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(last year) 1) the connective tissue that join the buccal and lingual papilla named: Answer: col

2) all periodontal epithelium are derived fro ectomesenchymal tissue: Answer: false 3)extracellular matrix of one periodontium can affect the function of pther periodontium Answer: true 4) ectracellualr matrix help in: Answer: all of above( cell adhesion, adhesion to tooth and basement membrane, nutrient and toxin perfusion 5) shape of interdental papilla determined by: Answer: all of the above 6) depth of the gingival sulcus is: Answer: 0-3 7) which one consider primary fiber of gingival epithelium: Only onedentogingival 8) the principle fiber of PDL include: Answer: all of the above 9) collagen fiber are formed by: The key answer was only fibroblast & osteoblast but the doctor said that cementoblast also form collagen 10) all these principles are true about sharpeys fiber except: Answer: it present only at the coronal part

11) collagen fibers are degraded by collagenase activity: Answer: false 12) most prevalent cell in the periodontal ligament space is Answer: fibroblast 13) which is true about cementicle: Answer: all of the above 14)all of the following are true about radiographis presentation of PDl except: Answer: average width is .25 mm in health & disease 15)cementum overlap enamel at CEJ in Answer: 60% 16) hypercementosis characterized by: Answer: bulbous root About the choice of crohns disease the doctor said that it is true but not always happened so the most common answer is bulbous root 17) periodontal space communicate with pulp, apical foramen is the only way to communicate Answer: true, false 18) all these sentence true about cementum except: Answer: (B+D) B: cellular cementum is permeable but acellular cementum is apermeable D: the thickest part is in coronal part 19) cementum is a specialized mineralized tissue, it undego physiologic remodeling by cementoblast. Answer: first statement is true, the second is false

20) orthodontic movement: Answer: two choices are correct( they result in hypercementosis & depend on presence of periodontium to take place) 21) the alveolar bone is form only after tooth formation, it resorbs only after tooth extraction Answer: true, false 22)bone between roots of tooth called: Answer: interradicular bone 23)cribruform plate is: Two choices are correct that were( it line the internal wall of alveolar socket & consist of compact bone not cancellous bone) 24)bone resorbing cells are: Answer: osteoclast 25)turn-over rate of PDL is higher than cementum but less than bone Answer: false 26)all true about high vascularity of except: Answer: low resistance to infection 27)what is the true sentence about dimentions of alveolar bone: Answers: all of above Or the Q was that all true except: in mandible posteriorly lingual thickest than buccal 28) one of these is a clinical sign of gingivitis: Answer: increase gingival exudates 29)all these are characteristics of gingivitis except: Answer: attachment loss 30)chronic periodontitis occur in children: Answer: true

31)gingivitis occur with pregnancy is plaque induced, gingivitis associated with diabetes mellitus is caused endocrine system Answer: true, false 32)poor diabetic control and length of time increase risk of periodontal breakdown & increase chances of poor response to therapy Answer: true 33)chronic and aggressive periodontitis is subclassified into mild, moderate, and severe. Both classified into localized and generalized based on same criteria Answer: true, false

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