Persian Rivayats

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Avesta -- Zoroastrian Archives Contents






of Hormazyar Framarz
And others

Their version with introduction and notes by Ervad Bamanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar, M.A.
Published by the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, Bombay, 1932

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Pahlavi and Avesta Alphabet Yatha-ahu-vairyo prayer in Avesta 21 words of Yatha, and the corresponding 21 Nasks Contents of the Nasks Division of the Nasks into three groups Number of Yathas to be recited on undertaking different works Number of Yathas recited in various Yasna-services Number of Yathas recited in place of various Avesta prayers Efficacy of Ashem-vohu recited on various occasions Commentary on Ashem-vohu Tying the Kusti on the waist. At what age should a child be invested with the Kusti. The three bands and the four knots of the Kusti -- their object. The weaving of Kusti -- by whom woven and of what material should it be The ceremony of Navzud [Naojote], i.e., investiture with sudre and Kusti, according to the practice of the Indian Parsees Avestic formula for ceremonially cutting a newly woven Kusti How far should one keep oneself away, while another is tying on the Kusti In what direction to turn while tying on the Kusti at night, if there be no lamp What kind of sacred shirt (sudre) is to be worn beneath the Kusti sudre and Kusti should be flawless: how far the flaws in a sudre or Kusti are allowable. How far does the appearance of a menstruous woman affect the rite of tying on the Kusti Importance of Patet, i.e., repentance of one's sins A Dastur prescribing punishment out of proportion to the crime is a sinner Patet formula recited by one person for another is allowable in the case of the former's incapacity for its recital An impious Dastur cannot prescribe punishment for sins One must repent of one's sins chiefly in one's lifetime The recital of Patet for one after one's death One should repent of one's sins before a Dastur, chiefly the day Ram, of the month Mihr Can a behdin (a layman) punish a Herbad (a priest) for his sins Manure prepared by a darvand for cultivation Speaking the truth On speaking falsehood On Mihr-druj, i.e. breach of faith[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

On swearing and perjury Saogand-Nama or the Book of Oaths (2 treatises) On loans and the interest thereon The law of evidence Cultivation of land in partnership Loans and extortions from juddins Lawful and unlawful trading and profiteering Industry and unlawful acquisition of wealth Behests of parents to be executed by children Decision about intended gifts The creation of the world: man, fire, and cattle refused to come down to this world Fire and Kershasp Care of fire Rays of the sun should not fall on fire and other precautions to be taken with respect to fire Water in a pot left boiling over fire should not be allowed to overflow Collecting household fires and carrying them to fires of the higher grade Fire lighted at midnight destroys devs Fire to be kept apart from water Household fires to be collected and carried to Atash-gahs Fire before which Darun and Yasna ceremonies are performed, if allowed to be extinguished, will increase the power of devs Food cannot be prepared on fire wherein nasa is burnt Descending order of merit for fires -- whereon a corpse or other impurities are burnt -- removed to Atash-gahs Fire lighted near the Dakhma Names of six kinds of fire Adar Burzin, Adar Khordad, and Adar Gushasp fires Atash Adarans to be established at every place where there are Behdins, and during the Fravardegan days these fires should be collected and carried to Atash Behrams How to consecrate an Atash Adaran Atash Behrams to be established wherever there are Behdins Fire of lightning should not be used in the consecration of an Atash Behram Sixteen fires necessary for the consecration of an Atash Behram -- how they are purified What kind of gospend to be sacrificed for the zur (i.e., fat-offering) of the fire [Miracle of the fire Adar Burzin Mihr] [Atash Behram of Navsari] Out of one Atash Behram, two cannot be made No one can see the fire of an Atash Behram, except Dasturs, and Herbads who are Navazud, i.e., who have been qualified with the greater Khub ceremony About the establishment of fire-temples and the care of fire The fifth question from the Gajasta Abalish about the adoration of fire [Gifts for the Atash Behram may be accepted from those of a foreign faith] Fire and water to be kept at a distance from nasa Punishment for bringing nasa in contact with water and fire Do water and fire kill men? Punishment for throwing nasa frequently in water First and second questions from 'Gajasta Abalish' about water and fire Water to be properly preserved from the impurity of nasa and explanation of rain-water falling on nasa in the Dakhma The nasa of the living is the same as nasa of the dead, when taken to fire or water Hihar-nasa (i.e. the bodily refuse of the living and the dead) coming in contact with a heap of corn in corn fields How far should the Barsom and other sacred implements be kept away from the Nasa of the living Difference observed as regards the culpability of the righteous and the wicked, when the bodily refuse of either comes in contact with water or fire Before cultivating land, care should be taken to free it of nasa, if any[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


