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Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL


Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL

Submitted to: Mr. Usman Arshad (Instructor: Total Quality Management)

Submitted by: Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi Roll#43 BBA 7th (Morning) Session (2009-2013)

The Department of Management Sciences The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL


This report is mine assignment, assigned by my TQM instructor. In this report I have to select an organization and have to study it deeply, so that, I easily make SWOT analysis and give recommendations. Here, I selected Pak Elektron Limited, because earlier I done my six week internship at PEL Head office Lahore. And have enough knowledge to do SWOT analysis and give recommendations.

Pak Elektron Limited

Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) is the pioneer manufacturer of electrical goods in Pakistan. It was established in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/s AEG of Germany. In October 1978, the company was taken over by Saigol Group of Companies. Since its inception, the company has always been contributing towards the advancement and development of the engineering sector in Pakistan by introducing a range of quality electrical equipments and home appliances and by producing hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians through its apprenticeship schemes and training programmers. The company comprises of two divisions:

Appliances Division Power Division

PEL aims to maintain this competitive edge and at the same time keep striving to improve it further by continuous R&D, creating new knowledge and adapting to global development in technology and product design.

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL



The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PEL are discussed below:

PEL has the following strengths and is in more competitive position in these areas than its competitors. Following are the main strong points of PEL: Strong brand image Strong dealer network Strong quality, sale and service Strong grip in home appliances Strong Management Strong research and development department Free customer service

Like other companies PEL has some weaknesses in operating the business. If PEL overcome on these weaknesses then it can become a market leader in the home appliance. PEL lose some competitive edge in the following points: Lack of effective advertisement System variations Lack of Product range Less Utilization of capacity

For the PEL there are more opportunities for expansion the business. If PEL realize that opportunities then it will be more fruitful and profitable for the company. Even if

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL


company does not take advantage of these opportunities then it will lose its competitive position and high profit. Its competitors will give PEL tough time to pursuing the opportunities that are adopted by them. Following are the opportunities for the PEL. Exploration of market in Pakistan Increase in product range Export opportunity Increase in production capacity

PEL Company in such a competitive era has many threats as well. These threats are for the present situations and future. Company should make its policies and strategies according to these threats. So following are the main threats for the PEL: Strong competition Chinas product introduction in the market Price war Slow growth rate in Pakistan Instability of government Tax department World Trade Organization

After careful observation of competitive market conditions, I would recommend some remedies for PEL in order to cope with future threats.

Effective Advertising
PEL should also consider the importance of Advertisement for its microwaves and washing machines and water dispensers, which can play an important role in

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL


increasing awareness, customer preferences and in maximizing market share. They could also use some promotional tools like organizing shows, schemes, gifts and so on.

Strong Check & Balance System

PEL should also tighten up its monitoring and inspection Networks in order to minimize the miss-utilization of the resources by the employees and verify the data accuracy gathered by them.

Reduced Receivable Time Period

PEL should also form especial skilled and efficient sales collection team in order to collect Receivables amount from the retailers especially from ones located in Karachi, Lahore and at least reduce their payment time period.

Equal Incentive Schemes

PEL should also ensure equal incentives to all the dealers in order to increase their willingness to offer more shelf space to the company and should remain loyal to the company to promote PELs brand.

Need Strong Brand to win Customers Loyalty

As I believe, brand name is very important factor in consumer buying behavior, thus it is advised that PEL should work on the brand image. No doubt PEL already has strong brand name but it has quite more to do, mainly through advertising, to compete with Dawlance, Haier, and other local and international brands.

Better Product Attributes

The company should add more features to their products. People are attracted towards a product with unique features and something that would make the customers feel that they have got their moneys worth.

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

Report on SWOT Analysis & Recommendations of PEL

Increase of Advertising Budget


PEL more focus should be on electronic media to get competitive advantage over the competitors. They have to increase their advertising budget more.

Seasonal Schemes & Gift Vouchers:

Introduction of seasonal schemes can help to boost sales like Wedding Packages, free gift vouchers in Eids, etc.

Revolutionary Changes in Advertising Themes

The company should change the advertising theme periodically and if necessary they could also change slogan to attract and for the attention of customers. They should show some creativity in all promotional activities by introducing some catchy Slogans and interactive media campaigns to address public opinion.

Syed Shaheer Hassan Rizvi

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