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Amsterdam December 2005

Sasha was okay. What passed as okay in this century anyway; a self-destructive phase he relished. I smoothed my sleeves and took a deep breath. My lungs filled with the acrid smoke swirling in the air. I dont know why I worried about the elf. There was no reason for the absurd emotion where my brother was concerned. He was always okay. With you at my side how could I not be? My lips twitched at the mental intrusion. I straightened, my eyes locking on to his position in the corner of the hazy club. He was guzzling the sweet green poison that numbed his emotions. I felt the invitation to enter his mind and didnt think twice about delving into his subconscious. It had been forever and a day since he had wanted me in his head. The first emotion to assault me was lust; it oozed in every crevice of his drug-addled psyche. I wasnt surprised. It was in our nature, in our blood, and part of our essence. Lust, sexual gratification, was the first thing we thought of at every minute of our long existence. For me, time had reduced the need to a second consideration. Sasha hadnt found, hadnt sought, restraint. One of the pretty ladies beside him, the one Sasha called Aimee, was a tiny blonde vampire. I thought he had learned his lesson with Lilith. Lilith thats the reason I had tracked him down this time. My brother needed to make some decisions concerning his wife. A word, Sasha. He grinned. But of course, prater. Its frater, Sasha, frater. Why do you insist on clinging to a childhood misnomer?

The bark of laughter was audible over the bustling din of the club. Youll always be prater to me, Malachi. He began to sing softly under his breath, and the lyrics of a Lennon tune mingled with the blaring guitar riff of How the Gods Kill. Before I could blink, he had lit a cigarette, and set the black Zippo back beside his glass. His golden red locks moved with the exhalation of smoke, and his violet eyes locked on a position somewhere above my chest but below my eyes. I stood several yards away, but the fragrant scent of cloves still managed to sting my nose. Shaking my head, I walked in slow, measured steps to his side. Weve business to attend Lord Alek. I did not address him by Sasha in public. Sasha was my friend, my shadow, and my brother. The person sitting indolently in front of me was none of those. He was Lord Aleksander, House of Losalfar. I understood why Sigmund, our demon tutor, hated this man. He was not endearing in any way. Eager to do the bidding of others? The end of his cigarette glowed bright red when he inhaled. He met my gaze, picked his drink up, and managed to fondle the human next to him without breaking eye contact. His smile grew malicious. He was an arrogant sod my brother. He knew, hell, most of the inhabitants who mattered in the Realm knew, he was the strongest being alive. He had the opportunity of becoming the ultimate monster if he chose to. So far, he had chosen nothing. Thank goodness Sigmund owned our souls. I didnt think I would ever see the day where I would be happy to be indebted to the demon. The uncharitable thought transferred to Sasha. His eyes narrowed, and the light violet hue darkened a shade. You play a duplicitous game with everyone in your life, Sasha.

As do you, Malachi. He rocked back and took a long drink as we continued to stare at each other. He was right, but I would never concede the point. Sasha smirked, leaned over the dark table, and tapped his finger upon the arm of a human. Say hi, Tina, this is my shadow, Lord Malachi. She turned towards me, smiling as she sipped her drink. Her emotional aura rippled in soft waves about her. She was contemplating her chances of seduction. I wasnt dressed to attract female attention tonight. I wore a standard pair of dark slacks, a long sleeve button shirt of some muted color, and boots. I was here for business and nothing else. Sasha, on the other hand, was here for pleasure and nothing more. His black leather pants and opened leather vest alerted me to the fact that I was most likely intruding on his evenings entertainment. What may I do for you, Malachi? I lifted my eyes. He arched a brow and emptied his glass. He couldnt get alcohol poisoning like the humans, but he could still become intoxicated. It took about thirty times the amount, and he was working on it feverishly. I will not discuss business in public. I forgot about your paranoia. He stood. Lets move this party elsewhere, ladies. His eyes flickered to mine for the briefest of moments. Would you care to join us? I snorted, but followed them out the doors and into the cold night air. The cute vampire hissed under her breath as I walked several paces behind the group. Sashas perverse exploits were known by most of the Realm inhabitants thanks to the House of Frimbia. I had a good idea of what was on tonights agenda. My breathing hitched. It had been a long time since I had joined my brother in his games. Once inside the flat, Sasha threw every conceivable form of narcotics on a low wooden table for the girls. They fell upon them with alacrity. Still using?

