt tette? Vajon elvesztette? Nem tudom lesz-e mg idnk. Nem tudom mire gondol a katona az rsg idejn. Vajon adsz-e helyet magad mellett. Nem tudom vegye-e kabtot. Azt mondta, nem lt semmit. Megkrdezte, hogy levegye-e a nadrgjt. Azt hitte, rosszul hall. Azon gondolkodott, vegye-e egy fl disznt. A nagymama azt hitte, hogy Piroska az. Felrohantam, hogy megnzzem alszik-e a gyerek. Mondtam mr, hogy nslk? Azt mondtad, hogy nem akarsz mindenron frjhez menni. Tudtam, hogy az. Nem tudtam, hogy gy fj. Azt hitte, nincs tbb. Azt mondtad, hogy kilencre jssz. Az mondta csak 10 perce van, mert dlre az irodban kell lennie. Nem tudtam mirt takarja el az arct. Azt hitte nem bolha, hanem elefnt. Te tudtad mire akar kilyukadni? Mondtam mr, hogy hallgass! Az mondta, hogy belpett? Nem, azt mondta, hogy kilpett. Azt mondta, hogy alig lpett be, mris kilpett. Vajon mikor lesz mr vge. Vajon vge lesz-e valaha. She didnt know where she has hidden it. She didnt know is she had hidden it at all. She didnt know is she should hide it. I wonder why he did it. I wonder if she has lost it. I dont know if well have time. I dont know what the soldier on guard has in mind. I dont know if youll give me room beside you. I dont know whether to put on a coat. She said she couldnt see anything. He asked whether he should take off his pants. He thought he heard wrong. He was wondering whether to buy half a hog. Grandmother thought it was Little Red Riding Hood. I ran up to see if the child was sleeping. Have I told you Im going to get married? You said you didnt want to get married at any cost. I knew it was he. I didnt know it would be so painful. He thought there was no more. You said you would come by nine. She said she had only ten minutes left because she would have to be in the office at noon. I didnt know why she was hiding her face. He thought it was no a flea but an elephant. Did you know what she was driving at? Ive told you to shut up! Did she say she had joined? No, she said she had left. She said hardly had she joined when she had left. I wonder when it will end. I wonder whether it will ever end.


Azt hitte nincs benne ram. Mondd meg a tejesnek, hogy ne hozzon tbb sajtot. Azt mondta, egsz jjel nekelt. Azt mondta, hogy megenn, ha hes volna. Azt mondta, hogy mihelyt elkszl jn. Fogalmam se volt, hny ves lehet. Micimack azt mondta, hogy azt hitte, a Nyuszi a csaldjrl beszlt. Kukorica Jancsi azt mondta, hogy kicsit ugyan parasztos a neve, de nem szgyelli. Az mondta, jobb ha nem nzek oda. Az orvos szerint egy-kt napig mg gyban kell maradnia. Azt mondta, prbljuk meg mg egyszer. Azt mondtam, hogy nincs rtelme mgegyszer megprblni. MVELTETS A jkedv tizedes fogkefvel mosatta fel a folyost. Virgot kldettem a nvnapjra. Piros palt fogok rakatni a hzam tetejre. Az a sok szilva jl megszalasztott. Ne Technocol Rapidot szagoltass vele, hanem replst. Mondd, te kivel csinltattad a ftst? Mindig velem fordtatja le az idtlen mondatait. Na, ezt a szerencstlent is jl megsz- vattk. Kicserltettem a fltengelyt s a levegszrt. Mindenron tkrt akar szereltetni a hlszoba plafonjra. Mindig velem ratja a szerelmes leveleit. Mirt nem a villanyszerelvel ktteted be a mosgpet? He thought there was no current in it. Tell the milkman to bring no more cheese. He said she was singing all night. She said she would eat if she was hungry. She said she would come as soon as she was ready. I had no idea how old she could be. Pooh said he thought Rabbit had been talking about his family. Jonny Corn said his name was a bit peasantlike, but he wasnt ashamed of it. She said I had better not watch it. The doctor said she would have to stay in bed for another day or two. He suggested trying it again. I said it was no use trying it again.

CAUSATIVE The cheerful corporal had the corridor washed with a toothbrush. I had flowers sent to her nameday. Ill get red slate put on the roof of my house. That a lot of plums made me run. Dont make him smell Technocol Rapid, but smelling salts. Say, Who did you get to install the heating? She is always making me translate her stupid sentences. They got that unfortunate guy to suck. I had the half axle and the air filter replaced. She wants to get a mirror fixed onto the ceiling of the bedroom at any cost. She is always making me write her love letters. Why didnt you get the electrician to connect up your washing machine?


Mibl gondolod, hogy van mg idnk? Te is kertsszel gondoztatod a kertedet? A vacsorn egy fl disznt megetettek velem. Egy rendrrel magyarztatta el a helyes tirnyt. Egyenesttesd ki, ha grbe. Le kell vgatnom a hajam. Elhitettem vele, hogy minden rendben van. Messzirl kell szllttatnia a tejet. Portrt csinltattam a felesgemrl. Rzsa Sndor a lovt ugratja. Felkttetem a Lord Mayort! Az utols szemig felszedettem vele, amit eldoblt. Szrny szegnysgemben lopni kezdtem Szrny izgalmamban dadogni kezdtem. Akkor se vetetem el, ha nem veszel el! Csak nem akarod velem elhitetni, hogy n voltam neked az els? Ki knyszerthet arra, hogy megtedd? Szerinted nem szrny dolog kitmetni a kedvenc llataidat? Mirt nem csinltatod mr meg ezt a vacak magnt? Nem tudtam kiverni a fejbl, amit az anysa mondott neki. A tizedik felesge se tudta feledtetni vele a legelst. Egy kis srssal mindent elrek nla. Mirt nem vgatod le, ha tl hossz? Elszedettem vele mindent, amit eldugott. What makes you think we still have time? Do you also get a gardener to look after your garden? They made me eat half a hog for dinner. She has had a policeman explain the right way. Have it straightened if its crooked. I must get my hair cut. I made him believe that everything was alright. Hes got to get the milk delivered from far away. I had a portrait made of my wife. Alex rose is getting his horse to jump. Ill have the Lord Mayor hanged. Ive made him pick up every scrap hes thrown. My terrible poverty made me start stealing. My terrible excitement made me start stammering. I wont have it taken away even if you dont marry me. I hope you dont want to make me believe I was the first for you! Who can get you to do it? Dont you thing its horrible thing to have your pets stuffed? Why dont you have that shoddy tape recorder mended? I couldnt make him forget what his mother--in-law had told him. Even his tenth wife was unable to make him forget the first one. With some crying I can make him do anything I want. Why dont you have it cut if its too long? Ive had her produce everything shes hidden.


Hnyszor pttetted t a hzadat? Itasd meg vele az egszet. rd el, hogy bevallja, kivel, hol, hnyszor. How many times have you had your house rebuilt? Get him to drink it all. Get her to confess where, with whom, and how many times.

Az az idita tanr mindig ilyen hlye mondato That foolish teacher is always making us translate kat fordttat velnk. such stupid sentences.

FELTTELES Ha a lnak hat lba volna, nem botlana meg. Tncoltam volna n veled, ha nem fj a fogam. Majd megltogatlak, ha lesz elg idm. Mit vennl, ha lenne egy millid? Ha nem sietsz, mg elksnk. Ha megvetted volna, most nem lenne pnzed. Meginnm, ha nem lenne olyan hideg. A helyedben nem fogadnm el azt az llst. Ha tovbb kerested volna, megtalltad volna. Ha megfztl volna, most nem jhetnl velnk. Ha mr gyis msz a zldsgeshez, hozz egy fl kil uborkt. rlnk, ha nem szrakoznl annyit. Ha nem lettek volna tveszmi, mr rg elhagyta volna az orszgot. Ha a nyuszi medve volna, a vadsznak is kisebb szja lenne. Elmennk, ha nem kne nyakkendt ktnm. Ha esetleg megtallod, add vissza neki. Ha hajland lennl rm figyelni, mr tl lennk rajta.

CONDITIONAL If a horse had six legs, it wouldnt stumble. I would have danced with you if I hadnt had a toothache. Ill visit you if I have enough time. What would you buy if you had a million? If you dont hurry, well be late. If you had bought it, now you wouldnt have money. I would drink it if it wasnt so cold. If I were you, I wouldnt take that job. Had you kept on looking for it, you would have found it. If you had caught a cold, you couldnt come with us now. If you go to the greengrocers anyway please bring me half a kilo of cucumber. Id be happy if you didnt keep fooling around. If he hadnt had delusions, he would have left the country long ago. If a rabbit were a bear, the hunter would be less boastful. I would go if I didnt need to put on a tie. If you should find it, give it back to him. If you would listen to me, we would be over with it.


