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As I read the poem entitled Our Mother Tongue by Dr. Jose Rizal I realized that many or majority of us are not really a Filipino. We are just Filipino by name but not in did. The poem says that we must love our own language, but many of us now a day especially some parents out there are teaching their children with other languages at very young age. What do you think are the reasons of those parents who want their children to speak in other languages? For them to have many friends someday? For them to become more social? when I think about those reasons I feel sad because I came to know that as a Filipino you must know how to love your own language because loving you language means loving you country and your countryman, and I believed that one who doesnt love his native tongue is worse than putrid fish and beast!

We can also relate the meaning of this poem to our daily life. Like for example; when I read this poem I learned that I should be very proud of what I have today and dont be jealous to others because they might have something that you do not have but according to the poem everyone is equal in the eyes of God. We as Filipinos must think on the ways on how are we going to make our country better instead of thinking, dreaming, and making ourselves busy in making ways to live in other country. Our country is just the same with other countries, we just need to know or learn to love it. For me, what Dr. Jose Rizal wants us to know about this poem is that we Filipinos should cooperate and have a better nation!

This poem of Dr. Jose Rizal means a lot. It contains a lot of meaningful words that we as a Filipinos should know. I learned a lot when I read this poem, although, honestly, I did not understand some words .

Mark Eugene M. Bingayan BSN-3A

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