What Do We Really Know?

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What Do We Really Know?

We are born here in this world - from where we dont know. We have thoughts that lead us to beliefs, but beliefs are not Knowledge. So the Questions may start with: Where did we come from? (before our birth) The next Question might be: Why are we here? (in this Mystery?) We arent born with instructions of any type, no clues, just a blank silence. Then I asked myself: What am I to do while here in this world? Finally: Where do we go to after our ceasing life in this dimension and form??

It is a glaring fact that most people never give it much thought. It seems we are mostly in some kind of denial or trance that doesnt allow for most to even ask these questions, let alone try and answer them.

For me it has been an under-current of my entire life, asking these questions to myself. Always ending in a sort of silence, which is no answer. Is the clue to these Questions hidden in the absence of answers? Am I to deduce the message of an answer by the lack of an answer? I dont know....the one thing I do know is that I dont really know anything. The more I learn, the more I realize my ignorance. Then realization set in that I am more ignorant than I thought. The more ignorant I realize I am, the more ignorant I must be. Ignorant far beyond what I can even imagine. Think about it..

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