Flora of Yemen

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Sustainable Environmental Management Program (YEM/97/100) Sub-Program II EPC, UNDP and AREA Republic of Yemen


Prepared by

Abdul Wali Ahmed Al Khulaidi

June 2000


Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

The contents
The subject summery Acknowledgements Forward Introduction Main topographical units of Yemen The flora of Yemen The floristic vegetation types of Yemen Table (1). Plant species of Yemen Checklist of flora Bibliography page 2 4 6 7 8 12 13 18 23 201

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


This report mainly based on field study carried out by the author during 10 years period between 1990-2000. The more recent studies on flora of Yemen was carried out by a number of authors, among them the following, (see bibliography for details)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Boulos, L. (1988) Diccon, A. & Miller, T. (1998) Gabali, S.A. & Miller, A.G (1992) Gabali, S.A. (1998) Hepper , list of plants collected for RBG Kew in 1975 Mies, B. (1994) Miller, A.G. & Cope, T.A. (1996) Wood, J.R.I. (1997) Cope,T.A. (1985) Miller A.G. and M. Morris (2004)

Most publications on vegetation and flora of Yemen and Arabia were utilized to identify the locality of the species ( see the bibliography ).
The author observation and collection of plant species are marked by @ The number from 1 to 9 marks the species mentioned by the above studies. Endemic plant species of Yemen are marked by * and in Arabia by **. Yemen's flora is very rich. This study identified a large number of

species.Total plant species is about 2810 species , belongs to 1006 genera and 173 families, (2559 naturalized, 121 cultivated and 111 introduced). For more detail information see the table.
Yemen is rich in endemic plants, with estimated to be 415 plant species ( 236 Constituting some 15% of the flora which does not occur elsewhere. The most important families regarding to the number of plant species are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. POACEAE (GRAMINEA) ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) FABACEAE ( PAPILIONACEAE) EUPHORBIACEAE ASCLEPIADACEAE 322 223 203 106 104 in Soqotra ).

The most important families regarding to the number of endemic are:


Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


46 31 31 27 26 21 21 15 13 13 12 10 10

Among the important genera: Genera Euphorbia Heliotropium Indigofera Acacia Cyperus The species 58 37 35 32 31

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

This study was carried out with active support of YEM/97/100 Sustainable Environmental Management Programme funded by UNDP in order to satisfy requirment of subprogramme (2) (Advices & Information on Land Resources Utlizationat at AREA
During my work I have encountered many obsticales and provided with support and assistance from different institutions and personal, special thank to pepole provided support from AREA, & PMU. I would like to express special thanks to Ismaeil Muharram Chairman AREA, Dr. Abdul Wahed Mukred Vice Chairman, AREA, Dr. Mohammed Al-Nassiri Director Research, AREA, Dr. Muhammed al Sabiri the head of AREA Regional Station, Taiz. And the staff of AREA. I would like to thank Mr. Muhammed Al Suneidar the manager of sustainable environmental program and NPD Sub-Program II. Mr. Omar Bafadhl. Thanks are also due to Dr. Abdul Nasser al Gifri and Dr. Rashed A. Khan, FAO Expert for their valuable comments.

I would thank Dr. Wadie Abdul Ghani Saeed (univ. of Aden), Mr. Abdul Habib Mahyub (AREA, Taiz station), and Mrs. Nadia Qasem Mohammed (AREA, al Kod station) Mr. A. Al Naggar (AREA, Dhamar) for their information on the plant species of their herbariums. Also I would like to express my gratitude to my cousin Abdul Wahab Ssaleh for allowing me to use his computer. Abdul Wali Ahmed Al Khulaidi June/ 2000

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

Forward: YEM/97/100 Sustainable Environmental Management Programme contracted Mr. Abdul-Wali Al Khulaidi (MSc in plant ecology) who was identified by AREA and SP 2 Management to prepare the content of this report utilizing his experience and knowledge he accrued while working in the field of plants research and identification in Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and in Agriculture Research and Extension Authority. This report constitutes a requirement to output of Subprogramme 2 Advise and information in Land Resources Utilization specifically the Genetic Resource Unit, where Yemen Fona and Flora will be documented. The report though it is very important step in listing identified plant species; it does not necessarily covers all flora of Yemen. More field and research works will be needed to cover the country climatically and topographical sector which include the main land and the islands. The report in our hands is divided to four sections (1) introduction, which gives background and information on Yemen flora and related issues, (2) checklist of flora identified (3) Bibliography of Natural Resources, (4) List of Herbarium. The report in its format may not be attractive to the general readers, however it is an important and valuable reference to agriculture and environment libraries and specialized persons.

Eng. Mohammed Al-Suneidar

Programme Manager YEM/97/100

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

Main topographical units of Yemen ( After Al Khulaidi, A.A. & El-Ghouri,M. (1996).

They extend along the coastal areas of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea and form more than 2000 km along:

1. Coastal plains:

A) Western plain (Tihama plain): It is the coastal plain between the Red Sea and the Tihama foot hills. It is about 420 km long and about 50 km wide to the north and about 20 km at the south covering a total area of about 14,700 km2, with corresponds to approximately 2.6% of the area of Yemen. The altitude ranges between 0-300 meter above sea level. It is flat to undulating and intersected by several wadis (e.g. Wadi Mor, Wadi Riam, Wadi Zabid, Wadi Siham, Wadi Rusyan and Wadi Surdud) draining from the escarpment to the sea.
B) Southern and southern east plain:

It is the coastal plain between the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and the mountains. They are about 1580 km long and 10 to 15 km wide in the west and about 60 km in the east, covering about 44240 km2 (approximately 7.9% of the area of Yemen). The altitude ranges between sea level to 200 m. It is flat to undulating and intersected by several wadis (e.g. Wadi Bana, Wadi Hasan, Wadi Ahwar, Wadi Hagr, Wadi Tuban and Wadi Mayfaa).
2. Low altitude mountains: a) Western mountains (Tihama foot hills): The Tihama foot hills are located between the western lowlands and the escarpment below 1000 m, and range between 300 to 1000 m above the sea level. The land scape comprises of steep to moderately steep mountains and hills. b) Southern and southern east mountains: These mountains are facing the southern or southern east plains of Abyan and Lahj governorates and the middle parts of Hadramot governorate to the coastal areas of al-Mahara governorate. The altitude ranges between 400 to 1000 m above the sea level. The main wadi here is Wadi Hadramot. 3. Medium altitude mountains: a) Western mountains: Comprise of the mountains located west of Hajja and al-Mahwit governorates, around Jabel Milhan and Jabel Bura, Thaiz highlands, and mountains located around Madinat Ash Sharq west Huth and west alMakhadir (Ibb). The altitude ranges between 1000 to 1800m above the sea level. b) Southern and southern east mountains: The altitude ranges between 1000 to 1800 m above the sea level (high to the west and low to the east), and comprise the mountains of Adhale, Mukairas, Yafe assufla, Jabel Eraf (south al-Maqatra), al-Awaleq assufla, Loder, Modia, Jabel al-Arais (Abyan governorate), Jabel Jihaf (Lahj governorate), Harf and mountain of Hadramot. 4. High altitude mountains: a) These mountains lie above 1800 m and comprise the mountains of Ibb, Sabir, at-Turba, Reyma, Dhamar, Jabel Alloz, Jabel an-Nabi Shuaib, Mukeiras, Jabel Abran, Yafe al-Ulya, Hajja and Sanaa. 5. Highland plains: a) High altitude plains located over 1800 m and including those around Sada, Sanaa, Dhamar, Rada and qa-Bakil.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

b) lowe altitude plains(< 1800m) include those around al-Qaeda, Qa al-Hag and Qa Shihara. 6. Eastern and northern east mountains: a) high altitude mountains > 1800 m. They include the mountains which form the division between the wadis flowing west (Red Sea) and east into the desert, and comprise the mountains east mountain plains of Dhamar and Amran, east and north Rada, between Rada and al-Bayda and between Abyan and al-Bayda. b) Medium altitude mountains (1200-1800 m): These mountains drop several hundred meters into the eastern desert plains and include the mountains east Sada, around and west Marib, north al-Bayda, around Bayhan and north Ataq. 7. Eastern desert: Extend along the northern border of Yemen and drop from 1000 m towards north, east and northern east to less than 500 m, and include the areas east and north Marib and Ramlat assabatein.

The flora of Yemen

The flora of Yemen is a mixture of the tropical African, Sudanian plant geographical region and the Saharo-Arabian region. The Sudanian element dominates the western mountains and parts of the high land plains which is characteristic by relatively high rain fall. The Saharo-Arabian element dominates in the coastal plains, eastern mountain and the eastern and northern desert plains. A high percentage of Yemen plants belong to tropical African plants of Sudanian regions. Among the Sudanian element species the following may be mentioned: Ficus spp., Acacia mellifera, Grewia villosa, Commiphora spp., Rosa abyssinica, Cadaba farinosa and others. Among the Saharo-Arabian species , the following may be mentioned: Panicum turgidum, Aerva javanica. Zygophyllum simplex, Fagonia indica, Salsola spp., Acacia tortilis, A. hamulos, A. ehrenbergiana, Phoenix dactylifera, Hyphaene thebaica , Capparis decidua, Salvadora persica, Balanites aegyptiaca and many others. The characteristic genera of the Irano-Turanian which occur in the eastern and northern east of the country are: Calligonum spp. Cymbopogon jwarancusa and Tamarix spp. and of the Mediterranean regions are: Teucrium , Lavandula, Juniperus, Brassica and Diplotaxis.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

The floristic vegetation types of Yemen )( (Al Khulaidi, A.A. & El-Ghouri,M. (1996). 1- Costal plains A number of vegetation types occur in the coastal plains, among them the following: 1.1- Avicennia marina type It is a mangrove swamp occurs along the Red sea coastal fringe, mainly north of the wadi Siham outlet, isolated swamps are also seen north Yakhtol(southern Tihama) and around Bir Ali (west of al Mukalla). Occassionally other plants such as Aeluropes lagopoides, Suaeda spp. and others can occur with this type and can be also considered as a transition to the vegetation types found further inland. 1.2- Suada fruticosa shrubland This habitat is found along the coast on flat, often bare mud known locally as Sabakha and covers from shore line to about 5 km. inland. Suada fruticosa and Aeluropus lagopoides are the most common species in this habitat. The following vegetation types have been found: 1.2.1- Halopyrum mucronatum-Suaeda fruticosa type is dwarf shrubland and grassland 1.2.2- Aeluropus lagopoides- Suaeda fruticosa type is grassland 1.2.3- Suaeda fruticosa-Odyssea mucronata type is dwarf shrubland Associeted species of these types are Acacia tortilis, Cadaba rotundifolia and Panicum turgidum. 1.3- Sand plain covered by shrubland or bushland This plain covers an area from 5-20 to 20-40 km. inland. Soil predominantly sandy and it is almost flat to slightly undulating . The plain consists of fine gravel, sand , silt and clay. Recent eolian deposits are frequent at the surface. Many sandy hummocks which covered by vegetation are found in many locations. The following vegetation types are found in this habitat: 1.3.1. Cadaba rotundifolia - Panicum torgidum Type: It is open shrubland to sparse dwarf shrubland. Associated species are Acacia tortilis, Maerua crassifolia, Dipterypium glaucum and Indigofera oblongifolia. 1.3.2. Odyssea mucronata - Panicum turgidum type: It is shrubland. Associated species are Dipterypium glaucum Cadaba rotundifolia and Dipterygium glaucum. 13.3. Salsola spinescens - Suaeda fruticosa type: It is dwarf shrubland. Associated species are Salvadora persica. 1.3.4. Capparis decidua - Odyssea mucronata type: It is sparse shrubland. Associeted species is Suaeda fruticosa 1.3.5. Tephrosia purpurea-Panicum turgidum type is shrubland to grassland found on waste and cultivated fields and also on sandy plain. Associeted species are Odyssea mucronata. Aerva javanica, Blepharis ciliaris, Cassia senna, Corchorus depressus and others.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi

1.4. Sand dunes aerea: This unit is a degraded form of the previous unit. The vegetation cover is very low (less than 5%). The following vegetation types can be found: 1.4.1. Leptedenia pyrotechnica - Odyssea mucronata type: is a sparse grassland. Associated species is Dipterygium glavcum, occasionally Acacia tortitis, Cassi sinna and Cassia italica can be seen. 1.4.2. Dipterygium glaucum -Panicum turgidum type: is a grassland. Associated species is Odyssea muncronata. 1.5. Gravelly plain areas: It is slightly undulating and intersected by wide and shallow wadis or depressions and numerous drainage lines, where the vegetation is densely found. Most of these plains are concentrated southern Tihama (south wadi Zabid). The main vegetation types here are: 1.5.1. Bleplharis ciliaris - Lasiurus scindicus type: is open woodland. Associated species are Indigofera spp., Rhigozum somalenese, Acacia tortitis, Acacia Hamulosa, Commiphora myrrha, Fagonia indica, Anisotes trisulcus, Euphorbia conata and others. 1.5.2. Acacia ehrenbergiana - Lasiurus scindicus type: is woodland to grassland. Associated species are Acacia tortitis, Indigofera oblongifolia, Euphorbia cuneata, Aloe vera, Fagonia indica, Tephrosia purpurea, Cissus quadrngularis and many others. 1.5.3. Euphorbia triaculeata - Sarcostemma sp. type: is shrubland. Associated species are Lasiurus scindicus, Calligonum sp., Acacia hamulosa, Commiphora myrrha, Maerua crassifolia, Indigofera spinosa and others. 1.5.4. Cadaba rotundifolia - Panicum turgidum type: is sparse dwarf shrubland to sparse grassland. Associated species are Lasiurus scindicus, Acacia tortitis, Indigofera oblongifolia, Acacia hamulosa, Euphorbia cuneata, and others. 1.5.5. Commiphora gileadensis - Acacia hamulosa Type: is open woodland. Associated species ar Acacia mellifera, Acacia hamulosa, Acacia tortitis, Commiphora myrrha, Rhigozum somalense, Indigofera spinosa and many others. 1.5.6. Acacia hamulasa - Commiphora myrrh type: is open woodland. Associated species are Calligonum crinitum, Cadaba glandulosa, Euphorbia triaculeata, Punicum torgidum, Cymbopogon schoenanthus and Pennisetum divisum. 1.6- Acacia ehrenbergiana woodland This woodland are common in many parts of coastal plains such as wadis, depressions and alluvial plains. Associated species are Ziziphus spina-christi, Panicum turgidum, Acacia tortilis and others.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


1.7- Ziziphus spina-christi - Dobera glabra cultivated lands These lsnds are located on plains near the Tuhama foothills. Scattered trees of Dodera glabra and Ziziphus spina-christi are found. On the fallow lands of this unit Dactyloctenium scindicum some time in dense cover is found, also in waste and fallow land 1.7.1- Tephrosia purpuria-Panicum turgidum type is found . Associated species here are Cenchrus ciliaris, Chloris barata, Brachiaria ramosa, Indigofera spinosa and Blepharis ciliaris.

2- Low altitude mountains The following vegetation types can be found : 2.1- Dactyloctenium scindicum-Anisotes trisulcus type is a sparse shrubland found on rocky slopes. Associated species are Ormocarpum yemenense, Grewia populifolia, Indigofera oblongifolia, I. spinosa, Euphorbia inarticulata, E. coneata, Adenium obesum , Aloe vera, Acacia tortilis, A. hamulosa, Commiphora myrrha and many others. 2.2- Dactyloctenium scindicum-Cassia italica type is sparse shrubland found on gravelly wadi terraces and on the bed of narrow wadis 2.3- Adenium obesum- Anisotes trisulcus type is dwarf shrubland found on dry slopes. Associated species are Acacia tortilis, Commiphora myrrha and Dobera glabra. 2.4- Dobera glabra-Acacia mellifera type is shrubland found on the foothills and rock outcrops of Tihama (e.g. eat suq Abs, Jabal Attur, near Jabal Buraa). Associated species are Anisotes trisulcus, Cadaba glandulasa, Euphorbia inarticulata, Acacia asak and Adenium obesum. 2.5- Acacia tortilis-Euphorbia coneata type is open woodland found on the southern mountains and on some isolated mountains on the coastal plains (e.g. west al Rahida, south west al Barh and near Addimna). Associatede species are Anisotes trisulcus, Sarcostemma sp., Acalypha fruticosa, Aloe sp, Indigofera spinosa, Kleinia odora, Cissus quadrangularis, Aristida sp., Dobera glabra, Jatropha spinosa, Aerva javanica and others.

2.6- Acacia abyssinica-Trichilia emetica type is a forest area found on steep rocky slopes and Wadi of Jabel Burro and Jabel Milhan and other valleys. Association species are Comberetum molle, Berchemia dicolor, Celtis africana, Carissa rdulis, Cissus quadrangularis, C.rotundifolia, Anisotes trisulcus and many others. 2.7- Combretum molle-Ficus spp. type

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


is evergreen forest on valleys (e.g. Jabel Buraa and Jabel Milhan). Association species are Ficus vasta, F. salicifolia, Tamarindus indica, Trichilia emetica, Mimusops laurifolia and many others. On undisturbed valley slopes Acacia asak is become dominant associated species here are Grewia schweifuthii, Anisotes trisulcus, Carissa edulis, Barbeya oleoides and others 2.8- Acacia mellifera-Commiphora spp. type Is sparse to open woodlands found on the Tihama foothills. Associated species are Commiphora myrrha, C. habyssinica, C. gileadensis, Indigofera spinosa 2.9- Anogeissus dhofarica woodland Is a dense woodland found on the escarpment of an altitude of 700m. near Hawf (al Mahara gover.) Associated species are Croton conferts, Dodonaea angustifolia, Cadia purpurea, Jatropha dhofarica, Tamarindu indica, Commiphora spp., Acacia spp. and many others. 2.10- Commiphora spp.-Jatropha dhofarica type Is a woodland occors on the escarpment between 450-500m. of Hawf area. Associeted species are Aloe sp., Tephrosia sp., Solanum sp. and many others. 3- Medium altitude mountains The following vegetation types can be found: 3.1- Acacia asak-Indigofera spinosa type Is a woodland found on large parts of steep to moderate steep slope mountains. Associated species are Ruellia patula, Aerva javanica, Barleria trispinosa, B. bispinosa, Acalypha fruticosa, Anisotes trisulcus, Ormocarpum yemenense, Blepharis ciliaris, Grewia erthrea, G. tenax, Eragrostes sp., Kleinia odora, Caralluma quadrangula and many others. 3.2- Euphorbia spp. shrubland A large number of vegetation types occur here for example: 3.2.1- Pergularia tomentosa-Euphorbia cactus type 3.2.2- Euphorbia schemperi-Euphorbia inarticulata type 3.2.3- Psiadia arabica- Euphorbia schemperi type 3.2.4- Euphorbia cactus-Euphorbia parciramulosa type 3.2.5- Euphorbia coneata-Andropogon greenwayi type These types found on the slopes of mountains around Taiz, east Madinat Ashsharq, near Hammam Ali and south Hajjah. Associated species are many, such as Ruellia patula, Aerva javanica, Hibiscus deflersii, Commicarpus helenae, Barleria spp., Ormocarpum yemenense, Grewia spp., Cissus rutondifolia, Kleinia odora, Indigofera spinosa, I. arabica, Anisotes trisulcus, Caralluma quadrangula, Blepharis ciliaris, Sarcostemma sp., Sanseveria spp., Lantana salvifolia, Justicia flava, J. odora, Heliotropium spp., Hypostes forskalea, Cadia purpurea and many others. 3.3- Aloe vera-Acalypha fruticosa type Is a sparse shrubland found on steep to moderate steep slope near Madinat Ashsharq. Associated species are Anisotes trisulcus, Ormocarpum yemenense, Cissus quadrangularis, Indigofera spinosa, Acacia asak, A. etbaica, Kleinia odora, Barleria bispinosa, Adenium obesum, Acalypha fruticosa, Euphorbia cactus and others.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


3.4- Grewia villosa-Andropogon greenwayi type Is sparse shrubland to grassland found on steep to moderate steep slope mountains south Hajjah,(between 1240-1550m.). Associated species are Psiadia arabica, Pupalia lappacea, Salvia sp., Ruellia patula, Commicarpus helenae, Leucus glabrata, Grewia spp., Ocimum hadiens, Adenium obesum, Seddera arabica, Acalypha fruticosa, Blepharis ciliaris and others 3.5- Cenchrus ciliaris-Commicarpus glandiflorus type Is open woodland to dwarfshrubland found on almost flat to steep slope stony mountains and road sides (between 1600-1800m.). Associated species are Andropogon distachyus, Aerva javanica, Indigofera spinosa, Anisotes trisulcus, Eragrostes sp., Forsskaolea tenacissima, Commicarpus grandiflorus, Acalypha fruticosa, Withania somnifera, Alternanthera pungens, Kleinia odora and others. 3.6- Aerva javanica-Hibiscus vitifolius type Is shrubland found on stony steep slope mountains near wadi Sharis (south Hajjah), between 1300-1400m. Associated species are Forsskaolea tenacissima, Indigofera spinosa, Heliotropium longiflorum, Cissus quadrangularis, Borhavia repens, Solanum incanum, Adenium obesum and others. 3.7-Acacia mellifera woodlands These woodlands cover a large parts of medium altitude mountains such as north and North east of Taiz, Jabel al Arayes, west Huth, around Madinat Ashsharq. For example: 3.7.1- Acacia mellifera-Euphorbia cactus & 3.7.2- Acacia mellifera-Euphorbia inarticulata types are found on slopes north and north east Taiz (between 1200-1500m.). Associated species are Ruellia patula, Grewia erythrea, Cissus rotundifolia, Kleinia odora, Indigofera spinosa, I. arabica, Anisotes trisulcus, Borhavia repens, Lantana salvifolia, Cassia italica, Seddera arabica, Euphorbia shemperi, Heliotropium sp., Hypostes forskalea, Cadia purpurea and many others. 3.7.3- Acacia mellifera-Ocimum hadiens type Is a woodland found on moderate steep slope mountains and hills east Madinat Ashsharq (between 1400-1610m.). Associated species are Kleinia odora, Grewia tenax, Ormocarpum yemenenses, Indigofera spinosa, Seddera arabica, Commicarpus helenea, Acacia asak, Ruellia patula and others. 3.7.4- Acacia mellifera-Euphorbia coneata type Is a woodland occurs on moderate to steep slope mountains and hills east Madinat Ashsharq (between 1380-1440m.). Associated species are the same of type 3.7.3 plus the following : Sarcostemma sp. Blepharis ciliaris and Aloe sp. 3.8- Tridax pvocumbeus-Indigofera spinosa type

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Is a shrubland to grassland found on wadi beds and degraded slopes east of Madinat Ashsharq and east Hammam Ali (between 1590-1650m.). Associated species are Solanum incanum, Bidens bitata, Ocimum hadiens, Indigofera spinosa, Eragrostes papposa, Aristida adscensionis, Acalypha fruticosa, Commicarpus boissieri, Borhavia repens, Lavandula pubsence, Rumex nervesus and others. 3.9- Mentha longifolia-Conyza incana type Is a shrubland found on wadi beds where the water is flowing almost all the year, (e.g. wadi Rimaa, between 1200-1300m.). Associated species are Ricinus communis, Polygala sp., Flaveria trinervia, Trichilia emetica, Acanthus arboreus, Cordia africana, Pandanus odoratissimus and others. 3.10- Breonadia salicina-Tridax pvocumbeus type Is a sparse shrubland found on wadi beds of Sharis (south Hajjah), between 11001380m. Associated species are Aristida adscensionis, Solanum incanum, Indigofera spinosa, Borhavia repens, Ziziphus spina-christi, Tagetes minuta and others. 3.11- Acacia asak-Cadia purpurea type Is open woodland found on the western escarpment mountains at elevation of 1200-1600m. Associated species are Acacia mellifera, A. etbaica, Commiphora kataf, Boscia angustifolia, Adenium obesum, Psiadia arabica, Kleinia odora, Commicarpus helenae, Becium filamentosum, Rhynchelyten repens, Themeda triandra, Elyonurus muticus, Eragrostis papposa, Hypoestes forskalea and many others. 3.12- Acacia etbaica woodlands These woodlands are found on plains, plateaus, at the bottom of mountains and on moderate steep slope mountains (between 1400-1800m.). A number of vegetation types can be found: 3.12.1- Acacia etbaica-Gnidia somalensis type Is open woodland found on plateau of Jabel Eraf (about 1350m.). Associated species are Euphorbia schemperi, Ruellia patula, Aerva javanica, Aloe inermis, Commicarpus helenea, Lantana sp., Ormocarpum yemenense, Tetrapogon villosum, Solanum incanum, Fagonia incanum, Euphorbia coneata, and others. 3.12.2- Acacia etbaica-Euphorbia cactus type Is a woodland found on moderate steep slope mountains and hills south Taiz (between 1400-1600m.). Associated species are Euphorbia inarticulata, E. schemperi, E. ammak, Acacia mellifera, Cissus quadrangularis, C. rotundifolia, Blepharis ciliaris, Fagonia indica, Justicia flava, Solanum incanum, Polygala senensis, Cyanotes sp., Borhavia repens, Psiadia arabica, Heliotropium sp., Dodonae viscosa, and others. 3.13- Juniperus procera-Psiadia arabica type Is a forest found on moderate steep slope of Jabel Eraf (al Maqatirah, Taiz) and Jabel Thogan (al Qabetah, Taiz), between 1350-1450m. Associated species are Acacia etbaica, Cadia purpurea, Teucrium yemens, Tetrapogon villosum, Barleria sp., Rhus spp., Carissa edulis, Aristida sp., Seddera arabica, Tarchonanthus camphoranthus, Commicarpus helenae and many others, some of the species not udentified yet and could be new or endemic to Yemen or to Arabian peninsula.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


4- High altitude mountains Main vegetation types of the region are: 4.1- Rosa abyssinica-Scabiosa columbaria type Is a grassland or dwarf shrubland occur on the steep slope mountains of Jabal Saber (south Taiz), between 2000-2300m. Associated species are Echinops spinosissimus, Chelianthus sp., Acanthus arboreus, Satureja biflora, Gomphocarpus fruticosa, Rumex nervusus and others. 4.2- Themeda triandra-Barleria proxima type Is shrubland to grassland found on moderate steep slope mountains and hills, between 1900-2200m. such as east and south east wadi Mauna (between Maaber and Madinat Ashsharq) and south east Hajjah. Associated species are Psiadia arabica, Andropogon greenwayi, Cadia purpurea, Ruellia patula, Cyphostemma digitata, Lantana viburnoides, Leucus glabrata, Aristida sp. Eragrostes papposa, Acacia etbaica and others. 4.3- Micromeria biflora-Pennisetum setacem type Is a woodland to sparse grassland found on steep slope mountains and terraces (between 1950-2250m.). Associated specioes are Richardia tingitata, Andropogon sp., Anisotus trisulcus, Eragrostes papposa, Acacia origena, Themeda trindra, Acanthus arboreus, Teucrium yemense, Felica abyssinica, Hypostes forskalei, Solanum incanum, Leucus glabrata and many others. 4.4- Kniphofia somarea-Acanthus arboreus type Is a dense shrubland occurs on steep slope mountain of Sumara (between 26002700m.). Associated species are Pterocephalus pulverulentus, Satureja biflora, Ammi majus, Ferula communis, Anagalis arvensis, Echinops spinosissimus, Campanula edulis and others. 4.5- Thymus serphyllum-Acanthus arboreus type Is a shrubland occurs on moderate to almost flat rocky mountains and hills at elevation above 2600m. Associated species are Euphorbia schemperiana, Andropogon sp., Hypostes forskalei, Teucrium yemens, Vermitrox abyssinica, Plectranthus spp., Themeda trindra, Osteospermum vaillantii, Jasminum grandiflorum, Echinops spinosissimus, Dianthus uniflorus, Rumex nervusus, Polygala senensis and others. 4.6- Acacia origena type Is open woodland found near or on cultivated fields of wadis, plains and plateus or slopes (e.g. Ibb, NE Atturba, Jabal Saber, and Jabal Sumara). Associated species are Ziziphus spina-christi, Euphorbia ammak Euryops arabica, Plectranthes spp. and others. 5- Highland plains Main vegetation types are: 5.1. Elyonurus muticus - Euriops arabica type: is a grassland to dwarf shrubland found on rocky slopes of mountain plain. Associated species are Andropogon sp., Becium capitatom, Felicia abyssinica, Pennisetum setaceum, Kleinia semperviva, Dianthus uniflorus.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


5.2. Peganum harmala - Blepharis ciliaris type: is a shrubland found on flat, rocky areas or old fallow lands. (Such as around Maber and Sanaa). Associated species are Enneapogon desvauxii, Lycium shawii, Pulicaria undulata, Sonchus oleraceus. 5.3. Tetrapogon villosum - Cynodon dactylon: is a grassland occur on rocky fallow land. Associated species are Cenchrus ciliaris, Indigofera arabica, Pulicaria undulata, Sonchus oleraceus, Pennisetum villosum, Brachiaria erucidiformis. 5.4. Acacia etabaica - Euphorbia inarticulata type: is open woodland foun on plains below 1500 m (e.g. Qa al Qaeda). Associated species are Withania somnifera, Ziziphus spina-christi, Solanum incanum, Fagonia indica, Eragrostes sp., Aerva javanica, Lycium shawii, Caralluma penicilata, Euphorbia cactus,Cissus rotondifolia, Commicarpus helenae, Hypostesforskalei, Indigofera spinosa, Kleina odora. 5.5. Acacia origena open woodland: The common type here Acacia origena - Pennisetum setacem type is a woodland found on mountain slopes and terraces (between 1950 - 2250 m). Associated species are Micropmeria biflora, Andropogon sp., Richardia tingitada, Themeda triandra, Acanthus arborus and others. 5.6. Felicia abyassinica- Andropogon sp. type: is grassland occurs on oderate steep sloope mountains and hills (between 2300 2370m). Associated species are Teucrium yemense, Echinops spinosissimus, Tetrapogon villosu, Indigofera arabica, Salvia aegyptiaca, Eragrostes papposa, Blepharis citiars, Helichrysum somaliense, Gomphocarpus fruticosos, Euphorbia granulata, Hypostes forskalei, Thymus serpyllum and others 6. Eastern and northern east mountain: Main vegetation types of this region are: 6.1. Chrysopogon plumulosus - Lavandula pubescens Type: is dwarf shrub occurs on dry rocky slope mountain east Dhamar plains. Associated species are Andropogon sp., Beciumitatum, Felicia abyhssinica, Pennisetum setaceum and other. 6.2. Chrysopogon plumlosus - Helichrysum somaliense type: is grassland to dwarf shrubland occurs on flat to moderately slope areas. Associated species are Tetrapogon villosum, Blepharis ciliaris, Enneapogon desvaxii, Lycium shawii, Eragrostis paposa, Aristida adscenionis and others. 6.3. Lavandula pubescens - Chrysopogon plumulosus type: is a dwarf shrubland occurs o the plains and hills between 1800 - 2600 m (east highland plains). Associated species are Acacia arigena, Gnidia somaliense, Seddera arabica, Fagonia indica, Peganum harmala, Tetrapogon villosum and others. 6.4. Euphorbia balsamifera - Kleinia odora type:

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


is a dwarf shrubland occurs on limestone plateau. Associated species are Euphorbia fruticosa, Aristida adscensionis, Lycium shawii, Barleria proxima and others. 6.5. Andropogon crossotos type: is open grassland found on plains, hills and montains around Rada at elevation up to 2600 m. Associated species are Helichrysum somaliense, Andrachne aspera, Aloe vacillans, Caralluma guadrangularis, Kleinia odora, Chrysopogon plumulosus, Cenchrus ciliaris, Tetraqpogon villosum and others. 6.6. Euphorbia inarticulata - Psiadia arabica type: is a shrubland occurs south west of al Baydha governorate and along the road Rada-al Baydah at elevation lower than 2200 m. Associated species are Solanum sepicola, Lavandula pubescens, Blepharis ciliaris, Tetrapogon villosum, Chrysopogon plumulosus, Euphorbia cactus and others. 6.7. Acacia nilotica - Barleria parvifolia type: is an open woodland occurs on Wadis and plains or depressions at elevation about 1800 to 2000 m. Associated species are Solanum spp., Lycium shawii, Cynadon dactylon, Peganum harmala, Acacia gerrardii, Ziziphus spina-christi and others. 6.8. Acacia oerfota - Commiphora myrrh type: is open bushland occurs on mountains and Wadis and hills adjacent to the desert and north east al Baydha governorate. Associated species are Acacia totrilis, Salvadora persica, Tamarix aphylla, Desmotachya bipinanata, Pennisetum divisum, Stipagraostis hirtiguma and others. 6.9. Acacia asak - Cadia purpurea type: is open woodland occurs southern part of al Baydha governorate. The elevation is less than 1600 m. Associated species Acacia mellifera, Commiphora myrrha, Adenium obesum, Euphorbia sp. The Wadis in this unit are characterized by large trees such as Brreonadia salicina, Trichilia emetica, Tamarix indica, Ficus spp. and Ziziphus spina-christi.

6.10. Acacia etbaica - Ziziphus spina-christi type: is open woodland found east of Sadha on Wadis and depressions. 7. Eastern desert: The following vegetation types can be found: 7.1- Acacia tortilis-Aerva javanica type Is a grassland to woodland occurs on wadis, drainage lines, along the edges of the wadi and sand dunes. Associated species are Panicum turgidum, Fagonia indica, Indigofera spinosa, Dipterygium glaucum, Rhazia stricta, Jatropha spinosa, Pennisetum setaceum, Pergularia tomentosa, Aristida adscensionis, Acacia oerfota and others. 7.2- Dipterygium glaucum-Panicum turgidum type Is sparse shrubland occurs on undulating sand dune plain or almost gravely plain near Marib. Associated species are Aerva javanica, Fagonia indica, Salsola imbricata, Stipagrostis spp. and others.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


7.3- Suaeda aegyptiaca-Salsola imbricata type Is sparse shrub-woodland found on undulating to almost flat, slightly saline soil areas (northern west Marib). Associated species are Aerva javanica, Panicum turgidum, Rhazia stricta, Dipterygium glaucum, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Acacia tirtilis, Fagonia indica, Salvia merjamie, Tamarix sp., Desmostachya bipinnata and others. 7.4- Calotropis procera-Dipterygium glaucum type Is spaarse grassland and accopies most of the eastern desert plain. Associeted species are Aerva javanica, Panicum turgidum and Acacia tortilis. 7.5- Ziziphus spina-christi cultivated lands Is found on many cultivated lands as a traditional Agroforestry system in the Marib and Harib areas.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi Table (1). Plant species of Yemen
Families Species

Genera Naturalize Cultivated Introduced Endemic to: Yemen * Endemic to: Arabia

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



94 2 17 6 20 24 31 10 13 1 35 8 5 1 10 2 104 11 223 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 2 83 53 22 1 2 4 1 1 33 20 63 3 7 1 38 1 21 7

29 1 6 4 12 1 13 5 7 1 26 8 4 1 8 2 32 2 78 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 17 28 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 6 24 1 2 1 16 1 1 4

92 2 17 4 20 24 30 9 11 1 30 4 5 7 2 104 11 203 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 83 47 22

2 1 1 1 1 5 2 14 1 6

1 1 4 1 6 4 1 -

27(20) 13(2) 6(4) 2(1) 2(2) 9(4) 1 31(12) 46(25) 1(1) 26(12) 7(4) 10(8)

4 2 7 1 1 9 11 2 2

4 1 1 28 20 62 6 1 35 1 21 6 5 1 3 1 1 2


1(1) 1(1) 15(9) 1

2 6 1

1(1) 1

4 1

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19 3 13 6 14 3 1 2 4 19 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 17 62 2 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 26 1 1 1 15 1 1 2 5 5 1 2 15 1 20 46 18 25 1 5 2 5 86 1 3 1 5 4 5 1 1 103 183 2 1 2 10 13 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 2 6 1 9 87 1 3 1 20 3 1 3 7 7 2 54 2 5 21(10) 11 2 7 5 1(1) 2 1 7(6) 6(3) 3(2) 2 1

20 50 18 32 6 5 2 5 86 1 3 1 5 4 1 5 1 1 106

1(1) 2(2) 1 1


3 10

31(18) 21(11)


2 1 2 10 14 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 2 6 1 9 92 1 3 1 27 4 1 3 7 8 1 2 65 2

4(3) 1


4(4) 2(2)

7 1

1 1 6 5 1(1) 8(4)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


20 4 1 3 7 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 10 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 109 1 7 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 5 1 9 21 1 5 4 1 5 27 14 1 1 2 1 1 1 20 1 1 5 2 3 2 23 7 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 7 10 312 12 21 2 4 7 8 1 1 5 2 4 12 10 1 10 46 1 2 1(1) 1 3(2) 2(2)

6 1 5 43 17 2 1 1 2 12 1 1 21 1 1 6 2 3 2 23 7 2 1 4 1 2 2 5 1 7 11 322 12 23 2 4 7 8 1 1 5 2 8 12 12 1 18 48 1 16

2 1

16 1 1

1 2 9



1 1 1 1 3(3) 10(8) 1(1) 2

1 9

1(1) 1 2(1) 2 8 2 7 1 13(11) 1 1

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


21 2 3 2 5 5 28 2 1 9 7 1 1 1 3 1 2 9 1 1 9 1 1 5 1 1 2 5 1006 4 3 3 6 6 72 4 1 32 13 7 1 2 14 2 3 17 1 1 20 2 1 10 1 1 2 34 2559 121 111 1 96 1

5 3 3 7 7 73 4 1 39 15 7 1 2 15 2 3 17 1 1 23 2 1 11 1 1 2 34 2809

1 1 1 3(3) 12(4) 6

7 1

4(3) 1(1)

1(1) 5(4)

1 1(1) 1 2 6(5)

1 1



The number between bracts is endemic to Soqotra

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Checklist of flora
ACANTHACEAE Acanthus arboreus Forssk. @

Taiz, al Udayn, Ibb,Dhamar, Sanaa, Hajjah. Angkalanthus oligophylla Balf.f. * @ (syn. Ancalanthus paucifolius Balf.f., ). (6) Soqotra. Anisotes diversifolius Balf.f. * (2,6) (syn. A. diversifolius Balf.f. var. brevicalyx Balf.f. (6) Soqotra. Anisotes trisulcus (Forssk.)Nees. @ Taiz, Tihama, al Dhalaa, Abyen, Ataq-Aden, Shabwa, Hadhramout. Asystasia gangetica (L.)T.Anders. @ (syn. A. coromandeliana Nees,). (6) Taiz, al Udayn, Ibb, Soqotra. Asystasia guttata (Forssk.)Brum. @ (syn. A. somalensis (Franch.)Lebrun & Toussaint, A. Petalidioides Deflers, Ruellia guttata Forssk.). Ibb, Jiblah, Taiz. Asystasia petalidiodes Defl. * (3) J. al Arays. Asystasia schimperi T.Ander. (8) Rare:Wadi Assukhnah. Ballochia amoena Balf.f. * @ Soqotra Ballochia atro-virgata Balf.f. * @ (syn. B. puberula Vierh.). (6) Soqotra Ballochia rotundifolia Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Barleria acanthoides Vahl. @ Taiz, Lahg, al Faydh (Abyen), Qaatabah, al Jawf. Barleria aculeata Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Barleria argentea Balf.f. @2,6) (syn. B. diffusa (Oliv.)Lindau. Tihama foothills, Wusab, Rihab, J. Eraf, Soqotra. Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.)Vahl. ** @ (syn. B. spinicyma Nees). Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, al Dhalaa, Abyen. Barleria candida Nees. (3) Barleria farinosa Defl. * (1) J. al Arays. Barleria hildebrandtii Moore. (3)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Ras al Maraqisha (Abyen) Barleria hillcoatiae J.R.I.Wood. ** (8) Eastern mountains e.g. around Radaa and al Baydha. Barleria hochstetteri Nees. (8) Rare, Tihama and Tihama foothills, Hadhramout. Barleria lanceata (Forssk.)C.Chr. (8) (syn. B. triacantha Hochst. ex Nees). Rare, W. Zabid, w of Taiz, Surdud, Hays. Barleria mucronifolia Lindau. (8) Rare, Taiz. Barleria orbicularis Hochst. ex T.Anders. (8) Tihama foothills, Wusab Assafel, Hagdah, al Barh. Barleria parviflora R.Br. ex T. Anders. @ (syn.B. scabriuscula O. Schwartz). Taiz, Haraz, Damt, al Baydha. Barleria popovii Verdc. * (2) Soqotra Barleria prionitis L. subsp. appressa (Forssk.)Brum. & J.R.I.Wood. (8) (syn. B. appressa Forssk. (Vahl.). South Taiz, Manakha, Hajjah,. Barleria proxima Lind. @ (syn. B. smithii Rendle). (3) Taiz, Maqbanah, Lahg, al Dhalaa, Loder, Yafea, al Baydha, Saada, Radaa, Hadhramout. Barleria spinifolia J.R.I.Wood. (1) J. Jihan: Adhala. Barleria tetracantha Balf.f. * @ (syn. B. tetracanthera) Soqotra Barleria trispinosa (Forssk.)Vahl. @

(syn. B. dicantha Nees). Taiz, Ibb, J. Buraa, Dhamar, al Dhalaa, Shabwa, Hadhramout. Barleria ventricosa Hochst. ex Nees. (8) Dhisufal, al Misrakh, J. Habashi, Ibb. Blepharis ciliaris (L.)B.L.Burtt. @ (syn. Acanthus imbricatus Edgworth, B. edulis (Forssk.)Pers., B. edulis (Forssk.)Pers. var. congesta, B. persica (Burm.f.)Kuntz). Widespread: Tihama, Taiz, Aden, Dhamar, Abyen, Lahg, Sumara, Hajjah, Adhala, Shabwa, Yafea, Hadhramout, Soqotra . Blepharis dhofarensis A.Miller **. @ Al Mahara Blepharis kuriensis Soqotra Blepharis linariifolia Pers. (@, 5) ( ) Loder, al Maraqisha (Abyen), Hunesh island, al Mahara.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.)Heyne ex Roth. @ () (syn. B. boerhaviifolia Juss.). (6) Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, J. Bura, Soqotra. Blepharis spiculifolia Balf.f. * @ Soqotra Blepharispermum yemense Deflers. * (8) Rare: Al Hujariyah, al Rahidah. Chorisochorra minor (Balf.f.) Vollesen * @ (syn. Ecbolium striatum Balf.f. var. minor Balf.f. ). Wadi Darho (Soqotra) Chorisochora striata (Balf.f.) Vollesen * Soqotra Crossandra johannineae Fiori. (8) (syn. C. wissmannii O.Schwartz). Taiz, Tihama foothills. Dicliptera effusa Balf.f. * (@, 6) (D. ovata Balf.f.). (6) Soqotra. Dicliptera foetida (Forssk.)Blatter (8) (syn. D. zeylanica Nees). Hadiyah. Dicliptera suffruticosa J.R.I.Wood. (8) Sanaa, eastern mountains e.g. Damt, Radaa. Dicliptera verticillata (Forssk.)C.Chr. @ (syn.D. micranthes Nees). Taiz (Hidhran ), al Qaedah, Ibb, Zabid, Wusab, Haraz. Dyschoriste dalyii A.G.Mill.& J.Biagi Soqotra Dyschoriste longicalyx (Defl.)Lin. * (3) Dyschoriste perrottetii (Nees)Kuntze. (8) Taiz, al Qaedah, Ibb, al Udayn. Dyschoriste radicans Nees. Highlands e.g Ibb. (8) Ecbolium gymnostachyum (Nees)Milne-Redh. @ (syn. E. parvibracteatum Rendle. Taiz, Damt, Radaa. Ecbolium viride (Forssk.)Alston. @ (syn. E. linnaeanum Kurz.) Taiz, Tihama, Abyen, al Udayn, Ibb, Adhalaa. Ecbolium strictum Schwartz. * (3) Hypoestes forskalei (Vahl)Sol. ex Roem. & Schult. @ Widespread; Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Sanaa, Radaa, Dhamar, Adhala, Yafea, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. (8) (syn. H. radicans Deflers). J. Saber, Taiz, Haddah (Sanaa), Shibam.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Isoglossa punctata (Vahl)Brum. & J.R.I.Wood. (8) (syn. I. oerstediana Lindau, Justicia punctata Vahl). Rare: Tihama foothills e.g. J. Milhan. Justicia alexandri R.Atkinson Justicia anisotoides J.R.I.Wood. (8) Rare: Qaa Bakil, Anes, al Haymatein. Justicia adhatoda L. (8) Cultivated e.g. Taiz, Hays. Justicia bentii V.A.W.Graham. ** (3) ( ) (syn.J. areysiana Defl , Bentia fruticulosa Rolfe.). Hadhramout, al Mahara, Ases (S Taiz). Justicia caerulea Forssk. (syn. J. nuda (Nees)O.Schwartz). Dhisufal, Ibb. Justicia calyculata Deflers (8) (syn. J. exigua S. Moore, J. leptostachya (Nees)O.Schwartz). Hajjah, Taiz, Huth. Justicia difusa Willd. Justicia flava (Vahl)Vahl @ (syn. J. sulcata Vahl). Taiz, Lahg, al Dhalaa, Loder, Hadhramout. Justicia heterocarpa T. Anders. (2,6,8) Western mountains, S of Taiz, al Mahabishah, Soqotra. Justicia odora (Forssk.)Vahl. var. villosa Defl. @ Widespread e.g. Taiz, Lahg, al Dhalaa, Dhamar, al Maraqisha, J. Sawraq. Justicia rigida Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Justicia spinosus Defl. (5) Justicia takhinensis R.Atkinson Soqotra Lepidagathis calycina Nees. (8) Rare: east of al Ashshah. Lepidagathis scariosa (Wall.)Nees. (8) Tihama foothills, Taiz, Ibb. Megalochlamys linifolia (Lindau)Lindau. (1) Shabwa, Louder, al Mukalla. Megalochlamys violacea (Vahl.)Vollesen. (8) (syn.Ecbolium violaceum (Vahl) J.R.I.Wood & Hillcoat, Ecbolium anisacanthus (Schweinf)C.B., Justicia violacea Vahl). Taiz, Wadi Surdud, Madinat Ashsharq, J. Milhan. Jabel Buraa. Monechma bracteatum Hochst. (8) Rare: Western mountains, al Misrakh, Haraz. Monechma debile (Forssk.)Nees. @ (syn. Justicia debilis (Forssk.)Nees.). Taiz, al Faydh. Neuracanthus aculeatus Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Neuracanthus capitatus Balf.f. (2,6)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Soqotra. Neuracanthus robecchii (Lindau)Clarke. (3) Neuracanthus spinosus Defl. subsp. spinosus (3) Modia (Abyen) Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.)Brummitt. (1,2,3,8) (syn.P. bicalyculata (Retz.)Nees). (3) Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, al Dhalaa, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.)Sweet. (8) Al Turba, Ibb, al Udayn. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum (Benth.)Rodlk. (1,3) Cultivated as ornamental at Aden, Khor Maksar. Rhinacanthus scoparius Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Ruellia carnea Balf.f. (2,6) Soqotra. Ruellia dioscoridis Napper * (2,6) (syn. R. patula jacq.var minor Balf.f.). Soqotra. Ruellia discifolia Oliv. (1,3) Shabwa, Lawdar, al Mukalla. Ruellia grandiflora (Forssk.)Blatter. @ (syn.R. longiflora vahl). Tihama foothills,Taiz, Damt, J. Sawraq. Ruellia heterotricha Defl. (3) Ruellia insignis Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Ruellia kuriensis Vierh. * Abdul Kuri island Ruellia longicalyx Defl. * (4) J. al Arays. Ruellia longiflora Vahl Ruellia patula Jacq. @ (syn. R. pallida Vahl). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, , den, Yafea, Loder, Dhamar, Hajjah. A

Ruellia patula Jacq. subsp. kuriensis (Vierh.)Alex. & Miller. * @ (syn. R. kuriensis Vierh.) Abdul Kuri.

Ruellia patula Jacq var. villosa Defl. (3) Ruellia paulayana Vierh. * @ Soqotra. Ruellia praetermissa Lindau. (8) Tihama foothills, Wussab Assafel, J. Buraa, Haraz.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Ruellia prostrata sensu T.Anders. (8) al Misrakh (J. Saber), al Mahabisha. Rungia pectinata (L.)Nees. (ref. Thulin et al, in press) Al Mahara Ruttya fruticosa Lindau. @ Al Mahara

Trichocalyx obovatus Balf.f. subsp. glabrescens Vierh. * Soqotra subsp. puberulus Vierh. * Soqotra Trichocalyx orbiculatus Balf.f. * @ Killisan (Soqotra). @

Actinopteridaceae Actiniopteris radiata (Swartz)Link. (8) Tihama foothills & Western mountains. Actiniopteris semiflabellata Pic-Ser. @ Coastal areas, Tihama foothills, Hagda (w of Taiz), Ibb, al Baydha, Hajjah, Socotra .

( )
Adiantaceae Adiantum balfourii Baker. (2,7) Socotra. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. @ Taiz, Dhisufal, Wadi Mour, Sanaa, Hajjah, Amran,al Dhala, Socotra.

Adiantum incisum Forssk. (7,8) Taiz, J. AtTur, J. Razih.

