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What positions are available and may I run?

As a member in good standing of the Carolinas District of Circle K, you are eligible to serve as a candidate for the following positions at the Carolinas annual District Convention (DCON): Governor District Secretary District Treasurer District Bulletin Editor District Secretary Lieutenant Governor International Endorsement

Restrictions: No campaigning outside of your home club sixty days prior to DCON. No travel for the sake of campaigning is permitted. A Letter of Intent may only be sent to the District Board and club presidents. Additional contact is allowed if directly requested.

If interested in these positions, one should speak with the person currently in position. Descriptions may also be found in the District Bylaws and Policy Codes.

Checklist for Declaring Candidacy

The following actions must be taken in order to complete the candidacy process: 1. Complete the candidate form which contains an application, Letter of Intent, and a service agreement. 2. Be nominated at the opening session of District Convention and be there to accept the nomination. 3. Attend the Candidates and Delegates Session at DCON. 4. Caucus at both Caucus Sessions during DCON. 5. Attend the House of Delegates at DCON.

Questions? Contact Laws and Regulations Chair Megan Turner (

A few tips:
Create a platform (What are your aims and principles?)

Create literature based on this platform. Distribute this during caucusing. Be sure to include your experience, platform, any endorsements and other pertinent information. (It helped me to make a slogan.) Put together a campaign team (non-delegate(s) and non-District Board members) to introduce you during the Caucus Sessions. Ask your home club for an endorsement, as they are only club that can endorse you. An endorsement means that your home club approves your candidacy, but does not guarantee a vote. Unanimously endorsed may only be listed if 100% of the votes at your club meeting approved your endorsement.

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