Score Pilates Abs - Pilates

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Score Pilates Abs

Arm yourself with the abs shortcuts of Michele Olson then tackle this six-pack of proven ab firmers. Done correctly, these exercises activate abs more than crunches do. Some are over 200 percent more effective, says Olson. Do them three times per week on nonconsecutive days and ab-racadabra! A core to adore! Modified Hundred

Lie face-up, legs raised, knees bent 90 degrees. Inhale, then exhale, lifting head and shoulders off mat, arms extended at shoulder height, palms down (as shown). Inhale as you pump arms up and down five times, then exhale and pump five more times. Do 10 times, for 100 pumps. Roll-Up

Lie face-up, legs together, toes pointed, arms extended to ceiling, palms forward. Inhale, then engage abs and exhale as you slowly roll up one vertebra at a time (as shown) until seated, arms parallel to shins. Inhale; exhale as you slowly roll back to start. Do 10 times. Single-Leg Stretch

Lie face-up. Lift head and shoulders off mat as you pull left knee into chest, a hand on each side of left shin, and raise right leg at a 45-degree angle, toes pointed, abs engaged (as shown). Inhale, then exhale and switch legs to bring right knee into chest, hands on right shin, left leg out. Switch legs 20 times. Double-Leg Stretch

Lie face-up, legs raise with knees bent 90 degrees, toes pointed. Lift head and shoulders off mat and place hands on outside of knees, keeping arms straight, to start. Inhale, stretching arms and legs out, legs together, arms next to ears (as shown). Exhale, bending knees and bringing arms alongside knees, to return to start. Do 10 times. Rolling like a Ball

Sit with knees bent and tucked into chest, arms wrapped around shins, head down, heels raised, toes touching mat. Lift toes and balance on tailbone, heels close to butt (as shown). Inhale as you roll back slowly until shoulder blades touch mat. Exhale and use abs, not momentum, to roll up and balance on tailbone again, keeping toes from touching mat. Do 10 times. One-leg Teaser

Lie face-up with knees bent, feet flat, arms extended to ceiling, palms facing in. Extend left leg in line with right thigh, toe pointed. Inhale, then exhale as you engage abs and slowly roll up one vertebra at a time, reaching toward ankle (as shown). Inhale, then exhale as you roll down, arms extended to ceiling again. Do 10 times. Switch legs; repeat.

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