El tudtam volna vgni, ha jobb kst adtl volna. Nem rlnk, ha mris elmennl. I would have been able to cut it if you had given me a better knife. I wouldnt be glad if you left right away.

Ha nem lett volna ez a sok j sz, most n len- If there hadnt been so many new words, Id be nk a legokosabb. the cleverest now. Ha n lennk a teszelnk, Jska lenne a prtti If I were the farm manager, Joe would be the sec kr. retary of the party. Megszmoltam volna, ha tudtam volna. Ha csak azrt jtt, hogy veszekedj, jobb lett volna, ha ott maradsz. Ha rkk attl flnl, hogy nem tudsz hozzjutni elg nhz, elbb vagy utbb pp oly zavart lennl szellemileg, mint a pszichiter, aki kezel. I would have counted it if I had been able to If youve come only to quarrel, youd better have stayed at home. If you were always afraid of not getting enough women, sooner or later you would be as confused mentally as the psychiatrist who treated you.

Ha mgis elveszettnek rzed magad, krj segt- Should you feel lost, you could as anybody for help. sget brkitl. Ha hajland lennl szp csendben elmenni, minIf you would leave in silence, everything would be simpler. den egyszerbb lenne. Megcsinltam volna, ha kellett volna. I would have done it if I had had to.

Ha netn felbredne, mondd meg neki hogy ha- If he should wake up, tell him Ill be back in no time. marosan visszajvk. Ha nem hzod meg a farkt nem rg meg. If you dont pull his tail, he wont kick you.

Ha el tudnm olvasni az rsodat, egybl vla- If I could read your writing, I would answer immeszolnk is. diately. Ha kibrnm, hogy ne nzzem rkk az ajkad, soha nem krnl meg, hogy az extzis j magassgaiba vigyelek. Ha a hallbntetst nem trltk volna el, most nem lelhetnlek itt karjaimban. A helyedben nem hinnm el, mit mond. Ha figyelted volna, hogy rakja a lbt, most te is tudnd jrni ezt a tncot. Ha gondjt viselnd a csaldnak, elmehetnnk vgre nyaralni. If I could help keeping my eyes away from your lips, you would never ask me to take you to the new heights of ecstasy. If capital punishment had not been cancelled, I could certainly not be holding yon in my arms. If I were you, I wouldnt believe what he says. Had you watched her putting her feet, you would be able now to do this dance. If you looked after the family, we could have our holiday at last.


Ha vletlenl lt volna r a kalapomra, meg is bocsjtnk neki. Nem tudunk elutazni, hacsak meg nem tjk a fnyeremnyt. Ha nem a frjemhez mentem volna felesgl, hanem hozzd, most nem engedhetnnk meg magunknak, hogy egytt utazzunk Havaiba. Ha idben telefonltl volna, nem kellett volna megkrnem az ikreket, hogy hozzanak virgot. Ha nagyobb halat tudtam volna fogni, korbban hazajttem volna. Ha nem lenne olyan nz, nekem is adna egy tr rudit. Ha esetleg megtallod, hvj fel. Megcmeznm a bortkot, ha volnl szves adni egy tollat. If she sat on my hat by accident, I would forgive her. We cant go away unless we win the first prize. Had I married you and not my husband, we couldnt afford now to go together to Hawaii.

If you had telephoned in time, I wouldnt have had to ask the twins to bring flowers.

If I had been able to catch a bigger fish, I would have come home earlier. If he wasnt so selfish, he would give a cottage cheese Rudolph to meg, too. If you should find it, give me a ring. Id address the envelope if you would give me a pen.

Csiga-biga told ki szarvadat, ha nem tolod, szSnaily snail, push out your horn, if you dont push i szetrm hzadat. out, Ill break your house. Ha nem teszed a tejet htbe, megsavanyodik. Ha nem lettek volna olyan igz szemei szre se vette volna. Itthon maradok, hacsak meg nem hvnak. Hacsak a kormny nem ad tbb pnzt, be kell zrni a sznhzat. Ha nem segtettl volna, sose fejezzk be. Ha hallgattl volna, blcs maradtl volna. CLHATROZI MELLKMONDATOK Felhzta a szoknyjt, hogy gyorsabban tudjon futni. Elkezdett reszketni, hogy jobban sajnljk. If you dont put the milk in the fridge, it goes sour. Were it not for her eyes being so ravishing, he would never have noticed her. Ill stay at home unless Im invited. Unless the government agrees to give extra money the theatre will have to be closed. If it hadnt been for your help, wed never finished i Had you kept silent, you would have stayed wise. CLAUSES OF PURPOSE She pulled up her skirt so that she could run faster. She started trembling to raise more sympathy.


sszetrte a tkrt, hogy a felesge ne tudja nzegetni magt. He broke the mirror into pieces so that his wife couldnt look at herself any more.

Jancsi elfordult, hogy ne lssa a leny, hogy Jancsi turned away so that the girl couldnt knnye kicsordul. see the tears roll down his cheeks. A fejre hzta a szoknyjt, hogy ne zzon el a frizurja. Felemelte a sznyeget, hogy alsprhesse a szemetet. She pulled her skirt over her head so that her hairdo wouldnt get ruined. She lifted the rug so as to sweep the garbage unde it.

Megmutattam neki, hogy mim van, nehogy az- I showed her what I had so that she shouldnt be disappointed later on. tn csaldjon. Lenyelte a gymntot, nehogy a vmos megta He swallowed the diamond so that the customs officer couldnt find it. llja nla. Vettem neki virgot, hogy szagolgathassa. Ive bought her some flowers so that she can enjoy the fragrance.

Elvlt a nyolcadiktl, hogy elvehesse a kilence He divorced the eight one so as to marry the ninth one. diket. Levettem a cipmet, hogy ne csapjak zajt. Levettem a cipmet, hogy ne hallja a nejem, amint bemegyek. I took off my shoes so as not to make any noise. I took off my shoes so that my wife couldnt hear me go in.

Nagyon halkan zongorzz, hogy ne zavarj sen Play the piano very soft so as not to disturb anybody. kit. Odaadtam neki a kulcsot, hogy be tudjon menni a szobba. Kikapcsolta a rdit, nehogy felbredjen a szomszd. Add ide a poharad, hogy mi is ihassunk. Kint hagyta a pisztolyt, nehogy leljn valakit. Minden reggel iszik egy felest, hogy vidman kezdje a napot. Kolompot akasztottak a tehn nyakba, hogy a bika mindig tudja merre jr. Korn indulj, nehogy elkss. Ive given her the key so that she can go into the room. He turned the radio off so the neighbour wouldnt wake up. Give us your glass so we can also drink. He left his gun outside so as not to shoot anyone. She drinks a feles every morning so as to start the day cheerfully. A bell was hung in the neck of the cow so that the bull would always know which way he was going. Start early not to be late.


rkk vltoztatta a cmt, hogy becsapja a rendrsget. Adj neki egy nagy pofont, hogy tudja merre mennyi. Vett egy macskt, hogy a kutya ne unatkozzon. Fellltott egy madrijesztt, hogy nehogy a sereglyek ellopjk a szlt. She kept changing her address so as to fool the police. Give him a big slap so that he knows the limit. He bought a cat so that the dog wouldnt be bored He set up a scarecrow so that the starlings wouldnt steal the grapes.

Azrt mondjuk, hogy AHA, hogy Kanga We say AHA so that Kanga knows that we know tudja, hogy mi tudjuk, hol van a Zsebi- baba. where Baby Roo is.

Beltztt apcnak, hogy kiszkhessen a brtnbl. Fztem szegny fiamnak egy kis mkostsztt, had egyen egy jt.

He disguised himself as a nun so that he would be able to run away from prison. I cooked some noodles with poppy seeds for my poor son, so that he would have something good to eat. Put it out so that everybody can see it. She planted some spinach so that we should have something to eat. He kicked her out so as to get drunk. RELATIVE CALUSES

Tedd ki, hogy mindenki lssa. ltetett egy kis spentot, hogy majd mit ennnk. Kirgta, hogy berghasson. JELZI MELLKMONDATOK

Egy knyvet akar elolvasni, ami teljesen szokaHe wants to read a book, which is quite unusual of him. lan tle. Ez az a szlloda, amelyikben tavaly laktam. Szeretek Mariskval tncolni, aki gy mozog, mint a higany. A haj, amit amott ltsz, a sgorom. Flek, ez minden, amit adhatok. Az aut, amirt egy vagyont fizettem, meg sem mozdul. Te risten, elfelejtettem, amit krtl. This is the hotel I lived in last year. I like dancing with Mary, who moves like mercury. The ship you can see over there belongs to my brother-in-law. Im afraid thats all I can give you. The car Ive paid an absolute fortune for doesnt even move. Oh my God, Ive forgotten what youve asked me for.


