MCCF April 2012 Update

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1he chlldren sLarLed Lhelr second Lerm school examlnaLlon on Lhe 26
of March 2012 and vacaLed on
Lhe 4
of Aprll 2012. 1hey spenL mosL of Lhelr vacaLlon Llme relaxlng and playlng games (as lnLended)
buL we also had Lhem waLch some educaLlve 1v programmes. 1he also had Lhe Llme Lo revlew Lhelr
examlnaLlon papers and evaluaLe Lhelr performance.
192 =,++)->&',#,!%-?&
AunLle AnlLa (AfLer-School Lngllsh SLudles 1eacher) goL marrled on Lhe 13
of Lhls monLh. 1he whole
famlly graced Lhe occaslon Lo celebraLe and express our slncere love Lo her. She was very happy Lo see
us and expressed her deepesL graLlLude Lo us. 1he chlldren presenLed her wlLh some parcels.

1he chlldren aL AunLle AnlLa's weddlng
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As parL of Lhe 2
Annlversary celebraLlon of !ourney of lalLh Mlsslons, a love feasL was organlzed by
nungua Chlldren's Pome sponsorlng church. MCCl was lnvlLed Lo parLake ln Lhe celebraLlon. 1he
chlldren were LreaLed wlLh good muslc and dellclous meals. 1he chlldren had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
soclallze and lnLeracL wlLh oLher chlldren. We are graLeful for Lhe lnvlLaLlon and Lhe LransporLaLlon Lhe
church provlded for us Lo aLLend!

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Cn Lhe 22
of Lhls monLh, uncle Marvln vlslLed Lhe house Lo celebraLe
hls blrLhday wlLh Lhe chlldren. Pe presenLed food lLems for Lhe
celebraLlon. 1he whole house was fllled wlLh [oy and exclLemenL. 1he
chlldren Lhanked Cod for uncle Marvln's llfe. Lach chlld acLually
prophesled lnLo hls llfe. Pe was really blessed on LhaL day. We Lhank hlm
for all LhaL he does for Lhe chlldren

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As we have recelved a loL we also are wllllng Lo glve. MCCl donaLed food lLems such as rlce and flsh Lo
Lhe nungua Chlldren's Pome Lo supporL Lhelr chlldren. 1he founder couldn'L hlde hls [oy and expressed
hls profound graLlLude Lo MCCl for such a generous donaLlon.

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