Adiantum philippense L. ? (7) Coastal area of al Mahara, Adiantum poiretii Wikstr. (7,8) (syn.A. aethiopicum L. ( 6), A. thalictroides Willd ex Schle.). High mountains, Socotra. Cheilanthes coriacea Decne. (7,8) High mountains e.g. Hajjah. Cheilanthes farinose (Forssk.)Kaulf. @ (syn. Pteris decursiva Forssk.) J. Saber, Baadan, ,Saadah, J. Sumara , J. Milhan, J. Buraa, J. Raymah, Southern mountains.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cheilanthus marantae (L.)Domin (7,8) (syn. Notholaena marantae (L.)Desv.) Rare: Ibb, Utuma, Wusab. Cheilanthes pteridioides (Reich.)C.Chr. Shibam. (7,8) (syn. C. fragrans Swartz.). High mountains. Cheilanthus vellea (Aiton)F.Mueller. Shibam. (7) (syn. C. catanensis (Cosent)Fuchs). (5,8) High plateau, Ibb. Doryopteris concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.)Kuhn. (@, 7) (syn. Cheilanthus concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.)R&A Tryon, Daryopteris kirkii (Hook.)Alston, Pellaea concolor (Landsd. & Fisch.)Bak.). Hagher (Soqotra). Doryopteris crenata (Forssk.)Kuntz. Hajjah. Negripteris sciona (Chiov.)Pic-Ser. (7,8) Low & medium altitude mountains, Soqotra Onychium divaricatum (Poir.)Alston. (7) (syn. Allosorus melanolepis Decne, O. melanolepis (Decne)O.Kunze (5). J. Saber, Taiz, Socotra.. Pellaea involuta (Swartz)Bak. (7) (syn. Cheilanthes involuta (Sw.)Sch. & Anthony). Soqotra. Pellaea quadripinnata (Forssk.)Prantl. (@, 7, 8) (syn. Cheilanthes quadripinnata (Forssk.)Swartz, Pteris quadripinnata Forssk., P. viridis Forssk.,). Rare : Obove Hadiyah in J. Raymah, Hagher (Soqotra) Pellaea viridis (Forssk.)Prantl. (@, 8) Rare : J. Buraa, J. Rayma, Soqotra. Agavaceae Agave sisalana Perr. @ Introduced: Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Hajjah.

Sansevieria ehrenbergii Schweinf. ex Bak. @ Tihama foothills, Qaatabah, Taiz, Lahg, al Dhalaa.

Sansevieria forskaliana (Schult.)f.)Hepper & Wood. @ (syn.S. abyssinica N. E. Br, S. quinensis Willd.). Taiz, Tihama fotthills, Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn. Dracaena cinnabari Balf. * @ Socotra.

Dracaena serrulata Baker. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Saber, Hajjah, Huth, al Mahabisha, al Hujariyah, Shahara, J. Buraa, Hadhramout, Yafee, Yaher, al Mahara.

Polianthes tuberosa L. (8) Cultivated: J. Buraa, Suq al Qita between al Mahwit & Hufash.

AIZOACEAE Aizoon canariensis L. (1,7,8) (syn. Glinus chrystallinus Forssk). Sanaa, Tihama, Lahg, al Dhalaa, Hadhramout, N of Saada, Radaa, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Corbichonia decumbens (Forssk.)Jack. ex Exell. (2,7,8) (syn. Orygia decumbens Forssk ). Tihama, Maqbanah, Taiz, Shabwa, J. Bura, Lawdwr-al Mukalla, al Maraqisha, Wussab, Soqotra. Delosperma harazianum (Deflers)Popp-Ihr. ** (7,8) (syn. Mesembryanthemum harazianum Deflers). Haraz, Sumara, Yarim, J. Dhawran, J. Annabi Shuayb, Kawkaban, J. al Lawz, J. Shibam. Gisekia pharnaceoides L. (1,2,7,8) (syn. pharnaceum occultum Foessk.) Abyen, coastal areas, Marib, Ahjur, Sanaa, Saada, Damt, Soqotra.

Glinus lotoides L. (1,2,7,8) (syn. Mollugo glinus A.R.Rich, M. hirta Thunb). Rare, Tihama, Aden: Bir Ali, Abyen, Huth, Marib, J. Milhan, Soqotra Glinus setiflorus Forssk. (7,8) Very rare, Tihama: Dhahi. Limeum arabicum Friedr. ** (7) Southern coastal areas. Limeum obovatum Vicary. (7,8) (syn. L. humile Forssk., L. indicum Stocks ex T. Anderson). Rare, Tihama: al Luhayyah, al Mukha, al Mafraq. Mollugo cerviana (L.)Ser. (7,8) (syn. Pharnaceum umbellarum Forssk). Tihama, J. Milhan , al Mahwit, Radaa, J.Buraa, Haraz, Lahg Mollugo nudicaulis Lam. Rare, J. Milhan, J. Buraa, Hagda, Rihab, Bani Saad, Soqotra. Sesuvium sesuvioides (Fenzl)Verdc. (7,8) (syn. Trianthema polysperma Oliver.) Coastal area, Manzar, very rare Sesuvium verrucosum Raf. (in al Gifri, A. Fragm. Flor. Geobot, 36(2):1991) Khormakser, al Manssoora-Caltex. (Aden). Telephium sphaerosperum Boiss. (7) Low & highlands. Tetragonia pentandra Balf.f. (7) .

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Soqotra. Trianthema crystallinum (Forssk.)Vahl. (7,8) (syn. Papularia crystallina Forssk). Taiz: al Hoban, J. Milhan , Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Marib, Wadi Rimaa. Trianthema portulacastrum L. (1,7) (syn. T. monogyna L) Hais, Tihama foothills, Aden, Abyen,. Trianthema salsoloides Olive. (3) Lahg, Hadhramout Trianthema sheilae A.Miller (3,7) Trianthema triquetrum Rottler ex Willd. (1,7,8) (syn. T. sedifolia Vis. ) Rare, Taiz, Lahg, Hujjaylah, Tihama, Sheikh Othman, W Hardabah (Adhala). Zaleya pentandra (L.)Jeffrey. (1,7,8) (syn. Trianthema pentandra L., Rocama prostrata Forssk.) High plateau,Taiz, Tihama, Lahg, al Mahara, Sayun, Soqotra. ALOEACEAE Aloe abyssicola Lavr. & Bilaidi. * (in Cact. Succ. Jou. (US), 43(5): 206 (1971) J. al Arayis

Aloe austroarabica Lavr. J. Bura Aloe castellorum J.R.I. Wood. ** ( in Kew Bulletin vol. 38(1):13-31(1982) Hajjah, Kuhalan, Shahara, J. Razeh.

Aloe doei Lavr. * @ Al Hoban and al Rahida: Taiz, Damt, Radaa, Lahg, Adhala, Hadhramout.

Aloe eremophila Lavr. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 31: 71 (1965) Hadhramout.

Aloe fleurentinorum Lavr. & Newton. ** (in Cact. Succ. J.(US) 49: 113 (1977) Huth, Wadi Dhahr, Nihim, al Mahabusha, Hadhramout .

Aloe fulleri Lavr. * (in Cact. Succ. J.(US) 39: 125 (1967) Around Habban.

Aloe inermis Forssk. @ Taiz, al Dalaa, Radaa, Hadhramout, al Mahara.

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Aloe irafensis Lav., Al Gifri, Tom McCoy * J. Eraf, Al Hashama

Alo jawiyon Christie,Hannon & Oakham * (10)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Soqotra Aloe lavranosii Reynoids. *

(in J.S.Afr.Bot. 30: 225 (1964)

Addhala, southern highlands. Aloe luntii Baker (in Kew Bull. 1894: 342 (1894) Eastern plateau. Aloe menachensis (Schweinf.)Blatter ** in Fl. Arab. Rec.Bot. Surv.India 8: 463 (1936) (syn. A. trichosantha Berg. var. menachensis Schweinf.) Taiz, Manakha, J. Shibam ( Haraz), J. Sumarah. Aloe niebuhriana Lav. ** (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 31: 68 (1965) Wadi zabid, Southern Tihama, al Mafraq, Taiz, Hajjdah, Huth, al Mahabisha. Aloe pendens Forssk. * (8) (syn. A. arabica Lam., A. variegata Forssk.). J. Buraa, J. Raymah, obove Hadiyah. Aloe perryi Baker. * @ (syn. A. forbesii Balf.f.) (2) Soqotra. Aloe rigens Reynolds & Bally. var.mortimeri Lavr. (in Cact. Succ. J.(US) 39: 123 (1967) Eastern plateau. Aloe rivierei Lavr. & Newton. * (in Cact. Succ. J.(US) 49: 114 (1977) Taiz, Shahara, Ibb, J. Sumara Aloe rubroviolacea Schweinf. ** ( in Bull.Herb.Boiss. 2, App.2: 71(1894) J. Saber and Atturbah: Taiz, Manakha, J. Shibam, J. Razeh. Aloe sabaea Schweinf. ** @ (syn. A. gillilandii Reynolds). Taiz, al Qaeda, Hammam Ali., NE of Aden Aloe serriyensis Lavr. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot.31: 76 (1965) J. al Arayis Aloe splendens Lavr. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot.31: 77(1965) Modia (southern highlands) Aloe squarrosa Baker. * (2,6) Soqotra Aloe tomentosa Deflers. * @ J. Saber: Taiz, Dhamar, Yerim, Sanaa, J. Annabi Shuayb .

Aloe vacillans Forssk. ** @ (syn. A. dhalensis Lavr., A. audhalica Lavr. & Hardy). Taiz, al Udayn, Ibb, Sumara, Sanaa, Dhamar, Loder. Aloe vera (L.)Burm.f. var. officinalis (Forssk.)Back. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. A. barbadensis Miller, A. perfoliata var. vera L.). Tihama, Tihama foothills. Aloe yemenica J.R.I.Wood. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot.31: 77(1965) J. Buraa,Hajjah, Madinat Ashsharq, Wussab al Ali, al Mahwit. ( in Kew Bulletin vol. 38(1):13-31(1982) AMARANTHACEAE Achyranthes aspera L. var. aspera @ Taiz, Hadda, Lahg, Yafea, Soqotra.

var. pubescens (Moq.)C.Town. @ Low & medium altitude mountains.

var. sicula L. (7) Highlands, Soqotra. Aerva artemisioides Vierh. & Schwartz subsp. Artemisioides. * (7) Hadhramout Aerva javanica (Borm.f.)Juss. ex Schult. @ (syn. A. persica (Burm.f.)Meur, A. tomentosa Forssk.). Widespread throughout the country

var. bovei Webb. (7) Dry areas. (8)

Aerva lanata (L.)Juss. ex J.A. Sechult. @ (syn. Achyranthus villosa Forssk., Amaranthus lanatus A.L.Juss var. rotundifolia Moq.,A. lanatus var. viridis) Taiz, Jahran, Manakha, Aden, al Dhalaa, Hadhramout, Tihama.

var. robusta Balf.f. * @ Soqotra. Aerva microphylla Moq. var. humilis Vierh. * @ Abdul Kuri.

Aerva revoluta Balf.f. * (6,7) Soqotra Alternanthera pungens Kunth. @ (syn. A. repens (L.) Steud). Taiz, Lahg, Loder. Alternanthera sessilis (L.)R.Br. ex Roth. @ Rare, Wadi Adhabab: Taiz Amaranthus ascendens Lois. @ (syn.. A. lividus L, A. blitum L).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Taiz, Lahg, Hadhramout, Abyen, Loder, Wadi Mawr, Soqotra. Amaranthus caudatus L. (7,8) Cultivated as garden ornamental: Sanaa, Bagel. Amaranthus graecizans subsp. graecizans L. @ (syn. A. ansustifolius Lam subsp. aschersonianus Thell, A. angustifolius Lam. var. graecizans (L.)Thell.) Tihama foothills, Abyen, Lahg, Taiz, Yafea, Abyen, Mukairas, Hadhramout.

Amaranthus graecizans subsp. sylvestris (Vill.)Heokels. (7) Tihama foothills. subsp. thellungianus (Nevski)Gusev. (7) Soqotra. Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.)Thell. (7,8) (syn. A. cruentus L., A. paniculatus L.) Rare, Sanaa. subsp. hybridus. @ (syn. A. chlorostachys Willd, A. hypochondriacus L.). Taiz, Lahg, Abyen, high plateau. Amaranthus sparganiocephalus Thell. (7) Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra.

Amaranthus spinosus L. @ Taiz, Abyen, Hadhramout, Mukairas, Tihama. Amaranthes tricolor L. subsp. mangostanus (L.)Thell. (7) (syn. A. mangostanus L., A. gangeticus L., A. tristis L.) Amaranthes viridis L. (7,8) (syn.A. gracilis Desf.). Sanaa, Tihama, Tihama foothills. Celosia anthelminthica Asch. (7) Celosia argentea L. var. cristata (L.)O.Kuntze. (7,8) Hajjah, cultivated in Bagel & J. Buraa,. Celosia polystachia (Forssk.)C.Town. (7,8) (syn. C. populifolsa Moq., Achyranthes polystachia Forssk.). Tihama foothills, Qaatabah. Celosia trigyna L. @ (syn.C. caudata Vahl, C. trigyna L. var. fasciculiflora Fenzl ex Moq, Achyranthus decumbens Forssk., A. paniculata Forssk.) Tihama foothills, Taiz, central escarpment Ibb. Digera muricata (L.)Mart. (syn. D. arvensis Forssk.) subsp. muricata. @ (syn. D. alternifolia (L.)Aschers, Desmochoeta alternifolia (L.)DC) Taiz, Hadhramout, Yafaa, Abyen, Lahg, Wadi Rimaa, Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


subsp. trinervis C. Towns. var. patentipilosa C. Towns. (7) Soqotra. Gomphrena celosioides Mart. @ Dixsan plateau (Soqotra). Gomphrena globosa L. (7,8) Cultivated, Taiz, J. Buraa, Bayt al Faqih. Psilotrichum aphyllum C.C.Townsend. * (2) Soqotra. Psilotrichum gnaphalobrym (Hochst.)Schinz. (7,8) (syn. Achyranthus cordata Hochst. & Steud., P. cordatum Hochst. & Steud.). Taiz, Qaatabah, Radaa. Psilotrichum sericeum (Roxb.)Dalz. (2) (syn.Psilostachys sericea Benth.). Soqotra. Psilotrichum virgatum C.Towns. (7) Southern low altitude mountains Pupalia grandiflora Peter. (7,8) J. Milhan. Pupalia lappacea (L.)Juss. var. velutina (Moq.)Hook.f. @ Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Lahg, Loder, al Maraqisha, al Dhalaa, Lahg, Manakha, Soqotra. Pupalia robecchii Lopr. (3) Ras Fartak (Hadhramout). Saltia papposa (Forssk.) Moq. * @ (syn. Achyranthus papposa Forssk.) Taiz, Lahg, Aden, J. Shamsan, Harib, Qaatabah, Wusab al Safel, Hadhramout, Ras Fartak.

AMARYLIDACEAE Crinum album (Forssk.)Herb. * @ (syn. C. yemense Defl). Taiz, Shibam, W. Dhahr, al Hadah, Ibb, Yesleh, Adhala, W. Shares.

Crinum balfourii Baker * (2) Soqotra Hypoxis angustifolia Lam. (8) Rare: Al Udayn, J. Baadan, Ibb, Tihama foothills. Hypoxis villosa L.f. J. Numan. (3) Hypoxis violacea Schult.f. (3) Pancratium maximum Forssk. @ Taiz, al Qaadah, Aden.

Pancratium tortuosum Herbert. (3) Taiz, Hadhramout.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Pancratium trianthum Herbert. (3) Polyanthes tuberosa L. (3) Cultivatrd Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn)Raf. @ (syn. Haemanthus multiflorus Martyn, H. coccineus Forssk.). Taiz , Ibb, Sumara, J. Bura.

ANACARDIACEAE Anacardium occidentale L. (3) Lannea fruticosa (Hochst.)Engl. (8) W. Annah & W. Addur: al Udayn, W. Assukhnah. Lannea transulta (Balf.f.)A.R.Smith. * @ (syn. Elaeocarpus transultus Balf.f.). Above Hala (Soqotra).

Mangifera indica L. @ Cultivated.

Ozoroa insignis (Del.)O.Kuntze (8) (syn. Heeria insignis (Del.)O.Kuntz). J. Rayma, al Udayn, J. Buraa.

Pistacia falcata Becc. ex Martelli. @ J. Eraf: Taiz, east Hammam Ali, Wusab al Ali, J.Buraa, J.Milhan. Pistacia aethiopica Kokw. @ J. Eraf (al Maqattirah).

Rhus abyssinica Hocst. (8) Very rare: Haraz, J. Eraf. Rubus arabicus (Deflers) Schweinf. Rhus flexicaulis Bak. ** @ Al Hujaryah Taiz, J. Eraf, Modiya (Abyen).

Rhus natalensis Bernh. ex Krauss. @ (syn. R. glaucescens A.Rich.). J. Eraf: Taiz, al Mahwit, al Udayn, Madinat Ashsharq, W. al Sukhna, Soqotra.

Rhus retinorrhoea Steud. ex Oliv. @ Taiz, Baedan: Ibb, Adhala, Mukayras, Utuma, J. Buraa.

Rhus thysiflora Balf.f. * @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi



Rhus villosa L. (3) J. al Maraqisha (Abyen) Schinus molle L. @ Introduced.

ANNONACEAE Annona squamosa L. @ Taiz, Tihama foothills.

APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE) Adenosciadium arabicum (T. Ander.)Wolf. (3) Agrocharis melananthera Hochst. (8) (syn. Caucalis melanantha (Hochst.)Benth. & Hook., Daucus yemensis Deflers). J. Saber, J. Maswer, J. An Nabi Shuayb. Ammi majus L. @ Ibb, Dhi Sufal. Anethum graveolens L. (8) Rare, cultivated in Sanaa & Manakha. Anthriscus sylvestris (L.)Hoffm. (8) High altitude mountains: J. Saber, Ibb, J. Baadan, J. Taaker, J. Manar. Apium graveolens L. @ Atturbah, al Qaeedah, Radaa, Kawkaban, Manakha.. Apium nodiflorum (L.)Reichb.f. @ Taiz, Dhisufal, al Ahgor, Haraz, Ibb. Berula erecta (Huds.)Coville (8) (syn.B. thunbergii (DC.(Wolff). High plateau: al Hada, Yarim, Saadah. Carum calcicolum Balf.f. * (2,6) (syn. Trachyspermum calcicola (Balf.f.)Wolff.) Soqotra

Carum pimpinelloides Balf.f. * (2,6) (syn. C. kuriense Vierh. Var. trichocarpum (Vierh.)Townsend, C. trichocarpum Vierh., Trachyspermum pimpinelloides (Balf.f.)Wolff.) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri

Centella asiatica (L.)Urb. (syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica L.). Dhamar, W. Shalalah, W. Habab, Ibb, Atturba: Taiz, Saada, Arhab. Conium maculatum L. (8) J. Saber: Taiz, Ibb, J. Maswer, J. Annabi Shuayb. Coriandrum sativum L. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi



Daucus carota L. @ Cultivated.

Daucus yemenensis Defl. ** (4) Rare : Northern highlands. Ferula communis L. * @ High altitude: Ibb, J. Saber, J. Habashi, J. Sumara, J. Qaradh, J. Milhan. Foeniculum vulgare Mell. (8) Cultivated and road sides: Dhamar, Soqotra. Heteromorpha arborescens (Spreng.)Cham. & Schlecht. (8) Ibb, Atturbah: S of Taiz. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f. (8) Ibb, Yarim, al Hada, W. Habab. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. (8) Very rare: J. Manar: Ibb, W. Bana, Kawkaban. Nirarathamnos asarifolius Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Oreoschimperella arabiae-felicis C. Town. (8) (syn. Trachyspermum arabiae-felicis C. Town.). Rare, Ibb, J. Saber, Wussab, Utuma, J. Rayma. Peucedanum cordatum Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Peucedanum areysianum Def. * (4) J. al Arayes Peucedanum inaccessum C. Townsend * (8) Very rare: J. Milhan, al Mahabisha. Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)A.W.Hill. @ Cultivated. Pimpinella anisum L. (3) Cultivated. Pimpinella etbaica Schweinf. (3) J. Shamsan (Aden) Pimpinella menechensis Schweinf. ex Wolff. * (8) J. Saber, J. Habashi: Taiz, J. Razih Pimpinella woodii C.Townse. * (8) J. Baadan (Ibb) Pituranthos tortuosus Benth. & Hook. (3) Hadhramout. Pycnocycla glauca L. @ J. Saber, Dhamar, Hajjah, Shaharah, Shibam. Sanicula elata Buch.- Ham. ex D.Don. (8) Rare, High altitude m: J. Baadan, Ibb, Manakha, J.Rayma. Torilis arvensis (Huds.)Link. (8) High altitude mountain: J. Saber, Kawkaban. Trachyspermum ammi (L.)Sprague. (3)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. T. copticum (L.)Link). APOCYNACEAE Acokanthera schimperi (A.DC.)Oliv. @ (syn. A. deflersii Schweinf., Carissa schimperi A.DC.). Taiz, Ibb, J. Sawraq, W. Mouna, al Dhalaa, Soqotra.

Adenium obesum (Forssk.)Roem. & Schult. @ (syn.A. arabicum Balf.f., A. micranthum Stapf.). Widespread: Tihama, W. Rimaa, Tihama foothills, Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Dhamar, Mukayras, Adhala, Hadhramout, Huf al Mahara.

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subsp. sokotranum (Vierh.)Lav. * @ (syn. A. multiflorum Klotz. , A. sokotranum Vierh.). Soqotra.

Carissa edulis (Forssk.)Vahl. @ Taiz, al Qaeda, Ibb, al Udayn, Sumara, Abdul Kuri.

Carissa edulis (Forssk.)Vahl. var. tomentosa Stapf. Manakha.

Catharanthus roseus Don. (3,8) (syn. Vicna rosea L.) Introduced, gardens. Nerium oleander L. Introduced; gardens.

Plumeria acuminata Ait. (8) Introduced; gardens. Rhazia stricta Decne. (1,3,8) Mareb, Hadhramout, Shabwa, al Mahara.

Thevetia peruviana (Pers.)K.Schum. (1,3,8) Introduced; gardens. ARACEAE Arisaema bottae Schott. (8) J. Saber, Ibb, Utuma, J. Milhan, J. Maswer.

Arisaema flavum (Forssk.) Schott. (8) High altitude mountains, Adhala, Yafea.

Colocasia esculenta (L.)Schott. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. C. antiquorum Schott.) Low & medium altitude mountains

Remusatia vivipara Scott. (2) Soqotra Sauromatum venosum (Ait.)Kunth. (8) Rare : W. Addur (al Udayn, Hadiyah. ARALIACEAE Cussonia holstii Harms ex Engl. (8) High altitude areas: al Udayn. J. Saber, J. Milhan, J. Baadan, Ibb, Haraz.

ARECACEAE (PALMAE) Areca catechu L. (3) Cultivated in Hadhramout. Cocos nucifera L. @ Cultivated

Hyphaene thebaica (Del.)Mart. @ Coastal areas.

Livistonia carinensis (Chiov.)Dransfield & N.Uhl. (3) (syn. Wissmannia carinensis (Chiov).Burret). Rare: W. Hadjer: Hadhramout.

Nannorrhops ritchieana (Griffith)Ait. @ Between al Mahar and Hadhramout

Phoenix caespitosa Chiov. @ (syn. P. arabica Buttett). J. Buraa, al Hujariyah, Damt.

Phoenix dactylifera L @ Coastal areas, medium altitude mountains, eastern mountains.

Phoenix reclinata Jacq. (5) Tihama foothills.

Remusatia vivipara (Roxb.)Schott. (ref. Thulin et al, in press) Al Mahara Washingtonia sp. @ Introduced: Taiz

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia bracteolate Lam. @ (syn. A. bracteata Retz.) Coastal areas, Taiz, Adhala, Yafaa, Abyen, Lahg.

Aristolochia rigida Duch. (3) Hadhramout.

ASCLEPIADACEAE Blyttia spiralis (Forssk.)D.V.Field & J.R.I.Wood. (3,8) Tihama, Tihama foothills, Lahg, al Maraqisha (Abyen). Calotropis procera (Ait.)Ait.f. @ Throughout the country, Soqotra.

Caralluma acutangula (Decne.)N.E.Br. ( in Gard.Chron 12: 369 (1892) (syn.Caralluma russeliana (Courb. ex Brongn.)Cuf., C. retrospiciens (Ehrenb.)N.E.Br., C. hirtiflora N.E.Br.). Taiz, Tihama, Hunesh island, Harf Sufyan, W. Habab. Caralluma adenensis (Defl.)Burg. * (in Stapel. u. Klein: 79(1910) J. al Arays: Caralluma arabica N.E.Br. (in Kew Bull.1895: 318 (1895) Hadhramot, al Mahara. Caralluma awdeliana (Defl.)Berger. ** ( in Stapel.u. Klein.: 81(1910) Marib, Lowder-al Kukalla, Shabwa. Caralluma chrysostephana (Defl.)Burg. (3,8) Rare: J. Ras, Abyen, J. a ; Arayes. Caralluma cicatricosa (Defl.)N.E.Br. ** (in Gard.Chron. ser.3, 12: 369 (1892) Taiz, Maaber, J. Milhan, Manakha, J. al Arays. Caralluma commutata Berger. (in Stapel.u.Klein.: 105 (1910) Manakha. Caralluma deflersiana Laver. * @ Taiz, Lahg, J. Milahn, Tihama foothills, Adhala, Loder. Caralluma dentata (Forssk.) Blatter ( in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 8:303(1921) western foothills. Caralluma dolichocarpa Schwartz. * ( in Mitt.Inst.Allg.Bot.Hamburg 10: 194 (1939) Eastern plateau Caralluma edulis (Edgw.)Benth. (in Gen. Pl.2: 782. 1876 (syn. C. vittata N.E.Br.). Rare: Majz. Caralluma eremastrum O. Schwartz (ref. Thulin, M. et al in pross) Coastal highlands Caralluma flava N.E.Br. ** ( in Kew Bull.1894: 335(1894) Al Mahara, Hadhramout. Caralluma foulcheri-delboscii Lavr. var. greenbergiana Lavr.* (3,4) Hadhramout.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Caralluma hexagona Lav. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 51 : 236 (1979) Audhali plateau, J. Milhan Caralluma hexagona Lav. var. septentrionalis Lavr. & Newton. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 51 : 233 (1979) W Dhahr: N of Sanaaa, Sanaa-Marib road, Ne of Raydah, Radaa, Nahim. Caralluma kalmbacheriana Lavr. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 37: 110 (1965) Hadhramout Caralluma lavrani Rauth et Westel. * (in Kakt. u.a. Sukk. 4: 62 (1965) Shabwa, Loder-al Mukalla Caralluma luntii N.E.Br. ** (3) Rare : Hadhramout Caralluma penicellata (Defl.)N.E.Br. @ Widespread: Tihama,Radaa, Damt,al Baydha, Taiz, Dhamar, Abyen. Caralluma petraea Lav. ** @ Dhamar, Sanaa-Marib road. Caralluma plicatiloba Lav. (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 28: 211 (1962) High altitude areas, high plateau, al Baydha, Damt, Mukeyras. Caralluma quadrangula (Forssk.)N.E.Br. ** @ Widespread: Taiz, Dhamar, Hajjah, Sanaa, J. al Arays, Houf. Saadah, Amran. Caralluma rauhii Lavr.* (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 37(4) : 96 (1965) Hadhramout Caralluma shadhabana Lav. & Newton. ** (8) Manakha, Hadhramout. var. barhana Lav. ** (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 51 : 233 (1979) Al Barh: w of Taiz. Caralluma sinaica (Decne.)Benth var. baradii Lavr. & Newton. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 51: 234(1979) (syn. C. maris-mortui Zohary). Al Barh: w of Taiz. Caralluma solenophera Lavr. * ( in J.S.Afr.Bot.29: 107(1963) Loder, Mukeyras Caralluma socotrana (Balf.f.)N.E.Br. @ (syn. C. rosengreniiVierh.). Soqotra.

Caralluma subulata (Forssk.)Decne. ** . (in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser.2, 9: 267 (1838) Tihama, Taiz, Lahg, Hadhramout. Caralluma tuberculata N.E.Br. ( in Gard. Chron. 12 : 370 ( 1892) (syn. C. plicatiloba Lavr). (8) Amran, Saada, Damt, al Baydha. Caralluma wissmanii O.Schwart. @ (syn. C. eremastrum O. Schwa, C. meintijesiana Lavr.). Hajjah, al Qaeedah, J. Buraa, Haraz.

Ceropegia arabica H.Huber. var. abbreviata Bruyns. ** Rare: J. Rayma. (in Mems. Soc. Brot. 12: 138(1957)

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Ceropegia arabica H.Huber. var. arabica. @ Widespread: Taiz, al Qaeedah, al Sayani, Damt, Haraz, J. Milhan. var. superba (Field & Collen.)Bruyns. (8) (syn. C. superba Field & Collen.). Al Mahwit, Manakha, al Misrakh. Ceropegia aristolochioides Decne. subsp. defflersiana Bruyns. ** (8) Al Hoban, J. Saber, Dhi sufal, al Udayn, J. Rayma. Ceropegia botrys K.Schum. (8) (syn. C. mansouriana Chaudh. & Lav.). Tihama foothills: At Tur basin, Hadhramout. Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. (in Pl. Cor. 1: 11. (1795) (syn. C. vignaldiana A. Rich.). Rare: Al Hoban, al Qaeedah, Baadan, al Udayn, al Mahwit, J. Rayma, Huf.

( )
Ceropegia foliosa Bruyns. * (8) Rare: Al Udayn, Baadan, Hajjah Ceropegia rupicola Defl. var. rupicola. * (in Voy.Yemen : 167 (1889) J. Saber, Hagdah (west Taiz), al Qaeedah, Wussab al Ali, Hara, al Mahwit, J. Milhan. var. stictantha N.Taylor. * (8) Rare: Al Qaeedah Ceropegia sepium Deflers. * (8) Rare: J. Sumara, Baadan, Ibb, Haraz Ceropegia somalensis Chiov. (8) Between Khamis bani Saad and Manakha. Ceropegia tihamana Chaudh. & Lav. ( in Notes RBG Edinb. 42(2)316 (1985) Mawzaa near al Makha. Ceropegia variegata (Forssk.)Decne. (in Ann.Sci.Nat.ser.2, 9: 262 (1838) (syn. C. tubulifera Deflers, C. de-vecchii Chiov.). var. cornigera Huber. Sharab, al Misrakh (Taiz), Lahg. var. variegata. J. Milhan, Sayun, Tihama, Lahg, Adhala.

Cryptolepis orbicularis Chiov. (2) Soqotra. Cryptolepis socotranus (Balf.f.) * Soqotra Curroria decidua Planch. ex Benth. (2,3,6) (syn. Ectadiopsis volubilis Balf.f.,) var. volubilis (Balf.f.)Bullock (syn. Cryptolepis volubilis (Balf.f.)Schwartz). Soqotra.

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Curroria macrophylla A.R.Smith. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Cynanchum hastifolium N.E.Br. (8) Rare, Mafhaq. Cynanchum linifolium (Balf.f.)Bullock. * (2,6) (syn. Vincetoxium linifolium Balf.f.). Soqotra

Cynanchum tetrapterum (Turcz.(R.A.Dyer (8) (syn. C. sarcostemmatoides K.Schum.). Taiz, J. Sawraq, J. Rayma, Madinat Ashsharq, J. Buraa, Haraz. Daemia caudata Vierh. * (2,6) (syn. D. angolensis Decaisne) Soqotra Dregea abyssinica (Hochst.)K.Schum (8) (syn. Marsdenia abyssinica (Hochst.)Schlecht.). Rare: al Udayn, J.Rayma. Dregea arabica Decne (2) Soqotra. Dregea schimperi (Decne. ex DC)Bullock. (8) (syn. Marsdenia schimperi Decne.). Al Qaeedah, Ibb, Addalil, Damt, east Madina Ashsharq, J. Dhawran. Duvalia anemoniflora (Delf.)R.A.Dyers & Lavr. * (in Flow.Pl.Afr. 44:t.1734 (1976) (syn.Caralluma anemoniflora (Defl.)Burg). J. al Arays. Duvalia somaliensis Lav. (8) Al Mafraq (W. of Taiz). Duvalia sulcata N.E.Br. (in Kew Bull.1910 : 193 (1910) var seminuda Lav. ( in Cact. Succ.J. Los Angeles 39: 5 (1967) Tihama foothills: Attur. Duvalia velutina Lavr. ( in Cact.Succ.J.(US) 55: 24 (1983) Rare: Taiz, Tihama. Duvaliandra dioscoridis (Lav.)Gilbert * (2) (syn. Caralluma dioscoridis Lav.). (6) Soqotra Echidnopsis bentii N.E.Br. * (in Bot.Mag.127: t.7760 (1901) Eastern plateau Echidnopsis cereiformis J.D.Hook. (in Bot. Mag 97:t.5930 (1871) (syn. E. nubica N.E.Br.). Haraz. Echidnopsis globosa Thulin & Hjertson * (in Nord. J. Bot. 15(3)261(1995) Al Mukalla-Sayun road: Hadhramout Echidnopsis insularis Lav. * (2,6) Soqotra

Echidnopsis milleri Lav. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 65(6): 294 (1993)

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Soqotra. Echidnopsis multangula (Forssk.)Chiov. (in Bull Soc. But. Ital : 114 (1923) Echidnopsis scutellata (Defl.)Berger. (in Stapel.u.Klein. 26 (1910) Tihama foothills e.g. Al Mishrafa, al Mahwit, Bagel, W. Shares. Echidnopsis seibanica Lavr. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 30: 88(1964) Kor Seiban in the eastern plateau of Hadhramout at 1800 m alt. Echidnopsis socotrana Lav. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 65(6): 293-279 (1993) Soqotra. Echidnopsis squamulata (Decne)Bally. ** (in Kakt. u.a.Sukk. 14: 173(1963) (syn. Ceropegia squamulata Decne.). Taiz, Adhala. Echidnopsis yemenensis Plowes (in Haseltonia 1:71 (1993) Around Manakha . Ectadiopsis brevifolia Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Edithcolea grandis N.E.Br. ( in Bull.Misc.Inf.Kew 1895:220 (1895) Rare: Al Barh (west Taiz), Soqotra. Glossonema boveanum (Decne.)Decne subsp. nubicum (Decne)Bullock. (2,8) (syn. G. nubicum Decne) Rare, Tihama foothills, al Maraqisha, al Mahara, Soqotra. Glossonema revoili Franch. (2) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Glossonema varians (Stocks)Benth. ex Hook. @ (syn.G. arabica Deflers, G. edule N.E.Br.). Al Barakani, Radaa, Yeslih pass, W. Dhahr, Aden, al Shihr, Adhala, Yafea, Hadhramout, Huf al Mahara

( )
Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.)R.Br. & Ait.f. @ Ibb, Taiz, Qa Jahran, Adhala, Yafea, Shibam, Haraz.

Gomphocarpus sinaicus Boiss. @ High altitude areas: J. Saber (Taiz), Yarim, Dhamar, Sanaa, Hajjah.

Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.)R.Br. ex Schult. (8) Rare: J. Buraa. Huernia hadhramautica Lavr. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 29: 99(1963) Hadhramout Huernia laevis Wood. (in Kew Bull. 39: 128(1984) Rare: Khawlan, J. Marran. Huernia lodarensis Lav. * (in J.S.Afr.Bot. 30: 87(1964) Aden, Loder, Addalil. Huernia macrocarpa (A.Rich.)Spreng. var. arabica (N.E.Br.)Comb. (8) (syn. H. arabica N.E.Br., H. penzigii N.E.Br.). J. Buraa, Ibb, J. Milhan, Haraz, al Mahwit, Taiz, al Udayn, Rayma. Huernia marnieriana Lav. * ( in J.S.Afr.Bot.29: 97(1963) Aden, Loder, near Mukeyras

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Huernia rosea Newton & Lavr. * (in Cac. & Suc. J. (US) 65(6): 279 (1993) Suq al Khamis on Sanaa-al Hudaydah road Kanahia laniflora (Forssk.)R.Br. Taiz, Tihama fothills, al Kod, Sanaa, medium altitude mountains.

Leptadenia arborea (Forssk.)Schweinf. @ (syn. L. heterophylla (Del.(Decne.). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, Aden, Adhal, Hadhramout.

Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Forssk.)Decne. @ coastal areas and deserts.

Mitolepis arbuscula A.R.Smith. * @ Soqotra.

Mitolepis intricata Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Odontanthera radians (Forssk.)Field (8) .(syn. Steinheilia radians (Forssk.)Decne.). Tihama e.g. Hays, Bayt al Faqih, al Mafraq, al Marawiah, Bajil Pentatropis nivalis (Gmel.)Field & Wood. (8) (syn. Asclepias forskalei Roem. & Schult., P. spinalis (Forssk.)Decne.). Taiz, Tihama, J. Bura, J. Shamsan, Abyen, Lahg, Damt, Marib, Hadhramout. Pergularia daemia (Forssk.)Chiov. @ (syn. Daemia angolensis Decne, P. extensa (Jacq.)N.E.Br., P. glabra Forrsk.). Taiz, al Dhalaa, Lahg, Ibb, Yafea, Wadi Dahr, al Baydhah, Soqotra.

Pergularia tomentosa L. @ Taiz, al Dhalaa, Abyen, Yafea, Lahg, Hadhramout, Saadah, Marib, Soqotra.

Periploca aphylla Decne. @ Taiz, Damt, Harf Sufyan.

Periploca brevicoronata D.Goyder & L.Boulos. (in Kew Bull. Vol.46(1)134: 1990) Between Iryan and Rihab. Periploca visciformis (Vatke)K.Schum. (8) Western mountains, Taiz, J. Sawraq, Saadah, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Rhytidocaulon macrolobum Lavr. (in.Cact.Succ.J.(Los Angeles) 39: 3 (1967) Rare: Al Barh & W. Adhabab (Taiz), Damt, Loder. Sarcostemma arabicum Bruyns & Forster. @ Al Barh, Shibam, J. Buraa, Sumara.

Sarcostemma daltonii Decaisne (6)

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Soqotra Sarcostemma forskalianum Schult. ** (in Syst. Veg. 6: 117(1820). Western medium Altitude Mountains. Sarcostemma socotranum Lav. * (2) Soqotra Sarcostemma vanlessenii Lavr. @ (syn. S. subterranea Adams & Holland) High altitude: Dhamar, Russaba, , Sanaa, J. Rayma, Manakha, Mukayras, S al Madhan (Hadhramout).

Sarcostemma viminale (L.)R.Br. @ subsp. stipitaceum (Forssk.)Meve & Liede ( in Bot. J. Lin. Soc. 120:32 (1995) (syn. S. stipitaceum (Forssk.)Schult.) Tihama, Taiz, Lahg, Hadhramout, Radaa, Damt, al Dhalaa, Abyen, Soqotra.

Secamone socotrana Balf.f. var. glauca A.R.Smith. * (2,6) Soqotra Socotranthus socotranus (Balf.f.)Kuntze * @ (syn. Cochlanthus socotranthus Balf.f.). Killisan (Soqotra)

Strobopetalum bentii N.E.Br. (3) (syn. S. carnosum N.E.Br.) Stultitia araysiana Lavr. & Bilaidi * (3,4) J. al Arayes Telosma africana (N.E.Br.)N.E.Br. (8) Taiz. Tylophoropsis heterophylla (A.Rich.)N.E.Br. (8) (syn. T. yemensis (Deflers)N.E.Br.) High mountains: J. Saber, Ibb, J. Alloz, J. Shibam, J. Maswer, al Boun. ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L. (7) Aden, J. Annabi Shuayb, . Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm.f.)Bech. @ (syn. A. filare (Forssk.)Alston, A. praemorsum Swartz). J. Saber, Jibla, Ibb, Hagher (Soqotra). Asplenium protensum Schrad. (7) Very rare: Western mountainse.g. J. Milhan. Asplenium rutifolium (Berg.)Kunze. var. bipinnatum (Forssk.)Schelpe. (7) Very rare: Western mountains. Asplenium schweinfurthii Baker. @ Soqotra Asplenium trichomanes L. (7) Taiz, Ibb, Socotra. Asplenium varians Hook. & Grev. subsp. fimbriatum (Kune)Sche. (7)

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V. rare: J. Rayma, Hadiyah. Asplenium viride (Burm.) Bech. (5) Shibam. Ceterach dalhousiae (Hook.)C.Chr. (7 (syn. Asplenium dalhousiae Hook., C. cordatum auct.). Rare: J. Milhan, J. Buraa, al Muhwit, J. Habashi, Hadiyah. Ceterach officinarum DC. (7) (syn.Asplenium ceterach L., C. cordatum auct.). High mountains & plateau areas. Ceterach phillipsianum Kum. (7) (syn.Asplenium phillipsianum (Kumm.)Bir.). Soqotra. ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) Achillea biebersteinii Afan. @ Cultivated in Ibb Acanthospermum hispidum DC. @ Introduced: Taiz, Soqotra. Achyrocline glumaceum (DC.)Oliv. & Hiern. (8) (syn.Helichrysum glumaceum DC.). (3) High altitude areas: Dhamar, Hizyaz, Manakha. Achyrocline schimperi Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich. (8) (syn. Helichrysum schimperi (Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich.)Moes.). (2) High altitude areas: J. Alloz, Soqotra. Achyrocline stenopterum (DC.)Hilliard & Burtt (8) (syn.Helichrysum stenopterum DC.). High altitude areas: J. Saber, J. Baadan, J. Manar, Wusab al Ali, J. Milhan. Adenostemma caffrum DC. (8) Dhisufal, Baadan, al Udayn, W. Bana, Manakha, Haraz, al Mahwit, al Ahjor. Ageratun conyzoides L. @ Al Mishrafa, J. Rayma (Tiham foothills), Soqotra. Anthemis cotula L. (5) Qa Jahran, Dhamar, Hajjah. Anthemis tigrensis A.Rich. (8) (syn.A. yemensis Podl.). (in Mitt. Bot. Munchen 18:401-442 (1982). Huth, Reydah, Hizyaz, J. Annabi Shuaayb. Artemisia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex Oliv. & Hiern @ J. Saber, J. Annabi Shuaayb, Shahara, J. Taaker, J. Hubaysh, Manakha, N of Dhamar. Artemisia arborescens L (8) Cultivated as a potherb Aspilia helianthoides (Schum. & Thonn.)Oliv. & Hiern. subsp. ciliata (Schum.)Adams. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Habashi, Ibb. Aspilia kotschyi (Sch. Bip.)Oliv. (8) Al Udayn, al Makhadir, Rihab, Wussab, J. Buraa, Haraz, al Muhwit. Atractylis carduus (Forssk.)C.Chr. (8) (syn. A. flava Desf.). Sanaa, Bani Harith, Nihim.

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Atractylis kentrophylloides (Bak.)F.G.Davis. ** (8) (syn.A. yemensis Podl. (in Mitt. Bot. Munchen 18:401-442 (1982), Carduncellus kentrophylloides Baker). Raydah, Hajjah, Radaa, Hadhramout. Bidens bipinnata L. (8) Haraz, Ibb. Bidens biternata (Lour.)Merr. & Sherff. @ (syn. B. abyssinica Sch.-Bip.) Ibb, Dhamar, Hajjah, Lahg, Yafea, Soqotra. Bidens pilosa L. @ Dhamar, J. Saber, al Dhalaa, Wadi Dhahr: Sanaa, Soqotra. Blainvillea dichotoma (Murr.)Luetzelb (2) (syn. B. rhomboidea Cass) (6) Soqotra Blainvillea gayana Cass. (8) Rare: Rihab, Wussab, Haraz, Soqotra. Blepharispermum hirtum Oliver. (3) Blepharispermum yemense Delf. @ Rare: Al Hugariya, Arrahidah. Blumea aurita (L.f.)DC. (8) (syn. Laggera aurita (L.f.)DC.). Wussab Assafel, Jiar. Blumea bovei (DC.)Vatke (8) (syn. B. abyssinica Sch.-Bip. ex A.Rich.). Sirwah, Damt, high plateau. Blumea lacera (Burm.f.)DC. (8) Rare: Al Qaeedah, al Udayn, Ibb, Haraz, W. Addur. Calendula arvensis L. @ (syn.C.aegyptiaca Desf. ). J. Saber, Manakha, Shahara, Dhamar, Russaba, Qaa Jahran. Calendula micrantha Tineo et Guss. (3) Mukairas. Carthamnus tinctorius L. (8) Cultivated: Arhab, Thubhan (al Hujariya).

Centaurea albcaulis (Defl.)Schwartz. (3) Centaurea dhofarica Baker Al Mahara Centaurea pallescens Del. (3) Centaurea pseudosinaica Czerep. subsp. niebuhrii Wagenitz. @ Taiz, Dhamar, Hajjah., Saada, Dhamar, Yarim, Raydah, Yasleh: S. Sanaa.

Centaurea schimperi DC. (8) Manakha, Haraz, E. of Radaa, W. Dhahr, Saada.

Centaurea yemensis Wagenitz. * (8)

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Al Hujariya. Centaurothamnus maximus (Forssk.)Wagen. & Dittr. ** @ (syn.C. maxima Forssk.). Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Adhalae, Manakha, Shibam, W. Habab, Radaa, near Qashin.

Chrysanthellum americanum (L.)Vatke. (8) Al Rahidah & al Misrakh, W. Adhaba (Taiz), al Udayn. Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (8) Cultivated: Sanaa, Dhamar, Yarim, al Tawilah. Chrysanthemum partheniifolium Willd. (3) Cultivated Cichorium bottae Defl. ** @ Yarim, Dhamar, N. Sanaa, Shahara, Khawlan Ashsham.

Cichorium endivia L. (8) Cultivated: Sanaa. Cineraria abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. @ High mountains: J. Saber, J. Maswer, Manakha, SW Yarim, Kawkaban, J. Annabi Shuayb. Cirsium vulgare (Savi)Ten. (8) (syn.C. lanceolatum (L.)Scop.). High mountains areas: Ibb, al Qaeda, J. Shibam, Manakha, Yafaa, Abyen, Hajjah. Conyza aegyptiaca (L.)Ait. (8) Sanaa, Manakha, Hajjah. Conyza bonariensis (L.)Crong. @ (syn. Erigeron linifolius Willd.). Hajjah, Dhamar, W. Dhahr.

Conyza gouanii (L.)Willd. (8) Rare: Dhamar, Al Ahkub (S. Taiz), Wussab al Ali. Conyza hochstetteri Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich. @ Widespread on the mountain areas, Soqotra. Conyza incana (Vahl.)Willd. @ Taiz, Jiblah, Dhamar, J. Milhan.

Conyza linifolia (Willd)Taeckh. @ Taiz, Abyen, Hajjah. Conyza pyrrhopappa Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich. subsp. Pyrrhopappa. Dhamar. Conyza steudelii Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. (8) Rare: J. Milhan, J. Manar, Kawkaban. Conyza stricta Willd. (8) (syn. C. triliba Decne). Abyen, Sanaa, Dhamar, Haddah, S. Jiblah, Hajjah. Conyza tigrensis Sch. Bip ex Oliv. & Hiern. (8) Rare: High plateau. Conyza variegata Sch. Bip ex A. Rich. (8) @

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High mountain areas: J. Saber, J. Maswer, J. Alloz. Cosmos bipinnata Cav. (8) Cultivated: Sanaa. Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.)S.Moore (8) (syn. Gynura crepidioides Benth.). Rare: Al Udayn, Ibb, J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Crepis ruepellii Sch.Bip. @ (syn. C. forskalii Babe.). J. Saber, Yarim, Shibam, Lahg, A. Amran.

Cynara scolymus L. (8) Cultivated: Tihama foothills, Sanaa. Dendranthema indicum (L.)Desmoul (8) (syn. Chrysanthemum indicum L.). Cultivated: Sanaa. Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Bl.)DC. (8) High mountains areas: J. Saber, Hajjah, Raydah, al Mahwit. Dichrocephala integrifolia (L.f.)O.Kuntze. (8) (syn. D. latifolia DC.). J. Rayma, Manakha, al Mahwit. Dicoma cana Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Dicoma tomentosa Cass. (8) Rare: W. Ayn Ali (Hajjah), Soqotra. Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume)DC. (2) Soqotra Distephanus qazmi N.Kilian & A.G.Mill * (10) Soqotra Echinops spinosissimus Turra. @ (syn. E. spinosus L., E. boranensis Lanza). Taiz, Shibam, Turra., al Dalaa, Harib, al Jawf, Lahg.

Eclipta prostrata (L.)L. @ (syn. E. alba (L.)Hassk.). Tihama, Taiz, Hajjah, Firmihin (Soqotra). Euryops arabicus Steud. @ J. Saber, at Turba, Dhamar, J. Azzan (Baadan), Hadhramout, Shabwa, Khawlan Ashsham, Soqotra.

Felicia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich. subsp. abyssinica. (8) J. Saber, Sanaa, Dhamar, Baadan, , Hajjah, Rayda. Felicia dentata (A.Rich.)Dandy. subsp. dentata (8) (syn. F. richardii Vatke.). J. Saber, Dhamar, Hajjah, Sanaa, Shibam. Filago abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. (8) J. Taaker. Filago prolifera Pomel. (8)

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J. Sumara, J. Shibam, W. Shalalah (Yerim), Amran. Flaveria trinervia (Spreng.)Mohr. (1,8) (syn. F. repanda Lag.). Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Hajjah, Lodar, Lahg, Hadhramout.