Lekste a vonatot, ami flttbb boszszantotta. She missed the train, which really annoyed her.

Jska, akinek a szlei vidken lnek, tegnap Joe, whose parents live in the country, visited me megltogatott. yesterday. Mindig azt tette, amihez kedve volt. A hlgy, akivel tegnap tallkoztl, a nagynnm. Meglepdtem azon, amit lttam. Az lls, amire plyzik, mr nem res. Aztn bementnk egy brba, ami teljesen res volt. A pincr, aki a rendelst vette fl, olyan koszos volt, mint a fld. He always did what he felt like doing. The lady you met yesterday is my aunt. I was surprised at what I had to see. The job he applies for is not vacant anymore. Then we went into a pub, which was completely empty. The waiter who took our order was a dirty as earth.

A szmla, amit ksve kaptunk, tele volt olvas- The bill we got late was full of illegible numbers. hatatlan szmokkal. Az zletvezet, akit mr 20 ves ismerek eln The landlord, whom I have known for twenty zst krt. years, apologised to me. A pofon, amit a pincrtl kaptam, nagyon fjt. A ment, mivel krhzba vittek, gy ztykldtt, mint egy talicska. The slap I got from the waiter was very painful. The ambulance I was taken into hospital in was jolting like a barrow.

Az poln, akinek a keze selymes volt, meg- The nurse whose hand was silky caressed my fore simogatta a homlokomat. head. A frfi, aki a fa alatt ll, tegnap mg brtnbe volt. A baleset, amit lttunk, nagyon slyos volt. The man who is standing under the tree was in prison yesterday. The accident we have seen has been very serious.

A tehenek, akik ott legelsznek nagyon szom- The cows who are grazing there are very thirsty. jasak. A labda, amit elvesztettl, mg teljesen j volt. The ball youve lost was absolutely new.

A tanr, akinek a tantvnya megnyerte a ver- The teacher whose student won the competition senyt, szereti a mzet. likes honey.


Apukm, aki vidken szletett, nagyon ers. Az a fivrem, aki ebbe az iskolba jr, sokat dohnyzik. A nvrem, aki jsgr nem szereti a hradt. My father, who was born in the country, is very strong man. My brother who attends this school smokes a lot. My sister, who is journalist, doesnt like TV news.

Budapest, mely Magyarorszg fvrosa, a Du Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary, na kt partjn terl el. lies on the banks of the Danube. A hz, melyben lakom, elg kicsi. Karcsi, akit mindnyjan szeretnk, a vros KISZ-titkra volt. The house I live in is quite small. Karcsi, whom we all love, used to be the secretary to the Young Communists of the town.

A toll, amivel rsz, az enym. A hz, melynek zldek az ablakai a Dunra nz. Azt mondja, hogy lekste a vonatot, ami nem igaz. Add oda neki, amit akar. Mindent adj oda neki, amit akar. Megdbbentett, amit mondott. Felejtsd el, amit lttl. Egy szt se rtek abbl, amit mondasz. Nem rted, amit mondok? Taln ez, azaz ember, akit keres a rendrsg. Mindnyjunkat meghvott, ami nagyon kedves volt tle. Te vagy a legnagyszerbb lny, akivel valaha tallkoztam.

The pen youre writing with is mine. The house whose windows are green over-looks the Danube. He says hes missed the train, which is not true. Give him what he wants. Give him everything he wants. I was shocked by what shed said. Forget what youve seen. I dont understand a word you say. Dont you understand what Im telling you? Maybe this is the guy the police want. She invited us all, which was very kind of her. You are the most fantastic girl Ive ever met

De hisz ez nem az a frfi, aki megkrte a ke- But this is not the man who popped the question. zemet! Emlkszer mr arra, amit tegnap tettl velem? A rdi, ami az asztalon van, bedgltt. Do you remember now what you did to me yesterday? The radio, which is on the table, has broken down.


A h, amit a hkotr elkotort, ott feketllik az t mentn. A kopr szik sarja, amin tikkadt szcskenyjak legelsznek, g a napmelegtl. The snow that was pushed off by a snowplough is blackening by the roadside. The off shoots of the barren wastelands that parched flocks of grasshoppers are grazing are toiling in the hot sun.

A vasorr bba, akit Jancsi elgetett, egy m- The iron nosed witch, who was burnt by Johnny, zeskalcs hzban lakott. used to live in a gingerbread house. A trpe, akinek az gyba Hfehrke belefekdt, szemrmesen mosolygott. A farkas, aki a nagymama ruhjt vette fl, izgatottan vrta Piroskt. Lenin, akit az ttrk nagyon tiszteltek, a Nagy Oktberi Szocialista Forradalom atyja volt. The dwarf whose bed Snow White lay in was smiling shyly. The wolf, who put on Grandmothers robe, was expecting Little Red Riding Hood excitedly. Lenin, who was deeply respected by pioneers, was the father of the Great October Socialist Revo lution.

Az Aurra, ami a Volga folyn ringott, a forrad Aurora, which was floating on river Volga, was the lom szimbluma volt. symbol of the revolution. A puska, amit a lny levett a falrl, tltve volt. The shotgun the girl took off the wall was loaded.

A ks, amibe a fi tzszer belerohant, csirke- The knife the boy ran into ten times was chicken trancsroz szerszm volt. carving tool. A hever, amin a fi fekdt, a nagyszobban volt. Mindent megvesz, amit meglt. Elmondtam neki mindent, amit tudok. Semmi ms nem kell nekem, csak szerelem. Semmi mst nem tudtam enni, csak egy kis hslevest, tlttt kposztt, meg egy slt csirkt. Csak egy ts van nlam. The couch the boy was lying on was in the living room. She buys everything she sees. Ive told her everything I know. All I need is love. All I could eat was some meat soup, stuffed cabbage and fried chicken.

All I have on me is fives.

Csak annyit tudok rla, hogy van egy hza Su All I know about her is that she has a house korn. at Sukor Nem volt ms rajta, csak a kalapja. Minden, amit ott ltsz, a volt frjem. All she had on was her hat. All that you can see there belongs to my exhusband.


Nem hagyott itt semmi mst, csak egy foszlott konyharuht. Nem lttam semmi mst, csak sttsget. Ne csinljon semmi mst, csak mossa meg, vgja le, s szrtsa meg. Nem tudta mit csinl. Akrmi lehetsz, ami csak akarsz. Azt mondta, hogy megcsinlta, ami igaz volt. All hes left here is a ragged dishcloth. All that I could see was darkness. All you have to do is wash it, cut it, and dry it. She didnt know what she was doing. You can be anything you want to be. She said shed done it, which was true.



Lehet, hogy Jska rta a falra azt a gusz- tusta Joe my have written that disgusting sentence on the wall. lan mondatot. Az ki van csukva, hogy Jska rta, hisz nem is tud rni. Biztos a fszekbl esett ki az a kismadr. Nem kellett volna tviratot kldened, egy levl is megtette volna. Joe cant have written it, as he cant even write. That little bird must have fallen out of the nest. You neednt have sent a telegram; a letter would also have done.

Akr az egsz dinnyt megehetted volna ne- You might as well have eaten all the melon; kem nem kell. I dont need any. A vgllomsig kellett volna menned s ott t- You should have gone as far as the terminus and there change for a bus. szllni egy buszra. Attl mg nem kellett volna lecsavarnod az or- You shouldnt have twisted his nose off! rt. Valszn, hogy telefonlt, csak nem voltam otthon. She may have given me a ring but I wasnt at home.

Lehet, hogy megint elvlt, mert hetek ta gyak He may have got divorced again because hes rabban jn. been coming more and more often for weeks. Ha j leszel, vacsora utn ehetsz egy bannt. Nem kellett volna felizgatnod magad, nem r annyit az egsz. If you are good, you may eat a banana after dinner. You shouldnt have upset yourself; its not worth i


Lehet, hogy megcsinltatom a horoszkpom. Ne izgulj, biztos megjn holnap. Nem lehetsz ilyen rzketlen! Esetleg kihullhat a hajad, ha annyit fogykrzol. I might have my horoscope made. Dont worry, hell surely come tomorrow. You cant be so unfeeling! You might lose your hair if youre dieting so hard.