80. Proper precautions about nasa to be observed in the cultivation of the fields of a Zoroastrian under the superintendence of Zoroastrian or non-Zoroastrian servants 81. Cultivation of a field held by a Zoroastrian in partnership with a juddin 82. How should a Zoroastrian act when he sees nasa on a piece of land cultivated by a juddin 83. Precautions about dead matter in flowing and stagnant waters 84. Disposal of the nasa of a non-Zoroastrian lying on the road, by Zoroastrians 85. How should nasa lying on the main road be disposed of 86. How should nasa of Behdins or juddins lying in a cultivated field be disposed of 87. Well-water polluted by nasa 88. Water should not be drunk nor spilt unnecessarily at night and other precautions about water 89. How and when should the water of ponds be used 90. Different kinds of water spilt on the earth mixes with sub-soil water at different periods and about the water of Aredvi Sura Anahita 91. Alburz mountain, Farakh-kart sea and Khar-i talata (i.e., the three-legged ass) 92. The Saokant Mountain 93. The Hom-tree and the Kar fish 94. The Khar-i talata and the Hom-tree, according to the 'Minu-khrat' 95. The birds Amrush and Chamrush 96. [The sea-ox Sarsaok] 97. Walking bare-footed 98. Happy and unhappy lands 99. On making water 100. Foundation laying of the Dakhma (i.e., the tana ceremony) 101. Construction of a new Dakhma and repairing an old Dakhma 102. Water collecting in the inner well, of the Dakhma should be let out by boring a hole into it 103. Quotation from Vendidad 3 about the Dakhma 104. About erecting a new Dakhma, and keeping water away from nasa 105. Controversy raised at Surat about the disposal of the corpse of Nanabhai Punjya in a new Dakhma 106. Plan of the Dakhma 107. How should land be cultivated in which a Dakhma or an old astodan (ossuary) stands, or if there is any bodily refuse of the living on it 108. How should nasa be removed by the nasa-salars in the inner well of the Dakhma 109. Ceremonial disposal of the corpse of a person killed by a wild animal 110. Juddins cannot carry the biers of Zoroastrians 111. Precautions to be taken by the nasa-salars and hammals (i.e., the principal and assistant corpse-bearers), if blood or any matter exudes from the body, or if the paiwand is let slip, or if they utter anything without finishing the baj 112. The dasturi formula 113. What should the nasa-salars do, if any open part of their body or their garments comes in contact with nasa 114. How should one purify oneself after coming in contact with a dead dog 115. Precautions observed by nasa-salars when their hands with the gloves on come in contact with any bare part of nasa 116. Sagdid, i,e., the dog's gaze and the kinds of dog required for sagdid 117. Various precautions to be observed while carrying the corpse to the Dakhma: who, besides the nasa-salars, can carry the corpse, in case of necessity? 118. Precautions to be observed with regard to the corpses of persons dying unnatural death 119. Precautions to be observed if death occurs in a Yasna-gah 120. Death in an Atash Behram 121. Nasa on a high road or in a cultivated piece of land 122. Nasa coming in contact with a wooden couch, or a plastered piece of ground or a piece of land set with stones, or with felt-rugs, &c. 123. Death on the upper floor or a terrace; death by hanging; death on the ground-floor; death in a common passage leading to two rooms 124. On a davand throwing nasa the house of a Behdin, out of spite[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