Still hoping? He retorted. I shrugged and headed into the kitchen after him. Sasha, I began but stopped as his fist slammed into the wall beside me. Speak aloud. Its sensitive information. The plea fell upon deaf ears. He had turned away, his mind shuttered against mine once more, as it had been for nearly one-hundred years. I took a sip of the tepid ale he had handed me, weighing my options. Sasha was watching the girls, and Aimee stared at me. A glance at the humans in the other room tipped the scales as they werent paying any attention to us. Youve a mess. I handed him a small, folded piece of paper. Lilith filed a grievance against you for adultery. Gillian, House of Romulus, is on her list. He stared at the piece of paper for several seconds. With a heavy sigh, he placed the note in his back pocket. Aimee turned her fear-stricken attention to Sasha. I couldnt fathom what their relationship was. Did her eyes glow from fear for him or fear of Lilith? Everyone knew about Lilith and Sasha. She was taking a serious risk with her life by consorting with him. Ill take care of her later. He waved his hand in dismissal. I am not a servant, I growled. His eyes turned dark as midnight. Aimee jumped back several feet, and I immediately strived for a calmer tone. Losing my temper with Sasha would only leave me in pain and him with more scars. You gain control of Region Two this summer. Weve no time to waste unless you want her as co-ruler. Im busy, he murmured, turning around to stare into the adjacent room. I followed his gaze, focusing on the girls we had left alone. The opium-laced joints were finally working. It was only a matter of minutes before they lost consciousness. Their auras

dimmed before our inhuman eyes. Tina, the pixie brunette, slumped forward in the red settee, her head lolling at her side. Sashas grin widened as her friend slid to the floor in a helpless heap. The party begins. He moved towards the living room, ruthlessly grabbing one of the girls. He hauled her over to Aimee and with a deep bow, gestured towards the limp body in his arms. Ladies first Aimee grinned, baring her teeth. The fangs elongated, saliva flowing in her mouth with anticipation. Easy, baby, we dont want to kill them or mark their pretty little bodies. She bit down and a soft slurping sound ensued. Sasha began to undress both females in quick order, his mouth trailing along Aimees jaw line. My stomach heaved at the unfolding scene. Damn elf had forgotten I was in the room. What are you doing? A rhetorical question for I could see exactly what he was doing. He stopped and lifted his head. His eyes were a disturbing shade of grey. A deep guttural growl rose from his chest as he stalked in my direction. Sasha? I loathed myself at that moment; loathed the fact that I still cared for the man that use to be my brother, loathed the hope that one day, one day I would be able to save him from himself. I had lost my brother many, many years ago. I could not see him inside the monster with blood on his lips, rape on his mind, and violence with every step he took towards me. With a heavy sigh of resignation, I shifted out of the flat and back to New Orleans. The scents of honeysuckle, stale beer, magnolia trees, and deep fried foods were a welcomed comfort. These were the scents of home. This is where Sasha needed to be... where he would ultimately find solace if he cared to seek it. Yet he avoided the city with every breath he took. The streets held painful memories and the buildings ugly secrets. He felt persecuted, watched, and uneasy in his own territory.

I walked into the first club I came to and ordered a drink. Sipping gingerly, I ran down a mental checklist of all the things that I needed to do before Court commenced this summer. Several people had to die. This idea made me smile for I was going to relish the final hours of their deaths. I needed to thwart Jack and his shifter House from his scheme to enslave humanity yet again. You would think he knew a lost cause when it slapped him across the face, for several centuries, I thought wryly. I had to dissuade the beautiful and temperamental werewolf, Katie, from having Sasha in her bed. She was yet another person that never learned her lesson where the dark elf was concerned. I had so many things to do, so many people to manipulate, and so little time to have everything come out exactly as I needed it. I exhaled, pinching the bridge of my nose. Near immortality is not as grand as humans believe. It is tedious; it is boring, and it is lonely. If you ask me, it drives some mad. Like my brother. Yes, the elf was mad. Very mad indeed. Longevity has its price. If not in flesh, then in the soul, and Sasha had little of that to spare. I chuckled, knowing exactly how little of a soul my brother held inside his twisted chest. It was equal to the miniscule amount I owned. A sliver of magic pulled me out of my reverie. My hand clenched the tumbler of whiskey so tightly that the glass shattered. My soul. The damn nuisance I had just been making fun of. My soul. It had been ages since I had felt that tug. It was a slight pull, a magnetic jerk. I melted into the shadows of the bar, my eyes hooded. It was here. She was here. I scanned the smoky confines, seeking the source of the magic. After several tense minutes of wondering if madness was contagious, I found the witch. I knew immediately it was her. My mind flew into a whirlwind of activity. I needed a course of action. I stared. She was utterly alien yet eerily familiar. Sasha would not recognize the spark; his mind had not been right since the last time she left us. Hope. That eternal kernel of hope I carried fluttered in my chest.