Hamarbb is szlhattl volna, hogy nincs pn- You could have told me earlier that you had no money. zed. Biztos pp a halakat etette, mikor csngettl. Az nem lehet, hogy annyi szv hiba onta vrt. Biztos agyra ment a jlt. Lehet, hogy sszekevertelek valakivel. He must have been feeding the fish when you rang. So many hearts cant have shed that much blood in vain Living in clover must have driven him crazy. I may have confused you with somebody else.

Valszn lemerevedett, amikor megltta a h He must have been transfixed seeing his sister gt egy rendr karjaiban. in a cops arms. Meg kellett volna lezned a kaszt. Biztos krumplit hmoz. You should have sharpened the scythe. She must be peeling potatoes.

Esetleg megvakulhatsz, ha annyit nzed a l- You might go blind if you keep looking at my bam. legs. Be kne tenni a htbe. Nem kellett volna hozzmenned ahhoz a rszeg tengerszhez. Ehetek egy bannt? Akr fejbe is verhetett volna. Biztos kikelt volna, ha ntzd. Hla istennek nem kellett mind meginnom. Nem lett volna fontos kiszedni a mellbl a csontot. Holnapra kellett volna megrnia, de kzben disszidlt. Biztos a fejbe vette, hogy nem szll le rlam. It should be put in the fridge. You shouldnt have married that drunken sailor. May I eat a banana? He might as well have hit you on the head. It would surely have sprouted if you had watered Thank God, I didnt need to drink it all. You neednt have taken the bone out of its breast He was to have written it by tomorrow, but it the meantime he had defected. He must have put his mind on not leaving me alone.


Lehetetlen, hogy mind megitta. Be kellett volna olajoznod a biciklilncot. Lehet, hogy nyitva maradt az ajt. Biztos borotvlkozik, az serceg gy. Biztos, hogy tvedsz. Ki van zrva, hogy t lttad, hisz Baltimoreban van. Valszn, hogy ma mr nem jn. Nem kell gy a szvedre venni. Eztet kell a szvedre tenni. Lehet, hogy otthon vannak. Lehet, hogy elmentek paradicsomot szedni. Bizonyra nem vett szre minket. Nem kellett volna olyan korn jnnd. Nem kellett zldsget venni, volt elg a kertben. Biztos, hogy nem Mariskt lttad jjel a krton. Nem valszn, hogy elkaptk a tolvajt. Mr bizonyra hallottad az jsgot. Nem kellett volna mindjrt az els tnc utn letpni a blzt. Lehet, hogy nem vagyok egy lngsz. Nem valszn, hogy ma este itt leszek. He couldnt have drunk it all. You should have oiled the bike chain. The door may have been left open. He must be shaving, thats what gives that crackling sound. You must be mistaken. You couldnt have seen him, since hes in Baltimore now. Hes unlikely to come today. You shouldnt take it to your heart. Thats what you must put on your heart. They may be at home. They may have gone to pick tomatoes. He cant have noticed us. You neednt have come so early. We didnt need to buy vegetables; there was enough in the garden. You couldnt have seen Mary on the boulevard at night. The thief is unlikely to have been caught. You must have heard the news. You shouldnt have torn off her blouse right after the first dance. I may not be a genius. Im unlikely to be here tonight.

Esetleg meglazulhat a gomb s leesik a szok- The button might get loose and your skirt will fall. nyd. Biztos a taxiban felejtette a pnztrcjt. Mr rg meg kellett volna mondanod neki. Alig valszn, hogy megvltozol. Lehet, hogy tvedtem. Bizonyra alszik. Nem kne elmeorvoshoz fordulnod? Nem kellett volna gy rohannod, hisz mg nem volt ott. nem mondhatott ilyet! She must have left her purse in the cab. You should have told her long ago. Youre hardly likely to change now. I might have been wrong. She must be sleeping. Shouldnt you turn to a psychiatrist? You neednt have run so fast because there was nobody there. He cant have said anything like that.


Azrt ezt nem kellett volna Rendr az nem lehet, mert zld a sapkja. Mhecske nem lehetett, az hangosabban zmmg. Lehet, hogy darzs volt. Esetleg az is lehet, hogy sznyog volt. Biztos a msikat hzta ki. A jobb als hatost kellett volna kihznia. Biztos ntlen, mert olyan simk a vonsai. You shouldnt have He cant be a cop since his cap is green. It couldnt have been a bee that buzzes more loudly. It may have been a wasp. It might have been a mosquito. He must have taken out the other one. He should have taken out the lower six on the right. He must be single, as his face is not worn out at all.

FNVI IGENV, GERUNDIUM, MELLKNV/HATROZI IGENV Nehz btornak lenni, mikor az ember csak egy nagyon kicsi llat. Knny msnak vermet sni. Szeretni j, j, j, j. A fts borzaszt drga lett az idn. A napozs olcs, ha nem kell venni napolajat. A lejmols csnya dolog. Lejmolni a legegyszerbb. Lopni mg knnyebb. Nehezen tudta eldnteni melyiket vegye.

INFINITIVE, GERUND PARTICIPLE Its hard to be brave when you are only a very small animal. Its easy to dig a pit for others. To love is good; its good to love. Heating has become very expensive this year Lying is the sun is cheap if you dont have to buy suntan lotion. Leeching is a nasty thing. To be a leech is the simplest solution. Its easier to steal. It was difficult for him to decide which one to buy.

Szrny volt ltni, ahogy ott szenvednek p- It was terrible to see them suffering in the a field. lyn. Szerintem knny volt megrni. Lepihenni melletted, menedk a szvemnek. Utlok csavarogni, mikor minden zsfolt. Alig vrom, hogy tallkozhassunk. Nincs rtelme veszekedni. Imdja, ha bmuljk. I think it was easy to write it. To lie down and rest beside you is a shelter for my heart. I hate hanging about when everything is packed. Im looking forward to seeing you. Its no use quarrelling. She enjoys being stared at.


Mindig iszik almalevet lefekvs eltt. Elrohant, miutn megltott. Gondold t, mieltt meghvod. Adj valamit inni. Nincs senki, akihez szlhatnk. He always drinks apple juice before going to bed. After seeing me he ran away. Think it over before inviting him. Give me something to drink. There is nobody to talk to.

Unom mr, hogy mindig n hzlak ki a csv- Im getting tired of saving your butt. bl. Megprblunk valami j megoldst tallni min- Were trying to find a proper solution for everybody. denki szmra. Nem felejtettk el tkt hozni? Emlkszem, hogy az asztalra tettem, de most nem tallom sehol. Kiprblta milyen meztlb futni. Megprblt flkelni, de nem ment. Megllt, hogy felvegye a cipjt. Abbahagyta a ciphzst. Vllaltam, hogy a hnap vgre megcsinlom. Sikerlt utolrnem. Nem sikerlt utolrnem. Felajnlottam, hogy kifizetem a szllodt. Remlem, hogy hamarosan tallkozunk. Szlj, hogy hvjam fel az llatkertet. Ez tged arra fog ktelezni, hogy minden kvnsgt teljestsd. Tnyleg akartam veled beszlgetni a dologrl, de nem gondoltam, hogy ma ilyen korn hazajssz. Nem akarlak elveszteni. Fltem kzel menni hozz. A zsugori fazonja nem volt hajland kipengetni egy rongyot. Ne felejtsd el megnzni, nem hagytam-e nlad a csipks kombinm. Dont forget to check if I have left my laced slip in your house. Did you remember to bring pumpkin? I remember putting it on the table but now I cant find it anywhere. He tried running barefoot. Hi tried to get put but he failed. He stopped to put on her shoes. He stopped putting on her shoes. I undertook to do it by the end of the month. I managed to catch up with him. I failed to catch up with him. I offered to pay for the hotel. I hope to see you as soon as possible. Remind me to call the zoo, please. That will oblige you to fulfil all her wishes. I really meant to tell you about the situation very soon, but I didnt expect you to come home as early as that. I dont want to lose you. A was afraid to approach her. The mean it refused to fork out a grand.


Fontos lesz majd, hogy tudj angolul. Nagyon betegnek tettette magt, de engem nem tudott tverni. It will be very important for you to speak English. He pretended to be very sick, but he failed to fool me.