125. Nasa coming in contact with a wooden structure 126. About the door or threshold of a house polluted with nasa and about horses or draught-animals coming in contact with nasa 127. One coming in contact with nasa should undergo Bareshnum purification 128. Death of a person seated upright 129. Death on a tree 130. How far does pollution go, if one amongst a multitude of men dies 131. Nasa lying in a heap of wood, or in corn, or in corn-fields, or in stalks, or straw 132. Bricks, earth, mortar, dung-fuel, and ashes, &c., coming in contact with nasa 133. Nasa in a jar of wines or of oil 134. Death occurring on the sea 135. How sagdid should be performed over a corpse buried underneath a debris of brick-bats or earth 136. Precautions to be observed by Behdins when juddins carry a corpse 137. Bones of men or animals found in the folds of garments 138. Spines of a hedgehog found in the dung of animals 139. Bareshnum purification to be undergone by one polluted with nasa 140. Difference between the nasa of a Behdin and of a darvand 141. About coming in contact with nasa in mown grass 142. About dead matter crushed with a stick 143. Keeping a lamp or light near a dead body at night, and the1 space of ground polluted by nasa 144. About food cooked in a house where death occurs 145. After how long does the ground of a covered place become pure after death 146. Temporary nasa-khana or, Zad-marg should be erected for the dead 147. When is pollution of nasa worse 148. The shroud (Kafan) for the dead 149. The legs of the dead should be bent, before taking them to the Dakhma 150. Precautions to be observed by the nasa-salars from the time when the dead body lies in the house up to the time when it is finally disposed of in the Dakhma 151. The gah-sarna (Yasht-i gahan) 152. Juddins cannot carry the biers of Zoroastrians to the Dakhma: precautions to be observed by the corpse-bearers 153. Consumption of a corpse by vultures 154. A person going in a funeral procession as well as those who have seen the corpse must, take a bath 155. Fresh meat should neither be cooked nor eaten for three days in a house where death occurs 156. Mourning for the dead prohibited 157. The form which the soul assumes for the first three days after death and the places frequented by it during that period 158. Tars-i Studan ceremony in honour of Srosh 159. How do the souls of the righteous and the wicked feel when the corpses are eaten away by vultures 160. What becomes of the five spiritual faculties of a man after death 161. The journey, to the Chanvad bridge of the souls of the righteous and the wicked 162. On the Srosh ceremony of the dead and the consecration of pure white garments with Darun 163. The dignity of Srosh Yazad 164. Ceremonies of the dead for the whole year 165. White garments (jama-i ashodad) consecrated in honour of the dead 166. Principal ceremonies of the dead for the first year 167. Sidab (rue) to be prepared with garlic on the third day's ceremony of the dead 168. Dahman Afrinagan to be recited on the dawn of the fourth day after death 169. If the three days' after the death of a person have not been performed owing to unavoidable circumstances, they should be performed thereafter 170. The souls of the pious come down here on their rojgar ceremonies 171. Ceremonies of one dying during five Gatha days 172. Invocation, in ceremonies, of a dead person whose name is unknown 173. Ceremonies on the death of a child aged one day up to seven years 174. Children dying aged one day up to 8 years will look like those aged 15 years, in the next world[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


175. Zinda-ravan ceremony can be performed for a boy or a girl 11 years and 3 months old, and not of one under that age 176. Dastur Noshervan Marzban's last testament: advice to his son as to what he should do after his father's death 177. Ceremonies to be performed for one year on the death of a person aged 15 years and upwards 178. On the bringing up of children 179. On the duty of educating children 180. Submission to the authority of parents and teachers and abstaining from harassing them 181. Which parent is created superior to the other -- the father or the mother 182. Children should not neglect the duties towards their parents 183. Disobedient children to be deprived of patrimony 184. Ritual prescribed for one who dies aged 12 years and under 185. On adoption -- its varieties 186. Proper age of betrothal and marriage 187. On the merit of contracting marriage 188. On negotiating marriage contract 189. Five kinds of marriage 190. The marriage ceremony, the dowry, and the announcement of the mahr, or, the marriage gift 191. The status of the five kinds of wives under different circumstances and the remarriage of widows 192. Patrimony to be divided among survivors 193. On divorce 194. Consorting with one's wife 195. Nocturnal pollution 196. On suckling a child 197. On adultery 198. On the hamemal sin, or, sin affecting the accusers 199. Obedience of wives to their husbands and of children to their parents 200. About menstruous women and the davazda-hamast ceremony performed for the expiation of sins committed by them 201. Treatment of women after childbirth and still-birth and about a woman who dies during her periods or pregnancy 202. About purifying the clothes of the carriers of the dead and those which have become riman (i.e., defiled) otherwise 203. On the purification of metals, stones, etc. which have become defiled 204. On cooking and drinking vessels 205. Pollution of wood 206. Trimming the hair and ceremonial disposal thereof 207. Nail paring 208. On swallowing a tooth unawares: on a sore mouth: on the soreness of any part of the body 209. Blood-letting 210. About a child biting another child 211. About burns and brands 212. About a child falling in water 213. On suckling a child (see p. 196) 214. About a child defiled by coming in contact with the dead 215. Kinds of animals regarded as nasa when dead 216. About Jam and Jame and different species of men and animals 217. The dog zarrin-gosh 218. About protecting a hedgehog and killing a tortoise 219. Story of Jam and Jame 220. Animals, birds, and fish which are fit to be eaten 221. On the lawful slaughter of cattle and fowl 222. Eating unconsecrated flesh of cattle is unlawful 223. Offering the fat of a gospand, lawfully slaughtered, to the fire of the Atash Behram on the fourth day after death 224. Domestic animals to be properly taken care of[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269.