Galinsoga parviflora Cav. (8) Introduced: Ibb, Haraz, Manakha, Abyen. Geigeria alata (DC.)Oliv. & Hiern. (8) Rare: Al Jawf, Al Dhalaa, Hadhramout. Gnaphalium indicum L. (3) Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers. (8) Hajjah. Gnaphalium unionis Sch. Bip. ex Oliv. & Hiern. (8) J. Sumara, J. ManarDhamar, Qa Bakil, al Mahwit. Guizotia scabra (Vis.)Chiov.. (8) (syn. G. schultzii Hochst. ex Sch. Bip.). subsp. scabra Taiz, Jibla, Ibb, Haraz, al Udayn, Shibam.

Guizotia scabra (Vis.)Chiov. (8) (syn. G. schultzii Hochst. ex Sch. Bip.). subsp. schimperi (Sch. Bip.)J.Baagoe. Ibb.

Helianthus annua L. (3) Cultivated. Helichrysum aciculare Balfr.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum arachnoids Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum arwae J.R.I. Wood. * High altitude mountains e.g. J. Taaker, J. Manar, Jibla. Helichrysum balfourii (Balf.f.)Vierh. * @ (syn. H. gracilipes Oliver & Hiern var. stoloniferum Balf.f.) Soqotra

Helichrysum dioscorides R. Atkinson Helichrysum foetidum L. var. microcephalum A.Rich. (8) High altitude mountains e.g. J. Saber, Ibb, Dhamar, al Hadah. Helichrysum forskahlii (J.F.Gmel.)Hillia. & Burtt. (8) al Mahwit Helichrysum gracilipes Oliv. & Hiern. (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum glumaceum DC. (2,5) (syn. Achyrocline Luzuloides Vatke) Russaba, Soqotra

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Helichrysum nimmoanum Oliv. & Hiern * (2,6) Hagher (Soqotra).

Helichrysum nudifolium (L.)Less. (8) Ibb, Haraz, Rayma. Helichrysum paulayanum Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum profusum Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum pumilum (Klatt.)Moes. @ (syn. H. somalense Baker f. ). Saadah, al Hugariya. N. Sanaa, al Dhalaa,Yafea, Sanaa, Raydah, Dhamar, Hadhramout.

Helichrysum rosulatum Oliv. * (2,6) Soqotra Helichrysum samhaensis R. Atkinson Samha island Helichrysum socotranum r. Atkinson Soqotra island Helichrysum sphaerocephalum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Helichrysum sphaerocephalum Balf.f. var. sarmentosum Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra

Helichrysum suffruticosum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Hochstetteria schimperi DC Hadhramout Iphionia anthemidifolia (Bak.)A.Anderb. * (1,3) (syn. Hirschia anthemidifolia Bak) Al Mukalla-Sayun (Hadhramout). Iphionia scabra DC . (1) Abyen, al Dhalaa, al Maraqisha (Abyen), Hadhramout near Shuqra. Iphionia senecionoides (Bak.)A. Anderb. ** (4) (syn. Grantia senecioides E..G.Baker) Mukayras (Abyen), W Eydid (Hadhramout). Iphionia teretefolia A.Anderb. * (3) Hadhramaut Iphionia vierhapperi Schwartz. (3) (syn. Grantia vierhapperi Schartz)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Kleinia deflersii Defl. * (in Kew Bull.39: 318 (1984) (syn.Senecio deflersii O. Schwarz). V. rare: J. al Arayes Kleinia longiflorus DE (6) Soqotra Kleinia odora (Forssk.)A.Berger @ (syn. Senecio odorus (Forssk.)Schultz). Widespread: Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Lahg, Hajjah, al Dhalaa, Abyen.

Kleinia pendula (Forssk.)Seh.Bip. S. (8) (syn. Senecio pendulus (Forssk.)Schultz-Bip.) . Taiz, Damt, alQaadah, Hays, J. Jinan. Kleinia polycotoma Chiov. (Podlech 1982) ? N. Dhamar, Huth, Manakha. Kleinia scottii (Balf.f.)P.Halliday * @ Soqotra.

Kleinia semperviva (Forssk.)DC. @ (syn. Senecio semperviva (Forssk.)Sch.Bip.). High altitude areas: J. Sawraq, J. Habashi, J. Rayma, J. Hissn Madan, , Wussab al Ali. Lactuca inermis Forssk. @ (syn. L. capensis Thunb, L. yemensis Deflers). Shibam, Hajjah, Yerim, Ibb, Saada, al Muhwit, Manakha, Qa Jahran, , al Dhalaa, NE Amran. Lactuca rhynchocarpa Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Lactuca sativa L. @ Cultivated.

Lactuca serriola L. @ Al Qaeeda, Madinat Ashsharq, W. Bana, Haraz, Lahg, Yafaa, Abyen. Lagascea mollis Cav. (8) Introduced: al Mahabishah. Laggera alata (D.Don) Sch-Bip. ex Oliv. (8) Damar. Laggera crispata (Vahl)F.N.Hepper & Wood. (8) (syn. L. pterodonata (DC.)Sch. Bip. ex Oliv. & Hiern, L. purpurascens (A.Rich.)Sch.Bip.). High escarpment, W. Dhahr, Khamer. Laggera decurrens (Vahl)F.N.Hepper & Wood. @ (syn. Conyza arabica Willd, Blumea garieppina DC.). Dhamar, Huth, Saada. Laggera tomentosa (A.Rich.)Schultz-Bip. (3) Launaea almahrahensis N.Kilian. ** (in ENGLERA 17, PP. 339, 1997) J. al Arayes, Hadhramout. Launaea angustifolia (Desf.) O.Kuntze. (3) {doubtful record} ?

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn.Atalanthus angustifolius (Desf.)Pomel, Sonchus angustifolius Desf.) Hadhramout. Launaea brunneri (Webb)Amin ex Boulos (8) (syn. L. chevalieri O.Hoffm. & Muschl., L. integrifolia Hagerup, Sonchus chevalieri (O.Hoffm. & Muschl.)Dandy, S. prenanthoides Oliv. & Hiern.,). Harib. Launaea capitata (Sprenq.)Dandy (8) (syn. L. glomerata (Jaub & Spach)Hook, Sonchus mareoticus Delile). Wadi Dahr, Bani Hushaysh, between Arrawdha and Bani Haradh, al Hudaydah, Hadhramout, E of Modiah. Launaea castanosperma F.G.Davies. ** (in Kew Bull. 33:294, 1979) Ras Fartak (Hadhramout). Launaea crassifolia (Balf.f.)C. Jeffrey. (2,3) (syn. Lactuca crasifolia Balf.f, L. kossmatii Vierh, L. paulayana Vierh , L. salehensis Vierh). W of al Mukalla (Hadhramout), NE of Qalansiyah, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Launaea crepoides Balf.f. * (2,6) Rare: Soqotra Launaea fragilis (Asso)Pau. subsp. asirensis N.Kilian. ** (in ENGLERA 17, PP. 339, 1997) (W. Dhahr) Sanaa, J. Esbil, al Baydhah. Launaea hafunensis Chiov. (2) (syn. L. cufodontii Lanza ). Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Launaea intybacea (Jacq.)Beauverd. (2,8) (syn.Lactuca arabica Jaub. & Spach, L. goraeensis (Lam.)Schultz-Bip., Sonchus goraeensis Lam.). Aden, Manakha, Zabid, al Mukalla, Sayoun, Yafea, low altitude mountains, Soqotra. Launaea massauensis (Fresen.)Sch. Bip. ex Kuntze. (1,8) (syn. L. kuriensis Vierh., L. lactucoides (T.Ander.)E.H.L.Krause., Brachyrhamphus lactucoides T.Ander., Heterachaena massaviensis Fresen., ) Taiz, Aden, al Udayn, NW of Ibb, al Dhalaa, Lahg, Hadhramout, Yafaa, Abyen, Soqota. Launaea mucronata (Forssk.)Muschl. (8) (syn.L. resedifolia subsp. mucronata (Forssk.)Maire, Leontodon mucronatum Forssk., Zollikoferia mucronata (Forssk.)Boiss). N. Sanaa, Waalan, Yaslih, , Arhab, Bani Hushaysh, Khamer-Huth, , Harib, Marib. Launaea nudicaulis (L.)Hook.f. (8) (syn. Lactuca nudicaulis (L.)Murray, Lomatolepis nudicaulis (L.)Cass) Taiz, Manakha, al Bon, Sanaa, J. Isbil (Dhamar), al Kod, Hajjah. Launaea petitiana (A.Rich.)N.Kilian. (in ENGLERA 17, PP. 339, 1997) Taiz, SW of Sanaa. Launaea procumbens (Roxb.)Ramayya & Rajgopal. ( in Kew Bull. 23: 465, 1969) (syn.L. fallax (Jaub. & Spach)Muschl., Lactuca obtuse (DC.)Mundhe & Almeida, Prenanthes procumbens Roxb, ). Abyen, 65 km N Lahg, Yafaa, Adhale, W. al Jawf, Aden, Radaa, Hadhramout. Launaea rhynchocarpa (Balf.f.)B. Mies * (6) (syn. Lactuca rhynchosa Balf.f.). (2)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Launaea spinosa (Forssk.)Sch. Bip. ex Kuntze. (3) {doubtful record} ? (syn. Atalanthus spinosus (Forssk.)D.Don, Prenanthes spinosa Forssk.) Hadhramout. Macowania ericifolia (Forssk.)Burtt & Grau. (8) High altitude mountains: J. Saber, Kawkaban. Melanthera abyssinica (Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich.)Oliv. & Hiern. (8) (syn.Wurschmittia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich.). Rare: Ibb, al Udayn. Notonia semperviva (Forssk.)Asch. (syn. Senecio sempervivus (Forsk.)Schu.-Bip.). Dhamar, Yesleh, ec3Manakha. Onopordon arabicum Podl. (in Mitt. Bot. Munchen 18:401-442 (1982). (syn. O. carmanico (Bornm.)Bornm.) High altitude mountains: J. Saber, Sanaa, Dhamar, Lahg, Yafaa, Abyen. Onopordon sibthorpianum Boiss.&Helder @ Dhamar Osteospermum muricatum E.Mey. (8) High altitude areas: Sanaa, Khawlan Ashsham, Amran, Rayda, Huth, Saada, Khamer. Osteospermum vaillantii (Decne.)Norl. @ (syn. Tripteris racemosa Balf.f, T.vaillantii Decne.). Widespread: J. Saber, Sumara, Dhamar, Hajjah, Sanaa, Manakha, Rayda, Soqotra. Pegolettia senegalensis Cass. (8) Taiz, Manakha, N. Sanaa, Lahg, Hadhramout. Perrolderia coronopifolia Cass. (3) Shabwa, Hadhramout Phagnalon harazianum Deflers. * (8) (syn. Conyza tomentosa Schwar. ). J. Saber, near Atturbah, Shibam, Haraz, al Mahwit, W of Amran, near Manakha, Shibam Phagnalon hypoleucum Schultz-Bip. (3) Phagnalon retecta Qaiser & Lack. * ( in Willdenowia 15: 3-22 (1985) Manakha, Shibam. Phagnalon schweinfurthii Schultz-Bip. Ex Schweinf. var. androssovii (B.Fedtsch.)Qaiser & Lack. ( in Willdenowia 15: 3-22 (1985) (syn. P. androssovii B.Fedtsch.) J. Jihaf in Adhala Phagnalon stenolepis Chiov. ( @ see also Qaiser, M. & Lack, W. , 1985) (syn. P. scalarum Schweinf. ex Schwartz., P. scalaram Schweinf. ex Schwartz var. meridionale (Quezel)Wickens, P. scalaram Schweinf. ex Schwartz subsp. Glaucum Mire & Queze P. tibesticum Chevass. & Quezel, P. tibesticum Chevass. & Quezel subsp. Meridionale Quezel, l) Al Hujariyah (Taiz), Baadan, Sanaa, near Aden, Hajjah, Shibam Yarim, Dhamar, Amran-Huth, al Ahjur. Phagnalon woodii Qaiser &Lack. * ( in Willdenowia 15: 3-22 (1985)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Saber, J. Annabi Shuayb, Jiblah. Phagnalon yerrimense Qaiser & Lack. * ( in Willdenowia 15: 3-22 (1985) SE of Yarim Picris abyssinica Sch. Bip. (5) ? J. Saber, Ibb. Picris scabra Forssk. ** @ J. Saber, Ibb, Dhamar, S. Amran, Sanaa, al Boun. Piloselloides hirsuta (Forssk.)C.Jeffrey (8) (syn. Gerbera piloselloides (L.)Cass.) Atturbah, J. Milhan, Sumara pass. Pluchea arabica (Boiss.)Qaiser & Lack. ** (3) (syn. P. laxa E.G.Baker, P. multiflora Schwartz) Hadhramout Pluchea arguta Boiss. (3) Al Ghaydha (al Mahara) Pluchea aromatica Balf.f. * (26,) Soqotra Pluchea glutinosa Balf.f. * (26,) Soqotra Pluchea dioscoroides (L.)DC. (8) (syn. Conyza dmioscoridis (L.)Desf. Var. arabica Defl.). Tihama, J. Bura, Lahg, Saada, Abyen, Hadhramout.

Pluchea indica (L.)Less. subsp yemenensis 3, @ Hadhramaut (e.g. Al Mukalla-Aden road, Near al Mukalla, Wadi Adem) Pluchea obovata Balf.f * @ Soqotra

Pluchea sordida Oliv. & Hiern. (8) Taiz. Prenanthes amabilis Balf.f. * (26,) Soqotra Pseudognaphalium luteo-album (L.)Hillia. & Burtt. (8) (syn. Gnaphalium luteo-album L.). Taiz, high plateau. Psiadia punctulata (DC.)Vatke @ (syn. P. arabica Jaub & Spach). Taiz, Sumara, Dhamar, Adhala, Hajjah, Ibb, Hadhramout.

Psiadia schweinfurthii Balf.f. * (26,) Soqotra Pulicaria argyrophylla Franchet subps oligophylla Gamal-Eldin. (1) (syn. P. leucophylla E.G.Baker.). Hadhramout, al Mahara. Pulicaria aromatica (Balf.f.) King-Jones & N. Kilian Soqotra Pulicaria cylindrica (Bak.)O. Schwartz. ** (3)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. Iphiona subulata E.G.Baker) Sayun. Pulicaria disocoridis R.Atkinson Pulicaria diversifolia Balf.f. * (2,6) (syn. P. shoabensis Vierh.). Soqotra Pulicaria elegans Gamai-Eldin * (2,6) Soqotra Pulicaria grandidentata Jaub. & Spach. * (8) High mountain areas: J. Taakar, J. Shibam (Haraz) Pulicaria inuloides (Poir.)DC. (8) (syn. P. arabica (L.)Cass.). (3) Taiz, Ibb, Nihm,Hadhramout, al Dhalaa, Hajjah, Sanaa, Haraz, Lahg. Pulicaria jaubertii Gamal-Eldin. @ (syn. P. orientalis Jaub. & Spach.). Widespread: Tihama, Taiz, Dhamar, Abyen, Lahg, Loder, Marib, Hajjah, Amran, Soqotra.

Pulicaria lanata Gamal-Eldin. * @ Soqotra

Pulicaria lancifolia Schwartz. * (4) Hadhramout Pulicaria nivea Schwartz * (4) Hadhramout Pulicaria nobilis Gamal-Eldin Pulicaria omanensis Gamal-Eldin Pulicaria petiolaris Jaub. & Spach. (8) Sanaa, Rayda, Hajjah, Dhamar, Yasleh, Manakha, Lahg, Adhala. Pulicaria rauhii Gamal-Eldin. * (4) Hadhramout Pulicaria schimperi DC. (3) (syn. P. ehrenbergiana Schult. Bip., P. rueppelii Schul-Bip.) Zabid, Hadda: Sanaa, Yafea, Lahg, Hajjah, al Mahwit. Pulicaria somaliensis O.Hoffm. @ (syn. P. adenensis Schweinf., P. glutinosa Jaub. & Spach. (3) ). Taiz ( al Hujariyah & al Barh), Aden, Khawlan Ashsham, Shabwa, Hadraout.

Pulicaria stephanocarpa Balf.f. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samha.

Pulicaria undulata (L.)C.A.Mey. @ (syn. P. crispa (Forssk.)Benth. & Hook., Francoeria crispa (Forssk.)Cass.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Amran, Hajjah, Hadhramout, Lodar(Lahg), , Sanaa, Abyen, Adhala.

Pulicaria vieraeoides Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra

Reichardia tingitana (L.)Roth. var. arabica (Hochst. & Steud.)Asch. & Schweinf. @ J. Saber, Dhamar. . var. subintegra Boiss. (3) Yafaa, Abyen, Lahg, Yafea, al Boun, Soqotra. Sclerocarpus africanus Jacq. ex Murr. (8) Tihama foothills, al Udayn, Wussab. Scorzonera tortuosissima Boiss. (5) NE Dhamar. Scorzonera musilii Velen. ** (8) (syn. S. yemensis Podl.). (in Mitt. Bot. Munchen 18:401-442 (1982). Sanaa, Wadi Dhahr, Harib, al Boun, Yasleh. Senecio asirensis Boulos & Wood. ** (in Kew Bull. Vol. 38(3)491(1983) J. Razeh, J. Marran, Khawlan Ashsham. Senecio bojeri DC. (8) (syn. S. subscandens Hochst., Cacalia angulata Vahl.). Ibb, Jibla. Senecio glaucus L. (8) (syn. S. desfontainei Druce). W. Addur. Senecio hadiensis Forssk. @ Taiz, Yerim, Manakha, Haraz, Sumara, Hadiyah.

Senecio haraziansis Defl. * (8) Haraz, J. Milahan, Kuhlan, Ibb. Senecio hoggariensis Batt & Traub. * (8) Al Hujariyah (Taiz). Senecio lyratus Forssk. (8) (syn.Cineraria schimperi Sch. Bip, S. lyratipartitus A.Rich., S. auriculatus Vah.). Ibb, al Mahabisha, Thisufal. Senecio schimperi A.Rich. (8) (syn. S. biflorus Vahl). Yarim, Ibb, Hajjah, Manakha, Haraz Senecio sumarae Defl. * @ Sumara, Ibb, J. Saber, Taiz, J. Maswer, Wussab al Ali. Senecio vulgaris L. (8) J. Saber, Yarim, Sanaa, Bawan. . Siegesbeckia orientalis L. @ Al Misrakh (Taiz), al Udayn, Hajjah, Soqotra. Sonchus asper (L.)Hill. (8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


High mountains: J. Saber. Sonchus oleraceus L. @ Mawzaa, Taiz, Dhamar, Haddah, Yafaa, Abyen, Lahg, Marib, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Sonchus saudensis Boulos. ** (8) J. Saber, Dhamar, Yerim, Wusab, Jabel Buraa. Tagetes erecta L. (8) Cultivated.

Tagetes minuta L. @ Introduced: Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Dhamar, Sanaa, Yerim, Hajjah, Amran, Saada. Lahg, , Adhala,Yafea, Hadhramout.

Tagetes patula L. (8) Cultivated.

Tanacetum parthenium (L.)Sch (8) (syn. Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.)Bernh.). Cultivated. Taraxacum officinale Weber s.l. (8) Introduced, naturalised in lawns, Sanaa. Tarchonanthus camphoratus L. @ Taiz, al Dhalaa, Abyen, J. Bura, Hadhramout.

Tolpis altissima (Balb.)Pers. (8) W. al Ahjor, al Mahwit. Tridax procumbens L. @ Introduced: Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, Hajjah, Manakha, Haraz. Urospermum picroides (L.)Scop. ex Schmidt. (8) Tihama foothills, Amran, Shibam. Verbesina encelioides (Cav.)A.Gray. @ Introduced: Taiz, Sanaa, Hajjah. Vernonia abyssinica Sch. Bip. @ westren mountains, Baadan. Vernonia amygdalina Del. (8) Rare: Al Qaeedah, Ibb. Vernonia arabica F.G.Davia. @ Al Qabettah (S. Taiz), Hadhramout. Vernonia areysiana Defl. * (4) J. al Arayes Vernonia bottae Jaub. & Spach. * @ J. Saber, J. Sawraq, around Atturbah, J. Buraa. Vernonia cinerascens Sch. Bip. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Bura, Radaa, Huth, Nihm, Manakha, Soqotra. Vernonia cinerea (L.)Less.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


var. rotundifolia DC. @ (syn. Chrysocoma ovata Forssk.). Tiham foothills, J. Bura, medium altitude mountains, Huf al Mahara. Vernonia cockburniana Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Vernonia leopoldii Vatke. (8) High altitude areas: Ibb, Manakha, Haddah, Sumarah. Vernonia spathulata (Forssk.)Sch. Bip. @ (syn. V. atriplicifolia Jaub. & Spach). Taiz, Sanaa-Manakha road, W al Khassaf (Aden), Jihana, Lahg, Adhala, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Vernonia unicata C.Jeffrey * (2,6) Soqotra Volutaria abyssinica (Sch. Bip. ex A.Rich.)C.Jefrey ex Cuf. (syn. Centaurea hochstetteri (Buch.)Oliv. & Hiern.). Hajjah, al Mahabisha, Saadah. Volutaria albicaulis (Defl.)Wood. ** (8) (syn.Centaurea albicaulis (Defl.)Schwartz.). J. Eraf, Shibam, Reydah, Amran, Wadi Dahr. Volutarella dhofarica Wagenitz ** (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Huf al Mahara Volutarella lippii Cass. (2) Soqotra Xanthium spinosum L. @ Introduced: Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar. Mukairas, Yafaa, Tihama foothills.

Xanthium strumarium L. @ (syn. X. brasilicum Vellozo). Introduced: Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, Abyen, Ibb, , Dhamar .

AVICENNIACEAE Avicennia marina (Forssk.)Vierh. (8) Al Luhayya, Bir Ali, S. of Yakhtol, Soqotra.

BAISAMINACEAE Impatiens balsamina L. ( ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Al Mahara BARBEYACEAE Barbeya oleoides Schweinf. (8) J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz, J. Rayma, al Mahwit, Khawlan.


Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Balanites aegyptiaca Del. (8) Tihama plain, S. of Taiz, Shabwa, Hadhramout.

Balanites rotundifolia (Van Tiegh.)Blatter. (3) ? BASELLACEAE Anredera cordifolia (Tenore)Van Steenis. (8) (syn. Boussingaultia cordifolia Tenore). Manakha, cultivated in Sanaa. Basellia alba L. Cultivated. BEGONIACEAE Begonia socotrana Hook.f. * @ Diksam & Hagher (Soqotra)

Begonia semhaensis M.Hughes & A.G.Mill. Samha island BERBERIDACEAE Berberis holstii Engler (7) (syn.B. forskaliana C.K. Schneid, B. petitiana C.K.Schneider). Shibam, J. Saber, J. Razeh, J. Alloz, S of Sanaa, Manakha. BIGNONIACEAE Kigelia pinnata DC. (3) Introduced Millingtonia hortensis L.f. (3) Introduced Rhigozum somaliense Hall.f. (8) Maqbana (W. of Taiz),Tihama foothills, southern Tihama, Wussab.

Stereospermum kunthianum Cham. (8) V. rare: J. Buraa, W. Sukhnah. Tecoma stans (L.)H.B.K. (8) Introduced. Taiz. Jacaranda mimoseafolia D.Don. (8) Introduced.

BOMBACEAE Adansonia digitata L. Dubaa area (S. Taiz), Bani Dawaan ( J. Raymah), W. Hajr (Adhala).

Ceiba pentandra (L.)Gaertner. Introduction: Taiz, Tihama foothills, Hajjah.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


BORAGINACEAE Alkanna orientalis (L.)Boiss. (8) Sanaa, Dhamar, Labus (Yafea), Yerim, Sanafan, Huth, Hajjah, Rayda.

Anchusa aegyptiaca (L.)DC. ? Tihama, Tihama foothills. Anchusa arvensis (L.)Bieb. subsp. orientalis (L.)Nordh. (8) (syn. Lycopsis orientalis L.). (5) High altitude areas e.g. Yerim, Qa Bakil, Dhamar. Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.)DC. @ Yarim, Dhawran, Sanaa, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Cordia africana Lam. (syn. C. abyssinica R.Br.). Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Dhamar, Hajjaah.

Cordia myxa L. (3) Cordia nevillii Alston ( ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Hadhramout. Cordia obovata Balf.f. (2) Soqotra

Cordia obtusa Balf.f. Soqotra. (2)

Cordia ovalis R.Br. ex DC. (8) (syn. C. dioica Boj.). J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz, J. Rayma, J. Tur, al Udayn, SE al Rahidah, J. al Arayes, al Maraqisha.

Cordia quercifolia Klotsch. (8) (syn.C. sinensis Lam. C. gharaf Ehrenb. ex Aschers., C. rothii Roem.& Schult.). Zabid, , Surdud, Tihama foothills, SE al Rahida, Abyen, Sayhut-Qashin, Soqotra.

Cynoglossum bottae Deflers. ** (in Notes RBG Edinb. 41(3):473 (1984) (syn. Paracynoglossum bottae (Defl.)R.Mill & AG.). Utuma, Dhawran, Hadda, Haraz, Saada-Khawlan, Amran Cynoglossum lanceolatum (Forssk.)R.Mill. (in Notes RBG Edinb. 41(3):474 (1984) (syn. Paracynoglossum lanceolatum.). J. Saber, Ibb, Yafea, Sanaa, N. Dhamar, Dhi Assufal, J. Annabi Shuayb, Shaharah, Manakha, Haraz, Sumara, Wussab, Raymah, Cynoglossum sabirense (R.Mill & A.G.Miller)Wood. * (in Notes RBG Edinb. 41(3):476 (1984)

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(syn.Paracynoglossum sabirense R.Mill & A.G. Miller ) Rare: J. Saber, J. Manar (N of Ibb), J. Maswer, Cynoglossum yemenense (R.Mill & A.G.Miller)Wood. * (in Notes RBG Edinb. 41(3):480 (1984) (syn. Paracynoglossum yemenense R.Mill & A.G.). J. Saber, Sumara, Yarim, Kusuma, Shibam, J. Annabi Shuayb, Wussab. Cystostemon heliocharis (S.Moore)A. Miller & Reidl. (syn. Vaupelia heliocharis (S.Moore)Brand). (5) Rare: Huth, Raydah. Cystostemon kissenioide (Delf.)A.Miller & H.Riedl. * (3) (syn. Vaupelia Kissenioides (Dekl.)Brand). J. al Arayes, al Maraqisha. Cystostemon socotranus Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Echiochilon arabicum (Schwar.)I.M.Johns. * (3) (syn. Tetraedrocarpus arabicus Schwar.). Hadhramout Echiochilon albidum (Franch.)John. (2) Soqotra. Echiochilon callianthum Lonn Echiochilon fruticosum Desf. (3) Echiochilon londiflorum Benthan. (3) Al Bon Echiochilon pulvinata A.G.Mill. & L.Urb. * (10) Soqotra Echiochilon strigosum (Defl.)I.M.Johns. (3) Hadhramout Echium rauwalfii Del. @ (syn. E. longifolium Delile, E. sericeum Vahl.). Dhamar, Sanaa.

Ehretia cymosa Thonn. (8) (syn.E. abyssinica R.Br.). Tihama fothills, western mountains, Taiz.

Ehretia obtusifolia Hochst. ex DC. (8) Tihama foothills, SW of Taiz, Soqotra.

Gastrocotyle hispida (Forssk.)C.B. Clarke (Podlech,D, 1982) Dhamar, Hizyaz. Heliotropium adenense Gurke. (3) Sayun al Mukalla (Hadhramout) Heliotropium aegyptiacum Lehm. Tihama. Heliotropium arbainense Fresen. (3)

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Arrayyan Sayun ( Hadhramout) Heliotropium azzanum O.Schwartz. * (3) Aden, Lahg, Adhala. Heliotropium baccifterum Forssk. (Podlech, D. 1982) (syn. H. undulatum Vahl) (3) Tihama, Ataq (Shabwa), Hadhramout, Hajjah, Sanaa, Rayda. Heliotropium bottae Deflers. * (8) Taiz, Lahg, , al Baydha, Adhala, al Maraqisha, Hadhramout. Heliotropium cimaliense Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra Heliotropium congestum E.G.Baker. (3) Al Ghaydhah (al Mahara) Heliotropium deflersii Schwartz. * (3) Gold Mor (Aden) Heliotropium dentatum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Heliotropium dygynum (Forssk.)Asch. & Christ. (syn. H. luteum Poir.). Marib. Heliotropium ellipticum Ledeb. (3) (syn. H. eichwaldii Steud.) Heliotropium europaeum L. (8) Dhamar, Sanaa, Ibb, Lahg, Atturbah, Haddah. Heliotropium fartakense Schwartz ** (4) Rare: Ras Fartak, Hadhramout, Abyen, Lahg. Heliotropium kuriense Vierh. * @ Abdul Kuri

Heliortopium lasiocarpum Fiscer & C.A.Meyer. (3) Taiz, Tihama, Lahg, Hadhramout. Heliotropium lignosum Vatke. (3) Al Mukalla-W. al Maqad Heliotropium longiflorum (A.DC.) Steud. & Hochst. ex Bunge var. longiflorum @ Tihama & foothills, Abyen, al Maraqisha, Yafea, Hadhramaout.

Var. lophocarpum Jaub. & Spach * (3) Hadhramout var. stenophyllum Schwart. (8) Taiz, , Ibb, Sanaa, Dhamar. Hajjah, Aden, Lahg.

Heliotropium makallense Schart. * (3) Hadhramaut Heliotropium nigricans Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Heliotropium odorum Balf.f. * @ (syn. H. balfourii Guercke). Soqotra.

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Heliotropium ophioglossum Stocks ex Ait. (3) (syn. H. vierhapperi Schwartz) Aden, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. (8) Tihama foothills, lahg, Adhala, Soqotra. Heliotropium pallens Del. (8) Tihama. Heliotropium paradoxum Vatke. * (3) Hadhramaut Heliotropium paulayanum Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Heliotropium pterocarpum (DC.) Steud. & Hochst. ex Bunge. (8) Tihama, Lahg, Aden, Adhala, al Kod, Hadhramout. Heliotropium ramosissimum (Lehm.)Sieb. ex DC. (8) (syn.H. persicum Boiss). Taiz, Marib, Dhamar, Russaba, Hadhramot. Heliotropium rariflorum Stocks. (1,8) Lahg, Aden, Adhala, Yafea, Abyen, Lahg, eastern mountains, Soqotra. Heliotropium riebeckii Schweinf. & Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra Heliotropium sessilistigma Hutch. & E.A.Bruce. (8) Rare: Al Hujariyah, J. Buraa, Huth, al Mahabisha. Heliotropium shoabense Vierh. * (2,6) (syn. H. derafontense Vierh.). (6) Soqotra Heliotropium socotranum Vierh. * (2) Socotra, Abdul Kuri Heliotropium steudneri Vatke. (3) Heliotropium strigosum Willd. var. bicolor (Hochst. & Steud.)O.Schwartz. Tihama foothills, Musaymir (Lahg), al Maraqisha (Abyen),Hadhramout, Soqotra. var. brevifolium (Wall.)Clarke (3) Shabwa var. cordofanum (Hochst.)Schweinf. (8) Saada, Manakha, Shabwa. var. marifolium Retz. (2,6) Soqotra. var. scabrum Retz. (2,6) Soqotra. Heliotropium wagneri Vierh * (2,6) Hadhramaut Heliotropium wissmannii Schwartz. * (3) Hadhramaut Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm.)Lam. (8) (syn.H. subulatum (DC.)Martelli). Tihama & foothills ,Lahg, Adhala, E of Manakha, Soqotra. Megastoma pusillum Coss. & Durs. (3)

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Moltkiopsis ciliata (Forssk.)I.M.John. (3) Hadhramout Myosotis abyssinica Boiss. & Reut. (8) High mountain areas: J. Taaker. Myosotis laxa Lehm. (8) subsp. caespitosa (O.E.Schultz)Hyl. ex Nordl.. Wadi Bana, Ibb, Qa Bosan. Nogalia drepanophylla (E.G.Baker)Verdc. (1) (syn.Heliotropium drepanophylla. (Bak.) verdc., Heliotropium drepanophylla. (Bak.) verdc var. elongatum Schwartz). Hadhramout, huf al Mahara. Trichodesma africanum (L.)Lehm. var. africana (L.)Lehm. (3) Amran, S of Saadah, Rayda, , Abyen, Yafea, Modiya. Trichodesma atrichum Vierh. * @ Soqotra

Trichodesma calathiforme Hochst. Hadhramaut (3) Trichodesma ehrenbergii Schweinf. (8) Hagdah (W of Taiz), Kulan, Hajjah, Shahara. Trichodesma hildebrandtii Gurke (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Al Mahara Trichodesma laxiflorum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra. Trichodesma microcalyx Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra. Trichodesma scotti Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Trichodesma trichodesmoides (Bunge)Gurke (8) (syn. T. calathiforme Hochst.). J. Saber, J. Habashi, Atturbah, J. Nuqum, Wadi Dhahr, Haraz,. Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burn.f.)R.Br. (8) Tihama, J. Buraa. Wellstedia socotrana Balf.f. (2,6) Soqotra. BRASSICACEAE (CRUCIFERAE) Anastatica hierochuntica L. (7,8) NE of Dhamar, Sanaa-Marib road.

Arabis alpina L. (7,8) (syn. A. caucasica Willd.) Ibb, J. Annabi Shuaib, J. Maswer. Brassica chinensis L. @ Cultivated, Sanaa.

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Brassica juncea (L.)Czern. (8) Rare: Sanaa. Brassica napus L. @ Cultivated & as weed in Sanaa.

Brassica oleracea L. @ Cultivated

Brassica rapa L. (7) (syn. B. campestris L.). Cultivated in Jiblah & Sanaa Brassica tournefortii Gouan. (3) Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.)Medie. @ Taiz, Qa Bakil, Soqotra.

Cardamine africana L. (7) Rare: J. Rayma, al Jafariyah. Cardaria draba (L.)Desu. @ (syn. Lepidium draba L.). Dhamar, Manakha.

Diceratella incana Balf.f. (7) Soqotra. Diplotaxis acris (Forssk.)Boiss (7) (syn. Malcolmia arabica Velen.) Highlands Diplotaxis erucoides L.DC. @ Taiz, Dhamar, Maaber.

Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.)Boiss. @ Taiz, Sanaa , Loder, Adhala, Saada, Hadhramout.

Diplotaxis kohlaanensis A.G. Miller & J.Nyberg. * (8) Highlands e.g. Kohlan Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.)DC. (7,8) Kawkaban. Eremobium aegyptiacum (Spreng.)Schweinf. & Asch. ex Boiss. (7,8) (syn. E. diffusum (Decne.)Botsch, E. lineare (Del.)Boiss, E. nefudicum (Velen.)B.L. Bortt & Rech., Malcolmia aegyptiaca Sprea., M. nefudica Velen.) Rare: Marib, Saada. Eruca sativa Miller. @ (syn. E. lativalvis Boiss, E. vesicaria (L.) subsp. sativa (Miller)Thell. ) Cultivated.

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Erucastrum abyssinicum (A.Rich.)O.E.Schulz. (8) Sanaa-Thula Erucastrum arabicum Fisch. & Mey. @ (syn. Brassica arabica (Fish. & Meq). Taiz, Dhamar, Russabah, Hajjah, Hadhramout.

Erucastrum meruense Jonsell subsp. yemenense Jonsell. * (7) Highlands Farsetia dhofarica Jonsell & Miller. ** (in Symb. Bot. Upsal. 25(3): 98, 1986) Huf (Al Mahara), Hadhramout. Farsetia latifolia Jonsell & Miller. (in Symb. Bot. Upsal. 25(3): 57, 1986) Farsetia linearis Dene ** (7), @ (syn. Cheiranthus linearis Forssk., F. arabica Boulos). Rare: Sanaa, Hajjah, Lahg, Hahramout Farsetia longisiliqua Decne. @ (syn. F. stylosa (Steud.)T.Anderson) Taiz, Dhamar, Jibla, Sanaa, Hajjah, Lahg, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Farsetia socotrana B.L.Burtt. * (7) (syn. F. prostrata Balf.f.) (6) Soqotra Farsetia stylosa R.Br. (7) (syn. F. depressa Kotschy, F. hamiltonii Royle, F. prostrata (Stew.)Hochst., F. ramosissima Hochsit.Ex Fourn., Mathiola prostrata Hochst. & Steud. Ex Steud.). Tihama, Sanaa-Marib, al Makha, Radaa, Hadhramout,Soqotra Hemicrambe townsendii Gomez. * (7) (syn. Fabrisinapis fruticosus C.C.Town.). Soqotra Hirchfeldia incana (L.)Lagr. (7,8) Maaber. Hirchfeldia rostrata (Balf.f.)O.Schulz. * @ (syn. Brassica rostrata Balf.f.) (6) Soqotra, Samha Hirchfeldia townsendii Gomez Campo. * (2) Soqotra Lachnocapsa spathulata Balf.f. * (6,7) Soqotra. Lepidium armoracia Fisch. & Meyer. (7) ( = L. armoracia Fisch. & Meyer. subsp. abyssinicum (A.Rich.)Thell., L. armoracia Fisch. & Meyer. subsp. intermedium (A.Rich.)Thel. var. alpigenum (A.Rich.)Thell. L. scheweinfurthii Thell.). Highlands: Sumara, J. Annabi Shuayb, Manakha, Qa Jahran, Shihara. Lepidium bonariense L. (7) Al Akahila (S. of Taiz). Lepidium latifolium L. (7) Sanaa. Lepidium sativum L. @

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Morettia parviflora Boiss. (7) Marib, Radaa, Huth. Moricandia sinaica (Boiss.)Boiss. (7) Huth, Harf Sufyan, Dhawran. Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. (7) (syn. Rorippa microphylla (Boenn.)Hylander). W. Bana, between Saddah & Annadirah Nesocrambe socotrana A.G.Mill. Soqotra Notoceras bicorne (Aiton f.)Amo. (7) (syn. N. canariense R.Br.). SE Raydah, Radaa. Raphanus raphanistrum L. (7) Rare: high mountain areas. Raphanus sativus L. @ Cultivated.

Rapistrum rugosum (L.)All. subsp. orientale (L.)Arcan. (7) (syn. R.. orientale (L.)Crantz.) Atturbah, Saadah, Wussab al Ali, W. Dhahr Rorippa palustris (L.)Besser. (7) Al Muhwit, Wadi Bana. Savignya parviflora (Del.)Webb. (3) (syn. S. aegyptiaca DC.) Schouwia purpurea (Forssk.)Schweinf.) @ (syn. S. arabica DC., S. schimperi Jaub. & Spach, S. thebaica Webb., Subularia purpurea Forssk.). Coastal areas e.g. Zabid, West Taiz, Bani Shayba (S of Taiz), al Faydh (Abyen), Hadhramout. Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf. (7) Al Hujariyah (Taiz), Soqotra. Sisymbrium irio L. (8) (syn.S. pinnatifidum Forssk.) N. of Sanaa, Taiz, Shibam. Sisymbrium officinale (L.)Scop. Sisymbrium orientale L. (7) Manakha, Atturbah, Dhamar, Haddah, Sterigmostemum sulphureum (Banks & Sol.)Bornum. Subsp. sulphureum (7) High mountains: Khidar. Zilla spinosa (L.)Pranti. (7) Al Mahara. BURSERACEAE Boswellia ameero Balf.f. * (2,6, Balf.f. 1988) Soqotra.

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Boswellia dioscorides * @ N. of Nogad plain, Firmihin (Soqotra). Boswellia elongata Balf.f. * (2,6, Balf.f. 1988) Soqotra

Boswellia nana Hepper. * (2,6) Soqotra

Boswellia popovana Hepper. Soqotra * (2,6)

Boswellia sacra Flueck. (3) (syn.B. undulato-crenata Engl.) Southern coastal areas e.g. Huf, Shabwa, Shuqra, Ashshehr, Mayfa Hagr.

( )
Boswellia socotrana Balf.f. * (2,6, Balf.f. 1988) (syn. Lannea aspleniifolia (Balf.f.)Engl, Odina aspleniifolia Balf.f.). Soqotra

Commiphora africana (A.Rich.)Engl. Al Maraqisha ( Abyen) Commiphora foliacea Sprague. ** @ Al Maraqisha: Abyen, Huf, Hadhramout. Commiphora gileadensis (L.)Christ. (3)

( )

(syn.C. opobalsamum (Forssk.)Engl.). Tihama foothills, Hagda: W. of Taiz, Zabid, S. of Hays, J. Buraa, Tur, W. Yur, Hadhramout, Shabwa, Huf.

( )
Commiphora habessinica (O.Berg.)Engl. @ Taiz, Shabwa, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

( )
Commiphora kataf (Forssk.)Engl. * (8) Al Hujariya (Taiz), J. Buraa, Bayt al Faqih

Commiphora kua (J.F.Royale) Vollesen . Shabwa, Hadhramout. (1)

Commiphora mukul (Hooker)Engl. (6)

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(syn. Balsamodendron mukul Hooker) (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra Commiphora myrrha (Nees)Engl. (8) Taiz, Mor, Bagel, Hays, Wussab, Rihab, W. Yur, al Jauf, Aden, S of Zabid.

Commiphora ornifolia (Balf.f.)Gillett. * (syn. Odina ornifolia (Balf.f.)Engl.) (Balf.f.1988)

Commiphora ornifolia (Balf.f.)Gillett. Var. glabra (Radcl.-Smith)Gillett. * (2,6) (syn. Lannea ornifolia (Balf.f.)Engl. Var. glabra Radcl-Smith, Odina ornifolia var. glabra Radcl.-Smith) (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra

Commiphora parvifolia (Balf.f.)Engl. (2,6) (syn. Balsamodendron parvifolia Balf.f.). (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra.

Commiphora planifrons (Balf.f.)Engl. * (2,6) (syn. Balsamadendron planifrons Balf.f.) (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra Commiphora playfairii (Hook.f. ex Oliv.)Engl. (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Hadhramout. Commiphora quadricincta Schweinf. ex Engl. (8) V. rare: Tihama plain (Bagel, Suq al Jumaa). Commiphora schimperi (Berg.)Engl. (8) Al Hujariyah, Ibb, Jiblah, J. Buraa, Tihama foothills, al Rahida.

Commiphora socotrana (Balf.f.)Engl. * @ (syn. Balsamodendron socotranum Balf.f.). (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra.

Commiphora wightii (Arnott)Bhandari. (10) Huf: al Mahara. BUXACEAE Buxanthus pedicellatus van Tiegh. (2) (syn. Buxus hildebrandtii Baill). (6, (Balf.f.1988) Soqotra.

CACTACEAE Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl.)Haw. (syn. O. stricata (Haw)Haw. var. dillenii (Ker-Gawl.)Haw. Tihama, Tihama foothills.

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Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)Mill. (8) Taiz, al Qaeda, Sumara, Dhamar, Sanaa.

CAMPANULACEA Campanula edulis Forssk. (8) (syn. C. rigidipila Steud. & Hochst. ex A.Rich.). Ibb, J. Saber, Sumara. Campanula balfourii Wagner & Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra Wahlenbergia hirsuta (Edgw.)Thyn. (8) Rare: J. Baadan. Wahlenbergia lobelioides A.DE. (6) (syn. W. riparia A.DC. ) (2) Soqotra. CANNABACEAE Cannabis sativa L. (7,8) Cultivated: Ibb, Saadah, Sanaa, Taiz.

CANNACEAE Canna indica L. Cultivated as ornamental and naturalized in some areas: Taiz, Sanaa, J. Raymah, Hajjah. CAESALPINIACEAE Bauhinia ellenbeckii Harms. (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Mola Matar (Hadhramout). Bauhinia tomentosa L. (8) (syn. B. inermis Forssk.). J. Milhan, J. Bura, J. Rayma, Haraz, Tihama foothills. Caesalpinia bonduc (L.)Roxb. @ Cultivated: Taiz, Aden, al Udayn, Wussab, J. Raymah.

Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth.)Alston. @ J. Saber, Ibb.

Caesalpinia erianthera Choiv. var. pubescns Brenen . (3) Hadarmout. Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.)Dietr. @ Taiz, Sanaa. Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.)Sw. @ Cultivated in gardens & streets in Taiz & Aden. Cassia acutifolia Del. (3) Cultivatrd

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Senna auriculata (L.)Roxb. (1) Aden, Abyen.

Senna didymobotrya (Fres.) Irwin & Barneby @ Introduced planted on roadsides: Taiz. Cassia fallacina Chiov. (8) (syn. C. pumila Lam. var. yemensis Deflers). J. Rayma, J. Buraa, Haraz.

Cassia fistula L. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Rayma, Wussab Assafel. Cassia mimosoides L. (8) Rare: Al Jaafariyah. Cassia nigricans Vahl. (8) Tihama, Wussab al Ali. Cassia ocarpa E.G.Baker. (3) Cassia occidentalis L. @ Taiz, Tihama foothills, medium altitude mountains, Lahg.

Cassia senna L. @ (syn.C. angustifolia Vahl.). Coastal areas.

Cassia siamea Lam. (10) Area experimental farm: Taiz, Ibb Cassia tomentosa L.f. (8) Cultivated as ornamental Sanaa, Dhamar. Ceratonia oreothauma Hillc., Lewis & Verdc. Subsp. oreothauma Mola Matter ( Hadhramout) Ceratonia siliqua L. @ Taiz, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Ibb, Shibam.

Chamaecrista absus (L.)Irwin & Barneby ( @, 8 ) (syn. Cassia absus L.). Rare: Taiz, J. Buraa, al Udayn, Soqotra. Delonix elata (L.)Gamble. @ (syn. Poinciana elata L.). Taiz, Rada, Harib- Jubah, Abyen, Hadhramout, Huf al Mahara.

( )
Delonix regia (Boj.)Raf. @ Introducrd; street & near houses e.g. Taiz.

Parkinsonia aculeata L. @ Introduced; Road sides, near houses and slopes e.g. Taiz, Aden.

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Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.)Milne-Redh-Rukab. (8) Rare: J. Buraa, J. Rayma. Pterolobium stellatum (Forssk.) Brenan @ (syn. P. lacerans R.Br.). Taiz, Ibb, Sumara.

Senna holosericea (Fres.)Greuter. (2) (syn. Cassia holosericea Fres.). (8) Tihama and foothills, Lahg, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Senna hookeriana Batka. @ (syn.Cassia adenensis Benth.) Aden, Abyen, Soqotra.

Senna italica Miller @ (syn. Cassia italica (Mill.)Lam. ex Steud. , C. obovata Collas.). subsp. italica (8) Highlands e.g. Taiz subsp. micrantha Brenan (8) Tihama and foothills, western mountains, Aden, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Senna obtusifolia (L.)Irwin & Barneby. @ Soqotra.

Senna socotrana (Serr.-Val)Lock * @ (syn. Cassia socotrana Serr.Val.). Soqotra.

Senna sophera (L.)Roxb. @ (syn. Cassia sophera L.). (8) Tihama, Taiz, J. Rayma, J. Marran, Soqotra. Tamarindus indica L. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, al Udayn, al Mahara, Soqotra.

CAPPARACEAE (CAPPARIDACEAE) Boscia angustifolia A.Rich. @ Tihama foothills, Ibb, Huth near Al Qafla, Khawlan, al Udayn.

Boscia arabica Pestalozz. ** (@, 7) Wadi Rusyan, J. al Arayes, Hadhramout, al Mahara.

Cadaba farinosa Forssk. @ Taiz, Tihama, Abyen, al Jawf, Soqotra, Hadharamout.

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Cadaba glandulosa Forssk. @ Tihama, Aden, al Maraqisha, Abyen.

Cadaba heterotricha Stocks ex Hook. @ Taiz, Harib, Hadharamout.

Cadaba insularis A.G.Mill. Cadaba longifolia R.Br. ex DC. @ Tiham foothills, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Maqbanah, Soqotra.

Cadaba mirabilis Gilg. (7) Southern mountains Cadaba rotundifolia Forssk. @ Coastal araes : Tihama, Lahg, Abyen, Aden, Loder, Soqotra.

Capparis cartilaginea Decne. @ (syn. C. galeata Fres., C. galeata Fres. Var. montana Schweinf., C. spinosa L. var. galeata (Fresen.)Hook.f. & Thoms). Taiz, Tihama foothills, NE Raydah, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra.

Capparis decidua (Forssk.)Edgew. @ (syn. C. aphylla Roth., Sodada deciduas Forssk.) Coastal areas, Soqotra.

( )
Capparis orientalis Duh. (3) Capparis spinosa L. var. spinosa. @ (syn. C. aegyptia Lam., C. spinosa L. var. aegyptia (Lam.)Boiss, C. spinosa L. var. canescens Cosson., C. leucophylla DC.) Tihama, Aden, Lahg, Marib, Huth, Hadhramout.

Capparis tomentosa Lam. (8) W. Assukhna al Hayma Addakhiliya. Dipterygium glaucum Decne. @ (syn. D. glaucum Decne. Var. macrocarpa Blatter, Cleome pallida Kotschy) Coastal areas, Lahg, Abyn, Hadhramout.

Dhofaria macleishii A.G. Miller. ** (7) Al Mahara. Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. angolensis. Highlands e.g Taiz. Maerua angolensis DC. @

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subsp. socotrana (Schweinf. ex Balf.f)Kers var. socotrana. * (@, 2 ) (syn. M. thomsonii T.Ander., M. Socotrana (Schwein.)Gilg.) Soqotra

Maerua crassifolia Forssk. @ (syn. M. uniflora Vahl, M. arabica J.F.Gmel., Wiegmannia arabica (J.F.Gmel.)Hochst. & Steud. Ex Steud ) Tihama plain, Tihama foothills, Aden.