A rendr megltott egy embert, aki kz- szemThe policeman caught sight of a man committing a public nuisance, so he decided to arrest him. rem elleni vtsget kvetett el s gy dnttt, hogy letartztatja. Nem akarlak megbntani. Abbahagytam az ivst meg a dohnyzst, mert nagyon drga mulatsg. Nem bnom ha itt maradsz jszakra, de lgy szves ne horkolj. rdemes megvenni ezt a csinos kis olasz cipt. rdemes venni ilyen blcst, mert a baba lomba tudja ringatni magt. Nem rdemes srni elszalasztott lehetsgek miatt. Muszj kiszellztetnem, amikor elmegy. Mikor elszr rnztem, nevetnem kellett, aztn meg srnom. Ki nem llhatom, amikor telefstli a szobt. n lvezem, mikor kint vagyunk a nylt tengeren egy kis gumicsnakban, s krlttnk cpk. lvezte, hogy itt fekszik a fgggyban s tz szp lny knlgatja itallal. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. I gave up smoking and drinking because they are very expensive habits. I dont mind you staying here for the night, but please dont snore. Its worth buying that pretty little Italian pair of shoes. Its worth buying a cradle like that because the baby can rock itself into sleep. Its no use crying after missed opportunities I can never help airing the room after she leaves. When I first looked at her I couldnt help laughing, but then I couldnt help crying. I cant stand him filling the room with smoke. I really enjoy being out there upon the high sea in a small rubber boat surrounded.

He enjoyed lying in the hammock with ten beautiful girls offering him drinks.

Nem tudtam megszni, hogy ne tallkozzam I couldnt avoid meeting him. vele. Javaslom, hogy mindent szavazzunk le. I suggest voting against everything.

Nekem hinyzik, hogy minden reggel tkor ke I miss having to go to work at five every morning. jek.


Megint kezdett pukkasztgatni, br figyelmeztettem, hogy ne tegye. Nem tudta megllni, hogy ne cssszon egyre kzelebb hozz. He started popping again, though I had warned him no to do it. He couldnt help slipping closer a closer to her.

Mg csak trgyalni se hajland arrl, hogy le- She wouldnt even consider moving to the goose kltzzn egy libafarmra. farm. El tudod te kpzelni Zsuzsit, amint egy libafar- Can you imagine Susie living on a goose farm? mon l? Ktlem, hogy szinte ez gyben. Tagadom, hogy brmi ilyesmit tettem volna, uram. A tykok nehezmnyeztk, hogy napi kt tojst kelljen tojniuk. Sosem emltetted, hogy volt dolgod vele. Mg egyszer nem kockztatom meg, hogy klcsnadjak neki. Megfogta a tehn farkt, mely az istllban krdztt. I doubt him being honest about it. I deny doing anything like that, sir. The hens resented having to lay two eggs a day. You never mentioned having had an affair with him. I wont risk lending him any money once again. He caught the tail of the cow ruminating in the barn.

Dhs volt a sofrre, aki az ablak alatt trzta He was angry with the driver revving his car under ta a kocsijt. the window. Megvigasztalta a lnyt, aki ott shajtozott a szoba sarkban. Te is lttad a cstnyt, amelyik a lefoly fel rohant? De szp az a medl, ami a nyakadban lg. He tried to comfort the girl sighing in the corner of the room. Did you also see the cockroach running towards the plug-hole? Wow, thats a beautiful medal hanging round your neck.

Kiszrta azt az alakot, amelyik az Astoria sar- He spotted the guy changing money in the corner o knl pnzt vltott. Astoria. Nem vette meg a lovat, amelyik ott nyertett a karm sarkban. Viszont megvette a birkt, amelyik ott bgetett a lovon. He didnt buy the horse neighing in the corner the stockyard. But he bought the sheep bleating on the horse.


Levgta a bajszt, amelyik mindig bkdte a lny flcimpjt. Karjba kapta a lnyt, aki a Jli-t nekelte. Piroska szrevette a farkast, amint az a fk kzt llkodott. Minthogy hsz vig lt Olaszorszgban, tudta hogy kell spagettit fzni. Minthogy kivlasztott egy pr kesztyt, gy dnttt vesz egy hozzval bundt. He cut his moustache prickling the girls earlobe all the time. He held the girl singing Jlia. Little Red Riding Hood noticed the wolf lurking in the woods. Having lived in Italy for twenty years, he knew how to cook spaghetti. Having chosen a pair of gloves she decided to buy a matching frusta.

Miutn mr tz ve volt a legnagyobb sztr Having been the greatest star for ten years elhatrozta, hogy rkre visszavonul. she decided to retire for good.

Miutn leszerelt a hadseregtl, elment rendr- Having been discharged from the army, he decided nek. to join the police force. Mivel hrom kitn darabban mr ltta sznpa Having seen her on stage in three excellent plays, don, neki sznta filmjnek egyik he considered her for a leading part in his movie. fszerept. Megkrt, hogy menjek el. Felment a padlsra, s nem is nzett nrm. Miutn kiitta a srt, elbcszott. Zrra! Bejtt a szobba, s mikor megltott, rjtt a csukls. Az istllban trolt szna s gabona illattl nagyon jl rezte magt. Sose csinltam mg szaklassal. Csak ez a takar van, amire fekhetnk. He asked me to leave. She went up to the loft without even glancing at me. Having drained his beer glass, he said goodbye. Closing time! She came into the room and seeing me started hiccuping. The smell of the hay and grain stored in the barn filled him with a sense of well being. Ive never done it with a bearded guy. Ive got just this blanket to lie on.

A lny holmija mell tette a cipjt, amibe be- He placed his shoes stuffed with socks and tuszkolta a zoknijt, s a harisnyjt. garter next to her things. Suttogott, ahogy fekdt mellette. Nagyon rlt, hogy megtallta a nadrgjt She whispered lying beside him. He was overjoyed to find his pants.



Ezt kapom azrt, amirt tged szedtelek Its what I get for picking you instead for of waitfel, ahelyett hogy megvrtam volna azt, ame- ing for the one with guts. lyiknek van vr a pucjban. Befagy a hts felem. Aztn tovbbmentek, egy sz nlkl. Egy kutya kezdte kvetni ket. Befejezted mr a fslkdst? Meglepetten ltta, hogy teljesen res az utca. R se rntott, hogy meglljon a pirosnl. Ennek semmi kze az zlethez. Neked most nem kne itt lenned. Az ablakon beszrd holdvilg fnyben ltta meg t. Hangja halk s visszafogott volt. Az a szerencsnk, hogy beszltl vele. gy dnttt, hogy a sajt feje utn megy. rezte, ahogy egyre jobban feszti bellrl a dh. My ass is frozen. Then they went on, neither speaking. A dog began to follow them. Have you finished combing your hair? He was surprised to see that the street was completely deserted. He didnt bother to stop at the red light. That has nothing do with this deal. Youre not supposed to be here. By the moonlight straining through the window he saw her. His voice was low and impressed. We got lucky with you talking to her. He decided to use his own judgement. He felt a furious anger rising in him.

Nincs itt ma este senki, aki vigyzhatna a kics There is no one here tonight to look after the re. nipper. A hzbl lpcsk vezettek az utcra. The house had steps leading down into the street.

Az letemet mentetted meg azzal, hogy sz- You saved my life by spotting the scorpion. revetted a skorpit. Egy kocsi dbrgtt vgig az utcn. A car came roaring down the street. Te aztn jl elijesztetted a festket, akiket fes- You scared off the painters sent to paint the flat. teni kldtek! Mg vagy tz percig maradtak a szobban s kzben dohnyoztak. A Jzsi mellett ll lny gy szlt rezte, hogy az oldalhoz szortjk a karjt. Alig tudott beszlni. They stayed in the room smoking for another ten minutes. The girl standing beside Joe said He felt his arms pinned to his sides. He had trouble talking.

Kt csods rt tltttek a lny heverjn fek- They spent two brillo lying on her bed ve, mikzben egy filmet nztek. watching a film. Jt fog tenni neked, ha vegylsz egy kicsit a munksosztllyal. Itll do you good to mingle with the proletariat.


Az ember hajlamos elfeledkezni a kte- less- One tends to forget one has obligations to meet. geirl. A knos helyzetet feloldand, felhvta a nnik To create a diversion she telephoned her jt. aunt. Krlnzve lttam, hogy j nhnyan tncol- Looking around I could see quite a few people dan ing. nak. Nem volt hajland felprblni azt az zlstelen pulvert. gy vsrolt ssze-vissza, mint egy tbolyult. Van valami tleted, hogy hogyan lehet gyorsan egymillit szerezni? Tiszta ideg, ha arra gondol, hogy szabadsgra kell mennie. Szenvedett, ha arra gondolt, hogy kt hetet kell eltltenie nlkle. A lpcsn lltak s rkon t csevegtek. Lepusztult egy fazon volt. She refused to try the tasteless pullover on. She went mad buying clothes. Can you think of a way to make a million in a hurry? He is getting neurotic about going on holiday. He was in anguish at the prospect of being without her for two weeks. They stood on the steps ringing the bell for ages. He was a miserable-looking bloke.

