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lhami Alkan Olsson

Bilimsel aratrma yntemleri (research methodology) dersi nedir?

The course is about not so much what we know, but how we know (methodology).

The basic question: HOW DO YOU KNOW what you know?

Most of things we know seem absolutely obvious to us:
How do we know that the earth is round? Everybody knows that! Of course, until Galileo everybody knew that the earth was flat!

Looking for reality..

Knowledge from agreement reality
Tradition (common knowledge) Authority

Other ways of knowing things Ordinary human Inquiry: observation - inaccurate observation (prediction /understanding)
- overgeneralisation - selective observation

What is really real?

Wifes point of view Husbands point of view A third persons point of view (his/her perception/persuation, etc.)

Konular (What will be seen)

Bilim ve Aratrma: Temel Kavramlar (science and research: basic conceptions); Sosyal aratrma politikalar ve etii (The ethics and politics of social research); Aratrma tasarm: Bilimsel bir tez nasl yazlr? (Research design), Aratrma problematiinin yaplandrlmas: Kavramsallatrma, Operasyonelletirme ve lme (The structuring of inquiry: conceptualisation, operationalisation, and measurement)

rnekleme (sampling); Gzlemleme yntemleri (Modes of observation); Verilerin analizi (Analysis of data) Practices: Ktphaneden nasl yararlanlr? (How to use library?); Bilimsel Bir Makale Nasl Yazlr ve Yaymlanr? (How to write and publish a scientific article?); .. Sosyal Bilimler Enstits referans format

Kaynaklar (Literature):
1) W. Lawrence Neuman, Toplumsal Aratrma Yntemleri: Nitel ve Nicel Yaklamlar (2. cilt) stanbul: Yaynodas, 2008. 2) Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research. 11th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2006. 3) Ali Balc, Sosyal Bilimlerde Aratrma: Yntem, Teknik ve lkeler. 5. bs. Pegem A Yaynlar, 2005. 4) Niyazi Karasar, Bilimsel Aratrma Yntemi: Kavramlar, lkeler, Teknikler. 15. bs. Ankara: Nobel Yayn Datm, 2005


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