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Linear Algebra MTH 62-126, Section 01

Fall 2012

Topics in Linear Algebra I

1. System of linear equations (a) Solving a system of equations (b) consistent and inconsistent systems (c) unique solution, no solution, innite number of solutions 2. Matrices (a) matrix, identity matrix, zero matrix, square matrix, column matrix, row matrix, upper triangular matrix, lower triangular matrix, diagonal matrix, augmented matrix, transpose of a matrix (b) operations on matrices: addition, negation, subtraction, multiplication by a scalar, product of two matrices, inverse of a matrix (c) elementary row operations, reduced row echelon form (d) rank of a matrix (e) solving a system of equations by reduced row echelon form (f) solving matrix equations 3. Determinants (a) evaluating determinants: (i) by expanding with respect to a row or column, (ii) by row operations (b) nding inverse by cofactors (c) Cramers rule (d) nding area and volume using determinants 4. Vectors: (a) vectors, operations on vectors: addition, negation, subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot product, cross product (b) vector equation of a line/plane, scalar equation of a line/plane/hyperplane (c) projection and minimum distance

(d) Vector spaces, subspaces (e) Linear independence, bases, span, dimension (f) Linear mapping, inverse mapping (g) Geometrical transformations: rotation, reection, projection, contractions and dilations, stretching. Inverses of these transformations. (h) Null space, column space, row space (i) Change of basis (j) eigenvectors, eigenvalues, diagonalization, characteristic equation, characteristic polynomial (k) orthogonal complement, projection onto a subspace, orthonormal bases, GramSchmidt procedure

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