Lttad, ahogy ott korzzott s a dobozbl szr Did you see him walking along the promenade swigging out of a can of lager? cslte a srt? Mg 339 mondat. A BKV gy nnepelt, hogy minden dolgozjnak adott egy ingyen buszjegyet. A kutyk a kocsma eltt lltak, s a gazdjukat vrtk. Ne nyszgj mr! Menj s foglald el magad! Valamit el kell mondanom. Micsoda megalztats, hogy nyalkt kaptam a szletsnapomra! Nem tudtam mit mondani, gy ht csndben maradtam. rlnl, ha megszabadultl tlem, mi? Another 339 sentences to go. BPTC celebrated by giving every worker an extra bus ticket. The dogs stood outside the bar waiting for their masters. Stop whining! Go and find something to do! Ive got something to tell you. The humiliation of being given a lollipop for my birthday. I couldnt think of anything to say so I kept quit. You would be glad to get rid of me, wouldnt you?


Beszlt, s kzben fel se nzett az jsgbl. s ha azt mondanm, hogy ez nekem nagyon sokat jelent? Mikzben beszlt, a sznyeg szlt rgdosta. Abbahagynd ezt a tmt? - Figyelj! mondta, s felugrott. Akr az igazat is megmondhatnd, ahelyett, hogy itt kntrfalazol. Mindent elrontasz azzal, hogy gy llsz hozz. He spoke without looking up from his paper. Supposing I said it meant at whole lot to me. He talked kicking at the edge of the rug. Will you quit harping on that subject? Listen, he said leaping to his feet. You might as well tell me the truth instead of beating about the bush. You spoil everything by taking the attitude.

Oly nagy rssel civakodtak s szidtk They were so busy quarrelling and calling egymst, hogy elfelejtettk lemondani a megh each other names that they forgot to cancel to invivst. tation. Nzd mr, hogy teszi magt; enyhn sztnylt ajkak, verdes szempillk, aztn tgra nylt szempr, idnknt meg a karjra teszi a kezt. Look what an act she is putting on; parted lips, eye lashes fluttering, and then her eyes opening wide and now and then a hand laid on his sleeve.

Nos, miutn Jzsi olyan volt amilyen, a lny nem tiltakozott a leoszts ellen. Azt vrtam, hogy bejelentik a lny s Jzsi eljegyzst. Nem volt senki, aki a szmlt fizette volna. Muszj volt ez-kt clzst ejtenem rla. Felesge is volt valahol titokban. Gondoltam kitesz magrt. Ismertem azt a szokst, hogy gy rendel telt, hogy az tlapon lv legdrgbb fogst vlasztja, akr szereti, akr nem.

Well, Joe being what he was, she didnt object to the share out. A expected to see her engagement to Joe announced. There was no one else to pay the bill. I couldnt help dropping a hint or two about him. He had a wife tucked away somewhere. I expected her to do herself well. A knew her habit of choosing a dinner by picking the highest prices on the menu, whether she liked the dish or not.

Knytelen vagyok azt mondani, hogy nem saj- Im bound to say I dont feel sorry for you. nllak. Javra legyen mondva, soha nem titkolta, hogy pnzsvr. Olyan fiatal, s olyan j rnzni. To do her justice she never concealed she was a mercenary. She is so young and easy to look at.


Ha egy lny hajnali kettkor egy taxiban huza- Fighting your way home in a taxi at two oclock in kodik, biztos lehet benne, hogy igazi rhlgy. the morning may help you to reassure that youre still a lady. Mindenkivel lekezel volt, mg velem is. She patronised everyone including me.

Ezeknek a manyag zacskknak csak ki These carrier bags ought to stand up to being kne brni, hogy ne szakadjanak ki, ha az em- dragged half a mile without splitting. ber 800 mteren tcipeli ket. Egsz este kenyrtsztt dagasztottam ltnk s knykpeket nztnk. Aztn horkolni kezdett. Nem lehet vgigmenni az utcn anlkl hogy bele ne tkznl seftesekbe, akik symphonit rulnak. Eltklt szndka, hogy bell rendrnek. Rgi filmekben lttam, hogy gy csinljk. Mieltt felkelt, aludt. Miutn aludt, felkelt. Mikzben aludt, felkelt. (Holdkros.) 79 (HETVENKILENC) APRSG Micsoda egy randa id! Kt tet ring kt egren. A hrkzl szervek szerint a rendrsg ngy libt krz. Sok frfi van sok btorban, de egy btorban csak egy frfi van. Nzd azt az intelligens tekintetet a birkk, a szarvasmarhk s az krk szemben. Sok krt okozott mr a selejt. Van nhny hrem; tulajdonkppen kt hrem van. Mi jsg? Kldje el adatait a trskeres gynksghez. I spent all evening bashing dough about. We sat around looking at photos. And then he started snoring. You cant walk down the street without bumping int wheeler-dealers selling Symphonia cigarettes.

It is his ambition to join the police force. Ive seen it done in old films. Before getting up he was sleeping. After sleeping he got up. While sleeping he got up. (He is sleep- walker.) 79 (SEVENTY-NINE) LITTLE ONES What terrible weather! There are two lice rocking on two mice. According to the media the police want four geese. There are a lot of men in a lot of furniture, but in one piece of furniture theres only one man. Loot at the intelligent look in the eyes of those seep, cattle, and oxen. A lot of damage has been caused by imperfect quality. Ive got some news: actually Ive got two pieces of news. What is the news? Send your personal data to the matchmaking agency.


Ksek s felesgek egyarnt jl meg tudnak Knives and wives can be equally sharp. vgni. Sokan voltak a boltban. Sok gyereket kiszolglt mr ez a blcs. Sok bba kzt elvsz a gyerek. Sok az eszkim s kevs a fka. Kevs itt a fny. Nem sokat tehet, nem igaz? There were a lot of people in the shop. This cradle has been used by a lot of children. Too many cooks spoil the broth. There are too many Eskimos and too few seals. Theres little light here. There isnt much he can do, is there?

Nhny bab meg egy kis leves van a tnyrj- There are a few beans and theres a little soup in his plate. ban. Vannak nhnyan, akik nem szeretik a bable- There are some that dont like beansoup. vest. Nhnyan megbetegedtek. Valaki kopog. Semmi sem hasonlthat hozzd. Van aki tud, van aki nem. Ez mr csak gy van. Nincs s a levesben. Ki van zrva. Van otthon valaki? Senki. De valaki csak mondta azt, hogy senki. Van mg kv a csszben? Ez se tetszik, meg az se. Egyik se tetszik. Nem mind a kett tetszik. Kettjk kzl egyik se kne. Mindenki ms meg tudta volna csinlni. Mindkt szlje imdja. Mind az apja, mind az anyja elismerte, hogy igaza volt. Minden nap mosok fogat. Mindnek megvan a maga szobja. Mindegyik gyerekem ms-ms iskolba jr. Some got ill. Somebody is knocking. Nothing compares to you. Some can, some cant. Thats how it is. There isnt any salt in the soup. No way. Is there anybody at home? Nobody. But somebody must have said nobody! Is there some coffee in the cup? I dont like either this or that. I dont like either. I like both of them. I wouldnt need either. Everybody else could have done it. Both of hi parents love him. Both his father and mother admitted he was right. I clean my teeth every day. Each has his own room. Each of children goes to a different school.


Mind megette. Egsz jjel tncoltak. Minden krdsre vlaszolni kell. Minden gyerek szereti a jtkot. A kiskakas gymnt flkrajcrja. Tom bisztrja. A cigny lova. A szabadsg vndorai. A Csepeli Munksotthon. A pupk pk pkja. Gizi nvrnek a lnya. A fnk kocsija. Kt ht mlva tallkozunk. Egyszeren te vagy a legjobb. Te sem vagy klnb. Ez a legrosszabb bableves, amit valaha ettem. Te betegebb vagy, mint tegnap. Te vagy a legszebb lny a traktorgyrban. Hideg a kezed. Messzebb van, mint gondoltam. Olyan fehr, mint a h. Az elefnt nagyon sokig l. A pnz mozgatja a vilgot. Az let csods. Nehz a dolga a katonnak. A foglalkozsa? Mozdonyvezet. Olyan mest mondott, amit senki nem hitt el. Nem szeret focizni, de imd zongorzni. Brcsak itt lennl. Brcsak szlna hozzm. Brcsak tudtam volna. Brcsak meg tudnlak rteni. Brcsak esne rm. Brcsak ne ettem volna meg. He ate it all. Thy danced all night. All the questions must be answered. All children like toys. The cockerels diamond penny. Toms diner. The gypsys horse. The wanderers of freedom. CSEPEL WORKERS CLUB. The silly bakers spider. The daughter of Gizi's sister. The bosss car. See you in two weeks time. Youre simply the best. Youre not much better. This is the worst beansoup Ive ever eaten. Now you are worse than you were yesterday. Youre the prettiest girl in the tractor factory. Your hand is cold. Its tarter than I expected. Its as white as now. An elephant can live for a very long time. Money makes the world go round. Life is wonderful. The life of a soldier is very hard. His job? Hes an engine driver. He told us a story that nobody believed. He doesnt like to play football but he loves playing the piano. I wish you were here. If only he would talk to me. I wish I had known. I wish I could understand you. I wish it would rain down on me. If only I hadnt eaten it.


