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For Immediate Release: January 2, 2013 Contact: Mike Murphy | mikemurphy33@gmail.

com | 646-752-5992

Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Calls for Election Reforms

Introduces Speaker Silvers Bills calling for Early Voting and Increased Public Disclosure in Senate
Early Voting is a smart approach to help increase the number of New Yorkers that take part in the democratic process. The easier we make it for eligible voters to participate the better it is for our democracy. Elections should be about the will of the people and not the special interests. Unfortunately, in this election cycle we saw outside groups like Common Sense use unprecedented amounts of money to try to influence election outcomes and drown out the voice of everyday New Yorkers. We need stronger financial disclosure for political advocacy groups. I commend the Speaker for introducing both bills and I have introduced the same bills in the Senate and hope these bills are allowed to come to the floor for a vote.

Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins has been an outspoken voice for real election reforms including the public financing of campaigns.

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