270. 271. 272.

On the domestic animals and the cock: the head of a domestic animal lawfully slaughtered can be consecrated On wearing silken clothes and on the use of honey and opium On drinking wine On the consumption of ghee or clarified butter prepared by darvands Fruits and vegetables sold by juddins Hot water does not remove druj-i nasush Hides tanned by juddins On killing noxious creatures and on the eating of the flesh of a kharfastar Food gnawed by noxious creatures About the cattle which have eaten dead matter Dead matter taken as medicine How should Barashnom purification be administered to one of a foreign faith, who wished to be cleansed of the pollution by nasa On peaceful and forcible conversion On the treatment of juddins: their conversion Diseases and their remedies Amahraspands and Yazads to be propitiated, to avoid calamities and to ward off diseases The blind and the maimed to be contented with their lot On being grateful to God: Adarbad Marespand on gratefulness -- his miracles How man brings on himself calamities: prevention is better than cure Behdins on attaining to majority should do various good deeds, chiefly six; penalties prescribed for not doing them; enumeration of greater and less sins and margarjan crimes Degrees of crimes and margarjan sins: sins which make one riman or margarjan The merit of Kwedodas On sodomy On padyab (ablution) with gomez and water: story of Ibliis (Satan) and Tehmuras, illustrating the efficacy of bull's urine Nirang to be recited on applying gomez Different prayers to be recited during the five gahs: the duration of each gah The Rapithwin gah: its celebration The Afrinagan of Rapithwin -- when recited: the Afrinagan given in Avesta Afrin-i Rapithwin (p. 303) Recital of Niyayeshes (p. 304) Number of Yatha [Ahunwar] to be recited in place of different Avestas Khwarshed Niyayesh with translation On the performance of Niyayesh in general On the Mah Niyayesh The waxing and waning of the moon (p. 305) On seeing the new moon in different constellations every month On recitation of Ohrmazd Yasht On recitation of Srosh Yasht Ohrmazd Yasht with translation from the beginning up to the 20 names of God Nothing to be given to the wicked (p. 306) Gifts to be given to the worthy and the good [On charity] (p. 307) [Delay is dangerous] (p. 308) [Proper maintenance of Atash Behrams] (p. 310) Baj to be recited before and after taking meals, and on eating meals with baj, i.e., by observing silence: the manner of cleansing the mouth after eating: meals not to be eaten by two persons together from the same plate: meals supplied by darwands, not to be taken: cleansing the mouth with hot water after meals and spitting it out on the ground is a sin -- the way in which the mouth and the teeth should be cleansed (p. 310) On fasting On the recital of Afrinagans (p. 313) Dibache, or, Introduction of the Afrinagans[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324.

