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Full name:

February 18 School, Khemisti

First English Exam

The text :

Walt Disney was born in 1901, in the U.S.A at the age of five he started drawing. In 1923, he made his Disney
studio and started producing animated cartoons for children. The famous cartoons he produced were: Mickey
mouse, Snow White, Pinocchio and Cinderella .On December 5th 1966, Walt Disney died in a hospitable was ill
from lung cancer. All the children liked him because he worked hard for them.
Section one
A) Reading comprehension

1- Read the text then answer these questions : (3pts)


Where was welt Disney born? .

What did he do? .

Did the children like him? .................................................................................................................

2- Read the text then complete the table : ( 2pts)


Date of birth

(country )


Date of

Walt Disney

3- Lexis :
a) Find in the text the words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1 pt)
dislike =/=

unknown =/= .

b) Find in the text the words that are closest in meaning to the following : (1 pt)
began =

well known =.

B) Mastery of language

1) Put the verbs in the past simple : (2 pts)

-The Queen Elizabeth two ( to be born ) . In 1926.
- William Shakespeare (to write ) ..many plays .
- Baya Mahieddine (to paint ) .. many paintings
- Chadli Bendjadid ( to die ) .. two months ago

Ask questions on the underlined words : (2 pts)

Walt Disney died in 1966 ?


3) Put in :

can / cant

a) I fly.

( 1.5pt)
b) I help you?

4 ) Put the verbs in the right column ( 1.5)

Section two

[ Started

c) I ..speak Chinese.
/ died /

produced /

liked / animated / worked ]

Write a paragraph about Louis Pasteur ( 6pts)

Date of birth : 1822

Place of birth : France
Job : chemist and biologist
Discovery : discovered the vaccine against rabies
Date of death : 1895

GoOd LuCk !

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