Maerua oblongifolia (Forssk.)A.Rich. @ (syn. Capparis mithridatica Forssk., C. oblongifolia Forssk., Niebuhria oblongifolia (Forssk.)DC.) Taiz, Radaa, Tihama plain, Tihama foothills.

Maerua triphylla A.Rich var. johannis (Volkens & Gilg)De Wolf. (7) Rare: J. Rayma. var calophylla (Gilg)De Wolf. ( @, 7 ) Taiz. CARYOPHYLLACEAE (ILLECEBRACEAE) Arenaria foliacea Turrill. (2) Soqotra Arenaria leptoclados (Reich)Guss. (8) (syn. A. serpyllifolia L. ) subsp. leptoclados (Reich.)Nyman). High scarpment, Socotra. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. (3,5) Wadi Shalalah. Cerastium dichotomum L. subsp. inflatum (Link.)Cullen. ? Yarim. Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. (8) Rare, J. Taakar, J. Manar. Cerastium octandrum Hochst. Ex A.Rich. (8) Rare : J. Taaker, j. Manar. Cometes abyssinica (R.Br.) Wallich. @ (syn. C. abyssinica R.Br. subsp. suffruticosa Wagn. & Vierb.). Al Hujariyyah, Yafea, Abyen, Aden, Haddah, Dhamar, Amran, Aden, Hajjah, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Cometes surattensis L. (7) Mountain plains. Dianthus caryophyllus L. @ Cultivated.

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Dianthus deserti Kotschy. ** (7,8) Khawlan: J. Om Layla & J. Alab. Dianthus longiglumis Del. (7,8) Hajjah, J. Dhawran, Manakha, Haraz. Dianthus uniflorus Forssk. * @ (syn. D. pumilus Vahl). West of Sanaa, Dhamar

Dianthus strictus Banks & Soland. subsp. sublaevis D.F. Chamb. ** (7) Medium and high mountais Gymnocarpos argenteus Petruss. & Thulin. * (7) Southern escarpment above 500m Gymnocarpos bracteatus (Balf.f)Petruss & Thulin. * (7) (syn. Lochia bracteata Balf.f.) Soqotra. Gymnocarpos decandrus Forssk. (7) (syn. G. fruticosus (Vahl)Pers, Trianthema fruticosa Vahl.) Low altitude mountains, Hadhramout. Gymnocarpos dhofarensis Petruss & Thulin. ** (7) Al Mahara. Gymnocarpos kuriensis (A.R.Smith)Petruss & Thulin. * @ (syn. Lohia bracteata Balf.f. subsp. abdulkuriana Chaudhri, L. bracteata Balf.f. subsp. bracteata, L. kuriensis A.R.Smith.) Abdul Kuri, Soqotra. Gymnocarpos maharanus Petruss. & Thulin. * (7) Al Mahara. Gymnocarpos rotindifolius Petruss & Thulin. (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) W of Raydah (Hadhramout). Gypsophila montana Balfour f. (7) (syn. Saponaria montana (Balf.f.)Bar.) Hadhramout, Socotra. Gypsophila umbricola (J.R.I.Wood) Clement. ** (4,7) (syn. Saponaria umbricola J.R.Wood). (8) Rare, Hadiyah, J. Milhan, al Mahwit, J. Maswar, Shahara, Kuhlan. Haya obovata Balf.f. * (7) Soqotra. Herniaria maskatensis Bornum. ** (7) Al Mahara Lochia bracteata Balf.f subsp. bracteata (3) Minuartia filifolia (Forssk.)Schweinf. ex Mattf. @ (syn. Arenaria filifolia Forssk.). J. Saber & Atturba: Taiz, Ibb. Sumara, Dhamar, Hajjah. Paronychia arabica (L.)DC. (7) Coastal areas. Paronychia chlrothyrsa Murb. (7) High mountains & plains.

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Pollichia campestris Ait. @ Dhamar, Russabah, Utuma, Kawkaban, al Mahwit, Hajjah, Rada. Polycarpaea balfourii Briquet * (7) (syn. P. divaricata Balf.f.). Soqatra.

Polycarpaea caespitosa Balf.f. * (7) Soqotra. Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.)Lam. (7) Soqotra. Polycarpaea hassalensis Chamb. * (7) Soqotra. Polycarpaea haufensis A.G.Miller. * (7) Southern coastal areas Polycarpaea hayoides Chamb. * (7) Soqotra. Polycarpaea kuriensis Wagner. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Polycarpaea linearifolia (DC.)DC. (5) Raydah. Polycarpaea paulayana Wagner. * (7) Soqotra. Polycarpaea pulvinata M.G.Gilbert. (7) Al Mahara. Polycarpaea repens (Forssk.)Asch. & Schwein. (7,8) (syn. P. fragilis Deli., Corrigiola repens Forssk.) Sanaa, al Boun, Soqotra.. Polycarpaea robbairea (Kuntza)Grenter & Burdet. (7) (syn. Robbairea delileana Milne-Redhead.) Low to highlands Polycarpaea sp. Nov. (M16012 Miller et al) @ Soqotra Polycarpaea spicata Wight. & Arn. var. capillaris Balf.f. * Soqotra. var. spicata. (7) Coastal areas: al Salif, Soqotra. Polycarpon tetraphyllum (L.)L. (7) High mountain areas. Robbairea delileana Milne-Reth. (8) (syn. Polycarpaea prostrata (Del.)Decne.) High mountains e.g. Saadah, Haraz, SE Raydah.. Sclerocephalus arabicus Boiss. (Podlech, D. 1982) (syn. Paronychia sclerocephala Decne.) Huth, Sanaa. Silene apetata Willd. (2,6) Soqotra. Silene burchellii Otth ex DC. (7,8)

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(syn. S. chirensis A.Rich ,S. flammulifolia Steud. ex A.Rich., S. hochstetteri Rohrb, S. schweinfurthii Rohrb.). High altitude areas e.g. Sanaa, Shibam, Jibla, J. Taaker, Bani Matar. Silene colorata Poiret subsp. olivieriana (Otth)Rohrb. (7) (syn.S. olivieriana Otth.) Low & Medium altitude mountains Silene gallica L. (7,8) Highlands. Silene macrosolen Steud. ex A.Rich. (7,8) High altitude areas e.g. J. Saber, Wusab al Ali, Shibam, Haraz. Silene yemensis Defl. (7,8) (syn. S. engleri Pax). High altitude areas e.g.. Sanaa, Shahara, Dhawran, Shibam, Manakha. Spergula fallax (Lowe)Krause. @ (syn. S. flaccida (Roxb.)Asch., Spergularia fallax Lowe). Hajjah, Manakha, Raydah, Firmihin (Soqotra). Spergularia bocconei (Scheele)Graebn. (7) Highlands. Spergularia marina (L.)Griseb. (7) (syn. Arenaria rubra L. var. marina L., A. marina (L.)Roth., S. salina J. & C. Presl., S. marina (L.)Griseb) Radaa, Dhamar. Spergularia rubra (L.)J. & C. Presl. (8) {doubtfully record) ? Rare: J. Sumara, Shibam. Sphaerocoma aucheri Boiss. (7) Southern coastal areas. Sphaerocoma hookeri T.Anderson @ (syn. Psyllothamnus beevori Oliv.) Socotra, Samha. Stellaria media (L.)Vill. (7,8) Rare, J.Saber, Haddah (Sanaa). Stellaria pallida (Dum.)Pire. (7,8). (syn. S. media L. subsp. pallida (Dumort.)Aschers &Beit.) J. Buraa Telephium sphaerospermum Boiss. (8) Raydah, Milah, Sanaban, Sanaa, al Bon, Bani Hushaysh, Soqotra. Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.)Rauschert (7) (syn. Saponaria vaccaria L., V. pyramidata Medik.). (8) Rare, Sanaa, Arhab. Xerotia arabica Oliver. ** (3,7) Hadhramout CASUARINACEAE Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. @ Introduced; road sides & gardens. Casuarina equisetifolia L. @ Introduced; road side & gardens. Casuarina glauca Sieb. ex Speng. @ Introduced; road side & gardens.

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CELASTRACEAE Catha edulis Forssk. @ Cultivated in many places.

Maytenus arbutifolia (Hochst. ex A.Rich.)Wilczek. (8) (syn. Gymnosporia arbutifolia (Hochst.)Loes.). Yerim. Maytenus dhofarensis Sebseb. ** @ Huf (Al Mahara).

Maytenus forsskaoliana Sebsebe * (8) (syn. Gymnosporia serrata var. pubescens Schweinf.). Centeral escarpment Maytenus parvifolia (Vahl.)Sebsebe. @ (syn. Catha spinosa Forssk.). Low & medium altitude, Yafea. Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.)Exell. @ (syn.Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.)Loes.). Tihama foothills, southern Tihama, al Hujariyah, Khawlan Ashsham, Hadhramout.

Maytenus undata (Thinb.)Blakelock. (8) Rare: J. Milhan. CERATOPHYLLACEAE Ceratophyllum demersum L. var. demersum. (7,8) Rare: Taiz, Hays, J. Ashsharq, Amran, Wussab Assafel, Huth. CHENOPODIACEA Anabasis ehrenbergii Schweinf. (7) Southern coastal area Anabasis setifera Moq. (Al Kod herbarium) Hadhramout Arthrocnemum fruticosum (L.)Moq. (8) (syn. Salicornia fruticosa L.). al Mukha. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.)K.Koch. (7) (syn. A.. glaucum Ung., Salicornia glauca Del., S. macrostachyum Moric.) Coastal areas, Soqotra. Atriplex coriacea Forssk. (7) (syn. A. ocymifolium Viv., Obione coriacea (Forssk.)Moq.) Coastal areas Atriplex farinosa Forssk. subsp. farinosa. (7) Tihama: S. Medi, Soqotra. Atriplex griffithii Moq. subsp. stocksii (Boiss.)Boulos. @

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Coastal areas, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samha.

Atriplex halimus L. @ Cultivated as windbreak: Dhamar Atriplex leucoclada Boiss. (syn. Obione leucoclada (Boiss)Ulbr.) var. inamoena (Aellen)Zoh. (7) (syn. Atriplex inamoena Aellen) Southern coastal areas var. turcomania (Moq.)Zohary (7) (syn. Atriplex laciniata L. var. turcomanica Moq., A. leucoclada subsp. turcomanica (Moq.)Aeellen) Salty coastal plain, Taiz: al Hoban, Arhab, Sanaa, Radaa , Khamer. Atriplex nummalaria Lindley. @ Introduced, cultivated as forage & wind brakes e.g. Dhamar.

Bassia muricata (L.)Asch. (7) (syn. Echinopsilon muricatus (L.)Moq., Kochia muricata (L.)Schrader, Salsola muricata L.) . Bani al Hareth. Beta vulgaris L. subsp. maritima (L.)Arcan. (7,8) (syn. B. maritime L.). Al Sayyani.

Chenopodium album L. @ Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa.

Chenopodium ambrosioides L. @ Taiz, Ibb.

Chenopodium fasciculosum Aellen var. muraliforme Aellen. (7,8) Sumara, Wussab al Ali, Haraz, Shibam, J. Takar. Chenopodium murale L. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, Sanaa, Ibb,

Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex Koch & Ziz. @ Taiz, Ibb, Manakha, J. Buraa, Khawlan. Chenopodium procerum Hochst. ex Moq. (7,8) J. Saber. Chenopodium schraderianum Roem & Schultes. @ (syn. C. toetidum Schrader). J. Saber, Dhamar, Shibam, Lahg, Adhala.

Chenopodium vulvaria L. (7,8) Rare, Sanaa.

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Cornulaca amblyacantha Bunge. (1,7) Southern coastal areas, Shabwa, Asheher (e.g. Hadhramout). Cornulaca ehrenbergii Aschers. (3,7) Southern coastal areas e.g. Hadhramout and Soqotra.. Cornulaca monacantha Del. (7) (syn. C. arabica Botsch). Southern coastal areas e.g. Hadhramout. Halopeplis perfoliata (Forssk.)Bunge ex Asch. & Schweinf. @ (syn. Salicornia perfoliata Forssk.) Near the sea: Medi, Aden, Hadhramout. Halothamnus bottae Jaub. & Spack. @ (syn.Caroxylon bottae (Jaub. & Spach)Moq, Salsola bottae Jaub & Spach.). Coastal areas, J. Munif: S of Taiz, .Sanaa, Saadah, Lahg, Huth, Marib, Harib, al Bon, Raydah, Hadhramout. Lagenantha cycloptera (Stapf)Gilbert & Friis. (7) (syn. Choriptera semhahensis (Vierh.)Botsch, Gyroptera cycloptera (Stapf)Botsch, Salsola cycloptera Stapf., S. semhahensis Vierh., ). Soqotra. Noaea mucronata (Forssk.)Aschers. & Schweinf. (5) Bukta Salsola cyclophylla Baker. (3) Salsola imbricata Forssk. @ (syn.Caroxylon imbricatum (Forssk.)Moq., Chenopodium haryosmon Roemer & Schultes, Salsola foetida Del. Ex Spren., S. foetida Del. Ex Spren. Var. gaeula Maire., S. baryosma (Roem. & Schult.)Dandy). Rare: Coastal areas, al Jawf, Hadhramout.

Salsola rubescens Franch. (1) (syn. S. hadramautica E.G.Baker, S. leucophylla E.G.Baker) Shabwa Salsola spinescens Mog. @ (syn. S. aethiopica Botsch., S. forskahlii Schwarf.) Coastal areas, Harib, Marib, Radaa, Shabwa.

Seidlitzia rosmarinus Bunge ex Boiss. (7) (syn. Suaeda rosamarinus Ehrenb. Ex Boiss, Salsola rosmarinis (Bunge ex Buin)Solm.) Soqotra. Sevada schimperi Moq. @ (syn. Suaeda schiperi (Moq.)Martell, S. vermiculata Forssk. Ex J.F.Gmelin var. puberula C.B.Clarke) Al Mukalla, Soqotra, Samha. Spinaica oleracea L. (7,8) Cultivated as spot herb.

Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselq.)Zoh. @

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(syn. Chenopodium aegyptiacum Hassel., S. baccata Forssk., S. hortensis Forssk., Schanginia aegyptica (Hasselq.)Aell., S. hortensis (Forssk.)Moq.) Coastal areas, Taiz, Lahg, Abyen, Radaa, Sanaa, Arhab, Hadhramout.

Suaeda monoica Forssk. @ Coastal areas, al Jawf, Soqotra.

Suaeda moschata A.J.Scott. ** (ref. Thulin, M. et al im press) Ras Fartak (al Mahara). Suaeda pruinosa Lange. (3) Suaeda vermiculata Forssk. @ (syn. Salsola mollis Desf. Suaeda fruticosa Forssk. Ex J.F.Gmelin, S. mollis (Desf.)Del., S. paulayana Vierh., S. volkensii C.B.Clarke, S. monodiana Maire, S. mesopotamica Eig) Coastal areas.

CISTACEAE Helianthemum argyraeum E.G.Baker. (3) CLEOMACEAE (CAPPARACEAE) Cleome albescens Fran. subsp. omanensis Chamb. & Lanord. ** (7) Southern low alti. mountains Cleome amblyocarpa Bair. & Murb. (7,8) Dhamar. Cleome angustifolia Forssk. (7,8) (syn. C. dlandra Borch.). Taiz, North Tur al Baha, Aden.

Cleome austroarabica Chamb. & Lamond. subsp. austroarabica. ** (7) Al Mahara, Soqotra. Cleome brachycarpa Vahl. ex DC. (7,8) (syn.C. brachycarpa Vahl. ex DC. Var. filicaulis Schweinf., C. brevisiliqua Schultesf., ? C. diversifolia Hochst. & Steud.). Marib, Saada, Aden , Lahg, al Maraqisha, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Cleome droserifolia Del. (7) (syn. C. brachydenia O.Schwartz) Hadhramout. Cleome gynandra L (7) (syn. C. pentaphylla L.,Gynandropsis gynandra (L.)Briq., G. pentaphylla (L.)DC., Pedicellaria gynandra (L.)Schrank.) Tihama, Taiz, Marib, Soqotra.

Cleome hanburyana Penzig. (7)

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(syn. C. areysiana Defl., C. deflersii Blatter) Southern low altitude Cleome macradenia Schweinf. ** (7) Hadhramout Cleome monophylla L. (7) V. rare: Ibb, J. Ashsharq. Cleome nocam Boiss subsp. brachystyla (Deflers)Chamb. & Lamund. (3) subsp. noeana (3,7) (syn. C. drepanocarpa O.Schwartz.) Hadhramout Subsp. brachystyla Defl. (3) (syn. C. brachystyla Defl.) Cleome paradoxa R.Sr. ex DC. (1,7,8) (syn. C. brachystyla Defl.) Aden, Abyen, Harib, Al Barh-Al Mafraq (w of Taiz). Cleome polytricha Franch. (7) Southern low alti. mountains Cleome pruinosa T.Anders. ** (3,7) Hadhramout, Aden Cleome ramosissima Webb ex Parl. (7) (syn. C. schweinfurthii Gilg, C. enneme Schw. ined. ). (3,8) High escarpment e.g. Sanaa, Amran, Dhamar, Shalalah. Cleome scaposa DC. (7,8) (syn. C. papillosa Steud.) Tihama and foothills, J. Bura, Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Cleome socotrana Balf.f. * @ Soqotra Cleome tenella Linn. (6,7) Soqotra, Cleome viscosa Linn. (6,7,8) Taiz, Tihama, Adhala. COLCHICACEAE Iphigenia socotrana Thulin * (10) Soqotra COMBRETACEAE Anogeissus bentii E.G.Baker. * @ Al Mahara, Hadhramout

Anogeissus dhofarica A.J.Scott. ** @ Ras Fartak & Huf (al Mahara).

Combretum aculeatum Vent. @ J. Buraa. Combretum molle R.Br. ex D. Don. @ (syn. C. trichnthum Fresen., C. lepidotum A.Rich.). Taiz, western mountains, J. Buraa, W. Mouna (W. of Dhamar).

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Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. @ Cultivated : Aden, Al Hudaydah, al Makha, al Hudaydah, and wild in Hadhramout.

Terminalia brownii Fresen. @ Taiz, western mountains.

Terminalia catappa L. (3) Cultivated COMMELINACEAE Aneilema aequinoctiale P.B.Kunth. (3) Aneilema forskaolei Kunth. ** (4,8) Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, W. Assukhnah, J. Buraa, Rayma. Aneilema woodii R.B.Faden. * (8) V. rare: J. Buraa Commelina africana L var. africana (8) (syn. C. edulis A. Rich., C. divaricata Vahl). J. Saber (Taiz) Commelina albescens Hassk. (1) Taiz, Tihama & foothills, Yafea, Saada, Huth, Radaa, Lahg, Hadharamout, Soqotra. Commelina benghalensis L. (8) (syn. C. canescens Vahl). Tihama foothills, medium altitude mountains, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Commelina boissierana C.B.Clk. (3) Commelina diffusa Burm.f. (8) Taiz, Ibb. Commelina erecta L. (8) Al Udayn, Hajjah. Commelina forsskalei Vahl. @ Widespread: Tihama, Western & southern mountains, Damt, Soqotra.

Commelina glabrescens Hausskn. (3) Shibam. Commelina imberbis Ehrenb. ex Hassk. (8) Widespread: Taiz, Ibb, al Muhwit. Commelina latifolia Hochst. ex A.Rich. (8) Taiz, Ibb, J. Ashsharq, J. Rayma, J. Shibam (Haraz). Commelina subulata Roth. (8) Rare: J. Hubaysh, J. Shibam. Commelina ussilensis Schweinf. (3) Haraz. Cyanotis christata Roem. @ Firmihin (Soqotra), Abdul Kuri. Cyanotis lanata Benth. (8)

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Al Udayn, W. Assukhna. Cyanotis nyctitiropa Defl. ** (8) (syn. Tillandsia decumbens Forssk.). Taiz, al Qaeedah, Ibb Cyanotis polyrrhiza Hassk. (3,5) Jibla: Ibb. Cyanotis vaga (Lour.)Schultes (8) (syn. C. barbata D.Don., C. parasitica Hassk., C. hirsuta C.A.Mey.) Jibla, Ibb, Wussab al Ali, Utuma, J. Ashsharq. CONVOLVULACEAE Cladostigma dioicum Radlin. (3) Convolvulus arvensis L. @ Tihama footholls, Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Hajjah, Hadhramout.

Convolvulus fatimensis Kunze. (8) Bani Hareth: NE Sanaa.

Convolvulus farinosus L. (8) Rare: Utuma, Haraz Convolvulus glomeratus Choisy (8) (syn. C. arabicus Hochst.) Tihama & fothills, Aden, Lahg, Loder (Abyen), Soqotra.

Convolvulus grantii Balf.f. * @ Soqotra & AbdelKuri Convolvulus hildebrandtii Vatke. (2,6) (syn. C. filipes Balf.f.) Soqotra. Convolvulus hystrix Vahl. (8) Tihama plain, al Kod.. Convolvulus littoralis Vatke. (3) Convolvulus prostratus Forssk. (1,8) (syn. C. microphyllus Sieb.). Tihama plain, Al Mukalla-W. al Maqad road. Convolvulus rhyniospermus Choisy. (2) Soqotra. Convolvulus sagittatus Thunb. (8) Rare: J. Ayfua, Saadah, Wussab al Ali, Manakha, al Ahjur. Convolvulus sarmentosus Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Convolvulus sericophyllos T. Anderson. * (3) Hadhramaut Convolvulus siculus L. subsp. agrestis (Schweinf.)Verdc. (8) (syn. C. agrestis Schweinf.). J. Saber, Ibb, Soqotra. Convolvulus thymoides O. Schwartz. * (8)

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J. Sumara, J. Maswer, Hara, Dhamar. Convovulus farinosus L. (8) Rare: Utuma, J. Shibam, W. Dhahr. Cressa cretica L. (8) Tihama plain , Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout.

Dichondra repens J.R. & G.Forst. (8) Dhisufal, al Udain. Evolvulus alsinoides (L.)L. @ (syn.E. yemensis Deflers). Taiz, Raydah, Wussab al Ali, Ibb, Sanaa, Soqotra. Falkia oblonga Krausse. var. minor C.H.Wright. (8) Yarim, Qa Jahran, Wadi shalalah. Hewittia scandens (Milne)Mabberley (8) (syn.H. bicolor (Vahl)Wight & Arn, H. sublobata (L.f.)O.Kuntze,). Rare: J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Hildebrondtia africana Vatke. (8) Taiz, Madinat Ashsharq, Wussab, al Mishrafa. Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. (8) Rare: abid. Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (8) Cultivated.

Ipomoea cairica (L.)Sweet (8) (syn. I. palmata Forssk.). Rare: J. Attur- Suq al Aman. Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Taiz, Tihama foothills. ? Ipomoea dichroa Choisy (3,8) (syn. I. arachnosperma Welw., I. Pilosa Sweet). Rare: Al Misrakh, al Udayn, Rihab-Wussab. Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br. (3,8) (syn. I. hispida (Vahl)Roem. & Schult.). Tihama, low altitude mountains, Al Udayn. Ipomoea ficifolia Lindl. (8) Rare: Hadiyah, Saadah, J. Milhan, al Mahabisha. Ipomoea kotschyana Hochst. ex Choisy (2) (syn. I. laciniata Balf.f.). Soqotra. Ipomoea nil (L.)Roth (8) (syn. I. scabra Forssk.). Introduced: Taiz, J. Buraa, al Udayn, Soqotra. Ipomoea obscura (L.)Ker-Gawl. (8) Tihama foothills and highlands, al Kod, Soqotra. Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.)R. Br. (8) (syn.I. biloba Forssk.). Tihama, Taiz (warazan), Ash shihr, Al Mukalla-W. al Maqad, Huf al Mahara, Soqotra. Ipomoea purpurea (L.)Roth. (8)

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Introduced: Taiz, Ibb, W. Bana, Sanaa, Hajjah.. Ipomoea sinensis (Descr.)Choisy. Subsp. blepharoscpala (A.Rich.)Meeuse. (8) J. Saber, Soqotra. Subsp. sinensis. (8) Rare: W. of al Udayn. Ipomoea triflora Forssk. (8) (syn. I. gossypina Defl.). Tihama foothills, Wussab Assafel, J. Rayma, Haraz. Ipomoea verticillata Forssk. (8) Rare: W. Mour. Merremia somalensis Hall.f. (3) Hadhramout

Metaporana obtusa (Balf.f.)Staples. * (2) Soqotra Seddera arabica (Forssk.)Choisy. @ (syn.S. bottae Jaub. & Spach ,S. somalensis (Vatke)Hall.f.). Taiz, Tihama foothills, medium altitude mountains, Adhala, Hadhramout.

Seddera fastigiata (Balf.f.)Verdc. * (2,6) (syn. Breweria fastigiata Bal.f., Convolvulus fastigiata (Balf.f.)Verdc., C. socotranus Verdc.). Soqotraa Seddera glomerata (Balf.f.)Schwartz. (2) (syn. Bonamia glomerata (Balf.f.)Verdc., Breweria glomerata Balf.f.) Soqotra. Seddera intermedia Hochst. & Steud. (3) Loder (Abyen), Yafea. Seddera hadramautica R.R. Mill ined. Hadhramaut Seddera latifolia Hochst. & Steud. (2,8) (syn. Breweria latifolia Benth. & Hook., S. spinescens Peter) Tihama foothills, Maqbana (W. of Taiz), Madinat Ashsharq, Radaa, Nihim, Abyen, Adhala, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Seddera pedunculata (Balf.f.)Verdcourt. (2) (syn. Breweria pedunculata Balf.f.) (Balf.f., 1988) Soqotra. Seddera secundiflora Jaub. & Spach (8) (syn. S. hallieri Engl. & Pilg.). Highland areas. Seddera semhahensis R.R.Mill. * @ Samha island Seddera spinosa (Vierh.)Verdc. * @ (syn. Bonamia spinosa Vierh., Convolvulus spinosa Vierh.) Soqotra & Abdul Kuri.

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Seddera virgata (Hochst. & Steud. )Varke. (1,8) Maqbana (W. of Taiz), Tihama & foothills, Aden, Lahg, Abyen. Stictocardia macalusoi (Mattei)Verdcourt. (3) (syn. S. tiliaefolia (Choisy)Hallier.). Cultivated. CRASSULACEAE Aeonium leucoblepharium Webb ex A. Rich. (7,8) (syn. Aeonium chrysanthum (Birtten)Berger, Sempervium chrysanthum Britten) Atturbah, al Udayn, Ibb, Sumara, Khidar. Cotyledon barbeyi Baker. (7,8) Atturba, Ibb, Dhamar, J. Buraa, al Qaeedah, Khidar, Qa Bakil.

Crassula alata (Viv.)Berger. Subsp. pharnaceoides (Fisch. & Meyer)Wick. & Bywe. (in Kew Bull. 36: 633 (1980 (syn. C. pharnaceoides Fischer & C.Meyer, Tillaea pharnaceoides Steud.). Highlands, Soqotra. Crassula alba Forssk. @ High altitude mountains: Dhamar,Yerim, Haddah.

Crassula alsinoides (Hook.f.)Engl. (7,8) (syn. C. pellucida L. subsp. Alsinoides (Hook.f.)Tolken, Tillaea alsinoides Hook.f.). J. Rayma. Crassula granvikii Mildbr. (7) (syn.Bulliarda abyssinica A.Rich., C. abyssinica A.Rich., C. hedbergii Wickens & Bywater. (8)). Rare: high altitude mountains e.g. Kawkaban, J. Sumara, J. Manar. Crassula schimperi Fisch. & Mey. Subsp. phyturus (Mildbr.)Ros. (6,7) (syn. Tillaea pentandra Royle) (Balf.f., 1988) Soqotra. Subsp. schimperi (7,8) (syn. C. pentandra (Edgew.)Schoenl., Tillaea pentandra Edgw.). J. Saber, J. Habashi, J. Allowz, Shibam. Kalanchoe alternans (Vahl.)Pers. ** @ (syn. Cotyledon alternans Vahl., C. orbiculata Forssk., K. rosulata E.Raadts, Verea alternanas (Vahl.)Sprenger.). Atturba, centerla escarpment, Dhamar, Khawlan Ashsham, Mukayra. Kalanchoe bentii C.H.Wright subsp. bentii * (7) (syn. K. deflersii Gagnep., K. teretifolia Defl.). Southern low & medium altitude mountains. Kalanchoe citrina Schweinf. (7,8) Rare: Haraz, al Hayma al Kharijiya. Kalanchoe deficiens (Forssk.)Asch. & Schaeinf. (syn. Cotyledon deficiens Forssk., C. nudicaulis Vahl., K. aegyptiaca (Lam.)DC., K. glaucescens Brit. var. deficiens (Forssk.)Senni.).

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var. deficiens * @ Medium altitude mountains e.g. Taiz var. glabra Raatts. * (7) (syn. K. glaucescens Britten subsp. arabica Cuf.) Khawlan, Tur. Kalanchoe farinacea Balf.f. * ( @, 2,6) Soqotra

Kalanchoe lanceolata (Forssk.)Pers. @ (syn. Cotyledon lanceolata Forssk., Verea lanceolata (Forssk.)Sprengel) Widespread: Taiz, J. Sawraq, Wadi Benna, Qa Bakil.

Kalanchoe robusta Balf.f. * (2) (syn. K. abrupta Balf.f.) (6, Balf.f., 1988) Soqotra Kalanchoe rotundifolia (Haw.)Haw. * @ Soqotra. Kalanchoe yemensis (Deflers)Schweinf. * (7,8) (syn. K. brachycalyx A.Rich. var. yemensis Defl.) Sharaab, W. Bana, Maaber, Qaa Bakil, Ibb, Sanaa, Waalan. Sedum hispanicum L. (7,8) V. rare: Ibb, W. Bana (J. Taaker, J. Manar). Umbilicus horizontalis (Guss.)DC. Var horizomtalis (7) Soqotra. Var. intermedius (Boiss.)Chanm. (7) (syn. Umbilicus intermedius Boiss.) (8) Rare: J. Sumara, W. Bana, J. Maswer. CUCURBITACEAE Bryonia cretica L. (3) Taiz, Tihama foothills. Citrullus colocynthis (L.)Schrad. @ Coastal areas, western mountains, Lahg, Abyen, Marib, Shabwa, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)Mastsum & Naka. (8) (syn. C. vulgaris Schrad.). Tihama, Radaa, Sanaa, al Boun. Citrullus schimperi (Naud.)Hook.f. (3) Coccinia grandis (L.)Voigt. (1,8) (syn. C. moghadd (Gmel.)Scheinf., C. inedulii Forssk.). Al Udayn, Adhala, Lahg. Corallocarpus glomeruliflorus Schweinf. (3) Al Burayqa (Aden), Hadhramout

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Corallocarpus schimperi (Naud)J.D.Hook. (1,8) (syn. C. erostris (Schweinf.)J.D.Hook. ) Tihama & foothills (Bagel, al Marawiah, al Khalifa, J. Buraa, Aden Ctenolepis cerasiformis (Stocks)Hook.f. (8) (syn. Blastania fimbristipula (Fenzl.) Kotschy & Peyr.) Tihama and foothills, Arramadah and Annashama (Taiz), J. Eraf.

Cucumis canoxyi Thulin & Gifri. * ( in Nord. J. Bot. 14(3): 315-317, 1994) Al Mukalla: Hadhramout. Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. (2,6) Soqotra Cucumis ficifolius A. Rich. (2,6) Soqotra Cucumis figarei Del. ex Naud. @ (syn. C. ficifolius A.Rich. var. ficifolius Naud., C. pustulatus (Vaud.)Hook.). Taiz, al Udayn, Ibb. Cucumis melo L. subsp. agrestis (Naud.)Greben.). @ Cultivated, Tihama, west Taiz.

Cucumis metuliferus E.Mey. ex Naud. @ Taiz, J. Buraa, Al Udayn, Ibb. Cucumis prophetarum L. subsp. disectum (Naud.)Jeffr. @ Taiz, Sanaa. Tihama, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

( )( )
subsp. prophetarum L. (1,8) Manakha, Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout Cucumis sativus L. @ Cultivated as wild in al Mahara

Cucurbita pepo L. @ Cultivated

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. @ Cultivated

Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne)Duchesne. @ Cultivated

Dendrosicyos socotrana Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra

Eureiandra balfourii Cogn. * (2,6)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Soqotra Kedrostis foetidissima (Jacq.)Cogn. @ Widespread. Kedrostis gijef (J.f.Gmel.)C.Jeffrey. (8) (syn. Corallocarpus gijef (Forssk.)Hook.f., C. parvifolius Cogn.). Tihama foothills, W. Eydid. Kedrostis hirtella (Naud.)Cogn. (8) Tihama: al Manssura, Bayt al Faqih. Kedrostis leloja (Forssk.)Jeffry. (8) Alluhayya (Tihama). Laginaria siceraria (Mol.)Standl. @ (syn. L. vulgaris (L.)Ser.). Cultivated

Luffa acutangula (L.)Roxb. @ (syn. L. forsskalii Schweif.). Cultivated: Hagdah (w of Taiz), Wussab Assafel, Tihama. Luffa cylindrica (L.)M.J.Roem. (8) (syn. L. aegyptiaca Mill.). Tihama foothills, west of Taiz.

Momordica balsamina L. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, Soqotra.

Momordica charantia L. @ Taiz-Hagda, Aden, Soqotra. Zehneria anomala C. Jeffrey. (1,8) Widespread: Tihama and Foothills, southern and eastern mountains, Abyen. Zehneria scabra (L.)Sond. @ (syn. Melothria tomentosa Cogn., M. punctata (Thunb.)Cogn.) Subsp. argyrea (A.Zimm.)Jeffrey.). (8) Tihama, Bait al Faqih. Subsp. scabra. (8) J. Saber, Sharab, Khawlan, Adhala, J. Alloz. CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus sempervirens L. @ Cultivated as an ornamental. Juniperus procera Hochst. ex. Endel. @ Taiz (J. Saber, J. Eraf, Hayfan, J.Sawraq), W of Sanaa (J. al Lowz), Saada.

Thuja orientalis L. @ Cultivated as an ornamental. CUSCUTACEAE (CONVOLVULACEAE) Cuscuta campestris Yunker. Shibam (Hadhramout)

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Cuscuta chinensis Lam. (2,6) Soqotra. Cuscuta kotschyana Boiss. (3) Cuscuta kuriensis Vierth. * (2,6) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Cuscuta planiflora Ten. @ Widespread in the medium and high mountain areas: Bani Matar, W of Sanaa, Var. globosa Balf.f. @ Firmihin (Soqotra). CYCLOCHEILACEAE Asepalum eriantherum (Vatke)Marais. (3) (syn. Cyclocheilon eriantherum (Vatke)Engl. Cyclocheilon somalensis Oliv. (ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Jol (Hadhramout). CYMODOCEACEAE Cymodocea rotundata Aschers. & Schweinf. (8) Al Hudayda, al Mukha. Cymodocea serrulata (R.Br.)Aschers. & Magn. (8) Al Hudayda, al Mukha. Halodule univervis (Forssk.)Aschers. (8) (syn. Dplanthera uninervis (Forssk.)Williams) Al Hudayda, al Mukha, al Khawkha. Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.)Dandy. (8) (syn. Cymodocea isoetifolia Aschers.). Al Hudayda, al Mukha. Thalassodendron ciliatum (Forssk.)den Hartog (8) (syn.Cymodocea ciliata (Forssk.)Ehrenb. (3) CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis atrosanguinea (Boeck.)C.B.Cl. (8) Above Hadiyah. Bulbostylis humilis Kunth (8) (syn. B. striatella C.B.Cl.) Rare: J. Taaker, J. Manar. Carex brunnea Thunb. var. arabica Hooper. * (8) Rare: Atturbah, J. Saber, Dhisufal, J. Shibam, Hadiyah. Carex burchelliana Boeck. var. leiocarpa Schweinf. (5) Carex distans L. var. sinaica (Nees)Boeck. (8) Yarim, Dhamar, Haraz, J. Baadan. Carex negrii Chiov. (8) Rare: J. Sumara. Carex stenophylla Wahl. (8) Widespread in highlands. Cladium mariscus R.Br. @

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Wadi Darho ( Soqotra).

Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. (8) Rare: W. Habab, J. Buraa. Cyperus alternifolius Vahl subsp. flabelliformis Rottb. (8) Taiz, Tihama foothills, J. Bura. Cyperus amabilis Vahl. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus amblyostachys Fenzl. (2) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Cyperus arenarius Retz. (3) Cyperus articulatus L. (8) Taiz, Ussab Assafel, J. Buraa, al Kadan. Cyperus blysmoides Hochst. ex C.B.Cl. (8) (syn. C. bulbosus Vahl var. spicatus Boeck.). Rare: Kitab, Russaba, J. NuqumJ. Taaker. Cyperus bulbosus Vahl. @ Bani Umar, Mafhaq, J. Milhan, Madinat Ashsharq, Dhamar, Yerim to Sanaa, Soqotra. Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb. @ Marib, Harib, Aden, Hadhramout, Kamaran island.

Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb. var. socotranaus Balf.f. @ Soqotra

Cyperus curvulus Boeckler. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus difformis L. (8) Rare: Suq Arrabua in Wussab Assafel, Soqotra. Cyperus effusus Rottb. (8) (syn.C. conglomeratus Rottb. var. effusus (Rottb.)Kuck.). (3) Tihama, Hunesh island. Cyperus esculentus L. (8) Yerim. Cyperus fissus Steud. (8) Rare: Highland areas e.g. J. Saber, J. Taaker, near Sanaa. Cyperus fuscus L. (8) Rare: W. Assudan near al Qaedah. Cyperus jeminicus Rottb. (8) (syn. C. conglomeratus Rottb. var. muticulmis (Boeck.)Kuek.). (3) Hadiyah. Cyperus laevigatus L. (8) (syn. Juncellus laevigatus (L.)C.B.Cl.). (5) Widespread: Coastal areas, Tihama foothills, Taiz, Dhisufal (Ibb), Hammam Ali, Hammam Damt, Marib, Wadi Rimaa mouth, Soqotra. Cyperus longus L. (8)

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Tihama foothills, Madinat Ashsharq, Soqotra. Cyperus nubicus C.B.Cl. @ Taiz - Sharaab, Atturba, Adhabab, J. Milhan, W. Habab, Madinat AshsharqHammam Ali. Cyperus nutans Vahl. var. eleusinoides (Kunth)Haines. (8) (syn. C. eleusinoides Kunth). J. Baadan, W. addur, W. Habab, J. Rayma, Haraz, W. Assukhna. Cyperus obtusiflorus Vahl. (8) Highlands. Cyperus proteinolepis Bckir. (2) Soqotra . Cyperus protractus C.B.Clarke. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus rigidifolius Steud. (8) Highlands, e.g. ibb, Khawlan ashsham, Sanafan. Cyperus rotundus L. subsp. rotundus. @ Taiz, Tihama, Aden, Dhamar, Bani Hushaysh, Sanaa, near al Mukalla, Soqotra.

Subsp. tuberosus (Rottb.)C.B.Cl. (8) W. al Ayn near Hajjah. Cyperus rubicundus Vahl. @ (syn. C. teneriffae Poir.). (3) Tihama foothills, J. bura, Taiz, Shibam, Soqotra.

Cyperus schimperanus Steud. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus tegetum Roxb. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus tenuiflorus Rottb. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus umbellatus Benth. var. cyperinus Balf.f. (2) Soqotra. Cyperus wissmannii O. Schwartz. (8) Rare: Highlands e.g. Atturbah, Waalan, Dhawran, J. Ashsharq. Eleocharis geniculata (L.)Roem. & Schult. (1,8) (syn. E. capitata R.Br., E. caribaea (Rottb.)Blake, Heleocharis capitata (L.)R.Br.). Ttihama foothills, near Attirbah, Huth, Dhisufal: Ibb, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Eleocharis intricata Kisk. (2) Soqotra. Eleocharis palustris (L.)Roem & Schult. (8) Highlands e.g. Attawilah, J. Hubaysh.

Fimbristylis annua (All.)Roem & Schult. (2) (syn. F. diphylla).

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Soqotra. Fimbristylis autumnalis Roem. & Schult. (2) Soqotra. Fimbristylis complanata (Retz.)Link. (8) Rare: Dhisufal: Ibb, Saadah, W. Bana.. Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. (8) (syn. F. obtusifolia Knuth., F. spathacea Roth.). Tihama & foothills, J. Bura, Atturbah. Fimbristylis dichotoma L. (8) Rare: Dhisufal, J. Baadan. Fimbristylis ferruginea (L.)Vahl. (2) Soqotra. Fimbristylis glomerata Nees. (2) Soqotra. Fimbristylis hispidula Kunth. (2) Soqotra. Fimbristylis oligostachys Hochst. ex A. Rich. (2) Soqotra. Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.)Kern (8) (syn. F. monostachyous Vahl). Highlands: Atturbah, Rujum. Fimbristylis polytrichoides R.Br. (3) Fimbristylis sieberiana Kunth. (8) Rare: Tihama foothills, J. Bura, Saadah, Yarim-Radhmah. Fimbristylis spathacea Roth. (2) Soqotra. Fuirena ciliaris (L.)Roxb. (2) Soqotra. Fuirena felicis Hooper. * (8) Rare: Atturbah Fuirena pubescens (Lam.)Kunth. (8) Rare: al Ahjur. Heleocharis chaetaria Roem. et Schult. (2) Soqotra. Isolepis setaceus (L.)R.Br. (8) (syn. Scirpus setaceus L.). High plateau. Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. @ Hajher (Soqotra). Kyllinga chlorotropis Steud. (8) Highlands: Ibb, J. Ashsharq. Kyllinga nemoralis (Forst.)Dandy. (2) (syn. K. minocephala Rottb.). Soqotra. Kyllinga odorata Vahl. (8) Rare: J. Milhan. Mariscus amauropus (Steud.)Cuf. (8) (syn. Cyperus leptophyllus Hochst. ). J. Buraa, Haraz, Mafhaq, W. Asskhnah.

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Mariscus cyperinus Vahl. (8) V. rare: J. Shibam (Haraz), Hadiyah. Mariscus dubius (Rottb.)Hutch. (8) J. Dhawran. Mariscus intricatus (L.f.)Cuf. (2) (syn. Cyperus aristatus Rottb.) Soqotra. Mariscus plateilema Steud. (8) Rare: J. Taaker Mariscus richardii Steud. (2) Soqotra. Mariscus schimperi Hochst. (8) (syn. Cyperus neo-schimperi Kuck.). Rare: Highlands (e.g. J. Raymah, J. Shibam, J. Milhan). var. viridis (Schweinf.)C.B.Cl. (8) Western mountains, highlands. Mariscus squarrosus (L.)C.B.Cl. (8) Rare: Rihab, Wussab, W. Asskhnah. Pycreus elegantulus (Steud.)C.B.Cl. (8) (syn. Cyperus elegantulus Steud.). Highlands e.g. J. Saber. Pycreus flavescens (L.)P.Beauv. ex Reich. (8) Western mountains e.g. Atturbah, Hajjah. Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb.)P.Beauv. (8) (syn. Cyperus polystachyos Rottb.). Taiz, Haraz. Pycreus sanguinolentus (Vahl)Nees. (8) Rare: Atturbah, Adhabab, Haraz, Rujum. Schoenoplectus inclinatus (Del.)Lye (8) (syn. Scirpus inclinatus (Del.)Aschers. & Schweinf., S. brachceras A.Rich.). Rare: Ibb, Dhamar, J. Shibam, al Mahwit.

Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.)Palla (8) (syn. Scirpus lacustris L.). Highlands: Yarim, W. Waalan, Haddah, al Ahjur. Schoenoplectus littoralis (Schrad.)Palla (8) (syn. Scirpus littoralis Schrad). Rare: Lagoons of Coastal araes. Schoenoplectus mucronatus (L.)Palla. (8) Rare: between Rujum and Attawilah. Schoenoplectus proximus (Steud.)Raynal. (8) Dhamar. Schoenoxiphium sparteum (Wahl.)Kuek. (8) Dhisufal: Ibb, J. Taaker. Schoenus nigricans L. (8) Atturbah, al Ahjur. Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.)Sojak. (8) (syn. Scirpus holoschoenus L., Holoschoenus vulgaris Link.).

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Marib, Nihim, Dhi Naaim, Saadah-J. Manar. Scirpus corymbosus Heyne & Roth. (3) Scleria bulbifera Hochst. ex A.Rich. (8) J. Zallamlam above J. Hadiyah. DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Pteridium aquilinum (L.)Kuhn @ Western mountains, Eskand Hagher (Soqotra) DIPSACACEAE Pterocephalus frutescens Hochst. ex A.Rich. var. pumilus (Def.)O. Schwart. @ Lakamat Ashshawish (W of Dhamar), Kuhlan Affar, J. Sumara, al Mahwit, J. Maswer, W. of Sanaa, Hajjah. Pterocephalus pulverulentus Boiss & Bal. ex Boiss. (8) V. rare: Sanaa-Waalan. Scabiosa columbaria L. @ Highlands: J. Saber (Taiz), J. Sumara, Yerim, Dhamar. DIRACHMACEAE Dirachma socotrana Schweinf Soqotra * (2,6)

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Dryopteris inaequalis (Schlech.)O.Kuntze. (8) Rare: J. Saber, J. Manar, al Muhwit, J. Raymah, J. Milhan. Dryopteris schimperiana (A.Br.)C.Chr. (8) (cyn. D. rigida Schwart). Western mountains. Hypodematium crenatum (Forssk.)Kuhn. (8) (syn. Dryopteriscrenata (Forssk.)Kuntze). Hajjah., Jiblah, Soqotra, Utuma. Polystichum fuscopaleaceum Alston. (8) Rare: J. Maswer. Tectaria gemmifera (Fee)Alston. (8) V. Rare: Hadiyah, J. Milhan. EBENACEAE Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex DC. (8) Rare: Taiz, J. Raymah, J. Millhan, Khawlan Ashsham.

Euclea balfourii Hiern * @ Soqotra

Euclea laurina Hiern * @ Soqotra

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Euclea racemosa Murr. (8) subsp. schimperi (A.DC.)F.White. (syn. E. kellau Hochst., E. forskalii Schweinf.). Tihama foothills, J. Bura, J. Milhan, J. Rayma, Khawlan Ashsham, S. Madinat Ashsharq.

ELAEAGNACEAE Elaeagnus angustifolia L. (8) Cultivated as an ornamental in J. Saber EPHEDRACEAE (GNETACEAE) Ephedra aphylla Forssk. (7,8) (syn. E. alte C.A.Mey.) Highlands e.g. Taiz, Radaa, Ssirwah. Ephedra foeminea Forssk. (7) (syn. E. campylopoda C.A.Mey.). J. Eraf: S. of Taiz. Ephedra foliata Boiss. ex C.A.Mey. (7) (syn. E. ciliata C.A.Mey, E. peduncularis Boiss). Ephedra milleri Freitag & Mairer-Stolte. ** (7) Aden, Hadhramout, al Mahara. Ephedra pachyclada Boiss. subsp. sinaica (H.Riedl) Freitag & Maier-Stolte. (7) (syn. E. sinaica H. Riedl) High altitude mountains. EQUISETACEAE Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. (7) Tihama foothills, Taiz. ERICACEAE Erica arborea L. (8) High altitude mountains: J. Saber, Ibb, J. Sumara, J. Maswer, J. Rayma, J. Milhan. EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha ciliata Forssk. (8) Tihama foothills and low escarpment. Acalypha crenata A.Rich. (8) Rare: J. Milhan. Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. var. fruticosa @ Tihama fotthills, western mountains, Taiz, Lahg, Loder, Yafea.

var. villosa Pax ex Hutch.J. (8) Buraa, Hadiyah, J. Milhan. Acalypha indica R. @ Tihama foothills, low escarpment, Lahg, Abyen, al Mahara, Soqotra.

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Acalypha lanceolata Willd. (8) (syn. A. glomerata Hutch.). J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz, J. Raymah. Acalypha racemosa Baill. (8) (syn. A. paniculata Miq.). Taiz, J. Raymah, Hajjah, Haraz, Andrachne aspera Spreng. @ Taiz to Hagdah, Tihama foothils, Dhamar, J. Milhan, S. Amran.

var. glandulosa Hochst. (8) Sanaa, Waalan. Andrachne schweinfurthii (Bafl.f.) Radcl.-Sm. Andrachne somalensis Pax. var. papillosa A.r.Smith (2) (syn. A. schweinfurthii (Balf.f.)A.R.Smith. ) Soqotra. var. somalensis (2) Soqotra. Andrachne telephioides L. (8) W. of Sanaa, J. Allowz, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Bridelia scleroneura Muell.-Arg. (8) (syn. B. tomentosa Blume var. glabrata Schweinf.). V.Rare: Tihama foothills e.g. J. Milhan, J. Buraa, J. Rayma. Cephalocrotonopsis socotranus Balf.f. * @ (syn. C. socotrana (Balf.f.)Pax.). Soqotra.

