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Releasing Basics

February, 2009

Learn and practice the basics of releasing

Releasing the easiest way to get rid of emotional baggage. In this report I explain the basics of releasing, give practical examples from my life and two simple stepby-step exercises to get you started on releasing. :)
Effortless Creation
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve everything easily, almost effortlessly? Everything seems to fall into place for them. Whatever they wish for is fullled. Almost as if the whole Universe is conspiring to help them! ;) There are others who have worked very hard their whole lives and have gotten nowhere. Everything comes through great struggle and stress. It seems almost unfair, because these are mostly well behaved, good and hard working folks. Life is not fair...or so it seems. Lets take a look... process, time disappears, world disappears. You are totally immersed into what you are doing. It matters not what the activity is. What is important is that you lose yourself in the process. And the end is spectacular! You almost cant believe that you did it, that you were capable of that! As if it was not you who created that masterpiece... Other times, when all hell breaks loose you just give up - there is nothing else left you can do. You already have done all you could think of. You have tried everything. And now you have lost all hope, all faith in yourself and your powers. You give up, throw in the towel. And what happens is...the Problem resolves itself! Almost instantly and easily, effortlessly.

What is Your Experience?

I believe you have denitely at least once in you life experienced the Flow state, being in the Zone - when there is only the creation

Why I wrote this report and how can you benet from it?
It has been said that the longest and hardest journey for a man is the journey inwards. Re-discovering who he really is. His Divine nature. The True Self, Inner-Being. Whatever you want to call it. And Im on this journey...with a burning desire within me! One of my spiritual teachers Gabriel Cousens described it the best: There is one path, but many ways. There is not a single recipe, method or approach to Liberation and there can never be one. One can only be shown the direction, but he must travel it on his own. Only by experiencing anything it truly becomes ours forever. On his path a Student can and will have many teachers to aid his understanding and shorten the distance. From each teacher a student will take exactly the understanding, wisdom and tools he needs. One such invaluable tool is Releasing. In essence it is a tool, a method of releasing karma thus freeing oneself from needing to replay it again and again in life. A shortcut. And a simple, easy and natural shortcut! And it works!! In this report I am sharing my experience and understanding about Releasing that I have gained thus far in my journey. This is my way of giving back and growing through teaching. :)

A word of caution:
This is my experience and understanding this far. Your experience most probably will be different. We are all unique. I am just starting to master myself, my thoughts and beliefs. I believe that you will benet the most if you are in a somewhat similar situation, because you will be able to relate to what I am going through and vice versa. Feel free to take what resonates with you and ignore the rest. :) But I believe there is some value for you in here, because your soul guided you to this information. :) Best wishes,

Reinis Ikass
PS: you can contact me at if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to talk to someone who may be on the same path. :) Hope to hear from you soon!

Driving forward with brakes on

Counter-productive. Selfsabotage. Not a very smart thing to do. :) The irony is that most people are going through life like driving forward with brakes on. To reach the destination faster they increase speed. The result is a very uncomfortable, bumpy and even dangerous ride. It would denitely be a much better idea to just release the brake pedal. It would require much less effort to get ahead and the journey would be much more enjoyable. For example, I want to create this report to share what I have learned and (hopefully) assist in your journey. Besides, that is good growth experience for myself as well. :) That is the inspiration and intention...the easy part. :) But then kicks in the doubts, fears and insecurities!! Suddenly I think about how the whole internet is full with various reports on all subjects. I remember that my previous attempts at sharing my experiences have not become instantly famous. :) And after all - who am I to tell you what to do? So what should I do? Continue with the report and

ignore my doubts and fears? Or maybe abandon this project? But what if there is a third option? Getting rid of the limiting beliefs and creating this report with greater clarity and condence! :)

to say that the rst option gives us the lives we want and the second...well..the reality we can observe daily. But right now we are here no Earth living our lives. So what does it have to do with our daily lives? There are two parts to the equation of creating our reality. And the contrast we experience creates our desires - better health, more money, peace of mind and clarity, travel the world etc.

Who we are?
Some background information that I found useful to fully understand the concept of Releasing. We are innite beings who have come forth in this physical reality to have fun! Our true nature is freedom. Through exploring world and pursuing joy we expand, grow. The best way to live life is to follow your bliss! Go where your heart directs you. Each one of us is a part of a whole. Like a drop of water in an ocean. So there really is no separation. We are the Universe, God, Source, Creator. The label is it is impossible to describe with words the innite. Thus we are the Creator. And we create our own realities, worlds. On daily basis. With our thoughts and emotions. We can create our lives deliberately, consciously guiding our thoughts. Or subconsciously - like most of the people are doing. Needles

Law of Attraction
The rst part is the Law of Attraction. The most powerful law in the Universe. You reap what you saw. Like attracts like. You can read more about the Law Of Attraction here. You have probably seen the movie The Secret. I liked it a lot...but it did not give me any real practical advice. The best explanation and advice on how to incorporate Law of Attraction in daily activities I got from the teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry.