Oh. ha n is kztetek lehetnk. Brcsak fiatalabb volnk hsz vvel. Ugye megmondtam, hogy ne vidd a szobba! J, mi? Megszerzed nekem, ugye? lj le, j? Kezdjk, j? Szp a szemem, ugyebr? Nem vagy finnys, ugye? Most utlsz, ugye? n vagyok a te mucikd, ugye? Nem n vagyok a kvetkez, ugye? Nem tudod megcsinlni, ugye? Nem vettl ki pnzt a fikombl, ugye? Ugye nem lesz ma rd? Jellemz! Most inkbb rdit hallgatnk. Menj inkbb kocsival. Inkbb inna, mint enne. Inkbb ennk. Inkbb igyl. Te mos inkbb ne figyelj ide, j? Inkbb focizna. Szrakozz inkbb a nnikddel, j? gy ltszik, mindjrt kiderl (az g)! gy ltszik, mindjrt balra fordul. gy ltszik az ablakon t jtt be. Olyan mintha citromba harapott volna. Olyan vagy, mint aki ksrtetet ltott. gy ltszik bal lbbal kelt fl. gy ltszik, kezd bedilizni. Olyan volt, mintha fldbe gykerezett volna a lbam. If only I could be with you. I wish I were twenty years younger. Ive told you not to take in into the room, havent I? Its good, isnt it? Youll get for me, wont you? Sit down, will you? Lets start it, shall we? My eyes are beautiful, arent they? You arent choosing, are you? You hate me now, dont you? I am your sweetie pie, arent I? Im not the next one, am I? You cant do it, can you? You didnt take money out of my drawer, did you? You wont have a lesson today, will you? Oh, you would, would you? Id rather listen to the radio now. Id rather you went by car. He would rather drink than eat. Id rather eat. Id rather you drank. Id rather you didnt listen now, will you? He would rather play football. Id rather you fooled with your auntie, will you? It looks as if its going to clear up. He looks as if hes going to turn left. It looks as if he got in trough the window. It looks as if hes swallowed a lemon. You look as if youve seen a ghost. He looks as if he got out of bed the wrong side. She looks as if shes cracking up. It was as though my legs were stuck to the floor.


gy flugrott, mintha darzs cspte volna. gy beszl, mintha lenne a legjobb horgsz. gy fut, mintha az letrt futna. Olyan volt, mintha a vilg a feje tetejre llt volna. Olyan volt, mintha a mennyben jrnk. gy nz ki, mint aki mr napok ta nem evett. Olyan volt, mintha egy fekete fggnyt hztak volna kznk. He jumped up as though a wasp had stung him. He talks as if he was the best fisherman. He runs as if he was running for his life. It was as if the world had turned upside down. I felt as though I was in heaven. He looks as if he hasnt eaten for days. It was as though a black curtain had been drawn between them and me.

Mit gondolsz, mi mozog a zldleveles bokor- What do you think is moving in the bush with ban? green leaves? Szerinted rka? Mit mondtl, melyik nap rkezik? Nem hiszem, hogy disznhs. Azt hiszem nincs nlam pnz. n nem hiszem, hogy normlis vagyok. Azt hiszem nem jtt ssze nekik. Azt hiszem, nem szeret. Azt hiszem nincs otthon senki. Szerintem nem elg hossz. Azt hiszem nincs cippasztm. Azt hiszem nincs tbb mondat. Szerintem te nem figyelsz rm. Mozijegyet, egyet vegyek? Szljak neki? Jtszunk egy parti ultit? Melyik utcnl forduljak balra? Mit vegyek fel? Hov ljnk? Elmenjnk ma este valahova? Megmossam a htad? Leoltsam a lmpt? Mikor hagyjuk mr abba: Csak azt akarom, hogy boldog lgy. Do you think its a fox? Which day did you say he was going to arrive? I dont think its pork. I dont think I have any money on me. I dont think Im in my right mind. I dont think they hit it off. I dont think she loves me. I dont think theres anybody at home. I dont think its long enough. I dont think I have any shoe paste. I dont think there are any more sentences. I dont think youre listening to me. Shall I book one movie ticket? Shall I call him? Shall we play a game of ulti? Which turning shall I take to the left? What shall I put on? Where shall we sit? Shall we go out tonight? Shall I wash your back? Shall I turn off the light? When shall we stop it? I just want you to be happy.


Nem akarlak megijeszteni. Nem akarom, hogy megijedj. Szeretnm, ha szeretnl. Szeretnk szntani, hat krt hajtani. Szeretnm, ha Jzsi szntana. Szeretnm bejrni a fldet. Napot akarok ltni. Azt akarom, hogy csinos lgy. Azt akarom, hogy lgy lgy. Fogni akarom a kezedet. Szabad akarok lenni. Azt szeretnm, ha szabad lennl. Ideje, hogy lefekdj. Legfbb ideje, hogy elzrd. Ideje, hogy legyen rm egy kis ideje. Legfbb ideje, hogy felltzz. Ideje hogy jra kihvjk a vak zongorahangolt. Ideje mr, hogy levgasd a hajad! Ideje, hogy bekltzznk. Van kedved tncolni? Mulatni volna kedvem. Kedvem volna lovagolni. Mindig azt tette, amihez kedve volt. Nincs kedvem vasalni. Van kedved egy cssze kvhoz. Nem szeretlek s a kutya sem. Iccereg a macska s a hrcsg is. Prizsit eszik s sajtot is. Hideg van, meg stt is. Nem tetszik ez, s nem tetszik az se. Nincsen apm, se anym. nekelek s tncolok is. Cspg a csap s a WC is. Nincs rajtam pizsama s papucs se. A nyuszin van sapka s a farkason is. I dont want to frighten you. I dont want you to get frightened. Id like you to love me. Id like to plough and drive six oxen. Id like Joe to plough. Id like to travel around the world. I want to see the sun. I want you to be pretty. I want you to be a fly. I want to hold your hand. I want to break free. Id like you to be free. Its time you went to bed. Its high time you turned it off. Its time you had some time for me. Its high time you put on your dress. Its time the blind piano tuner called again. Its about time you had your hair cut! Its time we moved in. Do you feel like dancing? I feel like having fun. I feel like riding. He always did what he felt like doing. I dont feel like ironing. Do you feel like a cup of coffee? I dont like you and neither does the dog. The cat is fidgeting and so is the hamster. He is eating parizsi and cheese, too. It's cold and dark, too. I dont like this, and I dont like that, either. Ive got neither father, nor mother. I sing and dance, too. The tap is dripping and so is the lavatory. Im not wearing pyjamas and slippers either. The rabbit is wearing a cap and so is the wolf.


Remlem, elkapjk. n is. I hope theyll catch him. So do I.

Hfehrknek nincs fehr ruhja, s a trpk- Snow White has no whites and neither do the nek sincs. dwarfs. A trpknek van gya s Hfehrknek is. A szatyorban volt szalonna s kolbsz is, s a htizskban is. Nem tallta a helyt s a fejt sem. Tncolt a menyasszony s a vlegny is. Csiga-biga palota, ablaka sincs, ajtaja sincs. The dwarfs have beds and so does Snow White. The bag contained bacon and sausages too and so did the rucksack. She didnt find her place and her head, either. The bride was dancing and so was the groom. Snaily snail castle, its got neither window, nor door.

Semmit nem tudtam rla, mg fl nem hvott. I didnt know anything about it until he had called Nem mehetsz be a szobba, amg le nem vet- You may not go into the room until you have taken off your shoes. ted a cipdet. Nem indulunk, amg Bob meg nem jn. Amikor majd tl lesz, elmegynk sznkzni. Amikor visszajvk, j letet kezdek. Visszaadom, mihelyt megtallom. Majd bemegyek, ha nem lesz benn az oroszln. Emlkszem, hogyan leltl t. Rgen minden ms volt. A lnyok rgebben rvidebb szoknyt hordtak. Rgen mosollyal az arcomon gitroztam. Itt valaha vr llott. We wont start until Bob has come. When wintertime comes, well go sledding. When I come back, Im going to start my life all over again. Ill give back as soon as I find it. Ill go in when theres no lion inside. I remember how you used to hold me. Things used to be different. Girls used to wear shorter skirts. I used to play my guitar with a smile on my face. There used to be a castle here.

