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(Date) (Sponsor Name) (Address) (City), (State, Zip) Dear (name of the person), Here you need to introduce

yourself and / or your company / organization. In this paragraph, you need to request for the sponsorship, and mention the event or the reason for which you are requesting for a sponsorship. Over here, you will need to tell your potential sponsor how his company will benefit from sponsoring you, and what all you plan to do so that the sponsors get the most publicity. Here, you are required to include basic details of the sponsorship deal, and also request that the potential sponsor fill out the necessary form and details. Lastly, you need to thank the person / company that your sponsorship letter is addressed to. Respectfully, (Your name) (Position in the Organization)

SAMPLE 1 Ms. Samantha Rogers ABC Private Limited 234 S. Marina Street New York, SA 48294 Dear Ms. Rogers, My name is Margaret Williams, and I am doing my Masters in Cultural Studies from the Southwest University. There is a cultural meet to be held in London by the Cultural Roots Society and I have been selected to take part in this meet by the organization. During this one month program, I will have the opportunity to meet students from different cultures and interact with experts in this subject. An examination followed by an interview was held by the Cultural Roots Society, a month ago. Among the hundred students who attended this interview from my state, I was the privileged one to be selected. I see this as a lifetime opportunity where I will get an exposure to different cultures which will surely benefit me. This cultural meet will be held in the month of March 2012, and I would really appreciate if your organization can help me by sponsoring my tuition fees, which comes to around $30,000, including all other expenses. I am requesting 15 sponsors to give $2000 each to help me in my goal. After my return from the cultural meet in April, I am planning to hold a small event to thank my sponsors and to share my experiences with them. A contribution form has been enclosed along with the letter. If you want more information, you are free to contact me at my residence on 856-453-239. Your sponsorship and support would help me in my attempt. Thank you for your support in advance. Sincerely Yours, Margaret Williams Student

Ms. Samantha Rogers ABC Private Limited 234 S. Marina Street New York, SA 48294 Dear Ms. Rogers, It is with great pleasure that I take this chance offer your organization a great opportunity to become a valuable sponsor of the "Corporate Championship" which will be held in February 2012. We have been organizing this championship for the last three years in our city. Most of the corporate firms are the members of this program, and every organization has contributed its financial assistance to the success of the Corporate Championship. This event has helped to create a friendly atmosphere among all the organizations, and the employers are now helping each other in times of crisis. We are happy to see that you have had a continuous participation in this program for past two years. We truly believe that you will provide your valuable support to this program this year as well. As a valuable sponsor, your company banner will be showcased during the event. You can also suggest your company logo for the advertisement of this program. The details of the total necessary for the program and contribution expected from each company are given in the enclosed document. We appreciate you considering our proposal for sponsorship. Please feel free to call us for more information about the program. Sincerely Yours, Margaret Williams

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