Esther & Jerry Hicks

But there is a tricky part to the Law of Attraction. You get what you turn your attention to. If you look at something that you like and want in your experience, you invite it. But if you look at something that you do not want and shout No at still get it...because your attention was on it. Tricky, isnt it? :) So you have to be very picky of your thoughts. Deliberately choose the ones that you want. Easier said than done. I know. :) Not only we are taught from early age that only by hard work and patience will we achieve success. There is also the subconscious mind, our karma, the shadow self, our dark side. Basically - the sum total of our past thinking, feeling and acting. 95% of our actions are actually re-actions. Existing situations are evaluated through past experiences, thus creating a distorted reality. Nothing is bad or good in the world, everything just is. But our thinking makes them one way or the other.

A pile of garbage with few gold nuggets in it :) What is the subconscious mind and karma? The way I see it - subconscious mind and karma are one and the same emotions and thoughts of past memories that we are holding on to. Blockages. They are like computer programs. More like viruses. When we experience something in the now, it triggers a response from our subconscious and we re-act. Instead of free will we are preprogrammed. It is a garbage we have accumulated throughout our entire life and are carrying around all the time. A pretty heavy bag of rocks. If you believe in reincarnation (I do :), karma is the garbage we have accumulated in all our lifetimes. But it is not necessary to remember our past deeds. This life we chose our circumstances to play out our major lessons. So it does not really matter when or how it was taken on. :) The good news is that we can let go of this garbage we have accumulated. Even better - it is our natural ability to do so! We have just forgotten how to... Want proof? Look at children playing. At some point something will go wrong and the kid will look around

to see if anyone is watching and start screaming or crying. That is - if there IS someone watching or nearby. But if there isnt..then the little rascal will shrug and continue playing as if nothing had happened. That is our natural ability to let go of emotions, feeling, thoughts, memories. Throwing out unwanted and unnecessary stuff, not accumulating a pile of garbage in our own back yard (subconscious). There is nothing really to learn...just to remember. :) This bring us to a question:

HOW can we create the life we want?

There are two parts to creation: 1) Direction & Speed - what you want, your goals and dreams; 2) Obstacles & Brakes - what is holding you back from achieving your goals, your subconscious self-sabotage programs.

1. Direction & Speed

What are your desires, your goals, dreams? What do you want and why? How much feelings, energy do you put into them? How much airtime in your mind do they get?

The Brakes
Karma, Subconscious mind, self-sabotage programs.

The more you think about, visualize, feel your desires, the faster they will come true. You have to hope, believe and know that your desire is already fullled for it to manifest. When your vibration (thoughts and feelings) is a match to your desire, it will manifest in your physical life. I am not going to illustrate this point much further. More words will do nothing for your understanding. Instead, I have an assignment for you to test and experience how you are creating your reality with your thoughts. :) Think of something that you do not have in your life experience at this moment and you dont have a slightest idea where to nd one. It could be a bird - a particular species or any bird, a blue painting, a rare brand of supercars like Lamborghini, a book you would like to read, a song you like but have not heard in a long time, anything else you fancy experiencing. Now really think about it, feel it, imagine what it will be like

to see that car, hear that song, experience that sunny weather, whatever you picked. Feel that experience, sense it with all your being. Bask in that feeling. And return to that feeling many times during the day. Observe what happens. :)) Better yet, tell me what happened :)

desires, new preferences could be born. We wanted to expand through pursuit of joy! Expand ourselves, expand the world, expand the universe. There is not much incentive to expand in heaven, because everything already is perfect there. Only in the physical world of contrasts new desires can be born. And new desires mean new directions for the energy to ow. Flowing energy = life. It means new life is born. The Universe expands through us! Oh yeah...and we get to have fun along the way! :) It is in our best interests to free the blocked energies we are carrying around, let them go, forgive them. Release.

II. Obstacles & Brakes

The lack of your desires, absence. Scarcity. Fear, doubt, confusion. Subconscious. Limiting beliefs.

