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#48: Left, Right and Center (2012)

Date 1/13 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/16 3/23 4/20 4/27 5/4 5/11 5/18 5/25 6/1 6/8 6/29 7/6 7/27 8/10 9/7 10/5 11/2 11/9 12/7 12/21 Start 1.02 26.00 22.00 25.00 8.50 Start 26.00 21.00 26.20 14.00 Start 16.00 16.00 9.00 15.00 17.00 21.55 15.00 Start Start 21.00 Start Start 21.00 21.00 Start Start 7.00 Start Start Start Start End 10.42 End 25.00 26.46 16.49 10.00 End 26.12 26.50 25.45 8.23 23.20 26.00 15.17 21.03 22.28 25.53 24.21 8.35 17.00 24.35 21.00 13.00 25.00 26.00 15.00 21.30 26.27 26.46 26.53 22.00 17.44 Title The loss of Tony Blankley Ending Prop 8 President Kennedy's legacy China GOP nomination End of show rant Olympia Snow End of show rant Man publically quits from Goldman Sachs Shooting of Trayvon Martin Obamacare College education Obama campaigning on Bin Laden defeat Academic advances strange argument about capitalism European financial crisis European financial crisis Presidential campaign Presidential campaign Wisconsin governor relelected Drones Obamacare Jobs and the economy Presidential campaign Gun control Election Democratic convention First Presidential debate Election Election Fiscal cliff Sandy Hook shootings

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