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Water is the element of Healing & Harmony. It is associated with the Cardinal direction west, the Quarter of Setting Sun, Autumn and middle age. It is the place of Balancing and Surrender, surrender of acquisitions for emotional fulfillment like sharing time with loved ones, As Autumn is the time of gathering in and sharing with all the ripened fruits. Intuition and creative Imagination are the qualities nurtured by the Water Element. To learn the deeper truths of our lives and our lands, we must learn to trust our imagination - the language of our souls. The Element of Water is associated with human emotions. They flow and change like the surface of a lake. Attention to the hidden riches of our feelings nurtures our lives. In return, we can offer it our love and honour it by music and song.

Basic Associations of the Water Element :

Season : Direction: Time: Point in Life: Colour: Animals: Creativity: Autumn West Dusk Maturity Blue, Turquoise Dolphins, whales Song, Music

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