The last portion of the Dhup-nirang (or, nirang bui dadan) Afrinagan of Ardafravash, as recited in Iran (to be recited with the karda of Tao ahmi nmane) Afrinagan with the Khshnuman of Mihr Afrinagan of Warharan Yazad Afrinagan of Mino Ram (to be recited on occasions of joy, entertainments, and marriage) Myazd ceremony to be performed five days in a month Khshnuman of the Afrinagan of Rashnu Yazad ... of Ashtad Yazad ... of Anagran Yazad ... of day Ohrmazd, month Frawardin ... of Vanant Yazad ... of day Hordad, month Frawardin ... of day Tishtar, month Tishtar ... of day Mihr, month Mihr ... of day Aban, month Aban ... of day Adar, month Adar ... of day Frawardin, month Adar and of day Khwarshed, Month Dae ... of day Vohuman, month Vohuman ... of day Spandarmad, month Spandarman and of Haft Amahraspandan ... of day Hordad, month Spandarmad ... of Nonabar (for the first day) ... of Nonabar (for the second day) ... of Nonabar (for the third and fourth days) Khshnuman of the Afrinagan recited on the erection of a new building Khshnuman of the Afrinagan recited on a now well being dug. Afrinagan Dahman, with Afrinami (with the Persian translation of Afrinami Afrinagan of Gahambar Afrinagan of Gathabyo Afrinagan of Srosh Afrinagan of Srosh recited for the first three days in the Aiwisruthrem gah in a house where death occurs and also on the second day of Nonabar Afrinagan of Siruza (abbreviated) Afrin-i Shash Gahambar (in Persian characters) Afrin-i Gahambar Chashni (in Persian characters) Afrin-i Myazd (in Avesta characters) Afrin-i Zartosht (in Avesta with Persian translation) Afrin-i Ardafravash (in Persian characters) Afrin-i Buzorgan (in Persian characters) Afrin-i Dahman (in Persian characters) Doa-i Behram Varjavand, i.e., Chithrem Buyad, (Pazend in Avesta characters) Doa-i Hoshedar and Behram Varjavand, to be recited after prayers, especially the Niyayesh -- recited in Iran (in Persian characters) Doa Nam-Setayashna (Pazand in Av. characters) Nemaz-i Ohrmazd (Pazand in Av. characters) Doa Nam-Setayashna (Pazand with Persian translation) Marriage ceremony as performed in Iran (Paz. in Av. characters) Doa-i Nekah, i.e., Tandarosti, as recited in Iran after the marriage ceremony (in Persian) Paiman-i Pahlavi, or, Marriage ceremony, as performed India (in Persian characters) Doa-i Nekah, i.e., Tandarosti About Gahambars and the use of Sudab (rue), and Noshirvan Marzban's account of the Gahambars Story of the Gahambar of Noshirvan, the just and Marzban Karsani The Zand or Commentary on Afrinagan Gahambar (Paz. with Persian rendering) The Yasna service as recited in the Gahambars, with the Khshnuman The Yasna service of the five Fravardigan days the five Gatha days[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377.

Number of Barsom rods to be used in different Yasnas and the Khshnuman of Vendidad The Paragna Ceremony, or, the Ceremony preparatory to the Yasna Number of Yatha to be recited in different Yasnas Barsom rods used in Yasna services Barsom twigs of the gaz (i.e., of the tamarisk tree) only to be used in the service and not of any metal 33 alats or apparatus, round about the Hawan 15 hunar or capabilities of a herbad and the 5 virtues to be acquired by the faithful Nirang is the life of Religion; -- who is a Dastur? -- the five nirangs to be learnt by herbads and the question asked of Adarbad by Husht About acknowledging a Dastur and providing him with one-tenth of one's income Rozgar of the departed relatives Performance of the Darun ceremony The souls of the departed visiting this earth On Farvardegan days Ceremonies of the dead and the Staomi (Y26) The ritual of the Farvardegan days Baj of 1200 Ashem and of 1200 Yatha Darun to be consecrated in the Gatha days, with the Afrinagan of Panji Darun-i Fravashi in the Panji Khshnuman of the Darun of Mino Marespend Rasmaha-i Behdinan (about Farvardigan days) Khshnuman of the Darun of Ohrmazd roz ... Vanant Yazad Ritual of the Farvardegan days Where to recite avanghao and staomi in the Darun consecration Khshnuman of the Darun of day Hordad of the month Farvardin The greatness of the day Hordad of the month Farvardin Darun of Haft Amshaspand and its Khshnuman Nirang of the 5th day of the 12th month (in Pahlavi) and the description of this day The Hordad sal gah and its Khshnuman (6th day of the 12th month) Khshnuman of the Darun ceremony of day Teshtar of month Teshtar [An account of the Tiragan Jashan] Khshnuman of the Darun of day Mihr, month Mihr ... Aban, month Aban ... Adar, month Adar ... Vohuman, month Vohuman ... of Srosh Four Daruns consecrated for the dead on the dawn of the fourth day Zinda-ravan ceremony with the four Darun ceremonies consecrated on the dawn of the fourth day Khshnuman of the Darun-i Safar One going on a journey of 12 farsangs must have darun consecrated in the manner of Warharan Yazad Khshnuman of the Darun of Warharan Yazad Khshnuman of the Darun consecrated with the head of a gospand Khshnuman of the Darun consecrated with the head of fowl or bird Khshnuman of the Darun of Rapithwin Khshnuman of the Darun of Nonabar Khshnuman of the Darun of Siruze Khshnuman of the Darun of Shahin baj How each day of the month is styled and mentioned in the Khshnumans Khshnumans -- greater and smaller -- for each of the 30 days How the days and months and the five Gatha days are mentioned in the Darun consecration The manner of reciting the Yasna, etc. [Ink prepared by darvands should not be used] Ohrmazd and the Amahraspands[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


