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Trading Bloc Poem

The case for, Is not so poor, Bringing about trade creation, For all countries to develop specialisation, Though at the risk of trade diversion looming, The WTO would soon be fuming. Higher living standards are what the blocs say, To the tune of productivity growth they sway, But sadly post bloc formation causes frustration When foreign countries are pushed out by this notation The bloc permits mobility of workers, Stimulating growth and sharing skills all over, But the USA have been greedy, Despite the trade treaty.

We see global inflation take a dip As barriers take the slip Being dependant if the barriers were high Then the benefits would be nigh. Poorer countries may now have the power To tackle agricultural towers Though the problem occurs When trading blocs are full of countries with chauffeurs. The case against Has now commenced With consumers having to suffer Forcing countries out of the bloc as it gets tougher. So countries with high imports Will need support

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