Chrozophora oblongifolia (Del.)Juss. (8) Tihama, Marib, Harib, Saadah, Huth, Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra. Chrozophora plicata (Vahl)Juss. (3) Chrozophora tinctoria A. juss. (2) (syn. C. obliqua (Vahl.)Juss ex Spreng). (6) Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Clutia lanceolata Forssk. (8) (syn. C. myricoides Jaub. & Spach). Dhisufal: Ibb. Clutia richardiana Mull. Arg. (8) (syn. C. jaubertiana Muell.-Arg.). High plateau. Croton confertus Baker. ** @ Al Mahara (Ras Fartak, Huf)

Croton elaegnoides Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Croton lobatus L. (8) Tihama foothills, Ibb, Abyen, Lahg. Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Del. (8) J. Buraa. Croton pachyclados A.R.Smith * (2) Soqotra

Croton socotranus Balf.f. var. pachyclados (A.R.Smith)A.R.Smith. (syn. C. pachyclados A.R.Smith). Saoqtra. Croton sulcifructus Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra. * @

Croton wissmannii Schwartz. * (3) Dalechampia scandens L. var. cordofana (Hochst.)Miell. (8) Tihama fothills, Taiz, Manakha. Erythrococca abyssinica Pax. (8) Atturbah, Jiblah, J. Milhan, Shaharah. Euphorbia abdelkuri Balf.f. * @ Abdul Kuri island.

Euphorbia agowensis Hochst. ex Boiss. (8) Haraz. Euphorbia ammak Forssk. ** @ Taiz, al Qaadah, Ibb, Dhawran.

Euphorbia applanata Thulin & Gifrii. * (in Nord. J. Bot. 15 (2): 1995) Hadhramout. Euphorbia arabica Hochst. & Steud. ex Boiss. (1,8) Tihama foothills, Aden, Khamis Bani Saad, Madinat, Abyen, Ashsharq, RihabWussab al Ali, Hadhramout. Euphorbia arbuscula Balf.f. var montana Balf.f. * @ Soqotra, Samha

Euphorbia balsamifera Ait. subsp. adenensis (Defl.)Bally. ** @ (1,8) Aden, Huth, Lawder, Huf, N. of al Baydha, Arhab, Yafea, Huth, Saadah, Huf, Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

( )
Euphorbia bottae Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 15: 95 (1862)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Western and southern highlands and the northern plateau at1400-2600 m alt. Euphorbia cactus Ehrenb. @ Taiz, Aden, Lahg, E. of Amran, Madinat Ashsharq, Huth, al Dhalaa, Hadhramout, Radfan.


var. tortirama Rauh & Lavr. * @

Euphorbia chamaesyce Linn. (6) Soqotra Euphorbia cuneata Vahl. @ Taiz, Aden, Tihama foothills, Kuhlan, S. of Hajjah, Lahg, Abyen, al Udayn, Damt, Radaa, Madinat Ashsharq, Shabwa.

Euphorbia cyathophora Murr. (8) Introduced : Taiz. Euphorbia dhofarensis S.Carter Aal Mahara Euphorbia fodhliana Defl. * (3) Hadhramaut Euphorbia fractiflexa S.Carter & Wood. ** (in Kew Bulletin vol 37(1): 73-76 (1982) Haradh, Abs (Tihama), Tihama foothills . Euphorbia fruticosa Forssk. * @ (syn. E. officinalis Forssk.). High altitude mountains: Al Hujariyah, Hajjah, Kuhlan, Khamer-Huth.

Euphorbia granulata Forssk. @ Taiz, Tihama, Aden, Adhala, Lahg, Shabwa, Abyen, Marib, Hadhramout.

var. glabrata (Gay)Boiss. (8) Tihama Euphorbia hadramautica E.G.Baker. @ Hadhramout, Huf al Mahara, Nogad plain (Soqotra).

( )
Euphorbia hajhirensis A.R.Smith. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia helioscopia L. @ high altitude mountains. Euphorbia heterophylla L. (8) (syn. E. geniculata Ortega, E. prunifolia Jacq.). Rare: Introduced in al Mishrafa, Madinat Ashsharq. Euphorbia hirta L. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Tihama, Taiz, Tihama foothills, western mountains.

Euphorbia inaequilatera Sond. @ (syn. E. sanguinea Hochst. & Steud. ex Boiss., E. polycnemoides Hochst ex Boiss.?). Taiz, Sanaa, Dhamar, Wadi Dhahr, Jiblah, al Baydha.

Euphorbia inarticulata Schweinf. ** @ Tihama foothills, western mountains, Lahg, Abyen, Radaa, Huth.

Euphorbia indica Lamk. (1,8) (syn. E. rosea Retzius) (6) Tihama, Aden, Soqotra. Euphorbia kischenensis Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia kuriensis Vierh. * (2,6) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Euphorbia larica Boiss. (3) Qishin, Shabwa, Hadhramout Euphorbia leptoclada Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia longetuberculosa Hochst. (in DC Prodr.15, 95 (1862) Alarqub Modia area. Euphorbia meuleniana O. Schwartz. * (4) Hadhramout. Euphorbia noxia Pax. (1) Hadhramout Euphorbia nubica N.E.Br. (2,6) Dhamar, Soqotra. Euphorbia obcordata Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia oblanceolata Balf. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia parciramulosa Schweinf. ** @ N. of Taiz, Al Qaedah, Ibb, W. of Dhamar, Damt, J. Asharq, Haraz.

Euphorbia peplus L. (8) Wadi Shalalah, Haddah. Euphorbia prostrata Ait. (8) Introduced: Tihama, al Hujariyah, Mishrafa, J. Milhan. Euphorbia pseudoholstii Pax. (8) Rare: J. Buraa Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. (8) Cultivated as ornamental: Taiz. Euphorbia qarad Defl. ** @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Coastal areas: Mawzaa, Tor al Baha. Euphorbia quaitensis S.Carter . * ( in Candollea 43(2): 594 (1988) Between al Mukalla & Sayun : Hadhramout Euphorbia riebeckii Pax. (3) Near Bir Ali Euphorbia rubriseminalis S.Carter. * (in Candollea 43(2): 595 (1988) S of Sayun : Hadhramout, Ataq-Nuqba. Euphorbia schimperi Presl. @ (syn. E. bottae Boiss.). Taiz, Sumara, W. Dhamar, Yaslih, Assayani, Raydah, Wussab al Ali, Rayma, Haraz, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samha. Euphorbia schimperiana Scheele. @ (syn. E. petitiana A. Rich. E. yemenica Boiss.).

Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Loder, Hajjah, Sanafan. Euphorbia schweinfurthii Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Euphorbia scondifolia Jacq. (8) N of Bayt al Faqih (Tihama). Euphorbia seclusa N.E.Br. (1) Hadhramout. Euphorbia seibanica Lavr. & Gifri. * (in Cact. & Suuc. J. (UD) vol. 71(1): 135 (1999) Rare: Hadhramout Jol Euphorbia serpens Kunth. Abyen. Euphorbia smithii S. Carter. ** @ Huf (Al Mahara).

Euphorbia socotrana Balf.f. Soqotra * @

Euphorbia sp. aff. aegyptiaca Boiss. (8) J. Rayma, Wussab al Ali. Euphorbia sp. aff. fruticosa Forssk. (8) Taiz. Annagd al Ahmer-Jibla, Baadan, Wussab al Ali, J. Dhawran, Haddah, Khamer, al Mahwit Shahara, Khawlan Ashsham.

Euphorbia sp. aff. schimperi ** (8) Damt, Khawlan Ashsham. Euphorbia spiralis Balf.f. * (2,6) (syn. E. septemsulcata Vierh.). (6) Soqotra Euphorbia systyla Edgeworth. (1)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Gold Mor (Aden). Euphorbia triaculeata Forssk. @ Coastal areas.

Euphorbia uncinulata Radcl.-Smith ined. Euphorbia uzmuk S.Carter & J.R.I.Wood. * @ ( in Kew Bulletin vol 37(1): 73-76 (1982) Al Hujaria, Hagdah, Hidhran ( Taiz), al Mishrafa, Wussab Assafel.

Fleuggia leucopyrus Willd.

(syn. Securinega leucopyrus (Willd.)Muell.-Arg). Soqotra. Fleuggia virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.)Voight. @

(syn. F. microcarpa Blume, Securinega virosa (Willd.)Pax & Hoff.) West of Taiz, J. Bura, Shaharah, al Mahara, Soqotra.

( )
Jatropha curcus L.

Western mountains. Jatropha dhofarica R.Sm. ** @ Huf (Al Mahara). Jatropha glauca Vahl. (syn. J. lobata (Forssk.)Muell. Arg.) subsp. glauca (Vahl.)Pop. (8) Tihama, W. Shares. Jatropha pelargoniifolia Courb. @ (syn. J. villosa (Forssk.)Muell.-Arg., J. glandulosa Vahl). Tihama, al Hujariyah, Harb, Jubah, Abyen, Lahg, Marib, Hadhramout, al Mahara.

var. glabra Muell-Arg. (8) Jatropha spinosa (Forssk.)Vahl @ W. of Taiz, Tihama & foothills, Abyen, Hadhramout.

Jatropha unicostata Balf. Soqotra Jatropha variegata (Forssk.)Vahl. * @ * @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Al Hujaria, J. Habashi, Adhabab, J. Sawraq, al Udayn, Rihab, Wussab, Shares, Kuhlan,

Meineckia filipes (Balf.f.)G.L.Webster. * @ (syn. phyllanthus filipes Balf.f.). Firmihin (Soqotra). Meineckia phyllanthoides Baill. (8) (syn. Securinega phyllanthoides Muell. Arg.). Rare: J. Buraa, J. Milhan, J. Rayma, Haraz. Micrococca mercurialis (L.)Benth. (8) Tihama & fothills. Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. (8) Tihama foothills. Phyllanthus fraternus Webster. (1,8) Tihama & foothills, Aden, Lahg, al Kod. Phyllanthus hodjelensis Schweinf. * (8) Very rare: Hujjaylah, J. Milhan. Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. @ Taiz, Saada, Radaa, Western mountains, Adhala, Hadhramout, firmihin (Soqotra). Phyllanthus ovalifolius Forssk. (8) (syn. P. lalambensis Schweinf., P. quineensis Pax). J. Rayma, J. Milhan, al Mahabisha. Phyllanthus rotundifolius Klein ex Willd. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, al Udayn, Soqotra.

Phyllanthus tenellus Muell Arg. var. arabicus Muell. * (8) Taiz, J. Raymah, J. Buraa, J. Milhan Ricinus communis L. @ Tihama, Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Hajjah, Lahg, al Mahara, Soqotra.

Tragia balfouriana Gillett. * @ Soqotra

Tragia pungens (Forssk.)Muell. Arg. @ (syn.T. arabica (Baill. ex Muell.-Arg., Prain, T. maamarensis Baill.). Taiz, Dhamar, Huth, Lahg.

PAPILIONOIDEAE (FABACEAE) Abrus botte Defl. * @ J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Taiz, Musaymir (Lahg).

Abrus precatorius L. subsp. africanus Verdc.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Rayma, J. Buraa, J. milhan, Haraz,. Al Udayn, J. Marran, Ashsheykh Uthman, Dar Saad.

subsp. precatorius. ( ref. Al Gifri, A. in Candollea 47: 215-217 (1992) Dar Sad, al kamisri garden (Aden). Albizzia lebbek (L.)Benth. Introduced, street trees. Alhagi graecorum Boiss. (1) (syn. A. maurorum Medik.). Abyen, Lahg, Shabwa, Hadhramout.

Alysicarpus glumaceus (Vahl.)Dc. (@ , 8) Tihama, Tihama foothills, J. Rayma, medium altitude mountains, Soqotra.

( )
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.)DC. (@ , 8) Tihama foothills, Hadiyah, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Hajjah, Soqotra. Anagyris foetida L. (8) Rare: highlands e.g. J. Saber, J. Baadan, J. Nuqum, Sanaa, J. Annabi Shuayb.

Arachis hypogea L. (8) Cultivated in al Udayn, J. Milhan.

Argyrolobium arabicum (Decne.)Jaub. & Spach. (8) (syn. A. abyssinicum Jaub. & Spach.). Al Muhwit, J. Sanafan, Sanaa, Nihim, J. Mirran, SE Raydah. Argyrolobium confertum Polhill. (8) Highlands e.g. Kuhlan, Huth, Khamer, Dhawran, Kawkaban, Shibam. Argyrolobium roseum (Camb.)Jaub. & Sp. (1) Aden, Hadhramout. Argyrolobium rupestre (E. Mey.)Walp. subsp. remotum (A.Rich.)Pol. (8) (syn. A. virgatum Bak.). J. Ashsharq, Dhisufal, Jiblah: Ibb. Argyrolobium uniflorum Jaub & Spach (ref. The herbar. of al Kod) Arrayyan-Sayun road (Hadhramout) Astragalus atropilosulus (Hochst.)Bunge. (8) (syn. A. abyssinicus Steud.). subsp. burkeanus (Harv.)Gillett. Widespread in highlands e.g. Jiblah, Khawlan Ashsham, J. Taaker. Astragalus sieberi DC. (8) Bani al Hareth, Bani Hushaysh. Astragalus sparsus Del. ex Decne. (8) Sanaa, Khawlan Ashsham. Astragalus tribuloides Del. (8) Highlands e.g. J. Annabi Shuaayb, Khawlan Ashsham. Astragalus vogelii (Webb)Bornm.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


subsp fatimensis Maire. (syn.A. fatmensis Hochst. ex Chiov.). Taiz, al Boun ,Tihama, Radaa, Sanaa, al Jawf, Huth, Hajjah. Arthrocarpum gracile * @ Soqotra

Biserrula palecinus L. subsp. palecinus. (8) J. Shibam, Manakha. Cadia purpurea (Picc.)Ait. (8) (syn. C. varia LHerit.). Western & southern mountains, Hadhramout, al Mahara.

( )
Cajanus cajan (L.)Mill. (8) (syn. C. indicus Spreng.). Cultivated and naturalized in ibb and al Udayn., Calliandra umbrosa Benth. (3) Cultivated. Calpurnia aurea (Ait.)Benth. (8) Cultivated in Ibb forestry nursery. Canavalia africana @ Wadi Darho (Soqotra) Canavalia virosa (Roxb.)Wight & Arn. (8) (syn. C. polystachya (Forssk.)Scweinf.). Rare: Tihama & foothills e.g. Bayt al Faqih, Bagel, J. Rayma. Cicer arietinum L. Cultivatrd in Manakha, Sanaa airport.

Clitoria ternatia L. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz, Aden. (ornamental) Crotalaria aegyptiaca Benth. (8) Rare: Marib, Nihim, Hadhramout. Crotalaria deflersii Schweinf. (8) J. Raymah, Wussab Assafel, Haraz. Crotalaria dumosa Franch. Obove al Arshah ( Hadhramout). Crotalaria emarginella Vatke. (8) (syn.C. rathjensiana Schwartz.). Tihama, Haraz, Bani Manssur, Sanaa plain, Manakha, Hajjah, Hadhramaut. Crotolaria hirta Willd. (8) Rare: Haraz. Crotalaria impressa Nees. (8) (syn. C. astragalina Hochst.). Haraz. Crotalaria incana L. subsp. incana. (8) Tihama, Taiz.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


subsp. purpurascens (Lam.)Milne-Redh. (8) Al Udayn, Baadan. Crotalaria juncea L. (3) Crotalaria leptocarpa Balf.f. @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Crotalaria lupinoides Hochst. (3) Crotalaria microphylla Vahl. (8) Tihama.

Crotalaria natalitia Meissn. subsp. rutshuruensis De Willd. (8) Rare: Bani Saad, J. Raymah, Bani Saad, J. Milhan. Crotalaria ocarpa Bak. subsp. microcarpa Milne-Redh. (8) J. Milhan. Crotalaria persica (Burm.f.)Merr. (2) Soqotra. Crotalaria pteropoda Balf.f. (2) Soqotra. Crotalaria plowdenii Bak. (8) Rare: Ibb, J. Hubaysh. Crotalaria pycnostachya Benth. (8) Sanaa, Manakha. Crotalaria quartiniana A.Rich. (8) J. Milhan. Crotalaria retusa L. (8) Tihama & foothills, Western mountains, Hadhramout, al Mahara, Soqotra.

Crotalaria saltiana Andr. (3) Al Mualla, al Qallua (Aden), Hadhramout. Crotalaria schweinfurthii Defl. (4) Around Aden Crotalaria senegalensis (Pers.)Bach ex DC. (8) Rare: Tihama e.g. Beit al Faqih. Crotalaria spinosa Hochst. ex Benth. @ Taiz, J. Milhan, Haraz, Shihara, Ibb, Al Udayn, Jiblah. Crotalaria squamigera Defler. * @ Al Hujariya, J. Sawraq (Taiz)

Crotalaria strigulosa Balf.f. Hagher (Soqotra). * @

Crotalaria striata DC. (3) Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.)Traub. (8) (syn. C. psoraloides DC.). Rare: Cultivated in Tihama & Hadhramout. Desmodium gangeticum (L.)DC. (8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Tihama foothills, al Mahabisha, Haraz. Desmodium ospriostreblum Chiov. (8) Rare: Al Udayn. Desmodium repandum (Vahl)DC. (8) (syn. D. scalpe DC.). Hadiyah & Kusmah (J. Rayma), J. Milhan, Haraz, al Mahwit, J. Baadan-J. Manar. Desmodium triflorum (L.)DC. Hadiyah-Naamah (J. Rayma). (8) Soqotra. Dolichos lablab L. (3) Dolichos sericeus E.Mey. subsp. formosus (A.Rich.)Verdc. (5) Jiblah, Dhisufal. Dolichos trilobus L. (8) Atturbah, (Taiz), J. Marran (Khawlan Ashsham), Ibb. Eriosema longipedunculatum A.Rich. var. hirsutum Verdc. (8) J. Ayfu, J. Qarad, J. Raymah. Erythrina melanacantha Taub. ex Harms. (2) Soqotra. Flemingia sp. (8) Rare: J. Ayfu (al Hujariyah), Hadiyah.

Galactia tenuiflora (Willd.)Wight & Arn. var. biflora Schweinf. (8) Rare: J. Buraa,. var. villosa (Wigh & Arn.)Benth. (8) Rare: J. Rayma,. J. Buraa. Gliricidia sepium (Jaeq)Steud. Introduced : AREA experimental farm, Taiz. Indigofera amorphoides Jaub. & Spach. (8) Sanaa, Saadah, Huth, Damt. Indigofera arabica Jaub. & Spach. @ Widespread e.g. Tihama foothills, Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Jahran.

Indigofera argentea Burm.f. @ (syn. I. burmanni Boiss). Tihama, Soqotra.

Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex A.Rich. (8) Ibb, W. Dhahr. Indigofera articulata Gouan. (8) Tihama foothills, Taiz, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Wussab, Madinat Ashsharq, Bani Hareth, Harf Sufyan, Nihim, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Indigofera atriceps Hook. subsp. kaessneri (Bak.f.)Gillett. (8) J. Milhan. Indigofera brevicalyx Bak.f. (8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Shibam, Manakha, al Udayn, Shaharah. Indigofera coerulea Roxb var. occidentalis. @ Tihama, Taiz, Saadah, E. Manakh, Abyen, Hadhramout. Soqotra. Indigofera colutea (Burm.f.)Merr. (8) (syn. I. viscosa Lam.). Tihama foothills, al Udayn, Soqotra. Indigofera cordifolia Roth. (2) Soqotra. Indigofera costata Guill. & Perr. subsp. gonioides (Bak.)Gillett. (8) (syn. I. goniodes Hochst.). Highlands. Indigofera disjuncta Gillett var. disjuncta (2) (syn. I. semhaensis Vierh). Abdul Kuri & Samha islands. Indigofera disjuncta Gillett var. fallax Gillett (2) (syn. I. leptocarpa Hochst. & Steud.). Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Indigofera deflersii E.G.Baker. (3) Indigofera hochstetteri Bak. (8) (syn. I. anabaptista Steud.). Widespread e.g. Tihama & foothills, western mountains, Abyen, Yafea, Soqotra. Indigofera linifolia (L.f.)Retz. @ Rare: Tihama foothills, Taiz, J. Rayma. Indigofera marmorata Balf. * (2) Soqotra

Indigofera nephrocarpa Balf.f. @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri

Indigofera nephrocarpoides J.B.Gillett. * @ Ras Fartak (Hadhramout), Soqotra

Indigofera oblongifolia Forssk. @ (syn. I. desmodioides E.G.Baker.). Widespread e.g. Tihama, Taiz, Abyen, Shuqra, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Indigofera parviflora Wight & Arn. @ Taiz, al Udatn, Wussab, Rihab, Mukhadir, al muhwit. Indigofera parvula Del. (3) Hadhramout Indigofera phillipsiae Bak.f. (8) Highlands e.g. Sanaa, Radaa, Nihim, Abyen, Raydah, Shahara, Saadah. Indigofera pseudointricata Gillett. * @ Soqotra

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Indigofera schimperi Jaub. & Spach. (8) Tihama foothills, Taiz, Khamis Bani Saad. Ingigofera sedgewickiana Vatke & Hildebr. Lahg, Yafea Indigofera semitrijuga Forssk. (8) Alluhayyah, Abyen, Shabwa, Hadhramout.

Indigofera sessiliflora DC. (8) Rare: Tihama. Indigofera socotrana Vierh. * (2) Soqotra

Indigofera spicata Forssk. (8) (syn. I. endecaphylla Jacq.). S. of Taiz, J. Milhan, al Qaedah, Wussab Assafel. Indigofera spiniflora Hochst. & Steud. ex Boiss. (8) Tihama, al Barh, Madinat Ashsharq, Hajjah, Soqotra. Indigofera spinosa Forssk. @ Widespread: Tihama, Lahg, western mountains, Abyen, Dhamar, Hajjah, Adhala, Hadhramout.

Indigofera tinctoria L. @ Tihama & foothills, low altitude, al Kod (Abyen), Soqotra.

Indigofera trita L.f. (syn. I. spachii Bak.). var. maffei (Chiov.)Ali. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Rayma, Haraz. var. scabra (Roth)Ali. (8) Ibb, al Udayn, J. Ashsharq. Indigofera tritoids Bak. Rare: Tihama e.g. Hays, J.Raas. Indigofera volkensii Taub. ( ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Abyen near Jahin Lablab purpureus (L.)Sweet. (syn.L. vulgaris Savi). subsp. purpureus. @ Cultivated in Tihama & foothills e.g. J. Milhan, Haraz, Hadhramout.

Lathyrus pratensis L.V. (8) Rare: J. Sumara. Lathyrus sativus L. (8) V. rare: Cultivated. Lens culinaris Medic. (8) (syn. L. esculenta Moench.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cultivated in highlands.

Lotononis platycarpos (Viv.)Pichi-Sarm. (5) (syn. L. leobordea (Del.)Benth.). Al Boun. Lotus arabicus L. (2) Manakha, Soqotra Abdul Kuri. Lotus corniculatus L. (8) Highlands e.g. Ibb, al Qaadah, Khawlan Ashsham. Lotus garcinii DC. (2) Soqotra. Lotus mollis Balf.f. * (2) Soqota Lotus ononopsis Balf.f. * Soqotra Lotus quinatus (Forssk.)Gillent (8) (syn. Dorycnium quinatum (Forssk.)C.Cht., L. brachycarpus var. menachensis Schweinf.). J. Saber, J. Habashi, Hajjah, Kuhlan, Khawlan Ashsham. Lotus schimperi Steud. (8) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Macrotyloma axillare (E.Mey.)Verdc. (8) Western mountains e.g. J. Raymah, Kusumah. Medicago laciniata All. @ Firmihin (Soqotra).

Medicago lupulina L. (8) J. Saber, J. Annabi Shuaayb. Medicago minima (L.)Bartal. ( @, 8 ) Rare: J. Shibam, Kawkaban, Manakha, al Muhwit, Firmihin (Soqotra). Medicago polymorpha L. @ (syn. M. hispida Gaertn.). J. Saber, Ibb, Kuhlan, Soqotra. Medicago sativa L. Var. erecto Schweinf. @ Cultivated: Dhamar, Hadhramout.

Melilotus alba Medic. @ Tihama, Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Shibam, Manakha,Yerim. Melilotus indica (l.)All. (8) (syn. M. Parviflora Desf.). Tihama foothills, Soqotra. Melilotus officinalis (L.)Pall. (8) Rare: Ibb, al Udayn, Huth, J. Taaker, Maswera. Microcharis disjuncta (Gillett)Schrive ( ref. Thulin, M. et al (in press) Qishen-Sayhut (al Mahara) Mucuna pruriens (L.)DC. (8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Rare : J. Rayma Neonotonia wightii (Wight & Arn.)Lackey. (8) subsp. wightii (syn. Glycine wightii (Wight & Arn.)Verdc., G. javanica L.). Tihama foothills, J. Habashi (Taiz), J. Razih, Ibb. Onobrychis ptolemaica (Del.)DC. (8) V. rare: Mayfiyah (Dhamar-Radaa). Ononis reclinata L. (8) Obove Hadiyah, J. Rayma. @ Ormocarpum dhofarense Hille. & Gillett. ** Huf (al Mahara), N of al Udayn

Ormocarpum yemenense Gillett. ** @ (syn. O. bibracteatum E.G.Baker) Western & southern mountains, Tihama foothills, Lahg, Adhala.

Paracalyx balfourii (Vierh.)Ali * (2) (syn. Cylista balfourii Vierh.). Soqotra.

Paracalyx schweinfurthii (Wagner & Vierh.)Ali. * (2) (syn. Cylista schweinfurthii Wagner & Vierh.). Soqotra.

Phaseolus vulgaris L. @ Cultivated.

Pisum sativum L. subsp. pumilio Meikle. @ Cultivated in highlands.

Priotpropis socotrana Balf.f. * @ Above Darho (Soqotra) Psoralea corylifolia L. (3) Taiz, al Qaeda, Soqotra. Ptycholobium plicatum (Oliv.)Harms. subsp. arabicum Brumm. (8) Rare: Hadiyah, Hajjah, al mahabisha. Rhynchosia buraamensis Hutch. & Bruce. (8) Ibb-Suq Assabt. Rhynchosia flava (Forssk.)Thulin. * (in Nordic J. Bot. 1(1):37-42 (1981) (syn. Ononis flava Forssk.) J. Habashi (Taiz), J. Ashsharq, J. Marran. Rhynchosia malacophylla (Spreng.)Boj. @

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(syn. R. flavissima Hochst.). Tiham foothills, Taiz, Rayda, Khawlan Ashsham. Rhynchosia memnonia (Del.)DC. @ (syn. R. minima var. memnonia (Del.)Cooke). Tihama, Taiz, Maaber, Manakha, Aden, Abyen, Shibam, Huth, Shuqra, Hadharamout.

Rhynchosia minima (L.)DC. @ Tihama, W. of Taiz, Soqotra. var. prostrata (Harv.)Meikle. (8) J. Baadan, Dhamar.

Rhynchosia oblatifoliolata Vedc. (8) Rare: Bab al Ahjar. Rhynchosia pulverulenta Stocks. (8) Rare: W. Qassab (Haraz), Soqotra. Rhynchosia schimperi (Hochst. & Steud.)Boiss. (8) Rare: Tihama e.g. Bagel, Bayt al Faqih, al Marawiaa. Rhynchosia sublobata (Schumach.)Meikle. (8) (syn. R. viscosa DC.). Rare: W. Hawayat (Hajjaylah). Rhynchosia totta (Thunb.)DC. (8) Western mountains. Rhynchosia variegata (Deflers)Wood. (8) (syn. R. mensensis Schweinf., Vigna variegata Deflers.) J. Rayma, J. Razeh, Ibb, Kuhlan, Attawilah. Sesbania concolor Gillett. Introduced. (3) Sesbania grandiflora (L.)Poir. @ Introduced. gardens, villages and road sides in Tihama, Taiz, Aden.

Sesbania leptocatpa DC. (8) (syn. S. arabica Hochst). Tihama, Taiz.

Sesbania pachycarpa DC. (8) Near Ibb. Sesbania sesban (L.)Merrill. @ (syn. S. punctata DC.) Introduced: gardens and road sides in Taiz, Ibb, Aden, Abyen.

Sesbania speciosa Jaub. @ Cultivated : Aden

Sophora japonica L. (8) Cultivated in Sanaa. Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.)Alston (8)

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(syn. S. mucronata Willd.). Haraz, al Mahwit. Taverniera aegyptiaca Boiss. (1) Hadhramout. Taverniera albida Thulin. * (4) Rare: W. Mefaa w of al Mukalla Taverniera glauca Edgeworth. * (1) Aden, Hadhramout. Taverniera lappacea (Forssk.)DC. V. rare: Alluhayyah, Ashihr. Taverniera multinoda Thulin. * (3) Taverniera schimperi Jaub. & Spach. * (4) Around Aden & Hadhramout Taverniera sericophylla Balf.f. (2) Soqotra. Taverniera spartea (Burm.f.)DC. (3) Tephrosia apollinea (Del.)DC. subsp. brevistipulata Vierh. (3,5) Harib, Soqotra. subsp. longistipulata Vierh. (3) Hadhramout Tephrosia arabica (Boiss.)Mart. (3) Tephrosia elata Deflers. (8) Ibb, Saadah, J. Ashsharq, J. Rayma, J. Milhan, Haraz. Tephrosia desertorum Scheele (5) Bayt al Faqih Tephrosia dura Hadhramout Tephrosia heterophylla Varke. @ (syn. T. schweinfurthii Defl.). Widespread e.g. Taiz, Atturbah, Saadah, al Qaedah, Huth, Shabwa, Hadhramout. Tephrosia nubica (Boiss.)Baker. (syn. T. pogonostigma Boiss) subsp. arabica (Boiss.)Gillett . (8) Harib, Al Jawf, Hadhramout. subsp. nubica. (8) Rare: Tihama & foothills, J. Buraa, Aden, Abyen. Tephrosia odorata Balf.f. * @ Firmihin (Soqotra).

Tephrosia pentaphylla (Roxb.)G.Don. (8) Rare: J. Buraa, J. Rayma, al Udayn, al Mahabisha. Tephrosia pumila (Lam.)Pers. (8) Widespread: Adhabab, J. Marran, Khawlan Ashahm. Tephrosia purpurea (L.)Pers. subsp. aff. dunensis Brumm. (8) Tihama. subsp. leptostachya (DC.)Brumm. @

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(syn.T. leptostachya DC.). Baytal Faqih, al Manssuriyyah, Aden, Tihama, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Tephrosia quartiniana Cufod. (8) (syn. T. vicioides A.Rich.). Bayt al Faqih, Abyen. Tephrosia strigosa (Dalz.)Ali. @ Soqotra. Tephrosia subtriflora Hochst. ex Baker. ( 8) (syn. T. lathyroides Guill. & Perr.) Tihama, al Hujariyah, S. of Zabid, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Tephrosia uniflora Pers. (syn. T. anthylloides Hochst.). subsp. petrosa Gillett & Ali. (8) Aden, Hadiyah. subsp. uniflora. @ Tihama, Taiz-Hagdah, Aden, Haraz, Soqotra. Tephrosia vicioides Ach. @ (syn. T. quartiniana Cuf.). Al Mahara, Soqotra.

Tephrosia villosa (L.)Pers. subsp. ehrenbergiana (Schweinf.)Brumm. (8) J. Marran in Khawlan Ashsham. Teramnus labialis (L.f.)Spreng. subsp. arabicus Verdc. (8) Rare: J. Buraa, J. Raymah,, J. Milhan. Haraz. subsp. labialis ( @, 8 ) Taiz, Ibb, J. Razeh. Teramnus repens (Taub.)E.G.Baker. subsp. gracilis (Chiov.)Verdc. (8) Rare: Al Mishrafa, Hadiyah, J. Rayma, Wadi Sharis, Soqotra. Trifolium fragiferum L. @ Dhamar, J. Annabi Shuaayb. Trifolium semipilosum Fresen. @ J. Saber, Dhamar, Jiblah, J. Taaker, J. Annabi Shuaayb, Khawlan Ashsham. Trigonella anguina Del. (8) Huth. Trigonella falcata Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra. Trigonella foenum-graecum L. @ Highlands e.g. J. Saber.

Trigonella hamosa L. (8) Majz. Vatovaea pseudolablab (Harma)Gillett. ( ref. Thulin, M. et al in press) Al Mahara Vermifrux abyssinicum (A.Rich.)Gillett. @

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(syn. Helminthocarpon abyssinicum A.Rich.). Amran, w of Sanaa, Bani Mater, Hajjah. Vicia faba L. @ Cultivated in highlands.

Vicia sativa L. var. augustifolia L. (8) Rare: J. Saber, J. Qaradh, Jiblah, Ibb, Wuaab al Ali, Kusuma, J. Shibam, Manakha, al Mahwit. Vicia villosa L. subsp. eriocarpa (Hausskn.)P.W.Ball. (8) Rare: J. Saber, Kusmah, J. Rayma, al Hayma Addakhiliyah. Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.)Marechal @ (syn. Phaseolus aconitifolius Jacq.). Cultivated in Tihama.

Vigna heterophylla A.Rich. (8) Mashwarah (Ibb-al Udayn road). Vigna luteola (Jacq.)Benth. (8) Cultivated in al Misrakh (SW of Taiz), Soqotra. Vigna membranacea A.Rich. (2) Soqotra. Vigna radiata (L.)Wilezek (syn. Phaseolus mungo L.). (8) Cultivated in Tihama & foothills.

var. glabra (Roxb.)Verdc. (8) Bayt Anna eem.

Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp. (syn. V. sinensis (L.)Endl. subsp. sesquipedalis (L.)Verdc. (8) Coastal areas.

subsp. Unguiculata (8) Al Udayn, Maswera

Vigna vexillata (L.)A. Rich. var. angustifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.)Bak. (8) Rare: J. Milhan. var. vexillata. (8) Rare: J. Raymah, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Khawlan Ashsham. Zornia glochidiata DC. @ (syn. Z. diphylla Pers.). Above Darho ( Soqotra). Zygocarpum coeruleum (Balf.f.)Thulin & Lavin Ormocarpum caeruleum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


FLACOURTIACEAE Doryalis abyssinica (Rich.)Warburg @ (syn. Aberia abyssinica Clos.). Soqotra.

Oncopa spinosa Forssk. @ Jabel Buraa, J. Rayma, Al Udayn, Utuma.

FRANKENIACEAE Frankenia pulverulenta L. (2) Qaa Busa, Soqotra. FUMARIACEAE Fumaria abyssinica Hamm. (7,8) J. Buraa, Manakha, Khawlan Ashsham. Fumaria parviflora Lam. (7,8) High altitude mountains: J.Saber: Taiz. GENTIANACEAE Centaurium erythraea Rafn. (8) Rare: Bawan, Khawlan Ashsham. Enicostemma verticillare (Retz.)Baill. (8) (syn. E. littorale Blume). Tihama & foothills, Taiz. Erythraea centaurium Pers. (2) Soqotra. Exacum affine Balf.f.ex Rogel * @ (syn. E. gracilipes Balf.f.). Hagher (Soqotra). Exacum caeruleum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Exacum socotranum Vierh. * Soqotra Sebaea microphylla (Edgw.)Knobl. (8) J. Hubaysh. Sebaea pentandra E.Mey. (syn. S. barbeyiana Schinz) var. burchellii (Gilg.)Marais. (8) Highlands e.g. Dhamar, W. Bana. Swertia polynectaria (Forssk.)Asches. ex C.Chr. * @ (syn. S. decunbens Vahl). Highlands e.g. J. Sabir, J.Maswer, J. Alloz, J. Razeh.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Swertia woodii Shah. (8) Ibb, J. Annab Shuaayb, J. Maswer.

GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium (L.)L`Her @ (syn. Geranium cicutarium L.). Highlands, Firmihin (Soqotra). Erodium malacoides (L.)Willd. (8) (syn. Geranium malacoides L.). J. Saber (Taiz). Geranium arabicum Forssk. @ (syn. G. sinense Hochst. ex A.Rich). Widespread on highlands e.g. Sanaa, Hajjah. Geranium biuncinatum Kokwaro. (2,8) Central escarpment, Soqotra. Geranium mascatense Boiss. @ Taiz, Soqotra.. Geranium ocellatum Jacq. ex Cam. (8) (syn. G. muscatense Boiss). Highlands e.g. Ibb. Sumara, Shibam. Geranium robertianum L. (8) V. rare: highland e.g. Kusuma (Raymah), J. Maswer. Geranium simense Hochst. ex A.Rich. (ref. Podlech, D. 1982). W of Amran. Geranium trilophum Boiss. (8) (syn.G. yemense Defl.). Central escarpment, Hajjah, Soqotra. Monsonia heliotropioides (Cav.)Boiss. (8) Rare: Saadah, J. Manar, Maamer-Amran. Monsonia nivea (Decne.)Decne. ex Webb. (3,8) Majz. Monsonia senegalensis Guill. & Perr. (3) Pelargonium alchemilloides (L.)Ait. subsp multibracteatum (Hochst. ex A.Rich.)Kok. (8) (syn. P. multibracteatum A.Rich.). Highlands e.g. Hajjah, Sumara, W of Amran. Pelargonium hybrium (L.)LHerit. (8) Cultivated in Sanaa. GLOBULARIACEAE Poskea socotrana (Balf.f.)G.Taylor. (2) (syn. Cockbumia socotrana Balf.f.). Soqotra. GOODENIACEAE Scaevola socotraensis St. (2) Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


HALORAGACEAE Myriophyllum spicatum L. (8) Rare: Kawkaban, near Amran. HYACINTHACEAE Dipcadi balfourii Baker * (10) Soqotra Dipcadi biflorum Ghazanfar ** (10) Soqotra Dipcadi guichardii Radcl.-Sm. * (10) Soqotra Dipcadi kuriensis A.G.Mill * (10) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri Dipcadi filifolium Baker. (8) Very rare: J. Zalamlam (Hadiyah), shibam-Kawkaban. Dipcadi viride (L.)Moench. (8) (syn. D. tacazzeanum (Hochst.)E.G.Baker.). J. Saber, al Qaadah- Assayyani, J. Raymah, J. Shibam, Manakha.Mafhaq. Drima porphyrostachys (Baker) A.G.Mill * (10) (syn. Urginea porphyrostachys Baker) Soqotra Ledebouria aff. revoluta (L.f.) Jessop (10) Soqotra Ledebouria grandifolia (Balf.f.)D.Alex. & AG. Mill. * (2) (syn. Haemanthus grandifoilius Balf.f.) Soqotra. Ledebouria insularis A.G.Mill. * (10) Soqotra HYDNORACEAE Hydnora johannis Becc. (7) (syn. H. abyssinica A.Br. ex Schweinf.). Parasitic on Acacia spp.: Taiz-Atturbah, Ibb. HYDROCHARITACEAE Enhalus acoroides (L.f.)Rich. ex Steud. (8) Al Makha, al Hudaydah. Halophila ovalis (R.Br.)J.D. Hook. (8) Al Hudaydah, al Makhah. Halophila stipulacea (Forssk.)Aschere. (8) Rare: al Makhah. Lagarosiphon roxburghii Benth. (2) Soqotra. Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.)Aschers. (8) Rare: al Hudaydah. HYPERICACEAE (GUTTIFERAE) Hypericum balfourii N.Robson.. * @ (syn. H. mysurensi Wight)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Hagher (Soqotra).

Hypericum fieriense N.Robson. * (in Bull. Br. Nat. His. (Bot.)23(2):68 (1993) Hagher (Soqotra). Hypericum kischnensis N. Robson. * (2) Soqotra Hypericum quartinianum A.Rich. (8) (syn. H. affine Steudel ex Oliver, H. ulugurense Engler) Rare: J. Rayma. Hypericum revolutum Vahl. subsp. revolutum . @ (syn. H. kalmii Forssk., H. kalmianum Vahl., H. leucoptychodes Steudel.) J. Saber (Taiz), J. Rayma, Kuhlan, J. Taaker. Hypericum scopulorum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Hypericum socotranum Good subsp. smithii N.Robson * (in Bull. Br. Nat. His. (Bot.)12(4):194 (1985) Hammerdoh (Soqotra). Hypericum socotranum Good subsp. socotranum. * ( @, 2 ) Qalansiyah (Soqotra).

HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxis angustifolia Lam. (8) Rare: Al Udayn, J. Baadan, Ibb, Tihama foothills, Soqotra. Hypoxis villosa L.f. (8) J. Numan. Iridaceae Babiana socotrana Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra. Gladiolus dalenii Van Geal. (8) (syn.G. natalensis (Ecklon.)Reinw. ex Hook.f.). Atturbah, J. Eraf, Kitab, Ibb, J. Milhan.. Iris albicans Lange. @ J. Saber, Yerim, Shibam, Manakha, Shibam, Wussab, Kusuma, Shibam, Baadan. Oenosrachys abyssinica (A. Brongn.)N.E.Br. Rumulea fischeri Pax. Rare: Highlands e.g. J. Saber, J. Taaker, Kusumah. Rumulea purpurasscens Tenore. var. edulis Baker. * (2) A Soqotra, bdul Kuri. Juglandaceae Juglans regia L. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cultivated in Haddah ( Sanaa)

Juncaceae Juncus acutus L. (3) Manakha, eastern mountains.

Juncus articulatus L. (5) Dhisufal. Juncus bufonius L. (8) Sanafan, Khawlan Ashsham, Soqotra.. Juncus fontanesii J.Gay. subsp. pyramidatus (Lah.)Snog. (8) Al Qaadah, Manakha, W. Dhahr. Juncus rigidus Desf. @ (syn. J. arabicus (Asch. & Busch. ex Boiss)Adams). Saadah, Soqotra.

( )
Juncus sparganiifolius Boiss. & Kotschy. (5) Dhisufal. Juncus socotranus (Buch.)Snog. (8) (syn. J. maritimus Lamk. var. socotranus). Radaa, Damt, Dhamar, Waalan. Juncus inflexus L. (@, 8) Highlands e.g. Waalan, Dhamar, Yerim, al Hada. Juncus punctorius L. (@, 8) Highlands e.g. Atturbah, Saadah, Nihim. LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex Benth. (8) Widespread in highland e.g. Dhisufal. Becium dhofarense (E.G.Baker)Sebald. ** @ Al Mahara.

Becium filamentosum (Forssk.)Chiov. @ (syn. Ocimum eu-filamentosum Schwei, O. filamentosum Forssk.). Tihama foothills, Taiz, al Baydhah, Nihm, Lahg, Adhala. Becium obovatum (E.Mey.)N.E.Br. (8) Ibb- Udayn, al Siyani.

Becium serpyllifolium (Forssk.)Wood. * (8) (syn. Ocimum serpyllifolium Forssk.). Widespread in highlands e.g. J. Sawraq. Endostemon gracilis (Benth.)M.Ashby (8) (syn. Orthosiphon melhanensis Schweinf.). Rare: J. Milhan, J. Buraa, J. Raymah. Endostemon tenuiflorus (Benth.)Ashby. (8)

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(syn. Orthosiphon tenuiflorus Benth.). Tiham foothills, Taiz., Lahg, Adhala, Soqotra. Endostemon tereticaulis (Poir.)M.Ashby. (8) Rare: Tihama foothills, Medium altitide mountains, W. Assukhnah, J. Mirran, al Mahabishah, Hyptis pectinata (L.)Poit. (8) Rare: J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz, J. Marran, J. Azzan (Baadan). Isoleucas arabica Schwartz * (4) Al Mahara Lamium amplexicaule L. (8) Rare: J. Saber, J. Manar, Bawaan. Lavandula angustifolia Miller (8) (syn. L. vera DC.). Cultivated. Lavandula atriplicifolia Benth. @ (syn. L. canescens Deflers). Highlands e.g. Dhamar, Qa Bakil, Khawlan Ashsham,Wussab al Ali, J. Raymah, SW of Maaber, near Sanaa, J. Nuqum.

Lavandula citriodora A. Miller. ** (In Notes RBG Edinb. 42(3): 524 (1985) Highlands e.g. Yesleh, S of Sanaa, Khawlan Ashsham, Haddah, J. Allowz, Yafea. Lavandula cronopifolia Poir. (8) (syn. L. stricta Del.). Highlands e.g. Hajjah, Radaa, Sanaa-Marib, Saadah, Khawwlan Ashsham, Damt, al Maraqisha (Abyen). Lavandula dentata L. (8) (syn. L. santoliniaefolia Spach) Highlands e.g. Khawlan Ashsham, J. Maswer. Lavandula dhofarensis A. Miller. ** (In Notes RBG Edinb. 42(3): 510(1985) J. Shahrut (Al Mahara) Lavandula macra E.G.Baker. ( in Kew Bull. 93:339 (1984) Musaymir (Lahg), Near al Mukalla, Sayun-al Mukalla (Hadhramout). Lavandula nimmoi Benth. Soqotra. * @ (syn. L. bipinnata Kuntz var. nimmoi (Bentham)Kuntze)

Lavandula pubescens Decne. @ Widespread e.g. Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Huth, Raydah, NW of Aden, Adhala, SE of Radaa, NE of Sanaa, Yerim, Loder.

Lavandula setifera T.Anderson. (in J. Linn. Soc., Suppl. 5:29 (1860) (syn. L. hipinnata Kuntze). Near Aden. Lavandula subnuda Benth. ** (1) Hadhramout.

Leucas alba (Forssk.)Sebald. **

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn.L. royleoides (Benth.)Guer, Ballota forskahlei Benth. Lasiocorys arabica Jaub. & Spach.). Tihama foothills.

Leucas articifolia (Vahl.)R.Br. Tihama foothills. Leucas deflersiana (Schweinf. ex)Hedge. Yerim, Manakha, J. Shibam, J. Annabi Shuayab. Leucas dhofarensis Hedge & Sebald. ** ( in Not. RBG Edin. Vol. 40(1)63: 1982) Jadib-Damqaut (al Mahara) Leucas flagellifolia (Balf.f.)Guerke * @ (syn. Lasiocorys flagellifera Balf.f.). Soqotra, Samha.

Leucas glabrata (Vahl)R.Br. @ (syn. L. glaberrima Jaub. & Spach, L. trachyphylla Jaub. & Spach.). Taiz, Ibb, Sanaa, Manakha, Lahg, Adhala.

Leucas inflata Benth. (8) (syn. Physoleucas inflata (Benth.)Jaub & Spach.). Al Hujariyah, J. Nuqum.Dhamar, Qaatabah, Khawlan Ashsham, Raydah, Russabah, Shiharah, Abyen, Lahg. Leucas kischenensis (A.R.Smith)Sebald * @ (syn. L. thymoides Baker subsp. kischenensis (A.R.Smith)Sebald). Firmihin (Soqotra). Leucas martinicensis (Jacq.)R.Br. @ Al Hujariyah, Damt, Ibb, Hajjah, Soqotra.

( )
Leucas neuflizeana Courb. (2) Soqotra. Leucas spiculifera (Balf.f.)Guerke. * @ (syn. Lasiocorys spiculifera Balf.f.). Soqotra.

Leucas urticifolia (Vahl)R.Br. (8) Taiz, Highlands, Loder (Abyen), Soqotra. Leucas virgata Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Marrubium vulgare L. (8) Highlands e.g. Qa Jahran, Sanafan, Haddah.

Mentha longifolia (L.)Huds. @ (syn. M. sylvestris L.) subsp. schimperi (Briq.)Briq.

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Widespread e.g. Taiz, Dhisufal.

Meriandra bengalensis (Hamilt.)Benth. @ Highlands e.g. Dhamar, Damt, Khawlan Ashsham, Qaa Jahran.

Micromeria abyssinica Benth. (8) (syn. Satureja abyssinics (Benth.)Briq) J. Saber, J. Raymah, J. Milhan, al Hayma al Kharijiyah. Micromeria imbricata (Forssk.)Christ. @ (syn. M. biflora Benth., M. punctata Benth., Satureja biflora (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)Briq.). Widespread on highlands e.g. J. Saber, W. of Sanaa, Sumara, Yerim, Qaa Jahran. Hajjah, Manakha, Huth, Raydah, Adhala, Yafea.

Micromeria microphylla Benth. (2) Soqotra. Nepeta deflersiana (Schweinf. ex )Hedge. ** ( in Not. RBG Edin. Vol. 40(1)65: 1982) (syn. N. rugosa Benth.). Widespread: J. Saber, al Akahilah, Sanaa, Hajjah, Dhamar, Yerim, Manakha, J. Razeh. Nepeta woodiana Hedge. * ( in Not. RBG Edin. Vol. 40(1)67: 1982) Sumara- J. Manar, Ibb. Ocimum basilicum L. @ var. purpurascens Benth. Potherb: Taiz, Abyen, Adhala, Lahg.

Ocimum canum L. (8) Al Mishrafah (W. Rimaa). Ocimum gratissimum L. (8) (syn.O. viride Willd.). W. Assukhnah. Ocimum forskolei Benth. @ (syn. O. gratissimum Forssk., O. hadiense Forssk., O. menthifolium Hochst. ex Benth.). Widespread e.g. Taiz, Tihama, Russabah, Sanaa, Dhamar, Lahg, Manakha, Haddah, Soqotra.

Ocimum spicatum Defl. (8) (syn. O. cylindrostachys Schweinf.,). Al Hujariyah, J. Buraa, Madinat Ashsharq, al Mahabishah. Ocimum suava Willd. (8) W. adhabab, al Udayn, Utuma, Haraz. Ocimum tenviflorum L. @ (syn. O. sanctum L.) Cultivated in Tihama foothills.

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Origanum majorana L. @ Cultivated as potherb.