378. Loin-cloth should not be worn 379. Parts of the body to be covered while reciting Niyayesh 380. Priests should not eat the food cooked by Behdins (i.e., laymen), nor should they come in contact with them while eating 381. Pronunciation of the compound ao and of s in Spitama 382. Secrets should be written in Avesta or Pahlavi characters 383. Nirang av-padyav yashtan, i.e., consecration of Nirangdin (in Pazand) 384. The same -- twice (in Pazand) 385. How should one act in the nine nights' retreat, after undergoing the Barashnom purification 386. Administration of Barashnom to one who is not riman (polluted) 387. The Indian Parsis asked by their Persian confreres to go to Persia and learn there the technicalities of the ritual 388. Bagh-i Barashnom (i.e., the place where Barashnom is administered); -- how should it be prepared -- with a plan; the qualifications of a Yaozdathragar 389. The consecration of ab and padyab (i.e., water and gomez;) laying out the Barashnom gah, with a plan; administration of the Barashnom to an ordinary person, as well as a riman, etc. 390. Administration of the Barashnom to a riman with a plan of the Barashnom gah 391. Barashnom purification with the retreat of 9 nights; when is this retreat vitiated and when not; the order in which the different members of the body are washed and the manner of drinking gomez 392. About the purification of various things which are defiled 393. Zand or Commentary of Vendidad 9 (abbreviated): and about the Barashnomgar and Barashnom 394. The qualification of a Yaozdathragar 395. On the qualifications of a Yaozathragar and the merit of undergoing the Barashnom purification (composed in verse by Noshirvan Marzban) 396. Qualifications and reservations under which Herbadship, i.e., proper priestly duty should be preformed 397. sudre and Kusti should be in proper order, especially at the time of any consecration 398. Precautions to be observed when there is any bodily refuse within three steps of the ceremonial apparatus 399. Consecrations offered with or without zur 400. About the consecration of Fravashin 401. About the consecration of Vendidad 402. About the performance of Yasna 403. Merit of the performance of various ceremonials as well as of the Gahambars 404. Merit of performance of Vendidad, Yasna, Visperad, and Darun, with or without zur 405. Correct preparation of Darun and Farsast: Symbolism of the Darun 406. The erection of a Dar-i Mihr 407. Reward or retribution for the priest, for proper or improper consecration 408. About the garments worn by priests 409. Punishment of an unqualified Yaozdathragar 410. Four kinds of Yasnas offered to the Yazads 411. About the merit of Yasna and Myazd 412. Manner of reciting and consecrating Vendidad 413. A Yasna service which is virasta and gumani and drayan 414. The proper occasions when the formula avanghao and staomi are recited in the consecration of Vendidad: When is the Khub valid and when vitiated 415. The proper manner of consecrating Darun 416. About the varas (hair) of the sacred bull 417. Barsom twigs to be gathered from the pomegranate or the tamarisk only 418. About the hom sent to India from Iran and about the urvaram 419. The Navazud or Navar initiation 420. Can a Herbad who has gone into a Dakhma be again fit for Herbadship? (see II, p.9) 421. About the division of the dioceses (husht) by the Herbads and their emolument (nirmad) 422. The ceremony of Geti-Kharid or Navazud 423. On Zinda-ravan ceremony 424. Geneology of Zartosht 425. Zartosht and the future prophets[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477.