A practical exercise.
This is the simplest form of releasing. Lets apply it in a practical situation. :) Every subject is really two subjects. A thought about more money on one hand is having more money and on the other hand is the lack of money. Desire and resistance. Everything in nature exists in opposites. Everything. If not for the opposites, the contrast of our experiences - how would we know what we want? This is exactly the reason why we chose this physical experience - so that new

You are driving to work. And you get stuck in an enormous trafc jam. You conclude that youre going to be late for work and there is nothing you can do about it. Obviously that feeling of helplessness and frustration drives you mad! Can you relate to this kind of experience?

There are three main steps in Releasing:

1) Feel the emotion. Experience the situation fully. 2) Relax into the feeling, accept the situation. 3) Exhale and release the emotion. Do it in a way that is comfortable.

But dont worry if you cant feel them. Everyone is different, and it is my promise that this will work for you. :)

2) Relax into the feeling, accept the situation.

Allow it to be. Dont judge. Observe from side, like an objective witness. Understand that the feeling is not a part of you. Separate yourself from it. Step out of the emotion. This is where you actually already are starting to release. Just by relaxing, ending resistance and struggle against it. What I do is usually I imagine myself as a light in the middle of the dark cloud of smoke, or bubble of energy, that is shining white light and is completely calm. Like a center of a tornado - there may be chaos and destruction around, but it is absolutely calm and peaceful in the center.

your breath. Like a dragon breathing re - burning away your karma. :) Or you can imagine it being dissolved into bright light. As a steam or smoke. The possibilities are endless. Toy around and you will nd an image that suits you best. By image I dont necessarily mean a picture - it can be a sound or sounds, sensations in your body, heat, cold, shivers, energy rushing through you. It will be unique to you. Notice what you feel, sense and dont try to force anything. This is a natural process, you can do. It is just a matter of remembering how. :)

Lets take a closer look at each step.

1) Feel the emotion, experience the situation fully.

It is important to feel, experience, understand what it is that we want to release. It can be - this pain in my leg, fear of losing money, anger at trafc, heavy feeling in chest, quarrel with my mate etc. Identify it and experience fully. You can even give them a name, imagine them as a physical object, as an alive being. Whatever works for you, whatever you are inclined to do. You can not get it wrong!

Practice it:
Do this process on any negative or disturbing feeling, emotion or situation you are experiencing right now. Perhaps you had an argument with your best friend, had a terrible trafc to work, spilled coffee on your brand new jeans. Doesnt matter what you choose, because this is just the beginning. :) Notice how you feel now, after releasing!! Can you feel being lighter, easier, happier? ;) Practice to achieve mastery of your thoughts and feelings.

3) Exhale and release the emotion.

Let it go. Do it in a way that is comfortable for you. You may imagine it going away with

What Problems really are?

What does all of this say about problems? We create our problems. Thoughts, emotions, beliefs that reside in our subconscious shape our attitude, our thoughts and thus our creations, our reality. Basically - our problems are created by our subconscious. (who would consciously create problems? :) And all it really is - our memories. Practiced thoughts that became beliefs. Our problems are only the fruits of our memories. The good thing about this is that these are our memories, our thoughts, our feelings. We created them...and we can let them go. And create better ones. Better thoughts = better life. :) I like that!

Think of it this way - when panning for gold in a river, the water washes away the sand and lighter stuff. Bigger and heavier rocks and gold nuggets have to be picked out by hands. Similarly, previous releasing technique is like water washing away all the lighter stuff. But you will have to pick out gold nuggets by hands..because they are valuable! At least that has been my experience. At rst I practiced releasing without trying to understand the lessons. The lighter stuff washed away. And then I was guided to heavier stuff, lessons I had to learn, understand the causes of my miseries...and let them go. The feeling of relief I get from this kind of releasing is indescribable in words! It feels as if a heavy rock has been lifted off of me! Fantastic!! Overwhelmed with joy, happiness, gratitude and love! :)) Every problem has a piece of gold hidden within - a lesson, a pearl of wisdom, a solution. It is our job to nd it and then let go of the rest. I believe that every problem should ever be viewed only as an opportunity, a challenge, a chance to grow beyond what I am now! To practice my mastery! I know..its hard...but

man is than an exciting and empowering point of view! :) So here it is - a more advance release technique to pick out our valuable lessons: 1) Pick a feeling, belief, situation, person you would like to let go. Take what comes in mind rst. 2) Welcome the feeling (or whatever you picked) as an old friend who has come to teach you. Express your gratitude for the lesson. Ask what is the lesson you need to learn. 3) Give thanks and gratitude again and let it go free.