Orthosiphon brachystemon Defl. * (4) Rare: J. al Arayes Orthosiphon ferrugineus Balf.f. * @ Soqotra Orthosiphon pallidus ex Benth. Royle. (8) Tihama & foothills, Maqbanah, Wussab, medium alti. mountains. Orthosiphon thymiflorus (Ruth.)Sleesen @ (syn. O. glabratus Benth.). Tihama foothills, Taiz, al Mahabishah. Otostegia fruticosa (Forssk.). ( @ , 8 ) subsp. fruticosa (syn. O. repanda Benth., O. scariosa Benth). Widespread: J. Saber, Dhamar, Yesleh, Sanaa, Adhala, Abyen, Hadhramout. subsp. schimperi (Benth)Sebald (syn. O. arabica Jaub. & Spach., O. benthamiana Jaub. & Spach., O. microphylla (Del.)Aschers. & Schweing.). Widespread.

Otostegia integrifolia (R.Br.)Benth. (3) Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.)Spreng. (8) Cultivated in J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Plectranthus arabicus Bruce. * (8) (syn. Ocimum zatarhendi Forssk.). Tihama foothills, Al Hujariyah, medium altitude mountains. Plectranthus asirensis J.R.I. Wood . ** (8) (syn. Coleus arabicus Benth.). J. Saber, Atturbah, Kuhlan, Attawilah, J. Razeh, Sanaa, J. Manal. Plectranthus barbatus Andr. (8) (syn. Coleus barbatus (Andr.)Benth.). Highlands e.g. ibb, Jiblah.

Plectranthus cicatricosus (Huth. & E.A.Bruce)Wood. (8) Very rare: Maghreb Ans. Plectranthus coerulescens (Guerke)Willemse. @ Al Hujariyah (Taiz). Plectranthus cylindraceus Hochst. ex Benth. @ Widespread from low to highlands e.g. Atturbah, Sanafan, al Baydhah, Soqotra. Plectranthus hadiensis (Forssk.)Schweinf. Ex Sprenger. @ J. Saber, al Hujariyah, J. Sawraq, al Misrakh,Hadiyah.

Plectranthus hyemalis J.R.I.Wood. (8) Al Hujariya, Damt, Sanaa.

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Plectranthus ignarius (Schweinf.)Agnew (8) (syn. Coleus ignarius Schweinf.). Rare: Khamis Bani Saad. Plectranthus lanuginosus (Hochst. Ex Benth.)Agnew. (8) Highlands e.g. Al Hujariyah (al Akahilah), J. Maswer. Plectranthus ovatus Benth. * @ Highlands e.g. Baadan, Ayfua (al Hujariyah), Muthaykhirah. Plectranthus socotranus A.R.Smith. * @ Soqotra

Plectranthus tenuiflorus (Vatke)Agnew. @ (syn. Coleus zatarhendi (Forssk.)Benth.). Tihama foothills, Taiz.

Salvia aegyptiaca L. @ Highlands e.g. Al Hujariyah, Yerim, al Baydhah, Hajjah, Haraz, al Mahwit, Saadah. Salvia areysiana Defl. * (4) Al Maraqisha (Abyen), J. al Arayis Salvia macrosipon Boiss. @ Dhamar, Haddah.

Salvia merjamie Forssk. @ (syn. S. nudicaulis Vahl.). Highlands e.g. J. Saber, Atturbah, Sanaa, Hajjah.

Salvia nilotica Jacq. (8) Rare: J. Milhan, al Mahwit, Hadiyah. Salvia schimperi Benth. (8) Highlands e.g. Dhamar, Manakha, Khawlan Ashsham, al Baydhah.

Satureja remota (Balf.f.)Vierh. * (2) (syn. Micromeria microphylla var. remota Balf.f.). Soqotra. Scutellaria rubicunda Hornem. subsp. arabica (Jaub. & Spach.)Podl. (in Mitt. Bot. Mnchen 18:422(1982) Hajjah, Shibam, w of Amran, SW Sanaa, Manakha. Solenostemon latifolius (Hochst. ex Benth.)J.R.Morton. (8) (syn. Coleus latifolius Hochst. ex Benth.). Rare: Ibb. al Udayn, Hadiyah. Stachys yemenensis Hedge. *. ( in Not. RBG Edin. Vol. 40(1)71: 1982) J. Saber, Al Akahila (Taiz), J. Sawraq, Jiblah, Yerim-Iryan, w of Sanaa, W Bana, Qa al Haql, Sumarah, J. Nuqum, W. Bana,Yasleh, Sanaa-al Hudaydah, J. Nuqum. Teucrium balfourii Vierh. * @ (syn. T. prostratum Balf.f.).

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Homhil (Soqotra). Teucrium eximium Schwartz. * (4) Hadhramout. Teucrium leucocladum Boiss. (ref. the herbar. of al Kod) Arrayyan-Sayun road (Hadhramout) Teucrium nummularifolium Baker. ** (4) Al Mahara. Teucrium paulayanum Schwartz. * (4) Al Mahara. Teucrium polium L. (3) Teucrium rhodocalyx Schwartz. * (4) Hadhramout. Teucrium sokotranum Vierh. * @ (syn. T. petiolare Balf.f.). Soqotra

Teucrium yemense Defle. ** @ Atturbah & Jabel Eraf: Taiz, Dhamar, Yeslih, Sanaa, Manakha, Hajjah, Madinat Ashsharq, Shaharah, Yafea, Lahg, Abyen.

Thymus laevigalus Vahl. ** @ (syn. T. serpyllum L.) Hajjah, Raydah, Khawlan Ashsham, Yerim, Ibb, J. Nuqum, J. Annabi Shuayb, Attawilah.

LAURAICEAE Cassytha filiformis L. (8),@ (syn. Volutella aphylla Forssk.). Coastal areas, centeral escarpment, J. Bura.

LEMNACEAE Lemna qibba L. @ Highlands e.g. Assinah (s of Taiz), Shibam, Kitab.

Lemna minor L. (8) Yerim, Madinat Ashsharq, Wadi Shalalah. Lemna perpusilla Torrey. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Raymah. LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia australis R.Br. (8) (syn. U. neglecta Lehm.) Rare : W. Bania near Arribat

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


LILIACEAE Albuca abyssinica Dryand. @ Taiz, al Udayn. Allium ampeloprasum L. Var. kuttat Sxhweinf. Ex Krause (3) Cultivated. Allium ascalonicum L. (3) Culticated. Allium cepa L. @ Cultivated. Allium porrum L. @ Cultivated.

Allium sativum L. @ Cultivated.

Anthericum corymbosum Baker. (8) Rare: J. Taaker (E. of Sumarah). Anthericum inconspicum Baker. (8) Rare: Dhi Na eim. Asparagus africana Lam. @ (syn. A. mitis A.Rich.). Taiz, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samha.

Asparagus falcatus L. (8) Atturbah, Hadiyah, al Udayn, J. Raymah, J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Asparagus officinalis. (8) Cultivated. Asparagus racemosus Willd. (8) J. Buraa. Asparagus virgatus Baker. (8) J. Milhan. Asphodelus fistulosus L. (A. tenuifolius Cav.). var. tenuifolius (Cav.)Baker. (8) Yesleh, Dhawran, Shiharah, Khamer, Raydah, al Bon, Hadhramout. Bulbine abyssinica A.Rich. (8) (syn. B. asphodeloides (L.)J.A. & J.H.Schult.). Ibb, Shiharah, Haraz, Kawkaban. Chlorophytum tetraphyllum (L.)Bak, (8) Ibb. Chlorophytum tordense Chiov. (8) Atturbah. Kniphofia sumarae Defl. * @ J. Saber, J. Qaradh: Taiz, Sumara, Baadan.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Lilium candidum L. (8) Cultivated above Hadiyah

Littonia minor Defl. (8) Hayfan (al Hujariyah). Littonia obscura E.G.Baker. * (3) Merendera abyssinica A.Rich. (8) Al Akahilah (al Hujariyah), J. Maswer, J. Taaker. Scilla hyacinthina @ (syn. S. indica Baker, S. yemensis Deflers S. sickenbergeri Defler.). Taiz, Ibb, Ussab al Ali, Hadiyah, Soqota. Trachyandra saltii (Bak.)Oberm. (8) Rare: S. of Ibb, Mudhaykhirah. Urginea indica (Roxb.)Kunth. (ref. The herbar. Of Aden Univer.) Al Milah (N of Lahg). LINACEAE Linum strictum L. (8) Rare: J. Buraa, Kusumah, Raymah, Wussab al Ali, Sumarah, J. Qaradh, Baadan, Muthaykhira, J. Taaker. Linum trigynum L. (8) (syn. L. gallicum L.). Very rare: Highlands e.g. Shibam, Manakha, Wussab al Ali, Soqotra. Linum volkensii Engl. (8) J. Milhan, J. Raymah, J. Masaar (Haraz). Linum usitatissimum L. (8) (syn. L. humile Mill. , L. brachyperalum Schwartz). Cultivated in highlands e.g. J. Saber.

LOASACEAE Kissenia arabica (1) (syn.K. spathuilata R.Br.). Gold Mor (Aden). LOGANIACEAE Buddleia polystachya Fres. @ Dhisufal, Sumara, Dhamar, al Ahjor, Bani Mattar, Dhawran. Nuxia congesta R.B. ex Fresen. (@ Very rare: J. Saber, Ibb, J. Manar, Baadan, Sumara, Raymah, Milhan. Nuxia oppositifolia Hochst. @ (syn. N. dentata R.Br.). W. Warazan, W. Adhabab & al Ahkum, Wadi Ases (S.of Taiz), Haraz, J. Bura, Milhan.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


LORANTHACEAE Helixanthera thomsonii (Sprague)Danser. (7,8) (syn. Loranthus thomsonii Sprague.). Very rare: on Commiphora spp.; Taiz. Oncocalyx doberae (Schweinf.) A. Miller & Nyberg. * (7,8) (syn. Loranthus doberae Schweinf.). Rarest & threatened: on Dobera & Tamarix; Khalifah, Hujailah (Tihama). Oncocalyx schimperi (Hochst. ex Rich.)Gilbert. (7,8) (syn. Loranthus schimperi Hochst, Odontella schimperi (Hochst.)v.Tiegh.). Widespread e.g. Arrahidah, Jiblah, Yesleh, Radaa. Phragmanthera austroarabica Miller & Nyberg. ** (7) (syn. Loranthus regularis Steud. ex A.Rich., L. rufescens DC, P. regularis (Steud. ex A.Rich.)Balle,.). Widespread in medium altiti. & highlands e.g. Al Hujariyah, NW Dhamar, Udayn, Lahg, Adhala, Waalan. Plicosepalus acaciae (Zucc.)Wiens & Polhill. @ (syn. Loranthus acaciae Zuce., L. arabicus Deflers, Tapinostemma acaciae (Zucc.)Tiegh). Tihama, al Mafraq (W. of Taiz), Atturbah, al Qaadah, Ibb, Utuma, Adhala, Madiant Ashsharq, Huth, al Harf. Plicosepalus curviflorus (Benth. ex Oliv.)Tiegh. (7,8) (syn. Loranthus curviflorus Benth. L. fauroti Franch, P. faurotii (Franchet)Tiegh.). Bagel, Taiz, Kamaran island, Radaa, Khawlan, Modia-Loder road(Abyen), Mayfaa-al Mukalla road (Hadhramout). Tapinanthus globiferus (A.Rich.)Teighem. (7,8) (syn. Loranthus globiferus A.Rich.). Tihama foothills, al Hujariyah, al Mahabishah.

LYTHRACEAE Ammannia auriculata Willd. (8) Rare: J. Milhan, J. Raymah. Ammannia baccifera L. (8) (syn. A. attenuata Hochst. ex A.Rich.). Suq al Ahd (Wussab Assafel), Soqotra. Ammannia multiflora Roxb. (2) Soqotra. Ammannia verticillata (Ard.)Lam. (3) Lawsonia inermis L. @ (syn. L. alba Lam.). Taiz, Tihama and foothills, Taiz, Aden.

Lythrum hyssopifolia L. (8) Baadan, Dhi Assufal, Khawlan Ashsham, Soqotra. Rotala serpiculoides Hiern. @ W. Adhabab (Taiz). Woodfordia uniflora (A.Rich.)Koehne. (8)

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J. Milhan, J. Bura, J. Raymah, Haraz, Shihara. MAGNOLIACEAE Michelia champaca L. Introduced, Haraz, J. Raymah. MALPIGHIACEAE Acridocarpus socotranus Oliv. * @ Killisan (Soqotra).

Caucanthus edulis Forssk. (8) (syn. Aspidopteryx yemensis Defl.). Hagdah(Taiz),Tihama foothills, Al Hujariyah, Al Udayn, Khamis bani Saad. Raymah, Buraa,

MALVACEAE Abelmoschus esculenthus (L.)Moench. @ Cultivated :

Abutilon bidentatum Hochst. ex A.Rich. @ (syn. A. indicum (L.)G.Don. ). Tihama, Wadi Dhahr,Taiz, Jiblah, Hajjah, Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout.

Abutilon fruticosum Guill. & Perr. @ Tihama foothills, Hagda (W of Taiz), Sanaa, Aden, Hadhramout, Qa Jahran, Hizyaz, eastern plateau, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Abutilon hirtum (Lam.)Sweet. (8) (syn. A. figarianum Webb, A. graveolens (DC.)Wight & Arn.). Rare: Manakha, Sanaa, Madinat Ashsharq, Haraz, Soqotra.

Abutilon longicuspe Hochst ex A. Rich. (8) Ibb, Baadan, Sumara, Saadah. Abutilon pannosum (Forrsk.) Schlechl. (1,8) (syn. A. muticum (Del.)Webb). Tihama foothills, Harib, Aden, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Abutilon ramosum (Cav.)Guill & Perr. (8) Al Misrakh, Tihama, Shahara. Althea ludwigii L. (5) Raydah, Dhamar. Althea rosa Cav. @ Introduced; Planted as ornamental.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cienfuegosia welshii (T.Abders.)Garcke. (1) Aden , Hadhramout. Gossypium arboreum L. (8) (syn. G. rubrum Forssk.). Bani Umar, Tihama, Hadia. Gossypium areysianum Defl. * @ (syn. Cienfuegosia areysiana Defl.) J. al Arayes, Abyen, Adhale.

Gossypium barbadense L. (2) Cultivated. Taiz, J. Saafan, Soqotra.

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Gossypium herbaceum L. (8) Tihama.

Gossypium hirsutum L. var. punctatum (Schum.)Hutch. (8) (syn. Gossypium punctatum Schwn. & Thonn.). Cultivated: Sanaa.

Gossypium incanum (Schwartz)Hillcoct. * (4) (syn. Cienfuegusia incana Schwartz) Southern foothills, al Mahara Gossypium nanking Meyen. (3) Cultivated.

Hibiscus aethiopicus L. (8) V. rare: J. Milhan, J. Rayma, Hadiyah. Hibiscus aponeurus Sprague & Hutch. (8) Rare: Shiharah, al Mahabisha. Hibiscus cannabinus L. (8) Taiz, al Mishrafah, Kholan Ashsham, al Kod (Abyen). Hibiscus deflersii Schweinf. @ Tihama foothills,Taiz, Aden, Dhamar, Hajjah, Yafea, Lahg, Adhala.

Hibiscus dongolensis Del. (8) Low & medium altitude mountains. Hibiscus lobatus (Murr.)Kunte. (8) Al Udayn. Hibiscus macropodus Wagner & Vierh. * @ Soqotra.

Hibiscus malacophyllus Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra. Hibiscus micranthus L.f. @ Taiz, Manakha, Aden, Qa Jahran, Sanaa, Dhamar, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

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Hibiscus modaticus Hochst. (2) Soqotra. Hibiscus ovalifolius (Forssk.)Vhl. (8) (syn. H. calyphyllus Cav.). Western mountains. Hibiscus palmatus Forssk. (8) (syn. H. intermedius A.Rich.). Tihama & foothills, Taiz, Soqotra. Hibiscus panduriformis Burm.f. (8) Tihama, Taiz. Hibiscus purpureus Forssk. (8) (syn. H. meidiensis Ulbr.). High & Medium mountains. Hibiscus rhabdotospermus Garche. @ Maqbanah, Hagdah (Taiz). Hibiscus quattenensis ined @ Sheltred valley (Soqotra)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. @ Cultivated as ornamental, Taiz, Sanaa. Hibiscus scotti Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Hibiscus sidiformis Baill. (8) Hagdah, Wussab, Rihab, Hara, J. Attur, Soqotra. Hibiscus somaliensis Franch. (8) Rare: Huth, Radaa. Hibiscus stenanthus Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra.

Hibiscus subshariffa L. (8) Cultivated.

Hibiscus trionum L. @ Taiz, J. Bura, Ibb.

Hibiscus vitifolius L. @ Widespread: Tihama foothills, Taiz, Dhamar, al Udayn, Sanaa, Adhalae, Abyen, Yafea, Soqotra.

Kosteletzkya adoensis (A.Rich.)Mast. (8) Rare: Ibb- Suq Assabt. Malva parviflora L. @ Widespread e.g. Taiz, Dhamar, Harib, J. Annabi Shuayb, Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Malva rotundifolia Wallr. (3) Malva verticillata L. (8) Sanaa. Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.)Garcke. (8) Introduced: J. Buraa. J. Milhan. Pavonia arabica Hochst. ex Boiss. @ S. of Zabid, al Faydh(Abyen), Soqotra.

( )
Pavonia burchellii (DC.)R.A.Dyer. (8) (syn. p. kraussiana Hochst.). High altitude: Sumarah, Kuhlan, Baadan. Pavonia flavo-ferruginea (Forssk.)Hepper & Wood. (8) (syn. P. glechomifolia (A.Rich.)Garcke, P. patens (Andr.)Chiov.). Hithran, Bani Umar . Pavonia hildebrandtii Gurke ex Ulbr. (8) W. Mour, SW Madinat Ashsharq, al Mahabisha. Pavonia kotschyi Hochst ex Webb. (8) Bayt al Faqih. Pavonia somalensis Franch. (3) Pavonia subaphylla Schwartz. * (1) Rare : Hadhramout Pavonia triloba Guill & Perr. (8) Rare: Tihama foothills, Al Barh, Abyen. Senra incana (Cav.)DC. (8) Taiz, Tihama, Aden, Lahg, Ssirwah, Marib-fardah road, Abyen, Adhala, Yafea, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Sensu longicuspe Hochst. (3) Sensu pannosum (Forssk.)Schlect. (3) Sida alba L. @ (syn. S. spinosa L.) Western mountains, Taiz, Shuqra. Sida cordata (Burm.f.)Borss. Waalk. (ref. Thulin, M. et al (in press) Jadib-Damqaut al Mahara. Sida cordifolia L. (8) Introduced: al Mahara, J. Rayma, Soqotra. Sida rhombifolia L. Rare: High altitude mountains e.g. Ibb, Hadiya, J. Rayma. Sida cordata (Bum.f.)Borss. (2) (syn. S. humilis Willd.). Soqotra. Sida socotrana (G.Lucas) * (2) (syn. Hibiscus socotranus G.Lucas.). Soqotra. Sida urens L. (8) (syn. S. ovata Forssk., S. grewoides Guill &Perr., Subrotunda Hochst.). Tihama, Al misrakh (Taiz), Aden, Hajjah, Manakha, eastern mountains, Shaharah, Ibb, al Udayn, Rayda, Soqotra. Thespesia populnea (L.)Solander ex Correa. (1)

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Cultivated as ornamental : Tihama, Taiz, Aden.

Wissadula rostrata (Schum.)Hook.f. (8) (syn. w. hernandioides (L. Herit.)Garcke). J. Milhan, J. Rayma, Wussab Assafel, W. Mour. MARSILEACEAE Marsilea aegyptiaca Willd. (8) Tihama foothills, Radaa, W. Bana, Huth, Kawkaban, Sumara. Marsilea coromandeliana Willd. (2) Soqotra. MELIACEAE Azadirachta indica (L.)Jass. @ Cultivated as ornamental.

Melia azedarach L. Cultivated as ornamental.

Trichilia emetica Vahl. @ (syn. T. roka (Forssk.)Chiov.). Tihama foothills, western mountains.

Turraea holstii Gurke. (8) J. Milhan. Turraea parvifolia Defl. @ Tiham foothills, Maqbanah, Hagdah, Taiz, Hadhramout. Turraea socotrana Styles & White. * @ Above Darho (Soqotra) MELIANTHACEAE Bersama abyssinica Fresen. (8) J. Buraa, J. Milhan MENISPERMACEAE Cocculus balfourii Schweinf. ex Balf.f. * Low altitude mauntains, Soqotra.


Cocculus hirsutus (L.)Diels. (7,8) (syn. Cebatha villosus DC., C. villosa (Lam.)C.Christ). Tihama & foothills, Hajjah. Cocculus pendulus (J.R. & G.Forst.)Diels. (7,8) (syn. C. cebatha DC., C. laeba DC.). Tihama & foothills, Lahg, Soqotra. Stephania abyssinica (Dillon & A.Rich.)Walp. (7,8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Qaradh, J. Ayfua ( Taiz), Hadiyah, J. Milhan, J. Rayma. Tinospora bakis (A.Rich.)Miers in Hook. Bayt al Faqih, al Manssuriyah (Tihama). MIMOSACEA Acacia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth. @ var. macroloba Schweinf. J. Buraa, J. Milhan, al Mishrafah: W. Rimaa, aqbanah & Sharab (Taiz), W Beyhan.

Acacia albida Del. @ Rare: W of Dhamar, Qaa Shirah.

Acacia asak (Forssk.)Willd. @ (syn. A. glaucophylla Steud.). Widespread on medium altitude mountains e.g. Taiz, Adhala, Abyen, Lahg, Yafea, Madint Ashsharq.

Acacia auriculiformis A.Cum. @ Introduced cultivated at AREA experimental farm Ibb Acacia calcicola @ Introduced cultivated at AREA experimental farm Taiz, Ibb Acacia campoptila Schweinf. Marib, Radaa, Harib, Hadhramout.

Acacia cyanophylla Lindl. Introduced. @

Acacia cyclops A.Cimm. ex G. @ Introduced cultivated at AREA experimental farm Taiz, Ibb Acacia eburnea Willd. (3) Acacia edgeworthii (T.)Anders. @ (syn. A. hunteri Oliver). Aden, S. of Tihama, J. al Arayes, Lahg, Soqotra.

Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne. @ Tihama & foothills, western mountains, Saadah, Marib, Radaa, Harib, Abyen, Hadhramout.

Acacia etbaica Schweinf. @ subsp. etbaica. Widespread: Taiz, al Qaedah, Madinat Ashsharq, Huth, Baedan, Lahg, Utuma, Wussab, Radaa, W. of Dhamar, Adhala, Huf al Mahara.

( )
subsp. unicinata Brenan.

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Acacia farnesiana Willd. (3) Introduced Acacia gerrardii Benth. @ (syn. A. pachyceras O.Schwart, A. iraquensis Reu.). NE of Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Sumara, Radaa, Ibb, al Baydha, Saada.

Acacia hamulosa Benth. @ S. of Tihama, Mareb, Radaa, Tur.Aden, Lhji. al Jawf, Radaa, Shabwa, Hadhramout.

Acacia hunteri Oliv. (1) Lahg, Mozaa.

Acacia laeta R.Br. @ Al Hujailah, Hagdah & Annashamah (Taiz), Aden, Radaa, al Mishrafa, Heys, Ataq-Nissab (Shabwa), Arrayyan-Sayun (Hadhramout).

Acacia mellifera (Vahl)Benth. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lauder, Abyen , Aden, Hadhramout.

Acacia nilotica (L.)Willd. ex. Del. subsp. indica (Benth.)Brenan. @ (syn. A. arabica (Lam)Willd, Mimosa sejal Forssk.). Taiz, Tihama, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Lawder, Adhala.

subsp. kraussiana (Benth.)Brenan. @ Taiz, Aden, Radaa, Utuma, Madinat Ashsharq.

Acacia oerfota (Forssk.)Schweinf. @ (syn. A. nubica Benth.). Tihama, n of Taiz, Jiblah, Aden, , Mareb, Radaa, Bani salam (w. of Maaber), Harib, Qa Bakil, Abyen, Lahg, Hadhramout.

Acacia origena Wood. @ (syn. A. negrii Kong). High altitude areas ,e.g. J. Saber, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Haraz, Shibam.

Acacia pennivenia Schweinf. * @ Soqotra.

Acacia sarcophylla Chiov. @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Acacia senegal (L.)Willd @ Al Maraqisha (Abyen), Huf al Mahara

Acacia seyal Del. @ Taiz, Shuqra, w. of Tareem, Tihama foothills, Wussab, Rihab, Huth.

Acacia stenophylla A.Coun ex Benth. @ Cultivated: Aden Acacia tortilis (Forssk.)Hayne subsp. spirocarpa (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.)Bren. (1) (syn. A. spirocarpa Hochst. ex A. Rich car. Crenata Chiov.) Shabwa, Mareb, Hadhramout.

subsp. tortilis @ Tihama, Hagda & Bani Shayba (Taiz), Aden, Abyen, Lahg.

Acacia yemenensis Bolous. @ (syn. Acacia hockii Del Willd.) Ibb, Taiz, Sumara, Hajjah, Huth, Kuhlan. Dhisufal, NE. of al Qaedah, Adhala, Shabwa.

Aeschynomene arabica Defl. * (3) Albizia lebbeck (L.)Benth. @ Introduced planted as ornamental.

Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)Dewit. @ Introduced planted as wind break, near houses and fields

Dichrostachys cinerea (L.)Wight & Arn. (syn. D. nutans Benth.). Low & Medium altitude mountains.

Dichrostachys dehiscens Balf.f. Soqotra * @

Dichrostachys glomerata (Forssk.)Hutch. { doubtful record} ? Tihama foothills, Western mountains. Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth. @ Introduced: road sides, near houses and fields e.g. Taiz, Aden, Lahg, Abyen.

Prosopis cineraria (L.)Druce. (1)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. P. spicigera L.) Cultivated : Khor Makser, Bir Ahmed (Aden), Hadhramout.

Prosopis farcta (Banks. & Sol.)Mc Bride. (1) (syn. P. stephaniana (Willd.)Spreng.). Hadhramout

Prosopis juliflora (S.W.)DC. @ Introduced planted as wind break and fencese.g. Tihama, Aden, al Mukalla, Lahg.

Prosopis tamarugo F.Phill. @ AREA experimental farm, Taiz. MORACEAE Antiaris toxicaria Lescheu. (7) (syn. A. challa (schweinf.)Engl., Ficus challa Schweinf.) subsp. toxicaria var. africana A.Chev. Rare: J. Buraa, Haraz.

Dorstenia barnimiana Schweinf. @ (syn. D. barnimiana Schweinf. var. ophioglossoides). Sharaab & Atturbah (Taiz), Rihab, al Ydayn. Dorstenia foetida (Forssk.)Schweinf. & Engl. (syn. D. radiata Lam., Kosaria foetida Forssk.) var. foetida (8) (syn. D. arabica Hem.). Tihama, Taiz, al Udayn, Loder (Abyen). var. obovata (A.Rich.)Schweinf. & Endl. (8) NW Dhamar. Dorstenia gigas Schweinf. * @ Soqotra.

Dorstenia socotrana A.G.Miller. * @ Soqotra.

Ficus carica L. @ cultivated near houses and on fields (Sanaa, Taiz, Dhamar, Lahg).

Ficus cordata L. subsp. salicifolia (Vahl)Berg. @ (syn. F. ambigum Forssk., F. salicifolia (vahl)Berg. ) Taiz, Tihama foothills, Tihama plain, Hadhramout, Lawder, al Mahara, Soqotra.

Ficus exasperata Vahl. (7) (syn. F. serrata Forssk.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Assukhna, Al Udayn.

Ficus glumosa Del. (8) (syn. F. glumosa Del. Var. glaberrima Martell.) Bani Umar (Taiz), J. Buraa, Dhisufal, al Mahwit.

Ficus ingens (Mig.)Mig. ( @, 7) (syn. F. lutea Vahl., F. ingentoides Hutch. (8)). Ases (S Taiz), J. Buraa, Jiblah, al Gabalayn (al Udayn), Huf.

Ficus nitida @ Introduced as ornamental. Ficus palmata Forssk. subsp. palmate @ (syn. F. morifolia Forssk.) Taiz, Madinat Ashsharq, Dhamar, Shibam.

Ficus populifolia Vahl. @ Taiz, Jabel Buraa, J. Milhan, Lahg, Huf.

Ficus sur Forssk. @ (syn. F. capensis Thunb., sycomorus sur (Forssk.)Miq.). @ Wadi Bana, Sumara, Baedan.

Ficus sycomorus L. @ (syn. F. chanas Forssk.) Taiz, al Dhalaa, Ibb, Lahg, Hajjah, Abyen, Huf, al Mahara.

Ficus vasta Forssk. @ Taiz, Manakha, Lauder, Hajjah, Jabel Buraa, Adhala, Abyen, , Huf al Mahara, Soqotra

Morus nigra L. @ Cultivated. J. Saber, Sanaa.

MORINGACEAE Moringa peregrina (Forssk.)fiori. @ (syn. Hyperanthera peregrina Forssk., M. aptera Gaertn., M. arabica Pers.). Taiz, Bayt al Faqih, Aden, Harib, Lahg, Hadhramout.

Moringa oleifera Lam. (7) (syn. M. pterygosperma Gaertn).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cultivated: Tihama foothills, Aden, Surdud, W. Rusyan. MUSACEAE Musa paradisiaca L. subsp. sapientum (L.)O. Ktze. @ Cultivated: Tihama foothills, medium altitude.

MYRICACEAE Myrica humilis Cham. & Schle. @ (syn. M. salcifolia Hochst. ex A.Rich.). J. Saber, J. Habashi & al Akahila (Taiz), W. Bana & Baadan (Ibb), Al Ahjor, Al Hayma al Kharijiyah.

MYRSINACEAE Maesa lanceolata Forssk. @ Taiz, Dhisufal, W. Bana, J. Buraa, al Ydayn, J. Milhan, Haraz, Manakha, Damt, al Ahjur.

Myrsine africana L. * @
High mountain areas: J. Habashi, J. Saber, J. Razeh, Dhamar, Shibam, Soqotra.

MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. @ Introduced; street, near houses & fields. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. @ Introduced; streets Eucalyptus gomphocephala A.DC. @ Introduced; cultivated at AREA experimental farm, Taiz . Eucalyptes grandis Hill ex Maiden @ Introduced; cultivated at AREA experimental farm, Taiz & Ibb. Eucalyptus marginata Sm. @ Introduced; Sanaa. Eucalyptus microthera F.Muell. @ Introduced; cultivated at AREA experimental farm, Taiz & Ibb. Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. @ Introduced; street, near houses & fields. Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. @ Introduced; cultivated at AREA experimental farm, Taiz & Ibb. Eucalyptus torquata Luehm. @ Introduced; street, near houses & fields. Myrtus communis L. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Cultivated: Al Ahkum (Taiz), Buraa, Yafee, J. Raymah, Haraz, Milhan, Sanaa, Saadah.

Psidum guajava L. @ Cultivated.

Syzygium guineense (Willd.)DC. subsp. guineense. (8) Taiz, middle altitude, Dhissufal, alAhjur, Al Udayn.

NAJADACEAE Najas graminea Del. (8) Rare : Hadiyah NEURADACAEAE Neurada procumbens L. (7) Southern coastal areas, Shabwa. NYCTAGINACEAE Boerhavia diffusa L. @ (syn. B. ascendens Willd., B. repens L. var. diffusa L, B. coccinea Mill. , B. diffusa var. viscosa (Lag. & Rod)Heim. Commicarpus coccinea Mill. Lahg.). Tihama, Taiz, Aden, Raymah, Sanaa, Lahg, Soqotra.

( )
Boerhavia elegana Choisy. subsp. adenensis Miller. * (3) Aden. subsp. elegans. ** (7)

Around Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout. subsp. stenophylla (Boiss.)Miller. (syn. B. elegans var. stenophylla Boiss) Southern low altitude areas.

Boerhavia repens L. @ (syn. B. diandra L., B. repens L. var. glabra Choisy) Taiz, Tihama & foothills, s of Zabid, Sanaa plain, Lahg, al Qaeeda.

Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Cultivated as ornamental

Commicarpus adenensis Miller. * (7) Aden. Commicarpus ambiguus Meikle. (in Kew Bull. 38(3): 482(1982)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


N of Sanaa, Saada, al Baydha. Commicarpus arabicus Meikle. * (7,8) (syn. Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav. var. forskalei Schweinf.). Atturbah (Taiz), Dhamar, Haraz, Manakha. Commicarpus beimerlii (Vierh.)Meikle. * (7) (syn. Boerhavia heimerlii Vierh.) Soqotra. Commicarpus boissieri (Heimerl)Cuf. @ (syn. Boerhavia boissieri Heimerl). Dhamar, al Mahar, Soqotra. Commicarpus grandiflorus (A.Rich.)Standl. @

(syn. Boerhavia grandiflora A.Rich., B. plumbaginea Cav. var. grandiflora (A.Rich.)Schweinf.). Taiz, Dhisufal, Sanaa, Damt. Commicarpus heimerlii (Vierh.)Meike. * @ (syn. Boerhavia heimerlii). Soqotra

Commicarpus helenae (J.A.Scholtes)Meikle. (syn. Boerhavia helenae Schultes, Commicarpus stellatus (Wight)Berhaut). Taiz, Tihama foothills, Saadah, Radaa, Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra. Commicarpus mistus Thulin. (7,8) (syn. Boerhavia. squarrosas (Heimerl.)Stand., Commicarpus squarrosus ( Heimer) standl .). Bani Umar (Taiz), al Baydha, Qaatabah, Damt,Hadhramout . Commicarpus pedunculosus (A.Rich. )Cuf. (7,8) (syn. Boerhavia pedunculosa A.Rich.). Shibam, Sanaa plain, Lahg, Abyen, Qaa Bakil, Shibam.

Commicarpus plumbagineus (Cav.)Standl. @ (syn. Boerhavia dichotoma Vahl. B. plumbaginea Cav. B. plumbaginea Cav. var. dichotoma (Vahl)Aschers. & Schweinf., B. plumbaginea Cav. var.glabrata Boiss., C. verticillatus (Poirect)Stand. ). Taiz, Tihama foothills, Haddah, Ibb, W. Dhahr, Dhamar.

Commicarpus reniformis (Choiv.)Cuf. (7) N. of al Mukallah. Commicarpus simonyi (Heim. & Vierh.)Meik. * @ (syn. C. plumbaginea var. socotrana Heimert.). Soqotra.

Commicarpus sinuatus Meikle. (7,8) (syn. Boerhavia plumbaginea var. viscosa Boiss.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Taiz, Ibb, Madinat Ashsharq, Khawlan Ashsham, Wadi Dhahr.

Commicarpus stenocarpus (Chiov .)Cuf. ** (1) (syn. Boerhavia stenocarpa Chiov.) Hadhramout. Mirabilis jalapa L. @ Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, J. Bura.

Pisonia aculeata L. (7,8) Al Udayn, Rayma, Haraz. NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. var. caerulea (Savigny)Verdc. (7) Atturbah (Taiz). OCHNACEAE Ochna inermis (Forssk.)Schweinf. @ (syn. Euonymus inermis Forssk., O. parvifolia Vahl) Hays, Al Hujariyah, Hagdah & Sharaab (Taiz), Tihama foothills, al Udayn, Madinat Ashsharq, Haraz .

OLEACEAE Jasminum abyssinicum Hochst. Ex DC. (3) Jasminum fluminense Vell. subsp. grantissimum (deflers)p.S.Green. @ (syn. J. gratissimum Deflers, J. mauritianum Boj.). Tihama & foothills, Taiz, al Udayn.

subsp. socotranum P.S.Green * @ (syn. J. rotundifolium Balf.f.). Firmihin (Soqotra).

Jasminum grandiflorum L. subsp. floribundum (R.Br. ex Fres.)P.S.green @ (syn. J. floribundum R.Br. ex Fres). Tihama foothills, Taiz, western mountains, Shibam, Dhamar, al Udayn. Yafea, Huf al Mahara.

Jasminum officinale L. (ref. Podlech, D. 1982) Tihama foothills, N of Dhamar, Yesleh, NE Raydah, E of Manakha. Jasminum sambac (L.)Ait. @ Cultivated: Tihama, Aden.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Olea europaea L. subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G.Don)Cifferi. @ (syn.O. africana Mill, O. chrysophylla Lam.). Taiz, al Udayn, Sumra, Baadan, Shabwa, Hajjah, Hadhramout.

subsp. europaea . @ Cultivated in Dhamar, Sanaa.

OLEANDRACEAE Arthropteris orientalis(J.F.Gmelin)Posthu. (7) J. Saber, J. Milhan, J. Buraa, J. Raymah. Nephrolepis undulata (Afel. ex Swartz)J.Sm. ( @, 7 ) Soqotra. ONAGRACEAE Epilobium hirsutum L. (8) Jiblah, ibb, Kusuma, J. Annabi Shuaayb, Manakha, Attawilah. Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.)Raven. subsp. brevisepala (Brenan)Raven. (8) Hillah, J. Buraa. Ludwigia palustris Ell. (2) Soqotra. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Ophioglossum polyphyllom A.Br. (7) Shibam, J. Hubaysh, Radaa, Nihim, Soqotra. Ophioglossum reticulatum L. (7) Socotra, high land areas. ORCHIDACEAE Angraecum dives Rolfe. @ Above Dahro (Soqotra). Angraecopsis tenerrima Kraenzl. (2) Soqotra. Bonatea steudneri (Reichb.f.)Dur. & Schine. (8) (syn. Habenaria arabica (Defl.)Krach., H. steudneri Rchb.f., Bicornella arabica Defl., Bonatea arabica (Fefl.)Summerh). J. Habashi, Ibb, SW Dhulaa, Manakha, Shibam. Disa pulchella Hochst. ex A.Reichb. (8) Rare: Jiblah, J. Taaker: Ibb, Raymah. Epipactis veratrifolia Boiss. (8) (syn. E. abyssinica Pax, E. consimilis Wall. Ex Hook.f., E. somaliensis Rolfe) Highlands e.g. Atturbah, Ibb, Dhisufal, Ibb, al Ahjur, SW of Shibam, E of Raymah, J. Annabi Shuayb.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Eulophia clavicornis Lindl. var. nutans (Sond.)Hall. (8) Rare: Obove Hadiyah. Eulophia petersii (Reichb.f.)Reichb.f. @ (syn.E. coleae Rolfe, E. baginsensis Rchb., E. philipsiae Rolfe, P. schimperiana A.Rich., Galeandra petersii Rchb, Orchis viridis Forssk., ). Tihama foothills, Taiz, al Qaedah-Dhisufal, Dhisufal, Lawder, J. al Araes, Damt. Eulophia quineensis Lindl. var. purpurata Ricb.f. ex Kotschy. (8) (syn. E. quartiniana A.Rich., Galeandra quartiniana (A.Rich.)Rchb.f.) Rare: Al Udayn. Eulophia streptopotala Lindl var. rueppelii (Rchb.f.)Cribb. (8) (syn.E. arabica Lindl. E. ruppelii (Rchb.f.)Summerh, Lissochilus ruppelii Rchb., L. erythraea Rolfe. ) J. Buraa, Hilyal (Sumarah), J. Hubaysh, Kusuma, Hadiyah, Sumara, Bayt al Faqih, Milhan, J. Raymah. Habenaria antennifera A.Rich. (8) (syn. H. leptobrachiata Ridl, H. pantothrix Kraenzl., H. simense Rchb.) Jiblah, J. Taaker, Bani Saed (al Jaafariyyah), Ibb. Habenaria atteruata Hook.f. (8) Baadan : Ibb. Habenaria cultrata A.Rich. (8) Ibb-Sanaa road, Baadan. Habenaria cultriformis Kraenzl. ex Engl. J. Hisn Dafdaf nea al Udayn. Habenaria lefebureana (A.Rich.)Dur. & Schin. @ (syn. Peristylus lefebureanus A.Rich) J. Saber, Jiblah, Baadan, J. Taaker, Wussab al Ali, Hadiyah, Kusumah. Habenaria macrantha A.Rich. (8) Ibb-al Maswera, W of Sanaa, Manakha, Sumara, Maswara pass, Shibam, Haraz, J. Ashmur. Habenaria peristyloides A.Rich. (8) Rare: Hissn Madnan (Wussab al Ali) Habenaria schimperana Hochst. ex A.Rich. (8) J. Nuaman near Ibb, Hadiyah. Habenaria socotrana Balf.f. @ Firmihin (Soqotra). Holothrix aphylla (Forssk.)Rchb.f. (8) (syn. Deroemeria acuminata Rendle & Schltr., Habenaria aphylla (Forssk.)R.Br., Orchis aphylla Forssk., Platanthera aphylla (Forssk.)Lindl.) Rare: Kusumah, Wussab, Baadan, Ibb, J. Maswer, N of Sanaa. Holothrix arachnoidea (A.Rich.)Rchb.f. (8) (syn. Peristylus arachnoideus A.Rich., H. richardii Rolfe, H. vatkeana Rcichb.f.). J. Saber, Ibb, J. Shibam (Haraz), al Mahwit, Manakha, al Muhwit. Holothrix socotrana Rolfe. * (2) Soqotra, Nervilia umbrosa (Rchb.f.)Schlt. (8)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. Pogonia renschiana Rchb.f., P. umbrosa Rchb.f.,) Rare: Ibb, Wadi Addur: Al Udayn. Satyrium brachypetalum A.Rich. (8) Rare: Highlands e.g. Jiblah, J. Taaker, Baadan, J. Hubaysh, J. Raymah. OROBANCHACEAE Cistanche lutea (Desf.)Hoffm. & Link. @ Dixsan plateau (Soqotra). Cistanche phelypoea (L.)Cout . @ (syn. C. tubulosa (Schenk.)R.Wight). Tiham foothills, Taiz, al Qaaedah, Dhisufal, Dhamar, Rusabah, Sanaa.

Cistanche rosea E.G.Baker. @ Hithran (w. of Taiz), Hadhramaut. Orobanche cernua Loefl. ( @, 8 ) Rare: Taiz, Manakha, Qa Bakil, Sanaa, Loder (Abyen), Firmihin (Soqotra). Orobanche minor Sm. (8) (syn. O. abyssinica Ach.). Shibam, Soqotra. Orobanche radicosa A.Rich. Highlands. Orobanche ramosa L. (syn. O. mutelii F.W. Schultz). subsp. mutelii (F.W.Schultz)Couti. (8) Taiz, Jiblah, Soqotra. subsp. ramosa. (8) Highlands, Jiblah. OXALIDACEAE Oxalis corniculata L. @ Taiz, Sanaa, Lab us (Yafea).

Oxalis radicosa A.Rich. (8) High plateau PANDANACEAE Pandanus odoriferus (Forssk.)Chiov. @ (syn. P. odoratissimus L., P. tectorius Sol.). Tiama & foothills, westren low mountains.

PAPAVERACEAE Argemone mexicana L. @ Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Adhalaa, Mawaa, Muzaa, Damt, Soqotra.

Argemone ochroleuca Sweet. @ Dhamar, Yarim, Taiz, .

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Papaver dubium L. Subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb)Kader. (8) Rare: J. Sumara, J. Milhan, Kawkaban, W. Addur, W. Dhahr. Papaver somniferum L. var. album. @ Cultivated in Ibb, Dhi sufal.

PARKERIACEAE Ceratopteris cornuta (P.Beauv.)Le Prieur. (7) Tihama, western mountains, Wussab Assafel, Hajjaila, Socotra. PASSIFLORACEAE Adenia venenata Forssk. @ Taiz, Dhamar, Hajjah, Adhalaa.

Bosnnanthe berberoides (Chiov.)W.j.de Wilde. ( ref. Thulin, M. et al. (in pross.) Hadhramout. PEDALIACEAE Sesamum indicum L. @ Cultivated. Tihama & foothills, medium alti. Mountains, Hadhramout.

Padalium murex. L. (7) Tihama & foothills, Soqotra. PIPERACEAE Piper betle L. (3) Cultivated: Hadhramout. Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (7) Hilyal (Sumara), Soqotra. Peperomia blanda (L.)H. &K. (syn. P. arabica Decne ex Miq.). var. leptostachya (Hook. & Am)Dull. (7) J. Habashi, W. Addur (Al Udayn), J. Milhan, Soqotra. Peperomia pellucida (L.)Kunth. (8) Al Udayn. Peperomia tetraphylla (J.Forster)Hook.f. & Arn. (7) (syn. P. reflexa (L.f.)A.Dietr.). Soqotra. PITTOSPORACEAE Pittosporum viridiflorum Sims. subsp. arabicum Cuf. * (7,8) (syn. P. viridifolium subsp. arabicum Cufod.). Saadah, Haraz, Rihab, al Mahwit, J. Milhan, Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago afra L. (8) Rare : near Maghrabah (J. Buraa). Plantago albicans L. (8) (syn. P. boissieri Hausskn. & Bornm.). Rare: Yerim, Amran, J. Allowz. Plantago amplexicaulis Car. (8) Rare: Sanaa, Soqotra. Plantago cylindrica Forssk. * (ref. Podlech, M. (1982) ? N. of Amran, al Boun. Plantago lanceolata L. J. @ J.Saber, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Manakha, Hajjah, Yafea, Loder.

Plantago major L. @ Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Yafea, Amran, Mukairas.

Plantago ovata Forssk. @ Dhamar, Dhawran, Huth, Khawlan Ashsham, J. Allowz.

PLUMBAGINACEAE Dyerophytum indicum (Gibs. & Wight)Kuntze. @ Huf al Mahara

Dyerophytum pendulum (Balf.f.)O.Kuntze * (2) (syn. Vogelia pendula Balf.f.). Soqotra. Dyerophytum socotrana J.R. Edmond. * (2) (syn. Vogella indica var. socotrana Balf.f.). Soqotra. Limoniastrum arabicum J. Edmondson * @ Sayun-al Mukalla road (Hadhramout). Limonium axillare (Forssk.)Kuntz. (8) (syn. Statica axillari Forssk.). Coastal areas, Ibb, Kawkaban, Ras Fartak (al Mahara), Soqotra. Limonium cylindrifolium (Forssk.)Verdc. or (Forssk.)Kuntz. @ (syn. Statice cylindrifolia Forssk.). Coastal areas, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Limonium kossmatii (Wagner & Vierh.)Verdc. * @ (syn. Statice kossmatii Wagner & Vierh.). Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Limonium pruinosum (L.)Kuntze. (3) Limonium teretefolia (Baker ex Oliv.)Cufod. (3) (syn. Statice teretefolia Baker ex Oliv.). Plumbago auricolata Lam. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. P. capensis Thunb.). Cultivated in Sanaa, Taiz. Plumbago zeylanica L. (8) Taiz, Dhisufal, Shahara. POACEAE (GRAMINEA) Acrachne racemosa (Heyne ex Roemer & Schultes)Ohwi. (9) (syn. Eleusine verticillata Roxb.). Tihama foothills, Raymah, Buraa, Milhan, Haraz, Soqotra. Aeluropus lagopoides (L.)Trin. ex Thev. @ (syn. A. repens, A. brevifolius Nees ex Steud., A. massauensis (Fres.)Mattei). Coastal areas, Radaa, dhala, Aden, Hadhramout, Soqotra. A

Agrostis lachnantha Nees. (9) Rare: Baadan, Sumara, Shibam. Agrostis schimperiana Hochst. ex Steud. (9) (syn. A. hirtella Steud. ). Rare: Manakha, Dhamar, Bawaan, Khawlan Ashsham. Agrostis viridis Gouan (9) (syn. A. semiverticillata Forssk., A. verticillata Vill., Polypogon semiverticillatus (Forrsk.)Hyl..). Tihama foothills, Dhisufal, western mountains, Hadhramout. Andropogon amethystinus Steud. (9) (syn. A. pratensis Hack). Western mountains, J. Saber, Ibb, J. Maswer. Andropogon bentii Stapf. * (2) Soqotra. Andropogon chinensis (Nees)Merr (9) (syn. A. ascinoides C.B.Cl.). J. Milhan. Andropogon crossotes Cope. * @ Dhamar, Sanaa, al Mahwit, Huth, Russabah, Radaa.

Andropogon distachyos L. @ Taiz, Jiblah, Sumara.

Andropogon fastigiatus Sw. (9) (syn. Diectomis fastigiata (Sw.)P.Beauv.). Al Udayn. Andropogon greenwayi Napper. @ Ibb, Yeslih, Dhamar, J. Razeh, Khamer.

Anthephora nigritana Stapf & C.E.Hubb. (9) Highlands e.g. Rujum-Attawilah. Anthephora pubescens Nees (9) (syn. A. hochstetteri Nees ex Hochst.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


S. of Sanaa. Apluda mutica L. (9) (syn. A. aristata L.). Huf al Mahara, Soqotra. Aristida abnormis Chiov. (9) Shabwa

Aristida adoensis Hochst. (3) Aristida adscensionis L. @ (syn. A. caerulescens Desf.). Widespread: Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Qa Bakil, Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra.

Aristida anaclasta Cope. * (9) Soqotra Aristida congesta Roem. & Schult. @ (syn. A. elytrophoroides Chiov.). Dhamar, Maaber, Radaa, Arhab, Qa Bakil. Aristida ferrilateris S.P.Philips . (9) Widespread in highlands. Aristida funiculata Trin. & Rupr. (9) (syn. A. murina Cav.). Rare: Haradh, Soqotra. Aristida migiurtina Chiov. (9) Rare: J. Annabi Shuayb. Aristida mutabilis Trin. & Rupr. (9) (syn. A. cassanellii Terra., A. meccana Trin & Rupr. Var. aequilonga Trin. & Rupr) Coastal areas, S. of Zabid, Wadi Rimaa, Lahg, Adhala. Aristida pennei Chiov. ** @ (syn. A. yemensis Henrard.). Highlands: Dhamar, Bani Matar, J. Allawz. Aristida prionodes (Steud.)Dandy. (5) Dhisufal. Aristida stenophylla Henrard. (9) Al Mahara. Aristida triticoides Henrard. (1,9) Abyen.