The Resurrection The day Hordad of the month Farvardin About 9000 years of existence The faces of the soul The spiritual parts in the body of men: their functions The meaning of dreaming a dream Division of the things of this world into 25 parts Composition of men's body (from `Ulema-i Islam) Mount Alburz The signs of the Zodiac and lunar mansions Seven demons: seven planets: seven heavens Chekat Daiti and Chinwad Bridge {The seven Keshvars} The influence of the stars [Hell] Ten demons residing in men The livelihood of the creatures of Ohrmazd and Ahriman The righteous and the wicked The blind, the deaf and the maimed should be content with their lot Going on a journey without any safeguard The Zand-Avesta Behram Varjavand, the last apostle The Immortals Good and bad effects of drinking wine: About meritorious deeds Yovad-shah, son of Agriras A vow to be fulfilled on the birth of a male child Parahom to be given to a newly born infant for drinking Seven wonderful things invented by Jamshed `Ulema-i Islam (first treatise) `Ulema-i Islam (second treatise) Vohuman Yasht Jamaspi Jamaspi, or Ahkam-i Jamasp (longer version) Sadar Bundehesh Yatha-ahu-vairyo, the foundation of Religion and 101 names of God, with longer commentaries Letter brought by Behdin Bahman Suratya (Punjya) from Kerman Another letter from Turkabad Another letter from Kerman Vasf-i Amshaspandan Mar-nama and Burj-nama Story of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni Story of an ignoble person who backbited the Behdins of Yazd Some verses about Dastur Noshirwan Kermani A year of famine and the dreams of a chaste woman with regard to it Appearance of Mihr Yazad in a dream dreamt by Dastur Noshirwan About the kindling of a lamp and its miracles Story of Jam and Jame -- death of Jamshed A tale of Afrasiab son of Pashang Miracles of Zartosht with regard to the planting of the cypress tree Some statements about religion Story of Mazdak and Noshirwan Noshirwan's enthronement; the marguzan (i.e., dakhma) of Noshirwan and the pilgrimage thereto of Abu Ja'far, the Khalif 478. The Prince of Iran and Omar Khuttab[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513.

Mino-Kherad (in Persian prose) Iran-gaviz and its climate Var Jamkart Meaning of (l) Nemo-aongham, (2) atha-ima-vacho, (3) Airyama-ishyo, (4) az-hama gunah .... (5) Mazdayasnoahmi, (6) ahmai raeshcha Meaning of (1) Khshnaothra -- Ashem -- Fravarane -- Panj-gah i fravarane -- baj of Ohrmazd -- Yatha -Yenghe-hatam and Yesnemcha Some nirangs or incantations Jamaspi (in verse) Zartosht's prophetship -- his miracles and the establishment of Atash Behram Some tales in verse, pointing a moral Arda Viraf Nama Qissa-i Sanjan Nariman Hoshan's Rivayat, with some questions and answers and Chitak-i Avesta Gasan Nariman Hoshang's Rivayat The Rivayat of A. Y. 880 (extracts whereof are quoted in the classified compilation of Darab Hormazyar as belonging to Nariman Hoshang's Rivayat) Rivayat brought by Faridun Marzban (see pp. 462-63) Saddar Bundehesh (a part only) Jamshed's palace at Pars Youth and old age Sage's conversation with Zartosht in the court of Gushtasp On the worth of writers and the care of books The four Persian dynasties The third and the fourth fasl (in verse) -- about the destruction of the Persian empire Dastur Barzu's Rivayat Asfandyar Sohrab's Rivayat Kaus Mahyar's Rivayat Dastur Noshirwan's letter to Kamdin Padam Letter brought by Kamdin Shapur Shapur Bharuchi's Rivayat (see below) Faridun Marzban's letter -- (see pp. 397-98). Shapur Bharuchi's Rivayat Letter to Dastur Rustam Peshotam and others about the new dakhma at Surat Letter to the Adhyarus of Surat [Introductory Epistle to Kama Bohra's Rivayat] Maktub-i Maneck Changa] [Some technical words, used in the Rivayat's, explained] ------------

NOTE: Spelling of Zoroastrian technical terms has been normalized with other texts to facilitate searches: Dh: 'Afringan', here: 'Afrinagan' Dh: 'Aharman', this ed: 'Ahriman' (Dh also uses Ahriman in places) Dh: 'barashnum, bereshnum', this ed: 'barashnom' Dh: 'barsam', this ed: 'barsom' (Dh also uses 'barsom' in places) Dh: 'Behram', here: 'Warharan' Dh: 'Chinvat', here: 'Chinwad' Dh: 'div', here: 'dev' Dh: 'Khetyodath', here: 'kwedodas' Dh: Khorshed, here: Khwarshed Dh: 'Meher', here: 'Mihr'[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]


Dh: Nyaishes, here: Niyayeshes Dh: Ormazd, here: Ohrmazd Dh: 'Sarosh', here: 'Srosh' Dh: 'Zend', here: 'Zand'

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Glossary[2/23/2010 2:50:27 AM]

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