A dolgozk rgen mg kaptak jutalmat novem The workers used to get extra money on November 7-n. ber 7th. Nem az vagy, aki valaha voltl. Youre not the man you used to be.


Amikor mg ifj hzasok voltunk, minden nap felhvtl. Rgen azrt sovnyabb voltl. Rgen gazember volt, de most bartsgos alak. Hov is mehettem volna? Most mit tegyek? gy volt, hogy pnteken jnnek haza. gy van, hogy jniusban esksznk. When we were just married you used to telephon me every day. You used to be thinner. He used to be a jerk, but now he is a friendly guy. Where was I to go? What am I to do now? They were to come home on Friday. We are to be married in June.

Msnap kellett volna elmennnk, de megbete- We were to have gone away the next day, but I was ill. gedtem. Az elitlteknek 10-kor gyban kell lennik. Itt nem dohnyozhatsz. Minl nagyobb Pistike feje, annl tbb vz megyen bele. Minl sttebb van, annl kevsb ltlak. Minl kevsb ltlak, annl jobban tetszel. Minl tbbet beszl, annl kevesebbet mond. Minl vkonyabb a nyaka, annl vkonyabb a dereka. Minl zldebb, annl bdsebb. Egy fl nap is lesz, mg kicserlik a ftengelyt. Mennyi id alatt rsz Erzsbetrl Csepelre? Ha gyalog megyek 20 perc, ha kocsival 30. Mennyi id alatt fognak Szkesfehrvrrl Moszkvba rni? Ngy nap alatt rtnk Hgba. Kevesebb, mint 10 perc alatt sszettte a rntottt. Mennyi id alatt olvastad el a Hbor s Bk-t? All prisoners are to be in bed by 10 oclock. You are not to smoke here. The bigger Pistikes head, the more water goes in. The darker, the less I can see you. The less I can see you, the more I like you. The more he talks, the less he says. The thinner her neck, the thinner her waist. The greener, the more stinking. It will take them half a day to replace the crankshaft. How long does it take you to get to Csepel from Erzsbet? It takes me 20 minutes on foot and 30 minutes by car. How long will it take them to get to Moscow from Szkesfehrvr? It took us four days to get to the Hague. It took her less than 10 minutes to make scrambled eggs. How long did it take you to read War and Peace?


Mint a mkus fenn a fn. Olyan szp vagy, mint a nap. Ez a knyv olyan, mint egy rossz lom. Elment. Csak gy. Olyan kicsi vagy, mint egy trpe. Te meg olyan vagy, mint egy gzmozdony. Olyan a szemed, mint egy kisprna. Heten vannak, mint a gonoszok. Mint a filmeken. Pont olyan csinos, mint a mamja. Egy bolha egyenslyozott a macska bajuszn. Fecskk repltek Dl-Afrika fel. Egy bann van a citromfn. Bogarak voltak a frdszobban. Egy lgy csszklt a kopasz fejn. Aztn a lgy a pitre szllt. A pite az asztalon van. A stben is van a pite. Kt st volt a konyhban. A konyha a frdszoba mellett van. Egy csom frdszoba van a hzban. Csak egy hz van az utcban. Zeng hang frfikrus nekelte a Bunkcska refrnjt. Lttam, hogy kz a kzben stlnak a kertben. Like a squirrel up in the tree Youre as beautiful as the sun. This book is like a bad dream. Off he went. Just like that. Youre as small as a dwarf. Youre just like a steam engine. Your eyes are like a little pillow. They are seven like the evil. Like a movie scene. Shes as pretty as her mother is. There was a flea balancing on the cats moustache. There were swallows flying towards South Africa. Theres a banana on the lemon tree. There were beetles in the bathroom. There was a fly skidding on his baldhead. There was a fly flew on the pie. The pie is on the table. Theres some pie in the oven, too. There were two ovens in the kitchen. The kitchen is beside the bathroom. There is a lot of bathroom in his house. Theres only one house in the street. There was sonorous voiced mens chorus singing the refrain of Coshlet. I saw them walking hand in hand in the garden.

Hallottam, hogy Juliska nekel a frdszob- I heard Julia singing in the bathroom. ban. Hallod, hogy ugat a Kriszti? Can you hear Christie bark? Ltod azt a ksrtetet, amint tetrl tetre ug- Can you see that ghost jumping from rooftop to rl? rooftop? Lttam, hogy mosolyog. s lttam, ahogy ott llt. Hallottam, hogy nylik az ajt. Jobb, ha csndben maradsz. Jobban tennd, ha felltznl. I saw her smile. And I saw her standing there. I heard the door opening. Youd better be quiet. Youd better put on your dress.


Jobb, ha nem megynk egytt. Jobb lett volna, ha alszik. Jobb, ha nem beszlek annyit. Jobban teszed, ha becsukod a szemed. Jobb, ha nem eszed meg. Jobb lett volna, ha lifttel megynk. Brmekkora is a flem, nem hallok semmit. Brmibe kerl, n megveszem neked. Akrmelyiket veszi el, gyis megbnja. Brmit iszol, rosszul leszel. Akrki mondja, hazudik. Akrmennyi pnze is van, hlye oszt ksz. Brmit is javasolok, mindig ellenkezik. Megy a fggny a tapthoz? De jl ll az a pulver. Pont j a cip. reg vagy te mr, nem ll jl a lncos dzseki. H, de j kis sapka. H, s pont j. H de jl ll. H, s a sladhoz is megy. gy ltszik vi megette a zsmlt. A jelentsek szerint az tdikrl zuhant ki. Ltszott rajta, hogy egsz jjel srt. Azt hittk szegnyrl, hogy szegny, pedig gazdag volt. Azt mondjk rla, hogy nem szeret senkit. Azt mondjk, hogy el kellett utaznia. gy ltszik, nem rdekli semmi. gy ltszott, hogy forr. Azt hittk rla, hogy okos. Lopott kocsinak tnt. Azt hittk, hogy elloptk a kocsijt. Wed better not go together. He had better have slept. Id better not talk so much. Youd better close your eyes. Youd better not eat it. Wed better have used the lift. However big my ears, I cant hear a thing. Whatever it costs, Ill buy it for you. Whichever he marries, hell regret it. Whatever you drink, youll get sick. Whoever says it is a liar. However much money he has, hes stupid and thats it. Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees. Does the curtain match the wallpaper? That pullover really suits you. Those shoes fit me. Youre too old; a chain jacket doesnt suit you. Hm, thats a good cap. Hm, and it fits you. Hm, and it suits you, too. Hm, and it goes with your scarf. Eve seems to have eaten the roll. He is reported to have fallen from the fifth floor. He seemed to have been crying all night. The poor bloke was thought to be poor though he was rich. He is said to love nobody. Shes said to have had to leave. He doesnt seem to care about anything. It seemed to be boiling. Hi was thought to be clever. It seemed to be a stolen car. His car was thought to have been stolen.

gy tartjk, hogy Magyarorszg olyan mint Hungary is believed to be similar to wool; she a gyapj; minden nagymossnl sszemegy. shrinks with every big wash. Vagyok olyan legny, mint te. Vagyok n olyan lny, mint amilyen legny te vagy. I am as tough a guy as you are. I am as tough a girl as tough a guy you are.



A poros nyomba se lphetsz az els feles- You are nothing like my first wife. gemnek. Te nem tudod mit beszlsz. Pontosan tudom, hogy milyen n volt az els felesged. Igyekezett mindenkinek rmet szerezni. mr csak ilyen volt. De azrt nem volt olyan nz, mint te. Sokkal jobban fztt, mint te, s ksz. n mg ilyen marht nem lttam. Most mr viselkedjl. Elvigyelek valahov ma este? s milyen jl nz ki meztelen. Lehet, hogy festi magt. Attl mg nem lesz kopaszabb. Nincs tbb, ugye? Nincs. You dont know what youre saying. I know exactly what kind of a woman your first wife was. She tried hard to please everyone. She was just like that. But she wasnt as selfish as you are. She was much better at cooking than you cook and thats it. I havent seen a moron like you. Control yourself. Shall I take you out tonight? And how good she looks naked. She my use make-up. That wont make her balder. Theres no more, is there? No.

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