Arthraxon lancifolius (Trin.)Hochst. (9) Soqotra. Arthraxon micans (Nees)Hochst. (9) (syn. A. molle Benth., A. quartinianus (A.Rich.)Hochst.). Rare: Atturbah, Baadan, Soqotra. Arthraxon prionodes (Steud.)Dandy. @ (syn. A. lancelatus (Roxb.)Dandy). Widespread: Tohama foothils, J. Saber, w. of Amran. Arundo donax L. (9) Tihama foothills, western mountains..

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Asthenatherum fragile (Guinet & Sauvage)Monod. (9) Avena abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. @ (syn. A. sativa L.var. abyssinica (Aa.Rich.)Engl.) Highlands: J. Saber, al Ahkum(Taiz), Baadan, Sanaa, Yerim, Manakha. Avena barbata Pott ex Link subsp. barbata. (9) Avena fatua L. @ Dhamar, J. Taaker. Avena sterilis L. Subsp. ludoviciana (9) Beckeropsis nubica (Hochst.)Fig. & De Not. (9) (syn. B. uniseta (Nees)Schum.) Jiblah, Dhisufal. Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.)S.T.Blake. (8) N. of Ibb. Bothriochloa insculpta (Hochst. ex A. Rich)Camus @ (syn. B. pertusa (L.)Camus, Andropogon pertusa Willd.) Tihama foothills, Taiz, Radaa, Sumara, Sanaa-Arhab, Soqotra. Bothriochloa radicans (Lehm.)A. Camus (8) (syn. Amphilophis radicans (Lehm.)Stapf). Rare: J. Hadiyah. Brachiaria arida (Mez)Stapf. (9) Soqotra. Brachiaria brizantha Hochst. ex A.Rich. (8) Rare: Ibb. Brachiaria chusqueoides (Hack.)W.D.Clayt. (8) (syn. Panicum chsqueoides Hack.). Rare: J. Buraa, Hadiyah. Brachiaria comata (Hochst. ex A.Rich)Stapf. (9) (syn.B. kotschyana (Hochst.)Stapf.). Rare: Adhabab (Taiz), W.Thabet, W. Assukhnah, J. Hubaish. Brachiaria deflexa (Schum)C.E.Hubb. ex F. Robyns. (9) (syn. B. regularis (Nees)Stapf, Panicum nudiglume Hochst). Tihama foothills, medium altitude mountains, Lahg, Adhala.

Brachiaria distichophulla Stapf. (8) Al Udayn. Brachiaria eruciformis (Sm.)Griseb. @ (syn. B. isachne (Roth)Stapf, Panicum eruciformis Sm.). Atturbah, Taiz-al Qaadah, Ibb, Qa Bakil, Radaa, Russabah, Sana, Soqotra. Brachiaria lata (Schum.)C.E.Hubb. (8) (syn. Urochloa insculpta (Steud.)Stapf). Rare: Hagdah, W. Rusyan (W. of Taiz), Bagel, Raymah, Madinat Ashsharq. Brachiaria leersioides (Hochst.)Stapf. @ Widespread: Tihaama foothills, medium altitude mountains, Lahg, Aden, Abyen, w. of Amran.

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Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.)Stapf. (9) Brachiaria ovalis Stapf. (9) (syn. B. glauca Stapf). Rare: hagdah, Maqbanah (w. of Taiz), Aden, Wussab Assafel, Soqotra.

Brachiaria ramosa (L.)Stapf. (9) (syn. Panicum petiveri Trin.). Rare: Tihama & foothills: Bagel, Bayt al Faqih, al Mishrafah. Brachiaria reptans (L.)E Gardner & C.E. Hubb. @ (syn. Vrochloa reptans (L.)Stapf.). Taiz, Tihama, low altitude mountains. Brachiaria scalaris Pilger. (9) Rare: W. Hadabah (al Udayn). Brachypodium distachyon (L.)P.Beauv. (8) (syn. Trachynia distachya (L.)Link). Rare: Highlandss e.g. Shaharah Brachypodium retusum (Pers.)P.Beauv. (9) (syn. B. ramosum Schult.). Widespread on hgilands e.g. Jabel Saber, al Akahilah (Taiz), J. Milhan, J. Maswer. Bromus leptoclados Nees. (9) (syn. B. cognatus Steud.). Highlands e.g. J. Saber, Sumara. J. Maswer. Bromus pectinatus Thumb. (9) (syn. B. adoensis Steud.). Highlands e.g. J. Saber, Dhamar, J. Maswer. Bromus tectorum L. @ Taiz, Dhamar. Catapodium rigidum (L.)C.E.Hubb. (8) V. rare: Hadiyah. Cenchrus biflorus Roxb. Bait al Faqih. (8) Coastal areas e.g. Bayt al Faqih, al Qanawiss.

Cenchrus ciliaris L. @ (syn. Pennisetum cenchroides Pers., P.ciliaris (L.)Link.). Taiz, N. of Sanaa, al Boun, Raydah, Jahran, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Yafea, Soqotra.

( )
Cenchrus pennisetiformis Hochst. & Steudel. @ Tihama, W. of Taiz, Aden, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul kuri.

Cenchrus setigerus Vahl. @ Tihama & Foothils, W of Taiz, Abyen, Soqotra.

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Centropodia forskalii (Vahl)Cope . (8) (syn. Asthenatherum forskalii (Vahl)Nevski, Danthonia forsskalii (Vahl) R.Br.). Marib, Shabwa, Bani Hushaysh, Jubah. Centropodia fragilis (Guinet & Savage)Cope. (9) Chloris barbata Sw. (1) Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Chloris gayana Kunth. @ Cultivated. Chloris mensensis (Schwweinf.)Cuf.). (8) Very rare: J. Buraa. Chloris prieurii Kunth. @ Taiz. Chloris pycnothrix Trin. @ (syn. C. leptostachya Hochst.). Widespread from Tihama foothills to highlands. Chloris roxburghiana Schultes. (8) (syn. C. myriochya Hochst.). Rare: Hadiyah, Raymah, J. Buraa, Haaraz. Chloris virgata Sw. @ Tihama, Taiz, Marib, Soqotra. Chrysopogon aucheri (Boiss.)Stapf. (8) Rare: J. Nuqum,. var. quinqueplumis (Hochst.)Stapf. Hadhramout Chrysopogon caesius (Nees ex Hook. & Arn)Stapf. @ J. Saber. Chrysopogon plumulosus Hochst. (syn. C. aucheri (Boiss.)Stapf. var. quinqueplumis Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) Taiz.Tihama foothills, NE Dhamar, Qa Bakil, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Chrysopogon pospischilli (Schuman)C.E.Hubb. @ J. Saber. Coelachyrum poiflorum Chiov. Bukta. @ (syn. C. induratum Pilger.). Widespread: Taiz, al Rahidah, al Udayn, Dhamar.Huth, Nihm, N. of Sanaa. Coelachyrum yemenicum (Schweinf.)S.Philips. (syn. Cypholepis yemenica (Schweinf.)Chiov., Eragrostis yemenica Schweinf.). Al Qaedah, Radaa, Haraz, Anes, J. Ashsharq. Crypsis schoenoides (L.)Lam. (8) Rare: Huth, Radaa. Cymbopogon caesius (Nees)Stapf. (9) Widespread: Bagel, al Khalifah (Tihama), Al Ahkum (Taiz), J. Marran. Cymbopogon commutatus (Steudel)Stapf. @ (syn. C. parkeri Stapf). Taiz. Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones)Schult. subsp. olivieri (Boiss.)Soena. @ Hagdah-al Barh (w. of Taiz), Marib, Soqotra. Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.)Spreng. subsp. schoenanthus . @

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(syn. C. circinnatus Hochst., Andropogon laniger Dsef.) Tihama & foothills, Arrubayee & Warazan (Taiz), Adhala, Marib, Saadah, Sanaa, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Cynodon dactylon (L.)Pers. @ Widespread; Tihama foothills, western mountains, Aden, Abyen, Hadharamout Soqotra.

Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.)P.Willd. @ Coastal plains, Tihama & foothills, w. mountains, Aden, Aabyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Dactyloctenium aristatum Link. (9) Aden, Soqotra. Dactyloctenium hackelii Wagner & Vierh. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Dactyloctenium jacquemontii Jaub. & Spach. (2) Soqotra. Dactyloctenium robecchii (Chiov.)Chiov. (9) Soqotra Dactyloctenium scindicum Boiss. @ (syn. D. glaucophyllum Courb.). Tihama, W. of Taiz, E. of Manakha, Sanaa, Qaetabah, Lahg, Abyen, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Danthoniopsis barbata (Nees)C.E.Hubbard. (9) Maaafhaq-BaniMaansoor, Abyen Desmostachya bipinnata (L.)Stapf. @ Tihama & foothills, Taiz, W. Rimaa, Aden, Marib, Lahg, al Jawf, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.)Stop.f. (9) Tihama & Foothills, Maaber, Radaa, Arhab. Dichanthium aristatum (Poiret)C.E.Hubb. (9) Taiz, Ibb, al Qaedah. Dichanthium foveolatum (Del.)Roberty. (9) (syn. Eremopogon foveolatus (Del.)Stapf). Coastal areas: Aden, Abyen, Hadhramout. Dichanthium insculptum (A.Rich.)Clayton. (9) Jiblah, Hadhramout. Digitaria abyssinica (Hochst.)Stapf. @ (syn. D. vestita Fig. & De Net, D. scalarum (Schweinf.)Chiov.). Widespread in highlands. Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.)Koeler. @ (syn. D. marginata Link.). Tihama & low altitude mountains, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

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Digitaria diagonalis (Nees)Stapf. (9) Medium & high altitude e.g. Milhan, al Mahwit, Raymah, Hadiyah. Digitaria nodosa Parl. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, Saadah, Sanaa, Nihm, al Baydhah, Wussab Assafel, Sumara, Hadhramout. Digitaria pennata (Hochst.)T.Cooke. Tihama foothills and low altitude mountains. Digitaria ternata (A.Rich.)Stapf. (9) Taiz, Ibb. Digitaria velutina (Forssk.)P.Beauv. @ Widespread: from Tihama foothills to highlands, Lahg, Soqotra. Dignathia hirtella Stapf. (8,9) Rare: Hadiah. Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl)Panzer. (8,9) Rare: Tihama foothills, Hithran, al Qaedah, Hadyah. Diplachne fusca (L.)P.Beauv. (9) Radaa. Echinochloa colona (L.)Link. @ Widespread: Tihama, Taiz, w of Hammam Ali, Wadi Rimaa, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)P.Beauv. (9) Abyen, Haraz. Ehrharta erecta var. abyssinica (Hochst.)Pilger. (9) (syn. E. abyssinica Hochst.). Saber, Khawlan Ashsham. Eleusine coracana (L.)Gaerth. @ Cultivated: Hajjah.

Eleusine floccifolia (Forssk.)Spreng. @ Widespread in highlands: J. Saber, Qa Jahranr, Sumara, Dhamar, Utuma.

Eleusine indica (L.)Gaer. subsp. africana Kennedy-O Byne)SM.Phillips (9) J. Habashi, al Misrakh (Taiz), Ibb, J. Buraa, Raymah, SW of Sanaa, Soqotra. Eleusine multiflora A.Rich. (9) Widespread in highlands: J. Saber, Shibam, Sanaa, Dhamar, Shaharah. Elionurus muticus (Spren.)Kuntze. @ (syn.E. argenteus Nees). Highlands e.g. Dhamar.

Elionurus royleanus Nees ex A.Rich. (9) J. Shaharah. Enneapogon cenchroides (Roem. & Schult.)C.E.Hubb. (9) (syn. Pappophorum molle (Lehm.)Kunth.). Al Hudaidah - Sanaa road.

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Enneapogon cilianensis (All.)Mosher. (9) Wadi Rimaa, Zabid, al Udayn. Enneapogon desvauxii J.E.Smith. @ (syn. E. brachystachus (Jaub & Spach)Stover., Pappophorum phleoides (Roemer & Schltes)Trin.). Dhubhan (Taiz), Dhamar, Khawlan Ashsham, Raydah, Wadi Dhahr, Rada, Hadhramout and Soqotra.

Enneapogon persicus Boiss. (9) (syn. Pappophorum persicum. Boiss.). Huth. NE of Raydah. Enneapogon schimperianus (Hochst. ex A.Rich.)Renv. @ (syn. E. elegans (Steud.)Stapf.). Tihama foothills to Highlands.

Enneapogon scoparius Stapf. (9) Shibam, Manakha, W. Dhahr (Sanaa). Enteropogon dolichostachyus (Lagas.)Keng ex Lazorides. (9) (syn. Chloris dolichosachya ). Enteropogon macrostachyus (Hochst. ex A.Rich.)Munro ex Benth. (9) Tihama foothills, Hithran (Taiz), Madinat Ashsharq, al Mahwit. Enteropogon prieurii (Kunth)W.D.clayton. (9) (syn. Chloris prieurii Kunth). Eragrostis aethiopica Chiov. (9) Annugaybah. Eragrostis aspera (Jacq.)Nees. (9) Rare: Al Misrakh, al Udayn. Eragrostis barrelieri Dav. @ Widespread: Tihama foothills,Taiz, Lahg, Dhamar, Abyen, Marib. Eragrostis braunii Schweinf. (9) Highlands e.g. Sanaa. Eragrostis cilianensis (All.)Vign-Lut. (9) Widespread: Tihama foothills,Taiz, highlands, Soqotra. Eragrostis ciliaris (L.)R.Br. (9) Coastal areas, Tihama foothills. var. brachystachya Boiss. (3) Southern coastal areas Eragrostis curvula (Schrad. )Nees. (8) Very rare: Highlands e.g. Shibam, Kawkaban, J. Allowz. Eragrostis japonica (Thunb)Trin. (9) (syn. E. namaquensis Schrad., E. diplachnoides Steud.). Haradh. Eragrostis longifolia Hocst. ex Steude. (9) Hadiyah. Eragrostis macilenta (A.Rich.)Steud. (9) (syn. E. decidua Hochst.). Ibb, Manakha, J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Eragrostis maharana Schweinf. @

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Hadhramout, al Mahara. Eragrostis minor Host. (9) Rare: J. Attur, al Maraqisha (Abyen). Eragrostis papposa (Roemer & Schult.)Steudel. @ Widespread: Tihama foothills, Taiz, Dhamar, Lahg, Sumara, al Boun, Soqotra.

Eragrostis pilosa (L.)P.Beauv. @ Coastal areas, Taiz, Huth, highlands. Eragrostis porosa Nees. (9) Bani Manssur, Wussab, Rihab. Eragrostis schweinfurthi Fhaiv. (8) (syn.E. kiwuensi Jedwah.). Rare: Highland e.g. J. Saber, J. Taaker, Wussab al Ali, Utuma, J. Milhan. var. kiwuensis (Jedw.)S.M.Phillips). (8) J. Saber, Sumara, Wussab al Ali, Kusumah, Rayma. Eragrostis tef (Zucc.)Trotter. (9) Marib. Cultivated. Eragrostis tenella (L.)P.Roem & Schult. (9) J. Buraa. Eragrostis tenuifolia (A.Rich)Hochst. ex Steudel. (9) Ibb Eragrostis viscosa (Retz)Trin. (9) Soqotra. Eriochloa fatmensis (Hochst. & Steudel)W.D.Clayton. (1,9) (syn. E. nubica (Steud.)Hack. & Stapf. , E. acrotricha(Steud.)Hock.). Coastal areas, Lahg, Hadhramout. Eriochloa meyeriana (Nees)Pilger. (9) (syn. Panicum meyerianum Nees). Hithran, al Barakani (Taiz), al Qaedah, Ibb. Eustachys paspaloides (Vahl)Lanza & Matte. (9) (syn. Chlori petraea Thunb.). Ibb, Raymah, al Ahjur. Festuca caprina Nees. (9) High altitude areas Festuca cryptantha T.Cope. * (9) Highlands: Sumara, J. Annabi Shuayb, J. Maswer, J. Taaker. Festuca obturbans St.-Yves. (9) Rare: Highlands: Sanaa, J. Dhawran, J. Annabi Shuayb, Shibam, Kawkaban. Festuca rubra L. (9) Introduced as lawn grass: Sanaa. Fingerhuthia africana Lehm. (9) Wadi Dhahr. Highlands: Yasleh, Radaa, Khawlan Ashsham, Waalan, Nuqum, Gastrdium phleoides (Nees & Meyen)C.E.Hubb. (9) Rare: Highlands e.g. J. Saber, J. Taaaker, Baadan, Manar, Kusuma, Milhan, Attawilah. Gastridium ventricosum (Gouan)Schinz & Phell. (9) Hackelochloa granularis (L.)Kuntze. (9) Ibb, W. Assukhnah.

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Halopyrum mucronatum (L.)Stapf. @ Coastal areas: al Hudaydah, al Khawkha, Aden, al Mukalla, Soqotra.

Harpachne schimperi Hochst. ex Rich. (9) Highlands: Ibb, Shibam, al Aahjur, J. Razeh. Helictotrichon angustume C.E.Hubb. (9) Highlands: J. Taaker. Helictotrichon elongatum (Hochst ex A.Rich.)C.E.Hubbard. (9) Highlands: Jibla, J. Saber, Dhamar, Hadiyah, al Aahjur, Yarim. Heteropogon contortus(L.)P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. @ Al Hudaidah - Sanaa road, Dhamar.

Hordeum distichum L. @ J. Saber, Yerim. Hordeum spontaneum K.Koch. (9) Hordeum vulgare L. @ (syn. H. deficiens Ssteud.). Cultivated.

Hyparrhenia coleotricha (Steud.)Ander. Ex W.D.Clayton (9) Middle altitude e.g. around al Udayn. Hyparrhenia dregeana Stapf. ex Stent (Nees). (9) Rare: Highlands : Ibb, al Udayn, J. Shibam Hyparrhenia formosa Stapf. (9) Rare: J. Kaburah above Hadiyah. Hyparrhenia hirta (L.)Stapf. @ Sanaa,Yeslih, Huth, al Bon, Dhamar, Hajjah, Lahg, Adhala.

Hyparrhenia papiilipes (Hochst. Ex A.Rich.)Anderss. ex Stapf. (9) Rare : J. Sumara. Hyparrhenia quarrei E.Robyns. (9) Rare : Ibb al Udayn pass below Mashwarah. Hyparrhenia variabilis Stapf. (9) Rare : Between Ibb and Suq As Sabt. Imperata cylindrica (L.)P.Beauv. (8) Very rare: Radaa. Koeleria capensis (Steudel.)Nees. (9) Highlands: J. Saber, Hadiyah, J. Milhan, Shibam, Haraz, Maswer. Lamarckia aurea (L.)Moench. (9) Taiz, Ibb, Sumara, Kusumah, Raymah, Milhan,Shibam, Haraz, Attawilah. Lasiurus scindicus Henrard. @ (syn. L. hirsutus (Forssk.)Boiss.). Southern Tihama, w. of Taiz, Hadhramout.

Leptocarydion vulpiastrum (De Not.)Stapf. (8) Very rare: Al Misrakh.

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Leptochloa obtusifolra Hochst. (8) (syn. Eleusine obtusiflora (Hochst.)Schweinf.). Tihama foothills, Bura, Taiz. Leptochloa rupestris C.E.Hubb. (8) Tihama foothills, W. Adhabab (Taiz), Khawlan Ashsham. Leptotherim senegalense (Kunth)W.D.Clayton. (8) (syn. Latipes senegalensis (Gay)Kunth.). S. of Zabid, Shabwa, eastern mountains, Abyen, Shabwa, Hadhramout.

Lepturus tenuis Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra Lolium multiflorum Lam. (8) Baadan, J. Manar, J. Taaker. Lolium perenne L. (9) Yerim, Sanaa. Highlands: Amran, Khamer, Hadiyah, W. Bana. Lolium persicum Boiss. (9) Lolium rigidum Gaudin. (9) Lolium temulentum L. (9) Rare: Taiz, Sanaa. Melanocenchris jacquemonthii Jaub. & Sparch. Soqotra. Microchloa kunthii Desv. @ (syn. M. indica (L. F.) P.Beav.) Widespread: Medium to highlands e.g Dhamar.

Ochthochloa compressa (Forssk.)Hilu. (9) (syn. Eleusine compressa (Forssk.)Asch & Schweinf., E. flagellifera Nees). Coastal areas,Taiz, Lahg. Odontelytrum abyssinicum Hack. (9) Highlandss: Yerim, Sumara, W. Bana, Anis. Odyssea mucronata (Forssk.)Stapf. @ Coastal areas, Soqotra.

Oplismenus burmannii (Retz.)P.Beauv. (9) Soqotra. Oplismenus compositus (L.)P.Beauv. (9) J. Buraa, Raymah, Milhan, Hadiyah, Soqotra. Oplismenus hirtellus (L.)P.Beauv. (9) Al Udayn. Oropetium capense Stapf. (9) Rare: Fardah. Oropetium minimum (Hochst.)Pilger. @ Coastal areas, Dhamar, Wussab, Shaharah, Soqotra.

Oryza sativa L. Very rare. (9) Cultivated in Abs-Muharraq.

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Oryzopsis holciformis (M.Bieb.)Hackel. (9) J. Saber, Ayfuu, Milhan, J. Maswer, Shaharah, J. Taaker. Panicum antidotale Retz. (1.9) Aden.

Panicum atrosanguineum Hochst. ex A. Rich. (9) Taiz, Shaharah, Soqotra. Panicum coloratum L. (9) Coastal areas, eastern mountains, Taiz. Al Qaedah, Ibb. Panicum divisum (Gmel)Henr. @ Tihama foothills. Panicum maximum Jacq. @ Tihama foothills, Maaber, Soqotra. Panicum miliaceum L. (8) Tihama, Aden. Cultivated. Panicum repens L. (9) (syn. P. hygrocharis Steud.). Madinat Ashsharq, Hajjaylah. Panicum rigidum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samha. Panicum socotranum Cope. * (9) Soqotra. Panicum turgidum Forssk. @ Coastal areas, Hadhramout, Abyen, Marib, Soqotra.

Paspalidium desertorum (A.Rich.)Stapf. (9) Coastal areas e.g. Bagel, W. Zabid, Aden. Paspalidium flavidum (Retz.)A.Camus. (9) Tihama. Paspalidium geminatum (Forssk.)Stapf. (9) Coastal areas, Soqotra. Paspalum paspalodes (Mich.)Scrib. (9) Introduced: al Udayn, Ibb. Paspalum scrobiculatum L. (8,9) (syn. P. commersonii Lam., P. orbiculare Forst.). Rare: al Aduf near Atturbah, Wussab Assafel, Khamis Ban Saad, Soqotra. Paspalum vaginatum SW. (9) Coastal areas. Taiz, Radaa., Soqotra. Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Ex Chiov. (9) Introduced as lown grass in Sanaa. Pennisetum divisum (J. Gmelin)Henrard. (9) (syn. P. dichotomum (Forssk.)Del. Eastern mountains, Harib, Lahg, Ataq-Bayhan (Shabwa), Soqotra.. Pennisetum glaucophyllum Hochst. ex A.Rich. (9) Highlands: Shibam, Manakha. Pennisetum glaucum (L.)R.Br. @

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(syn. P. typhoides (Burm.f.)Stapf. & Hobb.). Cultivated: coatal areas

Pennisetum macrourum Trin. (9) (syn. P. stenorrhachis Stapf. & Hubb., P. quartinianum A. Rich). Atturbah, Khawlan Ashsham, Wadi Shalalah. Pennisetum nubicum (Hochst.)Schum. ex Engl. (9) (syn. Beckeropsis nubica ). Pennisetum orientale Rich. (9) Lahg, Adhala, Soqotra. Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.)Chiov. @ (syn. P. rueppellii Steud. ). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Ibb, Qa Bakil, Huth, Dhamar, Raydah, Sanaa.

Pennisetum stramineum Peter. (9) Highlands e.g. Arhab, Nihm, Radaa, Shiharah, Manakha, Attawilah. Pennisetum thunbergii Kunth. (9) (syn. P. glabrum Steud.). Widespread on highlands e.g. Ibb, Yerim. Pennisetum unisetum (Nees)Benth. (9) (syn. Beckeropsis uniseta (Nees)Benth. ). Widespread on highlands e.g. Ibb. Pennisetum villosum R.Br. ex Fresen. @ (syn. P. yemense Deflers). Jiblah, Qa Bakil, Dhamar, Sanaa, al Boun.

Pentaschistis pictigluma (Steud.)Pilger. (9) Rare: Highlands e.g Sanaa, J. Annabi Shuayb, Taaker, J. Maswer. Phaenanthoecium koestlinii (Hochst.)C.E.Hubb. (9) Raymah, Haraz, Maswer, J. Taaker. Phalaris minor Rota. (9) Tihama foothills. Phalaris paradox L. var. praemorsa (Lam.)Coss. & Dur. (9) Highlands e.g. Sanaa. Phragmites australis (Cav.)Trin. ex Steud. (9) (syn. P. communis Trin). Radaa, Arhab, near al Mukalla. Phragmites karka (Retz)Trin ex Steudel. (8,9) Very rare: Ibb. Poa annua L. (9) Highlands. Poa leptoclada Hochst. ex A. Rich. (9) Rare: Highlands: J. Maswer. Poa pratensis L. (9) (syn. P. menachensis Schweinf.). Rare: J. Shibam. Poa schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. (9)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Highlands: Ibb, J. Maswer. Poa simensis Hochst. Ex A. Rich. (9) Highlands: J. Saber, J. Taaker. Polypogon monspeliensis (L.)Desf. (9) Taiz, Tihama foothills Rhynchelytrum grandiflorum Hochst. (9) J. Buraa, Raymah, Madinat Ashsharq. Rhynchelytrum microstachym Balf.f. var. albicomum Balf.f. * (9) Soqotra. Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.)C.E.Hubb. @ (syn.R. villosum (Porl.)Chiov.). Hajjah, Sumara, Soqotra. Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.)W.D.Clayton. (9) (syn. R. exaltata L.). Tihama, Hagdah (W of Taiz), medium altitude. Rytidosperma subulata (A.Rich.)Cope. (9) (syn. Danthonia subulata A.Rich.). Highlands: Sumara-Maaber. Saccharum officinarum L. (9) Cultivated.

Saccharum ravennae (L.)Murr. (9) Saadah, Nihm, Marib. Saccharum spontaneum L. (9) Tihama foothills and highlands. Schismus barbatus (L.)Thell. (3,9) Schmidtia pappophoroides Steud. (9) Soqotra. Schoenefeldia gracilis Kunch. (9) Bayt al Faqih: Tihama. Sehima ischaemoides Forssk. (9) Taiz, Raymah, Hadiyah.. Sehima nervosum (Rottler.)Stapf. (9) Tihama foothills, Atturbah, Ibb, al Udayn, Soqotra. Setaria barbata (Lam.)Kunth. @ Tihama foothills, Adhabab (SW of Taiz). Setaria intermedia Roemer & Schultes. (9) Soqotra. Setaria italica (L.)P.Beauv. (9) Cultivated.. Setaria pallidifusca (Schumach.)Stapf. & Hubb. (2) Soqotra. Setaria plicatilis (Hochst.)Hackel. (9) Tiham foothills, al Mussallah (Taiz), Hajjah. Setaria pumila (Poiret)Roem & Schult. (9) (syn.S. pallidia-fusca (Schum.)Stapf & Hubbard., S. glauca P.Boauv.). Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, J. Razeh., western mountains, Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Setaria sagittifolia (Hochst. ex A.Rich.)Walp. (9) Wussab, Rihab, Madinat Ashsharq, Raymah, Haraz. Setaria sphacelata (Schum.)Stapf. & C.E.Hubb. ex M.B.Moss. var. aurea (Hochst. Ex A.Br.)W.D.Clayton. (9) Al Mahwit. Setaria verticillata (L.)P. Beaur. @ (syn. S. adhaerens (Forssk.)Chiov.). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Western mountains, Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Setaria viridis (L.)P.Beauv. (9) Western mountains, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Snowdenia petitiana (A.Rich.)C.E.Hubb. Rare: Highlands e.g. Haddah, Shaharah. Snowdenia polystachya (Fresen.)Pilger. @ (syn. Beckera polystachya Fresen.) J. Saber, J. Habashi, Warazan, Sumara.Sanaa, Haraz, Bani Matar. Sorghum bicolor (L.)Moench. @ (syn. S. durra Stapf.). Cultivated.

Sporobolus africanus (Poiret)Robyns & Tournay. (9) J. Saber, Atturbah, J. Maswer, Ibb, Dhamar, Yarim. Sporobolus angustifolius A.Rich. (9) Ibb, al Dalil, Sumarah, Buraa, Hadiyah, Milhan, al Mahabisha, Soqotra. Sporobolus confinis (Steud.)Chiov. (9) Medium altitude e.g. J. Razeh. Sporobolus consimilis Fresen. (9) (syn. S. robustus Kunth). Tiham foothills, Hujaylah, Aden, Damt, al Baydhah, Radaa, Saadah., Aden.

Sporobolus coromandelianus (Retz.)Kunth. (9) Hujaylah. Sporobolus festivus Hochst. ex A.Rich. (9) Tiham foothills, Sharaab, al Udayn, J. Hubaysh, J. Ashsharq. Sporobolus hamiensis Schweinf. (9) Sporobolus helvolus (Trin.)T.Duran. & Schinz. (9) (syn. S. glaucifolius (Steud.)Hochst. Ex Dur. & Schinz). Coastal areas, Tihama foothills. Sporobolus kentrophyllus (Schum.)Clayton. (9) Saadah. Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trin.)Nees . @ (syn. S. arabicus Boiss., S. marginatus A.Rich., S. jemenicus Pilger). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Sanaa, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Sporobolus minutus Link. (9) Soqotra. Sporobolus natalenis (Steud.)Dur. & Schinz. (9) Shibam. Sporobolus nervosus Hochsd. (8,9) V. rare: NW Sanaa.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Sporobolus panicoides A.Rich. (9) Atturbah, al Qadah, Dhisufal, Ibb, al Udayn, Rihab, Wussab al Ali, J Ashsharq. Sporobolus pellucidus Hochst. (9) Radaa, W. Dhahr, Shamalan, Soqotra. Sporobolus pyramidalis P.Beauv. (9) Widespread on low to highlands. Sporobolus ruspolianus Chiov. (2) Hadhramout, Soqotra. Sporobolus spicatus (Vahl)Kuntze. @ Taiz, Tihama, Aden, Hadhramout, Hagdah-Hays, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Sporobolus tourneuxii Coss. (9) NE Dhamar, Milhan, Sanaban, Radaa, Bani Hushaysh, Hadhramout. Sporobolus virginicus (L.)Kunth. (3,9) Stipa parviflora Desf. (ref. the herbar. of al Kod) Sayhut-Qishin road (Hadhramout. Stipa tigrensis Chiov. (9) J. Habashi, Haraz, Sumara, J. Allouz, Kuhlan, J. Manar, Haraz, Shibam. Stipagrostis acutiflora (Trin. & Rupr.)De Winter. (9) Stipagrostis ciliata (Desf.)de Winter. @ (syn. Aristida ciliata Desf.). Highlands: Maaber, Dhamar, Sanaa, Radaa, Amran, Hadhramout.

Stipagrostis foexiana (Maire & Wilczek.)De Winter. (9) Stipagrostis hirtigluma (Steud. ex Trin. & Rupr.)De Winter. (9) (syn. Aristida hirtigluma Trin. & Rupr.). Tiham foothills, Bani Umar, Damt, Amran, Hadhramout. Stipagrostis obtusa (Del.)Nees. (9) (syn. S. bifida (J.Karl)De Winter, Aristida obtusa Del). Highlands: Radaa, Saadah, Khawlan Ashsham, Al Bon. Stipagrostis paradisea (Edgew.)de Winter. (9) (syn. Aristida paradisea Edgew.). Aden, Jubah, Harib.

Stipagrostis plumosa (L.)Munro ex T.Ander. (9) (syn. Aristida plumosa L.). Al Mafraq-Al Makha. Stipagrostis pogonoptila (Jaub. & Spach.)De Winter. (9) Stipagrostis sokotrana (Vierh.)De Winter. (9) ( Aristida sokotrana vienth.). Soqotra. Stipagrostis uniplumis (Lichtenst.)de Winter. (9) Abyen.

Tetrachaete elionuroides Chiov. (9) Coastal areas, Taiz, al Mafraq. Tetrapogon cenchriformis (A.Rich.)W.D.Clayton. (9)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. Lepidopironia cenchriformis A. Rich.). Tiham foothills, medium altitude. Tetrapogon tenellus (Konig ex Roxb.)Chiov. (9) (syn. T. macroanthus (Jaub. & Spach)Benth., Chloris tenella Roxb). Tihama foothills, medium altitiude, S. of Taiz, Lahg, Radfan, Soqotra. Tetrapogon villosus Desf. @ Widespread: Tiham foothills, Taiz, Dhamar, Raydah, Sanaa, Aden, Lahg, Soqotra.

( )
Themeda quadrivalvis (L.)Kuntze. (9) (syn. Anthistiria ciliata L.). Soqotra. Themeda triandra Forssk. @ J. Saber, Shibam, Dhamar, Hajjah, Raydah, Utuma, Kuhlan. Tragus berteronianus Schult. (9) Tihama foothills, J. Bura, Abyen, Marib, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Tragus racemosus (L.)All. @ Taiz, Yerim, Sanaa, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Tricholaena setaceaC.E.Hubb. (2) Soqotra. Tricholaena teneriffae (L.f.)Link. (9) (syn. T. leucantha (A.Rich.)Hochst. ex Aschers. & Schweinf., Panicum teneriffae R.Br.). Tihama foothills, highlands, Abyen. Tricholaena vestita (Balf.f.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb. * (9) (syn. Eriochloa vestita Balf..f.). Soqtora. Tripogon leptophyllus (A.R.)Cuf. (9) Rare: Highlands e.g. Al Mahwit, Hadiyah, Milhan. Tripogon montanus Chiov. (9) Highlands e.g. Baadan, Bawaan, Kawkaban, shibam, Dhawran. Tripogon multiflorus Mire & H.G.illet. (9) Al Udayn, J. Raymah, Shamlan, Arhab. Tripogon purpurascens Duthie. (9) Sumara, near Addalil. Tripogon subtilissimus Chiov. (9) Triraphis pumilio R.Br. (9) V. rare: Marib. Triticum aestivum L. @ Cultivated.

Triticum dicoccum (Schrank.)Schuev. (9) Manakha.

Triticum durum Desf. (9) Cultivated : Jiblah, al Kod.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Urochloa panicoides P.Beauv. Lahg. @ (syn. U. helopus (Trin.)Stapf). Hagdah, Sharaab (Taiz), al Udayn, Wussab-Rihab, Hadiyah, Haraz, Adhala. Urochloa trichopus (Hochst.)stapf. (9) Tihama & foothills, Taiz, Madinat Ashsharq. Urochondra setulosa (Trin.)C.E.Hubb. @ Coastal areas, Soqotra.

Vulpia bromoides (L.)Gray. (9) Highlands e.g. J. Taaker. Zea mays L. @ Cultivated.

Zingeria trichopoda (Boiss.)P.Smirn. @ Taiz.

POLYGALACEAE Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen. var. abyssinica @ J. Saber, Manakha, Hadhramout, Dhamar, Soqotra. var. subaphylla (O. Schwartz)Wood (8) (syn. P. aubaphylla O. Schartz) East of Radaa, near Majz Bani Hushaish. Polygala chinensis Linn. (2) Spqotra. Polygala erioptera DC. @ (P. thurmanniana Chodat). Bait al Faqih, Aden, Lahg, Abyen, Kuhlan Affar, Firmihin (Soqotra). var. perennis Schweinf. Aden, Huneish island, Qa tabah.

Polygala irreqularis Boiss. (8) Coastal areas, al Mafraq-al Barh, Dhamar, Abyen. Polygala kuriensis A.G.Mill. Abdul Kuri island Polygala mascatensis Boiss. (3) Polygala paulayana Vierh. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

Polygala persicariifolia DC. (8) Rare: Ibb Polygala rupicola Hochst. & Steud. ex A.Rich. (8) (syn. P. aethiopica Chodat.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


J. Saber, al Ahjur, Raydah. Polygala schwartzian Paiva. (3) (syn. P. subaphylla Schwartz). Polygala senensis Klotzsch. (8) (syn. P. quartiniana A.Rich., P. obtusissima Hochit.). Tihama foothills, Taiz, Lahg, Adhalaa, Nihm, Harf, Hadhramout. Polygala thurmanniana Chodat. (3) Hadhramout Polygala tinctoria Vahl. (8) (syn. P. bracteolata Forssk. non L.). Atturbah, Dhisufal, Tihama foothills. POLYGONACEAE Antigonum leptopus Hook. & Arn. @ Cultivated as an ornamental. Calligonum comosum Herit. @ (syn. Polygonoides subsp. Comosum (L Her)Sosk.) Matfaa Aden road Calligonum crinitum Boiss ** subsp. arabicum (Sosk.)Sock. Marib, Harib, Hadhramout.

Calligonum polygonoides L. subsp. comosum (L. Herit)Stosk. (2) Soqotra. Emex australis Steinh. (7) Introduced : weed at 1700 Emex spinosus (L.)Campd. (7) Highlands e.g. Yerim, Sumarah, Manakha, W. Dhahr, Shibam, Soqotra. Oxygonum sinuatum (Hochst. & Steud.)Dammer. (7) (syn. O. atriplicifolium (Meish.)var. sinuatum.). Ibb, Soqotra. Perisicaria amphibia (L.)S.F.Gray (7) (syn. polgonum amphibium L.). Highlands: Sumara, Bani Matar,Yerim, Sanafan. Perisicaria barbata (L.)Hara (7) (syn. Polygonum barbatum L., Polygonum setulosum A.Rich). Rare: Taiz, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, al Ahjur, Hadiyah, Assukhnah, Soqotra. Perisicaria decipiens (R.Br.)Wilson (7) (syn. P. salcifolia (Brouss. ex Willd., Polygonum salicifolia Brouss ex Willd). Ibb, al Qaedah, Hithran (Taiz), J. Milhan, Harz. Persicaria glabra (Willd.)Gomez de la Maze (7) (syn. Polygonum glabrum Willd.). Haraz, Khawlan Ashsham, Soqotra. Persicaria lapathifolia (L.)Gray. (7,9) (syn. Polygonum lapathifolium L.). Yerim, Sanafan. Persicaria maculosa Gray. (7,8)

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(syn. P. dolichopoda (Ohki)Sasak, Polygonum persicaria L.). Ibb, al Ahjor, Sanafan, Attawila, W. Dhahr. Persicaria nepalensis (Meis.)Gross. (7, 8) (syn. Polygonum nepalense Meissner). Rare: J. Rayma, Wussab al Ali, Baadan, J. Taaker, Barat, Kusumah. Perisicaria salicifolia (Willd.)S.F.Gray. (7) (syn. Polygonum salicifolium Willd., P. serrulatum Lag.). Rare: Hithran (Taiz), al Qaeedah, Ibb, Milhan, Haraz, Hujaylah. Persicaria senegalensis (Meis.)Sojak. (7,8) (syn. Polygonum senegalensis Meiss.). Widespread from Tihama foothills to highlands. Polygonum aviculara L. (7,8) High altitude mountains. Polygonum corrigioloides Jaub. & Spach. High altitude mountains: Huth Rumex dentatus L. High altitude areas: Dhamar, Yarim, Shibam, Dhawran, Khamer. Rumex nervosus Vahl. @ Widespread on high altitude areas: e.g. J. Saber, Ibb, Baadan , Yarim, Dhamar, Sanaa, Amran, Hajjah, Khamer, Shibam, Dhawran, Addalea, Yafea.

Rumex obtusifolius L. (8) High altitude mountains: J. Maswer, Haraz, Attawilah, Dhamar, Kawkaban, Baadan.

Rumex steudelii Hochst. ex A.Rich. (7,8) Rare: High altitude areas: Sanafan.

Rumex vesicarius L. (7,8) Widespread on highlands e.g. Shihara, Raydah, Qa Jahran, Abyen, and Hadhramout. POLYPODIACEAE Loxogramme lanceolata (Swartz)C. Presl. (7) Rare: Tihama foothills, Hadiyah, J. Milhan. Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.)Kaulf. (7) Rare: J. Saber, Western mountains, Baadan, Socotra.

PORTULACACEAE Portulaca foliosa Ker-Gawl. (8) J. Buraa. Portulaca oleracea L. @ Taiz, Tihama foothills, Aden, Abyen, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Portulaca quadrifida L. (7,8) (syn. P. hareschata Forssk., P. imbricata Forssk., P. linifolia Forssk.)

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Tihama foothills, Taiz, hamar, Russabah, Aden, Abyen, Soqotra. D

Portulaca samhaensis A.G.Mill. * Samha island Portulaca sedifolia A.G.Mill. * Soqotra Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.)Aschers. ex Schweinf. (7,) (syn. T. cuneifolium (Vahl)Willd., Orygia portulacifolia Forssk., Portulaca cuneifolia Vahl.) Low escarpment, Taiz, Soqotra. POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton fluitans Rothb. (2) Soqotra. Potamogeton natans L. (8) SW of Yerim, Sanaa, al Ahjur, Soqotra. Potamogeton nodosus Poir. @ Tihama, W. al Mashaer (S. of Taiz), Huth, Soqtra.

Potamogeton pectinatus L. (2) Soqotra. Potamogeton pusillus L. (8) Atturbah, Shibam, Manakha, J. Milhan, Huth, al Ahjur. Potamogeton schweinfurthii (8) A.Benn. Rare: J. Sumarah, J. Manar, Wadi Bana. Potamogeton semicoloratus Aith. (2) Soqotra. PRIMULACEAE Anagallis arvences L. @ var. caerulea (L.) Gouan (8) Atturbah, Dhamar, Sanafan, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Anagallis foemina Miller. (8) Rare: J. Saber, Sumarah, Barat, Kusuma, Haraz, Kuhlan, J. Annabi Shuayb, Shibam, Sada. Anagallis minima (L.)E.H.L.Krause. (8) Rare: J. Taaker. Anagallis serpens Hochst. ex DC. (8) Rare: E. of Dhamar, J. Manar, Sumara. Asterolinon adoense Kunze. (8) J. Baadan. Lysimachia ruhmeriana Vatke. (8) Rare : J. kaburah (Hadiyah). Primula verticillata Forssk. (8) Hayfan & Atturbah (Taiz), Wussab, J. Milhan, J. Alloz, Yerim, Jiblah, Haddah (Sanaa), Hajjah, Mukairas.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Samolus valerandi L. (8) J. Saber & Atturbah (Taiz), Dhisufal, al Qaeedah, Dhamar. PROTEACEAE Grevillea robusta A.Cunn. ex R.Br. @ AREA experimental farm, Taiz PSILOTACEAE Psilotum nudum (L.)P.Beauv. (7) Atturbah: S. Taiz, J. Milhan, al Mahwit, Hadiyah, Baadan. PTERIDACEAE Pteris catoptera Kunze. (8) Rare: Haditah, J. Buraa, J. Milhan. Pteris cretica L. (7) (syn. P. obliqua Forssk., P. semiserrata Forssk.) J. Saber, Soqotra. Pteris dentata Forssk. Taiz, Sanaa. @ (syn.P. serrulata Forsske.). Dhamar, Shibam, Dhisufal. Pteris quadriaurita Ret. (2) (syn. P. catoptera Kunze). Western mountains, Soqotra. Pteris vittata L. (2,8) (syn. P. longifolia L., P. obliqua Forssk.). Medium to highlands e.g. Dhisufal, Hajjah, Soqotra. PUNICACEAE Punica granatum L. @ Tihama foothills, Cultivated.

Punica protopunica Balf.f. * @ Soqotra. RANUNCULACEAE Adonis dentata Del. (7) Al Ahjur. Clematis hirsuta Guill. & Perr. @ (syn. C. incisodentata A.Rich, C. wightiana Wall.). Taiz, Ibb.

Clematis longicauda Steud. ex A.Rich. (7) J. Nasser (Hajjah). Clematis simensis Fresen. (7) Highlands e.g. Wadi Shalalah. Nigella sativa L. @

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Cultivated: Qa Bakil, Arhab, Hadhramout.

Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. (7,8) (syn. R. forskoehlii DC.). Yerim, Sanafan. Ranunculus rionii Lagg. (7,8) (syn. R. trichophyllus Chair var. rionii (Lagg.)Rikl.). Yerim. Thalictrum minus L. @ Atturbah, Wussab, Eryan. RESEDACEAE Caylusea abyssinica (Fresen.)Fisch. & Mey. (7,8) Rare: Al jabin-Assalafiyah, J. Rayma. Caylusea hexagyne (Forssk.)M.L.Green. @ (syn. C. canescens A.St.Hil., C. jaberi Abedin, Reseda hexagyna Forssk.). N. of al Qaeedah, Dhamar, Sanaa, J. Annabi Shuaayb, Bani Mater, Manakha, Yafea, Soqotra. Ochradenus arabicus Chaud. Hillcoat & Miller. ** (in Not. RBG Edinb: 41(3): 494) Hadhramout, Soqotra. Ochradenus baccatus Del. @ (syn. O. baccatus Del. var. monstrosa Muell., O. baccatus Del. var. scandens Hochst. & Steud. Ex Muell) Taiz, Sanaa, Yeslih, Manakha, Dhamar, Shabwa, Hadhramout, al Mahara, Soqotra.

( )
Ochradenus gifrii Thulin. ** ( in Nord. J. Bot. 14(4): 383 (1994) Al Mahara, Sayhut-Qishin. Ochradenus spartioides (Schwartz)Abdulla. * (7) (syn. Ranodonia spartioides Schwartz). Rare: W. Himam above al Mukalla (Hadhramout). Oligomeris linifolia (Vahl)J.F.Macbr. (7,8) (syn. O. subulata Webb.)Boiss. Sanaa, Arhab, Radaa. Reseda alba L. subsp. decursiva (Forssk.)Maire. (7) (syn. R. decursiva Forrsk.) Low altitude areas, W of Taiz . Reseda amblyocarpa Fresen. var. adenensis Perk. (7) Aden. Reseda sphenocleoides Defl. ** (1,7,8) Al Hujariyah, W of Arrona (N of Taiz), Aden, Lahg, Dhamar, Radaa, Saadah, Hadhramout. Reseda spinescrns Schwartz (ref. The herbar. of al Kod) Abyen, Yafea, Adhala, al Mahara. Reseda viridis Balf.f. * (7) Soqotra

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


RHAMNACEAE Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch)Hemsl. @ (syn. phyllogeiton discolor (Klotzh)Herzog). Tihama foothills, W of Taiz, middle altitude mountains.

Helinus integrifolius (Lam.)Kuntze (8) (syn. H. arabicus Jaoub. & Spach). Sharab, al Misrakh (Taiz), al Udayn, Soqotra. Rhamnus prinoides LHerit. (8) Highlands e.g. J. Habashi, J. Baadan, Kusumah, , J. Raymah, J. Milhan, Hadiyah. Rhamnus staddo A.Rich. var. deflersii (Schweinf.)Chiov. @ Taiz, highlands, Huf.

( )( )
Segeretia thea (Osb.)M.S.John. @ (syn. S. brandrethiana Aitch. var. bornmuelleri Schneider , S. spiciflora (A.Rich.)Hutch & Bruce, Berchemia yemensis Defl.). Tihama foothills, western scarpment, Dhamar, Shibam, Hadhramout.

Ziziphus leucodermis (E.G.Baker) Schwartz. ** (1,4) (syn. Rhamnus leucodermis Bak.) Hadhramout)

Ziziphus jujuba Mills. @ (syn. Z. vulgaris Lam.). Cultivated. Ziziphus lotus (L.)Lam. (3) Cultivated: Ataq-Bayhan (Shabwa), Ghayl Bawezir(Hadramout). Ziziphus mauritania Lam. (2) Soqotra. Ziziphus mucronata Willd. @ Tihama foothills, Taiz, western middle altitude mountains.

Ziziphus nummularia (Borm.f.)Wight & Arm. J. Buraa. Ziziphus spina -christi (L.)Willd. @ Throughout the country. (3)

RHIZOPHORACEAE Rhizophora mucronata Lam. (8) Rare: Coastal areas. Medi, Alluhayyah. ROSACEAE

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Alchemilla cryptantha Steud. ex A.Rich. (7,8) J. Saber, J. Rayma, Mankhah, J. Annabi Shuaayb. Cydonia oblonga Miller. @ (syn. C. vulgaris Pers., Pyrus cydonia L.,) Cultivated.

Cotoneaster nummularia Fisc. & C.Mey.). (7) Hilyal (Sumara). Malus sylvestris Miller. @ (syn. M. communis Poir., Pyrus malus L.) Cultivated.

Potentilla dentata Forssk. @ J. Saber, Ibb, J. Maswer, Manakha, J. Sumara. Potentilla reptans L. (7,8) Ibb,Yerim, Khawlan Ashsham. Prunus armeniaca L. @ (syn. Armenica vulgaris Lam.) Cultivated: Sanaa, Shibam.

