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February 6, 2009 CONTACT 330-9114


County Executive Should Return Bruno Campaign Cash

Rensselaer County Legislator Kevin Harrington (D) Dist 2, called for the immediate return
of a $20,000 contribution from Senator Bruno to the Rensselaer County GOP which was
transferred immediately to the County Executive.

Harrington reacted to a published report disclosing the contributions which cites

financial disclosure records showing that the contribution was made on January 9, 2009,
just two weeks before the Senator’s federal indictment.

Senator Bruno is accused by this indictment of using his influence to improperly enrich
himself to the tune of more than $3 million dollars. It is an obvious concern that
contributions to his political campaign committee may have been garnered with the
same kinds of improper “pay to play” influences cited in the indictment.

Why didn’t Bruno give the money to the County Executive directly, asked Harrington.
Apparently to immunize the recipient from the perception that the elected County
Executive was taking cash from an indicted former official. Harrington stated that until
the federal charges against Bruno are resolved, this contribution should be returned to
its source to ensure that a full 25% of the County Executive’s total war chest is in no way
tainted by the indicted Senator’s dash for cash.

Legislator Harrington also called on other Rensselaer County Republicans fundraising

committees to review their contributions and to take similar steps.

Times Union 2/6/09 GOP cash boosts Jimino

Republican Rensselaer County Executive Kathy Jimino doesn't have an opponent yet, but she's already got a tidy sum on
hand — $98,613.54 — to fund her next campaign, according to her campaign committee's Jan. 15 disclosure filing.
And even though he's not holding office anymore, former state Senate majority leader Joe Bruno hasn't forgotten his
fellow Republicans.
Jimino's biggest contribution was $20,000 from the Rensselaer County Republican Committee. Now, the county
committee isn't exactly flush. It has less money on hand, $63,200.53, than Jimino.
So where did the $20,000 come from? Take a look at the filings from Jimino's committee, the county GOP, and the
Committee to Re-Elect Senator Bruno.
The then-unindicted Bruno's committee wrote a $20,000 check to the county GOP on Jan. 9. The county GOP then turned
around and wrote a check for $20,000 to Jimino's committee on Jan. 9.

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