After a century, after resigning ourselves to the fact that we would never right what we had wronged, I had stumbled upon her in our city, at the perfect juncture in time. There was no such thing as coincidence in my mind. Decisions. It was never easy to make decisions where she was concerned. I had to set the board straight and remember all our mistakes. Self-reflection was not one of my traits, but remember I must if I was not to repeat the past. Images, voices, and scents came crashing upon me like a tidal wave. My head began to pound immediately for there were many mistakes to assess. My mistakes. Sashas mistakes. Her mistakes. We were all equal participants in our mutual destruction. I would not fail my brother, again. I would not fail her, again. I would not fail. Again.

1. New Orleans 1795

I cannot believe I agreed to accompany you. As if you would attend for my benefit. I cut my eyes to watch the grin widen on the elfs face. You know as well as I that our reputations must start in the ballrooms and end in the alleys.

I like alleys. Sasha twirled his cane in the air. Remind me of my role once more, prater. I ignored the nickname, my voice booming in indignation. Ive seen a vision of the future, brother. I ducked as the cane came dangerously close to my head. Redheads are going to be reputed as being temperamental, sexually aggressive, unpredictable, and crazy. And what about your wonderful chestnut locks? The elf was faster this time, and the end of the cane landed behind my left ear. Brunettes will be seen as reliable, dependable, even tempered, and intelligent. I massaged the sore spot and hid my smile. We continued walking through the dark, stench filled streets of the city without a care in the world. And truly, we didnt care about much. We were Lords. Lord Aleksander and Lord Malachi, shadows for the last three hundred years. As far as the world knew, Sasha was an unstable, masochist elf from the House of Losalfar in line to inherit a prosperous Region. I was his half-blood shadow who few knew how to handle, yet they tried. Life, thus far, was good. Lets go to Marias, I suggested. We couldve picked up any number of willing females at that atrocious ball. Nevertheless, Sasha veered down the appropriate alley. I dont understand how Ladies of the Realm make your cock twitch. I honestly didnt. The Ladies of our rank were not interested in carnal pleasure. The only thing that excited their aristocratic blood was our position and the possibility of future favors. No fun to be had when it was only business. They smell better, besides, once in bed, they all act like whores. I chuckled and we continued discussing the opposite sex. Women werent the fairer sex in our world. Women were meant to be used, in our beds, or as pawns in the greater game we

played. We used them with delight on every occasion. No one ever refused our advances. We were Lords. We had money, power, and status. We entered our favorite bordello on Frenchman Street, the doors swinging inward at our approach. It was a rough and tumble place, the clientele as diverse as the Region. America was a young country, and the races saw the vast potential in the virgin wilderness. New Orleans was in the middle of Region Two, Sashas future holding. He loved the swamp; he enjoyed the rugged people, the loose morals, and the laissez le bon temps roulez attitude. It suited him and our current lifestyle. A cursory glance was all we needed before wading into the crowd. Within the walls of the establishment, one could find a representative from every race. Faeries drank with shifters, elves gamed with vamps, and humans mingled with everyone. Discrimination stopped when money was involved. Everyone had a niche in our world. Some, such as sweet Maria and her fledgling vampire House, specialized in the hospitality industry. She peddled flesh and mind inducing narcotics to any who could afford it. We strolled to the bar, nodding and waving to the patrons who were brave enough to acknowledge our presence. A near naked server smiled when we finally reached the cedar-hewn counter. She reached for two bottles of liquor with a coquettish smile. Lord Alek, Lord Malachi. We turned in sync and bowed at the Latin vampire madam. Her lips turned up as she crossed her arms under her generous breasts. Maria, dear, how goes the trade today? I grabbed my bottle of amber colored spirits and took a swig.

Better, mlord. She smiled, her eyes lighting up with mischief. She looked up towards the stairs, her left foot tapping a beat against the smooth planks. Ive a new wench upstairs keeping many people happy. I wager youll like her a great deal. How much would you like to wager? I asked with a grin. A favor; not only will you like her immensely, but so will your shadow. I arched my brow at Sasha who dismissed the claim with a wave of his hand. I wasnt as cavalier. Maria was a smart woman and determined to get far in Realm society. She had yet to try to seduce either one of us. She teased and flirted but never, ever, tried anything beyond friendly banter. A very smart girl. Why would Alek care? Shes a serf. Her brows arched knowingly, a trace of a smile upon her red lips. Sir Roger had her yesterday, and hes been back five times since. Her blood is special. Who knows how itll affect your shadow. Sasha grinned, nodding his head in acknowledgment. Maria knew, as any good drug dealer knows the clients, that Sasha had a penchant for blood. Not any blood, it had to be a special blend. Sasha was twitching beside me, ready to inspect the treat Maria was offering. A favor in your future, Maria. Ill call it in soon. She handed me a key. Shes fresh. Have fun. Sasha was one-step ahead, bouncing with excited energy up the creaking stairs. I glanced down at the key, noting the room number absently. Number four. That room was on the top floor. We strode up another flight of stairs and reached the landing outside a single door. I placed the key in the lock, stepping inside the dark room quickly. Sasha followed, shutting the door, and extending his hand out. Blue light erupted from his fingertips, coating every inch of wall in a