Prunus domestica L. @ Cultivated: Sanaa, Shibam.

Prunus dulcis (Mill.)D.A.Weeb. @ (syn. Amygdalus communis L. A. dulcis Miller, Prunus amygdalus Batsch, P. communis (L.)Arcang.) Sanaa.

Prunus persica (L.)Batsch. @ (syn. Amygdalus persica L.) Cultivated: Sanaa.

Pyrus communis L. subsp. sativa (DC.)Hegi. @ Cultivated: al Hada, Sanaa.

Rosa abyssinica R.Br. ex Lindl. @ (syn. R. bottaiana Boulen., R. moschata Herrm. var. abyssinica (Lindley)Crepin, R. schweinfurthii Boule. High lands e.g. J. Saber, Dhamar, Hajjah, Amran.

Rosa barbeyi Boul. * (7) Low altititude mountains Rosa x bifera (Poir.)Pers. (8) Cultivated. Sanaa.

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Rubus apetalus Poir. (7) (syn. R. petitianus A.Rich.). Ibb, Dhisufal.

Rubus arabicus (Defl.)Schweinf. * (7,8) (syn. R. glandulosus Bell. var. arabicus Defl.) Haraz, J. Milhan, Shibam, Kuhlan. Rubus caesius L. (7,8) Al Mihwit, Bani Mater, W. Dhahr, al Ahjor, Attawilah. RUBIACEAE Anthospermum herbaceum L.f. (8) (syn. A. muriculatum Hochst. ex A.Rich.). Highlands e.g. Dhisufal. Breonadia salicina (Vahl)Hepper & J.R.I.Wood. @ (syn.B. microcephala (Del.)Ridsd. Adina microcephala (Del.)Hiern.). Tihama foothills, J. Bura, W. al Mua'ten ( J. Rayma), Taiz, Al Udayn, Baadan , Hajjah, Utuma.

Canthium phyllanthoideum Baill. (8) (syn. C. bogosensis (Mart.)Penzing). Al Hujariyah, J. Sawraq, J. Bura, Sharaab, al Udayn, Ibb, Ussab al Ali, al Mihwit, al Mahabishah. Canthium schimperianum A.Rich. (8) (syn. Plectronia schimperiana (A.Rich.)Vatke). Ibb, al Udayn, al Mihwit, al Mahabishah, Utuma, J. Razeh, Mirran.

Carphalea glaucescens (Hiern.)Vatke. (2) Soqotra. Carphalea obovata (Balf.f.)Verdc. @ (syn. Dirichletia lanceolata Balf.f., D. obovata Balf.f., D. venulosa Balf.f.). Soqotra.

var. albescens (Balf.f.)Verdc. (syn. Dirichletia obovata var. albescens Balf.f. ). Soqotra.

Coffee arabica L. @ Cultivated : meddle altitude areas. Gaillonia calycoptera (Decne.)Lincz. (ref. Thulin, M. (1998). (syn. Neogaillonia calycoptera (Decne.)Puff , Pterogaillonia calycoptera. (Decne.)Lincz.). Rare: Highlands e.g. Nuqum, J. Shamsan, W. Dhahr. Gaillonia jolana Thulin. * (in Nord. J. of Bot. 18(1): 31-38(1998) Jol plateau N of al Mukall, (Hadhramout) Gaillonia puberula Balf.f * @ (ref. Thulin, M. (1998).

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(syn. Neogaillonia puberula (Balf.f.)Lincz). Soqotra.

Gaillonia putorioides (A.R.Smith)Thulin. * (in Nord. J. of Bot. 18(1): 31-38(1998) (syn. Jaubertia putoroides A.R. Smith , Neogaillonia putoroides(A.R.Smith)Lincz). Soqotra.

Gaillonia thymoides Balf.f. * (ref. Thulin, M. (1998). (syn. Neogaillonia thymoides (Balf.f.)Lincz.). Soqotra.

Gaillonia tinctoria Balf.f. * (syn. Neogaillonia tinctoria (Balf.f.)Lincz). Soqotra.

Gaillonia yemenensis Thulin ** (in Nord. J. of Bot. 18(1): 31-38(1998) Hadhramout, Awdillah plateau, J. Ras Galium aparinoides Forssk. (8) J. Saber, J. Maswer. Galium kahelianum Deflers. * (8) Arribat (Yerim), Hissn Madnam (Wussab al Ali). Galium setaceum Lam. subsp. decaisnei (Lam.)Boiss. (2) Soqotra. Galium spurium L. subsp. africanum Verdc. (8) Ibb. Galium tricornutum Dandy. (8) high mountains e.g. J. Saber, J. Maswer, al Mahwit, Bawan, Waalan, Yerim. Galium yemense Kotschy. ** (4) Western highlands. Jaubertia aucheri Guill. (1) Hadhramout. Kohautia aspera (Heyne ex Roth)Bremek. (8) (syn. Oldenlandia strumosa (A.Rich.)Hiern.). Tihama & foothills, Taiz, Ibb, Rihab-Wussab, Hajjah. Kohautia caespitosa Schnizl. (8) (syn. Oldenlandia schimperi (C.Prest.)T.Anders). Tihama & foothills, al Mahwit, Rihab, Wussab, J.Buraa, Damt, Radaa, Saadah, Hadhramout. Kohautia coccinea Royle. (8) Ibb, Jiblah. Kohautia retrorsa (Boiss.)Bremek. @ Hadhramout Kohautia socorana Brem. * (2) Soqotra. Kraussia socotrana M.D. Bridson. * (2) Soqotra.

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Oldenlandia aretioides Vierh. (2) Soqotra Oldenlandia balfourii Bremek. * @ Soqotra.

Oldenlandia bicornuta (Balf.f.)Bremek. @ (syn. Hedyotis bicornuta Balf.f.). Dixsan plateau (Soqotra). Oldenlandia caespitosa Hiern var. subpeduncualata (O.Kuntze)Bremek.). (2) Soqotra. Oldenlandia corymbosa L. (8) Al Udayn, al Mahwit, Soqotra. Oldenlandia herbacea (L.)Roxb. (2) (syn. O. heynei Olive). Soqotra. Oldenlandia ocellata Bremek. * (2) Soqotra. Oldenlandia pulvinata (Balf.f.)Bremek. * (2) Soqotra. Pavetta abyssinica Fresen. (3) Pavetta longiflora Vahl. subsp. longiflora ** @ (syn. P. arabica Brenek, P. deflersii Bremek.). Taiz, Adhala.

Pavetta villosa Vahl. (8) Rare: Kusumah, Hadiyah, Baadan. Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.)Benth. & Hook. (8) Al Hujariyah, Dhisufal. Pentodon pentandrus (Schum.)Vatke. (8) Taiz, centeral escarpment. Placopoda virgata Balf.f. * @ Soqotra.

Pyrostria socotrana (Radcl.-Sm) Bridson * (10) Soqotra syn. Canthium socotrana (A.R.Smith)D.M. Bridson Tamridaea capsulifera (Balf.f) Thulin & B.Bremer * @ (syn. Mussaenda capsulifera Balf.f., Pseudomussaenda capsulifera (Balf.f.)Wernham.). Firmhin (Soqotra). Rubia tinctorum L. (8) Cultivated.

Spermacoce hispida L. (2)

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Soqotra. Spermacoce sphaerostigma (A.Rich.)Vatke. (8) (syn. Arbulocarpus sphaerostigma (A.Rich.)Tennant). Atturbah, Ibb, al Udayn, Dhisufal. Tarenna graveolens (S.Moore)Bremek. @ subsp. arabica (Cuf.)Bridson. Bani Umar, Ases (S. of Taiz), J. Buraa, Hadhramout.

Wendlandia arabica Defl. (8) Rare: Al Hujariyah

Valantia hispida L. Soqotra. (2)

RUPPIACEAE Ruppia maritima L. subsp. rostellata Koch. (8) Taiz. RUTACEAE Citrus aurantifolia (Christum)Swingle. @ Cultivated

Citrus aurantium L. (8) Cultivated: Al Rahidah, Soqotra.

Citrus deliciosa Ten. @ Cultivated .

Citrus limetta Risso. (8) (syn.C. limonia Osbeck var. pusilla Risso.). Cultivated Citrus limon (L.)Burm.f. @ Cultivated .

Citrus medica L. @ Cultivated.

Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck. Cultivated

Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.)A.Juss. Bukta. (8) (syn. Ruta obovata (Steud.)Schwartz), Ruta tuberculata Forssk.). Al Boun, Harf Sufyan, Nihim, Marib.

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Ruta amoena Schwartz. * (3) Ruta chalepensis L. @ J. Saber, Samae, near Kusuma.

Ruta graveolens L. (2) Soqotra. Ruta mollis Schwartz. * (3) Ruta propinqua (Spach)Schwartz. (3) Teclea nobilis Del. @ Taiz, Ibb, al Udayn, W. Mouna (w. of Dhamar, Dhisufal.

Thamnosma hirschii Schweinf. (3) Thamnosma socotrana Balf.f. (2) Soqotra. SALICACEAE Salix alba L. (8) Taiz, Aden. Salix excelsa S.G.Gmel. (8) ? Highlands Salix mucronata Thunb. @ (syn. S. subserrata Willd). Introduced. Taiz, Yarim, W. Bana, W. Dhahr, J. Annabi Shuayb, Waalan. Salix pentandra L. (8) Raydah. SALVADORACEAE Azimate tracantha Lam. (ref. Thulin, M. et al. (in press.) Hadhramout. Dobera glabra (Forssk.)Poir. @ Tihama & foothills, low western mountains.

Salvadora persica L. @ Widespread: Tihama plain, Tihama foothills, low western mountains, al Maraqisha (Abyen), Marib, Hadhramout, al Mahara, Soqotra.

SANTALACEAE Osyris quadripartita Decne (@, 8) (syn. O. abyssinica Hochst ex Streed., O. lanceolata Hochst. & Steud., O. arborea Wall, O. pendula Balf. ). Tihama foothills, Shahara, Above Darho (Soqotra). Thesium radicans Hochst. ex A.Rich.. (7,8) Ibb, J. Maswer, J. Milhan, Qaa al Haql, al Mahara. Thesium stuhlmannii Engl. (7,8) Hadiyah, J.Raymah.

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SAPINDACEAE Allophylus rhoidiphyllus Balf.f. @ Soqotra.

Allophylus rubifolius (Hochst.)Engl. @ Tihama foothills, western low mountains e.g. Haraz, Milhan, Rhaymah, Buraa, al Mahara.

Dodonaea viscosa L. (syn. D. angustifolia L.f. ) Tiham foothills, Taiz, Haraz, w. of Dhamar, medium altitude mountains, Abyen, al Maraqisha (Abyen), Hadhramout, al Mahara, Soqotra.

( )
Cardiospermum corindum L. (8) J. Rayma, J. Milhan, J. Buraa, Haraz. Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (8) Tihama foothills, al Hujariyah, Khawlan Ashsham. Pappea capensis Eckl. & Zeyh. (ref. Thulin, M. et al. (in press) Hadhramout ? Sapindus trifoliatus L. (3) Cultivated. SAPOTACEAE Maniikare zapota (L.)Roye. (3) (syn. Achras sapota ). Cultivated. Mimusops laurifolia (Forssk.)Friis. @ (syn. M. schimperi A.Rich.). Tihama foothills, low altitude mountains e.g. J. Buraa, Hadiyah, Milhan, Haraz, al Mehwit.

Monotheca buxifolia (Falc.)A.DC. (8) (syn. Reptonia muscatensis (A.DC.)Radlk. ex O.Schwartz, Sideroxylon buxifolia Hutch). Rare: J. Thujan al Qabbeta (Taiz).

Sideroxylon fimbriatumb Balf.f. * (2,6) Soqotra Sideroxylon discolor Radcl. * @ Above Darho (Soqotra) Spinulima discolor (A.R. Smith.)I.Friis. * (2) Soqotra. Spiniluma oxyacantha (Baill.)Aubrev. (8) (syn. Sideroxylon oxyacantha Bail.). Ibb, J. Ayfue, J. Manar, Saadah, Raymah, al Mahara.

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SCROPHULARIACEAE Alectra parasitica (Hochst.)A.Rich. (8) Atturbah. Alectra sessiliflora (Vahl.)Kuntze (syn. A. arabica Defl.). var. senegalensis (Benth.)Hepper. (8) J. Saber, Ibb, Jiblah, al Mahwit, J. Taaker. Anarrhinum forskahlii (J.F.Gmel.)Cuf. @ (syn. A. orientale Benth.). Yeslih, Sanaa, Dhamar, Wadi Dhahr.

Anticharis arabica (Hochst. & Steud.)Endl. (8) Tihama foothills, between al Mafraq & Nuqaybah (w. of. Taiz), Radfan (Lahg), Aden, al Maraqisha (Aden), Soqotra. Anticharis glandulosa (Ehrenb. & Hempr.)Aschers. (3), @ Aden, Abyen, Lahg, Radfan, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Anticharis linearis (Benth.)Hochst. ex Asch. (8) Tihama & foothills, W. Yur (Milhan), Shaharah, Shamlan, Sanaa, Marib, Abyen, Lahg. Antirrhinum majus L. (8) Cultivated as garden plant in Sanaa Aptosimum pumilum (Hochst.)Benth. @, Highlands: Saadah, Loder, Dhamar, Amran, Nogad plain, Hadhramaut and Qaarah (Soqotra). Bacopa monnieria (L.)Wettst. @ (syn. Herpestes monniera (L.)H.B.K.). Tihama, Taiz, Al Udayn, Radfan, Bates (Abyen), Lahg, Sayun, Tareem.

Bartsia longiflora Benth. (8) V. rare: Sumara. Bellardia trixago (L.)All. (8) (syn. Bartsia trixago L.). Hadiyah, Kusumah, Raymah. Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. Rare: Ibb, Milhan, Raymah, al Jaafariyah. Campylanthus chascaniflorus A.Miller. ** ( in Not. RBG. Edinb. 38(3):380(1980). Al Mahara Campylanthus junceus Edgeweirth. (8) Rare: Radaa, al Baydha, Harib, Hadhramout. Campylanthus pungens Schwartz.. ** (8) Dhamar. J. Shamsan, Hadhramout . Campylanthus spinosus Balf.f. var. spinosus. (2) Soqotra. var. kuriensis A.R.Smith. (2)

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Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. * Campylanthus yemenensis A.G.Miller. * (8) Tihama & foothills, Taiz-al Mukha Camptoloma lyperiflorum (Vatke)Wettst. (2) (syn. Chaenostoma lyperiflorum (Vatke)Wettst, C. oxypetalum Wagner & Vier., Camptoloma villosa Balf.f.). Soqotra. Craterostigma plantagineum Hochst. (8) Harz, Huth, W. Dhahr, J. Ashsharq, Hadiyah. Craterostigma pumilum Hochst. @ Widespread on Highlands e.g. Dhamar. Craterostigma sp. @ Soqotra

Cycniopsis himifusa (Forssk.)Engl. (8) Ibb, Aduf, al Udayn, Hajjah, Raymah, al Mehwit, Haraz. Cycniopsis obtusifolia Skan. (5) Jiblah. Graderia fruticosa Balf.f . * @ Soqotra.

Halleria lucida L. (8) Rare: W. Ahjor.

Harveya obtudsifolia (Benth.)Vatke. (8) V. rare: Assalafiyah (Raymah). Kickxia acerbiana (Boiss.)Taeckh. & Boulos. (8) Rare: s. of Mamar. Kickxia asparagoides (Schweinf.)Cuf. (8) (syn. Linaria asparagiodes Schweinf.). Shaharah, Madan. Kickxia elatine (L.)Dumont. (syn. Elatinoides elatine (L.)Wett.) subsp. crinita (Mabille)W.Greuter. @ W. Adhabab(Taiz), Ibb, Sanaa. Kickxia hastata (R.Br. ex Benth.)Dandy. @ (syn. Linaria hastata R.Br.). Taiz, Soqotra. Kickxia heterophylla (Schousb.)Dandy. (3) (syn. Linaria sagittata (Poir.)S.D.Hook.). Sayhut-Qashin road Kickxia kuriensis A.R.Smith. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Kickxia macilenta (Decne.)Danin. (3) (syn. Linaria macilenta Decne.). Kickxia petiolata D.Sutton. * (8) Taiz, al Udayn.

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Kickxia pseudoscoparia D.A.Sutton. (1) Abyen, Hadhramout. Kickxia qaraticus D.A.Sutton. ** (3) Abyen ? Kickxia sabaea D.Sutton. (8) J. Dhawran, Yesleh, S. of Saadah, Bani Hushaysh. Kickxia sabarum V.W.Sm. & D.A.Sutton. * (4) Northern highlands Kickxia saccata D. A. Sutton. (8) Rare: J. Ras. Kickxia scalorum Schweinf. ex D.Sutton.. * (8) Haraz, Milhan, al Mahwit. Kickxia spiniflora (Schwartz)D.A.Sutton. * (4) Hadhramout Kickxia woodii D.A.Sutton. * @ Al Hujaryia: Taiz. Limosella africana Gluck. (8) Rare: Sumara, J. Hubaysh, Kawkaban, J. Ashsharq, Haraz, al Mehwit, J. Masaar. Limosella macrantha R.E.Fries. (8) Rare: J. Manar, J. Hubaysh. Linaria elatine L. (2) Soqotra, Abdul Kuri. Lindenbergia indica (L.)Kuntze . @ (syn. L. abyssinica Hochst ex Benth, L. sinaica (Decne.). Benth.). Rare: Bani Shayba area: S. of Taiz, W. Assukhnah, al Mahabishah, Shaharah, Hadhramout. Lindenbergia socotrana Vierh. (2) (syn. L. kuriensis vierh., L. paulayana Vierh). Soqotra. Mimulus gracilis R.Br. (8) V. Rare: Ibb, J. Hubaysh, Sumara. Misopates orontium (L.)Raf. @ (syn. Antirrhinum ororetium (L.)Raf.). Dhamar, Russabah, Raydah. Schweinfurthia latifolia (.Baker.ex) Oliver * (ref. Miller, A.G. et al (1982). (syn. S. pterosperma (A.Rich)A.Braun var. latifolia (Bak.)Rothm.) Hadhramout, near al Mukalla, W. Bani Ali, al Hudaidha, al Mahara. Schweinfurthia papillionaceae (L.)Boiss. (ref. Miller, A.G. et al (1982). (syn. Antirrhinum glaucum (Stocks ex)Wight, A. papilionaceum L., Orontium papilionaceum (L.)Pers., S. sphaerocarpa (Benth.)A.Braun). Sayun (Hadhramout). Schweinfurthia pedicellata (Anderson)Balf.f. (ref. Miller, A.G. et al (1982). (syn. Anarrhinum pedicellatum T.Ander., A. apterum Vatke, A. pedicellare Bentham, Schweinfurthia pedicellaris (T.Ander.)Wetts.). Tihama, al Jawf, al Mukalla, Aden, Abyen, Soqotra. Schweinfurthia pterosperma (A.Rich..)A.Braun. (ref. Miller, A.G. et al (1982). (syn. Antirrhinum pterosperma A.Rich., S. pterosperma var. latifolia Rothm.) Between Haradh & Medi: Tihama plain, Bir Ahmed. Schweinfurthia spinosa Miller, Sutton & Short. ** (in notes RBG Edinb. 40(1):37

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(1982). Hadhramout. Scrophularia arguta Ait. (8) Atturbah, Buraa, Milhan, Haraz, al Mahwit, Soqotra. Scrophularia deserti Del. (8) Rare: J. Annabi Shuayb, Sanaban, Shamlan. Scoparia dulcis L. (8) V. rare: W. Sukhnah, Suq al Jammah. Striga asiatica (L.)Kuntze. (8) (syn. S. hirsuta Benth.). Bagel, Taiz, Ibb,Yarim, Raymah, J. Annabi Shuayb, Yafea, Hadhramout. . Striga aspera Benth. (5) J. Taaker Jiblah. Striga gesnerioides (Willd.)Vatke. @ (syn. S. orabanchoides Benth.). Taiz, Jiblah, Huth, Firmhin (Soqotra).

Striga hermonthica (Del.)Benth. @ Tihama, Taiz, Modia (Abyen).

Striga hirsuta Benth. (2) Soqotra. Striga yemenica Mussel. & Hepper. (8) Ibb, Wussab al Ali, Kusuma, Raymah.

Verbascum bottae (Defl.)Huber-Mor (8) (syn. Celsia bottae Defl.). Atturbah, al Mahwit, Khawlan. Verbascum longibracteatum Defl. (3) Verbascum luntii E.G.Baker. * (4) Rare: Hadhramout. Verbascum melhanense (Murb.)Huber-Mor. ** (8) (syn. Celsia melhanensis Murb.). Milhan, J. Marran, Manakha, Haraz, Shaharah, J. Razeh. Verbascum sinaiticam Benth.. (8) Taiz, Dhisufal, al Qaedah, al Mahwit, Sanaa, Radhma. Verbascum yemense Defl. ** (4) High plateau. Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. @ (syn. V. anagallis L.). W. al Mashaer (S of Taiz), Dhamar to Radaa, al Udayn, Dhisufal. Veronica persica Poir. (8) (syn. V. tournefortii Gmel.). J. Saber, Dhisufal, Jiblah. Veronica polita Fr. (5) Wadi Shalalah, Abyen, Soqotra. Xylocalyx aculeatus S.Carter. * @

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Soqotra. SELAGINELLACEAE Globularia arabica Jaub. & Spach. (3) Selaginella goudotana Spring var. abyssinica (Spring)Bizarri. (7) Southern uplands e.g. Baadan. Selaginella imbricata (Forssk.)Spring. @ Taiz, Bagel, Tihama foothills.

Selaginella yemensis (Swartz)Spring. (8) Taiz, al Udayn

SIMAROUBACEAE Brucea antidysenterica J.F.Mill. (8) Rare: Al Ja fariyah (Raymah) SOLANACEAE Capsicum annum L. @ Cultivated.

Capsicum frutecens L. Cultivated.

Datura metel L (syn. D. fastusa L. var. alba (Nees)Clarke). Taiz, Tihama foothills, Bayt al Faqih, Soqotra.

Datura innoxia Mill. @ Tihama, Taiz, Aden, Hadhramout.

Datura stramonium L. @ Taiz, Dhamar, Adhalae. Hyoscyamus albus L. (8)

Rare: Dhamar, Shahara, Hadhramout. Hyoscyamus flaccidus Wright ** (3) Lycium schweinfurthii . (3) Dhamar, Hadhramout. Lycium shawii Roem & Schult. @ (syn. L. arabicum Shweinf., L. persicum Miers). Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa, Qa Jahran, Huth, Adhala, Marib, Hadhramout, al Mahara.

Lycium sokotranum Wagner & Vierh. * @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

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Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. @ (syn. Solanum lycopersicum L.). Cultivated. Nicotiana rustica L. @ Cultivated.

Nicotiana tabacum L. @ Cultivated.

Physalis angulata L. (8) J. Raymah, al Mishrafah. Physalis micrantha Link. (8) (syn. P. minima L.). Ussab al Ali. Physalis minima L. (2) Soqotra. Solanum anguivii L. (2) Al Udayn, Soqotra.

Solanum coagulans Forssk. (8) (syn. S. dubium Fresen.). Tihama & foothills, E. of Manakha, Khamer, Soqotra.

Solanum cordatum Forssk. @ (syn. S. gracilipes Dec., S. hadaq Defl., S. sabaeorum Defl.). Taiz, Soqotra.

Solanum forskalii Dunal (8) (syn. S. albicaule (Kotschy)Dunal). Tihama foothills, J. Ras, Surdud, Milahan, Hadhramout. Solanum glabratum Dunal (syn. S. palmetorum Dunal, S. sepicula Dun.). var. glabratum. @ Tihama & foothills, Lab us (Yafea), Amran, Adhala, Soqotra

var. sepicula (Dunal)Wood. @ Taiz, Yeslih, Sanaa, Amran. Solanum incanum L. @

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Widespread: e.g. Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, al Udayn, Hajjah, al Mahwit, Lahg, Abyen, Adhala, Attawilah, Soqotra.

Solanum indicum L. (3) Cultivated Solanum luteum L. @ Soqotra.

Solanum melongena L. @ Cultivated.

Solanum nigrum L. @ Taiz, Sanaa, Jiblah, Dhamar, Abyen, Hadhramout.

var. miniatum (Bernh.)Fr. Maaber, Soqotra.

Solanum platacanthum Dun. * (8) Atturbah, Yerim, J.Razeh. Solanum pubescens Willd. (3) S of Sayun (Hadhramout). Solanum schimperianum Hochst. ex A.Rich. (syn. S. carense Dun., S. polyanthemum Hochst. ex A.Rich.). var.carense (Dun.)Wood. (8) Dhamar, Khawlan Ashsham. var. subglabrum Bitter. Qa Bakil, Manakha, Buraa, Milhan, J. Ashsharq,Yeslih, Haddah, W. Dhahr. Solanum surratense Burm.f. (8) (syn. S. xanthocarpum Schrad., S. armatum Forssk.). Tihama, Wussab al Ali. Solanum terminale Forssk. 98) Jahran, Baadan, Manakha, Milhan, al Mehwit. Solanum tuberosum L. @ Cultivated.

Solanum unguiculatum A.Rich. (3) Taiz. Solanum villosum (L.)Lam. (syn. S. luteum Miller., S. hirsutum Dunal). subsp. puniceum (Kirsch.)Edmon. (8) Tiham foothills, Dhamar, Sanaa, Radaa. subsp. villosum . @ J. Saber: Taiz, Yerim, Sanaa, Shibam, J. Annabi Shuayb. Withania adunensis Vierh. * ( @, 2 )

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi



Withania qaraitica A.Miller & J.Biagi. ** (ref. Thulin, M. et al. (in press) Huf al Mahara Withania riebeckii Schweinf. ex Balf.f. * ( @, 2) Soqotra.

Withania somnifera (L.)Dun. @ Widespread: e.g. Tihama foothills, Taiz, Ibb, Dhamar, Sanaa, Manakha, Abyen, Lahg, Adhala, Bani Mater, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Withania sphaerocarpa Hepper & Boulus Var. sphaerocarpa (3) Al mukalla Sayun road ( Hadhramout) STERCULIACEAE Brachychiton diversifolius (G.Don)Terr. (8) Cultivated as ornamental: Taiz, Sanaa. Dombeya schimperianum A.Rich. (8) J. Habashi (Taiz), Khawlan, Haraz. Glossostemon bruguieri DC. (3) Hermannia madesta (Ehrenb.)Mast. (8) Rare: Mafhaq. Hermannia paniculata Franch. @ Al Maraqisha (Abyen), Hadhramout Melhania denhamii .R. Br. W. Mour, al Maraqisha (Abyen). Melhania incana Heyne (syn. M. steudner Schweinf.). Madinat Ashsharq, Khawlan Ashsham. Melhania muricata Balf.f. @ Bani Umar (Taiz), Bagel, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Melhania ovata (Cav.)Sprens. @ Maqbana, Sharaab (W. of Taiz), al Faydh(Abyen). Melhania philipsiae E.G.Baker. (8) Aden, J. Shahara, al Mahfad. Melhania stipulosa J.R.I.Wood. (8) Maghreb Ans, Yafea, Adhala, Eastern mountains. Melhania velutina Forssk. (8) (syn. M. ferruginea A.Rich.). Tihama foothills, J. Eraf (al Maqatira), J. Bura, al Mahwit. Sterculia africana (Lovr.)Fiori. * @ (syn. Culhamia hadiensis J.F.Gme, S. arabica (R.Br.)T.Ander.). Al Ahkum, East Hagda (Taiz), Aden, Tur al Baha, W. Siham, Abyen, Yahar, Hadhramout.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Sterculia africana (Lovr.)Fiori. * @ var. socotrana (K.Scum.)Fiori. (syn. S. triphaca R.Br.) Soqotra Waltheria indica L. (8) Tihama foothills, J. Rayma, Haraz, Soqotra. TAMARICACEAE Tamarix aphylla (L.)Karst. @ (syn. T. articulata Vahl, T. orientalis Forssk.). Coastal areas, eastern & medium alti. mountains. Tamarix arabica Bunge. @ Widespread: Tamarix arborea (Sieb. Ex Ehrenb.)Bge. (2) (syn. T. socotrana Vierh.) Soqotra Tamarix mannifera Ehrenb. (3) (probably misidentification, see Baum, B.R. 1989) Southern coastal areas Tamarix mascatensis Bunge. (2) Coastal areas, Soqotra. Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb.)Bunge. (3) (probably misidentification, see Baum, B.R. 1989) Qa Bakil, wadi Dhahr, Dhamar, Abyen, Hadhramout. Tamarix passerinoides Del. (ref. the herbar. Of al Kod) Around al Mukalla (Hadhramout) THELYPTERIDACEAE Christella dentata (Forssk.)Bronnsey & Jermy . @ (syn. Cyclosurus dentatus (Forssk.)Ching., Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.)Holtt.). Tihama foothills, al Udayn, Soqotra. THYMELIACEAE Gnidia socotrana . (Balf.f.)Gilg. * @ (syn. Lasiosiphon socotranus Balf.f.) Soqotra. Gnidia somalensis Gilg. @ var. sphaerocephala (Bak.)Gastald. (syn. Lasiosiphon sphaerocephalus (Bak.f.)Do.). J. Eraf (S. of Taiz), Dhamar, Raydah, Saadah, Damt, al Baydhah, al Mahwit, Yafea, Abyen, Shaharah, Huth, Hadhramout. TILIACEAE Corchorus aestuans L. (2) Soqotra Corchorus cinerascens Defl. * (3) Corchorus depressus (L.)Christ. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


(syn. C. antichorus (L.)Raeusch.). Tihama & foothills, W of Taiz, low western mountains, Aden, al Kod, Abyen, Lahg, Shabwa, Hadhramout, Soqotra. Corchorus erodiodes Balf.f. var. pinnatus Vierh. * @ Soqotra var. bicrenatus Vierh. * @ Soqotra Corchorus olitorius L. @ Cultivated: Taiz, al Udayn, Abyen, Shihara.

Corchorus tridens L. @ Tihama , W. of Taiz, Abyen, Shaharah.

Corchorus trilocularis L. @ Taiz, Tihama foothills, Abyen, Hadhramout.

Grewia arborea (Forssk.)Lam. (8) (syn. G. fallax K.Schum). V. rare: J. Bura, Taiz, al Mishrafa, Wussab Assafel.

Grewia bilocularis Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Grewia erythraeae Schweinf. @ Rare: Taiz, Tihama foothills, J. Milhan, Haraz, Marib, Radaa, Abyen, Wussab Assafel, Marib, Hadhramout .

Grewia flavescens Juss. (8) Al Udayn, Haraz, Rayma. Grewia gillettii Sebsebe (8) (syn. G. bicolor Schwartz). J. Saber & al Hujariyah (Taiz), western mountains, Tihama foothills.

Grewia milleri Abedin Grewia mollis Juss. @ Al Hujariyah, Rayma, J. Buraa. J. Milhan, al Hayma.

Grewia orbiculata Rottl. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi



Grewia schweinfurthii Burret. @ Tihama foothills, western mountains.

Grewia tembensis Fresen. (8) Tihama foothills, western mountains, Abyen .

var. ellenbeckii Burrett. @ Al Hujariyah.

Grewia tenax (Forssk.)Fiori. @ (syn.G. populifolia Vahl.). Taiz, Tihama foothills, western mountains, Lahg, Adhala, Ataq, Soqotra.

Grewia trichocarpa (Hochst.)Burret (syn. G. mollis Juss var. petitiana (A.Rich.)Burrett., G. mollis Juss var. trichocarpa (Hochst. A.Rich.)Burrett ) var. petitiana (A.Rich.)Burret. (8) Tihama foothills var. trichocarpa (Hochst.)Burret. (8) Western mountains

Grewia turbinate Balf.f. * @ Soqotra

Grewia velutina (Forssk.)Vahl. @ (syn. G. bicolor var. canescens (A.Rich.)Burrett). Taiz, Tihama foothills, western mountains.

Grewia venusta Fresen .Taiz, Tihama foothills. Grewia villosa Willd. Taiz, Tihama foothills, western mountains.

Triumfetta flavescens Hochst. ex Rich. (8) J. Rayma, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz. Triumfetta pentandra A.Rich. (8) Rare: J. Rayma, J. Buraa, J. Milhan, Haraz. Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. (8) Al Misrakh & Adhabab (Taiz), Al Udayn, Tihama foothills.

TYPHACEAE Typha elephantina ntina Roxb. @

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Tihama foothills, Taiz, Madinat Ashsharq. Typha domingensis Pers. @ (syn. T. angustata Bory & Chaub.). Tihama foothills, W. Hithran, Abyen.

ULMACEAE Celtis africana Burm.f. (8) (syn. C. kraussiana Bernh.). J. Saber & al Hujariyah (Taiz), Western mountains, Khawlan, al Hada, al Ahjur, J. Razeh. Celtis toka (Forssk.)Hepper & Wood. @ (syn. C. integrifolia Lam.). Tihama foothills, Hagdah (w. of Taiz), al Mishrafah, Wussab, Haraz.

Trema orientalis (L.) Blume. @ (syn. T. guineensis (Schum.)Engl. var. hochstetteri (Buch.)Engl., T. hochstetteri (Buch.)Engl.) Adhabab (Taiz), J. Buraa, Haraz, URTICACEAE Debregeasia saeneb (Forssk.)Hepper & Wood (7,8) (syn. D. bicolor (Ruxb.)Wedd., D. salicifolia (D.Don)Rendle) J. Saber, Khawlan.

Droguetia iners (Forssk.)Schweinf. (7,8) J. Saber, Ibb, Wussab al Ali, Rayma, J. Milhan. Forskohlea grierrsonii A.Miller. * (in Edinb. J. Bot. 51(1)44:(1994) J. al Arays. Forskohlea tenacissima L. @ (syn. Caidbeja adhaerens Forssk.) Taiz, Dhamar, Tihama foothills, Lahg, Abyen, Hadhramout.

Forskohlea viridis Ehrenb. (3) J. shamsan (Aden), Hadhramaut.

Girardinia diversifolia (Link.)Friis. (8) (syn. G. condensate (Hochst.)Wedd., Urtica palmate Forssk.) J. Rayma, Hadiyah.

Laportea aestuans (L.)Chew (7,8) (syn. Fleurya aestuans (L.)Gaud., Urtica divaricata Forssk.). Adhabab (Taiz), al Udayn. Parietaria alsinifolia Del. (7,8) Rocky areas, J. Saber, J. Buraa. Parietaria debilis G.Forster. @ Al Hujariya, J. Annabi Shuayb, Soqotra.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Parietaria judaica L. (7,8) Manakha, Haraz. Parietaria umbricola A.G.Miller. ** (in Edinb. J. Bot. 51(1)46:(1994) Middle altitude mountains. Pouzolzia auriculata Wight. @ Wadi Darho (Soqotra). Pouzolzia mixta Solms-Laub. (8) Rare: J. Rayma, J. Milhan, Haraz, W. Addur, Hadiyah. Pouzolzia parasitica (Forssk.)Schweinf. (7,8) (syn. Urtica muratis Vahl, U. parasitica Forssk.) Al Misrakh & J. Saber (Taiz), Ibb, J. Milhan, J. Rayma, Haraz. Urtica pilulifera L. (7,8) Rare: Manakha. Urtica urens L. @ Sanaa, Soqotra. Urticularia striatula @ Soqotra VALERIANACEAE Valerianella affinis Balf.f. * (2) Soqotra VELLOZIACEAE Xerophyta arabica (Baker)N. Menezes ** (syn. Vellozia arabica E.G.Baker, Barbecenia arabica (E.G.Baker)Schwart.). Tihama foothills, Damt, Huth, Dhi Naem. VERBENACEAE Chascanum laetum Fenzl. ex Walp. (8) (syn. Bouchea pterygocarpa Schaver, C. arabicum Moldenke, Svensonia l aeta (Fenzl ex Walp.)Moldenke). J. Buraa, Haraz, Bagel, W. of Taiz, Madinat Ashsharq, Hammam Ali, Khamis Bani Sad. Chascanum marrubifolium Fenzl ex Walp. (8) (syn. Bouchea marrubifolia (Fenzl)Schaver). Maqbanah (w. of Taiz), Haradh, Marib, Hadhramout. Chascanum obovatum Sebseb subsp. glaucum Sebseb. (3) Chascanum sessilifolium (Vatke)Moldenke. (8) Atturbah, J. Ashsharq, W. Dhahr, Sanaa. Chascanum yemenense Sebseb. * (4) J. al Arayes Clerodendrum galeatum Balf.f. * @ Hagher (Soqotra).

Coelocarpum haggierensis A.G.Mill. Clerodendrum inerme (L.)Gaertn. (8) Cultivated: Al Hudaydah, Taiz.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Clerodendrum leucophloeum Balf.f. * Killisan (Soqotra).

Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.)Vatke. @ Adhabab & J. Eraf. (S. of Taiz), Ibb.

Coelocarpum haggierensis * @ Hagher, Firmihin (Soqotra)

Coelocarpum socotranum Balf.f. * @ Soqotra. Lantana camara L. @ Introducerd, Gardens, Road sides & neglected areas.

Lantana petitiana A.Rich. @ Tihama foothills, western mountains Lantana rugosa Thunb @ (syn. Lantana salviifolia Jacq). Taiz, Dhamar, Sanaa. Lantana viburnoides (Forssk.)Vahl. @ Widespread: Taiz, Tihama foothills, western mountains, Adhala, Modia. Lippia triphylla (L.Herit)Kunze (syn. L. citriodera Kurt). Cultivated: Sanaa. Phyla nodiflora (L.)Greene. @ (syn. Lippia nodiflora (L.)A.Rich.). Tihama, Taiz, Lawder, Modiah, Radaa, Lahg, Soqotra.

Premna resinosa Schaver. @ W. of Taiz, J.Bura

Priva adhaeranis (Forssk.)Chiov. (syn. P. cordifolia (L.)Druce var. abyssinica (Jaub. & Spach)Moldenke). Soqotra Priva cordifolia (L.)Druce. Tihama foothills, Taiz..

Priva socotrana Moldenke * @ Soqotra

Priva tenax Verdc. (2) (syn. P. leptostachya Juss.). Tihama, Soqotra. Verbena officinalis L. (8) Taiz, Yerim, W. Addur, Dhamar.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


VIOLACEAE Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.)F.v.Muell. (2) (syn. Alsodeia socotrana Balf.f., Ionidium suffruticodum Ging.). Soqotra Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.)F. Mueller. var. enneaspermus. (8) Rare: J. Buraa.. . var. latifolius (De Wild.)Engl. (8) Atturba, Khawlan, J. Razeh, Hajjah, Sumara. VISCACEAE Viscum schimperi Engl. (7) Highlands VITACEAE (VITIDACEAE) Cayratia gracilis (Guill. & Perr.)Suess. (8) Rare: Ibb, W. Addur, al Udayn. Cissus hamaderohensis A.R.Smith. * @ Widespread on low land of Soqotra.

Cissus paniculata (Balf.f.)Planch. * (2) (syn. Vitis paniculata Balf.f.). Soqotra.

Cissus quadrangularis L. @ (syn. Vitis quadrangularis Wall.) Taiz, Tihama plain, Tihama foothills, Lahg, al Mahara .

Cissus rotundifolia (Forssk.)Vahl. @ Taiz, Lahg, Abyen, Adhala.

Cissus subaphylla (Balf.f.)Planch * @ (syn. Vitis subaphylla Balf.f.). Soqotra

Cyphostemma digitatum (Forssk.) @ (syn. Cissus digitatum (Forssk.)Lam.). Sanaa, Huth, Manakha.

Cyphostemma ternatum (Forssk.)Des. (8) (syn. Cissus ternatua (Forssk.)Gmel.) Qa Bakil, Tihama foothills, Hadhramout.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Rhoicissus revoilii Planch. (8) Tihama foothills, al Mahwit, Al Udayn.

Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f.)Willd & Drum. (syn. R. erythroides (Fresen.)Planch.) J. Saber, J. Sawraq, al Mahwit. Vitis vinifera L. @ Cultivated on highlands.

WOODSIACEAE Cystopteris fragilis (L.)Bernh. (8) Rare: Taiz, J. Maswer, J. Taaker, J. Manar. ZANNICHELLIACEAE Zannichellia palustris L. var. genuine Asch. (8) Bani Mater, Aduf, W. Mouna, al Ahjur. ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma longa L. (8) Cultivated at J. Milhan

Zingiber officinale L. (8) J. Buraa, J. Raymah.

ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Fagonia arabica L. @ Taiz, Aden, Sanaa, W. Mour, al Bon, Abyen, Huth, Hadhramout.

Fagonia bruguieri DC. @ Taiz, Raydah, Bagel, Saada, Huth, Radaa, Arhab,Hadhramaout.

Fagonia cretica L. (3) Aden, Mawza, Abyen, Lahg, Hadhramout. Fagonia glabra Kranze. (3) Aden. Fagonia glutinosa Del. (3) Fagonia hararensis Hadidi. (3) Al Mukalla-Ash shehr (Hadhramout).

Fagonia indica Burm.f. @ (syn. F. parviflora Boiss.).

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Widespread: Tihama, western mountains, E. of Manakha, Saada, Hadhramout.

Fagonia isotricha Murb. var. isotrcha . (3) (syn. F. lahovarii volkens & Schweinf.). Hadhramout.

Fagonia luntii Bak. @ (syn. Fagonia nummularifolia E.G.Baker, F. socotrana (Balf.f.)Schweinf., F. cretica var. socotrana Balf.f.). Al Mukalla & Shuqra (Hadhramout), Soqotra. Fagonia ovalifolia Hadidi. (8) Aden, Marib, Hadhramout, Jubah.. Fagonia paulayana Wagner & Vierh. (3) Aden, Lahg, Raydah, Soqotra. Fagonia schweinfurthii Hadidi. (8) Aden, Abyen., Amran, Huth, Haddah. Kelleronia gillettiae Baker.f. var. gillettiae. (3) Hadhramout. Kelleronia splendens Schinz. (3) Huf al Mahara Peganum harmala L. @ Maaber, Sanaa, Amran, al Baydha, Mukayras(Abyen).

Seetzenia lanata Hadharamout Tribulus arabicus H.Hosnlined. @ Lahg, Hadharamout.

Tribulus bimucronatus Viv. (syn. T. spurius Kralik.). subsp. bimueronatus Tihama & Foothills, J. Buraa (8)

subsp. inermis (Kralik)H.Hosni. (8) Tihama. Tribulus macropterus Boiss. (3) Tribulus mollis Ehrenb. ex Schweinf. (8) (syn. T. ochroleucus Maire). Hays.

Tribulus omanensis H.Hosni ex Haddidi. (8) Mareb. W. Nijran, Aden.

Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Tribulus parvispinus Presl. (8) N. of Sanaa, Lahg.

Tribulus pentandrus Forssk. var. pentandrus. (8) (syn. T. alataus Defl., T. longipetalus Viv). Tihama, W. Rimaa, Lahg, Adhala, Abyen.

Tribulus pterocarpus Ehrenb. (3) Tribulus terrestris L. @ Widespread: Sanaa, Taiz, Dhamar, Adhalae, Abyen, Lahg, Hadhramout, Soqotra.

Zygophyllum africana @ Soqotra, Abdul Kuri, Samah

Zygophyllum album L. var. amblyocarpum (E.G.Baker)Hadidi. (8) Coastal areas

Zygophyllum boulosii Hosny. (3) Zygophyllum coccineum L. (8) Medi, Hadhramout. Zygophyllum decumbenus Del. var. decumbens. (3) Hadhramout var. megacarpum H.Hosni. (3) Hadhramout, Al Mahara Zygophyllum fontanesii Webb. (3) Hadhramout. Zygophyllum hamiense Schweinf. (8) Hadhramout, Nihim, Sirwah, al Jawf, Saadah.. Zygophyllum robechii Engl. (3) (syn. Fagonia heinii Schwartz) Zygophyllum simithii Hadidi ** ( ref. Thulin, M. et al (in press.) Ras Fartak al Mahara Zygophyllum simplex L. @ Coastal areas, W. of Taiz, Hunaish island, Aden, Lahg, Marib, Adhala, Abyen, Hadhramout, Soqotra, Abdul Kuri.

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Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NATURAL RESOURCES (Vegetation, Flora, Range) Al Dubaie, A.S. & Al Khulaidi, A.A. (1990). Studies on the Genus Acacia Mill. in Yemen. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. 20 (2-D): 43-62, Assiut, Egypt. Al Dubaie, A.S. & Al Khulaidi, A.A.(1993). Studies on the flora of Yemen, On the flora of Tihama plain. Feddes Repertorium 104, 3-4 259-265, Berlin, Germany. Al Dubaie, A.S. & Al Khulaidi, A.A.(1996). Medical and Aromatic plants of Yemen (in Arabic). Obadi center for studies and publisher, Sanaa, Yemen. Al Dubaie, A.S. (1993). The significance of medicinal plants in Yemen for the pharmaceutical industry. First Sci. conf. Sanaa Univ., Sanaa, Yemen. Al Dubaie, A.S. (1995). Notes on the medicinal plants endemic to Yemen. 1st int. sci. conf. (Science & Development). Al Azhar Univ., Egypt. Al Dubaie, A.S. (1995). Studies on the flora of Yemen. On the flora of Sanaa and surrounding areas. 1 st int. sci. conf. Al Azhar univ. Egypt. Al Dubaie, A.S. , El Monayeri, M. & Al Hubaishi, A. (1990). Habitats and vegetation of Wadi Dhahr, Sanaa, Yemen. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. 19 (2-D): 89-102, Assiut, Egypt.Eschborn, Germany, 1984. Al Dubaie, A.S. Abdel Fattah, R.L. (1998). Taxanomic studies on the Genus Solanum L. in Yemn. Egypt Jou. appl. Sci. 5: (7). Al Dubaie, A.S., Gifre A, &. El-Monayeri M. (1993). Studies on the flora of Yemen 3. On the flora of Wadi Dahr. Candollea 48: pp. 101-109. Geneva. Al Gifri, A.N. and Gabali, S.A.(1991). Shrubs and Trees of Aden. Frag. Flor. Geobotanica, 35: 89-95. Al Gifri, A.N. & Al Subai, M.Y.(1994). Vegetation between Abyan - Modia (Yemen). Fedder Repor 105 (3-4): 226-234. Al Gifri, A.N. & Hussein, M. A. (1993). Plant communities along the road from Aden to Sheikh Salem, Abyen, Yemen. Feddes Report 104 (3-4): 267-270. Al Gifri, A.N. & Hussein, M.A. (1993). Plant Communities along the road from Aden to Sheikh Saleim (Abyan). Feddes. Rep. 104 pp. 267-270.

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Al Gifri, A.N. & Kurschner, H. (1996a). First records of bryophytes from Hadramout and Abyan.Yemen. Nova Hedwigia 62:137-148. Al Gifri, A.N. (1991). Salt tolerant plants in Aden (Yemen). Frag. Flo. Geobot. 36(2)pp. 289-192. Al Gifri, A.N. (1992). Studies in the flora of Yemen 1. New record of legumes for the flora of Aden. Cons. Jord. Bot. Geneve. 47(1)pp. 215-217. Al Gifri, A.N. (1992). Studies in the flora of Yemen 2. New records for the flora of Aden. Cons. Jord. Bot. Geneve. 47(2): 613-619. Al Gifri, A.N. (1992). Vegetation of Masila-Terminal pipe route, Hadramout: an environmental assessment for Canoxyi. Al Gifri, A.N. (1992). Vegetation of Masila-Terminal piperoute, Hadramout. Technical report, Canadian Oxy, Yemen, Canada. Al Gifri, A.N. Abdul Gani, A.H. & Salem, M.F. (1992).Weeds of Dalta Abyan (Yemen). A perlimery study: Symposium of fac. Of Agri. Uni. Of Aden, 25-27. Al Gifri, A.N. Kurschner, H. & Mies, B. (1995). New records, additions and new species, Sematophllum socotrense Buck (Sematophyllaceae Musei) to the bryophyte flora of Socotra (Yemen). Nova Hedwigia 61, 3-4: 467-480. Al Hubaishi, A and Muller - Hohenstein K. (1984). An introduction to the vegetation of Yemen. GTZ. Al Hubaishi, A., Al Dubaie, A.S. & El Monayeri, M. (1991). Habitats and vegetation of Wadi Dahr. Sana, Yemen. Bul. Fac. Sci. Assiut Uni. 20(1-D)pp. 1-24. Al Khulaidi, A. & Mahdi, A. (2000). Botanical Geografic and vegetaion of Yemen. Obadi center for studies and publisher, Sanaa, Yemen. Al Khulaidi, A.A. & Duabie A.S. (1993). The flora of Dhamar and surrounding areas (Republic of Yemen), Fragm, Flor. Geobot. 38 (1): 141-152. Poland. Al Khulaidi, A.A. & El-Ghouri,M. (1996). Main Natural vegetation and protected areas in Yemen. A workshop on natural areas and biodivesity conservation in Yemen. EPC & MAWR, Sanaa, Yemen Al Khulaidi, A.A. & Kessler, J.J. (1999). Plants of Dhamar. Obadi center for studies and publisher, Sanaa, Yemen. Al Khulaidi, A.A. (1989). A comparative vegetation survey of four photographic regions in the Y.A.R. unpublished M Sc thesis, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands.

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Flora of Yemen, Abdul Wali Al Khulaidi


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