Deeper explanation of each step:

1) Choose an emotion, a thought, a person or a situation you want to release. Feel, sense it fully. How does it feel? What is its shape, color, smell, taste? Welcome all sensations, images or sounds. I usually imagine a bubble of smoke or energy around me or in front of me. However feels comfortable at a particular moment. Sometimes these balls of energy take on another form that expresses their essence. For example, when I was releasing want to control, the energy took a form of a man

A more advanced release technique.

This is a more conscious and waaaay more powerful release technique.

with thousand hands that is trying to control everything. A tough job! Other times they remain as bubbles. Either way is ne. Experiment, toy around, have fun, take it easy. There is no one single right way to do this. Try many different and create your own, what feels comfortable and natural to you. You can not get it wrong! :) 2) Accept and welcome the feeling with gratitude and love. Problems are here to teach us, to help us grow, to become more, better, brighter. So welcome them as an old friend who has come to help you learn! Approaching with gratitude and love is vital to releasing.

already start noticing that you are feeling lighter, happier. You have already started to release. Congratulations! :) Now that you have made friends with that particular thought, feeling, situation, energy, ask it for the lesson you need to learn. For example What have you come here to teach me? What is that I need to understand? What is your essence?. Take a few breaths and start poking your conscious mind for answers. They should already be there. The way I do it with questions and answers. I ask a question, take a few breaths to change my point of attention and then start answering the question in a logical fashion. Let me give you an example to better illustrate this process. :) When I was releasing the want to control, the image I got was a man with thousand hands. He was trying to control everything. Impossible, if you ask me. :) I thanked the thousand-handman for his help and asked what is he here to teach me. My thoughts went something like this: he has thousand hands, he needs them to control everything, obviously he is not succeeding at that, he looks stressed, out of control,

frustrated, in despair. No matter how hard he tried, he still could not control everything. He was failing. Obviously it is easier and more fullling to take it easy, go with the ow, go downstream, as Abraham says. :) Let the Universe take care of the details. You could not possibly think of every possible way the Universe can arrange circumstances for you. :) At another time when I was releasing the same want to control, the same man appeared. Only this time he was standing in a crowd. The people were moving along their way. But this thousandhand-man was trying to ght them, to control them. He quickly got exhausted and worn down...although none of the people from crowd was ghting back! As I accepted the want to control and relaxed, the thousand-handman stopped ghting and just stood there, allowing the people to move about their way. You know what happened? I felt a sense of absolute peace, well-being and safety!! :)) 3) Express gratitude again and let go. Thank the thought, feeling, situation, energy again for coming to your aid with the lesson you needed. It is your friend. It is here for

If you can truly feel gratitude and love for a problem, thought, feeling, person, situation, you are forgiving. And that is the start of Releasing - forgiving. Making peace with the past. Releasing hostages (trapped energies, memories that you are carrying around in your subconscious). You can

only one reason - to help you. You are safe. Relax for a moment, feel the calmness. You can imagine yourself as a calm lake between mountains. Enjoy this feeling of peace. When ready, let the emotion, thought, feeling, energy go free. Imagine it being dissolved into light. Or burn it and see, feel the smoke going up. Whatever feels natural and comfortable for you. Take a couple of deep, slow, relaxing breaths. Notice how you feel about the subject now. Feeling lighter and happier? :) Now, do this process for a thought, feeling, situation you feel most discomfort about in your life at this moment. :) Remember that you have to practice, experience this process to fully understand it. Only by experiencing it will it become a part of you. Words cant describe it fully, it has to be felt, experienced. As Abraham says words dont teach, life experience does. :)

creating your own reality, your life experience. Your memories limit you. Let go of them. You can always create new ones. Better ones. Look around! Do you like what you see and feel? You created all of that. Dont believe me? Look inside of yourself - at some point you have had a thought, a feeling, an experience about everything that is going on in your life now. You created your life. Subconsciously, most of it, but nevertheless - it was you. Accept full responsibility of your life, your happiness, your reality. Empower yourself. Take the power back! Be the powerful and magnicent creator you are meant to be!! :) But take it easy, dont stress about it, have fun, enjoy yourself! :)

to release. It is worth the trouble!

I dont see how it can be any other way once you have really felt, experienced a long lasting, tolerated emotion, problem, energy dissolve and leave you for good. The lightness, the happiness, the can not be described in words. That can only be experienced. Notice how you feel and what happens. There are no coincidences in life. :) Keep growing and learning. My best wishes to you,

Reinis Ikass

Do It! You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!

Practice daily. I choose to practice releasing daily. I have felt and experienced the gains and benets of it. Now I seek every moment that I can spare

Youre a Creator!
The most important thing to understand and remember is that you are a Creator! You create with your thoughts. You can choose your thoughts and guide your attention. Thus deliberately

Some useful resources:

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