thick, impenetrable, force field. We did not want to be disturbed, or killed for that matter, while we were otherwise occupied. My gaze wandered. Maria tried very hard to keep her rooms and girls clean, neat, and orderly. The windows were open, and the sheer lace curtains billowed in the breeze. In the middle of the room was a four-poster bed, white linens covering the mattress. On top of the bed was a young woman. I guessed she was nineteen maybe twenty years of age. She was sitting on the bed in a white shift. Her plaited, auburn hair hung against her right breast. She didnt say anything, just sat there staring at us with doe-like eyes. Hello, sweet. Sasha was pulling his jacket off. He was ready to take her on the spot. The girls cheeks held a pinch of color. Her lips slightly bruised. She looked like a virgin and smelled like a whore. I believe she belongs to me first, I said, shrugging out of my top coat. The girl tilted her head, her lips parting on a soft sigh. If you two dont mind sharing, Id like to have both of you at once. Her innocent lisp was an aphrodisiac. Nothing helped our libido more than the prospect of ruining a young girl. Sashas eyes glowed. My cock strained against the confines of the cloth, demanding to be set free. The girl couldnt know what she asked for. My dear, were Lords of the Realm. I unbuttoned my trousers to ease the strain. Youll be sore before the night is over. I heal fast. Her voice dropped to a whisper. Please sir, Miss Maria said Ill be rewarded if you two leave happy, and the other women said you liked to share. Her eyes fell to my cock, and she smiled. Most women shied away when they saw my size. Sasha was well endowed but fell into the normal category. I wasnt normal by any standards.

Sasha produced a dagger and sprung on the young lady. She opened her mouth to let a surprised scream out, but Sasha had his forearm over her mouth and the dagger against her throat. He ripped the shift off her body and sliced the top of her breast in one quick fluid motion. The suckling of flesh and pained groans began, the bed shaking on the floor. We will do our best to see you are rewarded, Sasha said when he lifted his head. The girl was smiling tentatively, urging his head back down to her breast. I had to grab the bed frame to keep my balance. The wench had a good deal of forbidden witch blood running through her veins. Sasha was euphoric, his mind speeding down avenues of possibilities. Aches of unfulfilled desire coursed through my limbs. An electric shiver vibrated across my skin, and her moans of pleasure made me groan. I shook my head and finished disrobing, manhandling myself as I watched my brother take the wench. Sasha was always rough with his partners. He never cared. Women were made to serve his every need and whim. He was ravaging her, biting deeper into her breast because the wound he had made with the knife had sealed. Damn it, Sasha, I said. Roll over and take her from behind. Sasha looked up and smiled; blood stained his lips. Energy swirled in the room as he rolled under the girl; tendrils of energy encased her limbs and held her out, open. Come on, prater, theres nothing like the first time is there? Sasha called out as he began to buck. I grinned and stepped forward, my knees hitting the bed. I loved being Sashas shadow, his brother. Our psychic link made all our adventures that much more special. We could feel each other, sense from the others point of view. See the others perspective. Odd, yet exhilarating.

Sashas euphoria, as the narcotic blood began to flow once more into his mouth, transferred to my psyche. I could feel the young girl tremble around his body. I couldnt stand it anymore. I joined my brother, kneeling in front of the girl, and positioning my cock in the small, tight, cleft. It was going to be a tight fit. I knew it, Sasha knew it, and the girl, eyes wide, knew it. Fast brother, fast, hard and let me in, Sasha whispered. I looked over the girls shoulder and locked eyes with the elf. He let his mental shields down, and we became one. Sashas fury combined with my desire was maddening. I plunged myself into the girl with a growl. The taste of the girls blood was potent on my tongue. Our cocks, a thin layer of skin separating them as we used her to find decadent satisfaction, caressed in a synced, practiced motion. We didnt break eye contact as we set an impossible rhythm. It was good to be king, to be powerful, to be rich, to be not human.

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